Java Code Examples for org.andengine.opengl.texture.ITexture#getHeight()

The following examples show how to use org.andengine.opengl.texture.ITexture#getHeight() . You can vote up the ones you like or vote down the ones you don't like, and go to the original project or source file by following the links above each example. You may check out the related API usage on the sidebar.
Example 1
Source File:    From tilt-game-android with MIT License 6 votes vote down vote up
public Font(final FontManager pFontManager, final ITexture pTexture, final Typeface pTypeface, final float pSize, final boolean pAntiAlias, final int pColorARGBPackedInt) {
	this.mFontManager = pFontManager;
	this.mTexture = pTexture;
	this.mTextureWidth = pTexture.getWidth();
	this.mTextureHeight = pTexture.getHeight();

	this.mBackgroundPaint = new Paint();

	this.mPaint = new Paint();

	this.mFontMetrics = this.mPaint.getFontMetrics();
Example 2
Source File:    From tilt-game-android with MIT License 6 votes vote down vote up
public void updateUV() {
		final ITexture texture = this.mTexture;
		final float textureWidth = texture.getWidth();
		final float textureHeight = texture.getHeight();

		final float x = this.getTextureX();
		final float y = this.getTextureY();

		this.mU = x / textureWidth;
		this.mU2 = (x + this.mTextureWidth) / textureWidth;

		this.mV = y / textureHeight;
		this.mV2 = (y + this.mTextureHeight) / textureHeight;

//		this.mU = (x + 0.5f) / textureWidth;
//		this.mU2 = (x + this.mTextureWidth - 0.5f) / textureWidth;
//		this.mV = (y + 0.5f) / textureHeight;
//		this.mV2 = (y + this.mTextureHeight - 0.5f) / textureHeight;
Example 3
Source File:    From 30-android-libraries-in-30-days with Apache License 2.0 6 votes vote down vote up
public Font(final FontManager pFontManager, final ITexture pTexture, final Typeface pTypeface, final float pSize, final boolean pAntiAlias, final int pColorARGBPackedInt) {
	this.mFontManager = pFontManager;
	this.mTexture = pTexture;
	this.mTextureWidth = pTexture.getWidth();
	this.mTextureHeight = pTexture.getHeight();

	this.mBackgroundPaint = new Paint();

	this.mPaint = new Paint();

	this.mFontMetrics = this.mPaint.getFontMetrics();
Example 4
Source File:    From 30-android-libraries-in-30-days with Apache License 2.0 6 votes vote down vote up
public void updateUV() {
		final ITexture texture = this.mTexture;
		final float textureWidth = texture.getWidth();
		final float textureHeight = texture.getHeight();

		final float x = this.getTextureX();
		final float y = this.getTextureY();

		this.mU = x / textureWidth;
		this.mU2 = (x + this.mTextureWidth) / textureWidth;

		this.mV = y / textureHeight;
		this.mV2 = (y + this.mTextureHeight) / textureHeight;

//		this.mU = (x + 0.5f) / textureWidth;
//		this.mU2 = (x + this.mTextureWidth - 0.5f) / textureWidth;
//		this.mV = (y + 0.5f) / textureHeight;
//		this.mV2 = (y + this.mTextureHeight - 0.5f) / textureHeight;
Example 5
Source File:    From tilt-game-android with MIT License 5 votes vote down vote up
private void parseCharacters(final int pCharacterCount, final BufferedReader pBufferedReader) throws IOException {
		for (int i = pCharacterCount - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
			final String character = pBufferedReader.readLine();
			final String[] charAttributes = TextUtils.SPLITPATTERN_SPACES.split(character, BitmapFont.TAG_CHAR_ATTRIBUTECOUNT + 1);
			if ((charAttributes.length - 1) != BitmapFont.TAG_CHAR_ATTRIBUTECOUNT) {
				throw new FontException("Expected: '" + BitmapFont.TAG_CHAR_ATTRIBUTECOUNT + "' " + BitmapFont.TAG_CHAR + " attributes, found: '" + (charAttributes.length - 1) + "'.");
			if (!charAttributes[0].equals(BitmapFont.TAG_CHAR)) {
				throw new FontException("Expected: '" + BitmapFont.TAG_CHAR + "' attributes.");

			final char id = BitmapFont.getCharAttribute(charAttributes, BitmapFont.TAG_CHAR_ATTRIBUTE_ID_INDEX, BitmapFont.TAG_CHAR_ATTRIBUTE_ID);
			final int x = this.mBitmapFontOptions.mTextureOffsetX + BitmapFont.getIntAttribute(charAttributes, BitmapFont.TAG_CHAR_ATTRIBUTE_X_INDEX, BitmapFont.TAG_CHAR_ATTRIBUTE_X);
			final int y = this.mBitmapFontOptions.mTextureOffsetY + BitmapFont.getIntAttribute(charAttributes, BitmapFont.TAG_CHAR_ATTRIBUTE_Y_INDEX, BitmapFont.TAG_CHAR_ATTRIBUTE_Y);
			final int width = BitmapFont.getIntAttribute(charAttributes, BitmapFont.TAG_CHAR_ATTRIBUTE_WIDTH_INDEX, BitmapFont.TAG_CHAR_ATTRIBUTE_WIDTH);
			final int height = BitmapFont.getIntAttribute(charAttributes, BitmapFont.TAG_CHAR_ATTRIBUTE_HEIGHT_INDEX, BitmapFont.TAG_CHAR_ATTRIBUTE_HEIGHT);
			final int xOffset = BitmapFont.getIntAttribute(charAttributes, BitmapFont.TAG_CHAR_ATTRIBUTE_XOFFSET_INDEX, BitmapFont.TAG_CHAR_ATTRIBUTE_XOFFSET);
			final int yOffset = BitmapFont.getIntAttribute(charAttributes, BitmapFont.TAG_CHAR_ATTRIBUTE_YOFFSET_INDEX, BitmapFont.TAG_CHAR_ATTRIBUTE_YOFFSET);
			final int xAdvance = BitmapFont.getIntAttribute(charAttributes, BitmapFont.TAG_CHAR_ATTRIBUTE_XADVANCE_INDEX, BitmapFont.TAG_CHAR_ATTRIBUTE_XADVANCE);
			final int page = BitmapFont.getIntAttribute(charAttributes, BitmapFont.TAG_CHAR_ATTRIBUTE_PAGE_INDEX, BitmapFont.TAG_CHAR_ATTRIBUTE_PAGE);
//			final int channel = BitmapFont.getIntAttribute(charAttributes, BitmapFont.TAG_CHAR_ATTRIBUTE_CHANNEL_INDEX, BitmapFont.TAG_CHAR_ATTRIBUTE_CHANNEL);

			final ITexture bitmapFontPageTexture = this.mBitmapFontPages[page].getTexture();
			final float textureWidth = bitmapFontPageTexture.getWidth();
			final float textureHeight = bitmapFontPageTexture.getHeight();

			final float u = x / textureWidth;
			final float v = y / textureHeight;
			final float u2 = (x + width) / textureWidth;
			final float v2 = (y + height) / textureHeight;

			this.mCharacterToLetterMap.put(id, new Letter((char) id, x, y, width, height, xOffset, yOffset, xAdvance, u, v, u2, v2));
Example 6
Source File:    From 30-android-libraries-in-30-days with Apache License 2.0 5 votes vote down vote up
private void parseCharacters(final int pCharacterCount, final BufferedReader pBufferedReader) throws IOException {
		for(int i = pCharacterCount - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
			final String character = pBufferedReader.readLine();
			final String[] charAttributes = TextUtils.SPLITPATTERN_SPACES.split(character, BitmapFont.TAG_CHAR_ATTRIBUTECOUNT + 1);
			if((charAttributes.length - 1) != BitmapFont.TAG_CHAR_ATTRIBUTECOUNT) {
				throw new FontException("Expected: '" + BitmapFont.TAG_CHAR_ATTRIBUTECOUNT + "' " + BitmapFont.TAG_CHAR + " attributes, found: '" + (charAttributes.length - 1) + "'.");
			if(!charAttributes[0].equals(BitmapFont.TAG_CHAR)) {
				throw new FontException("Expected: '" + BitmapFont.TAG_CHAR + "' attributes.");

			final char id = BitmapFont.getCharAttribute(charAttributes, BitmapFont.TAG_CHAR_ATTRIBUTE_ID_INDEX, BitmapFont.TAG_CHAR_ATTRIBUTE_ID);
			final int x = this.mBitmapFontOptions.mTextureOffsetX + BitmapFont.getIntAttribute(charAttributes, BitmapFont.TAG_CHAR_ATTRIBUTE_X_INDEX, BitmapFont.TAG_CHAR_ATTRIBUTE_X);
			final int y = this.mBitmapFontOptions.mTextureOffsetY + BitmapFont.getIntAttribute(charAttributes, BitmapFont.TAG_CHAR_ATTRIBUTE_Y_INDEX, BitmapFont.TAG_CHAR_ATTRIBUTE_Y);
			final int width = BitmapFont.getIntAttribute(charAttributes, BitmapFont.TAG_CHAR_ATTRIBUTE_WIDTH_INDEX, BitmapFont.TAG_CHAR_ATTRIBUTE_WIDTH);
			final int height = BitmapFont.getIntAttribute(charAttributes, BitmapFont.TAG_CHAR_ATTRIBUTE_HEIGHT_INDEX, BitmapFont.TAG_CHAR_ATTRIBUTE_HEIGHT);
			final int xOffset = BitmapFont.getIntAttribute(charAttributes, BitmapFont.TAG_CHAR_ATTRIBUTE_XOFFSET_INDEX, BitmapFont.TAG_CHAR_ATTRIBUTE_XOFFSET);
			final int yOffset = BitmapFont.getIntAttribute(charAttributes, BitmapFont.TAG_CHAR_ATTRIBUTE_YOFFSET_INDEX, BitmapFont.TAG_CHAR_ATTRIBUTE_YOFFSET);
			final int xAdvance = BitmapFont.getIntAttribute(charAttributes, BitmapFont.TAG_CHAR_ATTRIBUTE_XADVANCE_INDEX, BitmapFont.TAG_CHAR_ATTRIBUTE_XADVANCE);
			final int page = BitmapFont.getIntAttribute(charAttributes, BitmapFont.TAG_CHAR_ATTRIBUTE_PAGE_INDEX, BitmapFont.TAG_CHAR_ATTRIBUTE_PAGE);
//			final int channel = BitmapFont.getIntAttribute(charAttributes, BitmapFont.TAG_CHAR_ATTRIBUTE_CHANNEL_INDEX, BitmapFont.TAG_CHAR_ATTRIBUTE_CHANNEL);

			final ITexture bitmapFontPageTexture = this.mBitmapFontPages[page].getTexture();
			final float textureWidth = bitmapFontPageTexture.getWidth();
			final float textureHeight = bitmapFontPageTexture.getHeight();

			final float u = x / textureWidth;
			final float v = y / textureHeight;
			final float u2 = (x + width) / textureWidth;
			final float v2 = (y + height) / textureHeight;

			this.mCharacterToLetterMap.put(id, new Letter(id, x, y, width, height, xOffset, yOffset, xAdvance, u, v, u2, v2));
Example 7
Source File:    From tilt-game-android with MIT License 4 votes vote down vote up
public static TextureRegion extractFromTexture(final ITexture pTexture, final boolean pRotated) {
	return new TextureRegion(pTexture, 0, 0, pTexture.getWidth(), pTexture.getHeight(), pRotated);
Example 8
Source File:    From 30-android-libraries-in-30-days with Apache License 2.0 4 votes vote down vote up
public static TextureRegion extractFromTexture(final ITexture pTexture, final boolean pRotated) {
	return new TextureRegion(pTexture, 0, 0, pTexture.getWidth(), pTexture.getHeight(), pRotated);