Java Code Examples for

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Example 1
Source File:    From mithqtt with Apache License 2.0 4 votes vote down vote up
 * Handle MQTT Subscribe Request in RESTful style
 * Granted QoS Levels will send back to client.
 * Retain Messages matched the subscriptions will NOT send back to client.
public ResultEntity<List<MqttGrantedQoS>> subscribe(@PathParam("clientId") String clientId, @Auth UserPrincipal user, @QueryParam("protocol") @DefaultValue("4") byte protocol,
                                                    @QueryParam("packetId") @DefaultValue("0") int packetId,
                                                    List<Subscription> subscriptions) {
    String userName = user.getName();
    MqttVersion version = MqttVersion.fromProtocolLevel(protocol);
    List<MqttTopicSubscription> requestSubscriptions = new ArrayList<>();
    List<MqttTopicSubscriptionGranted> grantedSubscriptions = new ArrayList<>();

    // HTTP interface require valid Client Id
    if (!this.validator.isClientIdValid(clientId)) {
        logger.debug("Protocol violation: Client id {} not valid based on configuration", clientId);
        throw new ValidateException(new ErrorEntity(ErrorCode.INVALID));

    // Validate Topic Filter based on configuration
    for (Subscription subscription : subscriptions) {
        if (!this.validator.isTopicFilterValid(subscription.getTopic())) {
            logger.debug("Protocol violation: Client {} subscription {} is not valid based on configuration", clientId, subscription.getTopic());
            throw new ValidateException(new ErrorEntity(ErrorCode.INVALID));
        MqttQoS requestQos;
        try {
            requestQos = MqttQoS.valueOf(subscription.getQos());
        } catch (IllegalArgumentException e) {
            logger.debug("Protocol violation: Client {} subscription qos {} is not valid", clientId, subscription.getQos());
            throw new ValidateException(new ErrorEntity(ErrorCode.INVALID));
        requestSubscriptions.add(new MqttTopicSubscription(subscription.getTopic(), requestQos));

    logger.debug("Message received: Received SUBSCRIBE message from client {} user {}", clientId, userName);

    // Authorize client subscribe using provided Authenticator
    List<MqttGrantedQoS> grantedQosLevels = this.authenticator.authSubscribe(clientId, userName, requestSubscriptions);
    if (subscriptions.size() != grantedQosLevels.size()) {
        logger.warn("Authorization error: SUBSCRIBE message's subscriptions count not equal to granted QoS count");
        throw new AuthorizeException(new ErrorEntity(ErrorCode.UNAUTHORIZED));
    logger.trace("Authorization granted on topic {} as {} for client {}", ArrayUtils.toString(requestSubscriptions), ArrayUtils.toString(grantedQosLevels), clientId);

    for (int i = 0; i < requestSubscriptions.size(); i++) {

        MqttGrantedQoS grantedQoS = grantedQosLevels.get(i);
        String topic = requestSubscriptions.get(i).topic();
        List<String> topicLevels = Topics.sanitize(topic);
        grantedSubscriptions.add(new MqttTopicSubscriptionGranted(topic, grantedQoS));

        // Granted only
        if (grantedQoS != MqttGrantedQoS.NOT_GRANTED) {

            // If a Server receives a SUBSCRIBE Packet containing a Topic Filter that is identical to an existing
            // Subscription’s Topic Filter then it MUST completely replace that existing Subscription with a new
            // Subscription. The Topic Filter in the new Subscription will be identical to that in the previous Subscription,
            // although its maximum QoS value could be different.
            logger.trace("Update subscription: Update client {} subscription with topic {} QoS {}", clientId, topic, grantedQoS);
  , topicLevels, MqttQoS.valueOf(grantedQoS.value()));

    // Pass message to 3rd party application
    Message<MqttPacketIdVariableHeader, MqttSubscribePayloadGranted> msg = new Message<>(
            new MqttFixedHeader(MqttMessageType.SUBSCRIBE, false, MqttQoS.AT_LEAST_ONCE, false, 0),
            new MqttAdditionalHeader(version, clientId, userName, null),
            new MqttSubscribePayloadGranted(grantedSubscriptions));

    return new ResultEntity<>(grantedQosLevels);
Example 2
Source File:    From mithqtt with Apache License 2.0 4 votes vote down vote up
 * Handle MQTT Un-Subscribe Request in RESTful style
public ResultEntity<Boolean> unsubscribe(@PathParam("clientId") String clientId, @Auth UserPrincipal user, @QueryParam("protocol") @DefaultValue("4") byte protocol,
                                         @QueryParam("packetId") @DefaultValue("0") int packetId,
                                         List<String> topics) {
    String userName = user.getName();
    MqttVersion version = MqttVersion.fromProtocolLevel(protocol);

    // HTTP interface require valid Client Id
    if (!this.validator.isClientIdValid(clientId)) {
        logger.debug("Protocol violation: Client id {} not valid based on configuration", clientId);
        throw new ValidateException(new ErrorEntity(ErrorCode.INVALID));

    // Validate Topic Filter based on configuration
    for (String topic : topics) {
        if (!this.validator.isTopicFilterValid(topic)) {
            logger.debug("Protocol violation: Client {} un-subscription {} is not valid based on configuration", clientId, topic);
            throw new ValidateException(new ErrorEntity(ErrorCode.INVALID));

    logger.debug("Message received: Received UNSUBSCRIBE message from client {} user {} topics {}", clientId, userName, ArrayUtils.toString(topics));

    // The Topic Filters (whether they contain wildcards or not) supplied in an UNSUBSCRIBE packet MUST be
    // compared character-by-character with the current set of Topic Filters held by the Server for the Client. If
    // any filter matches exactly then its owning Subscription is deleted, otherwise no additional processing
    // occurs
    // If a Server deletes a Subscription:
    // It MUST stop adding any new messages for delivery to the Client.
    //1 It MUST complete the delivery of any QoS 1 or QoS 2 messages which it has started to send to
    // the Client.
    // It MAY continue to deliver any existing messages buffered for delivery to the Client.
    topics.forEach(topic -> {
        logger.trace("Remove subscription: Remove client {} subscription with topic {}", clientId, topic);, Topics.sanitize(topic));

    // Pass message to 3rd party application
    Message<MqttPacketIdVariableHeader, MqttUnsubscribePayload> msg = new Message<>(
            new MqttFixedHeader(MqttMessageType.UNSUBSCRIBE, false, MqttQoS.AT_LEAST_ONCE, false, 0),
            new MqttAdditionalHeader(version, clientId, userName, null),
            new MqttUnsubscribePayload(topics));

    return new ResultEntity<>(true);