Java Code Examples for

The following examples show how to use . You can vote up the ones you like or vote down the ones you don't like, and go to the original project or source file by following the links above each example. You may check out the related API usage on the sidebar.
Example 1
Source File:    From autorest-clientruntime-for-java with MIT License 6 votes vote down vote up
public synchronized String getToken(String resource) throws IOException {
    // Find exact match for the resource
    AuthenticationResult authenticationResult = tokens.get(resource);
    // Return if found and not expired
    if (authenticationResult != null && authenticationResult.getExpiresOnDate().after(new Date())) {
        return authenticationResult.getAccessToken();
    // If found then refresh
    boolean shouldRefresh = authenticationResult != null;
    // If not found for the resource, but is MRRT then also refresh
    if (authenticationResult == null && !tokens.isEmpty()) {
        authenticationResult = new ArrayList<>(tokens.values()).get(0);
        shouldRefresh = authenticationResult.isMultipleResourceRefreshToken();
    // Refresh
    if (shouldRefresh) {
        authenticationResult = acquireAccessTokenFromRefreshToken(resource, authenticationResult.getRefreshToken());
    // If refresh fails or not refreshable, acquire new token
    if (authenticationResult == null) {
        authenticationResult = acquireNewAccessToken(resource);
    tokens.put(resource, authenticationResult);
    return authenticationResult.getAccessToken();
Example 2
Source File:    From autorest-clientruntime-for-java with MIT License 6 votes vote down vote up
public synchronized String getToken(String resource) throws IOException {
    // Find exact match for the resource
    AuthenticationResult authenticationResult = tokens.get(resource);
    // Return if found and not expired
    if (authenticationResult != null && authenticationResult.getExpiresOnDate().after(new Date())) {
        return authenticationResult.getAccessToken();
    // If found then refresh
    boolean shouldRefresh = authenticationResult != null;
    // If not found for the resource, but is MRRT then also refresh
    if (authenticationResult == null && !tokens.isEmpty()) {
        authenticationResult = new ArrayList<>(tokens.values()).get(0);
        shouldRefresh = authenticationResult.isMultipleResourceRefreshToken();
    // Refresh
    if (shouldRefresh) {
        authenticationResult = acquireAccessTokenFromRefreshToken(resource, authenticationResult.getRefreshToken());
    // If refresh fails or not refreshable, acquire new token
    if (authenticationResult == null) {
        authenticationResult = acquireNewAccessToken(resource);
    tokens.put(resource, authenticationResult);
    return authenticationResult.getAccessToken();
Example 3
Source File:    From cloudbreak with Apache License 2.0 5 votes vote down vote up
public synchronized String getToken(String resource) throws IOException {
    // Find exact match for the resource
    AuthenticationResult authenticationResult = tokens.get(resource);
    // Return if found and not expired
    if (authenticationResult != null && authenticationResult.getExpiresOnDate().after(new Date())) {
        return authenticationResult.getAccessToken();
    // If found then refresh
    boolean shouldRefresh = authenticationResult != null;
    // If not found for the resource, but is MRRT then also refresh
    if (authenticationResult == null && !tokens.isEmpty()) {
        authenticationResult = new ArrayList<>(tokens.values()).get(0);
        shouldRefresh = authenticationResult.isMultipleResourceRefreshToken();
    // Refresh
    if (shouldRefresh) {
        boolean multipleResourceRefreshToken = authenticationResult.isMultipleResourceRefreshToken();
        String refreshToken = authenticationResult.getRefreshToken();
        authenticationResult = acquireAccessTokenFromRefreshToken(resource, refreshToken, multipleResourceRefreshToken);
    // If refresh fails or not refreshable, acquire new token
    if (authenticationResult == null) {
        authenticationResult = acquireNewAccessToken(resource);
    tokens.put(resource, authenticationResult);
    return authenticationResult.getAccessToken();