Java Code Examples for org.apache.helix.task.Workflow#Builder

The following examples show how to use org.apache.helix.task.Workflow#Builder . You can vote up the ones you like or vote down the ones you don't like, and go to the original project or source file by following the links above each example. You may check out the related API usage on the sidebar.
Example 1
Source File:    From helix with Apache License 2.0 6 votes vote down vote up
public void testJobAndWorkflowType() throws InterruptedException {"Start testing job and workflow type");
  String jobName = TestHelper.getTestMethodName();
  JobConfig.Builder jobConfig = JobConfig.Builder.fromMap(WorkflowGenerator.DEFAULT_JOB_CONFIG)

  Map<String, String> tmp = new HashMap<>();
  tmp.put("WorkflowType", DEFAULT_TYPE);
  Workflow.Builder builder =
      WorkflowGenerator.generateSingleJobWorkflowBuilder(jobName, jobConfig).fromMap(tmp);

  // Start workflow

  _driver.pollForWorkflowState(jobName, TaskState.COMPLETED);
  String fetchedJobType =
      _driver.getJobConfig(String.format("%s_%s", jobName, jobName)).getJobType();
  String fetchedWorkflowType = _driver.getWorkflowConfig(jobName).getWorkflowType();

  Assert.assertEquals(fetchedJobType, DEFAULT_TYPE);
  Assert.assertEquals(fetchedWorkflowType, DEFAULT_TYPE);
Example 2
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public void testUnregisteredCommand() throws InterruptedException {
  String workflowName = TestHelper.getTestMethodName();
  Workflow.Builder builder = new Workflow.Builder(workflowName);

  JobConfig.Builder jobBuilder =
      new JobConfig.Builder().setTargetResource(WorkflowGenerator.DEFAULT_TGT_DB)

  builder.addJob("JOB1", jobBuilder);


  _driver.pollForWorkflowState(workflowName, TaskState.FAILED);
  Assert.assertEquals(_driver.getJobContext(TaskUtil.getNamespacedJobName(workflowName, "JOB1"))
      .getPartitionState(0), TaskPartitionState.ERROR);
  Assert.assertEquals(_driver.getJobContext(TaskUtil.getNamespacedJobName(workflowName, "JOB1"))
      .getPartitionNumAttempts(0), 1);
Example 3
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public void testDifferentTasks() throws Exception {
  // Create a job with two different tasks
  String jobName = TestHelper.getTestMethodName();
  Workflow.Builder workflowBuilder = new Workflow.Builder(jobName);
  List<TaskConfig> taskConfigs = Lists.newArrayListWithCapacity(2);
  TaskConfig taskConfig1 = new TaskConfig("TaskOne", null);
  TaskConfig taskConfig2 = new TaskConfig("TaskTwo", null);
  Map<String, String> jobCommandMap = Maps.newHashMap();
  jobCommandMap.put("Timeout", "1000");
  JobConfig.Builder jobBuilder = new JobConfig.Builder().setCommand("DummyCommand")
  workflowBuilder.addJob(jobName, jobBuilder);

  // Ensure the job completes
  _driver.pollForWorkflowState(jobName, TaskState.COMPLETED);

  // Ensure that each class was invoked
Example 4
Source File:    From helix with Apache License 2.0 6 votes vote down vote up
public void testMultipleTaskAssignment() throws InterruptedException {
  failTask = false;
  String workflowName = TestHelper.getTestMethodName();
  Workflow.Builder workflowBuilder = new Workflow.Builder(workflowName);

  List<TaskConfig> taskConfigs = Lists.newArrayListWithCapacity(20);
  for (int i = 0; i < 20; i++) {
    Map<String, String> taskConfigMap = Maps.newHashMap();
    taskConfigs.add(new TaskConfig("TaskOne", taskConfigMap));
  JobConfig.Builder jobBuilder = new JobConfig.Builder().setCommand("DummyCommand")

  workflowBuilder.addJob("JOB", jobBuilder);
  _driver.pollForWorkflowState(workflowName, TaskState.COMPLETED);

  Assert.assertEquals(_runCounts.size(), 5);
Example 5
Source File:    From helix with Apache License 2.0 6 votes vote down vote up
 * Task type: generic
 * Rebalance running task: enabled
 * Story: new node added
 * NOTE: This test is disabled because this "load-balancing" would happen at the Task Assigner
 * level. In the legacy assignment strategy (Consistent Hashing) did not take instance's capacity
 * into account. However, the new quota-based scheduling takes capacity into account, and it will
 * generally assign to the most "free" instance, so load-balancing of tasks will happen at the
 * Assigner layer. Deprecating this test.
@Test(enabled = false)
public void testGenericTaskAndEnabledRebalanceAndNodeAdded() throws InterruptedException {
  WORKFLOW = TestHelper.getTestMethodName();
  JobConfig.Builder jobBuilder = new JobConfig.Builder().setWorkflow(WORKFLOW)
      .setJobCommandConfigMap(ImmutableMap.of(MockTask.JOB_DELAY, "99999999")); // task stuck

  Workflow.Builder workflowBuilder = new Workflow.Builder(WORKFLOW).addJob(JOB, jobBuilder);


  // All tasks stuck on the same instance
  // Add a new instance, and some running tasks will be rebalanced to the new node
Example 6
Source File:    From helix with Apache License 2.0 6 votes vote down vote up
public void testWorkflowAndJobTaskUserContentStore() throws InterruptedException {
  String jobName = TestHelper.getTestMethodName();
  Workflow.Builder workflowBuilder = new Workflow.Builder(jobName);
  List<TaskConfig> taskConfigs = Lists.newArrayListWithCapacity(1);
  Map<String, String> taskConfigMap = Maps.newHashMap();
  TaskConfig taskConfig1 = new TaskConfig("ContentStoreTask", taskConfigMap);
  Map<String, String> jobCommandMap = Maps.newHashMap();
  jobCommandMap.put("Timeout", "1000");

  JobConfig.Builder jobBuilder = new JobConfig.Builder().setCommand("DummyCommand")
  workflowBuilder.addJob(jobName, jobBuilder);

  _driver.pollForWorkflowState(jobName, TaskState.COMPLETED);
      .assertEquals(_driver.getWorkflowContext(jobName).getWorkflowState(), TaskState.COMPLETED);
Example 7
Source File:    From helix with Apache License 2.0 5 votes vote down vote up
@Test(dataProvider = "testJobFailureInput")
public void testNormalJobFailure(String comment, List<String> taskStates,
    List<String> expectedTaskEndingStates, String expectedJobEndingStates,
    String expectedWorkflowEndingStates) throws Exception {
  final String JOB_NAME = "test_job";
  final String WORKFLOW_NAME = TestHelper.getTestMethodName() + testNum++;
  System.out.println("Test case comment: " + comment);

  Map<String, Map<String, String>> targetPartitionConfigs =
      createPartitionConfig(taskStates, expectedTaskEndingStates);

  JobConfig.Builder firstJobBuilder =
      new JobConfig.Builder().setWorkflow(WORKFLOW_NAME).setTargetResource(DB_NAME)

  Workflow.Builder workflowBuilder =
      new Workflow.Builder(WORKFLOW_NAME).addJob(JOB_NAME, firstJobBuilder);

  _driver.pollForJobState(WORKFLOW_NAME, TaskUtil.getNamespacedJobName(WORKFLOW_NAME, JOB_NAME),
  _driver.pollForWorkflowState(WORKFLOW_NAME, TaskState.valueOf(expectedWorkflowEndingStates));

  JobContext jobContext =
      _driver.getJobContext(TaskUtil.getNamespacedJobName(WORKFLOW_NAME, JOB_NAME));
  for (int pId : jobContext.getPartitionSet()) {
    Map<String, String> targetPartitionConfig =
Example 8
Source File:    From helix with Apache License 2.0 5 votes vote down vote up
public void testJobSubmitGenericWorkflows() throws InterruptedException {
  String workflowName = TestHelper.getTestMethodName();
  JobConfig.Builder jobBuilder =
      new JobConfig.Builder().setTargetResource(WorkflowGenerator.DEFAULT_TGT_DB)
  Workflow.Builder builder = new Workflow.Builder(workflowName);
  for (int i = 0; i < 5; i++) {
    builder.addJob("JOB" + i, jobBuilder);

   * Dependency visualization
   *               JOB0
   *             /   |    \
   *         JOB1 <-JOB2   JOB4
   *                 |     /
   *                JOB3

  builder.addParentChildDependency("JOB0", "JOB1");
  builder.addParentChildDependency("JOB0", "JOB2");
  builder.addParentChildDependency("JOB0", "JOB4");
  builder.addParentChildDependency("JOB1", "JOB2");
  builder.addParentChildDependency("JOB2", "JOB3");
  builder.addParentChildDependency("JOB4", "JOB3");

  _driver.pollForWorkflowState(workflowName, TaskState.COMPLETED);
Example 9
Source File:    From helix with Apache License 2.0 5 votes vote down vote up
public void testWorkflowRunningTime() throws InterruptedException {
  String workflowName = TestHelper.getTestMethodName();
  Workflow.Builder workflowBuilder = new Workflow.Builder(workflowName)
      .setWorkflowConfig(new WorkflowConfig.Builder(workflowName).setTimeout(1000).build())
      .addJob(JOB_NAME, _jobBuilder);

  _driver.pollForWorkflowState(workflowName, 10000L, TaskState.TIMED_OUT);
Example 10
Source File:    From helix with Apache License 2.0 5 votes vote down vote up
public void testEnableDisablePartitions() throws InterruptedException {
  _admin.enablePartition(false, CLUSTER_NAME, (PARTICIPANT_PREFIX + "_" + _startPort),
      WorkflowGenerator.DEFAULT_TGT_DB, Arrays.asList(new String[] { "TestDB_0", "TestDB_2" }));
  _admin.enablePartition(false, CLUSTER_NAME, (PARTICIPANT_PREFIX + "_" + (_startPort + 1)),
      WorkflowGenerator.DEFAULT_TGT_DB, Arrays.asList(new String[] { "TestDB_0", "TestDB_2" }));

  IdealState idealState =
      _admin.getResourceIdealState(CLUSTER_NAME, WorkflowGenerator.DEFAULT_TGT_DB);
  List<String> preferenceList =
      Arrays.asList(new String[] { "localhost_12919", "localhost_12918" });
  for (String partitionName : idealState.getPartitionSet()) {
    idealState.setPreferenceList(partitionName, preferenceList);
  _admin.setResourceIdealState(CLUSTER_NAME, WorkflowGenerator.DEFAULT_TGT_DB, idealState);


  String workflowName = TestHelper.getTestMethodName();
  Workflow.Builder builder = new Workflow.Builder(workflowName);
  JobConfig.Builder jobBuilder =
      new JobConfig.Builder().setWorkflow(workflowName).setCommand(MockTask.TASK_COMMAND)
  builder.addJob("JOB", jobBuilder);
  JobContext jobContext =
      _driver.getJobContext(TaskUtil.getNamespacedJobName(workflowName, "JOB"));
  int n = idealState.getNumPartitions();
  for ( int i = 0; i < n; i++) {
    String targetPartition = jobContext.getTargetForPartition(i);
    if (targetPartition.equals("TestDB_0") || targetPartition.equals("TestDB_2")) {
      Assert.assertEquals(jobContext.getPartitionState(i), null);
    } else {
      Assert.assertEquals(jobContext.getPartitionState(i), TaskPartitionState.COMPLETED);
Example 11
Source File:    From helix with Apache License 2.0 5 votes vote down vote up
public void testJobScheduleBeforeResourceDisabled() throws InterruptedException {
  String workflowName = TestHelper.getTestMethodName();
  Workflow.Builder workflow = new Workflow.Builder(workflowName);
  _jobCfg.setJobCommandConfigMap(ImmutableMap.of(MockTask.JOB_DELAY, "1000000"));
  workflow.addJob(_jobName, _jobCfg);
      .enableResource(CLUSTER_NAME, WorkflowGenerator.DEFAULT_TGT_DB, false);
  _driver.pollForWorkflowState(workflowName, TaskState.FAILED);
Example 12
Source File:    From helix with Apache License 2.0 5 votes vote down vote up
@Test public void testJobPoll() throws InterruptedException {
  String jobResource = TestHelper.getTestMethodName();
  Workflow.Builder builder =

  TaskState polledState = _driver
      .pollForJobState(jobResource, String.format("%s_%s", jobResource, jobResource), 4000L,
          TaskState.COMPLETED, TaskState.FAILED);
  Assert.assertEquals(TaskState.COMPLETED, polledState);
Example 13
Source File:    From helix with Apache License 2.0 5 votes vote down vote up
protected Map<String, Workflow> createWorkflows(String cluster, int numWorkflows) {
  Map<String, Workflow> workflows = new HashMap<>();
  HelixPropertyStore<ZNRecord> propertyStore =
      new ZkHelixPropertyStore<>((ZkBaseDataAccessor<ZNRecord>) _baseAccessor,
          PropertyPathBuilder.propertyStore(cluster), null);

  for (int i = 0; i < numWorkflows; i++) {
    Workflow.Builder workflow = new Workflow.Builder(WORKFLOW_PREFIX + i);
    int j = 0;
    for (JobConfig.Builder job : createJobs(cluster, WORKFLOW_PREFIX + i, 3)) {
      workflow.addJob(JOB_PREFIX + j++, job);
    workflows.put(WORKFLOW_PREFIX + i,;
    WorkflowContext workflowContext = TaskTestUtil
        .buildWorkflowContext(WORKFLOW_PREFIX + i, TaskState.IN_PROGRESS,
            System.currentTimeMillis(), TaskState.COMPLETED, TaskState.COMPLETED,
    _baseAccessor.set(String.format("/%s/%s%s/%s/%s", cluster,,
        workflowContext.getRecord(), AccessOption.PERSISTENT);
    _configAccessor.setResourceConfig(cluster, WORKFLOW_PREFIX + i, workflow.getWorkflowConfig());

    // Add workflow user content
            .join(TaskConstants.REBALANCER_CONTEXT_ROOT, WORKFLOW_PREFIX + i,
                TaskUtil.USER_CONTENT_NODE), new ZNRecord(TaskUtil.USER_CONTENT_NODE),
  return workflows;
Example 14
Source File:    From helix with Apache License 2.0 5 votes vote down vote up
public void testJobScheduleAfterResourceDisabled() throws InterruptedException {
  String workflowName = TestHelper.getTestMethodName();
      .enableResource(CLUSTER_NAME, WorkflowGenerator.DEFAULT_TGT_DB, false);
  Workflow.Builder workflow = new Workflow.Builder(workflowName);
  workflow.addJob(_jobName, _jobCfg);

  _driver.pollForWorkflowState(workflowName, TaskState.FAILED);
Example 15
Source File:    From helix with Apache License 2.0 5 votes vote down vote up
public void testDeleteCompletedWorkflowForcefully() throws Exception {
  // Create a simple workflow and wait for its completion. Then delete the IdealState,
  // WorkflowContext and WorkflowConfig using ForceDelete.
  String workflowName = TestHelper.getTestMethodName();
  Workflow.Builder builder = createCustomWorkflow(workflowName, SHORT_EXECUTION_TIME, "0");

  // Wait until workflow is created and completed.
  _driver.pollForWorkflowState(workflowName, TaskState.COMPLETED);

  // Check that WorkflowConfig, WorkflowContext, and IdealState are indeed created for this
  // workflow
  Assert.assertNotNull(_admin.getResourceIdealState(CLUSTER_NAME, workflowName));

  // Stop the Controller

  _driver.delete(workflowName, true);

  // Check that WorkflowConfig, WorkflowContext, and IdealState are indeed deleted for this
  // workflow.
  boolean isWorkflowDeleted = TestHelper.verify(() -> {
    WorkflowConfig wfcfg = _driver.getWorkflowConfig(workflowName);
    WorkflowContext wfctx = _driver.getWorkflowContext(workflowName);
    IdealState is = _admin.getResourceIdealState(CLUSTER_NAME, workflowName);
    return (wfcfg == null && wfctx == null && is == null);
  }, 60 * 1000);
Example 16
Source File:    From helix with Apache License 2.0 5 votes vote down vote up
public void testOneTimeScheduled() throws Exception {
  String jobName = TestHelper.getTestMethodName();
  Workflow.Builder workflowBuilder = new Workflow.Builder(jobName);
  List<TaskConfig> taskConfigs = Lists.newArrayListWithCapacity(1);
  Map<String, String> taskConfigMap = Maps.newHashMap();
  TaskConfig taskConfig1 = new TaskConfig("TaskOne", taskConfigMap);
  Map<String, String> jobCommandMap = Maps.newHashMap();
  jobCommandMap.put(MockTask.JOB_DELAY, "1000");

  JobConfig.Builder jobBuilder = new JobConfig.Builder().setCommand("DummyCommand")
  workflowBuilder.addJob(jobName, jobBuilder);

  long inFiveSeconds = System.currentTimeMillis() + (5 * 1000);
  workflowBuilder.setScheduleConfig(ScheduleConfig.oneTimeDelayedStart(new Date(inFiveSeconds)));

  // Ensure the job completes
  _driver.pollForWorkflowState(jobName, TaskState.IN_PROGRESS);
  _driver.pollForWorkflowState(jobName, TaskState.COMPLETED);

  // Ensure that the class was invoked

  // Check that the workflow only started after the start time (with a 1 second buffer)
  WorkflowContext workflowCtx = _driver.getWorkflowContext(jobName);
  long startTime = workflowCtx.getStartTime();
  Assert.assertTrue(startTime <= inFiveSeconds);
Example 17
Source File:    From helix with Apache License 2.0 4 votes vote down vote up
 * Tests that upon Participant reconnect, the Controller correctly sends the current
 * state of the task partition to DROPPED. This is to avoid a resource leak in case of a
 * Participant disconnect/reconnect and an ensuing reset() on all of the partitions on that
 * Participant.
public void testDropOnParticipantReset() throws InterruptedException {
  // Create a workflow with some long-running jobs in progress
  String workflowName = TestHelper.getTestMethodName();
  String jobName = "JOB";
  Workflow.Builder builder = new Workflow.Builder(workflowName);
  List<TaskConfig> taskConfigs = new ArrayList<>();
  for (int j = 0; j < 2; j++) { // 2 tasks to ensure that they execute
    String taskID = jobName + "_TASK_" + j;
    TaskConfig.Builder taskConfigBuilder = new TaskConfig.Builder();
        .addConfig(MockTask.JOB_DELAY, "3000");
  JobConfig.Builder jobBuilder = new JobConfig.Builder().setCommand(MockTask.TASK_COMMAND)
      // 1 task at a time
  builder.addJob(jobName, jobBuilder);

  // Modify maxConcurrentTask for the instance so that it only accepts 1 task at most
  InstanceConfig instanceConfig = _gSetupTool.getClusterManagementTool()
      .getInstanceConfig(CLUSTER_NAME, _participants[0].getInstanceName());
      _participants[0].getInstanceName(), instanceConfig);

  // Start the workflow
  _driver.pollForJobState(workflowName, workflowName + "_" + jobName, TaskState.IN_PROGRESS);
  Thread.sleep(1500L); // Wait for the Participant to process the message
  // Stop and start the participant to mimic a connection issue
  // Upon starting the participant, the first task partition should be dropped and assigned anew
  // on the instance. Then the rest of the tasks will execute and the workflow will complete

  TaskState workflowState = _driver.pollForWorkflowState(workflowName, TaskState.COMPLETED);
  TaskState jobState =
      _driver.pollForJobState(workflowName, workflowName + "_" + jobName, TaskState.COMPLETED);
  Assert.assertEquals(workflowState, TaskState.COMPLETED);
  Assert.assertEquals(jobState, TaskState.COMPLETED);
Example 18
Source File:    From helix with Apache License 2.0 4 votes vote down vote up
@Test(dependsOnMethods = "testDeleteRunningWorkflowForcefully")
public void testDeleteStoppedWorkflowForcefully() throws Exception {
  // Create a simple workflow. Stop the workflow and wait until it's fully stopped. Then delete
  // the IdealState, WorkflowContext and WorkflowConfig using ForceDelete.

  // Start the Controller
  String controllerName = CONTROLLER_PREFIX + "_0";
  _controller = new ClusterControllerManager(ZK_ADDR, CLUSTER_NAME, controllerName);

  String workflowName = TestHelper.getTestMethodName();
  Workflow.Builder builder = createCustomWorkflow(workflowName, MEDIUM_EXECUTION_TIME, "0");

  // Wait until workflow is created and running.
  _driver.pollForWorkflowState(workflowName, TaskState.IN_PROGRESS);


  // Wait until workflow is stopped.
  _driver.pollForWorkflowState(workflowName, TaskState.STOPPED);

  // Wait until workflow is stopped. Also, jobs should be either stopped or not created (null).
  boolean areJobsStopped = TestHelper.verify(() -> {
    WorkflowContext wCtx1 = _driver.getWorkflowContext(workflowName);
    TaskState job0 = wCtx1.getJobState(TaskUtil.getNamespacedJobName(workflowName, "JOB0"));
    TaskState job1 = wCtx1.getJobState(TaskUtil.getNamespacedJobName(workflowName, "JOB1"));
    TaskState job2 = wCtx1.getJobState(TaskUtil.getNamespacedJobName(workflowName, "JOB2"));
    return ((job0 == null || job0 == TaskState.STOPPED)
        && (job1 == null || job1 == TaskState.STOPPED)
        && (job2 == null || job2 == TaskState.STOPPED));
  }, 60 * 1000);

  // Check that WorkflowConfig, WorkflowContext, and IdealState are indeed created for this
  // workflow.
  Assert.assertNotNull(_admin.getResourceIdealState(CLUSTER_NAME, workflowName));

  // Stop the Controller

  _driver.delete(workflowName, true);

  // Check that WorkflowConfig, WorkflowContext, and IdealState are indeed deleted for this
  // workflow.
  boolean isWorkflowDeleted = TestHelper.verify(() -> {
    WorkflowConfig wfcfg = _driver.getWorkflowConfig(workflowName);
    WorkflowContext wfctx = _driver.getWorkflowContext(workflowName);
    IdealState is = _admin.getResourceIdealState(CLUSTER_NAME, workflowName);
    return (wfcfg == null && wfctx == null && is == null);
  }, 60 * 1000);
Example 19
Source File:    From helix with Apache License 2.0 4 votes vote down vote up
@Test(dependsOnMethods = "testDeleteCompletedWorkflowForcefully")
public void testDeleteRunningWorkflowForcefully() throws Exception {
  // Create a simple workflow and wait until it reaches the Running state. Then delete the
  // IdealState, WorkflowContext and WorkflowConfig using ForceDelete.

  // Start the Controller
  String controllerName = CONTROLLER_PREFIX + "_0";
  _controller = new ClusterControllerManager(ZK_ADDR, CLUSTER_NAME, controllerName);

  String workflowName = TestHelper.getTestMethodName();
  Workflow.Builder builder = createCustomWorkflow(workflowName, LONG_EXECUTION_TIME, "0");

  // Wait until workflow is created and running.
  _driver.pollForWorkflowState(workflowName, TaskState.IN_PROGRESS);

  // Check the status of JOB0 to make sure it is running.
  _driver.pollForJobState(workflowName, TaskUtil.getNamespacedJobName(workflowName, "JOB0"),

  // Check that WorkflowConfig, WorkflowContext, and IdealState are indeed created for this
  // workflow
  Assert.assertNotNull(_admin.getResourceIdealState(CLUSTER_NAME, workflowName));

  // Stop the Controller

  _driver.delete(workflowName, true);

  // Check that WorkflowConfig, WorkflowContext, and IdealState are indeed deleted for this
  // workflow
  boolean isWorkflowDeleted = TestHelper.verify(() -> {
    WorkflowConfig wfcfg = _driver.getWorkflowConfig(workflowName);
    WorkflowContext wfctx = _driver.getWorkflowContext(workflowName);
    IdealState is = _admin.getResourceIdealState(CLUSTER_NAME, workflowName);
    return (wfcfg == null && wfctx == null && is == null);
  }, 60 * 1000);
Example 20
Source File:    From helix with Apache License 2.0 4 votes vote down vote up
public void testWorkflowJobFail() throws Exception {
  String workflowName = TestHelper.getTestMethodName();
  String job1 = JOB_NAME + "1";
  String job2 = JOB_NAME + "2";
  String job3 = JOB_NAME + "3";
  String job4 = JOB_NAME + "4";
  long workflowExpiry = 10000;
  long timeout = 10000;

  JobConfig.Builder jobBuilder = createJobConfigBuilder(workflowName, false, 1);
  JobConfig.Builder failedJobBuilder = createJobConfigBuilder(workflowName, true, 1);

  Workflow.Builder workflowBuilder = new Workflow.Builder(workflowName)
      .setWorkflowConfig(new WorkflowConfig.Builder(workflowName).setWorkFlowType(WORKFLOW_TYPE)
      .addJob(job1, jobBuilder).addJob(job2, jobBuilder).addJob(job3, failedJobBuilder)
      .addJob(job4, jobBuilder).addParentChildDependency(job1, job2)
      .addParentChildDependency(job1, job3).addParentChildDependency(job2, job4)
      .addParentChildDependency(job3, job4).setExpiry(workflowExpiry);


  _driver.pollForWorkflowState(workflowName, 10000L, TaskState.FAILED);

  // Timeout is longer than fail time, so the failover should occur earlier
  WorkflowContext context = _driver.getWorkflowContext(workflowName);
  long finishTime = context.getFinishTime();
  Assert.assertTrue(context.getFinishTime() - context.getStartTime() < timeout);

  // job1 will complete
  _driver.pollForJobState(workflowName, getJobNameToPoll(workflowName, job1), 10000L,

  // Possible race between 2 and 3 so it's likely for job2 to stay in either COMPLETED or ABORTED
  _driver.pollForJobState(workflowName, getJobNameToPoll(workflowName, job2), 10000L,
      TaskState.COMPLETED, TaskState.ABORTED);

  // job3 meant to fail
  _driver.pollForJobState(workflowName, getJobNameToPoll(workflowName, job3), 10000L,

  // because job4 has dependency over job3, it will fail as well
  _driver.pollForJobState(workflowName, getJobNameToPoll(workflowName, job4), 10000L,

  // Check MBean is updated
  ObjectName objectName = getWorkflowMBeanObjectName(workflowName);
  Assert.assertEquals((long) beanServer.getAttribute(objectName, "FailedWorkflowCount"), 1);

  // For a failed workflow, after timing out, it will be purged
  verifyWorkflowCleanup(workflowName, getJobNameToPoll(workflowName, job1),
      getJobNameToPoll(workflowName, job2), getJobNameToPoll(workflowName, job3),
      getJobNameToPoll(workflowName, job4));

  long cleanUpTime = System.currentTimeMillis();
  Assert.assertTrue(cleanUpTime - finishTime >= workflowExpiry);