Java Code Examples for org.commonmark.internal.util.Parsing#skip()

The following examples show how to use org.commonmark.internal.util.Parsing#skip() . You can vote up the ones you like or vote down the ones you don't like, and go to the original project or source file by following the links above each example. You may check out the related API usage on the sidebar.
Example 1
Source File:    From Markwon with Apache License 2.0 6 votes vote down vote up
public BlockContinue tryContinue(ParserState parserState) {
    final int nextNonSpaceIndex = parserState.getNextNonSpaceIndex();
    final CharSequence line = parserState.getLine();
    final int length = line.length();

    // check for closing
    if (parserState.getIndent() < Parsing.CODE_BLOCK_INDENT) {
        if (consume(DOLLAR, line, nextNonSpaceIndex, length) == signs) {
            // okay, we have our number of signs
            // let's consume spaces until the end
            if (Parsing.skip(SPACE, line, nextNonSpaceIndex + signs, length) == length) {
                return BlockContinue.finished();

    return BlockContinue.atIndex(parserState.getIndex());
Example 2
Source File:    From Markwon with Apache License 2.0 5 votes vote down vote up
public BlockStart tryStart(ParserState state, MatchedBlockParser matchedBlockParser) {

    // let's define the spec:
    //  * 0-3 spaces before are allowed (Parsing.CODE_BLOCK_INDENT = 4)
    //  * 2+ subsequent `$` signs
    //  * any optional amount of spaces
    //  * new line
    //  * block is closed when the same amount of opening signs is met

    final int indent = state.getIndent();

    // check if it's an indented code block
    if (indent >= Parsing.CODE_BLOCK_INDENT) {
        return BlockStart.none();

    final int nextNonSpaceIndex = state.getNextNonSpaceIndex();
    final CharSequence line = state.getLine();
    final int length = line.length();

    final int signs = consume(DOLLAR, line, nextNonSpaceIndex, length);

    // 2 is minimum
    if (signs < 2) {
        return BlockStart.none();

    // consume spaces until the end of the line, if any other content is found -> NONE
    if (Parsing.skip(SPACE, line, nextNonSpaceIndex + signs, length) != length) {
        return BlockStart.none();

    return BlockStart.of(new JLatexMathBlockParser(signs))
            .atIndex(length + 1);
Example 3
Source File:    From commonmark-java with BSD 2-Clause "Simplified" License 5 votes vote down vote up
private static HeadingParser getAtxHeading(CharSequence line, int index) {
    int level = Parsing.skip('#', line, index, line.length()) - index;

    if (level == 0 || level > 6) {
        return null;

    int start = index + level;
    if (start >= line.length()) {
        // End of line after markers is an empty heading
        return new HeadingParser(level, "");

    char next = line.charAt(start);
    if (!(next == ' ' || next == '\t')) {
        return null;

    int beforeSpace = Parsing.skipSpaceTabBackwards(line, line.length() - 1, start);
    int beforeHash = Parsing.skipBackwards('#', line, beforeSpace, start);
    int beforeTrailer = Parsing.skipSpaceTabBackwards(line, beforeHash, start);
    if (beforeTrailer != beforeHash) {
        return new HeadingParser(level, line.subSequence(start, beforeTrailer + 1).toString());
    } else {
        return new HeadingParser(level, line.subSequence(start, beforeSpace + 1).toString());
Example 4
Source File:    From commonmark-java with BSD 2-Clause "Simplified" License 5 votes vote down vote up
private boolean isClosing(CharSequence line, int index) {
    char fenceChar = block.getFenceChar();
    int fenceLength = block.getFenceLength();
    int fences = Parsing.skip(fenceChar, line, index, line.length()) - index;
    if (fences < fenceLength) {
        return false;
    // spec: The closing code fence [...] may be followed only by spaces, which are ignored.
    int after = Parsing.skipSpaceTab(line, index + fences, line.length());
    return after == line.length();
Example 5
Source File:    From commonmark-java with BSD 2-Clause "Simplified" License 4 votes vote down vote up
private static boolean isSetextHeadingRest(CharSequence line, int index, char marker) {
    int afterMarker = Parsing.skip(marker, line, index, line.length());
    int afterSpace = Parsing.skipSpaceTab(line, afterMarker, line.length());
    return afterSpace >= line.length();