Java Code Examples for org.apache.calcite.rex.RexOver#getWindow()

The following examples show how to use org.apache.calcite.rex.RexOver#getWindow() . You can vote up the ones you like or vote down the ones you don't like, and go to the original project or source file by following the links above each example. You may check out the related API usage on the sidebar.
Example 1
Source File:    From Bats with Apache License 2.0 6 votes vote down vote up
private static void addWindows(Multimap<WindowKey, RexOver> windowMap, RexOver over, final int inputFieldCount) {
    final RexWindow aggWindow = over.getWindow();

    // Look up or create a window.
    RelCollation orderKeys = getCollation(Lists.newArrayList(Util.filter(aggWindow.orderKeys, rexFieldCollation ->
    // If ORDER BY references constant (i.e. RexInputRef),
    // then we can ignore such ORDER BY key.
    rexFieldCollation.left instanceof RexLocalRef)));
    ImmutableBitSet groupSet = ImmutableBitSet.of(getProjectOrdinals(aggWindow.partitionKeys));
    final int groupLength = groupSet.length();
    if (inputFieldCount < groupLength) {
        // If PARTITION BY references constant, we can ignore such partition key.
        // All the inputs after inputFieldCount are literals, thus we can clear.
        groupSet = groupSet.except(ImmutableBitSet.range(inputFieldCount, groupLength));

    WindowKey windowKey = new WindowKey(groupSet, orderKeys, aggWindow.isRows(), aggWindow.getLowerBound(),
    windowMap.put(windowKey, over);
Example 2
Source File:    From Bats with Apache License 2.0 5 votes vote down vote up
private SqlCall toSql(RexProgram program, RexOver rexOver) {
    final RexWindow rexWindow = rexOver.getWindow();
    final SqlNodeList partitionList = new SqlNodeList(toSql(program, rexWindow.partitionKeys), POS);

    ImmutableList.Builder<SqlNode> orderNodes = ImmutableList.builder();
    if (rexWindow.orderKeys != null) {
        for (RexFieldCollation rfc : rexWindow.orderKeys) {
            orderNodes.add(toSql(program, rfc));
    final SqlNodeList orderList = new SqlNodeList(, POS);

    final SqlLiteral isRows = SqlLiteral.createBoolean(rexWindow.isRows(), POS);

    // null defaults to true.
    // During parsing the allowPartial == false (e.g. disallow partial)
    // is expand into CASE expression and is handled as a such.
    // Not sure if we can collapse this CASE expression back into
    // "disallow partial" and set the allowPartial = false.
    final SqlLiteral allowPartial = null;

    SqlAggFunction sqlAggregateFunction = rexOver.getAggOperator();

    SqlNode lowerBound = null;
    SqlNode upperBound = null;

    if (sqlAggregateFunction.allowsFraming()) {
        lowerBound = createSqlWindowBound(rexWindow.getLowerBound());
        upperBound = createSqlWindowBound(rexWindow.getUpperBound());

    final SqlWindow sqlWindow = SqlWindow.create(null, null, partitionList, orderList, isRows, lowerBound,
            upperBound, allowPartial, POS);

    final List<SqlNode> nodeList = toSql(program, rexOver.getOperands());
    return createOverCall(sqlAggregateFunction, nodeList, sqlWindow);
Example 3
Source File:    From dremio-oss with Apache License 2.0 5 votes vote down vote up
protected SqlCall toSql(RexProgram program, RexOver rexOver) {
  final RexWindow rexWindow = rexOver.getWindow();
  final SqlNodeList partitionList = new SqlNodeList(
    toSql(program, rexWindow.partitionKeys), POS);

  ImmutableList.Builder<SqlNode> orderNodes = ImmutableList.builder();
  if (rexWindow.orderKeys != null) {
    for (RexFieldCollation rfc : rexWindow.orderKeys) {
      orderNodes.add(toSql(program, rfc));
  final SqlNodeList orderList =
    new SqlNodeList(, POS);

  final SqlLiteral isRows =
    SqlLiteral.createBoolean(rexWindow.isRows(), POS);

  final SqlNode lowerBound =
  final SqlNode upperBound =

  // null defaults to true.
  // During parsing the allowPartial == false (e.g. disallow partial)
  // is expand into CASE expression and is handled as a such.
  // Not sure if we can collapse this CASE expression back into
  // "disallow partial" and set the allowPartial = false.
  final SqlLiteral allowPartial = null;

  final SqlWindow sqlWindow = SqlWindow.create(null, null, partitionList,
    orderList, isRows, lowerBound, upperBound, allowPartial, POS);

  final List<SqlNode> nodeList = toSql(program, rexOver.getOperands());
  final SqlCall aggFunctionCall =
    rexOver.getAggOperator().createCall(POS, nodeList);

  return SqlStdOperatorTable.OVER.createCall(POS, aggFunctionCall,
Example 4
Source File:    From calcite with Apache License 2.0 5 votes vote down vote up
private static void addWindows(
    Multimap<WindowKey, RexOver> windowMap,
    RexOver over, final int inputFieldCount) {
  final RexWindow aggWindow = over.getWindow();

  // Look up or create a window.
  RelCollation orderKeys = getCollation(
              rexFieldCollation ->
                  // If ORDER BY references constant (i.e. RexInputRef),
                  // then we can ignore such ORDER BY key.
                  rexFieldCollation.left instanceof RexLocalRef)));
  ImmutableBitSet groupSet =
  final int groupLength = groupSet.length();
  if (inputFieldCount < groupLength) {
    // If PARTITION BY references constant, we can ignore such partition key.
    // All the inputs after inputFieldCount are literals, thus we can clear.
    groupSet =
        groupSet.except(ImmutableBitSet.range(inputFieldCount, groupLength));

  WindowKey windowKey =
      new WindowKey(
          groupSet, orderKeys, aggWindow.isRows(),
          aggWindow.getLowerBound(), aggWindow.getUpperBound());
  windowMap.put(windowKey, over);
Example 5
Source File:    From calcite with Apache License 2.0 5 votes vote down vote up
private SqlCall toSql(RexProgram program, RexOver rexOver) {
  final RexWindow rexWindow = rexOver.getWindow();
  final SqlNodeList partitionList = new SqlNodeList(
      toSql(program, rexWindow.partitionKeys), POS);

  List<SqlNode> orderNodes = Expressions.list();
  if (rexWindow.orderKeys != null) {
    for (RexFieldCollation rfc : rexWindow.orderKeys) {
      addOrderItem(orderNodes, program, rfc);
  final SqlNodeList orderList =
      new SqlNodeList(orderNodes, POS);

  final SqlLiteral isRows =
      SqlLiteral.createBoolean(rexWindow.isRows(), POS);

  // null defaults to true.
  // During parsing the allowPartial == false (e.g. disallow partial)
  // is expand into CASE expression and is handled as a such.
  // Not sure if we can collapse this CASE expression back into
  // "disallow partial" and set the allowPartial = false.
  final SqlLiteral allowPartial = null;

  SqlAggFunction sqlAggregateFunction = rexOver.getAggOperator();

  SqlNode lowerBound = null;
  SqlNode upperBound = null;

  if (sqlAggregateFunction.allowsFraming()) {
    lowerBound = createSqlWindowBound(rexWindow.getLowerBound());
    upperBound = createSqlWindowBound(rexWindow.getUpperBound());

  final SqlWindow sqlWindow = SqlWindow.create(null, null, partitionList,
      orderList, isRows, lowerBound, upperBound, allowPartial, POS);

  final List<SqlNode> nodeList = toSql(program, rexOver.getOperands());
  return createOverCall(sqlAggregateFunction, nodeList, sqlWindow);
Example 6
Source File:    From dremio-oss with Apache License 2.0 4 votes vote down vote up
public SqlCall toSql(RexProgram program, RexOver rexOver) {
  final RexWindow rexWindow = rexOver.getWindow();
  final SqlNodeList partitionList = new SqlNodeList(
    toSql(program, rexWindow.partitionKeys), POS);

  ImmutableList.Builder<SqlNode> orderNodes = ImmutableList.builder();
  if (rexWindow.orderKeys != null) {
    for (RexFieldCollation rfc : rexWindow.orderKeys) {
      // Omit ORDER BY <ordinal> clauses, which are parsed by Calcite but not actually
      // used for sorting.
      if (!(rfc.getKey() instanceof RexLiteral)) {
        if (rfc.getNullDirection() != dialect.defaultNullDirection(rfc.getDirection())) {
          // Get the SQL Node for the column being sorted on only.
          final SqlNode orderingColumnNode = toSql(program, rfc.left);

          final SqlNode emulatedNullDirNode = dialect.emulateNullDirection(orderingColumnNode,
            rfc.getNullDirection() == RelFieldCollation.NullDirection.FIRST, rfc.getDirection().isDescending());
          if (emulatedNullDirNode != null) {
            // Dialect requires emulating null direction.
            // Put the emulation in the order list first, then the ordering on the column only.
          } else {
            // Dialect implements NULLS FIRST and NULLS LAST clauses. These will get
            // unparsed as part of the RexFieldCollation.
            orderNodes.add(toSql(program, rfc));
        } else {
          orderNodes.add(toSql(program, rfc));

  final SqlNodeList orderList =
    new SqlNodeList(, POS);

  final SqlLiteral isRows =
    SqlLiteral.createBoolean(rexWindow.isRows(), POS);

  final SqlNode lowerBound;
  final SqlNode upperBound;

  // Remove unnecessary Window Frames. When Calcite parses an OVER clause with no frame,
  final boolean hasUnnecessaryFrame = getDialect().removeDefaultWindowFrame(rexOver)
    && OverUtils.hasDefaultFrame(rexOver);

  if (hasUnnecessaryFrame) {
    lowerBound = null;
    upperBound = null;
  } else {
    lowerBound = createSqlWindowBound(rexWindow.getLowerBound());
    upperBound = createSqlWindowBound(rexWindow.getUpperBound());

  // null defaults to true.
  // During parsing the allowPartial == false (e.g. disallow partial)
  // is expand into CASE expression and is handled as a such.
  // Not sure if we can collapse this CASE expression back into
  // "disallow partial" and set the allowPartial = false.
  final SqlLiteral allowPartial = null;

  final SqlWindow sqlWindow = getDremioRelToSqlConverter().adjustWindowForSource(
    this, rexOver.getAggOperator(), SqlWindow.create(
      null, null, partitionList,
      orderList, isRows, lowerBound, upperBound, allowPartial, POS));

  final List<SqlNode> nodeList = toSql(program, rexOver.getOperands());

  // Create the call for the aggregate in the window function.
  // If it happens to be a SUM0 call, we need to swap that with our own version which sets
  // the name to just SUM, rather than $SUM0, so that it can be translated to SQL compatible
  // with RDBMSes.
  final SqlAggFunction operator = rexOver.getAggOperator() != SqlStdOperatorTable.SUM0 ?
    rexOver.getAggOperator() : SUM0_FUNCTION;

  final SqlCall aggFunctionCall = operator.createCall(POS, nodeList);

  return SqlStdOperatorTable.OVER.createCall(POS, aggFunctionCall,