Java Code Examples for javafx.scene.canvas.Canvas#snapshot()

The following examples show how to use javafx.scene.canvas.Canvas#snapshot() . You can vote up the ones you like or vote down the ones you don't like, and go to the original project or source file by following the links above each example. You may check out the related API usage on the sidebar.
Example 1
Source File:    From gef with Eclipse Public License 2.0 7 votes vote down vote up
 * Creates a rectangular {@link Image} to visualize the given {@link Paint}.
 * @param width
 *            The width of the resulting {@link Image}.
 * @param height
 *            The height of the resulting {@link Image}.
 * @param paint
 *            The {@link Paint} to use for filling the {@link Image}.
 * @return The resulting (filled) {@link Image}.
public static ImageData getPaintImageData(int width, int height, Paint paint) {
	// use JavaFX canvas to render a rectangle with the given paint
	Canvas canvas = new Canvas(width, height);
	GraphicsContext graphicsContext = canvas.getGraphicsContext2D();
	graphicsContext.fillRect(0, 0, width, height);
	graphicsContext.strokeRect(0, 0, width, height);
	// handle transparent color separately (we want to differentiate it from
	// transparent fill)
	if (paint instanceof Color && ((Color) paint).getOpacity() == 0) {
		// draw a red line from bottom-left to top-right to indicate a
		// transparent fill color
		graphicsContext.strokeLine(0, height - 1, width, 1);
	WritableImage snapshot = canvas.snapshot(new SnapshotParameters(), null);
	return SWTFXUtils.fromFXImage(snapshot, null);
Example 2
Source File:    From Augendiagnose with GNU General Public License v2.0 7 votes vote down vote up
 * Resize an image to the given size.
 * @param baseImage The original image.
 * @param targetSize The target size.
 * @param allowGrowing flag indicating if the image is allowed to grow.
 * @return the resized image.
public static Image resizeImage(final Image baseImage, final int targetSize, final boolean allowGrowing) {
	if (baseImage == null || baseImage.getWidth() == 0 || baseImage.getHeight() == 0) {
		return baseImage;
	if (baseImage.getWidth() <= targetSize && baseImage.getHeight() <= targetSize && !allowGrowing) {
		return baseImage;
	int targetWidth;
	int targetHeight;
	if (baseImage.getWidth() > baseImage.getHeight()) {
		targetWidth = targetSize;
		targetHeight = (int) (targetSize * baseImage.getHeight() / baseImage.getWidth());
	else {
		targetWidth = (int) (targetSize * baseImage.getWidth() / baseImage.getHeight());
		targetHeight = targetSize;

	Canvas canvas = new Canvas(targetWidth, targetHeight);
	canvas.getGraphicsContext2D().drawImage(baseImage, 0, 0, targetWidth, targetHeight);
	return canvas.snapshot(null, null);
Example 3
Source File:    From chart-fx with Apache License 2.0 6 votes vote down vote up
public static void initalizeImage() {
    noisePixels = ByteBuffer.allocate(w * h * 4);
    noiseBuffer = new PixelBuffer<>(w, h, noisePixels, PixelFormat.getByteBgraPreInstance());
    testimage = new WritableImage(noiseBuffer);
    final Canvas noiseCanvas = new Canvas(w, h);
    final GraphicsContext noiseContext = noiseCanvas.getGraphicsContext2D();
    final byte[] randomArray = new byte[w * h * 4];
    new Random().nextBytes(randomArray);
    noiseContext.getPixelWriter().setPixels(0, 0, w, h, PixelFormat.getByteBgraInstance(), randomArray, 0, w);
    noiseCanvas.snapshot(null, testimage);

    final Canvas easyCanvas = new Canvas(w2, h2);
    final GraphicsContext easyContext = easyCanvas.getGraphicsContext2D();
    easyContext.strokeOval(20, 30, 40, 50);
    easyContext.strokeOval(30, 40, 50, 60);
    easyContext.strokeOval(40, 50, 60, 70);
    easyContext.strokeRect(0, 0, w2, h2);
    testimage2 = easyCanvas.snapshot(null, null);

Example 4
Source File:    From mcaselector with MIT License 6 votes vote down vote up
static void createMarkedChunksImage(Tile tile, int zoomLevel) {
	WritableImage wImage = new WritableImage(Tile.SIZE / zoomLevel, Tile.SIZE / zoomLevel);

	Canvas canvas = new Canvas(Tile.SIZE / (float) zoomLevel, Tile.SIZE / (float) zoomLevel);
	GraphicsContext ctx = canvas.getGraphicsContext2D();

	for (Point2i markedChunk : tile.markedChunks) {
		Point2i regionChunk = markedChunk.mod(Tile.SIZE_IN_CHUNKS);
		if (regionChunk.getX() < 0) {
			regionChunk.setX(regionChunk.getX() + Tile.SIZE_IN_CHUNKS);
		if (regionChunk.getY() < 0) {
			regionChunk.setY(regionChunk.getY() + Tile.SIZE_IN_CHUNKS);

		ctx.fillRect(regionChunk.getX() * Tile.CHUNK_SIZE / (float) zoomLevel, regionChunk.getY() * Tile.CHUNK_SIZE / (float) zoomLevel, Tile.CHUNK_SIZE / (float) zoomLevel, Tile.CHUNK_SIZE / (float) zoomLevel);

	SnapshotParameters params = new SnapshotParameters();

	canvas.snapshot(params, wImage);

	tile.markedChunksImage = wImage;
Example 5
Source File:    From chart-fx with Apache License 2.0 5 votes vote down vote up
public void setUp(@SuppressWarnings("unused") final Stage stage) {
    int w = 200;
    int h = 300;
    // generate test image with simple shapes
    final Canvas originalCanvas = new Canvas(w, h);
    final GraphicsContext originalContext = originalCanvas.getGraphicsContext2D();
    originalContext.strokeOval(20, 30, 40, 50);
    originalContext.strokeOval(30, 40, 50, 60);
    originalContext.strokeOval(40, 50, 60, 70);
    originalContext.strokeRect(0, 0, w, h);
    imageOvals = originalCanvas.snapshot(null, null);

    //generate test image with noise data (not very compressible)
    final Canvas noiseCanvas = new Canvas(600, 333);
    final GraphicsContext noiseContext = noiseCanvas.getGraphicsContext2D();
    byte[] randomArray = new byte[600 * 333 * 4];
    new Random().nextBytes(randomArray);
    noiseContext.getPixelWriter().setPixels(0, 0, 600, 333, PixelFormat.getByteBgraInstance(), randomArray, 0, 600);
    imageRandom = noiseCanvas.snapshot(null, null);

    // generate test image with minimal dimensions
    final Canvas onexoneCanvas = new Canvas(1, 1);
    final GraphicsContext onexoneContext = onexoneCanvas.getGraphicsContext2D();
    onexoneContext.getPixelWriter().setArgb(0, 0, 0xdeadbeef);
    image1x1 = onexoneCanvas.snapshot(null, null);
Example 6
Source File:    From MyBox with Apache License 2.0 5 votes vote down vote up
public static Image addArcFx2(Image image, int arc, Color bgColor) {
        try {
            if (image == null || arc <= 0) {
                return null;

            double imageWidth = image.getWidth(), imageHeight = image.getHeight();

            final Canvas canvas = new Canvas(imageWidth, imageHeight);
            final GraphicsContext g = canvas.getGraphicsContext2D();
            g.fillRect(0, 0, canvas.getWidth(), canvas.getHeight());
            g.drawImage(image, 0, 0);

            Rectangle clip = new Rectangle(imageWidth, imageHeight);
            SnapshotParameters parameters = new SnapshotParameters();
            WritableImage newImage = canvas.snapshot(parameters, null);
            return newImage;

        } catch (Exception e) {
//            logger.error(e.toString());
            return null;

Example 7
Source File:    From java-ml-projects with Apache License 2.0 5 votes vote down vote up
private BufferedImage getScaledImage(Canvas canvas) {
	// for a better recognition we should improve this part of how we retrieve the image from the canvas
	WritableImage writableImage = new WritableImage(CANVAS_WIDTH, CANVAS_HEIGHT);
	canvas.snapshot(null, writableImage);
	Image tmp =  SwingFXUtils.fromFXImage(writableImage, null).getScaledInstance(28, 28, Image.SCALE_SMOOTH);
	BufferedImage scaledImg = new BufferedImage(28, 28, BufferedImage.TYPE_BYTE_GRAY);
	Graphics graphics = scaledImg.getGraphics();
	graphics.drawImage(tmp, 0, 0, null);
	return scaledImg;
Example 8
Source File:    From FxDock with Apache License 2.0 5 votes vote down vote up
protected static Image createDragImage(FxDockPane client)
	SnapshotParameters sp = new SnapshotParameters();
	WritableImage im = client.snapshot(sp, null);

		return im;
	// include selected tab
	FxDockTabPane tp = (FxDockTabPane)DockTools.getParent(client);
	Node n = tp.lookup(".tab:selected");
	WritableImage tim = n.snapshot(sp, null);
	double dy = tim.getHeight();
	// must adjust for the tab
	deltay += dy;
	double w = Math.max(im.getWidth(), tim.getWidth());
	double h = im.getHeight() + dy;
	Canvas c = new Canvas(w, h);
	GraphicsContext g = c.getGraphicsContext2D();
	g.drawImage(tim, 0, 0);
	g.drawImage(im, 0, dy);
	return c.snapshot(sp, null);
Example 9
Source File:    From logbook-kai with MIT License 5 votes vote down vote up
 * キャラクターの画像を取得します(装飾無し、バックグラウンドでのロード)
 * @param chara キャラクター
 * @return 艦娘の画像
 * @throws IllegalStateException このメソッドがJavaFXアプリケーション・スレッド以外のスレッドで呼び出された場合
public static Image getBackgroundLoading(Chara chara) throws IllegalStateException {
    Image img = ShipImage.getBackgroundLoading(chara);
    if (img != null) {
        return img;
    Canvas canvas = new Canvas(160, 40);
    SnapshotParameters sp = new SnapshotParameters();
    return canvas.snapshot(sp, null);
Example 10
Source File:    From logbook-kai with MIT License 5 votes vote down vote up
 * 補給ゲージ(燃料・弾薬)を取得します
 * @param ship 艦娘
 * @return 補給ゲージ
static Image getSupplyGauge(Ship ship) {
    Canvas canvas = new Canvas(36, 12);
    GraphicsContext gc = canvas.getGraphicsContext2D();

    Optional<ShipMst> mstOpt = Ships.shipMst(ship);
    if (mstOpt.isPresent()) {
        double width = canvas.getWidth();

        ShipMst mst = mstOpt.get();
        double fuelPer = (double) ship.getFuel() / (double) mst.getFuelMax();
        double ammoPer = (double) ship.getBull() / (double) mst.getBullMax();

        gc.fillRect(0, 3, width, 2);

        gc.fillRect(0, 10, width, 2);

        Color fuelColor = fuelPer >= 0.5D ? Color.GREEN : fuelPer >= 0.4D ? Color.ORANGE : Color.RED;
        Color ammoColor = ammoPer >= 0.5D ? Color.SADDLEBROWN : ammoPer >= 0.4D ? Color.ORANGE : Color.RED;

        gc.fillRect(0, 0, width * fuelPer, 4);

        gc.fillRect(0, 7, width * ammoPer, 4);
    SnapshotParameters sp = new SnapshotParameters();

    return canvas.snapshot(sp, null);
Example 11
Source File:    From Augendiagnose with GNU General Public License v2.0 5 votes vote down vote up
 * Retrieve an overlay image.
 * @param overlayType
 *            The overlay type.
 * @param side
 *            The side of the eye.
 * @param color
 *            The overlay color.
 * @return The overlay image.
private static Image getOverlayImage(final int overlayType, final RightLeft side, final Color color) {
	URL imageUrl = ClassLoader.getSystemResource("overlay/" + getOverlayFileName(overlayType, side));

	Image image = new Image(imageUrl.toExternalForm());

	Canvas canvas = new Canvas(OVERLAY_SIZE, OVERLAY_SIZE);
	Color colorNoAlpha = new Color(color.getRed(), color.getGreen(), color.getBlue(), 1);

	Blend effect = new Blend(
			new ColorInput(

	// Type 2 is not changed in color.
	if (overlayType != 2) {
	canvas.getGraphicsContext2D().drawImage(image, 0, 0, OVERLAY_SIZE, OVERLAY_SIZE);
	SnapshotParameters parameters = new SnapshotParameters();

	return canvas.snapshot(parameters, null);
Example 12
Source File:    From Medusa with Apache License 2.0 4 votes vote down vote up
public static final ImagePattern createCarbonPattern() {
    final double          SIZE   = 12;
    final Canvas          CANVAS = new Canvas(SIZE, SIZE);
    final GraphicsContext CTX    = CANVAS.getGraphicsContext2D();

    CTX.setFill(new LinearGradient(0, 0, 0, 0.5 * SIZE,
                                   false, CycleMethod.NO_CYCLE,
                                   new Stop(0, Color.rgb(35, 35, 35)),
                                   new Stop(1, Color.rgb(23, 23, 23))));
    CTX.fillRect(0, 0, SIZE * 0.5, SIZE * 0.5);

    CTX.setFill(new LinearGradient(0, 0, 0, 0.416666 * SIZE,
                                   false, CycleMethod.NO_CYCLE,
                                   new Stop(0, Color.rgb(38, 38, 38)),
                                   new Stop(1, Color.rgb(30, 30, 30))));
    CTX.fillRect(SIZE * 0.083333, 0, SIZE * 0.333333, SIZE * 0.416666);

    CTX.setFill(new LinearGradient(0, 0.5 * SIZE, 0, SIZE,
                                   false, CycleMethod.NO_CYCLE,
                                   new Stop(0, Color.rgb(35, 35, 35)),
                                   new Stop(1, Color.rgb(23, 23, 23))));
    CTX.fillRect(SIZE * 0.5, SIZE * 0.5, SIZE * 0.5, SIZE * 0.5);

    CTX.setFill(new LinearGradient(0, 0.5 * SIZE, 0, 0.916666 * SIZE,
                                   false, CycleMethod.NO_CYCLE,
                                   new Stop(0, Color.rgb(38, 38, 38)),
                                   new Stop(1, Color.rgb(30, 30, 30))));
    CTX.fillRect(SIZE * 0.583333, SIZE * 0.5, SIZE * 0.333333, SIZE * 0.416666);

    CTX.setFill(new LinearGradient(0, 0, 0, 0.5 * SIZE,
                                   false, CycleMethod.NO_CYCLE,
                                   new Stop(0, Color.rgb(48, 48, 48)),
                                   new Stop(1, Color.rgb(40, 40, 40))));
    CTX.fillRect(SIZE * 0.5, 0, SIZE * 0.5, SIZE * 0.5);

    CTX.setFill(new LinearGradient(0, 0.083333 * SIZE, 0, 0.5 * SIZE,
                                   false, CycleMethod.NO_CYCLE,
                                   new Stop(0, Color.rgb(53, 53, 53)),
                                   new Stop(1, Color.rgb(45, 45, 45))));
    CTX.fillRect(SIZE * 0.583333, SIZE * 0.083333, SIZE * 0.333333, SIZE * 0.416666);

    CTX.setFill(new LinearGradient(0, 0.5 * SIZE, 0, SIZE,
                                   false, CycleMethod.NO_CYCLE,
                                   new Stop(0, Color.rgb(48, 48, 48)),
                                   new Stop(1, Color.rgb(40, 40, 40))));
    CTX.fillRect(0, SIZE * 0.5, SIZE * 0.5, SIZE * 0.5);

    CTX.setFill(new LinearGradient(0, 0.583333 * SIZE, 0, SIZE,
                                   false, CycleMethod.NO_CYCLE,
                                   new Stop(0, Color.rgb(53, 53, 53)),
                                   new Stop(1, Color.rgb(45, 45, 45))));
    CTX.fillRect(SIZE * 0.083333, SIZE * 0.583333, SIZE * 0.333333, SIZE * 0.416666);

    final Image        PATTERN_IMAGE = CANVAS.snapshot(new SnapshotParameters(), null);
    final ImagePattern PATTERN       = new ImagePattern(PATTERN_IMAGE, 0, 0, SIZE, SIZE, false);

    return PATTERN;
Example 13
Source File:    From FXyzLib with GNU General Public License v3.0 4 votes vote down vote up
public static final ImagePattern createCarbonPattern() {
    final double WIDTH = 12;
    final double HEIGHT = 12;
    final Canvas CANVAS = new Canvas(WIDTH, HEIGHT);
    final GraphicsContext CTX = CANVAS.getGraphicsContext2D();

    double offsetY = 0;

    CTX.rect(0, 0, WIDTH * 0.5, HEIGHT * 0.5);

    CTX.setFill(new LinearGradient(0, offsetY * HEIGHT,
            0, 0.5 * HEIGHT + offsetY * HEIGHT,
            false, CycleMethod.NO_CYCLE,
            new Stop(0, Color.rgb(35, 35, 35)),
            new Stop(1, Color.rgb(23, 23, 23))));

    CTX.rect(WIDTH * 0.083333, 0, WIDTH * 0.333333, HEIGHT * 0.416666);
    offsetY = 0;
    CTX.setFill(new LinearGradient(0, offsetY * HEIGHT,
            0, 0.416666 * HEIGHT + offsetY * HEIGHT,
            false, CycleMethod.NO_CYCLE,
            new Stop(0, Color.rgb(38, 38, 38)),
            new Stop(1, Color.rgb(30, 30, 30))));

    CTX.rect(WIDTH * 0.5, HEIGHT * 0.5, WIDTH * 0.5, HEIGHT * 0.5);
    offsetY = 0.5;
    CTX.setFill(new LinearGradient(0, offsetY * HEIGHT,
            0, 0.5 * HEIGHT + offsetY * HEIGHT,
            false, CycleMethod.NO_CYCLE,
            new Stop(0, Color.rgb(35, 35, 35)),
            new Stop(1, Color.rgb(23, 23, 23))));

    CTX.rect(WIDTH * 0.583333, HEIGHT * 0.5, WIDTH * 0.333333, HEIGHT * 0.416666);
    offsetY = 0.5;
    CTX.setFill(new LinearGradient(0, offsetY * HEIGHT,
            0, 0.416666 * HEIGHT + offsetY * HEIGHT,
            false, CycleMethod.NO_CYCLE,
            new Stop(0, Color.rgb(38, 38, 38)),
            new Stop(1, Color.rgb(30, 30, 30))));

    CTX.rect(WIDTH * 0.5, 0, WIDTH * 0.5, HEIGHT * 0.5);
    offsetY = 0;
    CTX.setFill(new LinearGradient(0, offsetY * HEIGHT,
            0, 0.5 * HEIGHT + offsetY * HEIGHT,
            false, CycleMethod.NO_CYCLE,
            new Stop(0, Color.rgb(48, 48, 48)),
            new Stop(1, Color.rgb(40, 40, 40))));

    CTX.rect(WIDTH * 0.583333, HEIGHT * 0.083333, WIDTH * 0.333333, HEIGHT * 0.416666);
    offsetY = 0.083333;
    CTX.setFill(new LinearGradient(0, offsetY * HEIGHT,
            0, 0.416666 * HEIGHT + offsetY * HEIGHT,
            false, CycleMethod.NO_CYCLE,
            new Stop(0, Color.rgb(53, 53, 53)),
            new Stop(1, Color.rgb(45, 45, 45))));

    CTX.rect(0, HEIGHT * 0.5, WIDTH * 0.5, HEIGHT * 0.5);
    offsetY = 0.5;
    CTX.setFill(new LinearGradient(0, offsetY * HEIGHT,
            0, 0.5 * HEIGHT + offsetY * HEIGHT,
            false, CycleMethod.NO_CYCLE,
            new Stop(0, Color.rgb(48, 48, 48)),
            new Stop(1, Color.rgb(40, 40, 40))));

    CTX.rect(WIDTH * 0.083333, HEIGHT * 0.583333, WIDTH * 0.333333, HEIGHT * 0.416666);
    offsetY = 0.583333;
    CTX.setFill(new LinearGradient(0, offsetY * HEIGHT,
            0, 0.416666 * HEIGHT + offsetY * HEIGHT,
            false, CycleMethod.NO_CYCLE,
            new Stop(0, Color.rgb(53, 53, 53)),
            new Stop(1, Color.rgb(45, 45, 45))));

    final Image PATTERN_IMAGE = CANVAS.snapshot(new SnapshotParameters(), null);
    final ImagePattern PATTERN = new ImagePattern(PATTERN_IMAGE, 0, 0, WIDTH, HEIGHT, false);

    return PATTERN;
Example 14
Source File:    From FXyzLib with GNU General Public License v3.0 4 votes vote down vote up
public static final ImagePattern createLightCarbonPattern() {
    final double WIDTH = 12;
    final double HEIGHT = 12;
    final Canvas CANVAS = new Canvas(WIDTH, HEIGHT);
    final GraphicsContext CTX = CANVAS.getGraphicsContext2D();

    double offsetY = 0;

    CTX.rect(0, 0, WIDTH * 0.5, HEIGHT * 0.5);

    CTX.setFill(new LinearGradient(0, offsetY * HEIGHT,
            0, 0.5 * HEIGHT + offsetY * HEIGHT,
            false, CycleMethod.NO_CYCLE,
            new Stop(0, Color.rgb(108, 108, 108)),
            new Stop(1, Color.rgb(100, 100, 100))));

    CTX.rect(WIDTH * 0.083333, 0, WIDTH * 0.333333, HEIGHT * 0.416666);
    offsetY = 0;
    CTX.setFill(new LinearGradient(0, offsetY * HEIGHT,
            0, 0.416666 * HEIGHT + offsetY * HEIGHT,
            false, CycleMethod.NO_CYCLE,
            new Stop(0, Color.rgb(142, 142, 142)),
            new Stop(1, Color.rgb(130, 130, 130))));

    CTX.rect(WIDTH * 0.5, HEIGHT * 0.5, WIDTH * 0.5, HEIGHT * 0.5);
    offsetY = 0.5;
    CTX.setFill(new LinearGradient(0, offsetY * HEIGHT,
            0, 0.5 * HEIGHT + offsetY * HEIGHT,
            false, CycleMethod.NO_CYCLE,
            new Stop(0, Color.rgb(108, 108, 108)),
            new Stop(1, Color.rgb(100, 100, 100))));

    CTX.rect(WIDTH * 0.583333, HEIGHT * 0.5, WIDTH * 0.333333, HEIGHT * 0.416666);
    offsetY = 0.5;
    CTX.setFill(new LinearGradient(0, offsetY * HEIGHT,
            0, 0.416666 * HEIGHT + offsetY * HEIGHT,
            false, CycleMethod.NO_CYCLE,
            new Stop(0, Color.rgb(142, 142, 142)),
            new Stop(1, Color.rgb(130, 130, 130))));

    CTX.rect(WIDTH * 0.5, 0, WIDTH * 0.5, HEIGHT * 0.5);
    offsetY = 0;
    CTX.setFill(new LinearGradient(0, offsetY * HEIGHT,
            0, 0.5 * HEIGHT + offsetY * HEIGHT,
            false, CycleMethod.NO_CYCLE,
            new Stop(0, Color.rgb(152, 152, 152)),
            new Stop(1, Color.rgb(146, 146, 146))));

    CTX.rect(WIDTH * 0.583333, HEIGHT * 0.083333, WIDTH * 0.333333, HEIGHT * 0.416666);
    offsetY = 0.083333;
    CTX.setFill(new LinearGradient(0, offsetY * HEIGHT,
            0, 0.416666 * HEIGHT + offsetY * HEIGHT,
            false, CycleMethod.NO_CYCLE,
            new Stop(0, Color.rgb(160, 160, 160)),
            new Stop(1, Color.rgb(152, 152, 152))));

    CTX.rect(0, HEIGHT * 0.5, WIDTH * 0.5, HEIGHT * 0.5);
    offsetY = 0.5;
    CTX.setFill(new LinearGradient(0, offsetY * HEIGHT,
            0, 0.5 * HEIGHT + offsetY * HEIGHT,
            false, CycleMethod.NO_CYCLE,
            new Stop(0, Color.rgb(152, 152, 152)),
            new Stop(1, Color.rgb(146, 146, 146))));

    CTX.rect(WIDTH * 0.083333, HEIGHT * 0.583333, WIDTH * 0.333333, HEIGHT * 0.416666);
    offsetY = 0.583333;
    CTX.setFill(new LinearGradient(0, offsetY * HEIGHT,
            0, 0.416666 * HEIGHT + offsetY * HEIGHT,
            false, CycleMethod.NO_CYCLE,
            new Stop(0, Color.rgb(160, 160, 160)),
            new Stop(1, Color.rgb(152, 152, 152))));

    final Image PATTERN_IMAGE = CANVAS.snapshot(new SnapshotParameters(), null);
    final ImagePattern PATTERN = new ImagePattern(PATTERN_IMAGE, 0, 0, WIDTH, HEIGHT, false);

    return PATTERN;
Example 15
Source File:    From FXyzLib with GNU General Public License v3.0 4 votes vote down vote up
public static final ImagePattern createCarbonKevlarPattern() {
    final double WIDTH = 12;
    final double HEIGHT = 12;
    final Canvas CANVAS = new Canvas(WIDTH, HEIGHT);
    final GraphicsContext CTX = CANVAS.getGraphicsContext2D();

    double offsetY = 0;
    /// 1= border=yellow=dark========================================================
    CTX.rect(0, 0, WIDTH * 0.5, HEIGHT * 0.5);

    CTX.setFill(new LinearGradient(0, offsetY * HEIGHT,
            0, 0.5 * HEIGHT + offsetY * HEIGHT,
            false, CycleMethod.NO_CYCLE,
            new Stop(0, Color.rgb(105, 105, 0)),
            new Stop(1, Color.rgb(98, 98, 0))));
    //  2=body=yellow==============================
    CTX.rect(WIDTH * 0.083333, 0, WIDTH * 0.333333, HEIGHT * 0.416666);
    offsetY = 0;
    CTX.setFill(new LinearGradient(0, offsetY * HEIGHT,
            0, 0.416666 * HEIGHT + offsetY * HEIGHT,
            false, CycleMethod.NO_CYCLE,
            new Stop(0, Color.rgb(138, 138, 0)),
            new Stop(1, Color.rgb(130, 130, 0))));
    //  3=border=yellow=dark=============================
    CTX.rect(WIDTH * 0.5, HEIGHT * 0.5, WIDTH * 0.5, HEIGHT * 0.5);
    offsetY = 0.5;
    CTX.setFill(new LinearGradient(0, offsetY * HEIGHT,
            0, 0.5 * HEIGHT + offsetY * HEIGHT,
            false, CycleMethod.NO_CYCLE,
            new Stop(0, Color.rgb(105, 105, 0)),
            new Stop(1, Color.rgb(98, 98, 0))));
    //  4=body=yellow============================================================
    CTX.rect(WIDTH * 0.583333, HEIGHT * 0.5, WIDTH * 0.333333, HEIGHT * 0.416666);
    offsetY = 0.5;
    CTX.setFill(new LinearGradient(0, offsetY * HEIGHT,
            0, 0.416666 * HEIGHT + offsetY * HEIGHT,
            false, CycleMethod.NO_CYCLE,
            new Stop(0, Color.rgb(138, 138, 0)),
            new Stop(1, Color.rgb(130, 130, 0))));
    //  5= border=gray=dark============================
    CTX.rect(WIDTH * 0.5, 0, WIDTH * 0.5, HEIGHT * 0.5);
    offsetY = 0;
    CTX.setFill(new LinearGradient(0, offsetY * HEIGHT,
            0, 0.5 * HEIGHT + offsetY * HEIGHT,
            false, CycleMethod.NO_CYCLE,
            new Stop(0, Color.rgb(48, 48, 48)),
            new Stop(1, Color.rgb(30, 30, 30))));
    //  6=body=gray=============================
    CTX.rect(WIDTH * 0.583333, HEIGHT * 0.083333, WIDTH * 0.333333, HEIGHT * 0.416666);
    offsetY = 0.083333;
    CTX.setFill(new LinearGradient(0, offsetY * HEIGHT,
            0, 0.416666 * HEIGHT + offsetY * HEIGHT,
            false, CycleMethod.NO_CYCLE,
            new Stop(0, Color.rgb(53, 53, 53)),
            new Stop(1, Color.rgb(45, 45, 45))));
    //  7= border=gray=dark=============================
    CTX.rect(0, HEIGHT * 0.5, WIDTH * 0.5, HEIGHT * 0.5);
    offsetY = 0.5;
    CTX.setFill(new LinearGradient(0, offsetY * HEIGHT,
            0, 0.5 * HEIGHT + offsetY * HEIGHT,
            false, CycleMethod.NO_CYCLE,
            new Stop(0, Color.rgb(48, 48, 48)),
            new Stop(1, Color.rgb(40, 40, 40))));
    //  8= body=gray=light==============================
    CTX.rect(WIDTH * 0.083333, HEIGHT * 0.583333, WIDTH * 0.333333, HEIGHT * 0.416666);
    offsetY = 0.583333;
    CTX.setFill(new LinearGradient(0, offsetY * HEIGHT,
            0, 0.416666 * HEIGHT + offsetY * HEIGHT,
            false, CycleMethod.NO_CYCLE,
            new Stop(0, Color.rgb(53, 53, 53)),
            new Stop(1, Color.rgb(45, 45, 45))));

    final Image PATTERN_IMAGE = CANVAS.snapshot(new SnapshotParameters(), null);
    final ImagePattern PATTERN = new ImagePattern(PATTERN_IMAGE, 0, 0, WIDTH, HEIGHT, false);

    return PATTERN;
Example 16
Source File:    From Augendiagnose with GNU General Public License v2.0 4 votes vote down vote up
 * Retrieve an overlay image, warped due to pupil size and position.
 * @param overlayType
 *            The overlay type.
 * @param side
 *            The side of the eye.
 * @param color
 *            The overlay color.
 * @param pupilXOffset
 *            The horizontal offset of the pupil.
 * @param pupilYOffset
 *            The vertical offset of the pupil.
 * @param pupilSize
 *            The relative size of the pupil.
 * @return The overlay image.
private static Image getOverlayImage(final int overlayType, final RightLeft side, final Color color,
		final float pupilXOffset, final float pupilYOffset, final float pupilSize) {
	if (mCachedOverlayType != null && overlayType == mCachedOverlayType // BOOLEAN_EXPRESSION_COMPLEXITY
			&& side == mCachedOverlaySide && color.equals(mCachedOverlayColor)
			&& pupilXOffset == mCachedPupilXOffset && pupilYOffset == mCachedPupilYOffset && pupilSize == mCachedPupilSize) {
		return mCachedOverlay;

	Image originalImage = getOverlayImage(overlayType, side, color);
	Canvas canvas = new Canvas(OVERLAY_SIZE, OVERLAY_SIZE);

	int overlayHalfSize = OVERLAY_SIZE / 2;
	int irisRadius = (int) (OVERLAY_CIRCLE_RATIO * overlayHalfSize);
	long irisRadiusSquare = irisRadius * irisRadius;
	float pupilXCenter = OVERLAY_SIZE * OVERLAY_CIRCLE_RATIO * pupilXOffset / (1 - pupilSize);
	float pupilYCenter = OVERLAY_SIZE * OVERLAY_CIRCLE_RATIO * pupilYOffset / (1 - pupilSize);
	float origPupilSize = ORIG_PUPIL_SIZES[overlayType];
	float linTransM = pupilSize == 1 ? 0 : (1 - origPupilSize) / (1 - pupilSize);
	float linTransB = 1 - linTransM;

	FloatMap floatMap = new FloatMap(OVERLAY_SIZE, OVERLAY_SIZE);
	for (int x = 0; x < OVERLAY_SIZE; x++) {
		int xPos = x - overlayHalfSize;
		float xPosP = xPos - pupilXCenter;

		for (int y = 0; y < OVERLAY_SIZE; y++) {
			int yPos = y - overlayHalfSize;
			float yPosP = yPos - pupilYCenter;

			long centerDistSquare = xPos * xPos + yPos * yPos;
			float pupilCenterDistSquare = xPosP * xPosP + yPosP * yPosP;

			if (centerDistSquare >= irisRadiusSquare) {
				floatMap.setSamples(x, y, 0, 0);
			else if (pupilCenterDistSquare == 0) {
				floatMap.setSamples(x, y, -xPos / OVERLAY_SIZE, -yPos / OVERLAY_SIZE);
			else {
				// Determine corresponding iris boundary point via quadratic equation
				float plusMinusTerm = (float) Math.sqrt(2 * xPosP * yPosP * pupilXCenter * pupilYCenter
						+ irisRadius * irisRadius * pupilCenterDistSquare
						- (pupilXCenter * pupilXCenter * yPosP * yPosP)
						- (pupilYCenter * pupilYCenter * xPosP * xPosP));

				float xBound = (yPosP * yPosP * pupilXCenter - yPosP * xPosP * pupilYCenter + xPosP * plusMinusTerm) / pupilCenterDistSquare;
				float yBound = (xPosP * xPosP * pupilYCenter - xPosP * yPosP * pupilXCenter + yPosP * plusMinusTerm) / pupilCenterDistSquare;

				// distance of the current point from the center - 1 corresponds to iris boundary
				float relativeDistance = (float) Math.sqrt(pupilCenterDistSquare
						/ ((xBound - pupilXCenter) * (xBound - pupilXCenter) + (yBound - pupilYCenter) * (yBound - pupilYCenter)));

				float sourceRelativeDistance = linTransM * relativeDistance + linTransB;
				if (relativeDistance < pupilSize) {
					sourceRelativeDistance -= linTransB * Math.pow(1 - relativeDistance / pupilSize, 1.1f); // MAGIC_NUMBER

				float sourceX = xBound * sourceRelativeDistance;
				float sourceY = yBound * sourceRelativeDistance;

				floatMap.setSamples(x, y, (sourceX - xPos) / OVERLAY_SIZE, (sourceY - yPos) / OVERLAY_SIZE);

	DisplacementMap displacementMap = new DisplacementMap(floatMap);
	canvas.getGraphicsContext2D().drawImage(originalImage, 0, 0, OVERLAY_SIZE, OVERLAY_SIZE);

	SnapshotParameters parameters = new SnapshotParameters();

	mCachedOverlay = canvas.snapshot(parameters, null);
	mCachedOverlayType = overlayType;
	mCachedOverlaySide = side;
	mCachedOverlayColor = color;
	mCachedPupilSize = pupilSize;
	mCachedPupilXOffset = pupilXOffset;
	mCachedPupilYOffset = pupilYOffset;
	return mCachedOverlay;