Java Code Examples for org.apache.hadoop.fs.FileUtil#copy()

The following examples show how to use org.apache.hadoop.fs.FileUtil#copy() . You can vote up the ones you like or vote down the ones you don't like, and go to the original project or source file by following the links above each example. You may check out the related API usage on the sidebar.
Example 1
Source File:    From submarine with Apache License 2.0 6 votes vote down vote up
 * We use staging dir as mock HDFS dir.
 * */
public boolean copyRemoteToLocal(String remoteUri, String localUri)
    throws IOException {
  // mock the copy from HDFS into a local copy
  Path remoteToLocalDir = new Path(convertToStagingPath(remoteUri));
  File old = new File(convertToStagingPath(localUri));
  if (old.isDirectory() && old.exists()) {
    if (!FileUtil.fullyDelete(old)) {
      throw new IOException("Cannot delete temp dir:"
          + old.getAbsolutePath());
  return FileUtil.copy(getDefaultFileSystem(), remoteToLocalDir,
      new File(localUri), false,
Example 2
Source File:    From searchanalytics-bigdata with MIT License 6 votes vote down vote up
private String setupHiveAddPartitionWorkflowApp() throws IOException {
	String userName = System.getProperty("");
	String workFlowRoot = hadoopClusterService.getHDFSUri() + "/usr/"
			+ userName + "/oozie/wf-hive-add-partition";

	// put oozie app in hadoop
	DistributedFileSystem fs = hadoopClusterService.getFileSystem();
	Path workFlowRootPath = new Path(workFlowRoot);
	fs.delete(workFlowRootPath, true);

	File wfDir = new ClassPathResource("oozie/wf-hive-add-partition")
	LOG.debug("wfdir: {}", wfDir.getAbsolutePath());
	FileUtil.copy(wfDir, fs, workFlowRootPath, false, new Configuration());
	FileUtil.copy(new ClassPathResource("hive/hive-site.xml").getFile(),
			fs, new Path(workFlowRoot), false, new Configuration());
	return workFlowRoot;
Example 3
Source File:    From hadoop with Apache License 2.0 6 votes vote down vote up
public static void copyNameDirs(Collection<URI> srcDirs, Collection<URI> dstDirs,
    Configuration dstConf) throws IOException {
  URI srcDir = Lists.newArrayList(srcDirs).get(0);
  FileSystem dstFS = FileSystem.getLocal(dstConf).getRaw();
  for (URI dstDir : dstDirs) {
        "src and dst are the same: " + dstDir);
    File dstDirF = new File(dstDir);
    if (dstDirF.exists()) {
      if (!FileUtil.fullyDelete(dstDirF)) {
        throw new IOException("Unable to delete: " + dstDirF);
    }"Copying namedir from primary node dir "
        + srcDir + " to " + dstDir);
        new File(srcDir),
        dstFS, new Path(dstDir), false, dstConf);
Example 4
Source File:    From hadoop with Apache License 2.0 6 votes vote down vote up
private Path copyRemoteFiles(Path parentDir, Path originalPath,
    Configuration conf, short replication) throws IOException {
  // check if we do not need to copy the files
  // is jt using the same file system.
  // just checking for uri strings... doing no dns lookups
  // to see if the filesystems are the same. This is not optimal.
  // but avoids name resolution.

  FileSystem remoteFs = null;
  remoteFs = originalPath.getFileSystem(conf);
  if (compareFs(remoteFs, jtFs)) {
    return originalPath;
  // this might have name collisions. copy will throw an exception
  // parse the original path to create new path
  Path newPath = new Path(parentDir, originalPath.getName());
  FileUtil.copy(remoteFs, originalPath, jtFs, newPath, false, conf);
  jtFs.setReplication(newPath, replication);
  return newPath;
Example 5
Source File:    From RDFS with Apache License 2.0 6 votes vote down vote up
 * Try to locate and load the JobConf file for this job so to get more
 * details on the job (number of maps and of reduces)
private void loadJobFile() {
  try {
    String jobFile = getJobFile();
    FileSystem fs = location.getDFS();
    File tmp = File.createTempFile(getJobID().toString(), ".xml");
    if (FileUtil.copy(fs, new Path(jobFile), tmp, false, location
        .getConfiguration())) {
      this.jobConf = new JobConf(tmp.toString());

      this.totalMaps = jobConf.getNumMapTasks();
      this.totalReduces = jobConf.getNumReduceTasks();

  } catch (IOException ioe) {
Example 6
Source File:    From searchanalytics-bigdata with MIT License 6 votes vote down vote up
private String setupTopCustomerQueryBundleJobApp() throws IOException {
	String userName = System.getProperty("");
	String workFlowRoot = hadoopClusterService.getHDFSUri() + "/usr/"
			+ userName + "/oozie/bundle-hive-to-es-topqueries";

	// put oozie app in hadoop
	DistributedFileSystem fs = hadoopClusterService.getFileSystem();
	Path workFlowRootPath = new Path(workFlowRoot);
	fs.delete(workFlowRootPath, true);

	File wfDir = new ClassPathResource("oozie/bundle-hive-to-es-topqueries")
	LOG.debug("wfdir: {}", wfDir.getAbsolutePath());
	FileUtil.copy(wfDir, fs, workFlowRootPath, false, new Configuration());
	FileUtil.copy(new ClassPathResource("hive/hive-site.xml").getFile(),
			fs, new Path(workFlowRoot), false, new Configuration());
	return workFlowRoot;
Example 7
Source File:    From kylin-on-parquet-v2 with Apache License 2.0 6 votes vote down vote up
void prepareForWrite(String workingDir, boolean isGlobal) throws IOException {
    if (!fileSystem.exists(basePath)) {"Global dict at {} doesn't exist, create a new one", basePath);


    logger.trace("Prepare to write Global dict at {}, isGlobal={}", workingDir, isGlobal);
    Path working = new Path(workingDir);

    if (fileSystem.exists(working)) {
        fileSystem.delete(working, true);
        logger.trace("Working directory {} exits, delete it first", working);

    // when build dict, copy all data into working dir and work on it, avoiding suddenly server crash made data corrupt
    Long[] versions = listAllVersions();
    if (versions.length > 0 && isGlobal) {
        Path latestVersion = getVersionDir(versions[versions.length - 1]);
        FileUtil.copy(fileSystem, latestVersion, fileSystem, working, false, true, conf);
    } else {
Example 8
Source File:    From hbase with Apache License 2.0 6 votes vote down vote up
 * Commits the snapshot process by moving the working snapshot
 * to the finalized filepath
 * @param snapshotDir The file path of the completed snapshots
 * @param workingDir  The file path of the in progress snapshots
 * @param fs The file system of the completed snapshots
 * @param workingDirFs The file system of the in progress snapshots
 * @param conf Configuration
 * @throws SnapshotCreationException if the snapshot could not be moved
 * @throws IOException the filesystem could not be reached
public static void completeSnapshot(Path snapshotDir, Path workingDir, FileSystem fs,
  FileSystem workingDirFs, final Configuration conf)
  throws SnapshotCreationException, IOException {
  LOG.debug("Sentinel is done, just moving the snapshot from " + workingDir + " to "
    + snapshotDir);
  // If the working and completed snapshot directory are on the same file system, attempt
  // to rename the working snapshot directory to the completed location. If that fails,
  // or the file systems differ, attempt to copy the directory over, throwing an exception
  // if this fails
  URI workingURI = workingDirFs.getUri();
  URI rootURI = fs.getUri();
  if ((!workingURI.getScheme().equals(rootURI.getScheme()) ||
    workingURI.getAuthority() == null ||
    !workingURI.getAuthority().equals(rootURI.getAuthority()) ||
    workingURI.getUserInfo() == null ||
    !workingURI.getUserInfo().equals(rootURI.getUserInfo()) ||
    !fs.rename(workingDir, snapshotDir)) && !FileUtil.copy(workingDirFs, workingDir, fs,
    snapshotDir, true, true, conf)) {
    throw new SnapshotCreationException("Failed to copy working directory(" + workingDir
      + ") to completed directory(" + snapshotDir + ").");
Example 9
Source File:    From reef with Apache License 2.0 5 votes vote down vote up
public void onNext(final ResourceLaunchEvent resourceLaunchEvent) {
  try {
    LOG.log(Level.INFO, "resourceLaunch. {0}", resourceLaunchEvent.toString());

    final File localStagingFolder =

    final Configuration evaluatorConfiguration = Tang.Factory.getTang()

    final File configurationFile = new File(
        localStagingFolder, this.fileNames.getEvaluatorConfigurationName());
    this.configurationSerializer.toFile(evaluatorConfiguration, configurationFile);

    JobJarMaker.copy(resourceLaunchEvent.getFileSet(), localStagingFolder);

    final FileSystem fileSystem = FileSystem.get(new org.apache.hadoop.conf.Configuration());
    final Path hdfsFolder = new Path(fileSystem.getUri() + "/" + resourceLaunchEvent.getIdentifier() + "/");
    FileUtil.copy(localStagingFolder, fileSystem, hdfsFolder, false, new org.apache.hadoop.conf.Configuration());

    // TODO[JIRA REEF-102]: Replace REEFExecutor with a simple launch command (we only need to launch REEFExecutor)
    final List<String> command =
        getLaunchCommand(resourceLaunchEvent, this.executors.getMemory(resourceLaunchEvent.getIdentifier()));
        new EvaluatorLaunch(resourceLaunchEvent.getIdentifier(), StringUtils.join(command, ' ')));
  } catch (final IOException e) {
    throw new RuntimeException(e);
Example 10
Source File:    From zeppelin with Apache License 2.0 5 votes vote down vote up
private Path copyFileToRemote(
        Path destDir,
        Path srcPath,
        Short replication) throws IOException {
  FileSystem destFs = destDir.getFileSystem(hadoopConf);
  FileSystem srcFs = srcPath.getFileSystem(hadoopConf);

  Path destPath = new Path(destDir, srcPath.getName());"Uploading resource " + srcPath + " to " + destPath);
  FileUtil.copy(srcFs, srcPath, destFs, destPath, false, hadoopConf);
  destFs.setReplication(destPath, replication);
  destFs.setPermission(destPath, APP_FILE_PERMISSION);

  return destPath;
Example 11
Source File:    From hugegraph-loader with Apache License 2.0 5 votes vote down vote up
public void copy(String srcPath, String destPath) {
    try {
        FileUtil.copy(new File(srcPath), this.hdfs, new Path(destPath),
                      false, this.conf);
    } catch (IOException e) {
        throw new RuntimeException(String.format(
                  "Failed to copy file '%s' to '%s'", srcPath, destPath));
Example 12
Source File:    From hadoop-gpu with Apache License 2.0 5 votes vote down vote up
public boolean rename(Path src, Path dst) throws IOException {
	if (pathToFile(src).renameTo(pathToFile(dst))) {
		return true;
	return FileUtil.copy(this, src, this, dst, true, getConf());
Example 13
Source File:    From big-c with Apache License 2.0 5 votes vote down vote up
 * Test that findContainingJar works correctly even if the
 * path has a "+" sign or spaces in it
public void testFindContainingJarWithPlus() throws Exception {
  new File(TEST_DIR_WITH_SPECIAL_CHARS).mkdirs();
  Configuration conf = new Configuration();

  FileSystem localfs = FileSystem.getLocal(conf);

  FileUtil.copy(localfs, new Path(JAR_RELATIVE_PATH),
                localfs, new Path(TEST_DIR_WITH_SPECIAL_CHARS, "test.jar"),
                false, true, conf);
  testJarAtPath(TEST_DIR_WITH_SPECIAL_CHARS + File.separator + "test.jar");
Example 14
Source File:    From tinkerpop with Apache License 2.0 5 votes vote down vote up
public boolean cp(final String sourceLocation, final String targetLocation) {
    try {
        return FileUtil.copy(this.fs, new Path(sourceLocation), this.fs, new Path(targetLocation), false, new Configuration());
    } catch (final IOException e) {
        throw new IllegalStateException(e.getMessage(), e);
Example 15
Source File:    From incubator-gobblin with Apache License 2.0 5 votes vote down vote up
private static void copyPath(FileSystem srcFs, Path src, FileSystem dstFs, Path dst, boolean deleteSource,
    boolean overwrite, Configuration conf) throws IOException {

      String.format("Cannot copy from %s to %s because src does not exist", src, dst));
  Preconditions.checkArgument(overwrite || !dstFs.exists(dst),
      String.format("Cannot copy from %s to %s because dst exists", src, dst));

  try {
    boolean isSourceFileSystemLocal = srcFs instanceof LocalFileSystem || srcFs instanceof RawLocalFileSystem;
    if (isSourceFileSystemLocal) {
      try {
        dstFs.copyFromLocalFile(deleteSource, overwrite, src, dst);
      } catch (IOException e) {
        throw new IOException(String.format("Failed to copy %s to %s", src, dst), e);
    } else if (!FileUtil.copy(srcFs, src, dstFs, dst, deleteSource, overwrite, conf)) {
      throw new IOException(String.format("Failed to copy %s to %s", src, dst));
  } catch (Throwable t1) {
    try {
      deleteIfExists(dstFs, dst, true);
    } catch (Throwable t2) {
      // Do nothing
    throw t1;
Example 16
Source File:    From systemds with Apache License 2.0 5 votes vote down vote up
public static void copyFileOnHDFS(String originalDir, String newDir) throws IOException {
	Path originalPath = new Path(originalDir);
	Path newPath = new Path(newDir);
	boolean deleteSource = false;
	boolean overwrite = true;
	JobConf job = new JobConf(ConfigurationManager.getCachedJobConf());
	FileSystem fs = IOUtilFunctions.getFileSystem(originalPath, job);
	if (fs.exists(originalPath)) {
		FileUtil.copy(fs, originalPath, fs, newPath, deleteSource, overwrite, job);
Example 17
Source File:    From hbase with Apache License 2.0 4 votes vote down vote up
 * Test replicateEntries with a bulk load entry for 25 HFiles
public void testReplicateEntriesForHFiles() throws Exception {
  Path dir = TEST_UTIL.getDataTestDirOnTestFS("testReplicateEntries");
  Path familyDir = new Path(dir, Bytes.toString(FAM_NAME1));
  int numRows = 10;
  List<Path> p = new ArrayList<>(1);
  final String hfilePrefix = "hfile-";

  // 1. Generate 25 hfile ranges
  Random rng = new SecureRandom();
  Set<Integer> numbers = new HashSet<>();
  while (numbers.size() < 50) {
  List<Integer> numberList = new ArrayList<>(numbers);
  Map<String, Long> storeFilesSize = new HashMap<>(1);

  // 2. Create 25 hfiles
  Configuration conf = TEST_UTIL.getConfiguration();
  FileSystem fs = dir.getFileSystem(conf);
  Iterator<Integer> numbersItr = numberList.iterator();
  for (int i = 0; i < 25; i++) {
    Path hfilePath = new Path(familyDir, hfilePrefix + i);
    HFileTestUtil.createHFile(conf, fs, hfilePath, FAM_NAME1, FAM_NAME1,
      Bytes.toBytes(, Bytes.toBytes(, numRows);
    storeFilesSize.put(hfilePath.getName(), fs.getFileStatus(hfilePath).getLen());

  // 3. Create a BulkLoadDescriptor and a WALEdit
  Map<byte[], List<Path>> storeFiles = new HashMap<>(1);
  storeFiles.put(FAM_NAME1, p);
  org.apache.hadoop.hbase.wal.WALEdit edit = null;
  WALProtos.BulkLoadDescriptor loadDescriptor = null;

  try (Connection c = ConnectionFactory.createConnection(conf);
      RegionLocator l = c.getRegionLocator(TABLE_NAME1)) {
    RegionInfo regionInfo = l.getAllRegionLocations().get(0).getRegion();
    loadDescriptor =
            storeFiles, storeFilesSize, 1);
    edit = org.apache.hadoop.hbase.wal.WALEdit.createBulkLoadEvent(regionInfo,
  List<WALEntry> entries = new ArrayList<>(1);

  // 4. Create a WALEntryBuilder
  WALEntry.Builder builder = createWALEntryBuilder(TABLE_NAME1);

  // 5. Copy the hfile to the path as it is in reality
  for (int i = 0; i < 25; i++) {
    String pathToHfileFromNS =
        new StringBuilder(100).append(TABLE_NAME1.getNamespaceAsString()).append(Path.SEPARATOR)
            .append(hfilePrefix + i).toString();
    String dst = baseNamespaceDir + Path.SEPARATOR + pathToHfileFromNS;
    Path dstPath = new Path(dst);
    FileUtil.copy(fs, p.get(0), fs, dstPath, false, conf);

  try (ResultScanner scanner = table1.getScanner(new Scan())) {
    // 6. Assert no existing data in table
  // 7. Replicate the bulk loaded entry
  SINK.replicateEntries(entries, CellUtil.createCellScanner(edit.getCells().iterator()),
    replicationClusterId, baseNamespaceDir, hfileArchiveDir);
  try (ResultScanner scanner = table1.getScanner(new Scan())) {
    // 8. Assert data is replicated
  // Clean up the created hfiles or it will mess up subsequent tests
Example 18
Source File:    From big-c with Apache License 2.0 4 votes vote down vote up
@Test (timeout = 30000)
public void testNewNamenodeTakesOverWriter() throws Exception {
  File nn1Dir = new File(
      MiniDFSCluster.getBaseDirectory() + "/TestNNWithQJM/image-nn1");
  File nn2Dir = new File(
      MiniDFSCluster.getBaseDirectory() + "/TestNNWithQJM/image-nn2");

  // Start the cluster once to generate the dfs dirs
  MiniDFSCluster cluster = new MiniDFSCluster.Builder(conf)

  // Shutdown the cluster before making a copy of the namenode dir
  // to release all file locks, otherwise, the copy will fail on
  // some platforms.

  try {
    // Start a second NN pointed to the same quorum.
    // We need to copy the image dir from the first NN -- or else
    // the new NN will just be rejected because of Namespace mismatch.
    FileUtil.copy(nn1Dir, FileSystem.getLocal(conf).getRaw(),
        new Path(nn2Dir.getAbsolutePath()), false, conf);

    // Start the cluster again
    cluster = new MiniDFSCluster.Builder(conf)


    Configuration conf2 = new Configuration();
    MiniDFSCluster cluster2 = new MiniDFSCluster.Builder(conf2)
    // Check that the new cluster sees the edits made on the old cluster
    try {
    } finally {
    // Check that, if we try to write to the old NN
    // that it aborts.
    try {
      cluster.getFileSystem().mkdirs(new Path("/x"));
      fail("Did not abort trying to write to a fenced NN");
    } catch (RemoteException re) {
          "Could not sync enough journals to persistent storage", re);
  } finally {
Example 19
Source File:    From hbase with Apache License 2.0 4 votes vote down vote up
public void testDeleteWhenTempDirIsNotEmpty() throws Exception {
  final TableName tableName = TableName.valueOf(name.getMethodName());
  final String FAM = "fam";
  final byte[][] splitKeys = new byte[][] {
    Bytes.toBytes("b"), Bytes.toBytes("c"), Bytes.toBytes("d")

  // create the table
    getMasterProcedureExecutor(), tableName, splitKeys, FAM);

  // get the current store files for the regions
  List<HRegion> regions = UTIL.getHBaseCluster().getRegions(tableName);
  // make sure we have 4 regions serving this table
  assertEquals(4, regions.size());

  // load the table
  try (Table table = UTIL.getConnection().getTable(tableName)) {
    UTIL.loadTable(table, Bytes.toBytes(FAM));

  // disable the table so that we can manipulate the files

  final MasterFileSystem masterFileSystem =
  final Path tableDir = CommonFSUtils.getTableDir(masterFileSystem.getRootDir(), tableName);
  final Path tempDir = masterFileSystem.getTempDir();
  final Path tempTableDir = CommonFSUtils.getTableDir(tempDir, tableName);
  final FileSystem fs = masterFileSystem.getFileSystem();

  // copy the table to the temporary directory to make sure the temp directory is not empty
  if (!FileUtil.copy(fs, tableDir, fs, tempTableDir, false, UTIL.getConfiguration())) {

  // delete the table
  final ProcedureExecutor<MasterProcedureEnv> procExec = getMasterProcedureExecutor();
  long procId = ProcedureTestingUtility.submitAndWait(procExec,
    new DeleteTableProcedure(procExec.getEnvironment(), tableName));
  ProcedureTestingUtility.assertProcNotFailed(procExec, procId);
  MasterProcedureTestingUtility.validateTableDeletion(getMaster(), tableName);

  // check if the temporary directory is deleted

  // check for the existence of the archive directory
  for (HRegion region : regions) {
    Path archiveDir = HFileArchiveTestingUtil.getRegionArchiveDir(UTIL.getConfiguration(),
Example 20
Source File:    From Bats with Apache License 2.0 4 votes vote down vote up
public void copyInitialState(Path origAppDir) throws IOException
  // locate previous snapshot
  long copyStart = System.currentTimeMillis();
  String newAppDir = this.dag.assertAppPath();

  FSRecoveryHandler recoveryHandler = new FSRecoveryHandler(origAppDir.toString(), conf);
  // read snapshot against new dependencies
  Object snapshot = recoveryHandler.restore();
  if (snapshot == null) {
    throw new IllegalArgumentException("No previous application state found in " + origAppDir);
  InputStream logIs = recoveryHandler.getLog();

  // modify snapshot state to switch app id
  ((StreamingContainerManager.CheckpointState)snapshot).setApplicationId(this.dag, conf);
  Path checkpointPath = new Path(newAppDir, LogicalPlan.SUBDIR_CHECKPOINTS);

  FileSystem fs = FileSystem.newInstance(origAppDir.toUri(), conf);
  // remove the path that was created by the storage agent during deserialization and replacement
  fs.delete(checkpointPath, true);

  // write snapshot to new location
  recoveryHandler = new FSRecoveryHandler(newAppDir, conf);;
  OutputStream logOs = recoveryHandler.rotateLog();
  IOUtils.copy(logIs, logOs);

  List<String> excludeDirs = Arrays.asList(LogicalPlan.SUBDIR_CHECKPOINTS, LogicalPlan.SUBDIR_EVENTS, LogicalPlan.SUBDIR_STATS);
  // copy sub directories that are not present in target
  FileStatus[] lFiles = fs.listStatus(origAppDir);

  // In case of MapR/MapR-FS, f.getPath().toString() returns path as maprfs:///<orig app dir>
  // whereas origAppDir.toString & newAppDir are in maprfs:/<orig or new app dir> format
  // e.g.
  // f.getPath().toString -> maprfs:///user/dtadmin/datatorrent/apps/application_1481890072066_0004/checkpoints
  // origAppDir -> maprfs:/user/dtadmin/datatorrent/apps/application_1481890072066_0004
  // newAppDir -> maprfs:/user/dtadmin/datatorrent/apps/application_1481890072066_0005

  String origAppDirPath = Path.getPathWithoutSchemeAndAuthority(origAppDir).toString();
  String newAppDirPath = Path.getPathWithoutSchemeAndAuthority(new Path(newAppDir)).toString();

  for (FileStatus f : lFiles) {
    if (f.isDirectory() && !excludeDirs.contains(f.getPath().getName())) {
      String targetPath = f.getPath().toString().replace(origAppDirPath, newAppDirPath);
      if (!fs.exists(new Path(targetPath))) {
        LOG.debug("Copying {} size {} to {}", f.getPath(), f.getLen(), targetPath);
        long start = System.currentTimeMillis();
        FileUtil.copy(fs, f.getPath(), fs, new Path(targetPath), false, conf);
        LOG.debug("Copying {} to {} took {} ms", f.getPath(), f.getLen(), targetPath, System.currentTimeMillis() - start);
      } else {
        LOG.debug("Ignoring {} as it already exists under {}", f.getPath(), targetPath);
  }"Copying initial state took {} ms", System.currentTimeMillis() - copyStart);