react-icons/bs#BsBootstrapReboot TypeScript Examples

The following examples show how to use react-icons/bs#BsBootstrapReboot. You can vote up the ones you like or vote down the ones you don't like, and go to the original project or source file by following the links above each example. You may check out the related API usage on the sidebar.
Example #1
Source File: LogsLayout.tsx    From bluebubbles-server with Apache License 2.0 4 votes vote down vote up
LogsLayout = (): JSX.Element => {
    const dispatch = useAppDispatch();
    const [requiresConfirmation, confirm] = useState((): string | null => {
        return null;
    const alertRef = useRef(null);
    let logs = useAppSelector(state => state.logStore.logs);
    const showDebug = useAppSelector(state => state.logStore.debug);

    // If we don't want to show debug logs, filter them out
    if (!showDebug) {
        logs = logs.filter(e => e.type !== 'debug');

    const toggleDebugMode = (e: React.ChangeEvent<HTMLInputElement>) => {

    return (
        <Box p={3} borderRadius={10}>
            <Flex flexDirection="column">
                <Stack direction='column' p={5}>
                    <Flex flexDirection='row' justifyContent='flex-start' alignItems='center'>
                        <Text fontSize='2xl'>Controls</Text>
                        <Popover trigger='hover'>
                                <Box ml={2} _hover={{ color: 'brand.primary', cursor: 'pointer' }}>
                                    <AiOutlineInfoCircle />
                                <PopoverArrow />
                                <PopoverCloseButton />
                                        This page will allow you to perform debugging actions on your BlueBubbles server.
                                        As many of you know, software is not perfect, and there will always be edge cases
                                        depending on the environment. These controls allow us to get the information needed, or
                                        take the required actions to solve an issue. It also allows you to "see" into what
                                        the server is doing in the background.
                    <Divider orientation='horizontal' />
                    <Flex flexDirection="row" justifyContent="flex-start">
                                rightIcon={<BsChevronDown />}
                                <MenuItem icon={<VscDebugRestart />} onClick={() => confirm('restartServices')}>
                                    Restart Services
                                <MenuItem icon={<BsBootstrapReboot />} onClick={() => confirm('fullRestart')}>
                                    Full Restart
                                <MenuItem icon={<FiExternalLink />} onClick={() => openLogLocation()}>
                                    Open Log Location
                                <MenuItem icon={<GoFileSubmodule />} onClick={() => openAppLocation()}>
                                    Open App Location
                                <MenuItem icon={<AiOutlineClear />} onClick={() => clearLogs()}>
                                    Clear Logs
                                rightIcon={<BsChevronDown />}
                                Debug Actions
                                <MenuItem icon={<BsTerminal />} onClick={() => confirm('restartViaTerminal')}>
                                    Restart via Terminal
                                <MenuItem icon={<AiOutlineClear />} onClick={() => confirm('clearEventCache')}>
                                    Clear Event Cache
                <Stack direction='column' p={5}>
                    <Text fontSize='2xl'>Debug Logs</Text>
                    <Divider orientation='horizontal' />
                    <Spacer />
                    <Flex flexDirection='row' justifyContent='flex-start' alignItems='center'>
                        <Checkbox onChange={(e) => toggleDebugMode(e)} isChecked={showDebug}>Show Debug Logs</Checkbox>
                        <Popover trigger='hover'>
                                <Box ml={2} _hover={{ color: 'brand.primary', cursor: 'pointer' }}>
                                    <AiOutlineInfoCircle />
                                <PopoverArrow />
                                <PopoverCloseButton />
                                        Enabling this option will show DEBUG level logs. Leaving
                                        this disabled will only INFO, WARN, and ERROR level logs.
                    <Spacer />
                    <LogsTable logs={logs} />

                onClose={() => confirm(null)}
                body={confirmationActions[requiresConfirmation as string]?.message}
                onAccept={() => {
                    if (hasKey(confirmationActions, requiresConfirmation as string)) {
                        if (confirmationActions[requiresConfirmation as string].shouldDispatch ?? false) {
                            dispatch(confirmationActions[requiresConfirmation as string].func() as AnyAction);
                        } else {
                            confirmationActions[requiresConfirmation as string].func();
                isOpen={requiresConfirmation !== null}