fs/promises#writeFile TypeScript Examples

The following examples show how to use fs/promises#writeFile. You can vote up the ones you like or vote down the ones you don't like, and go to the original project or source file by following the links above each example. You may check out the related API usage on the sidebar.
Example #1
Source File: index.ts    From fetch-gh-release-asset with MIT License 7 votes vote down vote up
baseFetchAssetFile = async (
  octokit: ReturnType<typeof github.getOctokit>,
  { id, outputPath, owner, repo, token }: FetchAssetFileOptions
) => {
  const {
    headers: { accept, 'user-agent': userAgent },
  } = octokit.request.endpoint(
    'GET /repos/:owner/:repo/releases/assets/:asset_id',
      asset_id: id,
      headers: {
        accept: 'application/octet-stream',
  let headers: HeadersInit = {
    authorization: `token ${token}`,
  if (typeof userAgent !== 'undefined')
    headers = { ...headers, 'user-agent': userAgent };

  const response = await fetch(url, { body, headers, method });
  if (!response.ok) {
    const text = await response.text();
    throw new Error('Invalid response');
  const blob = await response.blob();
  const arrayBuffer = await blob.arrayBuffer();
  await mkdir(dirname(outputPath), { recursive: true });
  void (await writeFile(outputPath, new Uint8Array(arrayBuffer)));
Example #2
Source File: file-writer.ts    From xiome with MIT License 6 votes vote down vote up
export function makeFileWriter(root: string) {
	return {
		async write(path: string, html: HtmlTemplate) {
			const path2 = join(root, path)
			await mkdir(dirname(path2), {recursive: true})
			return writeFile(path2, html.toString(), "utf-8")
Example #3
Source File: generate.ts    From iuliia-js with MIT License 6 votes vote down vote up
async function generate() {
    const validator = await createValidator();
    const jsonFiles = (await readdir(INPUT_DIR)).filter((file) => file.endsWith(".json"));

    for (const file of jsonFiles) {
        const inputFile = join(INPUT_DIR, file);
        const outputFile = join(OUTPUT_DIR, basename(file, ".json") + ".ts");
        console.log(`Writing file: ${inputFile}`);
        const output = await jsonToTS(inputFile, validator);
        await writeFile(outputFile, output, "utf8");

    console.log(`Writing file: ${DEFINITIONS_FILE}`);
    const moduleNames = jsonFiles.map((file) => basename(file, ".json"));
    const definitions = createDefinitions(moduleNames);
    await writeFile(DEFINITIONS_FILE, definitions, "utf8");
Example #4
Source File: gen-rsa-keys.ts    From mtcute with GNU Lesser General Public License v3.0 6 votes vote down vote up
async function main() {
    const crypto = new NodeCryptoProvider()
    const obj: Record<string, TlPublicKey> = {}

    for await (const key of parseInputFile()) {
        const parsed = await parsePublicKey(crypto, key.pem, key.kind === 'old')
        obj[parsed.fingerprint] = parsed

    await writeFile(
        ESM_PRELUDE +
            "exports.default=JSON.parse('" +
            JSON.stringify(obj) +
Example #5
Source File: gen-code.ts    From mtcute with GNU Lesser General Public License v3.0 6 votes vote down vote up
async function generateWriters(
    apiSchema: TlFullSchema,
    mtpSchema: TlFullSchema
) {
    console.log('Generating writers...')

    let code = generateWriterCodeForTlEntries(apiSchema.entries, 'r')

    const mtpCode = generateWriterCodeForTlEntries(mtpSchema.entries, '', false)
    code = code.substring(0, code.length - 1) + mtpCode.substring(7)
    code += '\nexports.default = r;'

    await writeFile(OUT_WRITERS_FILE, ESM_PRELUDE + code)
Example #6
Source File: gen-code.ts    From mtcute with GNU Lesser General Public License v3.0 6 votes vote down vote up
async function generateReaders(
    apiSchema: TlFullSchema,
    mtpSchema: TlFullSchema
) {
    console.log('Generating readers...')

    let code = generateReaderCodeForTlEntries(apiSchema.entries, 'r', false)

    const mtpCode = generateReaderCodeForTlEntries(mtpSchema.entries, '')
    code = code.substring(0, code.length - 1) + mtpCode.substring(7)
    code += '\nexports.default = r;'

    await writeFile(OUT_READERS_FILE, ESM_PRELUDE + code)
Example #7
Source File: gen-code.ts    From mtcute with GNU Lesser General Public License v3.0 6 votes vote down vote up
async function generateTypings(
    apiSchema: TlFullSchema,
    apiLayer: number,
    mtpSchema: TlFullSchema,
    errors: TlErrors
) {
    console.log('Generating typings...')
    const [apiTs, apiJs] = generateTypescriptDefinitionsForTlSchema(
    const [mtpTs, mtpJs] = generateTypescriptDefinitionsForTlSchema(

    await writeFile(
        apiTs + '\n\n' + mtpTs.replace("import _Long from 'long';", '')
    await writeFile(OUT_TYPINGS_JS_FILE, ESM_PRELUDE + apiJs + '\n\n' + mtpJs)
Example #8
Source File: fetch-mtp.ts    From mtcute with GNU Lesser General Public License v3.0 6 votes vote down vote up
async function main() {
    console.log('Downloading MTProto schema...')
    const schema = await fetchMtprotoSchema()

    let entries = parseTlToEntries(schema, {
        prefix: 'mt_',
        applyPrefixToArguments: true,

    // remove manually parsed types
    entries = entries.filter(
        (it) =>
            ].indexOf(it.name) === -1

    const rpcResult = entries.find((it) => it.name === 'mt_rpc_result')!
    rpcResult.arguments.forEach((arg) => {
        if (arg.name === 'result') {
            arg.type = 'any'

    // mtproto is handled internally, for simplicity we make them all classes
    entries.forEach((entry) => {
        entry.kind = 'class'

    console.log('Writing to file...')
    await writeFile(MTP_SCHEMA_JSON_FILE, JSON.stringify(entries))

Example #9
Source File: fetch-errors.ts    From mtcute with GNU Lesser General Public License v3.0 6 votes vote down vote up
async function main() {
    const errors: TlErrors = {
        base: baseErrors,
        errors: {},
        throws: {},
        userOnly: {},

    console.log('Fetching errors from Telegram...')
    await fetchFromTelegram(errors)

    // using some incredible fucking crutches we are also able to parse telethon errors file
    // and add missing error descriptions
    console.log('Fetching errors from Telethon...')
    await fetchFromTelethon(errors)

    virtualErrors.forEach((err) => {
        if (errors.errors[err.name]) {
            console.log(`Error ${err.name} already exists and is not virtual`)

        errors.errors[err.name] = err


    await writeFile(ERRORS_JSON_FILE, JSON.stringify(errors))
Example #10
Source File: fetch-api.ts    From mtcute with GNU Lesser General Public License v3.0 6 votes vote down vote up
async function updateReadme(currentLayer: number) {
    const oldReadme = await readFile(README_MD_FILE, 'utf8')
    const today = new Date().toLocaleDateString('ru')
    await writeFile(
            /^Generated from TL layer \*\*\d+\*\* \(last updated on \d+\.\d+\.\d+\)\.$/m,
            `Generated from TL layer **${currentLayer}** (last updated on ${today}).`
Example #11
Source File: fetch-api.ts    From mtcute with GNU Lesser General Public License v3.0 5 votes vote down vote up
async function updatePackageVersion(
    rl: readline.Interface,
    currentLayer: number
) {
    const packageJson = JSON.parse(await readFile(PACKAGE_JSON_FILE, 'utf8'))
    const version: string = packageJson.version
    let [major, minor] = version.split('.').map((i) => parseInt(i))

    if (major === currentLayer) {
        console.log('Current version: %s. Bump minor version?', version)
        const res = await input(rl, '[Y/n] > ')

        if (res.trim().toLowerCase() === 'n') {
    } else {
        major = currentLayer
        minor = 0

    console.log('Updating package version...')
    const versionStr = `${major}.${minor}.0`
    packageJson.version = versionStr
    await writeFile(PACKAGE_JSON_FILE, JSON.stringify(packageJson, null, 4))

    console.log('Updating dependant packages...')

    for (const dir of await readdir(PACKAGES_DIR, { withFileTypes: true })) {
        if (!dir.isDirectory()) continue

        const pkgFile = join(PACKAGES_DIR, dir.name, 'package.json')

        let pkg
        try {
            pkg = JSON.parse(await readFile(pkgFile, 'utf8'))
        } catch (e: any) {
            if (e.code === 'ENOENT') continue
            throw e

        if (pkg.dependencies && '@mtcute/tl' in pkg.dependencies) {
            pkg.dependencies['@mtcute/tl'] = 'workspace:' + versionStr

        if (pkg.devDependencies && '@mtcute/tl' in pkg.devDependencies) {
            pkg.devDependencies['@mtcute/tl'] = 'workspace:' + versionStr

        await writeFile(pkgFile, JSON.stringify(pkg, null, 4) + '\n')

    // because i am fucking dumb and have adhd and always forget it lol
        'Done! Please make sure packages compile before committing and pushing'
Example #12
Source File: settings.ts    From sapio-studio with Mozilla Public License 2.0 5 votes vote down vote up
preferences: {
    data: Data;
    save: (which: Prefs, data: object) => Promise<boolean>;
    load_preferences: (which: Prefs) => Promise<void>;
    initialize: () => Promise<void>;
} = {
    data: fill_in_default(),
    initialize: async () => {
        for (const key of pref_array)
            try {
                await preferences.load_preferences(key);
            } catch {}
    save: async (which: Prefs, data: object) => {
        const conf = path.resolve(
            which + '_preferences.json'
        switch (which) {
            case 'bitcoin':
            case 'display':
            case 'local_oracle':
            case 'sapio_cli':
                await writeFile(conf, JSON.stringify(data));
                await preferences.load_preferences(which);
                await custom_sapio_config();
                return Promise.reject('Bad Request');

        switch (which) {
            case 'bitcoin':
            case 'local_oracle':
        return true;
    load_preferences: async (which: Prefs) => {
        const conf = path.resolve(
            which + '_preferences.json'
        preferences.data[which] = JSON.parse(
            await readFile(conf, { encoding: 'utf-8' })
Example #13
Source File: sapio.ts    From sapio-studio with Mozilla Public License 2.0 5 votes vote down vote up
async create_contract(
        workspace_name: string,
        which: string,
        txn: string | null,
        args: string
    ): Promise<Result<string | null>> {
        const workspace = await SapioWorkspace.new(workspace_name);
        let create, created, bound;
        const args_h = Bitcoin.crypto.sha256(Buffer.from(args)).toString('hex');
        // Unique File Name of Time + Args + Module
        const fname = `${which.substring(0, 16)}-${args_h.substring(
        )}-${new Date().getTime()}`;
        const file = await workspace.contract_output_path(fname);
        const write_str = (to: string, data: string) =>
            writeFile(path.join(file, to), data, { encoding: 'utf-8' });
        const w_arg = write_str('args.json', args);
        const w_mod = write_str(
            JSON.stringify({ module: which })
        const sc = await sapio.show_config();
        if ('err' in sc) return Promise.reject('Error getting config');
        const w_settings = write_str('settings.json', sc.ok);

        Promise.all([w_arg, w_mod, w_settings]);

        try {
            create = await SapioCompiler.command([
        } catch (e) {
            console.debug('Failed to Create', which, args);
            return { ok: null };
        if ('err' in create) {
            write_str('create_error.json', JSON.stringify(create));
            return create;
        created = create.ok;
        const w_create = write_str('create.json', create.ok);
        let bind;
        try {
            const bind_args = ['contract', 'bind', '--base64_psbt'];
            if (txn) bind_args.push('--txn', txn);
            bind = await SapioCompiler.command(bind_args);
        } catch (e: any) {
            console.log('Failed to bind', e.toString());
            return { ok: null };
        if ('err' in bind) {
            console.log(['bind'], typeof bind, bind);
            write_str('bind_error.json', JSON.stringify(bind));
            return bind;
        const w_bound = write_str('bound.json', bind.ok);
        await w_bound;
        return bind;
Example #14
Source File: generate.ts    From iuliia-js with MIT License 5 votes vote down vote up
async function generateSchemaDefinitionInterface() {
    console.log(`Writing file: ${TRANSLITERATION_SCHEMA_FILE}`);
    const schemaDefinitionInterfaceSource = await compileFromFile(JSON_SCHEMA_FILE);
    await writeFile(TRANSLITERATION_SCHEMA_FILE, schemaDefinitionInterfaceSource, "utf8");
Example #15
Source File: cache.ts    From cloudmusic-vscode with MIT License 5 votes vote down vote up
static put(key: string, data: LyricCacheItem): void {
    try {
      void writeFile(
        resolve(LYRIC_CACHE_DIR, key),
        Buffer.from(JSON.stringify(data), "utf8")
    } catch {}
Example #16
Source File: documentation.ts    From mtcute with GNU Lesser General Public License v3.0 5 votes vote down vote up
async function main() {
    let cached = await getCachedDocumentation()

    if (cached) {
        console.log('Cached documentation: %d', cached.updated)

    const rl = require('readline').createInterface({
        input: process.stdin,
        output: process.stdout,
    const input = (q: string): Promise<string> =>
        new Promise((res) => rl.question(q, res))

    while (true) {
        console.log('Choose action:')
        console.log('0. Exit')
        console.log('1. Update documentation')
        console.log('2. Apply descriptions.yaml')
        console.log('3. Apply documentation to schema')

        const act = parseInt(await input('[0-3] > '))
        if (isNaN(act) || act < 0 || act > 3) {
            console.log('Invalid action')

        if (act === 0) return

        if (act === 1) {
            const [schema, layer] = unpackTlSchema(
                JSON.parse(await readFile(API_SCHEMA_JSON_FILE, 'utf8'))
            cached = await fetchDocumentation(schema, layer)

        if (act === 2) {
            if (!cached) {
                console.log('No schema available, fetch it first')

            const descriptionsYaml = jsYaml.load(
                await readFile(DESCRIPTIONS_YAML_FILE, 'utf8')
            applyDescriptionsYamlFile(cached, descriptionsYaml)

            await writeFile(DOC_CACHE_FILE, JSON.stringify(cached))

        if (act === 3) {
            if (!cached) {
                console.log('No schema available, fetch it first')

            const [schema, layer] = unpackTlSchema(
                JSON.parse(await readFile(API_SCHEMA_JSON_FILE, 'utf8'))

            applyDocumentation(schema, cached)
            await writeFile(
                JSON.stringify(packTlSchema(schema, layer))
Example #17
Source File: tsc.ts    From solita with Apache License 2.0 5 votes vote down vote up
async function writeTsconfig(parentToGeneratedDir: string) {
  const tsconfigPath = path.join(parentToGeneratedDir, 'tsconfig.json')
  await writeFile(tsconfigPath, JSON.stringify(config, null, 2))
Example #18
Source File: identity.ts    From hoprnet with GNU General Public License v3.0 5 votes vote down vote up
 * Persistently store identity on disk
 * @param path file systme path to store identity
 * @param id serialized private key
async function storeIdentity(path: string, id: Uint8Array) {
  await writeFile(resolve(path), id)
Example #19
Source File: slimDeployments.ts    From hoprnet with GNU General Public License v3.0 5 votes vote down vote up
main: DeployFunction = async function (hre: HardhatRuntimeEnvironment) {
  const basePath = join(
    hre.network.name === 'hardhat' ? 'localhost' : hre.network.name

  let contracts: string[]

  try {
    contracts = (await readdir(basePath)).filter((filename: string) => filename.endsWith('.json'))
  } catch (err) {
    // Ignore missing deployments in unit tests
    if (hre.network.name === 'hardhat' && err.code === 'ENOENT') {

    throw err

  for (const contract of contracts) {
    const filePath = join(basePath, contract)
    const data = require(filePath)
    const contractName = contract.replace('.json', '')
    const compilerData =
      (await hre.artifacts.getBuildInfo(`contracts/${contractName}.sol:${contractName}`)) ?? data.compilerData
    // sometimes not all contracts are deployed, depends on the deployment scripts
    if (!compilerData) continue
    const slimmed = {
      address: data.address,
      transactionHash: data.transactionHash,
      blockNumber: data.receipt ? data.receipt.blockNumber : data.blockNumber,
      metadata: {
        solcVersion: compilerData.solcVersion,
        input: compilerData.input
      abi: data.abi

    await writeFile(filePath, JSON.stringify(slimmed, null, 2))
Example #20
Source File: DatabaseUtil.ts    From mooncord with MIT License 5 votes vote down vote up
protected async writeDump() {
        await writeFile(path.resolve(__dirname, '../temp/database_dump.json'), JSON.stringify(database, null, 4), { encoding: 'utf8', flag: 'w+' })
        logSuccess('Dumped Database!')
Example #21
Source File: DesktopConfigService.ts    From rewind with MIT License 5 votes vote down vote up
async saveOsuStablePath(osuStableFolderPath: string) {
    const data: RewindDesktopConfig = {
      osuPath: osuStableFolderPath,

    return writeFile(this.userConfigPath, JSON.stringify(data));
Example #22
Source File: cache.ts    From cloudmusic-vscode with MIT License 5 votes vote down vote up
static async store(): Promise<void> {
    const json = JSON.stringify(this._list.toArray());
    await writeFile(this._listPath, json).catch(logError);
Example #23
Source File: fetch-api.ts    From mtcute with GNU Lesser General Public License v3.0 4 votes vote down vote up
async function main() {
    console.log('Loading schemas...')

    const schemas: Schema[] = [
        await fetchTdlibSchema(),
        await fetchTdesktopSchema(),
        await fetchCoreSchema(),
        await fetchCoreSchema(COREFORK_DOMAIN, 'Corefork'),
            name: 'Custom',
            layer: 0, // handled manually
            content: tlToFullSchema(
                await readFile(join(__dirname, '../data/custom.tl'), 'utf8')

    console.log('Available schemas:')
    schemas.forEach((schema) =>
            ' - %s (layer %d): %d entries',

    const resultLayer = Math.max(...schemas.map((it) => it.layer))
    console.log(`Final schema will be on layer ${resultLayer}. Merging...`)

    const rl = readline.createInterface({
        input: process.stdin,
        output: process.stdout,

    const resultSchema = await mergeTlSchemas(
        schemas.map((it) => it.content),
        async (_options) => {
            const options: ConflictOption[] = _options.map((it, idx) => ({
                schema: schemas[idx],
                entry: it,

            let chooseOptions: ConflictOption[] = []

            const customEntry = options[options.length - 1]
            if (customEntry.entry) {
                // if there is custom entry in conflict, we must present it, otherwise something may go wrong
                chooseOptions = options
            } else {
                // first of all, prefer entries from the latest layer
                const fromLastSchema = options.filter(
                    (opt) => opt.schema.layer === resultLayer

                // if there is only one schema on the latest layer, we can simply return it
                if (fromLastSchema.length === 1) return fromLastSchema[0].entry

                // there are multiple choices on the latest layer
                // if they are all the same, it's just conflict between layers,
                // and we can merge the ones from the latest layer
                const mergedEntry = mergeTlEntries(
                        .filter((opt) => opt.entry)
                        .map((opt) => opt.entry!)
                if (typeof mergedEntry === 'string') {
                    // merge failed, so there is in fact some conflict
                    chooseOptions = fromLastSchema
                } else return mergedEntry

            let nonEmptyOptions = chooseOptions.filter((opt) => opt.entry)

                'Conflict detected at %s %s:',
            console.log('0. Remove')
            nonEmptyOptions.forEach((opt, idx) => {
                    `${idx + 1}. ${opt.schema.name}: ${writeTlEntryToString(

            while (true) {
                const res = parseInt(
                    await input(rl, `[0-${nonEmptyOptions.length}] > `)
                if (isNaN(res) || res < 0 || res > nonEmptyOptions.length)

                if (res === 0) return undefined
                return nonEmptyOptions[res - 1].entry

        'Done! Final schema contains %d entries',

    let docs = await getCachedDocumentation()

    if (docs) {
        console.log('Cached documentation from %s, use it?', docs.updated)
        const res = await input(rl, '[Y/n] > ')

        if (res.trim().toLowerCase() === 'n') {
            docs = null

    if (docs === null) {
        console.log('Downloading documentation...')
        docs = await fetchDocumentation(resultSchema, resultLayer)

    applyDocumentation(resultSchema, docs)

    await overrideInt53(resultSchema)

    console.log('Writing result to file...')
    await writeFile(
        JSON.stringify(packTlSchema(resultSchema, resultLayer))

    console.log('Updating README.md...')
    await updateReadme(resultLayer)

    await updatePackageVersion(rl, resultLayer)


Example #24
Source File: documentation.ts    From mtcute with GNU Lesser General Public License v3.0 4 votes vote down vote up
export async function fetchDocumentation(
    schema: TlFullSchema,
    layer: number,
    silent = !process.stdout.isTTY
): Promise<CachedDocumentation> {
    const headers = {
        cookie: `stel_dev_layer=${layer}`,
            'Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) ' +
            'Chrome/87.0.4280.88 Safari/537.36',

    const index = await fetchRetry(`${CORE_DOMAIN}/schema`, { headers })
    const actualLayer = cheerio
        .load(index)('.dev_layer_select .dropdown-toggle')
        .match(/layer (\d+)/i)![1]

    const ret: CachedDocumentation = {
        updated: `${new Date().toLocaleString('ru-RU')} (layer ${actualLayer})`,
        classes: {},
        methods: {},
        unions: {},

    let prevSize = 0
    let logPos = 0

    function log(str: string) {
        if (silent) return
        while (str.length < prevSize) str += ' '

        process.stdout.write('\r' + PROGRESS_CHARS[logPos] + ' ' + str)

        prevSize = str.length
        logPos = (logPos + 1) % PROGRESS_CHARS.length

    for (const entry of schema.entries) {
        log(`? ${entry.kind} ${entry.name}`)

        const url = `${CORE_DOMAIN}/${
            entry.kind === 'class' ? 'constructor' : 'method'

        const html = await fetchRetry(url, {
        const $ = cheerio.load(html)
        const content = $('#dev_page_content')

        if (content.text().trim() === 'The page has not been saved') continue

        normalizeLinks(url, content)

        const retClass: CachedDocumentationEntry = {}

        const description = extractDescription($)

        if (description) {
            retClass.comment = description

        const parametersTable = $('#parameters').parent().next('table')
        parametersTable.find('tr').each((idx, _el) => {
            const el = $(_el)
            const cols = el.find('td')
            if (!cols.length) return // <thead>

            const name = cols.first().text().trim()
            const description = cols.last().html()!.trim()

            if (description) {
                if (!retClass.arguments) retClass.arguments = {}
                retClass.arguments[name] = description

        if (entry.kind === 'method') {
            const errorsTable = $('#possible-errors').parent().next('table')

            let userBotRequired = false

            errorsTable.find('tr').each((idx, _el) => {
                const el = $(_el)
                let cols = el.find('td')
                if (!cols.length) return // <thead>

                let code = parseInt($(cols[0]).text())
                let name = $(cols[1]).text()
                let comment = $(cols[2]).text()

                if (name === 'USER_BOT_REQUIRED') userBotRequired = true

                if (!retClass.throws) retClass.throws = []
                retClass.throws.push({ code, name, comment })

            const botsCanUse = !!$('#bots-can-use-this-method').length
            const onlyBotsCanUse =
                botsCanUse &&
                (!!description.match(/[,;]( for)? bots only$/) ||

            retClass.available = onlyBotsCanUse
                ? 'bot'
                : botsCanUse
                ? 'both'
                : 'user'

        ret[entry.kind === 'class' ? 'classes' : 'methods'][entry.name] =

    for (const name in schema.unions) {
        if (!schema.unions.hasOwnProperty(name)) continue

        log(`? union ${name}`)

        const url = `${CORE_DOMAIN}/type/${name}`

        const html = await fetchRetry(url, {
        const $ = cheerio.load(html)
        const content = $('#dev_page_content')

        if (content.text().trim() === 'The page has not been saved') continue

        normalizeLinks(url, content)

        const description = extractDescription($)
        if (description) ret.unions[name] = description

    log('✨ Patching descriptions')

    const descriptionsYaml = jsYaml.load(
        await readFile(DESCRIPTIONS_YAML_FILE, 'utf8')
    applyDescriptionsYamlFile(ret, descriptionsYaml)

    log('? Writing to file')

    await writeFile(DOC_CACHE_FILE, JSON.stringify(ret))

    if (!silent) process.stdout.write('\n')

    return ret
Example #25
Source File: QBittorrent.ts    From cross-seed with Apache License 2.0 4 votes vote down vote up
async inject(
		newTorrent: Metafile,
		searchee: Searchee
	): Promise<InjectionResult> {
		if (await this.isInfoHashInClient(newTorrent.infoHash)) {
			return InjectionResult.ALREADY_EXISTS;
		const buf = parseTorrent.toTorrentFile(newTorrent);
		const filename = `${newTorrent.name}.cross-seed.torrent`;
		const tempFilepath = join(tmpdir(), filename);
		await writeFile(tempFilepath, buf, { mode: 0o644 });
		try {
			const { save_path, isComplete, autoTMM, category } =
				await this.getTorrentConfiguration(searchee);

			if (!isComplete) return InjectionResult.TORRENT_NOT_COMPLETE;

			const shouldManuallyEnforceContentLayout =
				isSingleFileTorrent(newTorrent) &&
				(await this.isSubfolderContentLayout(searchee));

			const file = await fileFrom(
			const formData = new FormData();
			formData.append("torrents", file, filename);
			formData.append("tags", "cross-seed");
			formData.append("category", category);
			if (autoTMM) {
				formData.append("autoTMM", "true");
			} else {
				formData.append("autoTMM", "false");
				formData.append("savepath", save_path);
			if (shouldManuallyEnforceContentLayout) {
				formData.append("contentLayout", "Subfolder");
				formData.append("skip_checking", "false");
				formData.append("paused", "true");
			} else {
				formData.append("skip_checking", "true");
				formData.append("paused", "false");

			// for some reason the parser parses the last kv pair incorrectly
			// it concats the value and the sentinel
			formData.append("foo", "bar");

			await this.request("/torrents/add", formData);

			if (shouldManuallyEnforceContentLayout) {
				await this.request(
				await this.request(

			unlink(tempFilepath).catch((error) => {

			return InjectionResult.SUCCESS;
		} catch (e) {
				label: Label.QBITTORRENT,
				message: `injection failed: ${e.message}`,
			return InjectionResult.FAILURE;
Example #26
Source File: gitlab.ts    From command-bot with Apache License 2.0 4 votes vote down vote up
runCommandInGitlabPipeline = async (ctx: Context, task: Task) => {
  const { logger, gitlab } = ctx

  const cmdRunner = new CommandRunner(ctx, {
    itemsToRedact: [gitlab.accessToken],
    cwd: task.repoPath,

    Save the head SHA before doing any modifications to the branch so that
    scripts will be able to restore the branch as it was on GitHub
  const headSha = await cmdRunner.run("git", ["rev-parse", "HEAD"])

  const getPipelineScriptsCloneCommand = ({
  }: {
    withRef: boolean
  }) => {
    return `git clone --depth 1 ${
      withRef ? `--branch "$PIPELINE_SCRIPTS_REF"` : ""

  const jobTaskInfoMessage = (() => {
    switch (task.tag) {
      case "PullRequestTask": {
        return `The task was generated from a comment in ${task.comment.htmlUrl}`
      case "ApiTask": {
        return `The task was generated from an API call by ${task.requester}`
      default: {
        const exhaustivenessCheck: never = task
        throw new Error(
          // eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/restrict-template-expressions
          `jobTaskInfoMessage is not exhaustive: ${exhaustivenessCheck}`,

  const artifactsFolderPath = ".git/.artifacts"
  await writeFile(
    path.join(task.repoPath, ".gitlab-ci.yml"),
      workflow: {
        rules: [
          { if: `$CI_PIPELINE_SOURCE == "api"` },
          { if: `$CI_PIPELINE_SOURCE == "web"` },
      command: {
        script: [
          `echo "This job is related to task ${task.id}. ${jobTaskInfoMessage}."`,
          // prettier-ignore
          'if [ "${PIPELINE_SCRIPTS_REPOSITORY:-}" ]; then ' +
            'if [ "${PIPELINE_SCRIPTS_REF:-}" ]; then ' +
              getPipelineScriptsCloneCommand({ withRef: true }) + "; " +
            "else " +
              getPipelineScriptsCloneCommand({ withRef: false }) + "; " +
            "fi" + "; " +
          `export ARTIFACTS_DIR="$PWD/${artifactsFolderPath}"`,
          `mkdir -p "$ARTIFACTS_DIR"`,
        artifacts: {
          name: "${CI_JOB_NAME}_${CI_COMMIT_REF_NAME}",
          expire_in: "7 days",
          when: "always",
          paths: [artifactsFolderPath],
        variables: {
          GH_CONTRIBUTOR: task.gitRef.contributor.owner,
          GH_CONTRIBUTOR_REPO: task.gitRef.contributor.repo,
          GH_CONTRIBUTOR_BRANCH: task.gitRef.contributor.branch,
          GH_HEAD_SHA: headSha,
          COMMIT_MESSAGE: task.command,
          PIPELINE_SCRIPTS_REPOSITORY: ctx.pipelineScripts?.repository,
          PIPELINE_SCRIPTS_REF: ctx.pipelineScripts?.ref,
          PIPELINE_SCRIPTS_DIR: ".git/.scripts",

  const branchName = `cmd-bot/${
    "prNumber" in task.gitRef
      ? task.gitRef.prNumber
      : `${task.gitRef.contributor.owner}/${task.gitRef.contributor.branch}`
  await cmdRunner.run("git", ["branch", "-D", branchName], {
    testAllowedErrorMessage: (err) => {
      return err.endsWith("not found.")
  await cmdRunner.run("git", ["checkout", "-b", branchName])

  await cmdRunner.run("git", ["add", ".gitlab-ci.yml"])

  await cmdRunner.run("git", ["commit", "-m", task.command])

  const gitlabRemote = "gitlab"
  const gitlabProjectPath = `${gitlab.pushNamespace}/${task.gitRef.upstream.repo}`

  await cmdRunner.run("git", ["remote", "remove", gitlabRemote], {
    testAllowedErrorMessage: (err) => {
      return err.includes("No such remote:")

  await cmdRunner.run("git", [

    It's not necessary to say "--option ci.skip" because the pipeline execution
    is conditional per workflow:rules
  await cmdRunner.run("git", ["push", "--force", gitlabRemote, "HEAD"])

  const gitlabProjectApi = `https://${
  const branchNameUrlEncoded = encodeURIComponent(branchName)

    Wait until the branch is actually present on GitLab after pushing it. We've
    noted this measure is required in
    because the pipeline creation request was sent too soon, before GitLab
    registered the branch, therefore causing the "Reference not found" message.
  let wasBranchRegistered = false
  const waitForBranchMaxTries = 3
  const waitForBranchRetryDelay = 1024

  const branchPresenceUrl = `${gitlabProjectApi}/repository/branches/${branchNameUrlEncoded}`
  for (
    let waitForBranchTryCount = 0;
    waitForBranchTryCount < waitForBranchMaxTries;
  ) {
      `Sending request to see if the branch for task ${task.id} is ready`,
    const response = await fetch(branchPresenceUrl, {
      headers: { "PRIVATE-TOKEN": gitlab.accessToken },
    if (
      // The branch was not yet registered on GitLab; wait for it...
      response.status === 404
    ) {
        `Branch of task ${task.id} was not found. Waiting before retrying...`,
      await millisecondsDelay(waitForBranchRetryDelay)
    } else if (response.ok) {
      wasBranchRegistered = true
    } else {
      throw new Error(
        `Request to ${branchPresenceUrl} failed: ${await response.text()}`,

  if (!wasBranchRegistered) {
    throw new Error(
      `Task's branch was not registered on GitLab after ${
        waitForBranchMaxTries * waitForBranchRetryDelay

  const pipelineCreationUrl = `${gitlabProjectApi}/pipeline?ref=${branchNameUrlEncoded}`
    `Sending request to create a pipeline for task ${task.id}`,
  const pipeline = await validatedFetch<{
    id: number
    project_id: number
    fetch(pipelineCreationUrl, {
      method: "POST",
      headers: { "PRIVATE-TOKEN": gitlab.accessToken },
        id: Joi.number().required(),
        project_id: Joi.number().required(),
      .options({ allowUnknown: true }),
  logger.info(pipeline, `Created pipeline for task ${task.id}`)

  const jobFetchUrl = `${gitlabProjectApi}/pipelines/${pipeline.id}/jobs`
    `Sending request to fetch the GitLab job created for task ${task.id}`,
  const [job] = await validatedFetch<
        web_url: string
    fetch(jobFetchUrl, { headers: { "PRIVATE-TOKEN": gitlab.accessToken } }),
          .keys({ web_url: Joi.string().required() })
          .options({ allowUnknown: true }),
  logger.info(job, `Fetched job for task ${task.id}`)

  return getAliveTaskGitlabContext(ctx, {
    id: pipeline.id,
    projectId: pipeline.project_id,
    jobWebUrl: job.web_url,
Example #27
Source File: main.ts    From command-bot with Apache License 2.0 4 votes vote down vote up
main = async () => {
  const startDate = new Date()

  const logFormat = (() => {
    const value = process.env.LOG_FORMAT
    switch (value) {
      case "json": {
        return value
      case undefined: {
        return null
      default: {
        throw new Error(`Invalid $LOG_FORMAT: ${value}`)
  const minLogLevel = (() => {
    const value = process.env.MIN_LOG_LEVEL
    switch (value) {
      case undefined: {
        return "info"
      case "info":
      case "warn":
      case "error": {
        return value
      default: {
        throw new Error(`Invalid $MIN_LOG_LEVEL: ${value}`)
  const logger = new Logger({
    name: "command-bot",
    impl: console,

  const masterToken = envVar("MASTER_TOKEN")

  const shouldPostPullRequestComment = (() => {
    const value = process.env.POST_COMMENT
    switch (value) {
      case "false": {
        return false
      case undefined:
      case "true": {
        return true
      default: {
        throw new Error(`Invalid $POST_COMMENT: ${value}`)

  const dataPath = envVar("DATA_PATH")
  await ensureDir(dataPath)

  const appDbVersionPath = path.join(dataPath, "task-db-version")
  const shouldClearTaskDatabaseOnStart = process.env.TASK_DB_VERSION
    ? await (async (appDbVersion) => {
        const currentDbVersion = await (async () => {
          try {
            return (await readFile(appDbVersionPath)).toString().trim()
          } catch (error) {
            if (
              Test for the following error:
                [Error: ENOENT: no such file or directory, open '/foo'] {
                  errno: -2,
                  code: 'ENOENT',
                  syscall: 'unlink',
                  path: '/foo'
              !(error instanceof Error) ||
              (error as { code?: string })?.code !== "ENOENT"
            ) {
              throw error
        if (currentDbVersion !== appDbVersion) {
          await writeFile(appDbVersionPath, appDbVersion)
          return true
    : false

  if (process.env.PING_PORT) {
    // Signal that we have started listening until Probot kicks in
    const pingPort = parseInt(process.env.PING_PORT)
    const pingServer = stoppable(
      http.createServer((_, res) => {

  const appId = envNumberVar("APP_ID")
  const privateKey = Buffer.from(
  const clientId = envVar("CLIENT_ID")
  const clientSecret = envVar("CLIENT_SECRET")
  const webhookSecret = envVar("WEBHOOK_SECRET")

  let probotLogger: ProbotLogger | undefined = undefined
  switch (logFormat) {
    case "json": {
      probotLogger = getLog({
        level: "error",
        logFormat: "json",
        logLevelInString: true,
        logMessageKey: "msg",
    case null: {
    default: {
      const exhaustivenessCheck: never = logFormat
      // eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/restrict-template-expressions
      throw new Error(`Not exhaustive: ${exhaustivenessCheck}`)
  const bot = Probot.defaults({
    secret: webhookSecret,
    logLevel: "info",
    ...(probotLogger === undefined
      ? {}
      : { log: probotLogger.child({ name: "probot" }) }),
  const server = new Server({
    Probot: bot,
    ...(probotLogger === undefined
      ? {}
      : { log: probotLogger.child({ name: "server" }) }),
    webhookProxy: process.env.WEBHOOK_PROXY_URL,

  const allowedOrganizations = envVar("ALLOWED_ORGANIZATIONS")
    .filter((value) => {
      return value.length !== 0
    .map((value) => {
      const parsedValue = parseInt(value)
      return parsedValue

  const matrix = (() => {
    if (process.env.MATRIX_HOMESERVER) {
      return {
        homeServer: process.env.MATRIX_HOMESERVER,
        accessToken: envVar("MATRIX_ACCESS_TOKEN"),
    } else {
      return undefined

  const gitlabAccessToken = envVar("GITLAB_ACCESS_TOKEN")
  const gitlabAccessTokenUsername = envVar("GITLAB_ACCESS_TOKEN_USERNAME")
  const gitlabDomain = envVar("GITLAB_DOMAIN")
  const gitlabPushNamespace = envVar("GITLAB_PUSH_NAMESPACE")
  const gitlabJobImage = envVar("GITLAB_JOB_IMAGE")

  const pipelineScripts = (() => {
    const pipelineScriptsRepository = process.env.PIPELINE_SCRIPTS_REPOSITORY
    if (pipelineScriptsRepository) {
      return {
        repository: pipelineScriptsRepository,
        ref: process.env.PIPELINE_SCRIPTS_REF,

  await server.load((probot) => {
    void setup(probot, server, {
      isDeployment: !!process.env.IS_DEPLOYMENT,
      gitlab: {
        accessToken: gitlabAccessToken,
        accessTokenUsername: gitlabAccessTokenUsername,
        domain: gitlabDomain,
        pushNamespace: gitlabPushNamespace,
        jobImage: gitlabJobImage,

  void server.start()
  logger.info("Probot has started!")
Example #28
Source File: handlers.ts    From sapio-studio with Mozilla Public License 2.0 4 votes vote down vote up
export default function (window: BrowserWindow) {
    ipcMain.handle('bitcoin::command', async (event, arg) => {
        const node = await get_bitcoin_node();
        try {
            return { ok: await node.command(arg) };
        } catch (r: any) {
            if (r instanceof RpcError) {
                return {
                    err: { code: r.code, message: r.message, name: r.name },
            } else if (r instanceof Error) {
                return { err: r.toString() };

    ipcMain.handle('emulator::kill', (event) => {
    ipcMain.handle('emulator::start', (event) => {
    ipcMain.handle('emulator::read_log', (event) => {
        return get_emulator_log();

    ipcMain.handle('sapio::load_contract_list', async (event, workspace) => {
        const contracts = await sapio.list_contracts(workspace);
        return contracts;
        async (event, workspace, [which, psbt, args]) => {
            const result = await sapio.create_contract(
            return result;

    ipcMain.handle('sapio::show_config', async (event) => {
        return await sapio.show_config();

    ipcMain.handle('sapio::load_wasm_plugin', (event, workspace) => {
        const plugins = dialog.showOpenDialogSync({
            properties: ['openFile', 'multiSelections'],
            filters: [{ extensions: ['wasm'], name: 'WASM' }],
        const errs = [];
        if (!plugins || !plugins.length) return { err: 'No Plugin Selected' };
        for (const plugin of plugins) {
            const loaded = sapio.load_contract_file_name(workspace, plugin);
            if ('err' in loaded) {
                return loaded;
        return { ok: null };

    ipcMain.handle('sapio::open_contract_from_file', (event) => {
        const file = dialog.showOpenDialogSync(window, {
            properties: ['openFile'],
            filters: [
                    extensions: ['json'],
                    name: 'Sapio Contract Object',
        if (file && file.length === 1) {
            const data = readFileSync(file[0]!, {
                encoding: 'utf-8',
            return { ok: data };
        async (event, workspace) => {
            return (
                await SapioWorkspace.new(workspace)
        async (event, workspace, file_name) => {
            return (
                await SapioWorkspace.new(workspace)
    ipcMain.handle('sapio::psbt::finalize', (event, psbt) => {
        return sapio.psbt_finalize(psbt);
        async (event, workspace_name, file_name) => {
            const workspace = await SapioWorkspace.new(workspace_name);
            const data = await workspace.read_bound_data_for(file_name);
            const name = await workspace.read_module_for(file_name);
            const args = await workspace.read_args_for(file_name);
            return { ok: { data, name, args } };

    ipcMain.handle('sapio::workspaces::init', async (event, workspace) => {
        await SapioWorkspace.new(workspace);
    ipcMain.handle('sapio::workspaces::list', async (event) => {
        return await SapioWorkspace.list_all();
    ipcMain.handle('sapio::workspaces::trash', async (event, workspace) => {
        return (await SapioWorkspace.new(workspace)).trash_workspace(workspace);

    ipcMain.handle('write_clipboard', (event, s: string) => {

    ipcMain.handle('save_psbt', async (event, psbt) => {
        const path = await dialog.showSaveDialog(window, {
            filters: [
                    extensions: ['psbt'],
                    name: 'Partially Signed Bitcoin Transaction',
        if (path.filePath) {
            await writeFile(path.filePath, psbt);
    ipcMain.handle('fetch_psbt', async (event, psbt) => {
        const path = await dialog.showOpenDialog(window, {
            filters: [
                    extensions: ['psbt'],
                    name: 'Partially Signed Bitcoin Transaction',
        if (path && path.filePaths.length) {
            return await readFile(path.filePaths[0]!, { encoding: 'utf-8' });
    ipcMain.handle('save_contract', async (event, psbt) => {
        const path = await dialog.showSaveDialog(window, {
            filters: [{ extensions: ['json'], name: 'Sapio Contract Object' }],
        if (path.filePath) {
            await writeFile(path.filePath, psbt);

        async (event, which: Prefs, data: string) => {
            return preferences.save(which, JSON.parse(data));

    ipcMain.handle('load_settings_sync', (event, which: Prefs) => {
        return preferences.data[which];
    ipcMain.handle('select_filename', async (event) => {
        const path = await dialog.showOpenDialog(window);
        if (path && path.filePaths.length == 1) {
            return path.filePaths[0]!;
        return null;
Example #29
Source File: server.ts    From cloudmusic-vscode with MIT License 4 votes vote down vote up
static async init() {
    const [buf] = await Promise.allSettled([
      rm(ipcServerPath, { recursive: true, force: true }),
    if (buf.status === "fulfilled")
      this._retain = JSON.parse(buf.value.toString()) as unknown[];

    this._server = createServer((socket) => {
      if (this._timer) {
        this._timer = undefined;
      this._buffer.set(socket, "");

        .on("data", (data) => {
          const buffer = (this._buffer.get(socket) ?? "") + data.toString();

          const msgs = buffer.split(ipcDelimiter);
          this._buffer.set(socket, msgs.pop() ?? "");
          for (const msg of msgs)
              JSON.parse(msg) as IPCClientMsg | NeteaseAPICMsg<"album">,
        .on("close", (/* err */) => {
          let isMaster = false;
            const [master] = this._sockets;
            isMaster = master === socket;

          if (this._sockets.size) {
            if (isMaster) {
              // Master was gone, the wasm player was destroyed
              // So we need to recreate it on new master
          } else {
            this._timer = setTimeout(() => {
              if (this._sockets.size) return;
                rm(TMP_DIR, { recursive: true }),
                writeFile(RETAIN_FILE, JSON.stringify(this._retain)),
              ]).finally(() => process.exit());
            }, 20000);
        .on("error", logError);


      if (this._sockets.size === 1) {
        // retain
        if (!this._first) {

          this.send(socket, { t: IPCControl.retain, items: this._retain });
          this._retain = [];
        } else this._first = false;
      } else {
        this.sendToMaster({ t: IPCControl.new });
        this.send(socket, {
          t: Player.playing ? IPCPlayer.play : IPCPlayer.pause,
      .on("error", logError)