Java Code Examples for

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Example 1
Source File:    From javaide with GNU General Public License v3.0 6 votes vote down vote up
public static void buildAssertions(ClassNode node) {

        ClassWrapper wrapper = node.getWrapper();

        StructField field = findAssertionField(node);

        if (field != null) {

            String key = InterpreterUtil.makeUniqueKey(field.getName(), field.getDescriptor());

            boolean res = false;

            for (MethodWrapper meth : wrapper.getMethods()) {
                RootStatement root = meth.root;
                if (root != null) {
                    res |= replaceAssertions(root, wrapper.getClassStruct().qualifiedName, key);

            if (res) {
                // hide the helper field
Example 2
Source File:    From JByteMod-Beta with GNU General Public License v2.0 6 votes vote down vote up
public static void buildAssertions(ClassNode node) {

    ClassWrapper wrapper = node.getWrapper();

    StructField field = findAssertionField(node);

    if (field != null) {

      String key = InterpreterUtil.makeUniqueKey(field.getName(), field.getDescriptor());

      boolean res = false;

      for (MethodWrapper meth : wrapper.getMethods()) {
        RootStatement root = meth.root;
        if (root != null) {
          res |= replaceAssertions(root, wrapper.getClassStruct().qualifiedName, key);

      if (res) {
        // hide the helper field
Example 3
Source File:    From javaide with GNU General Public License v3.0 5 votes vote down vote up
private static void addTracer(StructClass cls, StructMethod method, BytecodeMappingTracer tracer) {
    StructLineNumberTableAttribute table =
            (StructLineNumberTableAttribute) method.getAttribute(StructGeneralAttribute.ATTRIBUTE_LINE_NUMBER_TABLE);
    String key = InterpreterUtil.makeUniqueKey(method.getName(), method.getDescriptor());
    DecompilerContext.getBytecodeSourceMapper().addTracer(cls.qualifiedName, key, tracer);
Example 4
Source File:    From javaide with GNU General Public License v3.0 5 votes vote down vote up
private static void extractStaticInitializers(ClassWrapper wrapper, MethodWrapper method) {
    RootStatement root = method.root;
    StructClass cl = wrapper.getClassStruct();
    Statement firstData = Statements.findFirstData(root);
    if (firstData != null) {
        boolean inlineInitializers = cl.hasModifier(CodeConstants.ACC_INTERFACE) || cl.hasModifier(CodeConstants.ACC_ENUM);

        while (!firstData.getExprents().isEmpty()) {
            Exprent exprent = firstData.getExprents().get(0);

            boolean found = false;

            if (exprent.type == Exprent.EXPRENT_ASSIGNMENT) {
                AssignmentExprent assignExpr = (AssignmentExprent) exprent;
                if (assignExpr.getLeft().type == Exprent.EXPRENT_FIELD) {
                    FieldExprent fExpr = (FieldExprent) assignExpr.getLeft();
                    if (fExpr.isStatic() && fExpr.getClassname().equals(cl.qualifiedName) &&
                            cl.hasField(fExpr.getName(), fExpr.getDescriptor().descriptorString)) {

                        // interfaces fields should always be initialized inline
                        if (inlineInitializers || isExprentIndependent(assignExpr.getRight(), method)) {
                            String keyField = InterpreterUtil.makeUniqueKey(fExpr.getName(), fExpr.getDescriptor().descriptorString);
                            if (!wrapper.getStaticFieldInitializers().containsKey(keyField)) {
                                wrapper.getStaticFieldInitializers().addWithKey(assignExpr.getRight(), keyField);
                                found = true;

            if (!found) {
Example 5
Source File:    From javaide with GNU General Public License v3.0 5 votes vote down vote up
private static String getEnclosingVarField(StructClass cl, MethodWrapper method, DirectGraph graph, int index) {
    String field = "";

    // parameter variable final
    if (method.varproc.getVarFinal(new VarVersionPair(index, 0)) == VarTypeProcessor.VAR_NON_FINAL) {
        return null;

    boolean noSynthFlag = DecompilerContext.getOption(IFernflowerPreferences.SYNTHETIC_NOT_SET);

    // no loop at the begin
    DirectNode firstNode = graph.first;
    if (firstNode.preds.isEmpty()) {
        // assignment to a synthetic field?
        for (Exprent exprent : firstNode.exprents) {
            if (exprent.type == Exprent.EXPRENT_ASSIGNMENT) {
                AssignmentExprent assignExpr = (AssignmentExprent) exprent;
                if (assignExpr.getRight().type == Exprent.EXPRENT_VAR &&
                        ((VarExprent) assignExpr.getRight()).getIndex() == index &&
                        assignExpr.getLeft().type == Exprent.EXPRENT_FIELD) {
                    FieldExprent left = (FieldExprent) assignExpr.getLeft();
                    StructField fd = cl.getField(left.getName(), left.getDescriptor().descriptorString);
                    if (fd != null &&
                            cl.qualifiedName.equals(left.getClassname()) &&
                            (fd.isSynthetic() || noSynthFlag && possiblySyntheticField(fd))) {
                        // local (== not inherited) field
                        field = InterpreterUtil.makeUniqueKey(left.getName(), left.getDescriptor().descriptorString);

    return field;
Example 6
Source File:    From javaide with GNU General Public License v3.0 5 votes vote down vote up
public ClassNode(String content_class_name,
                 String content_method_name,
                 String content_method_descriptor,
                 int content_method_invocation_type,
                 String lambda_class_name,
                 String lambda_method_name,
                 String lambda_method_descriptor,
                 StructClass classStruct) { // lambda class constructor
    this.type = CLASS_LAMBDA;
    this.classStruct = classStruct; // 'parent' class containing the static function

    lambdaInformation = new LambdaInformation();

    lambdaInformation.method_name = lambda_method_name;
    lambdaInformation.method_descriptor = lambda_method_descriptor;

    lambdaInformation.content_class_name = content_class_name;
    lambdaInformation.content_method_name = content_method_name;
    lambdaInformation.content_method_descriptor = content_method_descriptor;
    lambdaInformation.content_method_invocation_type = content_method_invocation_type;

    lambdaInformation.content_method_key =
            InterpreterUtil.makeUniqueKey(lambdaInformation.content_method_name, lambdaInformation.content_method_descriptor);

    anonymousClassType = new VarType(lambda_class_name, true);

    boolean is_method_reference = (content_class_name != classStruct.qualifiedName);
    if (!is_method_reference) { // content method in the same class, check synthetic flag
        StructMethod mt = classStruct.getMethod(content_method_name, content_method_descriptor);
        is_method_reference = !mt.isSynthetic(); // if not synthetic -> method reference

    lambdaInformation.is_method_reference = is_method_reference;
    lambdaInformation.is_content_method_static =
            (lambdaInformation.content_method_invocation_type == CodeConstants.CONSTANT_MethodHandle_REF_invokeStatic); // FIXME: redundant?
Example 7
Source File:    From JByteMod-Beta with GNU General Public License v2.0 5 votes vote down vote up
private static void addTracer(StructClass cls, StructMethod method, BytecodeMappingTracer tracer) {
  StructLineNumberTableAttribute table = (StructLineNumberTableAttribute) method.getAttributes()
  String key = InterpreterUtil.makeUniqueKey(method.getName(), method.getDescriptor());
  DecompilerContext.getBytecodeSourceMapper().addTracer(cls.qualifiedName, key, tracer);
Example 8
Source File:    From JByteMod-Beta with GNU General Public License v2.0 5 votes vote down vote up
private static void extractStaticInitializers(ClassWrapper wrapper, MethodWrapper method) {
  RootStatement root = method.root;
  StructClass cl = wrapper.getClassStruct();
  Statement firstData = Statements.findFirstData(root);
  if (firstData != null) {
    boolean inlineInitializers = cl.hasModifier(CodeConstants.ACC_INTERFACE) || cl.hasModifier(CodeConstants.ACC_ENUM);

    while (!firstData.getExprents().isEmpty()) {
      Exprent exprent = firstData.getExprents().get(0);

      boolean found = false;

      if (exprent.type == Exprent.EXPRENT_ASSIGNMENT) {
        AssignmentExprent assignExpr = (AssignmentExprent) exprent;
        if (assignExpr.getLeft().type == Exprent.EXPRENT_FIELD) {
          FieldExprent fExpr = (FieldExprent) assignExpr.getLeft();
          if (fExpr.isStatic() && fExpr.getClassname().equals(cl.qualifiedName)
              && cl.hasField(fExpr.getName(), fExpr.getDescriptor().descriptorString)) {

            // interfaces fields should always be initialized inline
            if (inlineInitializers || isExprentIndependent(assignExpr.getRight(), method)) {
              String keyField = InterpreterUtil.makeUniqueKey(fExpr.getName(), fExpr.getDescriptor().descriptorString);
              if (!wrapper.getStaticFieldInitializers().containsKey(keyField)) {
                wrapper.getStaticFieldInitializers().addWithKey(assignExpr.getRight(), keyField);
                found = true;

      if (!found) {
Example 9
Source File:    From JByteMod-Beta with GNU General Public License v2.0 5 votes vote down vote up
private static String getEnclosingVarField(StructClass cl, MethodWrapper method, DirectGraph graph, int index) {
  String field = "";

  // parameter variable final
  if (method.varproc.getVarFinal(new VarVersionPair(index, 0)) == VarTypeProcessor.VAR_NON_FINAL) {
    return null;

  boolean noSynthFlag = DecompilerContext.getOption(IFernflowerPreferences.SYNTHETIC_NOT_SET);

  // no loop at the begin
  DirectNode firstNode = graph.first;
  if (firstNode.preds.isEmpty()) {
    // assignment to a synthetic field?
    for (Exprent exprent : firstNode.exprents) {
      if (exprent.type == Exprent.EXPRENT_ASSIGNMENT) {
        AssignmentExprent assignExpr = (AssignmentExprent) exprent;
        if (assignExpr.getRight().type == Exprent.EXPRENT_VAR && ((VarExprent) assignExpr.getRight()).getIndex() == index
            && assignExpr.getLeft().type == Exprent.EXPRENT_FIELD) {
          FieldExprent left = (FieldExprent) assignExpr.getLeft();
          StructField fd = cl.getField(left.getName(), left.getDescriptor().descriptorString);

          if (fd != null && cl.qualifiedName.equals(left.getClassname()) && fd.hasModifier(CodeConstants.ACC_FINAL)
              && (fd.isSynthetic() || (noSynthFlag && fd.hasModifier(CodeConstants.ACC_PRIVATE)))) {
            // local (== not inherited) field
            field = InterpreterUtil.makeUniqueKey(left.getName(), left.getDescriptor().descriptorString);

  return field;
Example 10
Source File:    From JByteMod-Beta with GNU General Public License v2.0 5 votes vote down vote up
public ClassNode(String content_class_name, String content_method_name, String content_method_descriptor, int content_method_invocation_type,
    String lambda_class_name, String lambda_method_name, String lambda_method_descriptor, StructClass classStruct) { // lambda class constructor
  this.type = CLASS_LAMBDA;
  this.classStruct = classStruct; // 'parent' class containing the static function

  lambdaInformation = new LambdaInformation();

  lambdaInformation.class_name = lambda_class_name;
  lambdaInformation.method_name = lambda_method_name;
  lambdaInformation.method_descriptor = lambda_method_descriptor;

  lambdaInformation.content_class_name = content_class_name;
  lambdaInformation.content_method_name = content_method_name;
  lambdaInformation.content_method_descriptor = content_method_descriptor;
  lambdaInformation.content_method_invocation_type = content_method_invocation_type;

  lambdaInformation.content_method_key = InterpreterUtil.makeUniqueKey(lambdaInformation.content_method_name,

  anonymousClassType = new VarType(lambda_class_name, true);

  boolean is_method_reference = (content_class_name != classStruct.qualifiedName);
  if (!is_method_reference) { // content method in the same class, check synthetic flag
    StructMethod mt = classStruct.getMethod(content_method_name, content_method_descriptor);
    is_method_reference = !mt.isSynthetic(); // if not synthetic -> method reference

  lambdaInformation.is_method_reference = is_method_reference;
  lambdaInformation.is_content_method_static = (lambdaInformation.content_method_invocation_type == CodeConstants.CONSTANT_MethodHandle_REF_invokeStatic); // FIXME: redundant?
Example 11
Source File:    From javaide with GNU General Public License v3.0 4 votes vote down vote up
private static StructField findAssertionField(ClassNode node) {

        ClassWrapper wrapper = node.getWrapper();

        boolean noSynthFlag = DecompilerContext.getOption(IFernflowerPreferences.SYNTHETIC_NOT_SET);

        for (StructField fd : wrapper.getClassStruct().getFields()) {

            String keyField = InterpreterUtil.makeUniqueKey(fd.getName(), fd.getDescriptor());

            // initializer exists
            if (wrapper.getStaticFieldInitializers().containsKey(keyField)) {

                // access flags set
                if (fd.hasModifier(CodeConstants.ACC_STATIC) && fd.hasModifier(CodeConstants.ACC_FINAL) && (noSynthFlag || fd.isSynthetic())) {

                    // field type boolean
                    FieldDescriptor fdescr = FieldDescriptor.parseDescriptor(fd.getDescriptor());
                    if (VarType.VARTYPE_BOOLEAN.equals(fdescr.type)) {

                        Exprent initializer = wrapper.getStaticFieldInitializers().getWithKey(keyField);
                        if (initializer.type == Exprent.EXPRENT_FUNCTION) {
                            FunctionExprent fexpr = (FunctionExprent) initializer;

                            if (fexpr.getFuncType() == FunctionExprent.FUNCTION_BOOL_NOT &&
                                    fexpr.getLstOperands().get(0).type == Exprent.EXPRENT_INVOCATION) {

                                InvocationExprent invexpr = (InvocationExprent) fexpr.getLstOperands().get(0);

                                if (invexpr.getInstance() != null &&
                                        invexpr.getInstance().type == Exprent.EXPRENT_CONST &&
                                        "desiredAssertionStatus".equals(invexpr.getName()) &&
                                        "java/lang/Class".equals(invexpr.getClassname()) &&
                                        invexpr.getLstParameters().isEmpty()) {

                                    ConstExprent cexpr = (ConstExprent) invexpr.getInstance();
                                    if (VarType.VARTYPE_CLASS.equals(cexpr.getConstType())) {

                                        ClassNode nd = node;
                                        while (nd != null) {
                                            if (nd.getWrapper().getClassStruct().qualifiedName.equals(cexpr.getValue())) {
                                            nd = nd.parent;

                                        if (nd != null) { // found enclosing class with the same name
                                            return fd;

        return null;
Example 12
Source File:    From javaide with GNU General Public License v3.0 4 votes vote down vote up
public void processClass(ClassNode node) throws IOException {
    for (ClassNode child : node.nested) {

    ClassesProcessor clProcessor = DecompilerContext.getClassProcessor();
    StructClass cl = node.classStruct;

    if (cl.getBytecodeVersion() < CodeConstants.BYTECODE_JAVA_8) { // lambda beginning with Java 8

    StructBootstrapMethodsAttribute bootstrap =
            (StructBootstrapMethodsAttribute) cl.getAttribute(StructGeneralAttribute.ATTRIBUTE_BOOTSTRAP_METHODS);
    if (bootstrap == null || bootstrap.getMethodsNumber() == 0) {
        return; // no bootstrap constants in pool

    BitSet lambda_methods = new BitSet();

    // find lambda bootstrap constants
    for (int i = 0; i < bootstrap.getMethodsNumber(); ++i) {
        LinkConstant method_ref = bootstrap.getMethodReference(i); // method handle

        // FIXME: extend for Eclipse etc. at some point
        if (JAVAC_LAMBDA_CLASS.equals(method_ref.classname) &&
                (JAVAC_LAMBDA_METHOD.equals(method_ref.elementname) || JAVAC_LAMBDA_ALT_METHOD.equals(method_ref.elementname))) {

    if (lambda_methods.isEmpty()) {
        return; // no lambda bootstrap constant found

    Map<String, String> mapMethodsLambda = new HashMap<>();

    // iterate over code and find invocations of bootstrap methods. Replace them with anonymous classes.
    for (StructMethod mt : cl.getMethods()) {

        InstructionSequence seq = mt.getInstructionSequence();
        if (seq != null && seq.length() > 0) {
            int len = seq.length();

            for (int i = 0; i < len; ++i) {
                Instruction instr = seq.getInstr(i);

                if (instr.opcode == CodeConstants.opc_invokedynamic) {
                    LinkConstant invoke_dynamic = cl.getPool().getLinkConstant(instr.operand(0));

                    if (lambda_methods.get(invoke_dynamic.index1)) { // lambda invocation found

                        List<PooledConstant> bootstrap_arguments = bootstrap.getMethodArguments(invoke_dynamic.index1);
                        MethodDescriptor md = MethodDescriptor.parseDescriptor(invoke_dynamic.descriptor);

                        String lambda_class_name = md.ret.value;
                        String lambda_method_name = invoke_dynamic.elementname;
                        String lambda_method_descriptor = ((PrimitiveConstant) bootstrap_arguments.get(2)).getString(); // method type

                        LinkConstant content_method_handle = (LinkConstant) bootstrap_arguments.get(1);

                        ClassNode node_lambda = new ClassNode(content_method_handle.classname, content_method_handle.elementname,
                                content_method_handle.descriptor, content_method_handle.index1,
                                lambda_class_name, lambda_method_name, lambda_method_descriptor, cl);
                        node_lambda.simpleName = cl.qualifiedName + "##Lambda_" + invoke_dynamic.index1 + "_" + invoke_dynamic.index2;
                        node_lambda.enclosingMethod = InterpreterUtil.makeUniqueKey(mt.getName(), mt.getDescriptor());

                        node_lambda.parent = node;

                        clProcessor.getMapRootClasses().put(node_lambda.simpleName, node_lambda);
                        if (!node_lambda.lambdaInformation.is_method_reference) {
                            mapMethodsLambda.put(node_lambda.lambdaInformation.content_method_key, node_lambda.simpleName);


    // build class hierarchy on lambda
    for (ClassNode nd : node.nested) {
        if (nd.type == ClassNode.CLASS_LAMBDA) {
            String parent_class_name = mapMethodsLambda.get(nd.enclosingMethod);
            if (parent_class_name != null) {
                ClassNode parent_class = clProcessor.getMapRootClasses().get(parent_class_name);

                nd.parent = parent_class;

    // FIXME: mixed hierarchy?
Example 13
Source File:    From JByteMod-Beta with GNU General Public License v2.0 4 votes vote down vote up
private static StructField findAssertionField(ClassNode node) {

    ClassWrapper wrapper = node.getWrapper();

    boolean noSynthFlag = DecompilerContext.getOption(IFernflowerPreferences.SYNTHETIC_NOT_SET);

    for (StructField fd : wrapper.getClassStruct().getFields()) {

      String keyField = InterpreterUtil.makeUniqueKey(fd.getName(), fd.getDescriptor());

      // initializer exists
      if (wrapper.getStaticFieldInitializers().containsKey(keyField)) {

        // access flags set
        if (fd.hasModifier(CodeConstants.ACC_STATIC) && fd.hasModifier(CodeConstants.ACC_FINAL) && (noSynthFlag || fd.isSynthetic())) {

          // field type boolean
          FieldDescriptor fdescr = FieldDescriptor.parseDescriptor(fd.getDescriptor());
          if (VarType.VARTYPE_BOOLEAN.equals(fdescr.type)) {

            Exprent initializer = wrapper.getStaticFieldInitializers().getWithKey(keyField);
            if (initializer.type == Exprent.EXPRENT_FUNCTION) {
              FunctionExprent fexpr = (FunctionExprent) initializer;

              if (fexpr.getFuncType() == FunctionExprent.FUNCTION_BOOL_NOT && fexpr.getLstOperands().get(0).type == Exprent.EXPRENT_INVOCATION) {

                InvocationExprent invexpr = (InvocationExprent) fexpr.getLstOperands().get(0);

                if (invexpr.getInstance() != null && invexpr.getInstance().type == Exprent.EXPRENT_CONST
                    && "desiredAssertionStatus".equals(invexpr.getName()) && "java/lang/Class".equals(invexpr.getClassname())
                    && invexpr.getLstParameters().isEmpty()) {

                  ConstExprent cexpr = (ConstExprent) invexpr.getInstance();
                  if (VarType.VARTYPE_CLASS.equals(cexpr.getConstType())) {

                    ClassNode nd = node;
                    while (nd != null) {
                      if (nd.getWrapper().getClassStruct().qualifiedName.equals(cexpr.getValue())) {
                      nd = nd.parent;

                    if (nd != null) { // found enclosing class with the same name
                      return fd;

    return null;
Example 14
Source File:    From JByteMod-Beta with GNU General Public License v2.0 4 votes vote down vote up
public boolean hasLambda(ClassNode node) throws IOException {
  ClassesProcessor clProcessor = DecompilerContext.getClassProcessor();
  StructClass cl = node.classStruct;

  if (cl.getBytecodeVersion() < CodeConstants.BYTECODE_JAVA_8) { // lambda beginning with Java 8
    return false;

  StructBootstrapMethodsAttribute bootstrap = (StructBootstrapMethodsAttribute) cl.getAttributes()
  if (bootstrap == null || bootstrap.getMethodsNumber() == 0) {
    return false; // no bootstrap constants in pool

  BitSet lambda_methods = new BitSet();

  // find lambda bootstrap constants
  for (int i = 0; i < bootstrap.getMethodsNumber(); ++i) {
    LinkConstant method_ref = bootstrap.getMethodReference(i); // method handle

    // FIXME: extend for Eclipse etc. at some point
    if (JAVAC_LAMBDA_CLASS.equals(method_ref.classname)
        && (JAVAC_LAMBDA_METHOD.equals(method_ref.elementname) || JAVAC_LAMBDA_ALT_METHOD.equals(method_ref.elementname))) {

  if (lambda_methods.isEmpty()) {
    return false; // no lambda bootstrap constant found

  Map<String, String> mapMethodsLambda = new HashMap<>();

  // iterate over code and find invocations of bootstrap methods. Replace them with anonymous classes.
  for (StructMethod mt : cl.getMethods()) {

    InstructionSequence seq = mt.getInstructionSequence();
    if (seq != null && seq.length() > 0) {
      int len = seq.length();

      for (int i = 0; i < len; ++i) {
        Instruction instr = seq.getInstr(i);

        if (instr.opcode == CodeConstants.opc_invokedynamic) {
          LinkConstant invoke_dynamic = cl.getPool().getLinkConstant(instr.getOperand(0));

          if (lambda_methods.get(invoke_dynamic.index1)) { // lambda invocation found

            List<PooledConstant> bootstrap_arguments = bootstrap.getMethodArguments(invoke_dynamic.index1);
            MethodDescriptor md = MethodDescriptor.parseDescriptor(invoke_dynamic.descriptor);

            String lambda_class_name = md.ret.value;
            String lambda_method_name = invoke_dynamic.elementname;
            String lambda_method_descriptor = ((PrimitiveConstant) bootstrap_arguments.get(2)).getString(); // method type

            LinkConstant content_method_handle = (LinkConstant) bootstrap_arguments.get(1);

            ClassNode node_lambda = new ClassNode(content_method_handle.classname, content_method_handle.elementname,
                content_method_handle.descriptor, content_method_handle.index1, lambda_class_name, lambda_method_name, lambda_method_descriptor,
            node_lambda.simpleName = cl.qualifiedName + "##Lambda_" + invoke_dynamic.index1 + "_" + invoke_dynamic.index2;
            node_lambda.enclosingMethod = InterpreterUtil.makeUniqueKey(mt.getName(), mt.getDescriptor());

            node_lambda.parent = node;

            clProcessor.getMapRootClasses().put(node_lambda.simpleName, node_lambda);
            if (!node_lambda.lambdaInformation.is_method_reference) {
              mapMethodsLambda.put(node_lambda.lambdaInformation.content_method_key, node_lambda.simpleName);


  // build class hierarchy on lambda
  for (ClassNode nd : node.nested) {
    if (nd.type == ClassNode.CLASS_LAMBDA) {
      String parent_class_name = mapMethodsLambda.get(nd.enclosingMethod);
      if (parent_class_name != null) {
        ClassNode parent_class = clProcessor.getMapRootClasses().get(parent_class_name);

        nd.parent = parent_class;

  // FIXME: mixed hierarchy?

  return false;