Java Code Examples for gnu.trove.set.TIntSet#iterator()

The following examples show how to use gnu.trove.set.TIntSet#iterator() . You can vote up the ones you like or vote down the ones you don't like, and go to the original project or source file by following the links above each example. You may check out the related API usage on the sidebar.
Example 1
Source File:    From JedAIToolkit with Apache License 2.0 6 votes vote down vote up
private void executeDirtyErComparisons(int attributeId, TIntSet coOccurringAttrs) {
    for (TIntIterator sigIterator = coOccurringAttrs.iterator(); sigIterator.hasNext();) {
        int neighborId =;
        if (neighborId <= attributeId) { // avoid repeated comparisons & comparison with attributeId

        float similarity = attributeModels[DATASET_1][attributeId].getSimilarity(attributeModels[DATASET_1][neighborId]);
        if (globalMaxSimilarities[attributeId] < similarity) {
            globalMaxSimilarities[attributeId] = similarity;

        if (globalMaxSimilarities[neighborId] < similarity) {
            globalMaxSimilarities[neighborId] = similarity;
Example 2
Source File:    From ambiverse-nlu with Apache License 2.0 5 votes vote down vote up
private static TIntObjectHashMap<String> getUsedWords(TIntSet usedTokens, TIntObjectHashMap<String> idsWords) {
  TIntObjectHashMap<String> usedWords = new TIntObjectHashMap<>();
  for (TIntIterator itr = usedTokens.iterator(); itr.hasNext(); ) {
    int usedToken =;
    usedWords.put(usedToken, idsWords.get(usedToken));
  return usedWords;
Example 3
Source File:    From ambiverse-nlu with Apache License 2.0 5 votes vote down vote up
public static TIntIntHashMap getKeywordDocumentFrequencies(TIntSet keywords) throws EntityLinkingDataAccessException {
  logger.debug("Get keyword-document frequencies.");
  Integer runId = RunningTimer.recordStartTime("DataAccess:KWDocFreq");
  TIntIntHashMap keywordCounts = new TIntIntHashMap((int) (keywords.size() / Constants.DEFAULT_LOAD_FACTOR));
  for (TIntIterator itr = keywords.iterator(); itr.hasNext(); ) {
    int keywordId =;
    int count = DataAccessCache.singleton().getKeywordCount(keywordId);
    keywordCounts.put(keywordId, count);
  RunningTimer.recordEndTime("DataAccess:KWDocFreq", runId);
  return keywordCounts;
Example 4
Source File:    From ambiverse-nlu with Apache License 2.0 5 votes vote down vote up
public static TIntIntHashMap getUnitDocumentFrequencies(TIntSet keywords, UnitType unitType) throws EntityLinkingDataAccessException {
  logger.debug("Get Unit-document frequencies.");
  Integer runId = RunningTimer.recordStartTime("DataAccess:KWDocFreq");
  TIntIntHashMap keywordCounts = new TIntIntHashMap((int) (keywords.size() / Constants.DEFAULT_LOAD_FACTOR));
  for (TIntIterator itr = keywords.iterator(); itr.hasNext(); ) {
    int keywordId =;
    int count = DataAccessCache.singleton().getUnitCount(keywordId, unitType);
    keywordCounts.put(keywordId, count);
  RunningTimer.recordEndTime("DataAccess:KWDocFreq", runId);
  return keywordCounts;
Example 5
Source File:    From ambiverse-nlu with Apache License 2.0 5 votes vote down vote up
private Configuration getRandomConfiguration(Graph g, Map<Integer, Integer> solution, float mentionFlipPercentage) {
  Configuration flippedConfiguration = new Configuration();

  // Solution has at least 2 mentions, other case is handled in estimate().
  // Decide number of mentions to switch - at least 1, at most 20%.
  int mentionSize = Math.round(solution.size() * mentionFlipPercentage);
  mentionSize = Math.max(1, mentionSize);
  int numFlips = Math.max(1, random_.nextInt(mentionSize));
  TIntSet flipCandidates = getFlipCandidates(g, solution);
  TIntSet flippedMentions = getRandomElements(flipCandidates, numFlips);
  flippedConfiguration.flippedMentions_ = flippedMentions;
  Map<Integer, Integer> flippedSolution = new HashMap<Integer, Integer>(solution);
  for (TIntIterator itr = flippedMentions.iterator(); itr.hasNext(); ) {
    int mentionId =;
    TIntDoubleHashMap entityCandidates = new TIntDoubleHashMap(getConnectedEntitiesWithScores(g_, mentionId));
    // Remove correct solution from candidates - it should not be chosen
    // when flipping.
    // Put placeholder if resembling a missing entity (will not contribute
    // to coherence at all).
    Integer flippedEntity = -1;
    if (entityCandidates.size() > 0) {
      TIntDoubleHashMap entityCandidateProbabilities = CollectionUtils.normalizeValuesToSum(entityCandidates);
      flippedEntity = getRandomEntity(mentionId, entityCandidateProbabilities, random_);
    flippedSolution.put(mentionId, flippedEntity);
  flippedConfiguration.mapping_ = flippedSolution;
  // Store active nodes in graph for faster lookup.
  flippedConfiguration.presentGraphNodes_ = new TIntHashSet();
  for (Entry<Integer, Integer> entry : flippedSolution.entrySet()) {
  //    logger_.debug("Flipped " + flippedMentions.size() + " mentions: " +
  //                  flippedMentions);
  return flippedConfiguration;
Example 6
Source File:    From JedAIToolkit with Apache License 2.0 5 votes vote down vote up
private void connectCleanCleanErComparisons(int attributeId, TIntSet coOccurringAttrs, UndirectedGraph similarityGraph) {
    for (TIntIterator sigIterator = coOccurringAttrs.iterator(); sigIterator.hasNext();) {
        int neighborId =;

        int normalizedNeighborId = neighborId + attributesDelimiter;
        float similarity = attributeModels[DATASET_1][attributeId].getSimilarity(attributeModels[DATASET_2][neighborId]);
        if (a * globalMaxSimilarities[attributeId] < similarity
                || a * globalMaxSimilarities[normalizedNeighborId] < similarity) {
            similarityGraph.addEdge(attributeId, normalizedNeighborId);
Example 7
Source File:    From JedAIToolkit with Apache License 2.0 5 votes vote down vote up
private void connectDirtyErComparisons(int attributeId, TIntSet coOccurringAttrs, UndirectedGraph similarityGraph) {
    for (TIntIterator sigIterator = coOccurringAttrs.iterator(); sigIterator.hasNext();) {
        int neighborId =;
        if (neighborId <= attributeId) { // avoid repeated comparisons & comparison with attributeId

        float similarity = attributeModels[DATASET_1][attributeId].getSimilarity(attributeModels[DATASET_1][neighborId]);
        if (a * globalMaxSimilarities[attributeId] < similarity
                || a * globalMaxSimilarities[neighborId] < similarity) {
            similarityGraph.addEdge(attributeId, neighborId);
Example 8
Source File:    From JedAIToolkit with Apache License 2.0 5 votes vote down vote up
private void executeCleanCleanErComparisons(int attributeId, TIntSet coOccurringAttrs) {
    for (TIntIterator sigIterator = coOccurringAttrs.iterator(); sigIterator.hasNext();) {
        int neighborId =;

        int normalizedNeighborId = neighborId + attributesDelimiter;
        float similarity = attributeModels[DATASET_1][attributeId].getSimilarity(attributeModels[DATASET_2][neighborId]);
        if (globalMaxSimilarities[attributeId] < similarity) {
            globalMaxSimilarities[attributeId] = similarity;

        if (globalMaxSimilarities[normalizedNeighborId] < similarity) {
            globalMaxSimilarities[normalizedNeighborId] = similarity;