Java Code Examples for org.apache.apex.malhar.lib.dimensions.DimensionsEvent.Aggregate#getAggregates()

The following examples show how to use org.apache.apex.malhar.lib.dimensions.DimensionsEvent.Aggregate#getAggregates() . You can vote up the ones you like or vote down the ones you don't like, and go to the original project or source file by following the links above each example. You may check out the related API usage on the sidebar.
Example 1
Source File:    From attic-apex-malhar with Apache License 2.0 6 votes vote down vote up
 * The result keep a list of object for each aggregate value
 * The value of resultAggregate should keep a list of inputEventKey(the value can be get from cache or load) or a map
 * from inputEventKey to the value instead of just a list of aggregate value. As the value could be changed in
 * current window, and this change should be applied.
 * precondition: resultAggregate.eventKey matches with inputSubEventKeys
 * notes: this algorithm only support TOP for positive values and BOTTOM for negative values
public void aggregate(Aggregate resultAggregate, Set<EventKey> inputSubEventKeys,
    Map<EventKey, Aggregate> inputAggregatesRepo)
  //there are problem for composite's value field descriptor, just ignore now.
  GPOMutable resultGpo = resultAggregate.getAggregates();
  final List<String> compositeFieldList = resultAggregate.getEventKey().getKey().getFieldDescriptor().getFieldList();

  //Map<EventKey, Aggregate> existedSubEventKeyToAggregate = Maps.newHashMap();
  for (String valueField : resultGpo.getFieldDescriptor().getFieldList()) {
    //the resultGpo keep a list of sub aggregates
    updateAggregate(resultAggregate, valueField, inputSubEventKeys, inputAggregatesRepo);

    //compare the existed sub aggregates with the new input aggregates to update the list
    for (EventKey eventKey : inputSubEventKeys) {
      aggregate(compositeFieldList, resultGpo, eventKey, inputAggregatesRepo.get(eventKey).getAggregates());

Example 2
Source File:    From attic-apex-malhar with Apache License 2.0 5 votes vote down vote up
public Aggregate getGroup(InputEvent src, int aggregatorIndex)
  src.used = true;
  Aggregate agg = createAggregate(src,

  GPOUtils.indirectCopy(agg.getAggregates(), src.getAggregates(), context.indexSubsetAggregates);

  GPOMutable metaData = new GPOMutable(getMetaDataDescriptor());

  GPOMutable fullKey = new GPOMutable(src.getKeys());

  if (context.inputTimestampIndex >= 0) {
    fullKey.getFieldsLong()[context.inputTimestampIndex] = -1L;

  List<GPOMutable> keys = Lists.newArrayList(fullKey);

  GPOMutable value = new GPOMutable(agg.getAggregates());
  List<GPOMutable> values = Lists.newArrayList(value);

  metaData.getFieldsObject()[KEY_FD_INDEX] = fullKey.getFieldDescriptor();
  metaData.getFieldsObject()[AGGREGATE_FD_INDEX] = value.getFieldDescriptor();
  metaData.getFieldsObject()[KEYS_INDEX] = keys;
  metaData.getFieldsObject()[AGGREGATES_INDEX] = values;

  return agg;
Example 3
Source File:    From attic-apex-malhar with Apache License 2.0 5 votes vote down vote up
public Aggregate getGroup(InputEvent src, int aggregatorIndex)
  src.used = true;
  Aggregate aggregate = createAggregate(src,

  GPOMutable value = aggregate.getAggregates();

  return aggregate;
Example 4
Source File:    From attic-apex-malhar with Apache License 2.0 5 votes vote down vote up
public void aggregate(Aggregate dest, Aggregate src)
  GPOMutable destAggs = dest.getAggregates();
  GPOMutable srcAggs = src.getAggregates();

  aggregateAggs(destAggs, srcAggs);
Example 5
Source File:    From attic-apex-malhar with Apache License 2.0 5 votes vote down vote up
public void aggregate(Aggregate dest, InputEvent src)
  GPOMutable destAggs = dest.getAggregates();
  GPOMutable srcAggs = src.getAggregates();

  aggregateInput(destAggs, srcAggs);
Example 6
Source File:    From attic-apex-malhar with Apache License 2.0 5 votes vote down vote up
 * Sets the parameters on the {@link java.sql.PreparedStatement} based on the
 * values in the given {@link Aggregate}.
 * @param aggregate
 *          The {@link Aggregate} whose values will be set on the
 *          corresponding {@link java.sql.PreparedStatement}.
private void setStatementParameters(Aggregate aggregate)
  EventKey eventKey = aggregate.getEventKey();

  int ddID = eventKey.getDimensionDescriptorID();
  int aggID = eventKey.getAggregatorID();"Setting statement params {} {}", ddID, aggID);

  FieldsDescriptor keyFD = schema.getDimensionsDescriptorIDToKeyDescriptor().get(ddID);
  FieldsDescriptor aggFD = schema.getDimensionsDescriptorIDToAggregatorIDToOutputAggregatorDescriptor().get(ddID)

  GPOMutable key = eventKey.getKey();

  GPOMutable value = aggregate.getAggregates();

  int qCounter = 1;

  PreparedStatement ps = ddIDToAggIDToStatement.get(ddID).get(aggID);

  try {
    qCounter = setParams(ps, key, qCounter, true);
    setParams(ps, value, qCounter, false);
  } catch (SQLException ex) {
    throw new RuntimeException(ex);
Example 7
Source File:    From examples with Apache License 2.0 4 votes vote down vote up
public GPOMutable convert(Aggregate aggregate)
  final FieldsDescriptor aggregatesFd = dimensitionSchema.getDimensionsDescriptorIDToAggregatorIDToOutputAggregatorDescriptor().get(aggregate.getDimensionDescriptorID()).get(aggregate.getAggregatorID());

  final FieldsDescriptor keysFd = dimensitionSchema.getDimensionsDescriptorIDToKeyDescriptor().get(aggregate.getDimensionDescriptorID());
  GPOMutable keys = aggregate.getKeys();

   * { Type fieldType = keysFd.getType("deviceModel");
   * "The type of field '{}' is '{}'", "deviceModel", fieldType);
   * String deviceModel = keys.getFieldString("deviceModel"); Map<String,
   * Type> fieldToType = Maps.newHashMap(); fieldToType.put("deviceModel",
   * Type.STRING); fieldToType.put("downloadBytes", Type.LONG);
   * FieldsDescriptor fd = new FieldsDescriptor(fieldToType); GPOMutable gpo =
   * new GPOMutable(fd);
   * gpo.setField("deviceModel", deviceModel); gpo.setField("downloadBytes",
   * .getFieldLong("downloadBytes"));
   * return gpo; }

  GPOMutable gpo;
  if (staticFields != null) {
    gpo = new GPOMutable(staticFields);
  } else {
    gpo = new GPOMutable(getFieldsDescriptor());

  for (Map.Entry<MutablePair<String, Type>, MutablePair<String, Type>> entry : keyValueMap.entrySet()) {
    for (int i = 0; i < 2; ++i) {
      String fieldName;
      Type type;
      GPOMutable fieldValueSource;
      if (i == 0) {
        fieldName = entry.getKey().getKey();
        type = entry.getKey().getValue();
        fieldValueSource = keys;
      } else {
        fieldName = entry.getValue().getKey();
        type = entry.getValue().getValue();
        fieldValueSource = aggregate.getAggregates();

      switch (type) {
        case BOOLEAN:
          gpo.setField(fieldName, fieldValueSource.getFieldBool(fieldName));
        case STRING:
          gpo.setField(fieldName, fieldValueSource.getFieldString(fieldName));
        case CHAR:
          gpo.setField(fieldName, fieldValueSource.getFieldChar(fieldName));
        case DOUBLE:
          gpo.setField(fieldName, fieldValueSource.getFieldDouble(fieldName));
        case FLOAT:
          gpo.setField(fieldName, fieldValueSource.getFieldFloat(fieldName));
        case LONG:
          gpo.setField(fieldName, fieldValueSource.getFieldLong(fieldName));
        case INTEGER:
          gpo.setField(fieldName, fieldValueSource.getFieldInt(fieldName));
        case SHORT:
          gpo.setField(fieldName, fieldValueSource.getFieldShort(fieldName));
        case BYTE:
          gpo.setField(fieldName, fieldValueSource.getFieldShort(fieldName));
        case OBJECT:
          gpo.setFieldObject(fieldName, fieldValueSource.getFieldObject(fieldName));
          throw new RuntimeException("Unhandled type: " + type);
  return gpo;

Example 8
Source File:    From examples with Apache License 2.0 4 votes vote down vote up
public void simpleTest()
  AdsConverter adsConverter = new AdsConverter();

  String eventSchema = SchemaUtils.jarResourceFileToString(EVENT_SCHEMA);

  String[] dimensionSpecs = new String[] {
      "time=" + TimeUnit.MINUTES, "time=" + TimeUnit.MINUTES + ":location",
      "time=" + TimeUnit.MINUTES + ":advertiser", "time=" + TimeUnit.MINUTES + ":publisher",
      "time=" + TimeUnit.MINUTES + ":advertiser:location", "time=" + TimeUnit.MINUTES + ":publisher:location",
      "time=" + TimeUnit.MINUTES + ":publisher:advertiser",
      "time=" + TimeUnit.MINUTES + ":publisher:advertiser:location" 

  AdInfoAggregateEvent aae = new AdInfoAggregateEvent();
  aae.time = 60;
  aae.timeBucket = TimeBucket.MINUTE.ordinal();
  aae.publisher = "google";
  aae.advertiser = "safeway";
  aae.location = "SKY";
  aae.impressions = 1L;
  aae.clicks = 1L;
  aae.cost = 1.0;
  aae.revenue = 1.0;
  aae.setDimensionsDescriptorID(dimensionSpecs.length - 1);


  CollectorTestSink<Aggregate> sink = new CollectorTestSink<Aggregate>();
  TestUtils.setSink(adsConverter.outputPort, sink);


  Assert.assertEquals(1, sink.collectedTuples.size());

  Aggregate aggregate = sink.collectedTuples.get(0);

  GPOMutable key = aggregate.getKeys();

  Assert.assertEquals(aae.timeBucket, key.getFieldInt(DimensionsDescriptor.DIMENSION_TIME_BUCKET));
  Assert.assertEquals(aae.time, key.getFieldLong(DimensionsDescriptor.DIMENSION_TIME));
  Assert.assertEquals(aae.publisher, key.getFieldString(InputItemGenerator.PUBLISHER));
  Assert.assertEquals(aae.advertiser, key.getFieldString(InputItemGenerator.ADVERTISER));
  Assert.assertEquals(aae.location, key.getFieldString(InputItemGenerator.LOCATION));

  GPOMutable aggregates = aggregate.getAggregates();

  Assert.assertEquals(aae.impressions, aggregates.getFieldLong(InputItemGenerator.IMPRESSIONS));
  Assert.assertEquals(aae.clicks, aggregates.getFieldLong(InputItemGenerator.CLICKS));
  Assert.assertEquals(aae.revenue, aggregates.getFieldDouble(InputItemGenerator.REVENUE));
  Assert.assertEquals(aae.cost, aggregates.getFieldDouble(InputItemGenerator.COST));




  Assert.assertEquals(1, sink.collectedTuples.size());
  aggregate = sink.collectedTuples.get(0);

  key = aggregate.getKeys();

  Assert.assertEquals(aae.timeBucket, key.getFieldInt(DimensionsDescriptor.DIMENSION_TIME_BUCKET));
  Assert.assertEquals(aae.time, key.getFieldLong(DimensionsDescriptor.DIMENSION_TIME));
  Assert.assertEquals(aae.advertiser, key.getFieldString(InputItemGenerator.ADVERTISER));

  aggregates = aggregate.getAggregates();

  Assert.assertEquals(aae.impressions, aggregates.getFieldLong(InputItemGenerator.IMPRESSIONS));
  Assert.assertEquals(aae.clicks, aggregates.getFieldLong(InputItemGenerator.CLICKS));
  Assert.assertEquals(aae.revenue, aggregates.getFieldDouble(InputItemGenerator.REVENUE));
  Assert.assertEquals(aae.cost, aggregates.getFieldDouble(InputItemGenerator.COST));
Example 9
Source File:    From attic-apex-malhar with Apache License 2.0 4 votes vote down vote up
public void aggregate(Aggregate dest, Aggregate src)
  GPOMutable destAggs = dest.getAggregates();
  GPOMutable srcAggs = src.getAggregates();

    byte[] destByte = destAggs.getFieldsByte();
    if (destByte != null) {
      byte[] srcByte = srcAggs.getFieldsByte();

      for (int index = 0;
          index < destByte.length;
          index++) {
        if (destByte[index] < srcByte[index]) {
          destByte[index] = srcByte[index];

    short[] destShort = destAggs.getFieldsShort();
    if (destShort != null) {
      short[] srcShort = srcAggs.getFieldsShort();

      for (int index = 0;
          index < destShort.length;
          index++) {
        if (destShort[index] < srcShort[index]) {
          destShort[index] = srcShort[index];

    int[] destInteger = destAggs.getFieldsInteger();
    if (destInteger != null) {
      int[] srcInteger = srcAggs.getFieldsInteger();

      for (int index = 0;
          index < destInteger.length;
          index++) {
        if (destInteger[index] < srcInteger[index]) {
          destInteger[index] = srcInteger[index];

    long[] destLong = destAggs.getFieldsLong();
    if (destLong != null) {
      long[] srcLong = srcAggs.getFieldsLong();

      for (int index = 0;
          index < destLong.length;
          index++) {
        if (destLong[index] < srcLong[index]) {
          destLong[index] = srcLong[index];

    float[] destFloat = destAggs.getFieldsFloat();
    if (destFloat != null) {
      float[] srcFloat = srcAggs.getFieldsFloat();

      for (int index = 0;
          index < destFloat.length;
          index++) {
        if (destFloat[index] < srcFloat[index]) {
          destFloat[index] = srcFloat[index];

    double[] destDouble = destAggs.getFieldsDouble();
    if (destDouble != null) {
      double[] srcDouble = srcAggs.getFieldsDouble();

      for (int index = 0;
          index < destDouble.length;
          index++) {
        if (destDouble[index] < srcDouble[index]) {
          destDouble[index] = srcDouble[index];
Example 10
Source File:    From attic-apex-malhar with Apache License 2.0 4 votes vote down vote up
public void aggregate(Aggregate dest, Aggregate src)
  GPOMutable destAggs = dest.getAggregates();
  GPOMutable srcAggs = src.getAggregates();

    byte[] destByte = destAggs.getFieldsByte();
    if (destByte != null) {
      byte[] srcByte = srcAggs.getFieldsByte();

      for (int index = 0;
          index < destByte.length;
          index++) {
        if (destByte[index] > srcByte[index]) {
          destByte[index] = srcByte[index];

    short[] destShort = destAggs.getFieldsShort();
    if (destShort != null) {
      short[] srcShort = srcAggs.getFieldsShort();

      for (int index = 0;
          index < destShort.length;
          index++) {
        if (destShort[index] > srcShort[index]) {
          destShort[index] = srcShort[index];

    int[] destInteger = destAggs.getFieldsInteger();
    if (destInteger != null) {
      int[] srcInteger = srcAggs.getFieldsInteger();

      for (int index = 0;
          index < destInteger.length;
          index++) {
        if (destInteger[index] > srcInteger[index]) {
          destInteger[index] = srcInteger[index];

    long[] destLong = destAggs.getFieldsLong();
    if (destLong != null) {
      long[] srcLong = srcAggs.getFieldsLong();

      for (int index = 0;
          index < destLong.length;
          index++) {
        if (destLong[index] > srcLong[index]) {
          destLong[index] = srcLong[index];

    float[] destFloat = destAggs.getFieldsFloat();
    if (destFloat != null) {
      float[] srcFloat = srcAggs.getFieldsFloat();

      for (int index = 0;
          index < destFloat.length;
          index++) {
        if (destFloat[index] > srcFloat[index]) {
          destFloat[index] = srcFloat[index];

    double[] destDouble = destAggs.getFieldsDouble();
    if (destDouble != null) {
      double[] srcDouble = srcAggs.getFieldsDouble();

      for (int index = 0;
          index < destDouble.length;
          index++) {
        if (destDouble[index] > srcDouble[index]) {
          destDouble[index] = srcDouble[index];