Java Code Examples for org.eclipse.rdf4j.query.algebra.StatementPattern#clone()

The following examples show how to use org.eclipse.rdf4j.query.algebra.StatementPattern#clone() . You can vote up the ones you like or vote down the ones you don't like, and go to the original project or source file by following the links above each example. You may check out the related API usage on the sidebar.
Example 1
Source File:    From rya with Apache License 2.0 6 votes vote down vote up
protected void meetSP(final StatementPattern node) throws Exception {
    final StatementPattern sp = node.clone();
    final Var predVar = sp.getPredicateVar();

    final IRI pred = (IRI) predVar.getValue();
    final String predNamespace = pred.getNamespace();

    final Var objVar = sp.getObjectVar();
    final Var cntxtVar = sp.getContextVar();
    if (objVar != null &&
            !RDF.NAMESPACE.equals(predNamespace) &&
            !SESAME.NAMESPACE.equals(predNamespace) &&
            && !EXPANDED.equals(cntxtVar)) {

        final IRI transPropIri = (IRI) predVar.getValue();
        if (inferenceEngine.isTransitiveProperty(transPropIri)) {
            node.replaceWith(new TransitivePropertySP(sp.getSubjectVar(), sp.getPredicateVar(), sp.getObjectVar(), sp.getContextVar()));
Example 2
Source File:    From rya with Apache License 2.0 6 votes vote down vote up
 * Check whether any solution for the {@link StatementPattern} could be derived from
 * reflexive property inference, and if so, replace the pattern with a union of itself and the
 * reflexive solution.
protected void meetSP(StatementPattern node) throws Exception {
    // Only applies when the predicate is defined and reflexive
    final Var predVar = node.getPredicateVar();
    if (predVar.getValue() != null && inferenceEngine.isReflexiveProperty((IRI) predVar.getValue())) {
        final StatementPattern originalSP = node.clone();
        // The reflexive solution is a ZeroLengthPath between subject and
        // object: they can be matched to one another, whether constants or
        // variables.
        final Var subjVar = node.getSubjectVar();
        final Var objVar = node.getObjectVar();
        final ZeroLengthPath reflexiveSolution = new ZeroLengthPath(subjVar, objVar);
        node.replaceWith(new InferUnion(originalSP, reflexiveSolution));
Example 3
Source File:    From rya with Apache License 2.0 5 votes vote down vote up
protected void meetSP(StatementPattern node) throws Exception {
    StatementPattern sp = node.clone();
    final Var predVar = sp.getPredicateVar();

    IRI pred = (IRI) predVar.getValue();
    String predNamespace = pred.getNamespace();

    final Var objVar = sp.getObjectVar();
    final Var cntxtVar = sp.getContextVar();
    if (objVar != null &&
            !RDF.NAMESPACE.equals(predNamespace) &&
            !SESAME.NAMESPACE.equals(predNamespace) &&
            && !EXPANDED.equals(cntxtVar)) {
         * { ?a ?pred ?b .}\n" +
         "       UNION " +
         "      { ?b ?pred ?a }

        IRI predIri = (IRI) predVar.getValue();
        IRI invPropIri = inferenceEngine.findInverseOf(predIri);
        if (invPropIri != null) {
            Var subjVar = sp.getSubjectVar();
            Union union = new InferUnion();
            union.setRightArg(new StatementPattern(objVar, new Var(predVar.getName(), invPropIri), subjVar, cntxtVar));
Example 4
Source File:    From rya with Apache License 2.0 5 votes vote down vote up
protected void meetSP(final StatementPattern node) throws Exception {
    final StatementPattern currentNode = node.clone();
    final Var subVar = node.getSubjectVar();
    final Var predVar = node.getPredicateVar();
    final Var objVar = node.getObjectVar();
    final Var conVar = node.getContextVar();
    if (predVar != null && objVar != null && objVar.getValue() != null && RDF.TYPE.equals(predVar.getValue()) && !EXPANDED.equals(conVar)) {
        final List<Set<Resource>> intersections = inferenceEngine.getIntersectionsImplying((IRI) objVar.getValue());
        if (intersections != null && !intersections.isEmpty()) {
            final List<TupleExpr> joins = new ArrayList<>();
            for (final Set<Resource> intersection : intersections) {
                final Set<Resource> sortedIntersection = new TreeSet<>(new ResourceComparator());

                // Create a join tree of all statement patterns in the
                // current intersection.
                final TupleExpr joinTree = createJoinTree(new ArrayList<>(sortedIntersection), subVar, conVar);
                if (joinTree != null) {

            if (!joins.isEmpty()) {
                // Combine all the intersection join trees for the type
                // together into a union tree.  This will be a join tree if
                // only one intersection exists.
                final TupleExpr unionTree = createUnionTree(joins);
                // Union the above union tree of intersections with the
                // original node.
                final Union union = new InferUnion(unionTree, currentNode);
                log.trace("Replacing node with inferred intersection union: " + union);
Example 5
Source File:    From rya with Apache License 2.0 5 votes vote down vote up
protected void meetSP(StatementPattern node) throws Exception {
    StatementPattern sp = node.clone();

    final Var predVar = sp.getPredicateVar();
    IRI pred = (IRI) predVar.getValue();
    String predNamespace = pred.getNamespace();

    final Var objVar = sp.getObjectVar();
    final Var cntxtVar = sp.getContextVar();
    if (objVar != null &&
            !RDF.NAMESPACE.equals(predNamespace) &&
            !SESAME.NAMESPACE.equals(predNamespace) &&
            && !EXPANDED.equals(cntxtVar)) {
         * { ?a ?pred ?b .}\n" +
         "       UNION " +
         "      { ?b ?pred ?a }

        IRI symmPropIri = (IRI) predVar.getValue();
        if(inferenceEngine.isSymmetricProperty(symmPropIri)) {
            Var subjVar = sp.getSubjectVar();
            Union union = new InferUnion();
            union.setRightArg(new StatementPattern(objVar, predVar, subjVar, cntxtVar));
Example 6
Source File:    From rya with Apache License 2.0 4 votes vote down vote up
    protected void meetSP(final StatementPattern node) throws Exception {
        final StatementPattern sp = node.clone();
        final Var predVar = sp.getPredicateVar();

        final IRI pred = (IRI) predVar.getValue();
        final String predNamespace = pred.getNamespace();

        final Var objVar = sp.getObjectVar();
        final Var cntxtVar = sp.getContextVar();
        if (objVar != null &&
                !RDF.NAMESPACE.equals(predNamespace) &&
                !SESAME.NAMESPACE.equals(predNamespace) &&
                && !EXPANDED.equals(cntxtVar)) {
             * { ?subProp rdfs:subPropertyOf ub:worksFor . ?y ?subProp <> }\n" +
             "       UNION " +
             "      { ?y ub:worksFor <> }
//            String s = UUID.randomUUID().toString();
//            Var subPropVar = new Var(s);
//            StatementPattern subPropOf = new StatementPattern(subPropVar, new Var("c-" + s, SESAME.DIRECTSUBPROPERTYOF), predVar, EXPANDED);
//            StatementPattern subPropOf2 = new StatementPattern(sp.getSubjectVar(), subPropVar, objVar, EXPANDED);
//            InferJoin join = new InferJoin(subPropOf, subPropOf2);
//            join.getProperties().put(InferConstants.INFERRED, InferConstants.TRUE);
//            node.replaceWith(join);

//            Collection<URI> parents = inferenceEngine.findParents(inferenceEngine.subPropertyOfGraph, (URI) predVar.getValue());
//            if (parents != null && parents.size() > 0) {
//                StatementPatterns statementPatterns = new StatementPatterns();
//                statementPatterns.patterns.add(node);
//                Var subjVar = node.getSubjectVar();
//                for (IRI iri : parents) {
//                    statementPatterns.patterns.add(new StatementPattern(subjVar, new Var(predVar.getName(), iri), objVar));
//                }
//                node.replaceWith(statementPatterns);
//            }
//            if (parents != null && parents.size() > 0) {
//                VarCollection vc = new VarCollection();
//                vc.setName(predVar.getName());
//                vc.values.add(predVar);
//                for (IRI iri : parents) {
//                    vc.values.add(new Var(predVar.getName(), iri));
//                }
//                Var subjVar = node.getSubjectVar();
//                node.replaceWith(new StatementPattern(subjVar, vc, objVar, node.getContextVar()));
//            }

            final IRI subprop_iri = (IRI) predVar.getValue();
            final Set<IRI> parents = InferenceEngine.findParents(inferenceEngine.getSubPropertyOfGraph(), subprop_iri);
            if (parents != null && parents.size() > 0) {
                final String s = UUID.randomUUID().toString();
                final Var typeVar = new Var(s);
                final FixedStatementPattern fsp = new FixedStatementPattern(typeVar, new Var("c-" + s, RDFS.SUBPROPERTYOF), predVar, cntxtVar);
//                fsp.statements.add(new NullableStatementImpl(subprop_uri, RDFS.SUBPROPERTYOF, subprop_uri));
                //add self
                for (final IRI u : parents) {
                    fsp.statements.add(new NullableStatementImpl(u, RDFS.SUBPROPERTYOF, subprop_iri));

                final StatementPattern rdfType = new DoNotExpandSP(sp.getSubjectVar(), typeVar, sp.getObjectVar(), cntxtVar);
                final InferJoin join = new InferJoin(fsp, rdfType);
                join.getProperties().put(InferConstants.INFERRED, InferConstants.TRUE);
Example 7
Source File:    From rya with Apache License 2.0 4 votes vote down vote up
 * Checks whether facts matching the StatementPattern could be derived using
 * has-value inference, and if so, replaces the StatementPattern node with a
 * union of itself and any such possible derivations.
protected void meetSP(StatementPattern node) throws Exception {
    final Var subjVar = node.getSubjectVar();
    final Var predVar = node.getPredicateVar();
    final Var objVar = node.getObjectVar();
    // We can reason over two types of statement patterns:
    // { ?var rdf:type :Restriction } and { ?var :property ?value }
    // Both require defined predicate
    if (predVar != null && predVar.getValue() != null) {
        final IRI predIRI = (IRI) predVar.getValue();
        if (RDF.TYPE.equals(predIRI) && objVar != null && objVar.getValue() != null
                && objVar.getValue() instanceof Resource) {
            // If the predicate is rdf:type and the type is specified, check whether it can be
            // inferred using any hasValue restriction(s)
            final Resource objType = (Resource) objVar.getValue();
            final Map<IRI, Set<Value>> sufficientValues = inferenceEngine.getHasValueByType(objType);
            if (sufficientValues.size() > 0) {
                final Var valueVar = new Var("v-" + UUID.randomUUID());
                TupleExpr currentNode = node.clone();
                for (IRI property : sufficientValues.keySet()) {
                    final Var propVar = new Var(property.toString(), property);
                    final TupleExpr valueSP = new DoNotExpandSP(subjVar, propVar, valueVar);
                    final FixedStatementPattern relevantValues = new FixedStatementPattern(objVar, propVar, valueVar);
                    for (Value value : sufficientValues.get(property)) {
                        relevantValues.statements.add(new NullableStatementImpl(objType, property, value));
                    currentNode = new InferUnion(currentNode, new InferJoin(relevantValues, valueSP));
        else {
            // If the predicate has some hasValue restriction associated with it, then finding
            // that the object belongs to the appropriate type implies a value.
            final Map<Resource, Set<Value>> impliedValues = inferenceEngine.getHasValueByProperty(predIRI);
            if (impliedValues.size() > 0) {
                final Var rdfTypeVar = new Var(RDF.TYPE.stringValue(), RDF.TYPE);
                final Var typeVar = new Var("t-" + UUID.randomUUID());
                final Var hasValueVar = new Var(OWL.HASVALUE.stringValue(), OWL.HASVALUE);
                final TupleExpr typeSP = new DoNotExpandSP(subjVar, rdfTypeVar, typeVar);
                final FixedStatementPattern typeToValue = new FixedStatementPattern(typeVar, hasValueVar, objVar);
                final TupleExpr directValueSP = node.clone();
                for (Resource type : impliedValues.keySet()) {
                    // { ?var rdf:type :type } implies { ?var :property :val } for certain (:type, :val) pairs
                    for (Value impliedValue : impliedValues.get(type)) {
                        typeToValue.statements.add(new NullableStatementImpl(type, OWL.HASVALUE, impliedValue));
                node.replaceWith(new InferUnion(new InferJoin(typeToValue, typeSP), directValueSP));
Example 8
Source File:    From rya with Apache License 2.0 4 votes vote down vote up
    protected void meetSP(final StatementPattern node) throws Exception {
        final StatementPattern sp = node.clone();
        final Var predVar = sp.getPredicateVar();
        final Var objVar = sp.getObjectVar();
        final Var conVar = sp.getContextVar();
        if (predVar != null && objVar != null && objVar.getValue() != null && RDF.TYPE.equals(predVar.getValue())
                && !EXPANDED.equals(conVar)) {
             * ?type sesame:directSubClassOf ub:Student . ?student rdf:type ?type +
//            String s = UUID.randomUUID().toString();
//            Var typeVar = new Var(s);
//            StatementPattern subClassOf = new StatementPattern(typeVar, new Var("c-" + s, SESAME.DIRECTSUBCLASSOF), objVar, SUBCLASS_EXPANDED);
//            StatementPattern rdfType = new StatementPattern(sp.getSubjectVar(), sp.getPredicateVar(), typeVar, SUBCLASS_EXPANDED);
//            InferJoin join = new InferJoin(subClassOf, rdfType);
//            join.getProperties().put(InferConstants.INFERRED, InferConstants.TRUE);
//            node.replaceWith(join);

            final IRI subclassof_iri = (IRI) objVar.getValue();
            final Collection<IRI> parents = InferenceEngine.findParents(inferenceEngine.getSubClassOfGraph(), subclassof_iri);
            if (parents != null && parents.size() > 0) {
                final String s = UUID.randomUUID().toString();
                final Var typeVar = new Var(s);
                final FixedStatementPattern fsp = new FixedStatementPattern(typeVar, new Var("c-" + s, RDFS.SUBCLASSOF), objVar, conVar);
                for (final IRI iri : parents) {
                    fsp.statements.add(new NullableStatementImpl(iri, RDFS.SUBCLASSOF, subclassof_iri));

                final StatementPattern rdfType = new DoNotExpandSP(sp.getSubjectVar(), sp.getPredicateVar(), typeVar, conVar);
                final InferJoin join = new InferJoin(fsp, rdfType);
                join.getProperties().put(InferConstants.INFERRED, InferConstants.TRUE);

//            if (parents != null && parents.size() > 0) {
//                StatementPatterns statementPatterns = new StatementPatterns();
//                statementPatterns.patterns.add(node);
//                Var subjVar = node.getSubjectVar();
//                for (IRI iri : parents) {
//                    statementPatterns.patterns.add(new StatementPattern(subjVar, predVar, new Var(objVar.getName(), iri)));
//                }
//                node.replaceWith(statementPatterns);
//            }

//            if (parents != null && parents.size() > 0) {
//                VarCollection vc = new VarCollection();
//                vc.setName(objVar.getName());
//                vc.values.add(objVar);
//                for (IRI iri : parents) {
//                    vc.values.add(new Var(objVar.getName(), iri));
//                }
//                Var subjVar = node.getSubjectVar();
//                node.replaceWith(new StatementPattern(subjVar, predVar, vc, node.getContextVar()));
//            }