@web3-react/core#useWeb3React TypeScript Examples

The following examples show how to use @web3-react/core#useWeb3React. You can vote up the ones you like or vote down the ones you don't like, and go to the original project or source file by following the links above each example. You may check out the related API usage on the sidebar.
Example #1
Source File: NetworkButton.tsx    From dxvote with GNU Affero General Public License v3.0 6 votes vote down vote up
NetworkButton = () => {
  const [isNetworkModalOpen, setIsNetworkModalOpen] = useState(false);

  const { chainId, error } = useWeb3React();
  const chainName =
    getChains().find(chain => chain.id === chainId)?.displayName || null;

  const toggleNetworkModal = () => {

  function getNetworkStatus() {
    if ((chainId && !isChainIdSupported(chainId)) || error) {
      return <Button onClick={toggleNetworkModal}>Unsupported Network</Button>;
    } else if (chainId) {
      return (
        <IconButton onClick={toggleNetworkModal} iconLeft>
          <ButtonIcon src={iconsByChain[chainId]} alt={'Icon'} />
    } else {
      return (
        <Button onClick={toggleNetworkModal} active={true}>
          Not Connected

  return (
      <NetworkModal isOpen={isNetworkModalOpen} onClose={toggleNetworkModal} />
Example #2
Source File: useEagerConnect.ts    From index-ui with MIT License 6 votes vote down vote up
export default function useEagerConnect(
  connect: (walletType: string) => Promise<void>
) {
  const { active } = useWeb3React()
  const [tried, setTried] = useState(false)

  // Connect to existing injected provider if app was opened from ONTO mobile wallet
  useEffect(() => {
    if (!active && !tried && (window as any).ethereum?.isONTO) {
      connect('injected').catch(() => {
  }, [connect, active, tried])

  // wait until we get confirmation of a connection to flip the flag
  useEffect(() => {
    if (active) {
  }, [active])

  return tried
Example #3
Source File: Account.tsx    From hypertext with GNU General Public License v3.0 6 votes vote down vote up
function ETHBalance(): JSX.Element {
  const { account } = useWeb3React()
  const { data } = useETHBalance(account, true)

  const [showUSD] = useShowUSD()
  const USDETHPrice = useUSDETHPrice()

  return (
      style={{ borderTopRightRadius: 0, borderBottomRightRadius: 0, borderRight: 'none' }}
      Ξ{' '}
      {showUSD && USDETHPrice
        ? `$${(data as TokenAmount).multiply(USDETHPrice).toFixed(2, { groupSeparator: ',' })}`
        : (data as TokenAmount).toSignificant(4, { groupSeparator: ',' })}
Example #4
Source File: index.tsx    From sybil-interface with GNU General Public License v3.0 6 votes vote down vote up
export default function Web3Status() {
  const { active, account } = useWeb3React()
  const contextNetwork = useWeb3React(NetworkContextName)

  const { ENSName } = useENSName(account ?? undefined)

  const allTransactions = useAllTransactions()

  const sortedRecentTransactions = useMemo(() => {
    const txs = Object.values(allTransactions)
    return txs.filter(isTransactionRecent).sort(newTransactionsFirst)
  }, [allTransactions])

  const pending = sortedRecentTransactions.filter((tx) => !tx.receipt).map((tx) => tx.hash)
  const confirmed = sortedRecentTransactions.filter((tx) => tx.receipt).map((tx) => tx.hash)

  if (!contextNetwork.active && !active) {
    return null

  return <WalletModal ENSName={ENSName ?? undefined} pendingTransactions={pending} confirmedTransactions={confirmed} />
Example #5
Source File: App.tsx    From ether-swr with MIT License 6 votes vote down vote up
EthBalance = () => {
  const { account } = useWeb3React<Web3Provider>()
  const { data: balance, mutate } = useEtherSWR(
    ['getBalance', account, 'latest'],
      subscribe: [
          name: 'block',
          on: (event: any) => {
            console.log('block', { event })
            // on every block we check if Ether balance has changed by re-fetching
            mutate(undefined, true)

  if (!balance) {
    return <div>...</div>
  return <div>{parseFloat(formatEther(balance)).toPrecision(4)} Ξ</div>
Example #6
Source File: index.tsx    From cheeseswap-interface with GNU General Public License v3.0 6 votes vote down vote up
UnlockButton: React.FC<ButtonProps> = props => {
  const TranslateString = useI18n()
  const { account, activate, deactivate } = useWeb3React()

  const handleLogin = (connectorId: ConnectorId) => {
    if (connectorId === 'walletconnect') {
      return activate(walletconnect)
    return activate(injected)

  const { onPresentConnectModal } = useWalletModal(handleLogin, deactivate, account as string)

  return (
    <Button onClick={onPresentConnectModal} {...props}>
      {TranslateString(292, 'Unlock Wallet')}
Example #7
Source File: AppWindowEthereum.tsx    From dope-monorepo with GNU General Public License v3.0 6 votes vote down vote up
AppWindowEthereum = ({ children, ...rest }: AppWindowProps) => {
  const [showNetworkAlert, setShowNetworkAlert] = useState(false);
  const { account, chainId } = useWeb3React();

  useSwitchEthereum(chainId, account);

  useEffect(() => {
    const localNetworkAlert = localStorage.getItem('networkAlertEthereum');

    if (localNetworkAlert !== 'true') {
  }, []);

  const onProperNetwork = useMemo(() => {
    return !(account && chainId !== 1 && chainId !== 42 && showNetworkAlert);
  }, [account, chainId, showNetworkAlert]);

  return (
    <AppWindow {...rest}>
      {!onProperNetwork && <DialogSwitchNetwork networkName="Ethereum" />}
      {onProperNetwork && children}
Example #8
Source File: index.tsx    From dyp with Do What The F*ck You Want To Public License 6 votes vote down vote up
export default function Web3Status() {
  const { active, account } = useWeb3React()
  const contextNetwork = useWeb3React(NetworkContextName)

  const { ENSName } = useENSName(account ?? undefined)

  const allTransactions = useAllTransactions()

  const sortedRecentTransactions = useMemo(() => {
    const txs = Object.values(allTransactions)
    return txs.filter(isTransactionRecent).sort(newTransactionsFirst)
  }, [allTransactions])

  const pending = sortedRecentTransactions.filter(tx => !tx.receipt).map(tx => tx.hash)
  const confirmed = sortedRecentTransactions.filter(tx => tx.receipt).map(tx => tx.hash)

  if (!contextNetwork.active && !active) {
    return null

  return (
      <Web3StatusInner />
      <WalletModal ENSName={ENSName ?? undefined} pendingTransactions={pending} confirmedTransactions={confirmed} />
Example #9
Source File: index.tsx    From glide-frontend with GNU General Public License v3.0 6 votes vote down vote up
UserMenu = () => {
  const { t } = useTranslation()
  const { account } = useWeb3React()
  const { logout } = useAuth()
  const { balance, fetchStatus } = useGetBnbBalance()
  // const { isInitialized, isLoading, profile } = useProfile()
  const [onPresentWalletModal] = useModal(<WalletModal initialView={WalletView.WALLET_INFO} />)
  const [onPresentTransactionModal] = useModal(<WalletModal initialView={WalletView.TRANSACTIONS} />)
  // const hasProfile = isInitialized && !!profile
  // const avatarSrc = profile && profile.nft ? `/images/nfts/${profile.nft.images.sm}` : undefined
  const hasLowBnbBalance = fetchStatus === FetchStatus.SUCCESS && balance.lte(LOW_BNB_BALANCE)

  if (!account) {
    return <ConnectWalletButton scale="sm" />

  return (
    // <UIKitUserMenu account={account} avatarSrc={avatarSrc}>
    <UIKitUserMenu account={account}>
      <WalletUserMenuItem hasLowBnbBalance={hasLowBnbBalance} onPresentWalletModal={onPresentWalletModal} />
      <UserMenuItem as="button" onClick={onPresentTransactionModal}>
      <UserMenuDivider />
      {/* <ProfileUserMenuItem isLoading={isLoading} hasProfile={hasProfile} /> */}
      {/* <UserMenuDivider /> */}
      <UserMenuItem as="button" onClick={logout}>
        <Flex alignItems="center" justifyContent="space-between" width="100%">
          <LogoutIcon />
Example #10
Source File: PageRouter.tsx    From dxvote with GNU Affero General Public License v3.0 5 votes vote down vote up
PageRouter = observer(({ children }) => {
  const {
    context: {
  } = useContext();

  const history = useHistory();
  const location = useLocation();
  const noLoading = ['/faq', '/config', '/forum', '/cache'];
  const networkName = configStore.getActiveChainName();
  const { active: providerActive } = useWeb3React();

  useEffect(() => {
    if (location.pathname == '/' && networkName) {
  }, [networkName]);

  // Start or auth services

  if (noLoading.indexOf(location.pathname) > -1) {
    return <PageRouterWrapper>{children}</PageRouterWrapper>;
  } else if (!providerActive) {
    return (
          <div className="loader">
            <PulsingIcon size={80} inactive={true} />
            <div>Connect to a network to continue.</div>
  } else {
    if (
      !notificationStore.firstLoadComplete ||
      notificationStore.globalLoadingState == GlobalLoadingState.ERROR
    ) {
      const hasError =
        notificationStore.globalLoadingState == GlobalLoadingState.ERROR;
      return (
            <div className="loader">
              {' '}
              <PulsingIcon size={80} inactive={hasError} />
              <div>{hasError ? 'Oops! Something broke.' : 'Loading'}</div>
    } else {
      if (configStore.getLocalConfig().pinOnStart)
      return <PageRouterWrapper> {children} </PageRouterWrapper>;
Example #11
Source File: index.tsx    From cuiswap with GNU General Public License v3.0 5 votes vote down vote up
export default function Web3ReactManager({ children }) {
  const { t } = useTranslation()
  const { active } = useWeb3React()
  const { active: networkActive, error: networkError, activate: activateNetwork } = useWeb3React(NetworkContextName)

  // try to eagerly connect to an injected provider, if it exists and has granted access already
  const triedEager = useEagerConnect()

  // after eagerly trying injected, if the network connect ever isn't active or in an error state, activate itd
  useEffect(() => {
    if (triedEager && !networkActive && !networkError && !active) {
  }, [triedEager, networkActive, networkError, activateNetwork, active])

  // when there's no account connected, react to logins (broadly speaking) on the injected provider, if it exists

  // handle delayed loader state
  const [showLoader, setShowLoader] = useState(false)
  useEffect(() => {
    const timeout = setTimeout(() => {
    }, 600)

    return () => {
  }, [])

  // on page load, do nothing until we've tried to connect to the injected connector
  if (!triedEager) {
    return null

  // if the account context isn't active, and there's an error on the network context, it's an irrecoverable error
  if (!active && networkError) {
    return (

  // if neither context is active, spin
  if (!active && !networkActive) {
    return showLoader ? (
        <Loader />
    ) : null

  return children
Example #12
Source File: TokenSelect.tsx    From hypertext with GNU General Public License v3.0 5 votes vote down vote up
function RemoteTokensData({ query }: { query: string }): JSX.Element {
  const { chainId } = useWeb3React()

  const [tokens] = useAllTokens()

  const { data: remoteTokensCased } = useRemoteTokens(query, true)
  const { data: remoteTokensLower } = useRemoteTokens(query.toLowerCase(), true)
  const { data: remoteTokensUpper } = useRemoteTokens(query.toUpperCase(), true)

  const remoteTokens = useMemo(
    () => (remoteTokensCased || []).concat(remoteTokensLower || []).concat(remoteTokensUpper || []),
    [remoteTokensCased, remoteTokensLower, remoteTokensUpper]

  const remoteTokensFiltered = useMemo(
    () =>
      Array.from(new Set(remoteTokens.map((remoteToken) => remoteToken.address))) // get unique addresses
        .filter((address) => !tokens.some((token) => token.address === address)) // filter out tokens already in our list
        .map((address) => remoteTokens.find((remoteToken) => remoteToken.address === address)), // get the full remote tokens
    [remoteTokens, tokens]
  ).sort((a, b) => {
    const aExact = a?.symbol?.slice(0, query.length)?.toLowerCase() === query.toLowerCase()
    const bExact = b?.symbol?.slice(0, query.length)?.toLowerCase() === query.toLowerCase()
    if (aExact && !bExact) {
      return -1
    } else if (!aExact && bExact) {
      return 1
    } else {
      return (a?.symbol?.toLowerCase() ?? 0) > (b?.symbol?.toLowerCase() ?? 0) ? 1 : -1

  return remoteTokensFiltered.length === 0 ? (
    <Text textAlign="center" pb="0.5rem">
      No results
  ) : (
    <ComboboxList as={List}>
      {remoteTokensFiltered.map((token) => {
        const DUMMY = new Token(chainId as number, (token as Token).address, 18) // we don't know if it actually has 18 decimals
        return (
          <ComboboxOption as={ListItem} key={(token as Token).address} value={(token as Token).address}>
            <Stack direction="row" align="center" p="0.5rem" shouldWrapChildren>
              <TokenLogo token={DUMMY} size="1.5rem" />

              <Stack direction="column" ml="1rem" spacing={0}>
                <Text>{(token as Token).symbol}</Text>
                <Text fontSize="1rem">{(token as Token).name}</Text>
Example #13
Source File: Web3ReactManager.tsx    From interface-v2 with GNU General Public License v3.0 5 votes vote down vote up
Web3ReactManager: React.FC<{ children: JSX.Element }> = ({
}) => {
  const { t } = useTranslation();
  const classes = useStyles();
  const { active } = useWeb3React();
  const {
    active: networkActive,
    error: networkError,
    activate: activateNetwork,
  } = useWeb3React(GlobalConst.utils.NetworkContextName);

  // try to eagerly connect to an injected provider, if it exists and has granted access already
  const triedEager = useEagerConnect();

  // after eagerly trying injected, if the network connect ever isn't active or in an error state, activate itd
  useEffect(() => {
    if (triedEager && !networkActive && !networkError && !active) {
  }, [triedEager, networkActive, networkError, activateNetwork, active]);

  // when there's no account connected, react to logins (broadly speaking) on the injected provider, if it exists

  // handle delayed loader state
  const [showLoader, setShowLoader] = useState(false);
  useEffect(() => {
    const timeout = setTimeout(() => {
    }, 600);

    return () => {
  }, []);

  // on page load, do nothing until we've tried to connect to the injected connector
  if (!triedEager) {
    return null;

  // if the account context isn't active, and there's an error on the network context, it's an irrecoverable error
  if (!active && networkError) {
    return (
      <Box className={classes.messageWrapper}>
        <Typography className={classes.message}>{t('unknownError')}</Typography>

  // if neither context is active, spin
  if (!active && !networkActive) {
    return showLoader ? (
      <Box className={classes.messageWrapper}>
        <CircularProgress />
    ) : null;

  return children;
Example #14
Source File: index.tsx    From sybil-interface with GNU General Public License v3.0 5 votes vote down vote up
export default function Web3ReactManager({ children }: { children: JSX.Element }) {
  const { t } = useTranslation()
  const { active } = useWeb3React()
  const { active: networkActive, error: networkError, activate: activateNetwork } = useWeb3React(NetworkContextName)

  // try to eagerly connect to an injected provider, if it exists and has granted access already
  const triedEager = useEagerConnect()

  // after eagerly trying injected, if the network connect ever isn't active or in an error state, activate itd
  useEffect(() => {
    if (triedEager && !networkActive && !networkError && !active) {
  }, [triedEager, networkActive, networkError, activateNetwork, active])

  // when there's no account connected, react to logins (broadly speaking) on the injected provider, if it exists

  // handle delayed loader state
  const [showLoader, setShowLoader] = useState(false)
  useEffect(() => {
    const timeout = setTimeout(() => {
    }, 600)

    return () => {
  }, [])

  // on page load, do nothing until we've tried to connect to the injected connector
  if (!triedEager) {
    return null

  // if the account context isn't active, and there's an error on the network context, it's an irrecoverable error
  if (!active && networkError) {
    return (

  // if neither context is active, spin
  if (!active && !networkActive) {
    return showLoader ? (
        <Loader />
    ) : null

  return children
Example #15
Source File: App.tsx    From ether-swr with MIT License 5 votes vote down vote up
TokenBalance = ({
}: {
  symbol: string
  address: string
  decimals: number
}) => {
  const { account } = useWeb3React<Web3Provider>()

  const { data: balance, mutate } = useEtherSWR(
    [address, 'balanceOf', account],
      subscribe: [
        // A filter from anyone to me
          name: 'Transfer',
          topics: [null, account],
          on: (
            state: BigNumber,
            fromAddress: string,
            toAddress: string,
            amount: BigNumber,
            event: any
          ) => {
            console.log('receive', { event })
            const update = state.add(amount)
            mutate(update, false) // optimistic update skip re-fetch
        // A filter from me to anyone
          name: 'Transfer',
          topics: [account, null],
          on: (
            state: BigNumber,
            fromAddress: string,
            toAddress: string,
            amount: BigNumber,
            event: any
          ) => {
            console.log('send', { event })
            const update = state.sub(amount)
            mutate(update, false) // optimistic update skip re-fetch

  if (!balance) {
    return <div>...</div>

  return (
      {parseFloat(formatUnits(balance, decimals)).toPrecision(4)} {symbol}
Example #16
Source File: index.tsx    From cheeseswap-interface with GNU General Public License v3.0 5 votes vote down vote up
export default function Web3ReactManager({ children }: { children: JSX.Element }) {
  const { t } = useTranslation()
  const { active } = useWeb3React()
  const { active: networkActive, error: networkError, activate: activateNetwork } = useWeb3React(NetworkContextName)

  // try to eagerly connect to an injected provider, if it exists and has granted access already
  const triedEager = useEagerConnect()

  // after eagerly trying injected, if the network connect ever isn't active or in an error state, activate itd
  useEffect(() => {
    if (triedEager && !networkActive && !networkError && !active) {
  }, [triedEager, networkActive, networkError, activateNetwork, active])

  // when there's no account connected, react to logins (broadly speaking) on the injected provider, if it exists

  // handle delayed loader state
  const [showLoader, setShowLoader] = useState(false)
  useEffect(() => {
    const timeout = setTimeout(() => {
    }, 600)

    return () => {
  }, [])

  // on page load, do nothing until we've tried to connect to the injected connector
  if (!triedEager) {
    return null

  // if the account context isn't active, and there's an error on the network context, it's an irrecoverable error
  if (!active && networkError) {
    return (

  // if neither context is active, spin
  if (!active && !networkActive) {
    return showLoader ? (
        <Loader />
    ) : null

  return children