react-icons/hi#HiOutlineGlobeAlt TypeScript Examples
The following examples show how to use
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Example #1
Source File: Homepage.tsx From pagely with MIT License | 6 votes |
features = [
name: 'Takes less than a minute',
'Creating and deploying a Pagely site from Notion, Airtable, Google Sheets or GitHub takes less than a minute of your valuable time',
icon: HiOutlineGlobeAlt,
name: 'Static Pages',
'All the Pagely sites are statically rendered in the server so that your site always remains lightning fast. Your Pagely site can have some dynamics pieces too',
icon: AiOutlineThunderbolt,
name: 'SEO Friendly',
'Since all the sites are static, it makes it easy for crawlers such as Googlebot to index the pages which results in better seo',
icon: FaRobot,
name: 'Custom styles',
"Don't like the default styles? You can style your Pagely site and customize it to your hearts content and make it look different",
icon: FaRegEdit,
name: 'Automatic pretty URLs',
'Get a SEO and human friendly, recogonizable URL for all your sub pages. This makes the URLs not look like spammy ones.',
icon: GoBrowser,
name: 'And much more',
"This is only the tip of the iceberg. There's still a loooot more that you can do with Pagely. Discover them in the guides section",
icon: VscRocket,