Java Code Examples for com.hazelcast.jet.pipeline.Pipeline#readFrom()

The following examples show how to use com.hazelcast.jet.pipeline.Pipeline#readFrom() . You can vote up the ones you like or vote down the ones you don't like, and go to the original project or source file by following the links above each example. You may check out the related API usage on the sidebar.
Example 1
Source File:    From hazelcast-jet-demos with Apache License 2.0 5 votes vote down vote up
 * Builds and returns the Pipeline which represents the actual computation.
 * To compute the probability of finding word B after A, one has to know
 * how many pairs contain word A as a first entry and how many of them
 * contain B as a second entry. The pipeline creates pairs from consecutive
 * words and computes the probabilities of A->B.
private static Pipeline buildPipeline() {
    Pipeline p = Pipeline.create();
    // Reads files line-by-line
    BatchStage<String> lines = p.readFrom(Sources.<String>files(INPUT_FILE));
    Pattern twoWords = Pattern.compile("(\\.|\\w+)\\s(\\.|\\w+)");
    // Calculates probabilities by flatmapping lines into two-word consecutive pairs using regular expressions
    // and aggregates them into an IMap.
    lines.flatMap(e -> traverseMatcher(twoWords.matcher(e.toLowerCase()), m -> tuple2(,
    return p;
Example 2
Source File:    From hazelcast-jet-demos with Apache License 2.0 5 votes vote down vote up
 * Helper method to construct the pipeline for the job
 * @return the pipeline for the real-time analysis
public static Pipeline buildPipeline() {
    final Pipeline pipeline = Pipeline.create();

    // Draw users from the Hazelcast IMDG source
    BatchStage<User> users = pipeline.readFrom(Sources.<User, Long, User>map(USER_ID, e -> true, Entry::getValue));

    // All bet legs which are single
    BatchStage<Tuple3<Race, Horse, Bet>> bets = users.flatMap(user -> traverseStream(
                .flatMap(bet -> bet.getLegs().stream().map(leg -> tuple3(leg.getRace(), leg.getBacking(), bet)))

    // Find for each race the projected loss if each horse was to win
    BatchStage<Entry<Race, Map<Horse, Double>>> betsByRace = bets.groupingKey(Tuple3::f0).aggregate(
                    t -> t.f2().projectedPayout(t.f1()), // payout if backed horse was to win
                    (l, r) -> l + r

    // Write out: (r : (h : losses))

    return pipeline;
Example 3
Source File:    From hazelcast-jet-demos with Apache License 2.0 5 votes vote down vote up
 * Helper method to construct the pipeline for the job
 * @return the pipeline for the job
public static Pipeline buildPipeline() {
    final Pipeline p = Pipeline.create();

    // Compute map server side
    final BatchStage<Horse> c = p.readFrom(, t -> true, HORSE_FROM_EVENT));

    final BatchStage<Entry<Horse, Long>> c2 = c.groupingKey(wholeItem())
                                               .filter(ent -> ent.getValue() > 1);


    return p;