Java Code Examples for org.opengis.referencing.datum.PixelInCell#CELL_CORNER

The following examples show how to use org.opengis.referencing.datum.PixelInCell#CELL_CORNER . You can vote up the ones you like or vote down the ones you don't like, and go to the original project or source file by following the links above each example. You may check out the related API usage on the sidebar.
Example 1
Source File:    From sis with Apache License 2.0 6 votes vote down vote up
 * Tests {@link GridDerivation#subgrid(Envelope, double...)} using only the
 * {@link GridExtent} result provided by {@link GridDerivation#getIntersection()}.
public void testSubExtent() {
    GeneralEnvelope envelope = new GeneralEnvelope(HardCodedCRS.WGS84_3D);
    envelope.setRange(0, -80, 120);
    envelope.setRange(1, -12,  21);
    envelope.setRange(2,  10,  25);
    final MathTransform gridToCRS = MathTransforms.linear(new Matrix4(
            0,   0.5, 0,  -90,
            0.5, 0,   0, -180,
            0,   0,   2,    3,
            0,   0,   0,    1));
    final GridGeometry grid = new GridGeometry(PixelInCell.CELL_CORNER, gridToCRS, envelope, GridRoundingMode.NEAREST);
            new long[] {336,  20,  4},
            new long[] {401, 419, 10}, grid.getExtent());
     * Set the region of interest as a two-dimensional envelope. The vertical dimension is omitted.
     * The result should be that all grid indices in the vertical dimension are kept unchanged.
    envelope = new GeneralEnvelope(HardCodedCRS.WGS84);
    envelope.setRange(0, -70.001, +80.002);
    envelope.setRange(1,   4.997,  15.003);
    assertExtentEquals(new long[] {370,  40,  4},
                       new long[] {389, 339, 10}, grid.derive().subgrid(envelope).getIntersection());
Example 2
Source File:    From sis with Apache License 2.0 6 votes vote down vote up
 * Checks that wraparound is well applied when using {@link GridDerivation#slice(DirectPosition)}.
public void testSliceWithWrapAround() {
    final GridGeometry base = new GridGeometry(
            new AffineTransform2D(-0.02, 0, 0, 0.1, 55, 172),
            new Envelope2D(HardCodedCRS.WGS84_φλ, 42, 172, 13, 51),

    final GridGeometry expectedResult = base.derive()
            .slice(new DirectPosition2D(51, 187))

    final GridGeometry fromWrapAround = base.derive()
            .slice(new DirectPosition2D(51, -173))

    assertEquals("Slice with wrap-around", expectedResult, fromWrapAround);
    assertBetween("Wrapped Y coordinate",
Example 3
Source File:    From sis with Apache License 2.0 6 votes vote down vote up
 * Tests deriving a grid geometry with an envelope crossing the antimeridian.
public void testSubgridCrossingAntiMeridian() {
    final GridGeometry grid = new GridGeometry(
            new GridExtent(200, 180), PixelInCell.CELL_CORNER,
            MathTransforms.linear(new Matrix3(
                    1,  0, 80,
                    0, -1, 90,
                    0,  0,  1)), HardCodedCRS.WGS84);

    final GeneralEnvelope areaOfInterest = new GeneralEnvelope(HardCodedCRS.WGS84);
    areaOfInterest.setRange(0, 140, -179);                 // Cross anti-meridian.
    areaOfInterest.setRange(1, -90,   90);

    final GridGeometry subgrid = grid.derive().subgrid(areaOfInterest).build();
    final Envelope subEnv = subgrid.getEnvelope();
    areaOfInterest.setRange(0, 140, 181);
    assertEnvelopeEquals(areaOfInterest, subEnv);
Example 4
Source File:    From sis with Apache License 2.0 6 votes vote down vote up
 * Tests deriving a grid geometry from an area of interest overlapping the grid in such a way
 * that we have to overlap the AOI to the full grid extent. Illustration:
 * {@preformat text
 *                  ┌────────────────────────────────────────────┐
 *                  │             Domain of validity             │
 *                  └────────────────────────────────────────────┘
 *   ┌────────────────────┐                                ┌─────
 *   │  Area of interest  │                                │  AOI
 *   └────────────────────┘                                └─────
 *    ↖………………………………………………………360° period……………………………………………………↗︎
 * }
public void testAreaOfInterestExpansion() {
    final GridGeometry grid = new GridGeometry(
            new GridExtent(340, 140), PixelInCell.CELL_CORNER,
            MathTransforms.linear(new Matrix3(
                    1,  0, 5,
                    0, -1, 70,
                    0,  0,  1)), HardCodedCRS.WGS84);

    final GeneralEnvelope areaOfInterest = new GeneralEnvelope(HardCodedCRS.WGS84);
    areaOfInterest.setRange(0, -30,  40);
    areaOfInterest.setRange(1, -60,  60);

    final GeneralEnvelope expected = new GeneralEnvelope(HardCodedCRS.WGS84);
    expected.setRange(0,   5, 345);
    expected.setRange(1, -60,  60);

    GridGeometry subgrid = grid.derive().subgrid(areaOfInterest).build();
    assertEnvelopeEquals(expected, subgrid.getEnvelope());
Example 5
Source File:    From sis with Apache License 2.0 6 votes vote down vote up
 * Verifies the exception thrown when we specify an envelope outside the grid extent.
public void testOutsideDomain() {
    final GridGeometry grid = new GridGeometry(
            new GridExtent(10, 20), PixelInCell.CELL_CORNER,
            MathTransforms.linear(new Matrix3(
                    2, 0, 0,
                    0, 2, 0,
                    0, 0, 1)), HardCodedCRS.WGS84);

    final GeneralEnvelope areaOfInterest = new GeneralEnvelope(HardCodedCRS.WGS84);
    areaOfInterest.setRange(0, 60, 85);
    areaOfInterest.setRange(1, 15, 30);
    try {
        fail("Should not have accepted the given AOI.");
    } catch (DisjointExtentException e) {
Example 6
Source File:    From sis with Apache License 2.0 6 votes vote down vote up
 * Tests the {@link GridGeometry#GridGeometry(GridGeometry, GridExtent, MathTransform)} constructor.
 * The math transform used for this test map to pixel corners.
 * @throws TransformException if an error occurred while using the "grid to CRS" transform.
public void testFromOtherDefinedAtCorner() throws TransformException {
    long[]        low       = new long[] {  1,   3, 2};
    long[]        high      = new long[] {101, 203, 4};
    GridExtent    extent    = new GridExtent(null, low, high, false);
    MathTransform gridToCRS = MathTransforms.translation(5, 7, 8);
    GridGeometry  grid      = new GridGeometry(extent, PixelInCell.CELL_CORNER, gridToCRS, null);

    low    = new long[] { 11,  35, 20};
    high   = new long[] {120, 250, 39};
    extent = new GridExtent(null, low, high, false);
    grid   = new GridGeometry(grid, extent, MathTransforms.scale(2, 1, 3));
    assertSame(extent, grid.getExtent());
    assertMatrixEquals("gridToCRS", new Matrix4(
            2, 0, 0, 5,
            0, 1, 0, 7,     // Combination of above scales (diagonal) and translation (last column).
            0, 0, 3, 8,
            0, 0, 0, 1), MathTransforms.getMatrix(grid.getGridToCRS(PixelInCell.CELL_CORNER)), STRICT);
Example 7
Source File:    From sis with Apache License 2.0 6 votes vote down vote up
 * Tests the construction from a geospatial envelope.
 * The "grid to CRS" transform is explicitly given.
public void testFromGeospatialEnvelope() {
    final GeneralEnvelope envelope = new GeneralEnvelope(HardCodedCRS.WGS84_φλ);
    envelope.setRange(0, -70.001, +80.002);
    envelope.setRange(1,   4.997,  15.003);
    final MathTransform gridToCRS = MathTransforms.linear(new Matrix3(
        0,   0.5, -90,
        0.5, 0,  -180,
        0,   0,     1));
    final GridGeometry grid = new GridGeometry(PixelInCell.CELL_CORNER, gridToCRS, envelope, GridRoundingMode.NEAREST);
            new long[] {370, 40},
            new long[] {389, 339}, grid.getExtent());
    assertEnvelopeEquals(new GeneralEnvelope(
            new double[] {-70,  5},
            new double[] {+80, 15}), grid.getEnvelope(), STRICT);
    assertArrayEquals("resolution", new double[] {0.5, 0.5}, grid.getResolution(false), STRICT);
    assertMatrixEquals("gridToCRS", new Matrix3(
            0,   0.5, -89.75,
            0.5, 0,  -179.75,
            0,   0,     1), MathTransforms.getMatrix(grid.getGridToCRS(PixelInCell.CELL_CENTER)), STRICT);
Example 8
Source File:    From sis with Apache License 2.0 5 votes vote down vote up
 * Creates a grid geometry with the given extent and scale for testing purpose.
 * An arbitrary translation of (2,3) is added to the "grid to CRS" conversion.
private static GridGeometry grid(int xmin, int ymin, int xmax, int ymax, int xScale, int yScale) throws TransformException {
    GridExtent extent = new GridExtent(null, new long[] {xmin, ymin}, new long[] {xmax, ymax}, true);
    Matrix3 gridToCRS = new Matrix3();
    gridToCRS.m00 = xScale;
    gridToCRS.m11 = yScale;
    gridToCRS.m02 = 200;            // Arbitrary translation.
    gridToCRS.m12 = 500;
    return new GridGeometry(extent, PixelInCell.CELL_CORNER, MathTransforms.linear(gridToCRS), null);
Example 9
Source File:    From sis with Apache License 2.0 5 votes vote down vote up
 * Tests {@link GridDerivation#slice(DirectPosition)}.
public void testSlice() {
    final GridGeometry grid = new GridGeometry(
            new GridExtent(null, new long[] {336, 20, 4}, new long[] {401, 419, 10}, true),
            PixelInCell.CELL_CORNER, MathTransforms.linear(new Matrix4(
                    0,   0.5, 0,  -90,
                    0.5, 0,   0, -180,
                    0,   0,   2,    3,
                    0,   0,   0,    1)), HardCodedCRS.WGS84_3D);
     * There is two ways to ask for a slice. The first way is to set some coordinates to NaN.
    GridGeometry slice = grid.derive().slice(new GeneralDirectPosition(Double.NaN, Double.NaN, 15)).build();
    assertNotSame(grid, slice);
    assertSame("gridToCRS", grid.gridToCRS, slice.gridToCRS);
    final long[] expectedLow  = {336,  20, 6};
    final long[] expectedHigh = {401, 419, 6};
    assertExtentEquals(expectedLow, expectedHigh, slice.getExtent());
     * Same test, but using a one-dimensional slice point instead than NaN values.
     * Opportunistically use different units for testing conversions.
    GeneralDirectPosition p = new GeneralDirectPosition(HardCodedCRS.ELLIPSOIDAL_HEIGHT_cm);
    p.setOrdinate(0, 1500);
    slice = grid.derive().slice(p).build();
    assertNotSame(grid, slice);
    assertSame("gridToCRS", grid.gridToCRS, slice.gridToCRS);
    assertExtentEquals(expectedLow, expectedHigh, slice.getExtent());
Example 10
Source File:    From sis with Apache License 2.0 5 votes vote down vote up
 * Tests deriving a grid geometry from an area of interest shifted by 360° before or after the grid valid area.
public void testSubgridFromShiftedAOI() {
    final GridGeometry grid = new GridGeometry(
            new GridExtent(20, 140), PixelInCell.CELL_CORNER,
            MathTransforms.linear(new Matrix3(
                    1,  0, 80,
                    0, -1, 70,
                    0,  0,  1)), HardCodedCRS.WGS84);

    final GeneralEnvelope areaOfInterest = new GeneralEnvelope(HardCodedCRS.WGS84);
    areaOfInterest.setRange(0,  70,  90);
    areaOfInterest.setRange(1, -80,  60);

    final GeneralEnvelope expected = new GeneralEnvelope(HardCodedCRS.WGS84);
    expected.setRange(0,  80,  90);
    expected.setRange(1, -70,  60);
    GridGeometry subgrid;
     * Area of interest of the left side.
    areaOfInterest.setRange(0, -290, -270);                    // [70 … 90] - 360
    subgrid = grid.derive().subgrid(areaOfInterest).build();
    assertEnvelopeEquals(expected, subgrid.getEnvelope());
     * Area of interest on the right side.
    areaOfInterest.setRange(0, 430, 450);                      // [70 … 90] + 360
    subgrid = grid.derive().subgrid(areaOfInterest).build();
    assertEnvelopeEquals(expected, subgrid.getEnvelope());
Example 11
Source File:    From sis with Apache License 2.0 5 votes vote down vote up
 * Tests construction with an identity transform mapping pixel corner.
public void testFromPixelCorner() {
    final long[]         low     = new long[] {100, 300, 3, 6};
    final long[]         high    = new long[] {200, 400, 4, 7};
    final GridExtent    extent   = new GridExtent(null, low, high, true);
    final MathTransform identity = MathTransforms.identity(4);
    final GridGeometry  grid     = new GridGeometry(extent, PixelInCell.CELL_CORNER, identity, null);
     * Verify properties that should be stored "as-is".
    final MathTransform trCorner = grid.getGridToCRS(PixelInCell.CELL_CORNER);
    assertSame("gridToCRS", identity, trCorner);
    assertExtentEquals(low, high, grid.getExtent());
     * Verify computed math transform.
    final MathTransform trCenter = grid.getGridToCRS(PixelInCell.CELL_CENTER);
    assertNotSame(trCenter, trCorner);
    assertFalse ("gridToCRS.isIdentity",          trCenter.isIdentity());
    assertEquals("gridToCRS.sourceDimensions", 4, trCenter.getSourceDimensions());
    assertEquals("gridToCRS.targetDimensions", 4, trCenter.getTargetDimensions());
    assertMatrixEquals("gridToCRS", Matrices.create(5, 5, new double[] {
            1, 0, 0, 0, 0.5,
            0, 1, 0, 0, 0.5,
            0, 0, 1, 0, 0.5,
            0, 0, 0, 1, 0.5,
            0, 0, 0, 0, 1}), MathTransforms.getMatrix(trCenter), STRICT);
     * Verify the envelope, which should have been computed using the given math transform as-is.
    assertEnvelopeEquals(new GeneralEnvelope(
            new double[] {100, 300, 3, 6},
            new double[] {201, 401, 5, 8}), grid.getEnvelope(), STRICT);
     * Verify other computed properties.
    assertArrayEquals("resolution", new double[] {1, 1, 1, 1}, grid.getResolution(false), STRICT);
    assertTrue("isConversionLinear", grid.isConversionLinear(0, 1, 2, 3));
Example 12
Source File:    From sis with Apache License 2.0 5 votes vote down vote up
 * Tests {@link GridGeometry#reduce(int...)}.
public void testReduce() {
    final GridGeometry grid = new GridGeometry(
            new GridExtent(null, new long[] {336, 20, 4}, new long[] {401, 419, 10}, true),
            PixelInCell.CELL_CORNER, MathTransforms.linear(new Matrix4(
                    0,   0.5, 0,  -90,
                    0.5, 0,   0, -180,
                    0,   0,   2,    3,
                    0,   0,   0,    1)), HardCodedCRS.GEOID_3D);
     * Tests on the two first dimensions.
    GridGeometry reduced = grid.reduce(0, 1);
    assertNotSame(grid, reduced);
    assertExtentEquals(new long[] {336, 20}, new long[] {401, 419}, reduced.getExtent());
    assertSame("CRS", HardCodedCRS.WGS84, reduced.getCoordinateReferenceSystem());
    assertArrayEquals("resolution", new double[] {0.5, 0.5}, reduced.getResolution(false), STRICT);
    assertMatrixEquals("gridToCRS", new Matrix3(
              0, 0.5,  -90,
              0.5, 0, -180,
              0,   0,    1), MathTransforms.getMatrix(reduced.getGridToCRS(PixelInCell.CELL_CORNER)), STRICT);
     * Tests on the last dimension.
    reduced = grid.reduce(2);
    assertNotSame(grid, reduced);
    assertExtentEquals(new long[] {4}, new long[] {10}, reduced.getExtent());
    assertSame("CRS", HardCodedCRS.GRAVITY_RELATED_HEIGHT, reduced.getCoordinateReferenceSystem());
    assertArrayEquals("resolution", new double[] {2}, reduced.getResolution(false), STRICT);
    assertMatrixEquals("gridToCRS", new Matrix2(
              2, 3,
              0, 1), MathTransforms.getMatrix(reduced.getGridToCRS(PixelInCell.CELL_CORNER)), STRICT);
Example 13
Source File:    From geowave with Apache License 2.0 4 votes vote down vote up
 * Creates a math transform using the information provided.
 * @return The math transform.
 * @throws IllegalStateException if the grid range or the envelope were not set.
public static MathTransform createTransform(
    final double[] idRangePerDimension,
    final MultiDimensionalNumericData fullBounds) throws IllegalStateException {
  final GridToEnvelopeMapper mapper = new GridToEnvelopeMapper();
  final boolean swapXY = mapper.getSwapXY();
  final boolean[] reverse = mapper.getReverseAxis();
  final PixelInCell gridType = PixelInCell.CELL_CORNER;
  final int dimension = 2;
   * Setup the multi-dimensional affine transform for use with OpenGIS. According OpenGIS
   * specification, transforms must map pixel center. This is done by adding 0.5 to grid
   * coordinates.
  final double translate;
  if (PixelInCell.CELL_CENTER.equals(gridType)) {
    translate = 0.5;
  } else if (PixelInCell.CELL_CORNER.equals(gridType)) {
    translate = 0.0;
  } else {
    throw new IllegalStateException(
        Errors.format(ErrorKeys.ILLEGAL_ARGUMENT_$2, "gridType", gridType));
  final Matrix matrix = MatrixFactory.create(dimension + 1);
  final double[] minValuesPerDimension = fullBounds.getMinValuesPerDimension();
  final double[] maxValuesPerDimension = fullBounds.getMaxValuesPerDimension();
  for (int i = 0; i < dimension; i++) {
    // NOTE: i is a dimension in the 'gridRange' space (source
    // coordinates).
    // j is a dimension in the 'userRange' space (target coordinates).
    int j = i;
    if (swapXY) {
      j = 1 - j;
    double scale = idRangePerDimension[j];
    double offset;
    if ((reverse == null) || (j >= reverse.length) || !reverse[j]) {
      offset = minValuesPerDimension[j];
    } else {
      scale = -scale;
      offset = maxValuesPerDimension[j];
    offset -= scale * (-translate);
    matrix.setElement(j, j, 0.0);
    matrix.setElement(j, i, scale);
    matrix.setElement(j, dimension, offset);
  return ProjectiveTransform.create(matrix);
Example 14
Source File:    From sis with Apache License 2.0 4 votes vote down vote up
 * Tests {@link GridDerivation#subgrid(Envelope, double...)}.
 * Contrarily to {@link #testSubExtent()}, this method checks the full {@link GridGeometry}.
 * @throws TransformException if an error occurred during computation.
public void testSubgridFromEnvelope() throws TransformException {
    final GeneralEnvelope envelope = new GeneralEnvelope(HardCodedCRS.WGS84_φλ);
    envelope.setRange(0, -70, +80);
    envelope.setRange(1,   5,  15);
    final MathTransform gridToCRS = MathTransforms.linear(new Matrix3(
            0,   0.5, -90,
            0.5, 0,  -180,
            0,   0,     1));
    GridGeometry grid = new GridGeometry(PixelInCell.CELL_CORNER, gridToCRS, envelope, GridRoundingMode.NEAREST);
    assertExtentEquals(new long[] {370, 40}, new long[] {389, 339}, grid.getExtent());
    assertEnvelopeEquals(envelope, grid.getEnvelope(), STRICT);
     * Set a sub-region. The grid extent and "grid to CRS" transform shall be adjusted
     * in such a way that envelope computed from the new grid geometry is the same.
    envelope.setRange(0, -50, +30);
    envelope.setRange(1,   8,  12);
    grid = grid.derive().subgrid(envelope, 1, 2).build();
    assertExtentEquals(new long[] {94, 40}, new long[] {95, 119}, grid.getExtent());
    assertEnvelopeEquals(envelope, grid.getEnvelope(), STRICT);
    assertMatrixEquals("gridToCRS", new Matrix3(
            0, 1,  -90,
            2, 0, -180,
            0, 0,    1), MathTransforms.getMatrix(grid.getGridToCRS(PixelInCell.CELL_CORNER)), STRICT);
     * A sub-region again but with a requested resolution which is not a divisor of the actual resolution.
     * It will force GridGeometry to adjust the translation term to compensate. We verify that the adustment
     * is correct by verifying that we still get the same envelope.
    grid = grid.derive().subgrid(envelope, 3, 2).build();
    assertExtentEquals(new long[] {94, 13}, new long[] {95, 39}, grid.getExtent());
    assertEnvelopeEquals(envelope, grid.getEnvelope(), STRICT);
    MathTransform cornerToCRS = grid.getGridToCRS(PixelInCell.CELL_CORNER);
    assertMatrixEquals("gridToCRS", new Matrix3(
            0, 3,  -89,
            2, 0, -180,
            0, 0,    1), MathTransforms.getMatrix(cornerToCRS), STRICT);

    DirectPosition2D src = new DirectPosition2D();
    DirectPosition2D tgt = new DirectPosition2D();
    DirectPosition2D exp = new DirectPosition2D();
    src.x = 94; src.y = 13; exp.x = -50; exp.y =  8; assertEquals("Lower corner", exp, cornerToCRS.transform(src, tgt));
    src.x = 96; src.y = 40; exp.x = +31; exp.y = 12; assertEquals("Upper corner", exp, cornerToCRS.transform(src, tgt));
Example 15
Source File:    From sis with Apache License 2.0 4 votes vote down vote up
 * Ensures that slicing on a corner point does not fail, but gives back a grid geometry centered on a pixel corner.
 * @throws TransformException if we cannot build our test point.
public void testSliceOnCorner() throws TransformException {
    GridGeometry base = grid(-132, 327, 986, 597, 2, 3);
     * First of all, we'll try by focusing on the last pixel.
    final DirectPosition2D gridUpperCorner = new DirectPosition2D(

    final DirectPosition geoUpperCorner = base.getGridToCRS(PixelInCell.CELL_CENTER)
            .transform(gridUpperCorner, null);

    GridGeometry slice = base.derive()

    long[] expectedGridPoint = {(long) gridUpperCorner.x, (long) gridUpperCorner.y};
    assertExtentEquals(expectedGridPoint, expectedGridPoint, slice.extent);
     * We will now try to focus on a point near the envelope edge. Note that slicing ensures to return a valid grid
     * for any point INSIDE the envelope, it's non-determinist about points perfectly aligned on the edge.
     * So, here we will test a point very near to the envelope edge, but still into it.
    final GeneralEnvelope grid3d = new GeneralEnvelope(3);
    grid3d.setEnvelope(0, 0, 0, 1920, 1080, 4);

    final DefaultCompoundCRS crs3d = new DefaultCompoundCRS(
            Collections.singletonMap("name", "geo3d"),

    final GeneralEnvelope geo3d = new GeneralEnvelope(crs3d);
    geo3d.setEnvelope(-180, -90, 1865.128, 180, 90, 1865.256);
    base = new GridGeometry(
            MathTransforms.linear(Matrices.createTransform(grid3d, geo3d)),

    final GeneralDirectPosition geo3dUpperCorner = new GeneralDirectPosition(geo3d.getUpperCorner());
    IntStream.range(0, geo3dUpperCorner.getDimension())
            .forEach(idx -> geo3dUpperCorner.coordinates[idx] -= 1e-7);

    slice = base.derive()

    // Build expected grid point focused after slicing. We expect it to be upper corner.
    expectedGridPoint = DoubleStream.of(grid3d.getUpperCorner().getCoordinate())
            .mapToLong(value -> (long) value)
            .map(exclusiveValue -> exclusiveValue - 1)        // Exclusive to inclusive.

    assertExtentEquals(expectedGridPoint, expectedGridPoint, slice.extent);