Java Code Examples for

The following examples show how to use . You can vote up the ones you like or vote down the ones you don't like, and go to the original project or source file by following the links above each example. You may check out the related API usage on the sidebar.
Example 1
Source File:    From MediaSDK with Apache License 2.0 6 votes vote down vote up
public void reset() {
  startTime = 0;
  endTime = 0;
  text = null;
  // Default:
  textAlignment = TEXT_ALIGNMENT_CENTER;
  line = Cue.DIMEN_UNSET;
  // Defaults to NUMBER (true):
  lineType = Cue.LINE_TYPE_NUMBER;
  // Default:
  lineAnchor = Cue.ANCHOR_TYPE_START;
  position = Cue.DIMEN_UNSET;
  positionAnchor = Cue.TYPE_UNSET;
  // Default:
  width = 1.0f;
Example 2
Source File:    From MediaSDK with Apache License 2.0 4 votes vote down vote up
public Cue build(@Cue.AnchorType int forcedPositionAnchor) {
  SpannableStringBuilder cueString = new SpannableStringBuilder();
  // Add any rolled up captions, separated by new lines.
  for (int i = 0; i < rolledUpCaptions.size(); i++) {
  // Add the current line.

  if (cueString.length() == 0) {
    // The cue is empty.
    return null;

  int positionAnchor;
  // The number of empty columns before the start of the text, in the range [0-31].
  int startPadding = indent + tabOffset;
  // The number of empty columns after the end of the text, in the same range.
  int endPadding = SCREEN_CHARWIDTH - startPadding - cueString.length();
  int startEndPaddingDelta = startPadding - endPadding;
  if (forcedPositionAnchor != Cue.TYPE_UNSET) {
    positionAnchor = forcedPositionAnchor;
  } else if (captionMode == CC_MODE_POP_ON
      && (Math.abs(startEndPaddingDelta) < 3 || endPadding < 0)) {
    // Treat approximately centered pop-on captions as middle aligned. We also treat captions
    // that are wider than they should be in this way. See
    positionAnchor = Cue.ANCHOR_TYPE_MIDDLE;
  } else if (captionMode == CC_MODE_POP_ON && startEndPaddingDelta > 0) {
    // Treat pop-on captions with less padding at the end than the start as end aligned.
    positionAnchor = Cue.ANCHOR_TYPE_END;
  } else {
    // For all other cases assume start aligned.
    positionAnchor = Cue.ANCHOR_TYPE_START;

  float position;
  switch (positionAnchor) {
      position = 0.5f;
    case Cue.ANCHOR_TYPE_END:
      position = (float) (SCREEN_CHARWIDTH - endPadding) / SCREEN_CHARWIDTH;
      // Adjust the position to fit within the safe area.
      position = position * 0.8f + 0.1f;
      position = (float) startPadding / SCREEN_CHARWIDTH;
      // Adjust the position to fit within the safe area.
      position = position * 0.8f + 0.1f;

  int lineAnchor;
  int line;
  // Note: Row indices are in the range [1-15].
  if (captionMode == CC_MODE_ROLL_UP || row > (BASE_ROW / 2)) {
    lineAnchor = Cue.ANCHOR_TYPE_END;
    line = row - BASE_ROW;
    // Two line adjustments. The first is because line indices from the bottom of the window
    // start from -1 rather than 0. The second is a blank row to act as the safe area.
    line -= 2;
  } else {
    lineAnchor = Cue.ANCHOR_TYPE_START;
    // Line indices from the top of the window start from 0, but we want a blank row to act as
    // the safe area. As a result no adjustment is necessary.
    line = row;

  return new Cue(
Example 3
Source File:    From TelePlus-Android with GNU General Public License v2.0 4 votes vote down vote up
public Cue build() {
  SpannableStringBuilder cueString = new SpannableStringBuilder();
  // Add any rolled up captions, separated by new lines.
  for (int i = 0; i < rolledUpCaptions.size(); i++) {
  // Add the current line.

  if (cueString.length() == 0) {
    // The cue is empty.
    return null;

  float position;
  int positionAnchor;
  // The number of empty columns before the start of the text, in the range [0-31].
  int startPadding = indent + tabOffset;
  // The number of empty columns after the end of the text, in the same range.
  int endPadding = SCREEN_CHARWIDTH - startPadding - cueString.length();
  int startEndPaddingDelta = startPadding - endPadding;
  if (captionMode == CC_MODE_POP_ON && (Math.abs(startEndPaddingDelta) < 3 || endPadding < 0)) {
    // Treat approximately centered pop-on captions as middle aligned. We also treat captions
    // that are wider than they should be in this way. See
    position = 0.5f;
    positionAnchor = Cue.ANCHOR_TYPE_MIDDLE;
  } else if (captionMode == CC_MODE_POP_ON && startEndPaddingDelta > 0) {
    // Treat pop-on captions with less padding at the end than the start as end aligned.
    position = (float) (SCREEN_CHARWIDTH - endPadding) / SCREEN_CHARWIDTH;
    // Adjust the position to fit within the safe area.
    position = position * 0.8f + 0.1f;
    positionAnchor = Cue.ANCHOR_TYPE_END;
  } else {
    // For all other cases assume start aligned.
    position = (float) startPadding / SCREEN_CHARWIDTH;
    // Adjust the position to fit within the safe area.
    position = position * 0.8f + 0.1f;
    positionAnchor = Cue.ANCHOR_TYPE_START;

  int lineAnchor;
  int line;
  // Note: Row indices are in the range [1-15].
  if (captionMode == CC_MODE_ROLL_UP || row > (BASE_ROW / 2)) {
    lineAnchor = Cue.ANCHOR_TYPE_END;
    line = row - BASE_ROW;
    // Two line adjustments. The first is because line indices from the bottom of the window
    // start from -1 rather than 0. The second is a blank row to act as the safe area.
    line -= 2;
  } else {
    lineAnchor = Cue.ANCHOR_TYPE_START;
    // Line indices from the top of the window start from 0, but we want a blank row to act as
    // the safe area. As a result no adjustment is necessary.
    line = row;

  return new Cue(cueString, Alignment.ALIGN_NORMAL, line, Cue.LINE_TYPE_NUMBER, lineAnchor,
      position, positionAnchor, Cue.DIMEN_UNSET);
Example 4
Source File:    From TelePlus-Android with GNU General Public License v2.0 4 votes vote down vote up
public Cue build() {
  SpannableStringBuilder cueString = new SpannableStringBuilder();
  // Add any rolled up captions, separated by new lines.
  for (int i = 0; i < rolledUpCaptions.size(); i++) {
  // Add the current line.

  if (cueString.length() == 0) {
    // The cue is empty.
    return null;

  float position;
  int positionAnchor;
  // The number of empty columns before the start of the text, in the range [0-31].
  int startPadding = indent + tabOffset;
  // The number of empty columns after the end of the text, in the same range.
  int endPadding = SCREEN_CHARWIDTH - startPadding - cueString.length();
  int startEndPaddingDelta = startPadding - endPadding;
  if (captionMode == CC_MODE_POP_ON && (Math.abs(startEndPaddingDelta) < 3 || endPadding < 0)) {
    // Treat approximately centered pop-on captions as middle aligned. We also treat captions
    // that are wider than they should be in this way. See
    position = 0.5f;
    positionAnchor = Cue.ANCHOR_TYPE_MIDDLE;
  } else if (captionMode == CC_MODE_POP_ON && startEndPaddingDelta > 0) {
    // Treat pop-on captions with less padding at the end than the start as end aligned.
    position = (float) (SCREEN_CHARWIDTH - endPadding) / SCREEN_CHARWIDTH;
    // Adjust the position to fit within the safe area.
    position = position * 0.8f + 0.1f;
    positionAnchor = Cue.ANCHOR_TYPE_END;
  } else {
    // For all other cases assume start aligned.
    position = (float) startPadding / SCREEN_CHARWIDTH;
    // Adjust the position to fit within the safe area.
    position = position * 0.8f + 0.1f;
    positionAnchor = Cue.ANCHOR_TYPE_START;

  int lineAnchor;
  int line;
  // Note: Row indices are in the range [1-15].
  if (captionMode == CC_MODE_ROLL_UP || row > (BASE_ROW / 2)) {
    lineAnchor = Cue.ANCHOR_TYPE_END;
    line = row - BASE_ROW;
    // Two line adjustments. The first is because line indices from the bottom of the window
    // start from -1 rather than 0. The second is a blank row to act as the safe area.
    line -= 2;
  } else {
    lineAnchor = Cue.ANCHOR_TYPE_START;
    // Line indices from the top of the window start from 0, but we want a blank row to act as
    // the safe area. As a result no adjustment is necessary.
    line = row;

  return new Cue(cueString, Alignment.ALIGN_NORMAL, line, Cue.LINE_TYPE_NUMBER, lineAnchor,
      position, positionAnchor, Cue.DIMEN_UNSET);
Example 5
Source File:    From K-Sonic with MIT License 4 votes vote down vote up
public Cue build() {
  SpannableStringBuilder cueString = new SpannableStringBuilder();
  // Add any rolled up captions, separated by new lines.
  for (int i = 0; i < rolledUpCaptions.size(); i++) {
  // Add the current line.

  if (cueString.length() == 0) {
    // The cue is empty.
    return null;

  float position;
  int positionAnchor;
  // The number of empty columns before the start of the text, in the range [0-31].
  int startPadding = indent + tabOffset;
  // The number of empty columns after the end of the text, in the same range.
  int endPadding = SCREEN_CHARWIDTH - startPadding - cueString.length();
  int startEndPaddingDelta = startPadding - endPadding;
  if (captionMode == CC_MODE_POP_ON && Math.abs(startEndPaddingDelta) < 3) {
    // Treat approximately centered pop-on captions are middle aligned.
    position = 0.5f;
    positionAnchor = Cue.ANCHOR_TYPE_MIDDLE;
  } else if (captionMode == CC_MODE_POP_ON && startEndPaddingDelta > 0) {
    // Treat pop-on captions with less padding at the end than the start as end aligned.
    position = (float) (SCREEN_CHARWIDTH - endPadding) / SCREEN_CHARWIDTH;
    // Adjust the position to fit within the safe area.
    position = position * 0.8f + 0.1f;
    positionAnchor = Cue.ANCHOR_TYPE_END;
  } else {
    // For all other cases assume start aligned.
    position = (float) startPadding / SCREEN_CHARWIDTH;
    // Adjust the position to fit within the safe area.
    position = position * 0.8f + 0.1f;
    positionAnchor = Cue.ANCHOR_TYPE_START;

  int lineAnchor;
  int line;
  // Note: Row indices are in the range [1-15].
  if (captionMode == CC_MODE_ROLL_UP || row > (BASE_ROW / 2)) {
    lineAnchor = Cue.ANCHOR_TYPE_END;
    line = row - BASE_ROW;
    // Two line adjustments. The first is because line indices from the bottom of the window
    // start from -1 rather than 0. The second is a blank row to act as the safe area.
    line -= 2;
  } else {
    lineAnchor = Cue.ANCHOR_TYPE_START;
    // Line indices from the top of the window start from 0, but we want a blank row to act as
    // the safe area. As a result no adjustment is necessary.
    line = row;

  return new Cue(cueString, Alignment.ALIGN_NORMAL, line, Cue.LINE_TYPE_NUMBER, lineAnchor,
      position, positionAnchor, Cue.DIMEN_UNSET);
Example 6
Source File:    From Telegram-FOSS with GNU General Public License v2.0 4 votes vote down vote up
public Cue build(@Cue.AnchorType int forcedPositionAnchor) {
  SpannableStringBuilder cueString = new SpannableStringBuilder();
  // Add any rolled up captions, separated by new lines.
  for (int i = 0; i < rolledUpCaptions.size(); i++) {
  // Add the current line.

  if (cueString.length() == 0) {
    // The cue is empty.
    return null;

  int positionAnchor;
  // The number of empty columns before the start of the text, in the range [0-31].
  int startPadding = indent + tabOffset;
  // The number of empty columns after the end of the text, in the same range.
  int endPadding = SCREEN_CHARWIDTH - startPadding - cueString.length();
  int startEndPaddingDelta = startPadding - endPadding;
  if (forcedPositionAnchor != Cue.TYPE_UNSET) {
    positionAnchor = forcedPositionAnchor;
  } else if (captionMode == CC_MODE_POP_ON
      && (Math.abs(startEndPaddingDelta) < 3 || endPadding < 0)) {
    // Treat approximately centered pop-on captions as middle aligned. We also treat captions
    // that are wider than they should be in this way. See
    positionAnchor = Cue.ANCHOR_TYPE_MIDDLE;
  } else if (captionMode == CC_MODE_POP_ON && startEndPaddingDelta > 0) {
    // Treat pop-on captions with less padding at the end than the start as end aligned.
    positionAnchor = Cue.ANCHOR_TYPE_END;
  } else {
    // For all other cases assume start aligned.
    positionAnchor = Cue.ANCHOR_TYPE_START;

  float position;
  switch (positionAnchor) {
      position = 0.5f;
    case Cue.ANCHOR_TYPE_END:
      position = (float) (SCREEN_CHARWIDTH - endPadding) / SCREEN_CHARWIDTH;
      // Adjust the position to fit within the safe area.
      position = position * 0.8f + 0.1f;
      position = (float) startPadding / SCREEN_CHARWIDTH;
      // Adjust the position to fit within the safe area.
      position = position * 0.8f + 0.1f;

  int lineAnchor;
  int line;
  // Note: Row indices are in the range [1-15].
  if (captionMode == CC_MODE_ROLL_UP || row > (BASE_ROW / 2)) {
    lineAnchor = Cue.ANCHOR_TYPE_END;
    line = row - BASE_ROW;
    // Two line adjustments. The first is because line indices from the bottom of the window
    // start from -1 rather than 0. The second is a blank row to act as the safe area.
    line -= 2;
  } else {
    lineAnchor = Cue.ANCHOR_TYPE_START;
    // Line indices from the top of the window start from 0, but we want a blank row to act as
    // the safe area. As a result no adjustment is necessary.
    line = row;

  return new Cue(
Example 7
Source File:    From Telegram with GNU General Public License v2.0 4 votes vote down vote up
public Cue build(@Cue.AnchorType int forcedPositionAnchor) {
  SpannableStringBuilder cueString = new SpannableStringBuilder();
  // Add any rolled up captions, separated by new lines.
  for (int i = 0; i < rolledUpCaptions.size(); i++) {
  // Add the current line.

  if (cueString.length() == 0) {
    // The cue is empty.
    return null;

  int positionAnchor;
  // The number of empty columns before the start of the text, in the range [0-31].
  int startPadding = indent + tabOffset;
  // The number of empty columns after the end of the text, in the same range.
  int endPadding = SCREEN_CHARWIDTH - startPadding - cueString.length();
  int startEndPaddingDelta = startPadding - endPadding;
  if (forcedPositionAnchor != Cue.TYPE_UNSET) {
    positionAnchor = forcedPositionAnchor;
  } else if (captionMode == CC_MODE_POP_ON
      && (Math.abs(startEndPaddingDelta) < 3 || endPadding < 0)) {
    // Treat approximately centered pop-on captions as middle aligned. We also treat captions
    // that are wider than they should be in this way. See
    positionAnchor = Cue.ANCHOR_TYPE_MIDDLE;
  } else if (captionMode == CC_MODE_POP_ON && startEndPaddingDelta > 0) {
    // Treat pop-on captions with less padding at the end than the start as end aligned.
    positionAnchor = Cue.ANCHOR_TYPE_END;
  } else {
    // For all other cases assume start aligned.
    positionAnchor = Cue.ANCHOR_TYPE_START;

  float position;
  switch (positionAnchor) {
      position = 0.5f;
    case Cue.ANCHOR_TYPE_END:
      position = (float) (SCREEN_CHARWIDTH - endPadding) / SCREEN_CHARWIDTH;
      // Adjust the position to fit within the safe area.
      position = position * 0.8f + 0.1f;
      position = (float) startPadding / SCREEN_CHARWIDTH;
      // Adjust the position to fit within the safe area.
      position = position * 0.8f + 0.1f;

  int lineAnchor;
  int line;
  // Note: Row indices are in the range [1-15].
  if (captionMode == CC_MODE_ROLL_UP || row > (BASE_ROW / 2)) {
    lineAnchor = Cue.ANCHOR_TYPE_END;
    line = row - BASE_ROW;
    // Two line adjustments. The first is because line indices from the bottom of the window
    // start from -1 rather than 0. The second is a blank row to act as the safe area.
    line -= 2;
  } else {
    lineAnchor = Cue.ANCHOR_TYPE_START;
    // Line indices from the top of the window start from 0, but we want a blank row to act as
    // the safe area. As a result no adjustment is necessary.
    line = row;

  return new Cue(