Java Code Examples for net.runelite.api.ItemID#RING_OF_ENDURANCE_UNCHARGED_24844
The following examples show how to use
net.runelite.api.ItemID#RING_OF_ENDURANCE_UNCHARGED_24844 .
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Example 1
Source File: From plugins with GNU General Public License v3.0 | 4 votes |
/** * Remove SOTD timer and update stamina timer when equipment is changed. */ @Subscribe void onItemContainerChanged(ItemContainerChanged itemContainerChanged) { if (itemContainerChanged.getContainerId() != InventoryID.EQUIPMENT.getId()) { return; } ItemContainer container = itemContainerChanged.getItemContainer(); Item weapon = container.getItem(EquipmentInventorySlot.WEAPON.getSlotIdx()); if (weapon == null || (weapon.getId() != ItemID.STAFF_OF_THE_DEAD && weapon.getId() != ItemID.TOXIC_STAFF_OF_THE_DEAD && weapon.getId() != ItemID.STAFF_OF_LIGHT && weapon.getId() != ItemID.TOXIC_STAFF_UNCHARGED)) { // remove sotd timer if the staff has been unwielded removeGameTimer(STAFF_OF_THE_DEAD); } if (wasWearingEndurance) { Item ring = container.getItem(EquipmentInventorySlot.RING.getSlotIdx()); // when using the last ring charge the ring changes to the uncharged version, ignore that and don't // halve the timer if (ring == null || (ring.getId() != ItemID.RING_OF_ENDURANCE && ring.getId() != ItemID.RING_OF_ENDURANCE_UNCHARGED_24844)) { wasWearingEndurance = false; if (staminaTimer != null) { // Remaining duration gets divided by 2 Duration remainingDuration = Duration.between(, staminaTimer.getEndTime()).dividedBy(2); // This relies on the chat message to be removed, which could be after the timer has been culled; // so check there is still remaining time if (!remainingDuration.isNegative() && !remainingDuration.isZero()) { log.debug("Halving stamina timer"); staminaTimer.setDuration(remainingDuration); } } } } }
Example 2
Source File: From runelite with BSD 2-Clause "Simplified" License | 4 votes |
/** * Remove SOTD timer and update stamina timer when equipment is changed. */ @Subscribe public void onItemContainerChanged(ItemContainerChanged itemContainerChanged) { if (itemContainerChanged.getContainerId() != InventoryID.EQUIPMENT.getId()) { return; } ItemContainer container = itemContainerChanged.getItemContainer(); Item weapon = container.getItem(EquipmentInventorySlot.WEAPON.getSlotIdx()); if (weapon == null || (weapon.getId() != ItemID.STAFF_OF_THE_DEAD && weapon.getId() != ItemID.TOXIC_STAFF_OF_THE_DEAD && weapon.getId() != ItemID.STAFF_OF_LIGHT && weapon.getId() != ItemID.TOXIC_STAFF_UNCHARGED)) { // remove sotd timer if the staff has been unwielded removeGameTimer(STAFF_OF_THE_DEAD); } if (wasWearingEndurance) { Item ring = container.getItem(EquipmentInventorySlot.RING.getSlotIdx()); // when using the last ring charge the ring changes to the uncharged version, ignore that and don't // halve the timer if (ring == null || (ring.getId() != ItemID.RING_OF_ENDURANCE && ring.getId() != ItemID.RING_OF_ENDURANCE_UNCHARGED_24844)) { wasWearingEndurance = false; if (staminaTimer != null) { // Remaining duration gets divided by 2 Duration remainingDuration = Duration.between(, staminaTimer.getEndTime()).dividedBy(2); // This relies on the chat message to be removed, which could be after the timer has been culled; // so check there is still remaining time if (!remainingDuration.isNegative() && !remainingDuration.isZero()) { log.debug("Halving stamina timer"); staminaTimer.setDuration(remainingDuration); } } } } }