Java Code Examples for javax.wsdl.extensions.ElementExtensible#getExtensibilityElements()

The following examples show how to use javax.wsdl.extensions.ElementExtensible#getExtensibilityElements() . You can vote up the ones you like or vote down the ones you don't like, and go to the original project or source file by following the links above each example. You may check out the related API usage on the sidebar.
Example 1
Source File:    From hop with Apache License 2.0 6 votes vote down vote up
 * Find all of the extensibility elements with the specified name.
 * @param extensibleElement WSDL type which extends ElementExtensible.
 * @param elementType       Name of the extensibility element to find.
 * @return List of ExtensibilityElements, may be empty.
@SuppressWarnings( "unchecked" )
protected static List<ExtensibilityElement> findExtensibilityElements( ElementExtensible extensibleElement,
                                                                       String elementType ) {

  List<ExtensibilityElement> elements = new ArrayList<ExtensibilityElement>();
  List<ExtensibilityElement> extensibilityElements = extensibleElement.getExtensibilityElements();

  if ( extensibilityElements != null ) {
    for ( ExtensibilityElement element : extensibilityElements ) {
      if ( element.getElementType().getLocalPart().equalsIgnoreCase( elementType ) ) {
        elements.add( element );
  return elements;
Example 2
Source File:    From pentaho-kettle with Apache License 2.0 6 votes vote down vote up
 * Find all of the extensibility elements with the specified name.
 * @param extensibleElement
 *          WSDL type which extends ElementExtensible.
 * @param elementType
 *          Name of the extensibility element to find.
 * @return List of ExtensibilityElements, may be empty.
@SuppressWarnings( "unchecked" )
protected static List<ExtensibilityElement> findExtensibilityElements( ElementExtensible extensibleElement,
  String elementType ) {

  List<ExtensibilityElement> elements = new ArrayList<ExtensibilityElement>();
  List<ExtensibilityElement> extensibilityElements = extensibleElement.getExtensibilityElements();

  if ( extensibilityElements != null ) {
    for ( ExtensibilityElement element : extensibilityElements ) {
      if ( element.getElementType().getLocalPart().equalsIgnoreCase( elementType ) ) {
        elements.add( element );
  return elements;
Example 3
Source File:    From hop with Apache License 2.0 5 votes vote down vote up
 * Find the specified extensibility element, if more than one with the specified name exists in the list, return the
 * first one found.
 * @param extensibleElement WSDL type which extends ElementExtensible.
 * @param elementType       Name of the extensiblity element to find.
 * @return ExtensibilityElement The ExtensiblityElement, if not found return null.
@SuppressWarnings( "unchecked" )
protected static ExtensibilityElement findExtensibilityElement( ElementExtensible extensibleElement,
                                                                String elementType ) {

  List<ExtensibilityElement> extensibilityElements = extensibleElement.getExtensibilityElements();
  if ( extensibilityElements != null ) {
    for ( ExtensibilityElement element : extensibilityElements ) {
      if ( element.getElementType().getLocalPart().equalsIgnoreCase( elementType ) ) {
        return element;
  return null;
Example 4
Source File:    From pentaho-kettle with Apache License 2.0 5 votes vote down vote up
 * Find the specified extensibility element, if more than one with the specified name exists in the list, return the
 * first one found.
 * @param extensibleElement
 *          WSDL type which extends ElementExtensible.
 * @param elementType
 *          Name of the extensiblity element to find.
 * @return ExtensibilityElement The ExtensiblityElement, if not found return null.
@SuppressWarnings( "unchecked" )
protected static ExtensibilityElement findExtensibilityElement( ElementExtensible extensibleElement,
  String elementType ) {

  List<ExtensibilityElement> extensibilityElements = extensibleElement.getExtensibilityElements();
  if ( extensibilityElements != null ) {
    for ( ExtensibilityElement element : extensibilityElements ) {
      if ( element.getElementType().getLocalPart().equalsIgnoreCase( elementType ) ) {
        return element;
  return null;