Java Code Examples for java.nio.ByteBuffer#getFloat()

The following examples show how to use java.nio.ByteBuffer#getFloat() . You can vote up the ones you like or vote down the ones you don't like, and go to the original project or source file by following the links above each example. You may check out the related API usage on the sidebar.
Example 1
Source File:    From PHONK with GNU General Public License v3.0 6 votes vote down vote up
public void shouldGenerateSaneBottlenecks() throws IOException {
  LiteBottleneckModel model =
      new LiteBottleneckModel(
          new AssetModelLoader(InstrumentationRegistry.getInstrumentation().getContext(), "model")

  ByteBuffer image =

  for (int idx = 0; idx < IMAGE_SIZE * IMAGE_SIZE * NUM_IMAGE_CHANNELS; idx++) {

  ByteBuffer bottleneck = model.generateBottleneck(image, null);
  int nonZeroCount = 0;
  for (int idx = 0; idx < NUM_BOTTLENECK_FEATURES; idx++) {
    float feature = bottleneck.getFloat();
    if (Math.abs(feature) > EPS) {
  assertTrue(nonZeroCount > 0);
Example 2
Source File:    From systemds with Apache License 2.0 5 votes vote down vote up
public static MatrixBlock convertPy4JArrayToMB(byte[] data, int rlen, int clen, boolean isSparse,
	Types.ValueType valueType) {
	MatrixBlock mb = new MatrixBlock(rlen, clen, isSparse, -1);
	if(isSparse) {
		throw new DMLRuntimeException("Convertion to sparse format not supported");
	else {
		long limit = (long) rlen * clen;
		if(limit > Integer.MAX_VALUE)
			throw new DMLRuntimeException(
				"Dense NumPy array of size " + limit + " cannot be converted to MatrixBlock");
		double[] denseBlock = new double[(int) limit];
		ByteBuffer buf = ByteBuffer.wrap(data);
		switch(valueType) {
			case INT32:
				for(int i = 0; i < rlen * clen; i++)
					denseBlock[i] = buf.getInt();
			case FP32:
				for(int i = 0; i < rlen * clen; i++)
					denseBlock[i] = buf.getFloat();
			case FP64:
				for(int i = 0; i < rlen * clen; i++)
					denseBlock[i] = buf.getDouble();
				throw new DMLRuntimeException("Unsupported value type: " +;
		mb.init(denseBlock, rlen, clen);
	return mb;
Example 3
Source File:    From SI with BSD 2-Clause "Simplified" License 5 votes vote down vote up
 * Decodes a byte array into a float value.
public static Number decodeFloat(byte[] value) throws TlvException {
    ByteBuffer floatBb = ByteBuffer.wrap(value);
    if (value.length == 4) {
        return floatBb.getFloat();
    } else if (value.length == 8) {
        return floatBb.getDouble();
    } else {
        throw new TlvException("Invalid length for a float value: " + value.length);
Example 4
Source File:    From aion-germany with GNU General Public License v3.0 5 votes vote down vote up
public void parse(ByteBuffer buf)
    if(this.getMode() == DataPacketMode.FORGING)
        throw new IllegalStateException("Can not parse on a Forging mode Data Packet Tree element");
    _float = buf.getFloat();
    // sets the raw bytes
    _bytes = new byte[4];
Example 5
Source File:    From phoebus with Eclipse Public License 1.0 5 votes vote down vote up
public void decode(final PVATypeRegistry types, final ByteBuffer buffer) throws Exception
    final int size = PVASize.decodeSize(buffer);
    final float[] new_value = new float[size];
    for (int i=0; i<size; ++i)
        new_value[i] = buffer.getFloat();
    value = new_value;
Example 6
Source File:    From iceberg with Apache License 2.0 4 votes vote down vote up
private static Object internalFromByteBuffer(Type type, ByteBuffer buffer) {
  ByteBuffer tmp = buffer.duplicate().order(ByteOrder.LITTLE_ENDIAN);
  switch (type.typeId()) {
    case BOOLEAN:
      return (tmp.get() != 0x00);
    case INTEGER:
    case DATE:
      return tmp.getInt();
    case LONG:
    case TIME:
    case TIMESTAMP:
      if (tmp.remaining() < 8) {
        // type was later promoted to long
        return (long) tmp.getInt();
      return tmp.getLong();
    case FLOAT:
      return tmp.getFloat();
    case DOUBLE:
      if (tmp.remaining() < 8) {
        // type was later promoted to long
        return (double) tmp.getFloat();
      return tmp.getDouble();
    case STRING:
      try {
        return DECODER.get().decode(tmp);
      } catch (CharacterCodingException e) {
        throw new RuntimeIOException(e, "Failed to decode value as UTF-8: " + buffer);
    case UUID:
      long mostSigBits = tmp.getLong();
      long leastSigBits = tmp.getLong();
      return new UUID(mostSigBits, leastSigBits);
    case FIXED:
    case BINARY:
      return tmp;
    case DECIMAL:
      Types.DecimalType decimal = (Types.DecimalType) type;
      byte[] unscaledBytes = new byte[buffer.remaining()];
      return new BigDecimal(new BigInteger(unscaledBytes), decimal.scale());
      throw new UnsupportedOperationException("Cannot deserialize type: " + type);
Example 7
Source File:    From multiple-dimension-spread with Apache License 2.0 4 votes vote down vote up
public void setFromBinary( final byte[] buffer , final int start , final int length ){
  ByteBuffer wrapBuffer = ByteBuffer.wrap( buffer );
  min = wrapBuffer.getFloat();
  max = wrapBuffer.getFloat();
Example 8
Source File:    From twister2 with Apache License 2.0 4 votes vote down vote up
public void readFromBufferAndSet(ByteBuffer byteBuffer, float[] array, int index) {
  array[index] = byteBuffer.getFloat();
Example 9
Source File:    From VSerializer with GNU General Public License v2.0 4 votes vote down vote up
public static void fromBytes(byte[] data, float[] preAllocatedValues) {
    final ByteBuffer byteBuffer = ByteBuffer.wrap(data);
    for (int i = 0; i<preAllocatedValues.length; i++) { preAllocatedValues[i] = byteBuffer.getFloat(); }
Example 10
Source File:    From anki-drive-java with MIT License 4 votes vote down vote up
protected void parsePayload(ByteBuffer buffer) {
  this.offsetFromRoadCenter = buffer.getFloat();
  this.laneChangeId = Byte.toUnsignedInt(buffer.get());
Example 11
Source File:    From multiple-dimension-spread with Apache License 2.0 4 votes vote down vote up
public void loadInMemoryStorage( final ColumnBinary columnBinary , final IMemoryAllocator allocator ) throws IOException{
  ByteBuffer wrapBuffer = ByteBuffer.wrap( columnBinary.binary , columnBinary.binaryStart , columnBinary.binaryLength );
  switch( columnBinary.columnType ){
    case BOOLEAN:
      boolean booleanObj = wrapBuffer.get() == 1;
      for( int i = 0 ; i < columnBinary.rowCount ; i++ ){
        allocator.setBoolean( i , booleanObj );
    case BYTE:
      byte byteObj = wrapBuffer.get();
      for( int i = 0 ; i < columnBinary.rowCount ; i++ ){
        allocator.setByte( i , byteObj );
    case SHORT:
      short shortObj = wrapBuffer.getShort();
      for( int i = 0 ; i < columnBinary.rowCount ; i++ ){
        allocator.setShort( i , shortObj );
    case INTEGER:
      int intObj = wrapBuffer.getInt();
      for( int i = 0 ; i < columnBinary.rowCount ; i++ ){
        allocator.setInteger( i , intObj );
    case LONG:
      long longObj = wrapBuffer.getLong();
      for( int i = 0 ; i < columnBinary.rowCount ; i++ ){
        allocator.setLong( i , longObj );
    case FLOAT:
      float floatObj = wrapBuffer.getFloat();
      for( int i = 0 ; i < columnBinary.rowCount ; i++ ){
        allocator.setFloat( i , floatObj );
    case DOUBLE:
      double doubleObj = wrapBuffer.getDouble();
      for( int i = 0 ; i < columnBinary.rowCount ; i++ ){
        allocator.setDouble( i , doubleObj );
    case STRING:
      int stringLength = wrapBuffer.getInt();
      byte[] stringBytes = new byte[stringLength];
      wrapBuffer.get( stringBytes );
      String utf8 = new String( stringBytes , "UTF-8" );
      for( int i = 0 ; i < columnBinary.rowCount ; i++ ){
        allocator.setString( i , utf8 );
    case BYTES:
      int byteLength = wrapBuffer.getInt();
      byte[] byteBytes = new byte[byteLength];
      wrapBuffer.get( byteBytes );
      for( int i = 0 ; i < columnBinary.rowCount ; i++ ){
        allocator.setBytes( i , byteBytes );
      throw new IOException( "Unknown primitive type." );
  allocator.setValueCount( columnBinary.rowCount );
Example 12
Source File:    From PHONK with GNU General Public License v3.0 4 votes vote down vote up
public void shouldCalculateGradientsCorrectly() throws IOException {
  LiteTrainHeadModel model =
      new LiteTrainHeadModel(
          new AssetModelLoader(InstrumentationRegistry.getInstrumentation().getContext(), "model")

  ByteBuffer bottlenecks = generateRandomByteBuffer(
      BATCH_SIZE * BOTTLENECK_SIZE, random::nextFloat);
  ByteBuffer classes = generateRandomByteBuffer(BATCH_SIZE * NUM_CLASSES, () -> 0.f);

  int[][] parameterShapes = model.getParameterShapes();
  ByteBuffer[] parameters = new ByteBuffer[parameterShapes.length];
  for (int parameterIdx = 0; parameterIdx < parameterShapes.length; parameterIdx++) {
    parameters[parameterIdx] = generateRandomByteBuffer(parameterShapes[parameterIdx]);

  // Fill with one-hot.
  for (int sampleIdx = 0; sampleIdx < BATCH_SIZE; sampleIdx++) {
    int sampleClass = random.nextInt(NUM_CLASSES);
    classes.putFloat((sampleIdx * NUM_CLASSES + sampleClass) * FLOAT_BYTES, 1);

  ByteBuffer[] gradients = new ByteBuffer[parameterShapes.length];
  for (int parameterIdx = 0; parameterIdx < parameterShapes.length; parameterIdx++) {
    gradients[parameterIdx] = generateRandomByteBuffer(parameterShapes[parameterIdx]);

  float loss = model.calculateGradients(bottlenecks, classes, parameters, gradients);

  for (int parameterIdx = 0; parameterIdx < parameters.length; parameterIdx++) {
    ByteBuffer parameter = parameters[parameterIdx];
    ByteBuffer analyticalGrads = gradients[parameterIdx];
    int numElementsToCheck =
        Math.min(product(parameterShapes[parameterIdx]), MAX_ELEMENTS_TO_CHECK);

    for (int elementIdx = 0; elementIdx < numElementsToCheck; elementIdx++) {
      float analyticalGrad = analyticalGrads.getFloat(elementIdx * FLOAT_BYTES);

      float originalParam = parameter.getFloat(elementIdx * FLOAT_BYTES);
      parameter.putFloat(elementIdx * FLOAT_BYTES, originalParam + DELTA_PARAM);
      float newLoss = model.calculateGradients(bottlenecks, classes, parameters, gradients);

      float numericalGrad = (newLoss - loss) / DELTA_PARAM;
          String.format("Numerical gradient %.5f is different from analytical %.5f "
              + "(loss = %.5f -> %.5f)",
              numericalGrad, analyticalGrad, loss, newLoss),
          Math.abs(numericalGrad - analyticalGrad) < EPS);

      parameter.putFloat(elementIdx * FLOAT_BYTES, originalParam);
Example 13
Source File:    From phoebus with Eclipse Public License 1.0 4 votes vote down vote up
public void decode(final PVATypeRegistry types, final ByteBuffer buffer) throws Exception
    value = buffer.getFloat();
Example 14
Source File:    From parquet-mr with Apache License 2.0 4 votes vote down vote up
StatValue build(ByteBuffer value) {
  return new Value(value.getFloat(0));
Example 15
Source File:    From systemsgenetics with GNU General Public License v3.0 4 votes vote down vote up
public synchronized float[] getZScores(int snp) throws IOException {
        long snpBytePos = snpBytes[snp];

        long snpByteNextPos = 0;
        if (snp == snpBytes.length - 1) {
            snpByteNextPos = raf.length();
        } else {
            snpByteNextPos = snpBytes[snp + 1];

        int readlen = (int) (snpByteNextPos - snpBytePos);

//		System.out.println("snp pos: " + snpBytePos);

        if (mappedzscorehandle == null || snpBytePos > currentmapend || snpByteNextPos > currentmapend || snpBytePos < currentmapstart) {

            long nrBytesPerBuffer = 1048576 * 10; // 256 mb

            if (snpBytePos + nrBytesPerBuffer > raf.length()) {
                nrBytesPerBuffer = raf.length() - snpBytePos;
            mappedzscorehandle = raf.getChannel().map(FileChannel.MapMode.READ_ONLY, snpBytePos, nrBytesPerBuffer);
            bZs = new byte[(int) nrBytesPerBuffer];

            currentmapstart = snpBytePos;
            currentmapend = currentmapstart + nrBytesPerBuffer;
            System.out.println("New buffer: " + bZs.length + "\tsta: " + currentmapstart + "\tsto: " + currentmapend +
                    "\tlen: " + (currentmapend - currentmapstart) + "\tnrbytes: " + nrBytesPerBuffer);

        int offset = (int) (snpBytePos - currentmapstart);
//		System.out.println("byte pos: " + snpBytePos + "\toffset " + offset + "\tlen " + readlen);
        byte[] bytesToRead = new byte[readlen];

        System.arraycopy(bZs, offset, bytesToRead, 0, readlen);
////        if (snpCisProbeMap != null) {
////            nrZ = snpCisProbeMap[snp].length;
////        }
////        System.out.println(snp + "\t" + snpBytePos + "\t" + snpByteNextPos);

        ByteBuffer bytebuffer = ByteBuffer.wrap(bytesToRead);
        float[] output = new float[readlen / 4];
        for (int i = 0; i < output.length; i++) {
            output[i] = bytebuffer.getFloat();
        return output;
Example 16
Source File:    From cineast with MIT License 4 votes vote down vote up
 * Reads a binary STL file.
 * @param is InputStream to read from.
 * @param skip Number of bytes to skip before reading the STL file.
 * @return Mesh
 * @throws IOException If an error occurs during reading.
private Mesh readBinary(InputStream is, int skip) throws IOException {
    /* Prepare a ByteBuffer to read the rest of the STL file. */
    byte[] bytes = new byte[50];
    ByteBuffer buffer = ByteBuffer.wrap(bytes);

    /* Skip the STL header! */

    /* Read the bytes for the size (unsigned 32 bit int, little-endian). */
    byte[] sizeBytes = new byte[4];, 0, 4);
    long triangles = ((sizeBytes[0] & 0xFF)) | ((sizeBytes[1] & 0xFF) << 8) | ((sizeBytes[2] & 0xFF) << 16) | ((sizeBytes[3] & 0xFF) << 24);

    /* TODO: Properly handle models whose triangles > MAX_TRIANGLES. */
    if (triangles <= 0) {
        LOGGER.error("The number of triangles in the Mesh seems to be smaller than zero. This STL file is probably corrupt!");
        return null;
    } else if (triangles > MAX_TRIANGLES) {
        LOGGER.error("The number of triangles in the Mesh exceeds the limit that can currently be processed by STLMeshDecoder. The Mesh will be downsampled!");
        return null;

    /* Prepare Mesh. */
    Mesh mesh = new Mesh((int)triangles, (int)triangles);

    /* Prepare helper structures. */
    TObjectIntHashMap<Vector3f> vertexBuffer = new TObjectIntHashMap<>();
    int index = 0;
    int[] vertexindices = new int[3];

    /* Now add all triangles. */
    for (int i=0; i<triangles; i++) {
        /* Ready 48 bytes from the stream. */

        /* Read and ignore three floats. */

        /* Add the vertices and the vertex-normal to the mesh. */
        for (int vidx = 0; vidx < 3; vidx++) {
            Vector3f vertex = new Vector3f(buffer.getFloat(), buffer.getFloat(), buffer.getFloat());
            if (!vertexBuffer.containsKey(vertex)) {
                vertexBuffer.put(vertex, index);
            vertexindices[vidx] = vertexBuffer.get(vertex);

        /* Add a new face to the Mesh. */
        if (!mesh.addFace(new Vector3i(vertexindices[0], vertexindices[1], vertexindices[2]))) {
            LOGGER.warn("Could not add face {}/{}/{} because index points to non-existing vertex.", vertexindices[0], vertexindices[1], vertexindices[2]);

    /* Closes the InputStream. */
    return mesh;
Example 17
Source File:    From yosegi with Apache License 2.0 4 votes vote down vote up
public IColumn toColumn( final ColumnBinary columnBinary ) throws IOException {
  ICellManager cellManager;

  ByteBuffer wrapBuffer = ByteBuffer.wrap(
      columnBinary.binary , columnBinary.binaryStart , columnBinary.binaryLength );
  switch ( columnBinary.columnType ) {
    case BOOLEAN:
      if ( wrapBuffer.get() == 1 ) {
        cellManager = new ConstantCellManager(
            columnBinary.columnType , new BooleanObj( true ) , columnBinary.rowCount );
      } else {
        cellManager = new ConstantCellManager(
            columnBinary.columnType , new BooleanObj( false ) , columnBinary.rowCount );
    case BYTE:
      byte byteValue = wrapBuffer.get();
      cellManager = new ConstantCellManager(
          columnBinary.columnType , new ByteObj( byteValue ) , columnBinary.rowCount );
      cellManager.setIndex( new RangeByteIndex( byteValue , byteValue ) );
    case SHORT:
      short shortValue = wrapBuffer.getShort();
      cellManager = new ConstantCellManager(
          columnBinary.columnType , new ShortObj( shortValue ) , columnBinary.rowCount );
      cellManager.setIndex( new RangeShortIndex( shortValue , shortValue ) );
    case INTEGER:
      int intValue = wrapBuffer.getInt();
      cellManager = new ConstantCellManager(
          columnBinary.columnType , new IntegerObj( intValue ) , columnBinary.rowCount );
      cellManager.setIndex( new RangeIntegerIndex( intValue , intValue ) );
    case LONG:
      long longValue = wrapBuffer.getLong();
      cellManager = new ConstantCellManager(
          columnBinary.columnType , new LongObj( longValue ) , columnBinary.rowCount );
      cellManager.setIndex( new RangeLongIndex( longValue , longValue ) );
    case FLOAT:
      float floatValue = wrapBuffer.getFloat();
      cellManager = new ConstantCellManager(
          columnBinary.columnType ,
          new FloatObj( floatValue ) ,
          columnBinary.rowCount );
      cellManager.setIndex( new RangeFloatIndex( floatValue , floatValue ) );
    case DOUBLE:
      double doubleValue = wrapBuffer.getDouble();
      cellManager = new ConstantCellManager(
          columnBinary.columnType ,
          new DoubleObj( doubleValue ) ,
          columnBinary.rowCount );
      cellManager.setIndex( new RangeDoubleIndex( doubleValue , doubleValue ) );
    case STRING:
      int stringLength = wrapBuffer.getInt();
      byte[] stringBytes = new byte[stringLength];
      wrapBuffer.get( stringBytes );
      cellManager = new ConstantCellManager(
          columnBinary.columnType ,
          new Utf8BytesLinkObj( stringBytes , 0 , stringBytes.length ) ,
          columnBinary.rowCount );
      String string = new String( stringBytes , 0 , stringBytes.length , "UTF-8" );
      cellManager.setIndex( new RangeStringIndex( string , string ) );
    case BYTES:
      int byteLength = wrapBuffer.getInt();
      byte[] byteBytes = new byte[byteLength];
      wrapBuffer.get( byteBytes );
      cellManager = new ConstantCellManager(
          columnBinary.columnType ,
          new BytesObj( byteBytes , 0 , byteBytes.length ) ,
          columnBinary.rowCount );
      throw new IOException( "Unknown primitive type." );
  IColumn result = new PrimitiveColumn( columnBinary.columnType , columnBinary.columnName );
  result.setCellManager( cellManager );
  return result;
Example 18
Source File:    From BIMserver with GNU Affero General Public License v3.0 4 votes vote down vote up
public static float byteArrayToFloat(byte[] value, int index) {
	ByteBuffer byteBuffer = ByteBuffer.wrap(value);
	return byteBuffer.getFloat(index);
Example 19
Source File:    From jforgame with Apache License 2.0 4 votes vote down vote up
public static float readFloat(ByteBuffer buf) {
	return buf.getFloat();
Example 20
Source File:    From iceberg with Apache License 2.0 4 votes vote down vote up
private static Object internalFromByteBuffer(Type type, ByteBuffer buffer) {
  if (buffer == null) {
    return null;

  ByteBuffer tmp = buffer.duplicate();
  if (type == Types.UUIDType.get() || type instanceof Types.DecimalType) {
  } else {
  switch (type.typeId()) {
    case BOOLEAN:
      return tmp.get() != 0x00;
    case INTEGER:
    case DATE:
      return tmp.getInt();
    case LONG:
    case TIME:
    case TIMESTAMP:
      if (tmp.remaining() < 8) {
        // type was later promoted to long
        return (long) tmp.getInt();
      return tmp.getLong();
    case FLOAT:
      return tmp.getFloat();
    case DOUBLE:
      if (tmp.remaining() < 8) {
        // type was later promoted to long
        return (double) tmp.getFloat();
      return tmp.getDouble();
    case STRING:
      try {
        return DECODER.get().decode(tmp);
      } catch (CharacterCodingException e) {
        throw new RuntimeIOException(e, "Failed to decode value as UTF-8: " + buffer);
    case UUID:
      long mostSigBits = tmp.getLong();
      long leastSigBits = tmp.getLong();
      return new UUID(mostSigBits, leastSigBits);
    case FIXED:
    case BINARY:
      return tmp;
    case DECIMAL:
      Types.DecimalType decimal = (Types.DecimalType) type;
      byte[] unscaledBytes = new byte[buffer.remaining()];
      return new BigDecimal(new BigInteger(unscaledBytes), decimal.scale());
      throw new UnsupportedOperationException("Cannot deserialize type: " + type);