Java Code Examples for

The following examples show how to use . You can vote up the ones you like or vote down the ones you don't like, and go to the original project or source file by following the links above each example. You may check out the related API usage on the sidebar.
Example 1
Source File:    From ProjectAres with GNU Affero General Public License v3.0 5 votes vote down vote up
public void display(Audience audience, Collection<? extends T> results, int page) {
    if(results.isEmpty()) {
        audience.sendMessage(new WarningComponent("command.error.emptyResult"));

    final int pages = Numbers.divideRoundingUp(results.size(), perPage);

    if(page < 1 || page > pages) {
        audience.sendMessage(new WarningComponent("command.error.invalidPage", String.valueOf(page), String.valueOf(pages)));

    final int start = perPage * (page - 1);
    final int end = Math.min(perPage * page, results.size());

    audience.sendMessage(header(page, pages));

    if(results instanceof List) {
        List<? extends T> list = (List<? extends T>) results;
        for (int index = start; index < end; index++) {
            audience.sendMessages(multiEntry(list.get(index), index));
    } else {
        final Iterator<? extends T> iterator = results.iterator();
        for(int index = Iterators.advance(iterator, start); index < end; index++) {
            audience.sendMessages(multiEntry(, index));
Example 2
Source File:    From c5-replicator with Apache License 2.0 5 votes vote down vote up
 * Lazily advance the passed Iterator the given number of times. A lazy variant of
 * {@link}
 * @return A new Iterator object representing the given Iterator advanced a specified
 * number of times, calling the given Iterator's next() method when needed.
public static <T> Iterator<T> advanced(Iterator<T> backingIterator, int numberToAdvance) {
  return new Iterator<T>() {
    private boolean advanced;

    public boolean hasNext() {
      return backingIterator.hasNext();

    public T next() {

    public void remove() {

    private void lazilyAdvance() {
      if (!advanced) {
        Iterators.advance(backingIterator, numberToAdvance);
        advanced = true;
Example 3
Source File:    From wicket-orientdb with Apache License 2.0 5 votes vote down vote up
public Iterator<? extends T> iterator(long first, long count) {
	Collection<T> data =dataModel.getObject();
	if(data==null || data.size()==0) return Collections.emptyIterator();
	if(filterPredicate!=null) data = Collections2.filter(data, filterPredicate); 
	Iterator<T> it;
	final SortParam<S> sortParam = getSort();
	if(sortParam!=null && sortParam.getProperty()!=null)
		Ordering<T> ordering = Ordering.natural().nullsFirst().onResultOf(new Function<T, Comparable<?>>() {

			public Comparable<?> apply(T input) {
				return comparableValue(input, sortParam.getProperty());
		if(!sortParam.isAscending()) ordering = ordering.reverse();
	if(filterPredicate!=null) it = Iterators.filter(it, filterPredicate);
	if(first>0) Iterators.advance(it, (int)first);
	return count>=0?Iterators.limit(it, (int)count):it;
Example 4
Source File:    From stratio-cassandra with Apache License 2.0 5 votes vote down vote up
static ByteBuffer getListItem(Iterator<Cell> iter, int index) throws InvalidRequestException
    int adv = Iterators.advance(iter, index);
    if (adv == index && iter.hasNext())
        return null;
Example 5
Source File:    From jimfs with Apache License 2.0 5 votes vote down vote up
public void testDirectoryAccessAndModifiedTimeUpdates() throws IOException {
  FileTimeTester tester = new FileTimeTester(path("/foo/bar"));

  // TODO(cgdecker): Use a Clock for file times so I can test this reliably without sleeping
  Uninterruptibles.sleepUninterruptibly(1, MILLISECONDS);


  Uninterruptibles.sleepUninterruptibly(1, MILLISECONDS);
  // access time is updated by reading the full contents of the directory
  // not just by doing a lookup in it
  try (DirectoryStream<Path> stream = Files.newDirectoryStream(path("/foo/bar"))) {
    // iterate the stream, forcing the directory to actually be read
    Iterators.advance(stream.iterator(), Integer.MAX_VALUE);


  Uninterruptibles.sleepUninterruptibly(1, MILLISECONDS);
  Files.move(path("/foo/bar/baz.txt"), path("/foo/bar/baz2.txt"));


  Uninterruptibles.sleepUninterruptibly(1, MILLISECONDS);

Example 6
Source File:    From emodb with Apache License 2.0 4 votes vote down vote up
public void testPartialCompactionWithNoRedundancy() throws Exception {
    InMemoryDataReaderDAO dataDao = new InMemoryDataReaderDAO();
    InMemoryTableDAO tableDao = new InMemoryTableDAO();

    DefaultDataStore store = new DefaultDataStore(new DatabusEventWriterRegistry(), tableDao, dataDao, dataDao,
            new NullSlowQueryLog(), new DiscardingExecutorService(), new InMemoryHistoryStore(),
            Optional.<URI>absent(),  new InMemoryCompactionControlSource(), Conditions.alwaysFalse(),
            new DiscardingAuditWriter(), new InMemoryMapStore<>(), new MetricRegistry(), Clock.systemUTC());

    TableOptions options = new TableOptionsBuilder().setPlacement("default").build();
    store.createTable(TABLE, options, Collections.<String, Object>emptyMap(), newAudit("create table"));
    Table table = tableDao.get(TABLE);

    // Set the full consistency timestamp before the first delta

    // Create an update where there are no redundant deltas
    DeltaClusteringKey unique0 = new DeltaClusteringKey(TimeUUIDs.uuidForTimeMillis(1408977310000L), 1);
    DeltaClusteringKey unique1 = new DeltaClusteringKey(TimeUUIDs.uuidForTimeMillis(1408977320000L), 1);
    DeltaClusteringKey unique2 = new DeltaClusteringKey(TimeUUIDs.uuidForTimeMillis(1408977330000L), 1);
    DeltaClusteringKey unique3 = new DeltaClusteringKey(TimeUUIDs.uuidForTimeMillis(1408977340000L), 1);

    store.update(TABLE, KEY, unique0.getChangeId(), Deltas.fromString("{\"name\":\"Bob\"}"), newAudit("submit"), WriteConsistency.STRONG);
    store.update(TABLE, KEY, unique1.getChangeId(), Deltas.fromString("{\"name\":\"Carol\"}"), newAudit("resubmit"), WriteConsistency.STRONG);
    store.update(TABLE, KEY, unique2.getChangeId(), Deltas.fromString("{\"name\":\"Ted\"}"), newAudit("resubmit"), WriteConsistency.STRONG);
    store.update(TABLE, KEY, unique3.getChangeId(), Deltas.fromString("{\"name\":\"Alice\"}"), newAudit("resubmit"), WriteConsistency.STRONG);

    // Set the full consistency timestamp such that no compaction will take place
    store.compact(TABLE, KEY, null, ReadConsistency.STRONG, WriteConsistency.STRONG);

    Record record = Key(table, KEY), ReadConsistency.STRONG);
    assertEquals(ImmutableList.of(unique0, unique1, unique2, unique3), toClusteringKeys(record.passTwoIterator()));

    // Set the full consistency timestamp so that only the first records are compacted
    store.compact(TABLE, KEY, null, ReadConsistency.STRONG, WriteConsistency.STRONG);

    record = Key(table, KEY), ReadConsistency.STRONG);
    Map.Entry<DeltaClusteringKey, Compaction> compactionEntry = Iterators.getOnlyElement(record.passOneIterator());
    Compaction compaction = compactionEntry.getValue();
    assertEquals(unique0.getChangeId(), compaction.getFirst());
    assertEquals(unique1.getChangeId(), compaction.getCutoff());
    assertEquals(unique1.getChangeId(), compaction.getLastMutation());
    // Deltas will not get deleted since compaction is still out of FCT. For this test, we don't need the deltas to be deleted.
    assertEquals(toClusteringKeys(record.passTwoIterator()), ImmutableList.of(unique0, unique1, unique2, unique3, compactionEntry.getKey()));

    // Repeat again such that all deltas are compacted
    dataDao.setFullConsistencyTimestamp(TimeUUIDs.getTimeMillis(TimeUUIDs.getNext(compactionEntry.getKey().getChangeId())) + 2000L);
    store.compact(TABLE, KEY, null, ReadConsistency.STRONG, WriteConsistency.STRONG);

    record = Key(table, KEY), ReadConsistency.STRONG);

    // We still keep the last compaction around since the new owning compaction will be out of FCT.
    int numOfCompactions = Iterators.advance(record.passOneIterator(), 10);
    assertEquals(numOfCompactions, 2, "Expect 2 compactions. The more recent is the effective one, " +
            "but we defer the owned compaction until later");
    DeltaClusteringKey oldCompactionKey = compactionEntry.getKey();
    record = Key(table, KEY), ReadConsistency.STRONG);

    Map.Entry<DeltaClusteringKey, Compaction> latestCompactionEntry = Iterators.getOnlyElement(
            Iterators.filter(record.passOneIterator(), input -> !input.getKey().equals(oldCompactionKey)));
    compaction = latestCompactionEntry.getValue();
    assertEquals(unique0.getChangeId(), compaction.getFirst());
    assertEquals(unique3.getChangeId(), compaction.getCutoff());
    assertEquals(unique3.getChangeId(), compaction.getLastMutation());
    assertEquals(toClusteringKeys(record.passTwoIterator()), ImmutableList.of(unique2, unique3, oldCompactionKey, latestCompactionEntry.getKey()),
            "Expecting unique2, and unique3 deltas");
Example 7
Source File:    From emodb with Apache License 2.0 4 votes vote down vote up
public void testPartialCompactionWithRedundancy() throws Exception {
    InMemoryDataReaderDAO dataDao = new InMemoryDataReaderDAO();
    InMemoryTableDAO tableDao = new InMemoryTableDAO();

    DefaultDataStore store = new DefaultDataStore(new DatabusEventWriterRegistry(), tableDao, dataDao, dataDao,
            new NullSlowQueryLog(), new DiscardingExecutorService(), new InMemoryHistoryStore(),
            Optional.<URI>absent(),  new InMemoryCompactionControlSource(), Conditions.alwaysFalse(),
            new DiscardingAuditWriter(), new InMemoryMapStore<>(), new MetricRegistry(), Clock.systemUTC());

    TableOptions options = new TableOptionsBuilder().setPlacement("default").build();
    store.createTable(TABLE, options, Collections.<String, Object>emptyMap(), newAudit("create table"));
    Table table = tableDao.get(TABLE);

    // Set the full consistency timestamp before the first delta

    // Create an update where the last four updates are redundant
    UUID unique0 = TimeUUIDs.uuidForTimeMillis(1408977310000L);
    UUID unique1 = TimeUUIDs.uuidForTimeMillis(1408977320000L);
    UUID redund0 = TimeUUIDs.uuidForTimeMillis(1408977330000L);
    UUID redund1 = TimeUUIDs.uuidForTimeMillis(1408977340000L);
    UUID redund2 = TimeUUIDs.uuidForTimeMillis(1408977350000L);
    UUID redund3 = TimeUUIDs.uuidForTimeMillis(1408977360000L);

    store.update(TABLE, KEY, unique0, Deltas.fromString("{\"name\":\"Bob\"}"), newAudit("submit"), WriteConsistency.STRONG);
    store.update(TABLE, KEY, unique1, Deltas.fromString("{\"name\":\"Ted\"}"), newAudit("resubmit"), WriteConsistency.STRONG);
    store.update(TABLE, KEY, redund0, Deltas.fromString("{\"name\":\"Ted\"}"), newAudit("resubmit"), WriteConsistency.STRONG);
    store.update(TABLE, KEY, redund1, Deltas.fromString("{\"name\":\"Ted\"}"), newAudit("resubmit"), WriteConsistency.STRONG);
    store.update(TABLE, KEY, redund2, Deltas.fromString("{\"name\":\"Ted\"}"), newAudit("resubmit"), WriteConsistency.STRONG);
    store.update(TABLE, KEY, redund3, Deltas.fromString("{\"name\":\"Ted\"}"), newAudit("resubmit"), WriteConsistency.STRONG);

    // Set the full consistency timestamp such that no compaction will take place
    store.compact(TABLE, KEY, null, ReadConsistency.STRONG, WriteConsistency.STRONG);

    Record record = Key(table, KEY), ReadConsistency.STRONG);
    assertEquals(ImmutableList.of(unique0, unique1, redund0, redund1, redund2, redund3), toChangeIds(record.passTwoIterator()));

    // Set the full consistency timestamp so that only the first two redundant records are compacted
    store.compact(TABLE, KEY, null, ReadConsistency.STRONG, WriteConsistency.STRONG);

    record = Key(table, KEY), ReadConsistency.STRONG);
    Map.Entry<DeltaClusteringKey, Compaction> compactionEntry = Iterators.getOnlyElement(record.passOneIterator());
    Compaction compaction = compactionEntry.getValue();
    assertEquals(unique0, compaction.getFirst());
    assertEquals(redund1, compaction.getCutoff());
    assertEquals(unique1, compaction.getLastMutation());
    assertEquals(ImmutableList.of(unique0, unique1, redund0, redund1, redund2, redund3, compactionEntry.getKey().getChangeId()), toChangeIds(record.passTwoIterator()));

    assertRedundantDelta(store, TABLE, KEY, redund0);
    assertRedundantDelta(store, TABLE, KEY, redund1);
    assertRedundantDelta(store, TABLE, KEY, redund2);
    assertRedundantDelta(store, TABLE, KEY, redund3);

    // Repeat again such that all deltas are compacted
    dataDao.setFullConsistencyTimestamp(TimeUUIDs.getTimeMillis(TimeUUIDs.getNext(compactionEntry.getKey().getChangeId())) + 2000L);
    store.compact(TABLE, KEY, null, ReadConsistency.STRONG, WriteConsistency.STRONG);

    record = Key(table, KEY), ReadConsistency.STRONG);

    // We still keep the last compaction around since the new owning compaction will be out of FCT.
    int numOfCompactions = Iterators.advance(record.passOneIterator(), 10);
    assertEquals(numOfCompactions, 2, "Expect 2 compactions. The more recent is the effective one, " +
            "but we defer the owned compaction until later");
    UUID oldCompactionKey = compactionEntry.getKey().getChangeId();
    Map.Entry<DeltaClusteringKey, Compaction> latestCompactionEntry = Iterators.getOnlyElement(
            Iterators.filter(record.passOneIterator(), input -> !input.getKey().getChangeId().equals(oldCompactionKey)));
    compaction = latestCompactionEntry.getValue();
    assertEquals(unique0, compaction.getFirst());
    assertEquals(redund3, compaction.getCutoff());
    assertEquals(unique1, compaction.getLastMutation());
    assertEquals(ImmutableList.of(redund2, redund3, oldCompactionKey, latestCompactionEntry.getKey().getChangeId()), toChangeIds(record.passTwoIterator()));

    assertRedundantDelta(store, TABLE, KEY, redund0);
    assertRedundantDelta(store, TABLE, KEY, redund1);
    assertRedundantDelta(store, TABLE, KEY, redund2);
    assertRedundantDelta(store, TABLE, KEY, redund3);
Example 8
Source File:    From emodb with Apache License 2.0 4 votes vote down vote up
 * If a row gets compacted after a long time, then it is possible that we will try to archive a lot of deltas.
 * In this scenario, it is possible that the collective delta history we will be trying to write out to Cassandra
 * will exceed the thrift limit. We should give up on archiving delta history in that scenario.
public void testDeltaHistoryDisabledIfTooLarge() {
    // Add a delta that is 1MB, which is small enough to pass the delta size test.
    // Then, add very small deltas 10 times, which means it will be over 10 MB thrift limit by the time of compaction,
    // and delta history should be disabled

    // Setup
    MetricRegistry metricRegistry = new MetricRegistry();
    MultiDCDataStores allDCs = new MultiDCDataStores(1, metricRegistry);
    DataStore dc1 = allDCs.dc(0);
    InMemoryDataReaderDAO dao1 = allDCs.dao(0);
    // Reset the archivedDeltaSize static counter to zero - This may have accrued some value due to our use of
    // DiscardingExecutorService in other tests.
    TableOptions options = new TableOptionsBuilder().setPlacement("default").build();
    dc1.createTable(TABLE, options, Collections.<String, Object>emptyMap(), newAudit("create table"));

    long bufferSize = 1 * 1024L * 1024L; // 1 MB
    StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder((int) bufferSize);
    for (int i=0; i < bufferSize; i++) {
    dc1.update(TABLE, KEY2, TimeUUIDs.newUUID(), Deltas.fromString(format("{..,\"bigtextfield\":\"%s\"}", sb.toString())),
            newAudit("moderate"), WriteConsistency.STRONG);

    // Now we simply add 10 small deltas
    for (int i = 0; i < 11; i++) {
        dc1.update(TABLE, KEY2, TimeUUIDs.newUUID(), Deltas.fromString("{..,\"newcodes\":\"ss\"}"),
                newAudit("moderate"), WriteConsistency.STRONG);

    // Update FullConsistency time again

    // Now make sure that there are no audited deltas since the overall content would be 10MB or more
    // Compaction will occur, but due to transport size limit, it should not save the history
    dc1.compact(TABLE, KEY2, null, ReadConsistency.STRONG, WriteConsistency.STRONG);
    int countOfDeltasAfterHugeDelta = Iterators.advance(allDCs.historyStore(0).getDeltaHistories(TABLE, KEY2), Integer.MAX_VALUE);

    // Since we know that our first delta was 1 MB, the next 10 deltas each will have the content size of at least 1 MB
    // for a total of 10 MB. This is because we keep a "snapshot" of row with each delta archive.
    // Verify that we have not saved any delta history for this compaction.

    assertEquals(countOfDeltasAfterHugeDelta, 0,
            "There should be no audited deltas since, the total size of delta history has crossed thrift limit");

    // Make sure that the archived delta size goes back to 0
    assertEquals(((DefaultDataStore)dc1)._archiveDeltaSize.getCount(), 0L, "The archived delta counter should be back to 0");