Java Code Examples for com.helger.commons.collection.CollectionHelper#getReverseList()

The following examples show how to use com.helger.commons.collection.CollectionHelper#getReverseList() . You can vote up the ones you like or vote down the ones you don't like, and go to the original project or source file by following the links above each example. You may check out the related API usage on the sidebar.
Example 1
Source File:    From ph-ubl with Apache License 2.0 4 votes vote down vote up
private static String _convertToPackage (@Nonnull final String sNamespaceURI)
  // Lowercase everything
  String s = sNamespaceURI.toLowerCase (Locale.US);

  String [] aParts;
  final URL aURL = URLHelper.getAsURL (sNamespaceURI);
  if (aURL != null)
    // Host
    String sHost = aURL.getHost ();

    // Kick static prefix: ->
    sHost = StringHelper.trimStart (sHost, "www.");

    // Reverse domain: -> com.helger
    final List <String> x = CollectionHelper.getReverseList (StringHelper.getExploded ('.', sHost));

    // Path in regular order:
    final String sPath = StringHelper.trimStart (aURL.getPath (), '/');
    x.addAll (StringHelper.getExploded ('/', sPath));

    // Convert to array
    aParts = ArrayHelper.newArray (x, String.class);
    // Kick known prefixes
    for (final String sPrefix : new String [] { "urn:", "http://" })
      if (s.startsWith (sPrefix))
        s = s.substring (sPrefix.length ());

    // Replace all illegal characters
    s = StringHelper.replaceAll (s, ':', '.');
    s = StringHelper.replaceAll (s, '-', '_');
    aParts = StringHelper.getExplodedArray ('.', s);

  // Split into pieces and replace all illegal package parts (e.g. only
  // numeric) with valid ones
  for (int i = 0; i < aParts.length; ++i)
    aParts[i] = RegExHelper.getAsIdentifier (aParts[i]);

  return StringHelper.getImploded (".", aParts);
Example 2
Source File:    From ph-ubl with Apache License 2.0 4 votes vote down vote up
private static String _convertToPackage (@Nonnull final String sNamespaceURI)
  // Lowercase everything
  String s = sNamespaceURI.toLowerCase (Locale.US);

  String [] aParts;
  final URL aURL = URLHelper.getAsURL (sNamespaceURI);
  if (aURL != null)
    // Host
    String sHost = aURL.getHost ();

    // Kick static prefix: ->
    sHost = StringHelper.trimStart (sHost, "www.");

    // Reverse domain: -> com.helger
    final List <String> x = CollectionHelper.getReverseList (StringHelper.getExploded ('.', sHost));

    // Path in regular order:
    final String sPath = StringHelper.trimStart (aURL.getPath (), '/');
    x.addAll (StringHelper.getExploded ('/', sPath));

    // Convert to array
    aParts = ArrayHelper.newArray (x, String.class);
    // Kick known prefixes
    for (final String sPrefix : new String [] { "urn:", "http://" })
      if (s.startsWith (sPrefix))
        s = s.substring (sPrefix.length ());

    // Replace all illegal characters
    s = StringHelper.replaceAll (s, ':', '.');
    s = StringHelper.replaceAll (s, '-', '_');
    aParts = StringHelper.getExplodedArray ('.', s);

  // Split into pieces and replace all illegal package parts (e.g. only
  // numeric) with valid ones
  for (int i = 0; i < aParts.length; ++i)
    aParts[i] = RegExHelper.getAsIdentifier (aParts[i]);

  return StringHelper.getImploded (".", aParts);
Example 3
Source File:    From ph-ubl with Apache License 2.0 4 votes vote down vote up
private static String _convertToPackage (@Nonnull final String sNamespaceURI)
  // Lowercase everything
  String s = sNamespaceURI.toLowerCase (Locale.US);

  String [] aParts;
  final URL aURL = URLHelper.getAsURL (sNamespaceURI);
  if (aURL != null)
    // Host
    String sHost = aURL.getHost ();

    // Kick static prefix: ->
    sHost = StringHelper.trimStart (sHost, "www.");

    // Reverse domain: -> com.helger
    final List <String> x = CollectionHelper.getReverseList (StringHelper.getExploded ('.', sHost));

    // Path in regular order:
    final String sPath = StringHelper.trimStart (aURL.getPath (), '/');
    x.addAll (StringHelper.getExploded ('/', sPath));

    // Convert to array
    aParts = ArrayHelper.newArray (x, String.class);
    // Kick known prefixes
    for (final String sPrefix : new String [] { "urn:", "http://" })
      if (s.startsWith (sPrefix))
        s = s.substring (sPrefix.length ());

    // Replace all illegal characters
    s = StringHelper.replaceAll (s, ':', '.');
    s = StringHelper.replaceAll (s, '-', '_');
    aParts = StringHelper.getExplodedArray ('.', s);

  // Split into pieces and replace all illegal package parts (e.g. only
  // numeric) with valid ones
  for (int i = 0; i < aParts.length; ++i)
    aParts[i] = RegExHelper.getAsIdentifier (aParts[i]);

  return StringHelper.getImploded (".", aParts);