react-icons/fa APIs
- FaTwitter
- FaGithub
- FaSearch
- FaDiscord
- FaEye
- FaInstagram
- FaPlus
- FaFacebookF
- FaTrash
- FaGlobe
- FaUsers
- FaEdit
- FaListUl
- FaWhatsapp
- FaApple
- FaTimes
- FaMoon
- FaSun
- FaYoutube
- FaInfoCircle
- FaSave
- FaEyeSlash
- FaCheck
- FaRegCheckCircle
- FaExternalLinkAlt
- FaChevronUp
- FaChevronDown
- FaUser
- FaThumbsUp
- FaGoogle
- FaChevronLeft
- FaTrashAlt
- FaCheckCircle
- FaExclamationCircle
- FaCode
- FaFilter
- FaLinkedinIn
- FaHome
- FaAngleRight
- FaAngleLeft
- FaCopy
- FaArrowRight
- FaThumbsDown
- FaTimesCircle
- FaMapMarkedAlt
- FaNetworkWired
- FaFacebook
- FaMedal
- FaQuestionCircle
- FaAppStoreIos
- FaRegNewspaper
- FaLinkedin
- FaAward
- FaSpinner
- FaBell
- FaLink
- FaCog
- FaCaretDown
- FaCaretLeft
- FaCaretRight
- FaRegQuestionCircle
- FaSignInAlt
- FaRegCircle
- FaPlayCircle
- FaBook
- FaMinus
- FaRegClock
- FaRegTimesCircle
- FaUserClock
- FaClipboardCheck
- FaTelegram
- FaToolbox
- FaCalendarAlt
- FaChevronCircleDown
- FaChevronCircleUp
- FaChevronCircleRight
- FaCogs
- FaDownload
- FaSitemap
- FaTrophy
- FaGripVertical
- FaFlagCheckered
- FaMapMarkerAlt
- FaChrome
- FaRegStickyNote
- FaRegSun
- FaTags
- FaGetPocket
- FaRegEdit
- FaRobot
- FaDev
- FaQuora
- FaGraduationCap
- FaClipboard
- FaVine
- FaMicroscope
- FaReact
- FaVuejs
- FaPalette
- FaPen
- FaSmile
- FaPaperPlane
- FaImage
- FaUserPlus
- FaAnchor
- FaCaretUp
- FaRss
- FaRegLightbulb
- FaStar
- FaSignOutAlt
- FaUserMinus
- FaEnvelopeOpenText
- FaPencilAlt
- FaExclamation
- FaUnlock
- FaLock
- FaSlack
- FaUserCircle
- FaEnvelope
- FaKey
- FaRegStar
- FaWrench
- FaMarkdown
- FaArrowCircleLeft
- FaArrowCircleRight
- FaScroll
- FaUserFriends
- FaBolt
- FaExpand
- FaLocationArrow
- FaStopCircle
- FaHandHolding
- FaPhotoVideo
- FaShareAlt
- FaVoicemail
- FaGithubAlt
- FaLifeRing
- FaSyncAlt
- FaSoundcloud
- FaSpotify
- FaHistory
- FaBloggerB
- FaDrawPolygon
- FaHandPaper
- FaHandPointer
- FaPhone
- FaList
- FaMailBulk
- FaHourglass
- FaMediumM
- FaPlay
- FaGift
- FaChevronRight
- FaLongArrowAltRight
- FaMedium
- FaWindowClose
- FaEllipsisH
- FaVolumeUp
- FaVolumeMute
- FaKeyboard
- FaHammer
- FaFileImport
- FaListOl
- FaSquare
- FaFillDrip
- FaUserLock
- FaRegPlusSquare
- FaRegFile
- FaSlash
- FaCloudUploadAlt
- FaBackspace
- FaAngleDoubleRight
- FaAngleDoubleLeft
- FaGlasses
- FaPause
- FaCheckSquare
- FaComment
- FaPrint
- FaShareSquare
- FaChartBar
- FaMagic
- FaBicycle
- FaCat
- FaDirections
- FaGlobeAfrica
- FaMountain
- FaUpload
- FaLightbulb
- FaDocker
- FaTwitterSquare
- FaGlobeAmericas
- FaLinux
- FaFile
- FaDesktop
- FaFacebookMessenger
- FaWpforms
- FaBomb
- FaBars
- FaTabletAlt
- FaMemory
- FaCalendarDay
- Fa500Px
- FaAdobe
- FaAdversal
- FaAirbnb
- FaAlipay
- FaAmazon
- FaAmazonPay
- FaBehanceSquare
- FaInstagramSquare
- FaLaugh
- FaMagento
- FaOpera
- FaYinYang
Other Related APIs
react-icons/fa#FaUserFriends TypeScript Examples
The following examples show how to use
You can vote up the ones you like or vote down the ones you don't like,
and go to the original project or source file by following the links above each example. You may check out the related API usage on the sidebar.
Example #1
Source File: data.tsx From hub with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
user: [
name: 'repositories',
displayName: 'Repositories',
disabled: false,
icon: <GoPackage />,
name: 'organizations',
displayName: 'Organizations',
disabled: false,
icon: <MdBusiness />,
name: 'settings',
displayName: 'Settings',
disabled: false,
icon: <MdSettings />,
subsections: [
{ displayName: 'Profile', name: 'profile', icon: <MdBusiness />, disabled: false },
{ displayName: 'Subscriptions', name: 'subscriptions', icon: <MdNotificationsActive />, disabled: false },
{ displayName: 'Webhooks', name: 'webhooks', icon: <GrConnect />, disabled: false },
{ displayName: 'API keys', name: 'api-keys', icon: <FaKey />, disabled: false },
org: [
name: 'repositories',
displayName: 'Repositories',
disabled: false,
icon: <GoPackage />,
name: 'members',
displayName: 'Members',
disabled: false,
icon: <FaUserFriends />,
name: 'settings',
displayName: 'Settings',
disabled: false,
icon: <MdSettings />,
subsections: [
{ displayName: 'Profile', name: 'profile', icon: <MdBusiness />, disabled: false },
{ displayName: 'Webhooks', name: 'webhooks', icon: <GrConnect />, disabled: false },
displayName: 'Authorization',
name: 'authorization',
icon: <FaScroll />,
disabled: false,
onlyDesktop: true,