Java Code Examples for edu.uci.ics.jung.graph.Graph#getOutEdges()

The following examples show how to use edu.uci.ics.jung.graph.Graph#getOutEdges() . You can vote up the ones you like or vote down the ones you don't like, and go to the original project or source file by following the links above each example. You may check out the related API usage on the sidebar.
Example 1
Source File:    From baleen with Apache License 2.0 6 votes vote down vote up
/** Find and remove simple loops (e.g. a → b → a) from a Jung graph */
public static <V, E> void removeLoops(Graph<V, E> graph) {
  for (V v : graph.getVertices()) {
    for (E e : graph.getOutEdges(v)) {
      V dest = graph.getDest(e);

      E returnEdge = graph.findEdge(dest, v);
      if (returnEdge != null) {
            "Loop detected between {} and {}. Original order will be preserved.",
Example 2
Source File:    From ghidra with Apache License 2.0 5 votes vote down vote up
private Collection<FGEdge> getEdges(FGVertex vertex) {
	Graph<FGVertex, FGEdge> graph = graphLayout.getGraph();
	List<FGEdge> edges = new LinkedList<>();
	Collection<FGEdge> inEdges = graph.getInEdges(vertex);
	if (inEdges != null) {

	Collection<FGEdge> outEdges = graph.getOutEdges(vertex);
	if (outEdges != null) {

	return edges;
Example 3
Source File:    From ghidra with Apache License 2.0 5 votes vote down vote up
private Collection<FGEdge> getEdges(FGVertex vertex) {
	Graph<FGVertex, FGEdge> graph = graphLayout.getGraph();
	List<FGEdge> edges = new LinkedList<>();
	Collection<FGEdge> inEdges = graph.getInEdges(vertex);
	if (inEdges != null) {

	Collection<FGEdge> outEdges = graph.getOutEdges(vertex);
	if (outEdges != null) {

	return edges;
Example 4
Source File:    From ghidra with Apache License 2.0 5 votes vote down vote up
Set<FGEdge> getOutEdges(FGController controller, FGVertex vertex) {

		Set<FGEdge> edges = new HashSet<>();
		FGData functionGraphData = controller.getFunctionGraphData();
		FunctionGraph functionGraph = functionGraphData.getFunctionGraph();
		Graph<FGVertex, FGEdge> graph = functionGraph;
		Collection<FGEdge> outEdges = graph.getOutEdges(vertex);
		if (outEdges == null) {
			return null;

		return edges;
Example 5
Source File:    From ghidra with Apache License 2.0 4 votes vote down vote up
private void handleReferenceRemoved(DomainObjectChangeRecord record) {
	// Get the affected vertex (if any).  Determine if we have to combine the vertex with
	// the vertex below it (adding a reference creates a new basic block, which creates a new
	// vertex--we may need to reverse that process)
	FGData functionGraphData = controller.getFunctionGraphData();
	FunctionGraph functionGraph = functionGraphData.getFunctionGraph();
	Reference reference = (Reference) record.getOldValue();
	Address toAddress = reference.getToAddress();
	FGVertex destinationVertex = functionGraph.getVertexForAddress(toAddress);
	if (destinationVertex == null) {
		return; // this particular removal doesn't affect our graph

	// How do we know if we can combine this vertex with its parent?  Well, we have some
	// tests that must hold true:
	// -There must be only a fallthrough edge to the affected vertex
	// -The parent vertex must have only one flow--FallThrough
	// -There must not be any other references to the entry of the vertex
	// -There must not be any non-dynamic labels on the vertex
	Graph<FGVertex, FGEdge> graph = functionGraph;
	Collection<FGEdge> inEdgesForDestination = graph.getInEdges(destinationVertex);
	if (inEdgesForDestination.size() == 0) {
		// must be in a dirty state with vertices and edges that don't match reality

	if (inEdgesForDestination.size() > 1) {

	FGEdge incomingEdge = inEdgesForDestination.iterator().next();
	FGVertex parentVertex = incomingEdge.getStart();
	Collection<FGEdge> outEdges = graph.getOutEdges(parentVertex);
	if (outEdges.size() > 1) {

	FlowType flowType = incomingEdge.getFlowType();
	if (!flowType.isFallthrough()) {

	SymbolTable symbolTable = currentProgram.getSymbolTable();
	AddressSetView vertexAddresses = destinationVertex.getAddresses();
	Address minAddress = vertexAddresses.getMinAddress();
	Symbol[] symbols = symbolTable.getSymbols(minAddress);
	if (symbols.length > 1) {
		return; // real user symbols
	else if (symbols.length == 1) {
		if (!symbols[0].isDynamic()) {
			return; // real user symbol

	ReferenceManager referenceManager = currentProgram.getReferenceManager();
	ReferenceIterator references = referenceManager.getReferencesTo(minAddress);
	if (references.hasNext()) {
		return; // other references to this vertex entry point

Example 6
Source File:    From ghidra with Apache License 2.0 4 votes vote down vote up
private void handleSymbolRemoved(DomainObjectChangeRecord record) {
	// Get the affected vertex (if any).  Determine if we have to combine the vertex with
	// the vertex below it (adding a symbol creates a new basic block, which creates a new
	// vertex--we may need to reverse that process)
	FGData functionGraphData = controller.getFunctionGraphData();
	FunctionGraph functionGraph = functionGraphData.getFunctionGraph();
	Address address = ((ProgramChangeRecord) record).getStart();
	FGVertex destinationVertex = functionGraph.getVertexForAddress(address);
	if (destinationVertex == null) {
		return; // this particular removal doesn't affect our graph

	// How do we know if we can combine this vertex with its parent?  Well, we have some
	// tests that must hold true:
	// -There must be only a fallthrough edge to the affected vertex
	// -The parent vertex must have only one flow--FallThrough
	// -There must not be any other references to the entry of the vertex
	// -There must not be any non-dynamic labels on the vertex		
	Graph<FGVertex, FGEdge> graph = functionGraph;
	Collection<FGEdge> inEdgesForDestination = graph.getInEdges(destinationVertex);
	if (inEdgesForDestination.size() == 0) {
		// must be in a dirty state with vertices and edges that don't match reality

	if (inEdgesForDestination.size() > 1) {

	FGEdge incomingEdge = inEdgesForDestination.iterator().next();
	FGVertex parentVertex = incomingEdge.getStart();
	Collection<FGEdge> outEdges = graph.getOutEdges(parentVertex);
	if (outEdges.size() > 1) {

	FlowType flowType = incomingEdge.getFlowType();
	if (!flowType.isFallthrough()) {

	SymbolTable symbolTable = currentProgram.getSymbolTable();
	AddressSetView vertexAddresses = destinationVertex.getAddresses();
	Address minAddress = vertexAddresses.getMinAddress();
	Symbol[] symbols = symbolTable.getSymbols(minAddress);
	if (symbols.length > 1) {
		return; // real user symbols
	else if (symbols.length == 1) {
		if (!symbols[0].isDynamic()) {
			return; // real user symbol

	ReferenceManager referenceManager = currentProgram.getReferenceManager();
	ReferenceIterator references = referenceManager.getReferencesTo(minAddress);
	if (references.hasNext()) {
		return; // other references to this vertex entry point
