Java Code Examples for

The following examples show how to use . You can vote up the ones you like or vote down the ones you don't like, and go to the original project or source file by following the links above each example. You may check out the related API usage on the sidebar.
Example 1
Source File:    From MediaSDK with Apache License 2.0 5 votes vote down vote up
 * Returns a maximum video size to use when configuring a codec for {@code format} in a way that
 * will allow possible adaptation to other compatible formats that are expected to have the same
 * aspect ratio, but whose sizes are unknown.
 * @param codecInfo Information about the {@link MediaCodec} being configured.
 * @param format The {@link Format} for which the codec is being configured.
 * @return The maximum video size to use, or null if the size of {@code format} should be used.
private static Point getCodecMaxSize(MediaCodecInfo codecInfo, Format format) {
  boolean isVerticalVideo = format.height > format.width;
  int formatLongEdgePx = isVerticalVideo ? format.height : format.width;
  int formatShortEdgePx = isVerticalVideo ? format.width : format.height;
  float aspectRatio = (float) formatShortEdgePx / formatLongEdgePx;
  for (int longEdgePx : STANDARD_LONG_EDGE_VIDEO_PX) {
    int shortEdgePx = (int) (longEdgePx * aspectRatio);
    if (longEdgePx <= formatLongEdgePx || shortEdgePx <= formatShortEdgePx) {
      // Don't return a size not larger than the format for which the codec is being configured.
      return null;
    } else if (Util.SDK_INT >= 21) {
      Point alignedSize = codecInfo.alignVideoSizeV21(isVerticalVideo ? shortEdgePx : longEdgePx,
          isVerticalVideo ? longEdgePx : shortEdgePx);
      float frameRate = format.frameRate;
      if (codecInfo.isVideoSizeAndRateSupportedV21(alignedSize.x, alignedSize.y, frameRate)) {
        return alignedSize;
    } else {
      try {
        // Conservatively assume the codec requires 16px width and height alignment.
        longEdgePx = Util.ceilDivide(longEdgePx, 16) * 16;
        shortEdgePx = Util.ceilDivide(shortEdgePx, 16) * 16;
        if (longEdgePx * shortEdgePx <= MediaCodecUtil.maxH264DecodableFrameSize()) {
          return new Point(
              isVerticalVideo ? shortEdgePx : longEdgePx,
              isVerticalVideo ? longEdgePx : shortEdgePx);
      } catch (DecoderQueryException e) {
        // We tried our best. Give up!
        return null;
  return null;
Example 2
Source File:    From TelePlus-Android with GNU General Public License v2.0 5 votes vote down vote up
 * Returns a maximum video size to use when configuring a codec for {@code format} in a way
 * that will allow possible adaptation to other compatible formats that are expected to have the
 * same aspect ratio, but whose sizes are unknown.
 * @param codecInfo Information about the {@link MediaCodec} being configured.
 * @param format The format for which the codec is being configured.
 * @return The maximum video size to use, or null if the size of {@code format} should be used.
 * @throws DecoderQueryException If an error occurs querying {@code codecInfo}.
private static Point getCodecMaxSize(MediaCodecInfo codecInfo, Format format)
    throws DecoderQueryException {
  boolean isVerticalVideo = format.height > format.width;
  int formatLongEdgePx = isVerticalVideo ? format.height : format.width;
  int formatShortEdgePx = isVerticalVideo ? format.width : format.height;
  float aspectRatio = (float) formatShortEdgePx / formatLongEdgePx;
  for (int longEdgePx : STANDARD_LONG_EDGE_VIDEO_PX) {
    int shortEdgePx = (int) (longEdgePx * aspectRatio);
    if (longEdgePx <= formatLongEdgePx || shortEdgePx <= formatShortEdgePx) {
      // Don't return a size not larger than the format for which the codec is being configured.
      return null;
    } else if (Util.SDK_INT >= 21) {
      Point alignedSize = codecInfo.alignVideoSizeV21(isVerticalVideo ? shortEdgePx : longEdgePx,
          isVerticalVideo ? longEdgePx : shortEdgePx);
      float frameRate = format.frameRate;
      if (codecInfo.isVideoSizeAndRateSupportedV21(alignedSize.x, alignedSize.y, frameRate)) {
        return alignedSize;
    } else {
      // Conservatively assume the codec requires 16px width and height alignment.
      longEdgePx = Util.ceilDivide(longEdgePx, 16) * 16;
      shortEdgePx = Util.ceilDivide(shortEdgePx, 16) * 16;
      if (longEdgePx * shortEdgePx <= MediaCodecUtil.maxH264DecodableFrameSize()) {
        return new Point(isVerticalVideo ? shortEdgePx : longEdgePx,
            isVerticalVideo ? longEdgePx : shortEdgePx);
  return null;
Example 3
Source File:    From TelePlus-Android with GNU General Public License v2.0 5 votes vote down vote up
 * Returns a maximum video size to use when configuring a codec for {@code format} in a way
 * that will allow possible adaptation to other compatible formats that are expected to have the
 * same aspect ratio, but whose sizes are unknown.
 * @param codecInfo Information about the {@link MediaCodec} being configured.
 * @param format The format for which the codec is being configured.
 * @return The maximum video size to use, or null if the size of {@code format} should be used.
 * @throws DecoderQueryException If an error occurs querying {@code codecInfo}.
private static Point getCodecMaxSize(MediaCodecInfo codecInfo, Format format)
    throws DecoderQueryException {
  boolean isVerticalVideo = format.height > format.width;
  int formatLongEdgePx = isVerticalVideo ? format.height : format.width;
  int formatShortEdgePx = isVerticalVideo ? format.width : format.height;
  float aspectRatio = (float) formatShortEdgePx / formatLongEdgePx;
  for (int longEdgePx : STANDARD_LONG_EDGE_VIDEO_PX) {
    int shortEdgePx = (int) (longEdgePx * aspectRatio);
    if (longEdgePx <= formatLongEdgePx || shortEdgePx <= formatShortEdgePx) {
      // Don't return a size not larger than the format for which the codec is being configured.
      return null;
    } else if (Util.SDK_INT >= 21) {
      Point alignedSize = codecInfo.alignVideoSizeV21(isVerticalVideo ? shortEdgePx : longEdgePx,
          isVerticalVideo ? longEdgePx : shortEdgePx);
      float frameRate = format.frameRate;
      if (codecInfo.isVideoSizeAndRateSupportedV21(alignedSize.x, alignedSize.y, frameRate)) {
        return alignedSize;
    } else {
      // Conservatively assume the codec requires 16px width and height alignment.
      longEdgePx = Util.ceilDivide(longEdgePx, 16) * 16;
      shortEdgePx = Util.ceilDivide(shortEdgePx, 16) * 16;
      if (longEdgePx * shortEdgePx <= MediaCodecUtil.maxH264DecodableFrameSize()) {
        return new Point(isVerticalVideo ? shortEdgePx : longEdgePx,
            isVerticalVideo ? longEdgePx : shortEdgePx);
  return null;
Example 4
Source File:    From K-Sonic with MIT License 5 votes vote down vote up
 * Returns a maximum video size to use when configuring a codec for {@code format} in a way
 * that will allow possible adaptation to other compatible formats that are expected to have the
 * same aspect ratio, but whose sizes are unknown.
 * @param codecInfo Information about the {@link MediaCodec} being configured.
 * @param format The format for which the codec is being configured.
 * @return The maximum video size to use, or null if the size of {@code format} should be used.
 * @throws DecoderQueryException If an error occurs querying {@code codecInfo}.
private static Point getCodecMaxSize(MediaCodecInfo codecInfo, Format format)
    throws DecoderQueryException {
  boolean isVerticalVideo = format.height > format.width;
  int formatLongEdgePx = isVerticalVideo ? format.height : format.width;
  int formatShortEdgePx = isVerticalVideo ? format.width : format.height;
  float aspectRatio = (float) formatShortEdgePx / formatLongEdgePx;
  for (int longEdgePx : STANDARD_LONG_EDGE_VIDEO_PX) {
    int shortEdgePx = (int) (longEdgePx * aspectRatio);
    if (longEdgePx <= formatLongEdgePx || shortEdgePx <= formatShortEdgePx) {
      // Don't return a size not larger than the format for which the codec is being configured.
      return null;
    } else if (Util.SDK_INT >= 21) {
      Point alignedSize = codecInfo.alignVideoSizeV21(isVerticalVideo ? shortEdgePx : longEdgePx,
          isVerticalVideo ? longEdgePx : shortEdgePx);
      float frameRate = format.frameRate;
      if (codecInfo.isVideoSizeAndRateSupportedV21(alignedSize.x, alignedSize.y, frameRate)) {
        return alignedSize;
    } else {
      // Conservatively assume the codec requires 16px width and height alignment.
      longEdgePx = Util.ceilDivide(longEdgePx, 16) * 16;
      shortEdgePx = Util.ceilDivide(shortEdgePx, 16) * 16;
      if (longEdgePx * shortEdgePx <= MediaCodecUtil.maxH264DecodableFrameSize()) {
        return new Point(isVerticalVideo ? shortEdgePx : longEdgePx,
            isVerticalVideo ? longEdgePx : shortEdgePx);
  return null;
Example 5
Source File:    From Telegram-FOSS with GNU General Public License v2.0 5 votes vote down vote up
 * Returns a maximum video size to use when configuring a codec for {@code format} in a way that
 * will allow possible adaptation to other compatible formats that are expected to have the same
 * aspect ratio, but whose sizes are unknown.
 * @param codecInfo Information about the {@link MediaCodec} being configured.
 * @param format The format for which the codec is being configured.
 * @return The maximum video size to use, or null if the size of {@code format} should be used.
private static Point getCodecMaxSize(MediaCodecInfo codecInfo, Format format) {
  boolean isVerticalVideo = format.height > format.width;
  int formatLongEdgePx = isVerticalVideo ? format.height : format.width;
  int formatShortEdgePx = isVerticalVideo ? format.width : format.height;
  float aspectRatio = (float) formatShortEdgePx / formatLongEdgePx;
  for (int longEdgePx : STANDARD_LONG_EDGE_VIDEO_PX) {
    int shortEdgePx = (int) (longEdgePx * aspectRatio);
    if (longEdgePx <= formatLongEdgePx || shortEdgePx <= formatShortEdgePx) {
      // Don't return a size not larger than the format for which the codec is being configured.
      return null;
    } else if (Util.SDK_INT >= 21) {
      Point alignedSize = codecInfo.alignVideoSizeV21(isVerticalVideo ? shortEdgePx : longEdgePx,
          isVerticalVideo ? longEdgePx : shortEdgePx);
      float frameRate = format.frameRate;
      if (codecInfo.isVideoSizeAndRateSupportedV21(alignedSize.x, alignedSize.y, frameRate)) {
        return alignedSize;
    } else {
      try {
        // Conservatively assume the codec requires 16px width and height alignment.
        longEdgePx = Util.ceilDivide(longEdgePx, 16) * 16;
        shortEdgePx = Util.ceilDivide(shortEdgePx, 16) * 16;
        if (longEdgePx * shortEdgePx <= MediaCodecUtil.maxH264DecodableFrameSize()) {
          return new Point(
              isVerticalVideo ? shortEdgePx : longEdgePx,
              isVerticalVideo ? longEdgePx : shortEdgePx);
      } catch (DecoderQueryException e) {
        // We tried our best. Give up!
        return null;
  return null;
Example 6
Source File:    From Telegram with GNU General Public License v2.0 5 votes vote down vote up
 * Returns a maximum video size to use when configuring a codec for {@code format} in a way that
 * will allow possible adaptation to other compatible formats that are expected to have the same
 * aspect ratio, but whose sizes are unknown.
 * @param codecInfo Information about the {@link MediaCodec} being configured.
 * @param format The format for which the codec is being configured.
 * @return The maximum video size to use, or null if the size of {@code format} should be used.
private static Point getCodecMaxSize(MediaCodecInfo codecInfo, Format format) {
  boolean isVerticalVideo = format.height > format.width;
  int formatLongEdgePx = isVerticalVideo ? format.height : format.width;
  int formatShortEdgePx = isVerticalVideo ? format.width : format.height;
  float aspectRatio = (float) formatShortEdgePx / formatLongEdgePx;
  for (int longEdgePx : STANDARD_LONG_EDGE_VIDEO_PX) {
    int shortEdgePx = (int) (longEdgePx * aspectRatio);
    if (longEdgePx <= formatLongEdgePx || shortEdgePx <= formatShortEdgePx) {
      // Don't return a size not larger than the format for which the codec is being configured.
      return null;
    } else if (Util.SDK_INT >= 21) {
      Point alignedSize = codecInfo.alignVideoSizeV21(isVerticalVideo ? shortEdgePx : longEdgePx,
          isVerticalVideo ? longEdgePx : shortEdgePx);
      float frameRate = format.frameRate;
      if (codecInfo.isVideoSizeAndRateSupportedV21(alignedSize.x, alignedSize.y, frameRate)) {
        return alignedSize;
    } else {
      try {
        // Conservatively assume the codec requires 16px width and height alignment.
        longEdgePx = Util.ceilDivide(longEdgePx, 16) * 16;
        shortEdgePx = Util.ceilDivide(shortEdgePx, 16) * 16;
        if (longEdgePx * shortEdgePx <= MediaCodecUtil.maxH264DecodableFrameSize()) {
          return new Point(
              isVerticalVideo ? shortEdgePx : longEdgePx,
              isVerticalVideo ? longEdgePx : shortEdgePx);
      } catch (DecoderQueryException e) {
        // We tried our best. Give up!
        return null;
  return null;