Java Code Examples for java.nio.LongBuffer#slice()

The following examples show how to use java.nio.LongBuffer#slice() . You can vote up the ones you like or vote down the ones you don't like, and go to the original project or source file by following the links above each example. You may check out the related API usage on the sidebar.
Example 1
Source File:    From java with Apache License 2.0 5 votes vote down vote up
public LongDataBuffer slice(long index, long size) {
  Validator.sliceArgs(this, index, size);
  LongBuffer sliceBuf = buf.duplicate();
  sliceBuf.limit((int)index + (int)size);
  return new LongNioDataBuffer(sliceBuf.slice());
Example 2
Source File:    From calcite with Apache License 2.0 5 votes vote down vote up
 * Returns a new immutable bit set containing all the bits in the given long
 * buffer.
public static ImmutableBitSet valueOf(LongBuffer longs) {
  longs = longs.slice();
  int n = longs.remaining();
  while (n > 0 && longs.get(n - 1) == 0) {
  if (n == 0) {
    return EMPTY;
  long[] words = new long[n];
  return new ImmutableBitSet(words);
Example 3
Source File:    From Quicksql with MIT License 5 votes vote down vote up
 * Returns a new immutable bit set containing all the bits in the given long
 * buffer.
public static ImmutableBitSet valueOf(LongBuffer longs) {
  longs = longs.slice();
  int n = longs.remaining();
  while (n > 0 && longs.get(n - 1) == 0) {
  if (n == 0) {
    return EMPTY;
  long[] words = new long[n];
  return new ImmutableBitSet(words);
Example 4
Source File:    From metrics with Apache License 2.0 5 votes vote down vote up
public void compress(LongBuffer src, LongOutputStream dst) {
    // Output length of original array.  When input array is empty, make
    // empty output for memory efficiency.
    final int srcLen = src.remaining();
    if (srcLen == 0) {

    // Output first int, and set it as delta's initial context.
    final long first = src.get();
    DZEncodeFilter filter = new DZEncodeFilter(first);

    // Compress intermediate blocks.
    final int chunkSize = this.bitPack.getBlockSize();
    final int chunkRemain = src.remaining() % chunkSize;
    LongBuffer window = src.slice();
    window.limit(window.limit() - chunkRemain);
    this.bitPack.compress(window, dst, filter);
    src.position(src.position() + window.position());

    // Compress last block.
    if (chunkRemain > 0) {
        long[] last = new long[chunkSize];
        src.get(last, 0, chunkRemain);
        // Padding extended area by last value.  It make delta zigzag
        // efficient.
        Arrays.fill(last, chunkRemain, last.length,
                last[chunkRemain - 1]);
        this.bitPack.compress(LongBuffer.wrap(last), dst, filter);
Example 5
Source File:    From metrics with Apache License 2.0 5 votes vote down vote up
public static void encodeBlockPack(
        LongBuffer src,
        LongFilterFactory filterFactory,
        LongBitPacking packer,
        LongOutputStream dst)
    // Output length of original array.  When input array is empty, make
    // empty output for memory efficiency.
    final int srcLen = src.remaining();
    if (srcLen == 0) {

    // Output first int, and set it as delta's initial context.
    final long first = src.get();
    LongFilter filter = filterFactory.newFilter(first);

    // Compress intermediate blocks.
    final int chunkSize = packer.getBlockSize();
    final int chunkRemain = src.remaining() % chunkSize;
    LongBuffer window = src.slice();
    window.limit(window.limit() - chunkRemain);
    packer.compress(window, dst, filter);
    src.position(src.position() + window.position());

    // Compress last block.
    if (chunkRemain > 0) {
        long[] last = new long[chunkSize];
        src.get(last, 0, chunkRemain);
        // Padding extended area by last value.  It make delta zigzag
        // efficient.
        Arrays.fill(last, chunkRemain, last.length,
                last[chunkRemain - 1]);
        packer.compress(LongBuffer.wrap(last), dst, filter);
Example 6
Source File:    From jdk8u_jdk with GNU General Public License v2.0 3 votes vote down vote up
 * Returns a new bit set containing all the bits in the given long
 * buffer between its position and limit.
 * <p>More precisely,
 * <br>{@code BitSet.valueOf(lb).get(n) == ((lb.get(lb.position()+n/64) & (1L<<(n%64))) != 0)}
 * <br>for all {@code n < 64 * lb.remaining()}.
 * <p>The long buffer is not modified by this method, and no
 * reference to the buffer is retained by the bit set.
 * @param lb a long buffer containing a little-endian representation
 *        of a sequence of bits between its position and limit, to be
 *        used as the initial bits of the new bit set
 * @return a {@code BitSet} containing all the bits in the buffer in the
 *         specified range
 * @since 1.7
public static BitSet valueOf(LongBuffer lb) {
    lb = lb.slice();
    int n;
    for (n = lb.remaining(); n > 0 && lb.get(n - 1) == 0; n--)
    long[] words = new long[n];
    return new BitSet(words);
Example 7
Source File:    From openjdk-8 with GNU General Public License v2.0 3 votes vote down vote up
 * Returns a new bit set containing all the bits in the given long
 * buffer between its position and limit.
 * <p>More precisely,
 * <br>{@code BitSet.valueOf(lb).get(n) == ((lb.get(lb.position()+n/64) & (1L<<(n%64))) != 0)}
 * <br>for all {@code n < 64 * lb.remaining()}.
 * <p>The long buffer is not modified by this method, and no
 * reference to the buffer is retained by the bit set.
 * @param lb a long buffer containing a little-endian representation
 *        of a sequence of bits between its position and limit, to be
 *        used as the initial bits of the new bit set
 * @return a {@code BitSet} containing all the bits in the buffer in the
 *         specified range
 * @since 1.7
public static BitSet valueOf(LongBuffer lb) {
    lb = lb.slice();
    int n;
    for (n = lb.remaining(); n > 0 && lb.get(n - 1) == 0; n--)
    long[] words = new long[n];
    return new BitSet(words);
Example 8
Source File:    From j2objc with Apache License 2.0 3 votes vote down vote up
 * Returns a new bit set containing all the bits in the given long
 * buffer between its position and limit.
 * <p>More precisely,
 * <br>{@code BitSet.valueOf(lb).get(n) == ((lb.get(lb.position()+n/64) & (1L<<(n%64))) != 0)}
 * <br>for all {@code n < 64 * lb.remaining()}.
 * <p>The long buffer is not modified by this method, and no
 * reference to the buffer is retained by the bit set.
 * @param lb a long buffer containing a little-endian representation
 *        of a sequence of bits between its position and limit, to be
 *        used as the initial bits of the new bit set
 * @return a {@code BitSet} containing all the bits in the buffer in the
 *         specified range
 * @since 1.7
public static BitSet valueOf(LongBuffer lb) {
    lb = lb.slice();
    int n;
    for (n = lb.remaining(); n > 0 && lb.get(n - 1) == 0; n--)
    long[] words = new long[n];
    return new BitSet(words);
Example 9
Source File:    From hottub with GNU General Public License v2.0 3 votes vote down vote up
 * Returns a new bit set containing all the bits in the given long
 * buffer between its position and limit.
 * <p>More precisely,
 * <br>{@code BitSet.valueOf(lb).get(n) == ((lb.get(lb.position()+n/64) & (1L<<(n%64))) != 0)}
 * <br>for all {@code n < 64 * lb.remaining()}.
 * <p>The long buffer is not modified by this method, and no
 * reference to the buffer is retained by the bit set.
 * @param lb a long buffer containing a little-endian representation
 *        of a sequence of bits between its position and limit, to be
 *        used as the initial bits of the new bit set
 * @return a {@code BitSet} containing all the bits in the buffer in the
 *         specified range
 * @since 1.7
public static BitSet valueOf(LongBuffer lb) {
    lb = lb.slice();
    int n;
    for (n = lb.remaining(); n > 0 && lb.get(n - 1) == 0; n--)
    long[] words = new long[n];
    return new BitSet(words);
Example 10
Source File:    From Java8CN with Apache License 2.0 3 votes vote down vote up
 * Returns a new bit set containing all the bits in the given long
 * buffer between its position and limit.
 * <p>More precisely,
 * <br>{@code BitSet.valueOf(lb).get(n) == ((lb.get(lb.position()+n/64) & (1L<<(n%64))) != 0)}
 * <br>for all {@code n < 64 * lb.remaining()}.
 * <p>The long buffer is not modified by this method, and no
 * reference to the buffer is retained by the bit set.
 * @param lb a long buffer containing a little-endian representation
 *        of a sequence of bits between its position and limit, to be
 *        used as the initial bits of the new bit set
 * @return a {@code BitSet} containing all the bits in the buffer in the
 *         specified range
 * @since 1.7
public static BitSet valueOf(LongBuffer lb) {
    lb = lb.slice();
    int n;
    for (n = lb.remaining(); n > 0 && lb.get(n - 1) == 0; n--)
    long[] words = new long[n];
    return new BitSet(words);
Example 11
Source File:    From pulsar with Apache License 2.0 3 votes vote down vote up
 * Returns a new bit set containing all the bits in the given long
 * buffer between its position and limit.
 * <p>More precisely,
 * <br>{@code BitSet.valueOf(lb).get(n) == ((lb.get(lb.position()+n/64) & (1L<<(n%64))) != 0)}
 * <br>for all {@code n < 64 * lb.remaining()}.
 * <p>The long buffer is not modified by this method, and no
 * reference to the buffer is retained by the bit set.
 * @param lb a long buffer containing a little-endian representation
 *        of a sequence of bits between its position and limit, to be
 *        used as the initial bits of the new bit set
 * @return a {@code BitSet} containing all the bits in the buffer in the
 *         specified range
 * @since 1.7
public static BitSetRecyclable valueOf(LongBuffer lb) {
    lb = lb.slice();
    int n;
    for (n = lb.remaining(); n > 0 && lb.get(n - 1) == 0; n--)
    long[] words = new long[n];
    return new BitSetRecyclable(words);
Example 12
Source File:    From jdk8u-dev-jdk with GNU General Public License v2.0 3 votes vote down vote up
 * Returns a new bit set containing all the bits in the given long
 * buffer between its position and limit.
 * <p>More precisely,
 * <br>{@code BitSet.valueOf(lb).get(n) == ((lb.get(lb.position()+n/64) & (1L<<(n%64))) != 0)}
 * <br>for all {@code n < 64 * lb.remaining()}.
 * <p>The long buffer is not modified by this method, and no
 * reference to the buffer is retained by the bit set.
 * @param lb a long buffer containing a little-endian representation
 *        of a sequence of bits between its position and limit, to be
 *        used as the initial bits of the new bit set
 * @return a {@code BitSet} containing all the bits in the buffer in the
 *         specified range
 * @since 1.7
public static BitSet valueOf(LongBuffer lb) {
    lb = lb.slice();
    int n;
    for (n = lb.remaining(); n > 0 && lb.get(n - 1) == 0; n--)
    long[] words = new long[n];
    return new BitSet(words);
Example 13
Source File:    From Bytecoder with Apache License 2.0 3 votes vote down vote up
 * Returns a new bit set containing all the bits in the given long
 * buffer between its position and limit.
 * <p>More precisely,
 * <br>{@code BitSet.valueOf(lb).get(n) == ((lb.get(lb.position()+n/64) & (1L<<(n%64))) != 0)}
 * <br>for all {@code n < 64 * lb.remaining()}.
 * <p>The long buffer is not modified by this method, and no
 * reference to the buffer is retained by the bit set.
 * @param lb a long buffer containing a little-endian representation
 *        of a sequence of bits between its position and limit, to be
 *        used as the initial bits of the new bit set
 * @return a {@code BitSet} containing all the bits in the buffer in the
 *         specified range
 * @since 1.7
public static BitSet valueOf(LongBuffer lb) {
    lb = lb.slice();
    int n;
    for (n = lb.remaining(); n > 0 && lb.get(n - 1) == 0; n--)
    long[] words = new long[n];
    return new BitSet(words);
Example 14
Source File:    From jdk-1.7-annotated with Apache License 2.0 3 votes vote down vote up
 * Returns a new bit set containing all the bits in the given long
 * buffer between its position and limit.
 * <p>More precisely,
 * <br>{@code BitSet.valueOf(lb).get(n) == ((lb.get(lb.position()+n/64) & (1L<<(n%64))) != 0)}
 * <br>for all {@code n < 64 * lb.remaining()}.
 * <p>The long buffer is not modified by this method, and no
 * reference to the buffer is retained by the bit set.
 * @param lb a long buffer containing a little-endian representation
 *        of a sequence of bits between its position and limit, to be
 *        used as the initial bits of the new bit set
 * @since 1.7
public static BitSet valueOf(LongBuffer lb) {
    lb = lb.slice();
    int n;
    for (n = lb.remaining(); n > 0 && lb.get(n - 1) == 0; n--)
    long[] words = new long[n];
    return new BitSet(words);
Example 15
Source File:    From macrobase with Apache License 2.0 3 votes vote down vote up
 * Returns a new bit set containing all the bits in the given long
 * buffer between its position and limit.
 * <p>More precisely,
 * <br>{@code ModBitSet.valueOf(lb).get(n) == ((lb.get(lb.position()+n/64) & (1L<<(n%64))) != 0)}
 * <br>for all {@code n < 64 * lb.remaining()}.
 * <p>The long buffer is not modified by this method, and no
 * reference to the buffer is retained by the bit set.
 * @param lb a long buffer containing a little-endian representation
 *        of a sequence of bits between its position and limit, to be
 *        used as the initial bits of the new bit set
 * @return a {@code ModBitSet} containing all the bits in the buffer in the
 *         specified range
 * @since 1.7
public static ModBitSet valueOf(LongBuffer lb) {
    lb = lb.slice();
    int n;
    for (n = lb.remaining(); n > 0 && lb.get(n - 1) == 0; n--)
    long[] words = new long[n];
    return new ModBitSet(words);
Example 16
Source File:    From JDKSourceCode1.8 with MIT License 3 votes vote down vote up
 * Returns a new bit set containing all the bits in the given long
 * buffer between its position and limit.
 * <p>More precisely,
 * <br>{@code BitSet.valueOf(lb).get(n) == ((lb.get(lb.position()+n/64) & (1L<<(n%64))) != 0)}
 * <br>for all {@code n < 64 * lb.remaining()}.
 * <p>The long buffer is not modified by this method, and no
 * reference to the buffer is retained by the bit set.
 * @param lb a long buffer containing a little-endian representation
 *        of a sequence of bits between its position and limit, to be
 *        used as the initial bits of the new bit set
 * @return a {@code BitSet} containing all the bits in the buffer in the
 *         specified range
 * @since 1.7
public static BitSet valueOf(LongBuffer lb) {
    lb = lb.slice();
    int n;
    for (n = lb.remaining(); n > 0 && lb.get(n - 1) == 0; n--)
    long[] words = new long[n];
    return new BitSet(words);
Example 17
Source File:    From jdk8u60 with GNU General Public License v2.0 3 votes vote down vote up
 * Returns a new bit set containing all the bits in the given long
 * buffer between its position and limit.
 * <p>More precisely,
 * <br>{@code BitSet.valueOf(lb).get(n) == ((lb.get(lb.position()+n/64) & (1L<<(n%64))) != 0)}
 * <br>for all {@code n < 64 * lb.remaining()}.
 * <p>The long buffer is not modified by this method, and no
 * reference to the buffer is retained by the bit set.
 * @param lb a long buffer containing a little-endian representation
 *        of a sequence of bits between its position and limit, to be
 *        used as the initial bits of the new bit set
 * @return a {@code BitSet} containing all the bits in the buffer in the
 *         specified range
 * @since 1.7
public static BitSet valueOf(LongBuffer lb) {
    lb = lb.slice();
    int n;
    for (n = lb.remaining(); n > 0 && lb.get(n - 1) == 0; n--)
    long[] words = new long[n];
    return new BitSet(words);
Example 18
Source File:    From TencentKona-8 with GNU General Public License v2.0 3 votes vote down vote up
 * Returns a new bit set containing all the bits in the given long
 * buffer between its position and limit.
 * <p>More precisely,
 * <br>{@code BitSet.valueOf(lb).get(n) == ((lb.get(lb.position()+n/64) & (1L<<(n%64))) != 0)}
 * <br>for all {@code n < 64 * lb.remaining()}.
 * <p>The long buffer is not modified by this method, and no
 * reference to the buffer is retained by the bit set.
 * @param lb a long buffer containing a little-endian representation
 *        of a sequence of bits between its position and limit, to be
 *        used as the initial bits of the new bit set
 * @return a {@code BitSet} containing all the bits in the buffer in the
 *         specified range
 * @since 1.7
public static BitSet valueOf(LongBuffer lb) {
    lb = lb.slice();
    int n;
    for (n = lb.remaining(); n > 0 && lb.get(n - 1) == 0; n--)
    long[] words = new long[n];
    return new BitSet(words);
Example 19
Source File:    From dragonwell8_jdk with GNU General Public License v2.0 3 votes vote down vote up
 * Returns a new bit set containing all the bits in the given long
 * buffer between its position and limit.
 * <p>More precisely,
 * <br>{@code BitSet.valueOf(lb).get(n) == ((lb.get(lb.position()+n/64) & (1L<<(n%64))) != 0)}
 * <br>for all {@code n < 64 * lb.remaining()}.
 * <p>The long buffer is not modified by this method, and no
 * reference to the buffer is retained by the bit set.
 * @param lb a long buffer containing a little-endian representation
 *        of a sequence of bits between its position and limit, to be
 *        used as the initial bits of the new bit set
 * @return a {@code BitSet} containing all the bits in the buffer in the
 *         specified range
 * @since 1.7
public static BitSet valueOf(LongBuffer lb) {
    lb = lb.slice();
    int n;
    for (n = lb.remaining(); n > 0 && lb.get(n - 1) == 0; n--)
    long[] words = new long[n];
    return new BitSet(words);
Example 20
Source File:    From jdk8u-jdk with GNU General Public License v2.0 3 votes vote down vote up
 * Returns a new bit set containing all the bits in the given long
 * buffer between its position and limit.
 * <p>More precisely,
 * <br>{@code BitSet.valueOf(lb).get(n) == ((lb.get(lb.position()+n/64) & (1L<<(n%64))) != 0)}
 * <br>for all {@code n < 64 * lb.remaining()}.
 * <p>The long buffer is not modified by this method, and no
 * reference to the buffer is retained by the bit set.
 * @param lb a long buffer containing a little-endian representation
 *        of a sequence of bits between its position and limit, to be
 *        used as the initial bits of the new bit set
 * @return a {@code BitSet} containing all the bits in the buffer in the
 *         specified range
 * @since 1.7
public static BitSet valueOf(LongBuffer lb) {
    lb = lb.slice();
    int n;
    for (n = lb.remaining(); n > 0 && lb.get(n - 1) == 0; n--)
    long[] words = new long[n];
    return new BitSet(words);