Java Code Examples for

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Example 1
Source File:    From delion with Apache License 2.0 4 votes vote down vote up
private void updateNtpTransitionAnimation() {
    if (mIsInTabSwitcherMode) return;

    NewTabPage ntp = getToolbarDataProvider().getNewTabPageForCurrentTab();

    setAncestorsShouldClipChildren(mUrlExpansionPercent == 0f);

    float growthPercent = 0f;
    if (ntp.isCardsUiEnabled() || mUrlExpansionPercent == 0f || mUrlExpansionPercent == 1f) {
        growthPercent = 1f - mUrlExpansionPercent;
    } else {
        // During the transition from search box to omnibox, keep the omnibox drawing
        // at the same size of the search box for first 40% of the scroll transition.
        growthPercent = mUrlExpansionPercent <= 0.4f
                ? 1f : Math.min(1f, (1f - mUrlExpansionPercent) * 1.66667f);

    int paddingTop = mPhoneLocationBar.getPaddingTop();
    int paddingBottom = mPhoneLocationBar.getPaddingBottom();

    ntp.getSearchBoxBounds(mNtpSearchBoxOriginalBounds, mNtpSearchBoxTransformedBounds);
    float halfHeightDifference = (mNtpSearchBoxTransformedBounds.height()
            - (mPhoneLocationBar.getMeasuredHeight() - paddingTop - paddingBottom
                    + mLocationBarInsets)) / 2f;
    mPhoneLocationBar.setTranslationY(growthPercent == 0f ? 0 : Math.max(0,
            ( - mPhoneLocationBar.getTop()
                    + halfHeightDifference)));
    if (!mUrlFocusChangeInProgress) {
        float searchBoxTranslationY =
        searchBoxTranslationY = Math.min(searchBoxTranslationY, 0);

            (int) ((mNtpSearchBoxTransformedBounds.left - mUrlViewportBounds.left
                    - mPhoneLocationBar.getPaddingLeft()) * growthPercent),
            (int) ((-halfHeightDifference - paddingTop) * growthPercent),
            (int) ((mNtpSearchBoxTransformedBounds.right - mUrlViewportBounds.right
                    + mPhoneLocationBar.getPaddingRight()) * growthPercent),
            (int) ((halfHeightDifference - paddingBottom + mLocationBarInsets)
                    * growthPercent));

    // The transparency of the location bar is dependent on how different its size is
    // from the final value.  This is based on how much growth is applied between the
    // desired size of the location bar to its drawn size.  The location bar then only
    // starts becoming opaque once the growth is at least half done.
    if (growthPercent >= 0.5f) {
    } else {
        mPhoneLocationBar.setAlpha(1f - growthPercent * 2);

    // Go from a transparent url background to a fully opaque one in the first 40% of the
    // scroll transition.
    mUrlBackgroundAlpha =
            mUrlExpansionPercent >= 0.4f ? 255 : (int) ((mUrlExpansionPercent * 2.5f) * 255);
    if (mUrlExpansionPercent == 1f) mUrlBackgroundAlpha = 255;
    mForceDrawLocationBarBackground = mUrlExpansionPercent != 0f;
Example 2
Source File:    From AndroidChromium with Apache License 2.0 4 votes vote down vote up
 * Updates the parameters of the New Tab Page transition animation (expanding the location bar
 * as a result of scrolling the New Tab Page).
private void updateNtpTransitionAnimation() {
    // Skip if in or entering tab switcher mode.
    if (mTabSwitcherState == TAB_SWITCHER || mTabSwitcherState == ENTERING_TAB_SWITCHER) return;

    setAncestorsShouldClipChildren(mUrlExpansionPercent == 0f);

    NewTabPage ntp = getToolbarDataProvider().getNewTabPageForCurrentTab();
    ntp.getSearchBoxBounds(mNtpSearchBoxBounds, mNtpSearchBoxTranslation);
    int locationBarTranslationY =
            Math.max(0, ( - mLocationBar.getTop()));

    // Linearly interpolate between the bounds of the search box on the NTP and the omnibox
    // background bounds. |shrinkage| is the scaling factor for the offset -- if it's 1, we are
    // shrinking the omnibox down to the size of the search box.
    float shrinkage;
    if (ntp.isCardsUiEnabled()) {
        shrinkage = 1f
                - NTP_SEARCH_BOX_EXPANSION_INTERPOLATOR.getInterpolation(mUrlExpansionPercent);
    } else {
        // During the transition from middle of the NTP to the top, keep the omnibox drawing
        // at the same size of the search box for first 40% of the scroll transition.
        shrinkage = Math.min(1f, (1f - mUrlExpansionPercent) * 1.66667f);

    int leftBoundDifference = mNtpSearchBoxBounds.left - mLocationBarBackgroundBounds.left;
    int rightBoundDifference = mNtpSearchBoxBounds.right - mLocationBarBackgroundBounds.right;
            Math.round(leftBoundDifference * shrinkage),
            Math.round(rightBoundDifference * shrinkage),

    // The omnibox background bounds are outset by |mLocationBarBackgroundCornerRadius| in the
    // fully expanded state (and only there!) to hide the rounded corners, so undo that before
    // applying the shrinkage factor.
    mLocationBarNtpOffsetLeft =
            (leftBoundDifference - mLocationBarBackgroundCornerRadius) * shrinkage;
    mLocationBarNtpOffsetRight =
            (rightBoundDifference + mLocationBarBackgroundCornerRadius) * shrinkage;

    mLocationBarBackgroundAlpha = mUrlExpansionPercent > 0f ? 255 : 0;
    mForceDrawLocationBarBackground = mLocationBarBackgroundAlpha > 0;
    float relativeAlpha = mLocationBarBackgroundAlpha / 255f;

    // The search box on the NTP is visible if our omnibox is invisible, and vice-versa.
    ntp.setSearchBoxAlpha(1f - relativeAlpha);

    if (!ntp.isCardsUiEnabled()) {
        ntp.setSearchProviderLogoAlpha(Math.max(1f - mUrlExpansionPercent * 2.5f, 0f));
Example 3
Source File:    From 365browser with Apache License 2.0 4 votes vote down vote up
 * Updates the parameters of the New Tab Page transition animation (expanding the location bar
 * as a result of scrolling the New Tab Page).
private void updateNtpTransitionAnimation() {
    // Skip if in or entering tab switcher mode.
    if (mTabSwitcherState == TAB_SWITCHER || mTabSwitcherState == ENTERING_TAB_SWITCHER) return;

    setAncestorsShouldClipChildren(mUrlExpansionPercent == 0f);

    NewTabPage ntp = getToolbarDataProvider().getNewTabPageForCurrentTab();
    ntp.getSearchBoxBounds(mNtpSearchBoxBounds, mNtpSearchBoxTranslation);
    int locationBarTranslationY =
            Math.max(0, ( - mLocationBar.getTop()));

    // Linearly interpolate between the bounds of the search box on the NTP and the omnibox
    // background bounds. |shrinkage| is the scaling factor for the offset -- if it's 1, we are
    // shrinking the omnibox down to the size of the search box.
    float shrinkage =
            1f - NTP_SEARCH_BOX_EXPANSION_INTERPOLATOR.getInterpolation(mUrlExpansionPercent);

    int leftBoundDifference = mNtpSearchBoxBounds.left - mLocationBarBackgroundBounds.left;
    int rightBoundDifference = mNtpSearchBoxBounds.right - mLocationBarBackgroundBounds.right;
            Math.round(leftBoundDifference * shrinkage),
            Math.round(rightBoundDifference * shrinkage),

    // The omnibox background bounds are outset by |mLocationBarBackgroundCornerRadius| in the
    // fully expanded state (and only there!) to hide the rounded corners, so undo that before
    // applying the shrinkage factor.
    mLocationBarNtpOffsetLeft =
            (leftBoundDifference - mLocationBarBackgroundCornerRadius) * shrinkage;
    mLocationBarNtpOffsetRight =
            (rightBoundDifference + mLocationBarBackgroundCornerRadius) * shrinkage;

    mLocationBarBackgroundAlpha = mUrlExpansionPercent > 0f ? 255 : 0;
    mForceDrawLocationBarBackground = mLocationBarBackgroundAlpha > 0;
    float relativeAlpha = mLocationBarBackgroundAlpha / 255f;

    // The search box on the NTP is visible if our omnibox is invisible, and vice-versa.
    ntp.setSearchBoxAlpha(1f - relativeAlpha);