Java Code Examples for net.imglib2.RealRandomAccess#setPosition()

The following examples show how to use net.imglib2.RealRandomAccess#setPosition() . You can vote up the ones you like or vote down the ones you don't like, and go to the original project or source file by following the links above each example. You may check out the related API usage on the sidebar.
Example 1
Source File:    From paintera with GNU General Public License v2.0 6 votes vote down vote up
public void accept(final MouseEvent e)
		final AffineTransform3D affine      = new AffineTransform3D();
		final ViewerState       viewerState = viewer.getState().copy();
		final AffineTransform3D screenScaleTransform = new AffineTransform3D();
		viewer.getRenderUnit().getScreenScaleTransform(0, screenScaleTransform);
		final int level = viewerState.getBestMipMapLevel(screenScaleTransform, source);

		source.getSourceTransform(0, level, affine);
		final RealRandomAccess<? extends IntegerType<?>> access =
				RealViews.transformReal(source.getInterpolatedDataSource(0, level, Interpolation.NEARESTNEIGHBOR), affine).realRandomAccess();
		access.setPosition(0L, 2);
		final IntegerType<?> val = access.get();
		final long id  = val.getIntegerLong();
Example 2
Source File:    From imagej-ops with BSD 2-Clause "Simplified" License 6 votes vote down vote up
public void defaultInterpolateTest() {
	Img<DoubleType> img = new ArrayImgFactory<DoubleType>().create(new int[]{10, 10}, new DoubleType());
	MersenneTwisterFast r = new MersenneTwisterFast(SEED);
	for (DoubleType d : img) {
	RealRandomAccess<DoubleType> il2 = Views.interpolate(img, new FloorInterpolatorFactory<DoubleType>()).realRandomAccess();
	RealRandomAccess<DoubleType> opr = ops.transform().interpolateView(img, new FloorInterpolatorFactory<DoubleType>()).realRandomAccess();
	il2.setPosition(new double[]{1.75, 5.34});
	opr.setPosition(new double[]{1.75, 5.34});
	assertEquals(il2.get().get(), opr.get().get(), 1e-10);
	il2.setPosition(new double[]{3, 7});
	opr.setPosition(new double[]{3, 7});
	assertEquals(il2.get().get(), opr.get().get(), 1e-10);
	il2.setPosition(new double[]{8.37, 3.97});
	opr.setPosition(new double[]{8.37, 3.97});
	assertEquals(il2.get().get(), opr.get().get(), 1e-10);
Example 3
Source File:    From SPIM_Registration with GNU General Public License v2.0 5 votes vote down vote up
private static final void loop(
		final Cursor< FloatType > cursor,
		final RealRandomAccess< FloatType > ir,
		final AffineTransform3D transform,
		final float[] s, final float[] t,
		final int offsetX, final int offsetY, final int offsetZ,
		final int imgSizeX, final int imgSizeY, final int imgSizeZ )
	// move img cursor forward any get the value (saves one access)
	final FloatType v =;
	cursor.localize( s );

	s[ 0 ] += offsetX;
	s[ 1 ] += offsetY;
	s[ 2 ] += offsetZ;

	transform.applyInverse( t, s );

	if ( FusionHelper.intersects( t[ 0 ], t[ 1 ], t[ 2 ], imgSizeX, imgSizeY, imgSizeZ ) )
		ir.setPosition( t );

		// do not accept 0 values in the data where image data is present, 0 means no image data is available
		// (used in MVDeconvolution.computeQuotient)
		v.set( Math.max( MVDeconvolution.minValue, ir.get().get() ) );
Example 4
Source File:    From paintera with GNU General Public License v2.0 5 votes vote down vote up
private static <D> D getVal(final double x, final double y, final RealRandomAccess<D> access, final ViewerPanelFX
	access.setPosition(x, 0);
	access.setPosition(y, 1);
	access.setPosition(0l, 2);
	return getVal(access, viewer);
Example 5
Source File:    From SPIM_Registration with GNU General Public License v2.0 5 votes vote down vote up
private static final void loop(
		final Cursor< FloatType > cursor,
		final Cursor< FloatType > cursorW,
		final RealRandomAccess< FloatType > ir,
		final RealRandomAccess< FloatType > wr,
		final AffineTransform3D transform,
		final float[] s, final float[] t,
		final int offsetX, final int offsetY, final int offsetZ,
		final int imgSizeX, final int imgSizeY, final int imgSizeZ )
	// move img cursor forward any get the value (saves one access)
	final FloatType v =;
	cursor.localize( s );

	// move weight cursor forward and get the value 
	final FloatType w =;

	s[ 0 ] += offsetX;
	s[ 1 ] += offsetY;
	s[ 2 ] += offsetZ;
	transform.applyInverse( t, s );
	if ( FusionHelper.intersects( t[ 0 ], t[ 1 ], t[ 2 ], imgSizeX, imgSizeY, imgSizeZ ) )
		ir.setPosition( t );

		// do not accept 0 values in the data where image data is present, 0 means no image data is available
		// (used in MVDeconvolution.computeQuotient)
		v.set( Math.max( MVDeconvolution.minValue, ir.get().get() ) );

	// compute weights in any case (the border can be negative!)
	wr.setPosition( t );
	w.set( wr.get() );
Example 6
Source File:    From SPIM_Registration with GNU General Public License v2.0 5 votes vote down vote up
public String call() throws Exception 
	// make the blending and get the transformations
	final RealRandomAccess< FloatType > wr = blending.realRandomAccess();

	final Cursor< FloatType > cursorO = Views.iterable( overlapImg ).localizingCursor();
	final Cursor< FloatType > cursorB = Views.iterable( blendingImg ).cursor();

	final float[] s = new float[ 3 ];
	final float[] t = new float[ 3 ];

	cursorO.jumpFwd( portion.getStartPosition() );
	cursorB.jumpFwd( portion.getStartPosition() );

	for ( int j = 0; j < portion.getLoopSize(); ++j )
		// move img cursor forward any get the value (saves one access)
		final FloatType o =;
		cursorO.localize( s );
		// move weight cursor forward and get the value 
		final FloatType b =;

		s[ 0 ] += offsetX;
		s[ 1 ] += offsetY;
		s[ 2 ] += offsetZ;

		transform.applyInverse( t, s );

		// compute weights in any part of the image (the border can be negative!)
		wr.setPosition( t );

		o.set( o.get() + 1 );
		b.set( wr.get() );

	return portion + " finished successfully (visualize weights).";
Example 7
Source File:    From render with GNU General Public License v2.0 5 votes vote down vote up
public static double[] getAffineMatrixElements(final RealRandomAccess<RealComposite<DoubleType>> warpFieldAccessor,
                                               final double[] location) {
    final RealComposite<DoubleType> coefficients = warpFieldAccessor.get();
    return new double[] {
Example 8
Source File:    From paintera with GNU General Public License v2.0 5 votes vote down vote up
public void accept(final MouseEvent e)
	final long lastSelection = selectedIds.getLastSelection();

	if (lastSelection == Label.INVALID) { return; }

	final AffineTransform3D screenScaleTransform = new AffineTransform3D();
	viewer.getRenderUnit().getScreenScaleTransform(0, screenScaleTransform);
	final int level = viewer.getState().getBestMipMapLevel(screenScaleTransform, source);

	final AffineTransform3D affine = new AffineTransform3D();
	source.getSourceTransform(0, level, affine);
	final RealRandomAccessible<? extends IntegerType<?>> transformedSource = RealViews
					source.getInterpolatedDataSource(0, level, Interpolation.NEARESTNEIGHBOR),
	final RealRandomAccess<? extends IntegerType<?>> access = transformedSource.realRandomAccess();
	access.setPosition(0L, 2);
	final IntegerType<?> val = access.get();
	final long id  = val.getIntegerLong();

	if (FOREGROUND_CHECK.test(id))
		final Optional<Detach> detach = assignment.getDetachAction(id, lastSelection);
Example 9
Source File:    From paintera with GNU General Public License v2.0 5 votes vote down vote up
public void accept(final MouseEvent e)
	synchronized (viewer)

		final long lastSelection = selectedIds.getLastSelection();

		if (lastSelection == Label.INVALID) { return; }

		final AffineTransform3D screenScaleTransform = new AffineTransform3D();
		viewer.getRenderUnit().getScreenScaleTransform(0, screenScaleTransform);
		final int level = viewer.getState().getBestMipMapLevel(screenScaleTransform, source);

		final AffineTransform3D affine = new AffineTransform3D();
		source.getSourceTransform(0, level, affine);
		final RealRandomAccess<? extends IntegerType<?>> access = RealViews.transformReal(
		access.setPosition(0L, 2);
		final IntegerType<?> val = access.get();
		final long id = val.getIntegerLong();

		if (FOREGROUND_CHECK.test(id))
			LOG.debug("Merging fragments: {} -- last selection: {}", id, lastSelection);
			final Optional<Merge> action = assignment.getMergeAction(
Example 10
Source File:    From SPIM_Registration with GNU General Public License v2.0 4 votes vote down vote up
 * Extracts the PSF by averaging the local neighborhood RANSAC correspondences
 * @param size - the size in which the psf is extracted (in pixel units, z-scaling is ignored)
 * @return - the psf, NOT z-scaling corrected
protected static < T extends RealType< T > & NativeType< T > > ArrayImg< T, ? > extractPSFLocal(
		final RandomAccessibleInterval< T > img,
		final ArrayList< double[] > locations,
		final long[] size )
	final int numDimensions = size.length;
	final ArrayImg< T, ? > psf = new ArrayImgFactory< T >().create( size, Views.iterable( img ).firstElement() );
	// Mirror produces some artifacts ... so we use periodic
	final RealRandomAccess< T > interpolator =
			Views.interpolate( Views.extendPeriodic( img ), new NLinearInterpolatorFactory< T >() ).realRandomAccess();
	final ArrayLocalizingCursor< T > psfCursor = psf.localizingCursor();
	final long[] sizeHalf = size.clone();
	for ( int d = 0; d < numDimensions; ++d )
		sizeHalf[ d ] /= 2;
	final int[] tmpI = new int[ size.length ];
	final double[] tmpD = new double[ size.length ];

	for ( final double[] position : locations )
		while ( psfCursor.hasNext() )
			psfCursor.localize( tmpI );

			for ( int d = 0; d < numDimensions; ++d )
				tmpD[ d ] = tmpI[ d ] - sizeHalf[ d ] + position[ d ];
			interpolator.setPosition( tmpD );
			psfCursor.get().add( interpolator.get() );

	return psf;
Example 11
Source File:    From SPIM_Registration with GNU General Public License v2.0 4 votes vote down vote up
public String call() throws Exception 
	// make the interpolators and get the transformations
	final RealRandomAccess< T > r = Views.interpolate( Views.extendMirrorSingle( img ), interpolatorFactory ).realRandomAccess();
	final int[] imgSize = new int[]{ (int)img.dimension( 0 ), (int)img.dimension( 1 ), (int)img.dimension( 2 ) };

	final Cursor< T > cursor = fusedImg.localizingCursor();
	final float[] s = new float[ 3 ];
	final float[] t = new float[ 3 ];
	cursor.jumpFwd( portion.getStartPosition() );
	for ( int j = 0; j < portion.getLoopSize(); ++j )
		// move img cursor forward any get the value (saves one access)
		final T v =;
		cursor.localize( s );
		if ( doDownSampling )
			s[ 0 ] *= downSampling;
			s[ 1 ] *= downSampling;
			s[ 2 ] *= downSampling;
		s[ 0 ] += bb.min( 0 );
		s[ 1 ] += bb.min( 1 );
		s[ 2 ] += bb.min( 2 );
		transform.applyInverse( t, s );
		if ( FusionHelper.intersects( t[ 0 ], t[ 1 ], t[ 2 ], imgSize[ 0 ], imgSize[ 1 ], imgSize[ 2 ] ) )
			r.setPosition( t );
			v.setReal( r.get().getRealFloat() );
	return portion + " finished successfully (individual fusion, no weights).";
Example 12
Source File:    From SPIM_Registration with GNU General Public License v2.0 4 votes vote down vote up
public String call() throws Exception 
	final int numViews = imgs.size();
	// make the interpolators, weights and get the transformations
	final ArrayList< RealRandomAccess< T > > interpolators = new ArrayList< RealRandomAccess< T > >( numViews );
	final ArrayList< ArrayList< RealRandomAccess< FloatType > > > weightAccess = new ArrayList< ArrayList< RealRandomAccess< FloatType > > >();
	final int[][] imgSizes = new int[ numViews ][ 3 ];
	for ( int i = 0; i < numViews; ++i )
		final RandomAccessibleInterval< T > img = imgs.get( i );
		imgSizes[ i ] = new int[]{ (int)img.dimension( 0 ), (int)img.dimension( 1 ), (int)img.dimension( 2 ) };
		interpolators.add( Views.interpolate( Views.extendMirrorSingle( img ), interpolatorFactory ).realRandomAccess() );
		final ArrayList< RealRandomAccess< FloatType > > list = new ArrayList< RealRandomAccess< FloatType > >();

		for ( final RealRandomAccessible< FloatType > rra : weights.get( i ) )
			list.add( rra.realRandomAccess() );
		weightAccess.add( list );

	final Cursor< T > cursor = fusedImg.localizingCursor();
	final Cursor< FloatType > cursorW = weightImg.cursor();
	final float[] s = new float[ 3 ];
	final float[] t = new float[ 3 ];
	cursor.jumpFwd( portion.getStartPosition() );
	cursorW.jumpFwd( portion.getStartPosition() );
	for ( int j = 0; j < portion.getLoopSize(); ++j )
		// move img cursor forward any get the value (saves one access)
		final T v =;
		cursor.localize( s );

		// move weight cursor forward and get the value 
		final FloatType w =;

		if ( doDownSampling )
			s[ 0 ] *= downSampling;
			s[ 1 ] *= downSampling;
			s[ 2 ] *= downSampling;
		s[ 0 ] += bb.min( 0 );
		s[ 1 ] += bb.min( 1 );
		s[ 2 ] += bb.min( 2 );
		double sum = 0;
		double sumW = 0;
		for ( int i = 0; i < numViews; ++i )
			transforms[ i ].applyInverse( t, s );
			if ( FusionHelper.intersects( t[ 0 ], t[ 1 ], t[ 2 ], imgSizes[ i ][ 0 ], imgSizes[ i ][ 1 ], imgSizes[ i ][ 2 ] ) )
				final RealRandomAccess< T > r = interpolators.get( i );
				r.setPosition( t );
				double w1 = 1;
				for ( final RealRandomAccess< FloatType > weight : weightAccess.get( i ) )
					weight.setPosition( t );
					w1 *= weight.get().get();
				sum += r.get().getRealDouble() * w1;
				sumW += w1;
		if ( sumW > 0 )
			v.setReal( v.getRealFloat() + sum );
			w.set( w.get() + (float)sumW );
	return portion + " finished successfully (many weights).";
Example 13
Source File:    From SPIM_Registration with GNU General Public License v2.0 4 votes vote down vote up
public String call() throws Exception 
	final int numViews = imgs.size();
	// make the interpolators and get the transformations
	final ArrayList< RealRandomAccess< T > > interpolators = new ArrayList< RealRandomAccess< T > >( numViews );
	final int[][] imgSizes = new int[ numViews ][ 3 ];
	for ( int i = 0; i < numViews; ++i )
		final RandomAccessibleInterval< T > img = imgs.get( i );
		imgSizes[ i ] = new int[]{ (int)img.dimension( 0 ), (int)img.dimension( 1 ), (int)img.dimension( 2 ) };
		interpolators.add( Views.interpolate( Views.extendMirrorSingle( img ), interpolatorFactory ).realRandomAccess() );

	final Cursor< T > cursor = fusedImg.localizingCursor();
	final Cursor< FloatType > cursorW = weightImg.cursor();
	final float[] s = new float[ 3 ];
	final float[] t = new float[ 3 ];
	cursor.jumpFwd( portion.getStartPosition() );
	cursorW.jumpFwd( portion.getStartPosition() );
	for ( int j = 0; j < portion.getLoopSize(); ++j )
		// move img cursor forward any get the value (saves one access)
		final T v =;
		cursor.localize( s );
		// move weight cursor forward and get the value 
		final FloatType w =;
		if ( doDownSampling )
			s[ 0 ] *= downSampling;
			s[ 1 ] *= downSampling;
			s[ 2 ] *= downSampling;
		s[ 0 ] += bb.min( 0 );
		s[ 1 ] += bb.min( 1 );
		s[ 2 ] += bb.min( 2 );
		double sum = 0;
		int sumW = 0;
		for ( int i = 0; i < numViews; ++i )
			transforms[ i ].applyInverse( t, s );
			if ( FusionHelper.intersects( t[ 0 ], t[ 1 ], t[ 2 ], imgSizes[ i ][ 0 ], imgSizes[ i ][ 1 ], imgSizes[ i ][ 2 ] ) )
				final RealRandomAccess< T > r = interpolators.get( i );
				r.setPosition( t );
				sum += r.get().getRealDouble();
		if ( sumW > 0 )
			v.setReal( v.getRealFloat() + sum );
			w.set( w.get() + sumW );
	return portion + " finished successfully (no weights).";
Example 14
Source File:    From SPIM_Registration with GNU General Public License v2.0 4 votes vote down vote up
public String call() throws Exception 
	final int numViews = imgs.size();
	// make the interpolators, weights and get the transformations
	final ArrayList< RealRandomAccess< T > > interpolators = new ArrayList< RealRandomAccess< T > >( numViews );
	final ArrayList< RealRandomAccess< FloatType > > weightAccess = new ArrayList< RealRandomAccess< FloatType > >();
	final int[][] imgSizes = new int[ numViews ][ 3 ];
	for ( int i = 0; i < numViews; ++i )
		final RandomAccessibleInterval< T > img = imgs.get( i );
		imgSizes[ i ] = new int[]{ (int)img.dimension( 0 ), (int)img.dimension( 1 ), (int)img.dimension( 2 ) };
		interpolators.add( Views.interpolate( Views.extendMirrorSingle( img ), interpolatorFactory ).realRandomAccess() );
		weightAccess.add( weights.get( i ).realRandomAccess() );

	final Cursor< T > cursor = fusedImg.localizingCursor();
	final float[] s = new float[ 3 ];
	final float[] t = new float[ 3 ];
	cursor.jumpFwd( portion.getStartPosition() );
	for ( int j = 0; j < portion.getLoopSize(); ++j )
		// move img cursor forward any get the value (saves one access)
		final T v =;
		cursor.localize( s );
		if ( doDownSampling )
			s[ 0 ] *= downSampling;
			s[ 1 ] *= downSampling;
			s[ 2 ] *= downSampling;
		s[ 0 ] += bb.min( 0 );
		s[ 1 ] += bb.min( 1 );
		s[ 2 ] += bb.min( 2 );
		double sum = 0;
		double sumW = 0;
		for ( int i = 0; i < numViews; ++i )
			transforms[ i ].applyInverse( t, s );
			if ( FusionHelper.intersects( t[ 0 ], t[ 1 ], t[ 2 ], imgSizes[ i ][ 0 ], imgSizes[ i ][ 1 ], imgSizes[ i ][ 2 ] ) )
				final RealRandomAccess< T > r = interpolators.get( i );
				r.setPosition( t );
				final RealRandomAccess< FloatType > weight = weightAccess.get( i );
				weight.setPosition( t );
				final double w = weight.get().get();
				sum += r.get().getRealDouble() * w;
				sumW += w;
		if ( sumW > 0 )
			v.setReal( sum / sumW );
	return portion + " finished successfully (one weight).";
Example 15
Source File:    From SPIM_Registration with GNU General Public License v2.0 4 votes vote down vote up
public String call() throws Exception 
	final int numViews = imgs.size();
	// make the interpolators, weights and get the transformations
	final ArrayList< RealRandomAccess< T > > interpolators = new ArrayList< RealRandomAccess< T > >( numViews );
	final ArrayList< RealRandomAccess< FloatType > > weightAccess = new ArrayList< RealRandomAccess< FloatType > >();
	final int[][] imgSizes = new int[ numViews ][ 3 ];
	for ( int i = 0; i < numViews; ++i )
		final RandomAccessibleInterval< T > img = imgs.get( i );
		imgSizes[ i ] = new int[]{ (int)img.dimension( 0 ), (int)img.dimension( 1 ), (int)img.dimension( 2 ) };
		interpolators.add( Views.interpolate( Views.extendMirrorSingle( img ), interpolatorFactory ).realRandomAccess() );
		weightAccess.add( weights.get( i ).realRandomAccess() );

	final Cursor< T > cursor = fusedImg.localizingCursor();
	final Cursor< FloatType > cursorW = weightImg.cursor();

	final float[] s = new float[ 3 ];
	final float[] t = new float[ 3 ];
	cursor.jumpFwd( portion.getStartPosition() );
	cursorW.jumpFwd( portion.getStartPosition() );
	for ( int j = 0; j < portion.getLoopSize(); ++j )
		// move img cursor forward any get the value (saves one access)
		final T v =;
		cursor.localize( s );

		// move weight cursor forward and get the value 
		final FloatType w =;

		if ( doDownSampling )
			s[ 0 ] *= downSampling;
			s[ 1 ] *= downSampling;
			s[ 2 ] *= downSampling;
		s[ 0 ] += bb.min( 0 );
		s[ 1 ] += bb.min( 1 );
		s[ 2 ] += bb.min( 2 );
		double sum = 0;
		double sumW = 0;
		for ( int i = 0; i < numViews; ++i )
			transforms[ i ].applyInverse( t, s );
			if ( FusionHelper.intersects( t[ 0 ], t[ 1 ], t[ 2 ], imgSizes[ i ][ 0 ], imgSizes[ i ][ 1 ], imgSizes[ i ][ 2 ] ) )
				final RealRandomAccess< T > r = interpolators.get( i );
				r.setPosition( t );
				final RealRandomAccess< FloatType > weight = weightAccess.get( i );
				weight.setPosition( t );
				final double w1 = weight.get().get();
				sum += r.get().getRealDouble() * w1;
				sumW += w1;
		if ( sumW > 0 )
			v.setReal( v.getRealFloat() + sum );
			w.set( w.get() + (float)sumW );
	return portion + " finished successfully (one weight).";
Example 16
Source File:    From SPIM_Registration with GNU General Public License v2.0 4 votes vote down vote up
public String call() throws Exception 
	final int numViews = imgs.size();
	// make the interpolators, weights and get the transformations
	final ArrayList< RealRandomAccess< T > > interpolators = new ArrayList< RealRandomAccess< T > >( numViews );
	final ArrayList< ArrayList< RealRandomAccess< FloatType > > > weightAccess = new ArrayList< ArrayList< RealRandomAccess< FloatType > > >();
	final int[][] imgSizes = new int[ numViews ][ 3 ];
	for ( int i = 0; i < numViews; ++i )
		final RandomAccessibleInterval< T > img = imgs.get( i );
		imgSizes[ i ] = new int[]{ (int)img.dimension( 0 ), (int)img.dimension( 1 ), (int)img.dimension( 2 ) };
		interpolators.add( Views.interpolate( Views.extendMirrorSingle( img ), interpolatorFactory ).realRandomAccess() );
		final ArrayList< RealRandomAccess< FloatType > > list = new ArrayList< RealRandomAccess< FloatType > >();

		for ( final RealRandomAccessible< FloatType > rra : weights.get( i ) )
			list.add( rra.realRandomAccess() );
		weightAccess.add( list );

	final Cursor< T > cursor = fusedImg.localizingCursor();
	final float[] s = new float[ 3 ];
	final float[] t = new float[ 3 ];
	cursor.jumpFwd( portion.getStartPosition() );
	for ( int j = 0; j < portion.getLoopSize(); ++j )
		// move img cursor forward any get the value (saves one access)
		final T v =;
		cursor.localize( s );
		if ( doDownSampling )
			s[ 0 ] *= downSampling;
			s[ 1 ] *= downSampling;
			s[ 2 ] *= downSampling;
		s[ 0 ] += bb.min( 0 );
		s[ 1 ] += bb.min( 1 );
		s[ 2 ] += bb.min( 2 );
		double sum = 0;
		double sumW = 0;
		for ( int i = 0; i < numViews; ++i )
			transforms[ i ].applyInverse( t, s );
			if ( FusionHelper.intersects( t[ 0 ], t[ 1 ], t[ 2 ], imgSizes[ i ][ 0 ], imgSizes[ i ][ 1 ], imgSizes[ i ][ 2 ] ) )
				final RealRandomAccess< T > r = interpolators.get( i );
				r.setPosition( t );
				double w = 1;
				for ( final RealRandomAccess< FloatType > weight : weightAccess.get( i ) )
					weight.setPosition( t );
					w *= weight.get().get();
				sum += r.get().getRealDouble() * w;
				sumW += w;
		if ( sumW > 0 )
			v.setReal( sum / sumW );
	return portion + " finished successfully (many weights).";
Example 17
Source File:    From SPIM_Registration with GNU General Public License v2.0 4 votes vote down vote up
public String call() throws Exception 
	final int numViews = imgs.size();
	// make the interpolators and get the transformations
	final ArrayList< RealRandomAccess< T > > interpolators = new ArrayList< RealRandomAccess< T > >( numViews );
	final int[][] imgSizes = new int[ numViews ][ 3 ];
	for ( int i = 0; i < numViews; ++i )
		final RandomAccessibleInterval< T > img = imgs.get( i );
		imgSizes[ i ] = new int[]{ (int)img.dimension( 0 ), (int)img.dimension( 1 ), (int)img.dimension( 2 ) };
		interpolators.add( Views.interpolate( Views.extendMirrorSingle( img ), interpolatorFactory ).realRandomAccess() );

	final Cursor< T > cursor = fusedImg.localizingCursor();
	final float[] s = new float[ 3 ];
	final float[] t = new float[ 3 ];
	cursor.jumpFwd( portion.getStartPosition() );
	for ( int j = 0; j < portion.getLoopSize(); ++j )
		// move img cursor forward any get the value (saves one access)
		final T v =;
		cursor.localize( s );
		if ( doDownSampling )
			s[ 0 ] *= downSampling;
			s[ 1 ] *= downSampling;
			s[ 2 ] *= downSampling;
		s[ 0 ] += bb.min( 0 );
		s[ 1 ] += bb.min( 1 );
		s[ 2 ] += bb.min( 2 );
		double sum = 0;
		int sumW = 0;
		for ( int i = 0; i < numViews; ++i )
			transforms[ i ].applyInverse( t, s );
			if ( FusionHelper.intersects( t[ 0 ], t[ 1 ], t[ 2 ], imgSizes[ i ][ 0 ], imgSizes[ i ][ 1 ], imgSizes[ i ][ 2 ] ) )
				final RealRandomAccess< T > r = interpolators.get( i );
				r.setPosition( t );
				sum += r.get().getRealDouble();
		if ( sumW > 0 )
			v.setReal( sum / sumW );
	return portion + " finished successfully (no weights).";