Java Code Examples for org.apache.atlas.type.AtlasType#toV1Json()

The following examples show how to use org.apache.atlas.type.AtlasType#toV1Json() . You can vote up the ones you like or vote down the ones you don't like, and go to the original project or source file by following the links above each example. You may check out the related API usage on the sidebar.
Example 1
Source File:    From atlas with Apache License 2.0 6 votes vote down vote up
public void testCreateEntity() throws Exception {
    AtlasClient atlasClient = new AtlasClient(service, configuration);

    WebResource.Builder builder = setupBuilder(AtlasClient.API_V1.CREATE_ENTITY, service);
    ClientResponse response = mock(ClientResponse.class);

    String jsonResponse = AtlasType.toV1Json(new EntityResult(Arrays.asList("id"), null, null));

    String entityJson = AtlasType.toV1Json(new Referenceable("type"));
    when(builder.method(anyString(), Matchers.<Class>any(), anyString())).thenReturn(response);

    List<String> ids = atlasClient.createEntity(entityJson);
    assertEquals(ids.size(), 1);
    assertEquals(ids.get(0), "id");
Example 2
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 * Supports Partial updates
 * Updates properties set in the definition for the entity corresponding to guid
 * @param entityType Type of the entity being updated
 * @param uniqueAttributeName Attribute Name that uniquely identifies the entity
 * @param uniqueAttributeValue Attribute Value that uniquely identifies the entity
 * @param entity entity definition
public EntityResult updateEntity(final String entityType, final String uniqueAttributeName,
                                 final String uniqueAttributeValue,
                                 Referenceable entity) throws AtlasServiceException {
    final API api        = API_V1.UPDATE_ENTITY_PARTIAL;
    String    entityJson = AtlasType.toV1Json(entity);
    LOG.debug("Updating entity type: {}, attributeName: {}, attributeValue: {}, entity: {}", entityType,
              uniqueAttributeName, uniqueAttributeValue, entityJson);
    ObjectNode response = callAPIWithRetries(api, entityJson, new ResourceCreator() {
        public WebResource createResource() {
            WebResource resource = getResource(api, QUALIFIED_NAME);
            resource = resource.queryParam(TYPE, entityType);
            resource = resource.queryParam(ATTRIBUTE_NAME, uniqueAttributeName);
            resource = resource.queryParam(ATTRIBUTE_VALUE, uniqueAttributeValue);
            return resource;
    EntityResult result = extractEntityResult(response);
    LOG.debug("Update entity returned result: {}", result);
    return result;
Example 3
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private List<AtlasKafkaMessage<HookNotification>> testReceiveHelper(EntityUpdateRequest message, String topic) throws Exception {

        String                               json    = AtlasType.toV1Json(new AtlasNotificationMessage<>(new MessageVersion("1.0.0"), message));
        TopicPartition                       tp      = new TopicPartition(topic, 0);
        List<ConsumerRecord<String, String>> klist   = Collections.singletonList(new ConsumerRecord<>(topic, 0, 0L, "mykey", json));
        Map                                  mp      = Collections.singletonMap(tp, klist);
        ConsumerRecords                      records = new ConsumerRecords(mp);



        AtlasKafkaConsumer                        consumer    = new AtlasKafkaConsumer(NotificationType.HOOK, kafkaConsumer, false, 100L);
        List<AtlasKafkaMessage<HookNotification>> messageList = consumer.receive();
        return messageList;
Example 4
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private String getAuditEventDetail(Referenceable entity, EntityAuditAction action) throws AtlasException {
    Map<String, Object> prunedAttributes = pruneEntityAttributesForAudit(entity);

    String auditPrefix  = getV1AuditPrefix(action);
    String auditString  = auditPrefix + AtlasType.toV1Json(entity);
    byte[] auditBytes   = auditString.getBytes(StandardCharsets.UTF_8);
    long   auditSize    = auditBytes != null ? auditBytes.length : 0;
    long   auditMaxSize = auditRepository.repositoryMaxSize();

    if (auditMaxSize >= 0 && auditSize > auditMaxSize) { // don't store attributes in audit
        LOG.warn("audit record too long: entityType={}, guid={}, size={}; maxSize={}. entity attribute values not stored in audit",
                entity.getTypeName(), entity.getId()._getId(), auditSize, auditMaxSize);

        Map<String, Object> attrValues = entity.getValuesMap();


        auditString = auditPrefix + AtlasType.toV1Json(entity);
        auditBytes  = auditString.getBytes(StandardCharsets.UTF_8); // recheck auditString size
        auditSize   = auditBytes != null ? auditBytes.length : 0;

        if (auditMaxSize >= 0 && auditSize > auditMaxSize) { // don't store classifications as well
            LOG.warn("audit record still too long: entityType={}, guid={}, size={}; maxSize={}. audit will have only summary details",
                    entity.getTypeName(), entity.getId()._getId(), auditSize, auditMaxSize);

            Referenceable shallowEntity = new Referenceable(entity.getId(), entity.getTypeName(), null, entity.getSystemAttributes(), null, null);

            auditString = auditPrefix + AtlasType.toJson(shallowEntity);


    restoreEntityAttributes(entity, prunedAttributes);

    return auditString;
Example 5
Source File:    From atlas with Apache License 2.0 5 votes vote down vote up
public void testDeserializeLegacyMessage() throws Exception {
    Referenceable       entity              = generateEntityWithTrait();
    EntityUpdateRequest message             = new EntityUpdateRequest("user1", entity);
    String              jsonMsg             = AtlasType.toV1Json(message);
    HookNotification    deserializedMessage = deserialize(Collections.singletonList(jsonMsg));

    assertEqualMessage(deserializedMessage, message);
Example 6
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public void testNewMessageSerDe() throws Exception {
    Referenceable entity1 = new Referenceable("sometype");
    Referenceable entity2 = new Referenceable("newtype");

    entity1.set("attr", "value");
    entity1.set("complex", new Referenceable("othertype"));

    String user = "user";

    EntityCreateRequest request           = new EntityCreateRequest(user, entity1, entity2);
    String              notificationJson  = AtlasType.toV1Json(request);
    HookNotification    actualNotification = deserializer.deserialize(notificationJson);

    assertEquals(actualNotification.getType(), HookNotificationType.ENTITY_CREATE);
    assertEquals(actualNotification.getUser(), user);
    assertTrue(actualNotification instanceof EntityCreateRequest);

    EntityCreateRequest createRequest = (EntityCreateRequest) actualNotification;

    assertEquals(createRequest.getEntities().size(), 2);

    Referenceable actualEntity1 = createRequest.getEntities().get(0);

    assertEquals(actualEntity1.getTypeName(), "sometype");
    assertEquals(((Referenceable)actualEntity1.get("complex")).getTypeName(), "othertype");
    assertEquals(createRequest.getEntities().get(1).getTypeName(), "newtype");
Example 7
Source File:    From atlas with Apache License 2.0 5 votes vote down vote up
public String getEntityDefinitionString() {
    if (entityDefinition != null) {
        return AtlasType.toV1Json(entityDefinition);
    return null;
Example 8
Source File:    From atlas with Apache License 2.0 5 votes vote down vote up
public void testBackwardCompatibility() throws Exception {
    //Code to generate the json, use it for hard-coded json used later in this test
    Referenceable entity = new Referenceable("sometype");
    entity.set("attr", "value");

    EntityCreateRequest request                  = new EntityCreateRequest(null, entity);
    String              notificationJsonFromCode = AtlasType.toV1Json(request);


    //Json without user and assert that the string can be deserialised
    String notificationJson = "{\n"
            + "  \"entities\": [\n"
            + "    {\n"
            + "      \"jsonClass\": \"org.apache.atlas.typesystem.json.InstanceSerialization$_Reference\",\n"
            + "      \"id\": {\n"
            + "        \"jsonClass\": \"org.apache.atlas.typesystem.json.InstanceSerialization$_Id\",\n"
            + "        \"id\": \"-1459493350903186000\",\n"
            + "        \"version\": 0,\n"
            + "        \"typeName\": \"sometype\",\n"
            + "        \"state\": \"ACTIVE\"\n"
            + "      },\n"
            + "      \"typeName\": \"sometype\",\n"
            + "      \"values\": {\n"
            + "        \"attr\": \"value\"\n"
            + "      },\n"
            + "      \"traitNames\": [],\n"
            + "      \"traits\": {}\n"
            + "    }\n"
            + "  ],\n"
            + "  \"type\": \"ENTITY_CREATE\"\n"
            + "}";

    HookNotification actualNotification = deserializer.deserialize(notificationJson);

    assertEquals(actualNotification.getType(), HookNotificationType.ENTITY_CREATE);
    assertEquals(actualNotification.getUser(), HookNotification.UNKNOW_USER);
Example 9
Source File:    From atlas with Apache License 2.0 5 votes vote down vote up
void createTypes() throws Exception {
    TypesDef typesDef = createTypeDefinitions();

    String typesAsJSON = AtlasType.toV1Json(typesDef);
    System.out.println("typesAsJSON = " + typesAsJSON);

    // verify types created
Example 10
Source File:    From atlas with Apache License 2.0 5 votes vote down vote up
private void createTrait(String traitName, String ... superTraitNames) throws Exception {
    TraitTypeDefinition traitDef = TypesUtil.createTraitTypeDef(traitName, null, new HashSet<>(Arrays.asList(superTraitNames)));
    TypesDef            typesDef = new TypesDef(Collections.<EnumTypeDefinition>emptyList(),
    String traitDefinitionJSON = AtlasType.toV1Json(typesDef);

    LOG.debug("Trait definition = {}", traitDefinitionJSON);

Example 11
Source File:    From atlas with Apache License 2.0 5 votes vote down vote up
private List<AtlasEntityDef> convertV1toV2(List<ClassTypeDefinition> types) throws AtlasBaseException {
    List<ClassTypeDefinition> classTypeList       = new ArrayList(types);
    TypesDef                  toConvert           = new TypesDef(Collections.emptyList(), Collections.emptyList(), Collections.emptyList(), classTypeList);
    String                    json                = AtlasType.toV1Json(toConvert);
    AtlasTypeRegistry         emptyRegistry       = new AtlasTypeRegistry();
    AtlasTypesDef             converted           = TypeConverterUtil.toAtlasTypesDef(json, emptyRegistry);
    List<AtlasEntityDef>      convertedEntityDefs = converted.getEntityDefs();

    return convertedEntityDefs;
Example 12
Source File:    From atlas with Apache License 2.0 5 votes vote down vote up
public void testAddTraitWithAttribute() throws Exception {
    String dbName = "db" + randomString();
    String tableName = "table" + randomString();
    Referenceable hiveDBInstance = createHiveDBInstanceBuiltIn(dbName);
    Id dbId = createInstance(hiveDBInstance);
    Referenceable hiveTableInstance = createHiveTableInstanceBuiltIn(dbName, tableName, dbId);
    Id id = createInstance(hiveTableInstance);

    final String guid = id._getId();
    try {
    } catch (IllegalArgumentException e) {"Response is not a guid, " + guid);

    final String traitName = "PII_Trait" + randomString();
    TraitTypeDefinition piiTrait = TypesUtil
            .createTraitTypeDef(traitName, null, Collections.<String>emptySet(),
                    TypesUtil.createRequiredAttrDef("type", AtlasBaseTypeDef.ATLAS_TYPE_STRING));
    String traitDefinitionAsJSON = AtlasType.toV1Json(piiTrait);
    LOG.debug("traitDefinitionAsJSON = {}", traitDefinitionAsJSON);

    TypesDef typesDef = new TypesDef(Collections.emptyList(), Collections.emptyList(), Collections.singletonList(piiTrait), Collections.emptyList());


    Struct traitInstance = new Struct(traitName);
    traitInstance.set("type", "SSN");
    atlasClientV1.addTrait(guid, traitInstance);

    // verify the response
    Referenceable entity = atlasClientV1.getEntity(guid);
    Assert.assertEquals(entity.getId()._getId(), guid);

    assertEquals(entity.getTrait(traitName).get("type"), traitInstance.get("type"));
Example 13
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  public void testNextVersionMismatch() throws Exception {
      Referenceable                        entity  = getEntity(TRAIT_NAME);
      EntityUpdateRequest                  message = new EntityUpdateRequest("user1", entity);
      String                               json    = AtlasType.toV1Json(new AtlasNotificationMessage<>(new MessageVersion("2.0.0"), message));
      TopicPartition                       tp      = new TopicPartition(ATLAS_HOOK_TOPIC,0);
      List<ConsumerRecord<String, String>> klist   = Collections.singletonList(new ConsumerRecord<>(ATLAS_HOOK_TOPIC, 0, 0L, "mykey", json));
      Map                                  mp      = Collections.singletonMap(tp,klist);
      ConsumerRecords                      records = new ConsumerRecords(mp);



      AtlasKafkaConsumer consumer =new AtlasKafkaConsumer(NotificationType.HOOK, kafkaConsumer ,false, 100L);

      try {
          List<AtlasKafkaMessage<HookNotification>> messageList = consumer.receive();

          assertTrue(messageList.size() > 0);

          HookNotification consumedMessage  = messageList.get(0).getMessage();

          fail("Expected VersionMismatchException!");
      } catch (IncompatibleVersionException e) {
Example 14
Source File:    From atlas with Apache License 2.0 5 votes vote down vote up
public void testAddTrait() throws Exception {
    String dbName = "db" + randomString();
    String tableName = "table" + randomString();
    Referenceable hiveDBInstance = createHiveDBInstanceBuiltIn(dbName);
    Id dbId = createInstance(hiveDBInstance);
    Referenceable hiveTableInstance = createHiveTableInstanceBuiltIn(dbName, tableName, dbId);
    Id id = createInstance(hiveTableInstance);

    final String guid = id._getId();
    try {
    } catch (IllegalArgumentException e) {"Response is not a guid, " + guid);

    String traitName = "PII_Trait" + randomString();
    TraitTypeDefinition piiTrait =
            TypesUtil.createTraitTypeDef(traitName, null, Collections.<String>emptySet());
    String traitDefinitionAsJSON = AtlasType.toV1Json(piiTrait);
    LOG.debug("traitDefinitionAsJSON = {}", traitDefinitionAsJSON);

    TypesDef typesDef = new TypesDef(Collections.emptyList(), Collections.emptyList(), Collections.singletonList(piiTrait), Collections.emptyList());


    Struct traitInstance = new Struct(traitName);

    atlasClientV1.addTrait(guid, traitInstance);
    assertEntityAudit(guid, EntityAuditEvent.EntityAuditAction.TAG_ADD);
Example 15
Source File:    From atlas with Apache License 2.0 5 votes vote down vote up
private String[] addTraits() throws Exception {
    String[] traitNames = {"class_trait", "secure_trait", "pii_trait", "ssn_trait", "salary_trait", "sox_trait",};

    for (String traitName : traitNames) {
        TraitTypeDefinition traitTypeDef =
                TypesUtil.createTraitTypeDef(traitName, null, Collections.<String>emptySet());
        TypesDef typesDef = new TypesDef(Collections.emptyList(), Collections.emptyList(), Collections.singletonList(traitTypeDef), Collections.emptyList());

        String json = AtlasType.toV1Json(typesDef);

    return traitNames;
Example 16
Source File:    From atlas with Apache License 2.0 5 votes vote down vote up
public void testSubmit() throws Exception {
    for (HierarchicalTypeDefinition typeDefinition : typeDefinitions) {
        } catch (AtlasServiceException ase){
            TypesDef typesDef = null;

            if (typeDefinition instanceof ClassTypeDefinition) {
                typesDef = new TypesDef(Collections.emptyList(), Collections.emptyList(),
                        Collections.emptyList(), Collections.singletonList((ClassTypeDefinition) typeDefinition));
            } else if (typeDefinition instanceof TraitTypeDefinition) {
                typesDef = new TypesDef(Collections.emptyList(), Collections.emptyList(),
                        Collections.singletonList((TraitTypeDefinition) typeDefinition), Collections.emptyList());

            String typesAsJSON = AtlasType.toV1Json(typesDef);

            System.out.println("typesAsJSON = " + typesAsJSON);

            ObjectNode response = atlasClientV1.callAPIWithBody(AtlasClient.API_V1.CREATE_TYPE, typesAsJSON);

            ArrayNode typesAdded = (ArrayNode) response.get(AtlasClient.TYPES);
            assertEquals(typesAdded.size(), 1);
            assertEquals(typesAdded.get(0).get(NAME).asText(), typeDefinition.getTypeName());
Example 17
Source File:    From atlas with Apache License 2.0 5 votes vote down vote up
private Id createInstance(Referenceable referenceable) throws Exception {
    String typeName = referenceable.getTypeName();

    String entityJSON = AtlasType.toV1Json(referenceable);
    System.out.println("Submitting new entity= " + entityJSON);
    List<String> guids = metadataServiceClient.createEntity(entityJSON);
    System.out.println("created instance for type " + typeName + ", guid: " + guids);

    // return the Id for created instance with guid
    if (guids.size() > 0) {
        return new Id(guids.get(guids.size() - 1), referenceable.getId().getVersion(), referenceable.getTypeName());

    return null;
Example 18
Source File:    From atlas with Apache License 2.0 4 votes vote down vote up
public String toString() { return AtlasType.toV1Json(this); }
Example 19
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public void testDeserializeCompressedMessage() throws Exception {
    Referenceable       entity     = generateLargeEntityWithTrait();
    EntityUpdateRequest message    = new EntityUpdateRequest("user1", entity);
    List<String>       jsonMsgList = new ArrayList<>();

    AbstractNotification.createNotificationMessages(message, jsonMsgList);

    assertTrue(jsonMsgList.size() == 1);

    String compressedMsg   = jsonMsgList.get(0);
    String uncompressedMsg = AtlasType.toV1Json(message);

    assertTrue(compressedMsg.length() < uncompressedMsg.length(), "Compressed message (" + compressedMsg.length() + ") should be shorter than uncompressed message (" + uncompressedMsg.length() + ")");

    HookNotification deserializedMessage = deserialize(jsonMsgList);

    assertEqualMessage(deserializedMessage, message);
Example 20
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public String toString() {
    return AtlasType.toV1Json(this);