Java Code Examples for htsjdk.variant.variantcontext.GenotypeBuilder#PL

The following examples show how to use htsjdk.variant.variantcontext.GenotypeBuilder#PL . You can vote up the ones you like or vote down the ones you don't like, and go to the original project or source file by following the links above each example. You may check out the related API usage on the sidebar.
Example 1
Source File:    From gatk with BSD 3-Clause "New" or "Revised" License 6 votes vote down vote up
Genotype createHomRefGenotype(final String sampleName, final boolean floorBlocks) {
    final GenotypeBuilder gb = new GenotypeBuilder(sampleName, Collections.nCopies(getPloidy(), getRef()));
    gb.noAD().noPL().noAttributes(); // clear all attributes

    final int[] minPLs = getMinPLs();
    final int[] minPPs = getMinPPs();
    if (!floorBlocks) {
        gb.GQ(GATKVariantContextUtils.calculateGQFromPLs(minPPs != null ? minPPs : minPLs));
        gb.attribute(GATKVCFConstants.MIN_DP_FORMAT_KEY, getMinDP());
    else {
    if (minPPs != null) {
        gb.attribute(GATKVCFConstants.PHRED_SCALED_POSTERIORS_KEY, Utils.listFromPrimitives(minPPs));

    return gb.make();
Example 2
Source File:    From picard with MIT License 4 votes vote down vote up
 * method to swap the reference and alt alleles of a bi-allelic, SNP
 * @param vc                   the {@link VariantContext} (bi-allelic SNP) that needs to have it's REF and ALT alleles swapped.
 * @param annotationsToReverse INFO field annotations (of double value) that will be reversed (x->1-x)
 * @param annotationsToDrop    INFO field annotations that will be dropped from the result since they are invalid when REF and ALT are swapped
 * @return a new {@link VariantContext} with alleles swapped, INFO fields modified and in the genotypes, GT, AD and PL corrected appropriately
public static VariantContext swapRefAlt(final VariantContext vc, final Collection<String> annotationsToReverse, final Collection<String> annotationsToDrop) {

    if (!vc.isBiallelic() || !vc.isSNP()) {
        throw new IllegalArgumentException("swapRefAlt can only process biallelic, SNPS, found " + vc.toString());

    final VariantContextBuilder swappedBuilder = new VariantContextBuilder(vc);

    swappedBuilder.attribute(SWAPPED_ALLELES, true);

    // Use getBaseString() (rather than the Allele itself) in order to create new Alleles with swapped
    // reference and non-variant attributes
    swappedBuilder.alleles(Arrays.asList(vc.getAlleles().get(1).getBaseString(), vc.getAlleles().get(0).getBaseString()));

    final Map<Allele, Allele> alleleMap = new HashMap<>();

    // A mapping from the old allele to the new allele, to be used when fixing the genotypes
    alleleMap.put(vc.getAlleles().get(0), swappedBuilder.getAlleles().get(1));
    alleleMap.put(vc.getAlleles().get(1), swappedBuilder.getAlleles().get(0));

    final GenotypesContext swappedGenotypes = GenotypesContext.create(vc.getGenotypes().size());
    for (final Genotype genotype : vc.getGenotypes()) {
        final List<Allele> swappedAlleles = new ArrayList<>();
        for (final Allele allele : genotype.getAlleles()) {
            if (allele.isNoCall()) {
            } else {
        // Flip AD
        final GenotypeBuilder builder = new GenotypeBuilder(genotype).alleles(swappedAlleles);
        if (genotype.hasAD() && genotype.getAD().length == 2) {
            final int[] ad = ArrayUtils.clone(genotype.getAD());
        } else {

        //Flip PL
        if (genotype.hasPL() && genotype.getPL().length == 3) {
            final int[] pl = ArrayUtils.clone(genotype.getPL());
        } else {

    for (final String key : vc.getAttributes().keySet()) {
        if (annotationsToDrop.contains(key)) {
        } else if (annotationsToReverse.contains(key) && !vc.getAttributeAsString(key, "").equals(VCFConstants.MISSING_VALUE_v4)) {
            final double attributeToReverse = vc.getAttributeAsDouble(key, -1);

            if (attributeToReverse < 0 || attributeToReverse > 1) {
                log.warn("Trying to reverse attribute " + key +
                        " but found value that isn't between 0 and 1: (" + attributeToReverse + ") in variant " + vc + ". Results might be wrong.");
            swappedBuilder.attribute(key, 1 - attributeToReverse);

    return swappedBuilder.make();