Java Code Examples for org.neuroph.util.NeuronProperties#setProperty()

The following examples show how to use org.neuroph.util.NeuronProperties#setProperty() . You can vote up the ones you like or vote down the ones you don't like, and go to the original project or source file by following the links above each example. You may check out the related API usage on the sidebar.
Example 1
Source File:    From NeurophFramework with Apache License 2.0 6 votes vote down vote up
    * @param vigilance
    * @param L
    * @param neuronsInLayers
   public ART1Network (double vigilance, int L, int ... neuronsInLayers) {
	// init neuron settings

	NeuronProperties neuronProperties = new NeuronProperties();
               neuronProperties.setProperty("useBias", true);
               neuronProperties.setProperty("inputFunction", WeightedSum.class);

               // Makes a vector, which gives as an array of numbers of neurons in each layer

	List<Integer> neuronsInLayersVector = new ArrayList<>();
	for(int i=0; i<neuronsInLayers.length; i++) {
                   neuronsInLayersVector.add(new Integer(neuronsInLayers[i]));

	this.createNetwork(neuronsInLayersVector, neuronProperties, vigilance, L);
Example 2
Source File:    From NeurophFramework with Apache License 2.0 5 votes vote down vote up
	 * Creates adaline network architecture with specified number of input neurons
	 * @param inputNeuronsCount
         *              number of neurons in input layer
	private void createNetwork(int inputNeuronsCount) {
		// set network type code

                // create input layer neuron settings for this network
		NeuronProperties inNeuronProperties = new NeuronProperties();
		inNeuronProperties.setProperty("transferFunction", TransferFunctionType.LINEAR);

		// createLayer input layer with specified number of neurons
		//Layer inputLayer = LayerFactory.createLayer(inputNeuronsCount, inNeuronProperties);
                Layer inputLayer = new InputLayer(inputNeuronsCount);
                inputLayer.addNeuron(new BiasNeuron()); // add bias neuron (always 1, and it will act as bias input for output neuron)

               // create output layer neuron settings for this network
		NeuronProperties outNeuronProperties = new NeuronProperties();
		outNeuronProperties.setProperty("transferFunction", TransferFunctionType.LINEAR); // was RAMP
//		outNeuronProperties.setProperty("transferFunction.slope", new Double(1));
//		outNeuronProperties.setProperty("transferFunction.yHigh", new Double(1));
//		outNeuronProperties.setProperty("transferFunction.xHigh", new Double(1));
//		outNeuronProperties.setProperty("transferFunction.yLow", new Double(-1));
//		outNeuronProperties.setProperty("transferFunction.xLow", new Double(-1));

		// createLayer output layer (only one neuron)
		Layer outputLayer = LayerFactory.createLayer(1, outNeuronProperties);

		// createLayer full conectivity between input and output layer
		ConnectionFactory.fullConnect(inputLayer, outputLayer);

		// set input and output cells for network

		// set LMS learning rule for this network
		this.setLearningRule(new LMS());
Example 3
Source File:    From NeurophFramework with Apache License 2.0 5 votes vote down vote up
/** Creates new ART1 Network, with specified number of neurons in layers
  *   and a vigilance parameter
  *  @param neuronsInLayers
  *            collection of neuron number in layers
   * @param vigilance
   * @param L

  public ART1Network (List<Integer> neuronsInLayers, double vigilance, int L ) {

NeuronProperties neuronProperties = new NeuronProperties();
              neuronProperties.setProperty("useBias", true);
neuronProperties.setProperty("transferFunction", TransferFunctionType.SIGMOID);
              neuronProperties.setProperty("inputFunction", new WeightedSum());

this.createNetwork(neuronsInLayers, neuronProperties, vigilance, L);
Example 4
Source File:    From NeurophFramework with Apache License 2.0 5 votes vote down vote up
public MultiLayerPerceptron(List<Integer> neuronsInLayers, TransferFunctionType transferFunctionType) {
    // init neuron settings
    NeuronProperties neuronProperties = new NeuronProperties();
    neuronProperties.setProperty("useBias", true);
    neuronProperties.setProperty("transferFunction", transferFunctionType);

    this.createNetwork(neuronsInLayers, neuronProperties);
Example 5
Source File:    From NeurophFramework with Apache License 2.0 5 votes vote down vote up
public MultiLayerPerceptron(TransferFunctionType transferFunctionType, int... neuronsInLayers) {
    // init neuron settings
    NeuronProperties neuronProperties = new NeuronProperties();
    neuronProperties.setProperty("useBias", true);
    neuronProperties.setProperty("transferFunction", transferFunctionType);
    neuronProperties.setProperty("inputFunction", WeightedSum.class);

    List<Integer> neuronsInLayersVector = new ArrayList<>();
    for (int i = 0; i < neuronsInLayers.length; i++) {

    this.createNetwork(neuronsInLayersVector, neuronProperties);
Example 6
Source File:    From NeurophFramework with Apache License 2.0 5 votes vote down vote up
public MultiLayerPerceptron(int... neuronsInLayers) {
    // init neuron settings
    NeuronProperties neuronProperties = new NeuronProperties();
    neuronProperties.setProperty("useBias", true);
    neuronProperties.setProperty("transferFunction", TransferFunctionType.SIGMOID);
    neuronProperties.setProperty("inputFunction", WeightedSum.class);

    List<Integer> neuronsInLayersVector = new ArrayList<>();
    for (int i = 0; i < neuronsInLayers.length; i++) {

    this.createNetwork(neuronsInLayersVector, neuronProperties);
Example 7
Source File:    From NeurophFramework with Apache License 2.0 5 votes vote down vote up
 * Creates new MultiLayerPerceptron with specified number of neurons in layers
 * @param neuronsInLayers collection of neuron number in layers
public MultiLayerPerceptron(List<Integer> neuronsInLayers) {
    // init neuron settings
    NeuronProperties neuronProperties = new NeuronProperties();
    neuronProperties.setProperty("useBias", true);
    neuronProperties.setProperty("transferFunction", TransferFunctionType.SIGMOID);

    this.createNetwork(neuronsInLayers, neuronProperties);
Example 8
Source File:    From NeurophFramework with Apache License 2.0 5 votes vote down vote up
 * Creates MaxNet network architecture
 * @param neuronNum
 *            neuron number in network
 * @param neuronProperties
 *            neuron properties
private void createNetwork(int neuronsCount) {

	// set network type

	// createLayer input layer in layer
	Layer inputLayer = LayerFactory.createLayer(neuronsCount,
			new NeuronProperties());

	// createLayer properties for neurons in output layer
	NeuronProperties neuronProperties = new NeuronProperties();
	neuronProperties.setProperty("neuronType", CompetitiveNeuron.class);
	neuronProperties.setProperty("transferFunction", TransferFunctionType.RAMP);

	// createLayer full connectivity in competitive layer
	CompetitiveLayer competitiveLayer = new CompetitiveLayer(neuronsCount, neuronProperties);

	// add competitive layer to network

	double competitiveWeight = -(1 / (double) neuronsCount);
	// createLayer full connectivity within competitive layer
	ConnectionFactory.fullConnect(competitiveLayer, competitiveWeight, 1);

	// createLayer forward connectivity from input to competitive layer
	ConnectionFactory.forwardConnect(inputLayer, competitiveLayer, 1);

	// set input and output cells for this network
Example 9
Source File:    From NeurophFramework with Apache License 2.0 5 votes vote down vote up
 * Creates new Hopfield network with specified neuron number
 * @param neuronsCount
 *            neurons number in Hopfied network
public Hopfield(int neuronsCount) {

	// init neuron settings for hopfield network
	NeuronProperties neuronProperties = new NeuronProperties();
	neuronProperties.setProperty("neuronType", InputOutputNeuron.class);
	neuronProperties.setProperty("bias", new Double(0));
	neuronProperties.setProperty("transferFunction", TransferFunctionType.STEP);
	neuronProperties.setProperty("transferFunction.yHigh", new Double(1));
	neuronProperties.setProperty("transferFunction.yLow", new Double(0));

	this.createNetwork(neuronsCount, neuronProperties);
Example 10
Source File:    From NeurophFramework with Apache License 2.0 5 votes vote down vote up
 * Creates Instar architecture with specified number of input neurons
 * @param inputNeuronsCount
 *            number of neurons in input layer
private void createNetwork(int inputNeuronsCount ) {

	// set network type

	// init neuron settings for this type of network
	NeuronProperties neuronProperties = new NeuronProperties();
	neuronProperties.setProperty("transferFunction", TransferFunctionType.STEP);
	// create input layer
	Layer inputLayer = LayerFactory.createLayer(inputNeuronsCount, neuronProperties);

	// createLayer output layer
	neuronProperties.setProperty("transferFunction", TransferFunctionType.STEP);
	Layer outputLayer = LayerFactory.createLayer(1,	neuronProperties);

	// create full conectivity between input and output layer
	ConnectionFactory.fullConnect(inputLayer, outputLayer);

	// set input and output cells for this network

	// set appropriate learning rule for this network
	this.setLearningRule(new InstarLearning());
Example 11
Source File:    From NeurophFramework with Apache License 2.0 5 votes vote down vote up
 * Creates Outstar architecture with specified number of neurons in 
 * output layer
 * @param outputNeuronsCount
 *            number of neurons in output layer
private void createNetwork(int outputNeuronsCount ) {

	// set network type

	// init neuron settings for this type of network
	NeuronProperties neuronProperties = new NeuronProperties();
	neuronProperties.setProperty("transferFunction", TransferFunctionType.STEP);
	// create input layer
	Layer inputLayer = LayerFactory.createLayer(1, neuronProperties);

	// createLayer output layer
	neuronProperties.setProperty("transferFunction", TransferFunctionType.RAMP);
	Layer outputLayer = LayerFactory.createLayer(outputNeuronsCount, neuronProperties);

	// create full conectivity between input and output layer
	ConnectionFactory.fullConnect(inputLayer, outputLayer);

	// set input and output cells for this network

	// set outstar learning rule for this network
	this.setLearningRule(new OutstarLearning());
Example 12
Source File:    From NeurophFramework with Apache License 2.0 5 votes vote down vote up
 *Creates an instance of Supervised Hebbian Network with specified number
 * of neurons in input layer, output layer and transfer function
 * @param inputNeuronsNum
 *            number of neurons in input layer
 * @param outputNeuronsNum
 *            number of neurons in output layer
 * @param transferFunctionType
 *            transfer function type
private void createNetwork(int inputNeuronsNum, int outputNeuronsNum,
	TransferFunctionType transferFunctionType) {

	// init neuron properties
	NeuronProperties neuronProperties = new NeuronProperties();
	neuronProperties.setProperty("transferFunction", transferFunctionType);
	neuronProperties.setProperty("transferFunction.slope", new Double(1));
	neuronProperties.setProperty("transferFunction.yHigh", new Double(1));
	neuronProperties.setProperty("transferFunction.xHigh", new Double(1));		
	neuronProperties.setProperty("transferFunction.yLow", new Double(-1));
	neuronProperties.setProperty("transferFunction.xLow", new Double(-1));
	// set network type code

	// createLayer input layer
	Layer inputLayer = LayerFactory.createLayer(inputNeuronsNum,

	// createLayer output layer
	Layer outputLayer = LayerFactory.createLayer(outputNeuronsNum,

	// createLayer full conectivity between input and output layer
	ConnectionFactory.fullConnect(inputLayer, outputLayer);

	// set input and output cells for this network

	// set appropriate learning rule for this network
	this.setLearningRule(new SupervisedHebbianLearning());
Example 13
Source File:    From NeurophFramework with Apache License 2.0 5 votes vote down vote up
 * Creates an instance of BAM network with specified number of neurons
        * in input and output layers.
 * @param inputNeuronsCount
 *            number of neurons in input layer
 * @param outputNeuronsCount
 *            number of neurons in output layer
public BAM(int inputNeuronsCount, int outputNeuronsCount) {

	// init neuron settings for BAM network
	NeuronProperties neuronProperties = new NeuronProperties();
	neuronProperties.setProperty("neuronType", InputOutputNeuron.class);
	neuronProperties.setProperty("bias", new Double(0));
	neuronProperties.setProperty("transferFunction", TransferFunctionType.STEP);
	neuronProperties.setProperty("transferFunction.yHigh", new Double(1));
	neuronProperties.setProperty("transferFunction.yLow", new Double(0));

	this.createNetwork(inputNeuronsCount, outputNeuronsCount, neuronProperties);
Example 14
Source File:    From NeurophFramework with Apache License 2.0 5 votes vote down vote up
	 * Creates perceptron architecture with specified number of neurons in input
	 * and output layer, specified transfer function
	 * @param inputNeuronsCount
	 *            number of neurons in input layer
	 * @param outputNeuronsCount
	 *            number of neurons in output layer
	 * @param transferFunctionType
	 *            neuron transfer function type
	private void createNetwork(int inputNeuronsCount, int outputNeuronsCount, TransferFunctionType transferFunctionType) {
		// set network type

                Layer inputLayer = new InputLayer(inputNeuronsCount);

		NeuronProperties outputNeuronProperties = new NeuronProperties();
		outputNeuronProperties.setProperty("neuronType", ThresholdNeuron.class);
		outputNeuronProperties.setProperty("thresh", new Double(Math.abs(Math.random())));
		outputNeuronProperties.setProperty("transferFunction", transferFunctionType);
		// for sigmoid and tanh transfer functions set slope propery
		outputNeuronProperties.setProperty("transferFunction.slope", new Double(1));

		// createLayer output layer
		Layer outputLayer = LayerFactory.createLayer(outputNeuronsCount, outputNeuronProperties);

		// create full conectivity between input and output layer
		ConnectionFactory.fullConnect(inputLayer, outputLayer);

		// set input and output cells for this network
                this.setLearningRule(new BinaryDeltaRule());
		// set appropriate learning rule for this network
//		if (transferFunctionType == TransferFunctionType.STEP) {
//			this.setLearningRule(new BinaryDeltaRule(this));
//		} else if (transferFunctionType == TransferFunctionType.SIGMOID) {
//			this.setLearningRule(new SigmoidDeltaRule(this));
//		} else if (transferFunctionType == TransferFunctionType.TANH) {
//			this.setLearningRule(new SigmoidDeltaRule(this));
//		} else {
//			this.setLearningRule(new PerceptronLearning(this));
//		}
Example 15
Source File:    From NeurophFramework with Apache License 2.0 5 votes vote down vote up
	 * Creates an instance of Unsuervised Hebian net with specified number
	 * of neurons in input layer and output layer, and transfer function
	 * @param inputNeuronsNum
	 *            number of neurons in input layer
	 * @param outputNeuronsNum
	 *            number of neurons in output layer
	 * @param transferFunctionType
	 *            transfer function type
	private void createNetwork(int inputNeuronsNum, int outputNeuronsNum,
		TransferFunctionType transferFunctionType) {

		// init neuron properties
		NeuronProperties neuronProperties = new NeuronProperties();
//		neuronProperties.setProperty("bias", new Double(-Math
//				.abs(Math.random() - 0.5))); // Hebbian network cann not work
		// without bias
		neuronProperties.setProperty("transferFunction", transferFunctionType);
		neuronProperties.setProperty("transferFunction.slope", new Double(1));

		// set network type code

		// createLayer input layer
		Layer inputLayer = LayerFactory.createLayer(inputNeuronsNum,

		// createLayer output layer
		Layer outputLayer = LayerFactory.createLayer(outputNeuronsNum,

		// createLayer full conectivity between input and output layer
		ConnectionFactory.fullConnect(inputLayer, outputLayer);

		// set input and output cells for this network

		// set appropriate learning rule for this network
		this.setLearningRule(new UnsupervisedHebbianLearning());
	//this.setLearningRule(new OjaLearning(this));
Example 16
Source File:    From NeurophFramework with Apache License 2.0 5 votes vote down vote up
 * Creates Competitive network architecture
 * @param inputNeuronsCount
 *            input neurons number
        * @param outputNeuronsCount
        *            output neurons number
 * @param neuronProperties
 *            neuron properties
private void createNetwork(int inputNeuronsCount, int outputNeuronsCount) {
	// set network type

	// createLayer input layer
	Layer inputLayer = LayerFactory.createLayer(inputNeuronsCount, new NeuronProperties());

	// createLayer properties for neurons in output layer
	NeuronProperties neuronProperties = new NeuronProperties();
	neuronProperties.setProperty("neuronType", CompetitiveNeuron.class);
	neuronProperties.setProperty("inputFunction",	WeightedSum.class);

	// createLayer full connectivity in competitive layer
	CompetitiveLayer competitiveLayer = new CompetitiveLayer(outputNeuronsCount, neuronProperties);

	// add competitive layer to network

	double competitiveWeight = -(1 / (double) outputNeuronsCount);
	// createLayer full connectivity within competitive layer
	ConnectionFactory.fullConnect(competitiveLayer, competitiveWeight, 1);

	// createLayer full connectivity from input to competitive layer
	ConnectionFactory.fullConnect(inputLayer, competitiveLayer);

	// set input and output cells for this network

	this.setLearningRule(new CompetitiveLearning());
Example 17
Source File:    From NeurophFramework with Apache License 2.0 4 votes vote down vote up
public void createDemoNetwork() {
	int productsCount = 20;
	int typesCount = 3;
	int brandsCount = 3;
	int priceCount = 3;
	int promoCount = 3;
	// init neuron settings for this type of network
	NeuronProperties neuronProperties = new NeuronProperties();
	neuronProperties.setProperty("transferFunction", TransferFunctionType.RAMP);
	// for sigmoid and tanh transfer functions
	neuronProperties.setProperty("transferFunction.slope", new Double(1)); 
	// create input layer		
	Layer inputLayer = LayerFactory.createLayer(productsCount,

	// create product types layer		
	Layer typeLayer = LayerFactory.createLayer(typesCount,
	// create brands layer		
	Layer brandLayer = LayerFactory.createLayer(brandsCount,
	// create price layer		
	Layer priceLayer = LayerFactory.createLayer(priceCount, neuronProperties);
	// create price layer		
	Layer promoLayer = LayerFactory.createLayer(promoCount, neuronProperties);
	// create output layer
	Layer outputLayer = LayerFactory.createLayer(productsCount,

	// create reccurent self connections in output layer
	for(Neuron neuron : this.getLayerAt(outputLayerIdx).getNeurons()) {
		neuron.addInputConnection(neuron, 1);
	// set input and output cells for this network
	// dont learn the self connections
	// moze cak i posle svakog prolaza da se primenjuje hebbianovo pravilo a ne samo nakon kupovine
	// napravi vise varijanti
	// ako kupuje onda moze da se primenjje winner takes all hebbian learning
	this.setLearningRule(new UnsupervisedHebbianLearning());
Example 18
Source File:    From NeurophFramework with Apache License 2.0 3 votes vote down vote up
private void createNetwork(int inputNeuronsCount, int hiddenNeuronsCount, int contextNeuronsCount, int outputNeuronsCount) {

                // create input layer
                InputLayer inputLayer = new InputLayer(inputNeuronsCount);
                inputLayer.addNeuron(new BiasNeuron());
		NeuronProperties neuronProperties = new NeuronProperties();
               // neuronProperties.setProperty("useBias", true);
		neuronProperties.setProperty("transferFunction", TransferFunctionType.SIGMOID);      // use linear or logitic function! (TR-8604.pdf)          
                Layer hiddenLayer = new Layer(hiddenNeuronsCount, neuronProperties); 
                hiddenLayer.addNeuron(new BiasNeuron());
                ConnectionFactory.fullConnect(inputLayer, hiddenLayer);
                Layer contextLayer = new Layer(contextNeuronsCount, neuronProperties); 
                addLayer(contextLayer); // we might also need bias for context neurons?
                Layer outputLayer = new Layer(outputNeuronsCount, neuronProperties); 
                ConnectionFactory.fullConnect(hiddenLayer, outputLayer);
                ConnectionFactory.fullConnect(outputLayer, contextLayer);
                ConnectionFactory.fullConnect(contextLayer, hiddenLayer);
		// set input and output cells for network

                  // set learnng rule
		this.setLearningRule(new BackPropagation());
Example 19
Source File:    From NeurophFramework with Apache License 2.0 3 votes vote down vote up
private void createNetwork(int inputNeuronsCount, int hiddenNeuronsCount, int contextNeuronsCount, int outputNeuronsCount) {

                // create input layer
                InputLayer inputLayer = new InputLayer(inputNeuronsCount);
                inputLayer.addNeuron(new BiasNeuron());
		NeuronProperties neuronProperties = new NeuronProperties();
               // neuronProperties.setProperty("useBias", true);
		neuronProperties.setProperty("transferFunction", TransferFunctionType.SIGMOID);                
                Layer hiddenLayer = new Layer(hiddenNeuronsCount, neuronProperties); 
                hiddenLayer.addNeuron(new BiasNeuron());
                ConnectionFactory.fullConnect(inputLayer, hiddenLayer);
                Layer contextLayer = new Layer(contextNeuronsCount, neuronProperties); 
                addLayer(contextLayer); // we might also need bias for context neurons?
                Layer outputLayer = new Layer(outputNeuronsCount, neuronProperties); 
                ConnectionFactory.fullConnect(hiddenLayer, outputLayer);
                ConnectionFactory.forwardConnect(hiddenLayer, contextLayer); // forward or full connectivity?
                ConnectionFactory.fullConnect(contextLayer, hiddenLayer);
		// set input and output cells for network

                  // set learnng rule
		this.setLearningRule(new BackPropagation());