Java Code Examples for groovy.util.Node#appendNode()

The following examples show how to use groovy.util.Node#appendNode() . You can vote up the ones you like or vote down the ones you don't like, and go to the original project or source file by following the links above each example. You may check out the related API usage on the sidebar.
Example 1
Source File:    From gradle-modules-plugin with MIT License 5 votes vote down vote up
 * Test method for {@link ClasspathFile#putJreOnModulePath(Node)}.
void test_putJreOnModulePath__Node() {
  // Test strategy:
  // ... assertion 1: method isJre(Node)                works as intended
  // ... assertion 2: method hasNoAttributeModule(Node) works as intended
  // ... assertion 3: method moveToModulePath(Node)     works as intended
  // --- a. rootNode with a bunch of entries and entries differing slightly

  // --- a. rootNode with a bunch of entries and entries differing slightly
  final Node rootNode = new Node(null, "root");

  // a.1: difference in name of item
  final Map<String, String> mapA1 = new ConcurrentSkipListMap<>();
  mapA1.put("path", "prefix" + "JRE_CONTAINER" + "suffix");
  mapA1.put("kind", "con");
  rootNode.appendNode("classpathentry", mapA1); // ok
  rootNode.appendNode("classpathEntry", mapA1); // not classpathentry

  // --- improve

  // --- check
      "root[attributes={}; value=["
      // a.1, begin
      +   "classpathentry[attributes={kind=con, path=prefixJRE_CONTAINERsuffix}; value=["
      +     "attributes[attributes={}; value=["
      +       "attribute[attributes={name=module, value=true}; value=[]]"
      +     "]]]"
      +   "], "
      +   "classpathEntry[attributes={kind=con, path=prefixJRE_CONTAINERsuffix}; value=[]]"
      + "]]",
Example 2
Source File:    From gradle-modules-plugin with MIT License 4 votes vote down vote up
 * Test method for {@link ClasspathFile#improveEclipseClasspathFile(Node)}.
void test_improveEclipseClasspathFile__Node() {
  // Test strategy:
  // ... assertion 1: method putJreOnModulePath(Node) works as intended
  // --- a. JRE,  rootNode with a bunch of entries and entries differing slightly
  // --- b. Main, rootNode with a bunch of entries and entries differing slightly
  // --- c. Test, rootNode with a bunch of entries and entries differing slightly

  final Node root = new Node(null, "root");

  // --- a. JRE, rootNode with a bunch of entries and entries differing slightly
  // a.1: difference in name of item
  final Map<String, String> mapA1 = new ConcurrentSkipListMap<>();
  mapA1.put("path", "prefix" + "JRE_CONTAINER" + "suffix");
  mapA1.put("kind", "con");
  root.appendNode("classpathentry", mapA1); // ok
  root.appendNode("classpathEntry", mapA1); // not classpathentry

  // --- b. Main, rootNode with a bunch of entries and entries differing slightly
  // b.1: difference in name of item
  final Map<String, String> kind = Map.of("kind", "lib");
  final Map<String, String> mapB1 = new ConcurrentSkipListMap<>();
  mapB1.put("name", ClasspathFile.NAME_ATTRIBUTE);
  mapB1.put("value", "main");
  root.appendNode("classpathentry", kind) // ok
      .appendNode(ClasspathFile.NAME_GRAND, mapB1);
  root.appendNode("Classpathentry", kind) // not classpathentry
      .appendNode(ClasspathFile.NAME_GRAND, mapB1);

  // --- c. Test, rootNode with a bunch of entries and entries differing slightly
  // c.1: difference in name of item
  final Map<String, String> mapC1 = new ConcurrentSkipListMap<>();
  mapC1.put("name", ClasspathFile.NAME_ATTRIBUTE);
  mapC1.put("value", "test");
  root.appendNode("classpathentry") // ok
      .appendNode(ClasspathFile.NAME_GRAND, mapC1);
  root.appendNode("Classpathentry") // not classpathentry
      .appendNode(ClasspathFile.NAME_GRAND, mapC1);

  // --- improve

  // --- check
      "root[attributes={}; value=["
      // a.1, begin
      +   "classpathentry[attributes={kind=con, path=prefixJRE_CONTAINERsuffix}; value=["
      +     "attributes[attributes={}; value=["
      +       "attribute[attributes={name=module, value=true}; value=[]]"
      +     "]]]"
      +   "], "
      +   "classpathEntry[attributes={kind=con, path=prefixJRE_CONTAINERsuffix}; value=[]], "

      // b.1, begin
      +   "classpathentry[attributes={kind=lib}; value=["
      +     "attributes[attributes={}; value=["
      +       "attribute[attributes={name=gradle_used_by_scope, value=main}; value=[]], "
      +       "attribute[attributes={name=module, value=true}; value=[]]"
      +     "]]"
      +   "]], "
      +   "Classpathentry[attributes={kind=lib}; value=["
      +     "attributes[attributes={}; value=["
      +       "attribute[attributes={name=gradle_used_by_scope, value=main}; value=[]]"
      +     "]]"
      +   "]], "

      // c.1, begin
      +   "classpathentry[attributes={}; value=["
      +     "attributes[attributes={}; value=["
      +       "attribute[attributes={name=gradle_used_by_scope, value=test}; value=[]], "
      +       "attribute[attributes={name=test, value=true}; value=[]]"
      +     "]]"
      +   "]], "
      +   "Classpathentry[attributes={}; value=["
      +     "attributes[attributes={}; value=["
      +       "attribute[attributes={name=gradle_used_by_scope, value=test}; value=[]]"
      +     "]]"
      +   "]]"

      // end
      + "]]",
Example 3
Source File:    From gradle-modules-plugin with MIT License 4 votes vote down vote up
 * Test method for {@link ClasspathFile#getAttributeNamed(Node, String)}.
void test_getAttributeNamed__Node_String() {
  // Test strategy:
  // a. Node without children SHALL return empty
  // b. Node with children not named "attribute" SHALL return empty
  // c. Node with children named "attribute" but without proper attribute SHALL return empty
  // d. Node with one or more children named "attribute" and proper attribute SHALL return node

  // --- setup a node used for testing
  final Node dut = new Node(null, "dut"); // device under test

  // --- setup a map with attributes for child-nodes
  final Map<String, String> mapItem = new ConcurrentSkipListMap<>();
  mapItem.put("name", "Alfred");
  mapItem.put("Name", "foo");

  // --- a. Node without children SHALL return empty
  assertEquals(0, dut.children().size());
  assertFalse(insDut.getAttributeNamed(dut, "foo").isPresent());

  // --- b. Node with children not named "attribute" SHALL return empty
  dut.appendNode("Attribute", mapItem); // wrong capitalization
  dut.appendNode("attributes", mapItem); // extra characters
  assertFalse(insDut.getAttributeNamed(dut, "foo").isPresent());

  // --- c. Node with children named "attribute" but without proper attribute SHALL return empty
  // c.1 child "attribute" without attributes
  assertFalse(insDut.getAttributeNamed(dut, "foo").isPresent());

  // c.2 child "attribute" with attributes
  final Node node1 = dut.appendNode(ClasspathFile.NAME_GRAND, mapItem);
  // Note: assertions for c.2 are combined with assertions in d, see below

  // --- d. Node with children named "attribute" and proper attribute SHALL return node
  // d.1 Just one proper child
  assertFalse(insDut.getAttributeNamed(dut, "alfred").isPresent());  // wrong capitalization
  assertFalse(insDut.getAttributeNamed(dut, " Alfred").isPresent()); // extra prefix
  assertFalse(insDut.getAttributeNamed(dut, "Alfreds").isPresent()); // extra suffix
  assertSame(node1, insDut.getAttributeNamed(dut, "Alfred").get());

  // d.2 More than one proper child
  final Node node2 = dut.appendNode(ClasspathFile.NAME_GRAND, Map.of("name", "Fiedler"));
  final Node node3 = dut.appendNode(ClasspathFile.NAME_GRAND, Map.of("name", "bar"));
  assertSame(node1, insDut.getAttributeNamed(dut, "Alfred").get());  // match in 1st proper child
  assertSame(node2, insDut.getAttributeNamed(dut, "Fiedler").get()); // match in 2nd proper child
  assertSame(node3, insDut.getAttributeNamed(dut, "bar").get());     // match in 3rd proper child
Example 4
Source File:    From gradle-modules-plugin with MIT License 4 votes vote down vote up
 * Test method for {@link ClasspathFile#hasNoAttributeModule(Node)}.
void test_hasNoAttributeModule__Node() {
  // Test strategy:
  // --- a. "short" node, i.e. node with not enough information (returns always true)
  // --- b. node with just sufficient information
  // --- c. node triggering false by first  child
  // --- d. node triggering false by second child
  // --- e. node triggering false by third  child

  // --- a. "short" node, i.e. node with not enough information (returns always true)
  // a.1 empty node
  final Node nodeA = new Node(null, "a");

  // a.2 node with empty child
  final Node childA = nodeA.appendNode(ClasspathFile.NAME_CHILD);

  // a.3 node with empty grand-child
  Node grandA = childA.appendNode(ClasspathFile.NAME_GRAND);

  // a.4 node with non-empty grand-child, but inappropriate attributes
  grandA = childA.appendNode(ClasspathFile.NAME_GRAND, Map.of("name", "modul")); // not module
  // LOGGER.quiet("a.3: {}", nodeA);
  assertEquals(1, nodeA. children().size());
  assertEquals(1, childA.children().size());

  grandA = childA.appendNode(ClasspathFile.NAME_GRAND, Map.of("name", "mOdule")); // not module

  grandA = childA.appendNode(ClasspathFile.NAME_GRAND, Map.of("naMe", MODULE)); // not name

  // --- b. node with just sufficient information
  childA.appendNode(ClasspathFile.NAME_GRAND, Map.of("name", MODULE));

  // --- c. node triggering false by first  child
  // two (slightly) different nodes, one returns true, the other false
  assertTrue(insDut.hasNoAttributeModule(hnam(1, Map.of("name", "modUle"))));
  assertFalse(insDut.hasNoAttributeModule(hnam(1, Map.of("name", MODULE))));

  // --- d. node triggering false by second child
  assertTrue(insDut.hasNoAttributeModule(hnam(2, Map.of("name", "modUle"))));
  assertFalse(insDut.hasNoAttributeModule(hnam(2, Map.of("name", MODULE))));

  // --- e. node triggering false by third  child
  assertTrue(insDut.hasNoAttributeModule(hnam(3, Map.of("name", "modUle"))));
  assertFalse(insDut.hasNoAttributeModule(hnam(3, Map.of("name", MODULE))));
Example 5
Source File:    From gradle-modules-plugin with MIT License 4 votes vote down vote up
 * Test method for {@link ClasspathFile#hasNoAttributeTest(groovy.util.Node)}.
void test_hasNoAttributeTest__Node() {
  // Test strategy:
  // --- a. "short" node, i.e. node with not enough information (returns always true)
  // --- b. node with just sufficient information
  // --- c. node triggering false by first  child
  // --- d. node triggering false by second child
  // --- e. node triggering false by third  child

  // --- a. "short" node, i.e. node with not enough information (returns always true)
  // a.1 empty node
  final Node nodeA = new Node(null, "a");

  // a.2 node with empty child
  final Node childA = nodeA.appendNode(ClasspathFile.NAME_CHILD);

  // a.3 node with empty grand-child
  Node grandA = childA.appendNode(ClasspathFile.NAME_GRAND);

  // a.4 node with non-empty grand-child, but inappropriate attributes
  grandA = childA.appendNode(ClasspathFile.NAME_GRAND, Map.of("name", "tes")); // not test
  // LOGGER.quiet("a.3: {}", nodeA);
  assertEquals(1, nodeA. children().size());
  assertEquals(1, childA.children().size());

  grandA = childA.appendNode(ClasspathFile.NAME_GRAND, Map.of("name", "tEst")); // not test

  grandA = childA.appendNode(ClasspathFile.NAME_GRAND, Map.of("naMe", "test")); // not name

  // --- b. node with just sufficient information
  childA.appendNode(ClasspathFile.NAME_GRAND, Map.of("name", "test"));

  // --- c. node triggering false by first  child
  // two (slightly) different nodes, one returns true, the other false
  assertTrue(insDut.hasNoAttributeTest(hnat(1, Map.of("name", "teSt"))));
  assertFalse(insDut.hasNoAttributeTest(hnat(1, Map.of("name", "test"))));

  // --- d. node triggering false by second child
  assertTrue(insDut.hasNoAttributeTest(hnat(2, Map.of("name", "teSt"))));
  assertFalse(insDut.hasNoAttributeTest(hnat(2, Map.of("name", "test"))));

  // --- e. node triggering false by third  child
  assertTrue(insDut.hasNoAttributeTest(hnat(3, Map.of("name", "Test"))));
  assertFalse(insDut.hasNoAttributeTest(hnat(3, Map.of("name", "test"))));
Example 6
Source File:    From gradle-modules-plugin with MIT License 4 votes vote down vote up
 * Test method for {@link ClasspathFile#hasAttributeNamed(Node, String)}.
void test_hasAttributeNamed__Node_String() {
  // Test strategy:
  // a. Node without children SHALL return false
  // b. Node with children not named "attribute" SHALL return false
  // c. Node with children named "attribute" but without proper attribute SHALL return false
  // d. Node with one or more children named "attribute" and proper attribute SHALL return true

  // --- setup a node used for testing
  final Node dut = new Node(null, "dut"); // device under test

  // --- setup a map with attributes for child-nodes
  final Map<String, String> mapItem = new ConcurrentSkipListMap<>();
  mapItem.put("name", "Alfred");
  mapItem.put("Name", "foo");

  // --- a. Node without children SHALL return false
  assertEquals(0, dut.children().size());
  assertFalse(insDut.hasAttributeNamed(dut, "foo"));

  // --- b. Node with children not named "attribute" SHALL return false
  dut.appendNode("Attribute", mapItem); // wrong capitalization
  dut.appendNode("attributes", mapItem); // extra characters
  assertFalse(insDut.hasAttributeNamed(dut, "foo"));

  // --- c. Node with children named "attribute" but without proper attribute SHALL return false
  // c.1 child "attribute" without attributes
  assertFalse(insDut.hasAttributeNamed(dut, "foo"));

  // c.2 child "attribute" with attributes
  dut.appendNode(ClasspathFile.NAME_GRAND, mapItem);
  // Note: assertions for c.2 are combined with assertions in d, see below

  // --- d. Node with children named "attribute" and proper attribute SHALL return true
  // d.1 Just one proper child
  assertFalse(insDut.hasAttributeNamed(dut, "alfred"));  // wrong capitalization
  assertFalse(insDut.hasAttributeNamed(dut, " Alfred")); // extra prefix
  assertFalse(insDut.hasAttributeNamed(dut, "Alfreds")); // extra suffix
  assertTrue(insDut.hasAttributeNamed(dut, "Alfred"));

  // d.2 More than one proper child
  dut.appendNode(ClasspathFile.NAME_GRAND, Map.of("name", "Fiedler"));
  dut.appendNode(ClasspathFile.NAME_GRAND, Map.of("name", "bar"));
  assertTrue(insDut.hasAttributeNamed(dut, "Alfred"));  // match in first  proper child
  assertTrue(insDut.hasAttributeNamed(dut, "Fiedler")); // match in second proper child
  assertTrue(insDut.hasAttributeNamed(dut, "bar"));     // match in third  proper child
Example 7
Source File:    From gradle-modules-plugin with MIT License 3 votes vote down vote up
 * Adds three {@link Node}s to given node.
 * <p>If {@code pos} is not in range [1, 3] then no sub-node indicates attribute MODULE:
 * <ol>
 *   <li>1st node has trailing character ater MODULE
 *   <li>2nd node has wrong capitalization
 *   <li>3rd node has wrong attribute name
 * </ol>
 * @param node
 *        where sub-nodes are added to
 * @param pos
 *        value from range [1,3] indicating which child should get attributes from {@code map}
 * @param map
 *        with attributes for child at position {@code pos}
private void addModule(
    final Node                node,
    final int                 pos,
    final Map<String, String> map
) {
  final Map<String, String> map1 = Map.of("name", "modules"); // not module
  final Map<String, String> map2 = Map.of("name", "mOdule");  // not module
  final Map<String, String> map3 = Map.of("Name", MODULE);  // not name

  node.appendNode(ClasspathFile.NAME_GRAND, 1 == pos ? map : map1);
  node.appendNode(ClasspathFile.NAME_GRAND, 2 == pos ? map : map2);
  node.appendNode(ClasspathFile.NAME_GRAND, 3 == pos ? map : map3);
Example 8
Source File:    From gradle-modules-plugin with MIT License 3 votes vote down vote up
 * Adds three {@link Node}s to given node.
 * <p>If {@code pos} is not in range [1, 3] then no sub-node indicates attribute MODULE:
 * <ol>
 *   <li>1st node has trailing character ater MODULE
 *   <li>2nd node has wrong capitalization
 *   <li>3rd node has wrong attribute name
 * </ol>
 * @param node
 *        where sub-nodes are added to
 * @param pos
 *        value from range [1,3] indicating which child should get attributes from {@code map}
 * @param map
 *        with attributes for child at position {@code pos}
private void addTest(
    final Node                node,
    final int                 pos,
    final Map<String, String> map
) {
  final Map<String, String> map1 = Map.of("name", "tests"); // not test
  final Map<String, String> map2 = Map.of("name", "tEst");  // not test
  final Map<String, String> map3 = Map.of("Name", "test");  // not name

  node.appendNode(ClasspathFile.NAME_GRAND, 1 == pos ? map : map1);
  node.appendNode(ClasspathFile.NAME_GRAND, 2 == pos ? map : map2);
  node.appendNode(ClasspathFile.NAME_GRAND, 3 == pos ? map : map3);