Java Code Examples for com.twitter.util.Await#result()
The following examples show how to use
com.twitter.util.Await#result() .
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Example 1
Source File: From distributedlog with Apache License 2.0 | 6 votes |
@Test(timeout = 60000) public void testReaderLockSharedDlmDoesNotConflict() throws Exception { String name = runtime.getMethodName(); DistributedLogManager dlm0 = createNewDLM(conf, name); BKAsyncLogWriter writer = (BKAsyncLogWriter)(dlm0.startAsyncLogSegmentNonPartitioned()); writer.write(DLMTestUtil.getLogRecordInstance(1L)); writer.write(DLMTestUtil.getLogRecordInstance(2L)); writer.closeAndComplete(); DistributedLogManager dlm1 = createNewDLM(conf, name); Future<AsyncLogReader> futureReader1 = dlm1.getAsyncLogReaderWithLock(DLSN.InitialDLSN); Future<AsyncLogReader> futureReader2 = dlm1.getAsyncLogReaderWithLock(DLSN.InitialDLSN); // Both use the same client id, so there's no lock conflict. Not necessarily ideal, but how the // system currently works. Await.result(futureReader1); Await.result(futureReader2); dlm0.close(); dlm1.close(); }
Example 2
Source File: From distributedlog with Apache License 2.0 | 6 votes |
@Test public void testFailedDueToClosed() throws Exception { TestFuturePool<Void> pool = new TestFuturePool<Void>(); pool.wrapper.close(); Future<Void> future = pool.wrapper.apply(new Function0<Void>() { public Void apply() { throw new RuntimeException("failed"); } }); try { Await.result(future); fail("should have thrown"); } catch (RejectedExecutionException ex) { } pool.shutdown(); }
Example 3
Source File: From distributedlog with Apache License 2.0 | 6 votes |
@Test(timeout = 60000) public void testFailRequestsDuringClosing() throws Exception { String streamName = testName.getMethodName(); StreamImpl s = createUnstartedStream(service, streamName); Future<Void> closeFuture = s.requestClose("close"); assertTrue("Stream " + streamName + " should be set to " + StreamStatus.CLOSING, StreamStatus.CLOSING == s.getStatus() || StreamStatus.CLOSED == s.getStatus()); WriteOp op1 = createWriteOp(service, streamName, 0L); s.submit(op1); WriteResponse response1 = Await.result(op1.result()); assertEquals("Op should fail with " + StatusCode.STREAM_UNAVAILABLE + " if it is closing", StatusCode.STREAM_UNAVAILABLE, response1.getHeader().getCode()); Await.result(closeFuture); assertEquals("Stream " + streamName + " should be set to " + StreamStatus.CLOSED, StreamStatus.CLOSED, s.getStatus()); WriteOp op2 = createWriteOp(service, streamName, 1L); s.submit(op2); WriteResponse response2 = Await.result(op2.result()); assertEquals("Op should fail with " + StatusCode.STREAM_UNAVAILABLE + " if it is closed", StatusCode.STREAM_UNAVAILABLE, response2.getHeader().getCode()); }
Example 4
Source File: From distributedlog with Apache License 2.0 | 6 votes |
/** * Non durable write should fail if writer is closed. * * @throws Exception */ @Test(timeout = 60000) public void testNondurableWriteAfterWriterIsClosed() throws Exception { DistributedLogConfiguration confLocal = newLocalConf(); confLocal.setImmediateFlushEnabled(false); confLocal.setOutputBufferSize(Integer.MAX_VALUE); confLocal.setPeriodicFlushFrequencyMilliSeconds(0); confLocal.setDurableWriteEnabled(false); ZKDistributedLock lock = createLock("/test/lock-" + runtime.getMethodName(), zkc, true); BKLogSegmentWriter writer = createLogSegmentWriter(confLocal, 0L, -1L, lock); // close the writer closeWriterAndLock(writer, lock); FutureUtils.result(writer.asyncClose()); try { Await.result(writer.asyncWrite(DLMTestUtil.getLogRecordInstance(1))); fail("Should fail the write if the writer is closed"); } catch (WriteException we) { // expected } }
Example 5
Source File: From distributedlog with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
@Test(timeout = 20000) public void testFailRequestAfterRetriedAllStreams() throws Exception { DistributedLogClient client = mock(DistributedLogClient.class); when(client.writeRecordSet((String) any(), (LogRecordSetBuffer) any())) .thenReturn(new Promise<DLSN>()); DistributedLogMultiStreamWriter writer = DistributedLogMultiStreamWriter.newBuilder() .streams(Lists.newArrayList("stream1", "stream2")) .client(client) .compressionCodec(CompressionCodec.Type.LZ4) .firstSpeculativeTimeoutMs(10) .maxSpeculativeTimeoutMs(20) .speculativeBackoffMultiplier(2) .requestTimeoutMs(5000000) .flushIntervalMs(10) .bufferSize(Integer.MAX_VALUE) .build(); byte[] data = "test-test".getBytes(UTF_8); ByteBuffer buffer = ByteBuffer.wrap(data); Future<DLSN> writeFuture = writer.write(buffer); try { Await.result(writeFuture); fail("Should fail the request after retries all streams"); } catch (IndividualRequestTimeoutException e) { long timeoutMs = e.timeout().inMilliseconds(); assertTrue(timeoutMs >= (10 + 20) && timeoutMs < 5000000); } writer.close(); }
Example 6
Source File: From distributedlog with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
@Test(timeout = 60000) public void testCloseTwice() throws Exception { String streamName = testName.getMethodName(); StreamImpl s = createUnstartedStream(service, streamName); int numWrites = 10; List<Future<WriteResponse>> futureList = new ArrayList<Future<WriteResponse>>(numWrites); for (int i = 0; i < numWrites; i++) { WriteOp op = createWriteOp(service, streamName, i); s.submit(op); futureList.add(op.result()); } assertEquals(numWrites, s.numPendingOps()); Future<Void> closeFuture0 = s.requestClose("close 0"); assertTrue("Stream " + streamName + " should be set to " + StreamStatus.CLOSING, StreamStatus.CLOSING == s.getStatus() || StreamStatus.CLOSED == s.getStatus()); Future<Void> closeFuture1 = s.requestClose("close 1"); assertTrue("Stream " + streamName + " should be set to " + StreamStatus.CLOSING, StreamStatus.CLOSING == s.getStatus() || StreamStatus.CLOSED == s.getStatus()); Await.result(closeFuture0); assertEquals("Stream " + streamName + " should be set to " + StreamStatus.CLOSED, StreamStatus.CLOSED, s.getStatus()); Await.result(closeFuture1); assertEquals("Stream " + streamName + " should be set to " + StreamStatus.CLOSED, StreamStatus.CLOSED, s.getStatus()); for (int i = 0; i < numWrites; i++) { Future<WriteResponse> future = futureList.get(i); WriteResponse wr = Await.result(future); assertEquals("Pending op should fail with " + StatusCode.STREAM_UNAVAILABLE, StatusCode.STREAM_UNAVAILABLE, wr.getHeader().getCode()); } }
Example 7
Source File: From distributedlog with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
@Test(timeout = 60000) public void testWriteOpChecksumBadData() throws Exception { DistributedLogServiceImpl localService = createConfiguredLocalService(); ByteBuffer buffer = getTestDataBuffer(); WriteContext ctx = new WriteContext().setCrc32( ProtocolUtils.writeOpCRC32("test", buffer.array())); // Overwrite 1 byte to corrupt data. buffer.put(1, (byte)0xab); Future<WriteResponse> result = localService.writeWithContext("test", buffer, ctx); WriteResponse resp = Await.result(result); assertEquals(StatusCode.CHECKSUM_FAILED, resp.getHeader().getCode()); localService.shutdown(); }
Example 8
Source File: From distributedlog with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
@Test(timeout = 60000) public void testForwardScanControlRecord() throws Exception { String streamName = runtime.getMethodName(); BKDistributedLogManager bkdlm = (BKDistributedLogManager) createNewDLM(conf, streamName); DLMTestUtil.generateLogSegmentNonPartitioned(bkdlm, 5 /* control recs */, 5, 1 /* txid */); DLSN dlsn = new DLSN(1,3,0); Future<LogRecordWithDLSN> futureLogrec = getFirstGreaterThanRecord(bkdlm, 0, dlsn); LogRecordWithDLSN logrec = Await.result(futureLogrec); assertEquals(new DLSN(1,5,0), logrec.getDlsn()); bkdlm.close(); }
Example 9
Source File: From distributedlog with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
@Test(timeout = 60000) public void testTruncateOpNoChecksum() throws Exception { DistributedLogServiceImpl localService = createConfiguredLocalService(); WriteContext ctx = new WriteContext(); Future<WriteResponse> result = localService.truncate("test", new DLSN(1,2,3).serialize(), ctx); WriteResponse resp = Await.result(result); assertEquals(StatusCode.SUCCESS, resp.getHeader().getCode()); localService.shutdown(); }
Example 10
Source File: From distributedlog with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
private static StreamCandidate checkStream( final com.twitter.distributedlog.DistributedLogManagerFactory factory, final String streamName, final ExecutorService executorService, final BookKeeperClient bkc, String digestpw) throws IOException { DistributedLogManager dlm = factory.createDistributedLogManagerWithSharedClients(streamName); try { List<LogSegmentMetadata> segments = dlm.getLogSegments(); if (segments.isEmpty()) { return null; } List<Future<LogSegmentCandidate>> futures = new ArrayList<Future<LogSegmentCandidate>>(segments.size()); for (LogSegmentMetadata segment : segments) { futures.add(checkLogSegment(streamName, segment, executorService, bkc, digestpw)); } List<LogSegmentCandidate> segmentCandidates; try { segmentCandidates = Await.result(Future.collect(futures)); } catch (Exception e) { throw new IOException("Failed on checking stream " + streamName, e); } StreamCandidate streamCandidate = new StreamCandidate(streamName); for (LogSegmentCandidate segmentCandidate: segmentCandidates) { if (null != segmentCandidate) { streamCandidate.addLogSegmentCandidate(segmentCandidate); } } if (streamCandidate.segmentCandidates.isEmpty()) { return null; } return streamCandidate; } finally { dlm.close(); } }
Example 11
Source File: From distributedlog with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
@Test(timeout = 60000) public void testStoreMaxLogSegmentSequenceNumberBadVersion() throws Exception { Transaction<Object> updateTxn = lsmStore.transaction(); Versioned<Long> value = new Versioned<Long>(999L, new ZkVersion(10)); final Promise<Version> result = new Promise<Version>(); lsmStore.storeMaxLogSegmentSequenceNumber(updateTxn, rootZkPath, value, new Transaction.OpListener<Version>() { @Override public void onCommit(Version r) { result.setValue(r); } @Override public void onAbort(Throwable t) { result.setException(t); } }); try { FutureUtils.result(updateTxn.execute()); fail("Should fail on storing log segment sequence number if providing bad version"); } catch (ZKException zke) { assertEquals(KeeperException.Code.BADVERSION, zke.getKeeperExceptionCode()); } try { Await.result(result); fail("Should fail on storing log segment sequence number if providing bad version"); } catch (KeeperException ke) { assertEquals(KeeperException.Code.BADVERSION, ke.code()); } Stat stat = new Stat(); byte[] data = zkc.get().getData(rootZkPath, false, stat); assertEquals(0, stat.getVersion()); assertEquals(0, data.length); }
Example 12
Source File: From distributedlog with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
public void markEndOfStream() throws IOException { try { Await.result(logWriter.markEndOfStream()); } catch (IOException ioe) { throw ioe; } catch (Exception ex) { throw new UnexpectedException("Mark end of stream hit unexpected exception", ex); } }
Example 13
Source File: From distributedlog with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
@Test(timeout = 60000) public void testBulkWriteTotalFailureLostLock() throws Exception { String name = String.format("dlserver-bulk-write-%s", "lost-lock"); dlClient.routingService.addHost(name, dlServer.getAddress()); final int writeCount = 8; List<ByteBuffer> writes = new ArrayList<ByteBuffer>(writeCount + 1); ByteBuffer buf = ByteBuffer.allocate(8); writes.add(buf); for (long i = 1; i <= writeCount; i++) { writes.add(ByteBuffer.wrap(("" + i).getBytes())); } // Warm it up with a write. Await.result(dlClient.dlClient.write(name, ByteBuffer.allocate(8))); // Failpoint a lost lock, make sure the failure gets promoted to an operation failure. DistributedLogServiceImpl svcImpl = (DistributedLogServiceImpl) dlServer.dlServer.getLeft(); try { FailpointUtils.setFailpoint( FailpointUtils.FailPointName.FP_WriteInternalLostLock, FailpointUtils.FailPointActions.FailPointAction_Default ); Future<BulkWriteResponse> futures = svcImpl.writeBulkWithContext(name, writes, new WriteContext()); assertEquals(StatusCode.LOCKING_EXCEPTION, Await.result(futures).header.code); } finally { FailpointUtils.removeFailpoint( FailpointUtils.FailPointName.FP_WriteInternalLostLock ); } }
Example 14
Source File: From distributedlog with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
@Test(timeout = 60000) public void testStreamOpChecksumBadChecksum() throws Exception { DistributedLogServiceImpl localService = createConfiguredLocalService(); WriteContext ctx = new WriteContext().setCrc32(999); Future<WriteResponse> result = localService.heartbeat("test", ctx); WriteResponse resp = Await.result(result); assertEquals(StatusCode.CHECKSUM_FAILED, resp.getHeader().getCode()); result = localService.release("test", ctx); resp = Await.result(result); assertEquals(StatusCode.CHECKSUM_FAILED, resp.getHeader().getCode()); result = localService.delete("test", ctx); resp = Await.result(result); assertEquals(StatusCode.CHECKSUM_FAILED, resp.getHeader().getCode()); localService.shutdown(); }
Example 15
Source File: From distributedlog with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
@Test(timeout = 60000) public void testWriteOpNoChecksum() throws Exception { DistributedLogServiceImpl localService = createConfiguredLocalService(); WriteContext ctx = new WriteContext(); Future<WriteResponse> result = localService.writeWithContext("test", getTestDataBuffer(), ctx); WriteResponse resp = Await.result(result); assertEquals(StatusCode.SUCCESS, resp.getHeader().getCode()); localService.shutdown(); }
Example 16
Source File: From distributedlog with Apache License 2.0 | 4 votes |
@Test(timeout = 60000) public void testSubscriptionsStore() throws Exception { String name = "distrlog-subscriptions-store"; String subscriber0 = "subscriber-0"; String subscriber1 = "subscriber-1"; String subscriber2 = "subscriber-2"; DLSN commitPosition0 = new DLSN(4, 33, 5); DLSN commitPosition1 = new DLSN(4, 34, 5); DLSN commitPosition2 = new DLSN(5, 34, 5); DLSN commitPosition3 = new DLSN(6, 35, 6); DistributedLogManager dlm = createNewDLM(conf, name); SubscriptionsStore store = dlm.getSubscriptionsStore(); // no data assertEquals(Await.result(store.getLastCommitPosition(subscriber0)), DLSN.NonInclusiveLowerBound); assertEquals(Await.result(store.getLastCommitPosition(subscriber1)), DLSN.NonInclusiveLowerBound); assertEquals(Await.result(store.getLastCommitPosition(subscriber2)), DLSN.NonInclusiveLowerBound); // empty assertTrue(Await.result(store.getLastCommitPositions()).isEmpty()); // subscriber 0 advance Await.result(store.advanceCommitPosition(subscriber0, commitPosition0)); assertEquals(commitPosition0, Await.result(store.getLastCommitPosition(subscriber0))); Map<String, DLSN> committedPositions = Await.result(store.getLastCommitPositions()); assertEquals(1, committedPositions.size()); assertEquals(commitPosition0, committedPositions.get(subscriber0)); // subscriber 1 advance Await.result(store.advanceCommitPosition(subscriber1, commitPosition1)); assertEquals(commitPosition1, Await.result(store.getLastCommitPosition(subscriber1))); committedPositions = Await.result(store.getLastCommitPositions()); assertEquals(2, committedPositions.size()); assertEquals(commitPosition0, committedPositions.get(subscriber0)); assertEquals(commitPosition1, committedPositions.get(subscriber1)); // subscriber 2 advance Await.result(store.advanceCommitPosition(subscriber2, commitPosition2)); assertEquals(commitPosition2, Await.result(store.getLastCommitPosition(subscriber2))); committedPositions = Await.result(store.getLastCommitPositions()); assertEquals(3, committedPositions.size()); assertEquals(commitPosition0, committedPositions.get(subscriber0)); assertEquals(commitPosition1, committedPositions.get(subscriber1)); assertEquals(commitPosition2, committedPositions.get(subscriber2)); // subscriber 2 advance again DistributedLogManager newDLM = createNewDLM(conf, name); SubscriptionsStore newStore = newDLM.getSubscriptionsStore(); Await.result(newStore.advanceCommitPosition(subscriber2, commitPosition3)); newStore.close(); newDLM.close(); committedPositions = Await.result(store.getLastCommitPositions()); assertEquals(3, committedPositions.size()); assertEquals(commitPosition0, committedPositions.get(subscriber0)); assertEquals(commitPosition1, committedPositions.get(subscriber1)); assertEquals(commitPosition3, committedPositions.get(subscriber2)); dlm.close(); }
Example 17
Source File: From distributedlog with Apache License 2.0 | 4 votes |
@Test(timeout = 60000) public void testAcquireStreamsWhenExceedMaxCachedPartitions() throws Exception { String streamName = testName.getMethodName() + "_0000"; DistributedLogConfiguration confLocal = new DistributedLogConfiguration(); confLocal.addConfiguration(dlConf); confLocal.setMaxCachedPartitionsPerProxy(1); ServerConfiguration serverConfLocal = new ServerConfiguration(); serverConfLocal.addConfiguration(serverConf); serverConfLocal.setStreamPartitionConverterClass(DelimiterStreamPartitionConverter.class); DistributedLogServiceImpl serviceLocal = createService(serverConfLocal, confLocal); Stream stream = serviceLocal.getLogWriter(streamName); // stream is cached assertNotNull(stream); assertEquals(1, serviceLocal.getStreamManager().numCached()); // create write ops WriteOp op0 = createWriteOp(service, streamName, 0L); stream.submit(op0); WriteResponse wr0 = Await.result(op0.result()); assertEquals("Op 0 should succeed", StatusCode.SUCCESS, wr0.getHeader().getCode()); assertEquals(1, serviceLocal.getStreamManager().numAcquired()); // should fail to acquire another partition try { serviceLocal.getLogWriter(testName.getMethodName() + "_0001"); fail("Should fail to acquire new streams"); } catch (StreamUnavailableException sue) { // expected } assertEquals(1, serviceLocal.getStreamManager().numCached()); assertEquals(1, serviceLocal.getStreamManager().numAcquired()); // should be able to acquire partitions from other streams String anotherStreamName = testName.getMethodName() + "-another_0001"; Stream anotherStream = serviceLocal.getLogWriter(anotherStreamName); assertNotNull(anotherStream); assertEquals(2, serviceLocal.getStreamManager().numCached()); // create write ops WriteOp op1 = createWriteOp(service, anotherStreamName, 0L); anotherStream.submit(op1); WriteResponse wr1 = Await.result(op1.result()); assertEquals("Op 1 should succeed", StatusCode.SUCCESS, wr1.getHeader().getCode()); assertEquals(2, serviceLocal.getStreamManager().numAcquired()); }
Example 18
Source File: From linden with Apache License 2.0 | 4 votes |
public Response index(String content) throws Exception { Future<Response> response = get().handleClusterIndexRequest(content); return timeout == 0 ? Await.result(response) : Await.result(response, duration); }
Example 19
Source File: From distributedlog with Apache License 2.0 | 4 votes |
@Test(timeout = 60000) public void testAcquireStreams() throws Exception { String streamName = testName.getMethodName(); StreamImpl s0 = createUnstartedStream(service, streamName); ServerConfiguration serverConf1 = new ServerConfiguration(); serverConf1.addConfiguration(serverConf); serverConf1.setServerPort(9999); DistributedLogServiceImpl service1 = createService(serverConf1, dlConf); StreamImpl s1 = createUnstartedStream(service1, streamName); // create write ops WriteOp op0 = createWriteOp(service, streamName, 0L); s0.submit(op0); WriteOp op1 = createWriteOp(service1, streamName, 1L); s1.submit(op1); // check pending size assertEquals("Write Op 0 should be pending in service 0", 1, s0.numPendingOps()); assertEquals("Write Op 1 should be pending in service 1", 1, s1.numPendingOps()); // start acquiring s0 s0.start(); WriteResponse wr0 = Await.result(op0.result()); assertEquals("Op 0 should succeed", StatusCode.SUCCESS, wr0.getHeader().getCode()); assertEquals("Service 0 should acquire stream", StreamStatus.INITIALIZED, s0.getStatus()); assertNotNull(s0.getManager()); assertNotNull(s0.getWriter()); assertNull(s0.getLastException()); // start acquiring s1 s1.start(); WriteResponse wr1 = Await.result(op1.result()); assertEquals("Op 1 should fail", StatusCode.FOUND, wr1.getHeader().getCode()); // the stream will be set to ERROR and then be closed. assertTrue("Service 1 should be in unavailable state", StreamStatus.isUnavailable(s1.getStatus())); assertNotNull(s1.getManager()); assertNull(s1.getWriter()); assertNotNull(s1.getLastException()); assertTrue(s1.getLastException() instanceof OwnershipAcquireFailedException); service1.shutdown(); }
Example 20
Source File: From future with Apache License 2.0 | 4 votes |
@Benchmark public Void ensureConst() throws Exception { return Await.result(constVoidFuture.ensure(ensureF)); }