Java Code Examples for org.apache.reef.wake.IdentifierFactory#getNewInstance()

The following examples show how to use org.apache.reef.wake.IdentifierFactory#getNewInstance() . You can vote up the ones you like or vote down the ones you don't like, and go to the original project or source file by following the links above each example. You may check out the related API usage on the sidebar.
Example 1
Source File:    From reef with Apache License 2.0 6 votes vote down vote up
public void testRemoteManagerIdentifier() throws Exception {
  final RemoteManagerFactory remoteManagerFactory = Tang.Factory.getTang().newInjector()

  final Map<Class<?>, Codec<?>> clazzToCodecMap = new HashMap<>();
  clazzToCodecMap.put(TestEvent.class, new TestEventCodec());
  final Codec<?> codec = new MultiCodec<Object>(clazzToCodecMap);

  try (RemoteManager rm =
           remoteManagerFactory.getInstance("TestRemoteManager", 0, codec, new LoggingEventHandler<Throwable>())) {
    final RemoteIdentifier id = rm.getMyIdentifier();

    final IdentifierFactory factory = new DefaultIdentifierFactory();
    final Identifier newId = factory.getNewInstance(id.toString());

    Assert.assertEquals(id, newId);
Example 2
Source File:    From reef with Apache License 2.0 5 votes vote down vote up
public NetworkConnectionServiceTest() throws InjectionException {
  localAddressProvider = Tang.Factory.getTang().newInjector().getInstance(LocalAddressProvider.class);
  localAddress = localAddressProvider.getLocalAddress();

  final IdentifierFactory idFac = new StringIdentifierFactory();
  this.groupCommClientId = idFac.getNewInstance("groupComm");
  this.shuffleClientId = idFac.getNewInstance("shuffle");
Example 3
Source File:    From reef with Apache License 2.0 5 votes vote down vote up
 * Test method for {@link}.
 * @throws Exception
public final void testClose() throws Exception {
  final String localAddress = localAddressProvider.getLocalAddress();
  final IdentifierFactory factory = new StringIdentifierFactory();
  final Injector injector = Tang.Factory.getTang().newInjector();
  injector.bindVolatileParameter(NameServerParameters.NameServerIdentifierFactory.class, factory);
  injector.bindVolatileInstance(LocalAddressProvider.class, this.localAddressProvider);

  try (NameServer server = injector.getInstance(NameServer.class)) {
    final int serverPort = server.getPort();
    final Configuration nameResolverConf = NameResolverConfiguration.CONF
        .set(NameResolverConfiguration.NAME_SERVER_HOSTNAME, localAddress)
        .set(NameResolverConfiguration.NAME_SERVICE_PORT, serverPort)
        .set(NameResolverConfiguration.CACHE_TIMEOUT, 10000)
        .set(NameResolverConfiguration.RETRY_TIMEOUT, RETRY_TIMEOUT)
        .set(NameResolverConfiguration.RETRY_COUNT, RETRY_COUNT)

    try (NameResolver client =
             Tang.Factory.getTang().newInjector(nameResolverConf).getInstance(NameClient.class)) {
      final Identifier id = factory.getNewInstance("Task1");
      client.register(id, new InetSocketAddress(localAddress, 7001));
Example 4
Source File:    From reef with Apache License 2.0 5 votes vote down vote up
 * Test method for {@link}.
 * @throws Exception
public final void testClose() throws Exception {
  final String localAddress = localAddressProvider.getLocalAddress();
  final IdentifierFactory factory = new StringIdentifierFactory();
  try (NameResolver resolver = Tang.Factory.getTang().newInjector(LocalNameResolverConfiguration.CONF
      .set(LocalNameResolverConfiguration.CACHE_TIMEOUT, 10000)
      .build()).getInstance(NameResolver.class)) {
    final Identifier id = factory.getNewInstance("Task1");
    resolver.register(id, new InetSocketAddress(localAddress, 7001));
Example 5
Source File:    From reef with Apache License 2.0 5 votes vote down vote up
 * Test method for {@link id)}.
 * To check caching behavior with expireAfterAccess & expireAfterWrite
 * Changing NameCache's pattern to expireAfterAccess causes this test to fail
 * @throws Exception
public final void testLookup() throws Exception {
  final IdentifierFactory factory = new StringIdentifierFactory();
  final String localAddress = localAddressProvider.getLocalAddress();
  try (NameResolver resolver = Tang.Factory.getTang().newInjector(LocalNameResolverConfiguration.CONF
      .set(LocalNameResolverConfiguration.CACHE_TIMEOUT, 150)
      .build()).getInstance(NameResolver.class)) {
    final Identifier id = factory.getNewInstance("Task1");
    final InetSocketAddress socketAddr = new InetSocketAddress(localAddress, 7001);
    resolver.register(id, socketAddr);
    InetSocketAddress lookupAddr = resolver.lookup(id); // caches the entry
    try {
      lookupAddr = resolver.lookup(id);
      //With expireAfterAccess, the previous lookup would reset expiry to 150ms
      //more and 100ms wait will not expire the item and will return the cached value
      //With expireAfterWrite, the extra wait of 100 ms will expire the item
      //resulting in NamingException and the test passes
      lookupAddr = resolver.lookup(id);
      Assert.assertNull("resolver.lookup(id)", lookupAddr);
    } catch (final Exception e) {
      if (e instanceof ExecutionException) {
        Assert.assertTrue("Execution Exception cause is instanceof NamingException",
            e.getCause() instanceof NamingException);
      } else {
        throw e;
Example 6
Source File:    From reef with Apache License 2.0 5 votes vote down vote up
public void testRemoteIdentifierFactory() {
  System.out.println(LOG_PREFIX + name.getMethodName());

  final Map<String, Class<? extends Identifier>> typeToIdMap = new HashMap<>();
  typeToIdMap.put("test", TestRemoteIdentifier.class);
  final IdentifierFactory factory = new DefaultIdentifierFactory(typeToIdMap);

  final String idName = "test://name";
  final Identifier id = factory.getNewInstance(idName);

  Assert.assertTrue(id instanceof TestRemoteIdentifier);
Example 7
Source File:    From reef with Apache License 2.0 4 votes vote down vote up
 * Test method for {@link}.
 * To check caching behavior with expireAfterAccess & expireAfterWrite
 * Changing NameCache's pattern to expireAfterAccess causes this test to fail
 * @throws Exception
public final void testLookup() throws Exception {
  final String localAddress = localAddressProvider.getLocalAddress();
  final IdentifierFactory factory = new StringIdentifierFactory();
  final Injector injector = Tang.Factory.getTang().newInjector();
  injector.bindVolatileParameter(NameServerParameters.NameServerIdentifierFactory.class, factory);
  injector.bindVolatileInstance(LocalAddressProvider.class, this.localAddressProvider);

  try (NameServer server = injector.getInstance(NameServer.class)) {
    final int serverPort = server.getPort();
    final Configuration nameResolverConf = NameResolverConfiguration.CONF
        .set(NameResolverConfiguration.NAME_SERVER_HOSTNAME, localAddress)
        .set(NameResolverConfiguration.NAME_SERVICE_PORT, serverPort)
        .set(NameResolverConfiguration.CACHE_TIMEOUT, 150)
        .set(NameResolverConfiguration.RETRY_TIMEOUT, RETRY_TIMEOUT)
        .set(NameResolverConfiguration.RETRY_COUNT, RETRY_COUNT)

    try (NameResolver client =
             Tang.Factory.getTang().newInjector(nameResolverConf).getInstance(NameClient.class)) {
      final Identifier id = factory.getNewInstance("Task1");
      client.register(id, new InetSocketAddress(localAddress, 7001));
      client.lookup(id); // caches the entry
      try {
        InetSocketAddress addr = client.lookup(id);
        //With expireAfterAccess, the previous lookup would reset expiry to 150ms
        //more and 100ms wait will not expire the item and will return the cached value
        //With expireAfterWrite, the extra wait of 100 ms will expire the item
        //resulting in NamingException and the test passes
        addr = client.lookup(id);
        Assert.assertNull("client.lookup(id)", addr);
      } catch (final Exception e) {
        if (e instanceof ExecutionException) {
          Assert.assertTrue("Execution Exception cause is instanceof NamingException",
              e.getCause() instanceof NamingException);
        } else {
          throw e;
Example 8
Source File:    From reef with Apache License 2.0 4 votes vote down vote up
 * NetworkService messaging test.
public void testMessagingNetworkService() throws Exception {
  LOG.log(Level.FINEST, name.getMethodName());

  final IdentifierFactory factory = new StringIdentifierFactory();

  final Injector injector = Tang.Factory.getTang().newInjector();
  injector.bindVolatileParameter(NameServerParameters.NameServerIdentifierFactory.class, factory);
  injector.bindVolatileInstance(LocalAddressProvider.class, this.localAddressProvider);

  try (NameServer server = injector.getInstance(NameServer.class)) {
    final int nameServerPort = server.getPort();

    final int numMessages = 10;
    final Monitor monitor = new Monitor();

    // network service
    final String name2 = "task2";
    final String name1 = "task1";
    final Configuration nameResolverConf =
        .set(NameResolverConfiguration.NAME_SERVER_HOSTNAME, this.localAddress)
        .set(NameResolverConfiguration.NAME_SERVICE_PORT, nameServerPort)

    final Injector injector2 = Tang.Factory.getTang().newInjector(nameResolverConf);

    LOG.log(Level.FINEST, "=== Test network service receiver start");
    LOG.log(Level.FINEST, "=== Test network service sender start");
    try (NameResolver nameResolver = injector2.getInstance(NameResolver.class)) {
      injector2.bindVolatileParameter(NetworkServiceParameters.NetworkServiceIdentifierFactory.class, factory);
      injector2.bindVolatileInstance(NameResolver.class, nameResolver);
      injector2.bindVolatileParameter(NetworkServiceParameters.NetworkServiceCodec.class, new StringCodec());
          new ExceptionHandler());

      final Injector injectorNs2 = injector2.forkInjector();
          new MessageHandler<String>(name2, monitor, numMessages));
      final NetworkService<String> ns2 = injectorNs2.getInstance(NetworkService.class);

      final Injector injectorNs1 = injector2.forkInjector();
          new MessageHandler<String>(name1, null, 0));
      final NetworkService<String> ns1 = injectorNs1.getInstance(NetworkService.class);

      final int port2 = ns2.getTransport().getListeningPort();
      server.register(factory.getNewInstance("task2"), new InetSocketAddress(this.localAddress, port2));

      final int port1 = ns1.getTransport().getListeningPort();
      server.register(factory.getNewInstance("task1"), new InetSocketAddress(this.localAddress, port1));

      final Identifier destId = factory.getNewInstance(name2);

      try (Connection<String> conn = ns1.newConnection(destId)) {;
        for (int count = 0; count < numMessages; ++count) {
          conn.write("hello! " + count);

      } catch (final NetworkException e) {
        throw new RuntimeException(e);
Example 9
Source File:    From reef with Apache License 2.0 4 votes vote down vote up
 * NetworkService messaging rate benchmark.
public void testMessagingNetworkServiceRate() throws Exception {

  Assume.assumeFalse("Use log level INFO to run benchmarking", LOG.isLoggable(Level.FINEST));

  LOG.log(Level.FINEST, name.getMethodName());

  final IdentifierFactory factory = new StringIdentifierFactory();

  final Injector injector = Tang.Factory.getTang().newInjector();
  injector.bindVolatileParameter(NameServerParameters.NameServerIdentifierFactory.class, factory);
  injector.bindVolatileInstance(LocalAddressProvider.class, this.localAddressProvider);

  try (NameServer server = injector.getInstance(NameServer.class)) {
    final int nameServerPort = server.getPort();

    final int[] messageSizes = {1, 16, 32, 64, 512, 64 * 1024, 1024 * 1024};

    for (final int size : messageSizes) {
      final int numMessages = 300000 / (Math.max(1, size / 512));
      final Monitor monitor = new Monitor();

      // network service
      final String name2 = "task2";
      final String name1 = "task1";
      final Configuration nameResolverConf =
          .set(NameResolverConfiguration.NAME_SERVER_HOSTNAME, this.localAddress)
          .set(NameResolverConfiguration.NAME_SERVICE_PORT, nameServerPort)

      final Injector injector2 = Tang.Factory.getTang().newInjector(nameResolverConf);

      LOG.log(Level.FINEST, "=== Test network service receiver start");
      LOG.log(Level.FINEST, "=== Test network service sender start");
      try (NameResolver nameResolver = injector2.getInstance(NameResolver.class)) {
        injector2.bindVolatileParameter(NetworkServiceParameters.NetworkServiceIdentifierFactory.class, factory);
        injector2.bindVolatileInstance(NameResolver.class, nameResolver);
        injector2.bindVolatileParameter(NetworkServiceParameters.NetworkServiceCodec.class, new StringCodec());
            new ExceptionHandler());

        final Injector injectorNs2 = injector2.forkInjector();
            new MessageHandler<String>(name2, monitor, numMessages));
        final NetworkService<String> ns2 = injectorNs2.getInstance(NetworkService.class);

        final Injector injectorNs1 = injector2.forkInjector();
            new MessageHandler<String>(name1, null, 0));
        final NetworkService<String> ns1 = injectorNs1.getInstance(NetworkService.class);

        final int port2 = ns2.getTransport().getListeningPort();
        server.register(factory.getNewInstance("task2"), new InetSocketAddress(this.localAddress, port2));

        final int port1 = ns1.getTransport().getListeningPort();
        server.register(factory.getNewInstance("task1"), new InetSocketAddress(this.localAddress, port1));

        final Identifier destId = factory.getNewInstance(name2);
        final String message = StringUtils.repeat('1', size);

        final long start = System.currentTimeMillis();
        try (Connection<String> conn = ns1.newConnection(destId)) {
          for (int i = 0; i < numMessages; i++) {
        } catch (final NetworkException e) {
          throw new RuntimeException(e);
        final long end = System.currentTimeMillis();
        final double runtime = ((double) end - start) / 1000;
        LOG.log(Level.FINEST, "size: " + size + "; messages/s: " + numMessages / runtime +
            " bandwidth(bytes/s): " + ((double) numMessages * 2 * size) / runtime); // x2 for unicode chars
Example 10
Source File:    From reef with Apache License 2.0 4 votes vote down vote up
public void testMultithreadedSharedConnMessagingNetworkServiceRate() throws Exception {

  Assume.assumeFalse("Use log level INFO to run benchmarking", LOG.isLoggable(Level.FINEST));

  LOG.log(Level.FINEST, name.getMethodName());

  final IdentifierFactory factory = new StringIdentifierFactory();

  final Injector injector = Tang.Factory.getTang().newInjector();
  injector.bindVolatileParameter(NameServerParameters.NameServerIdentifierFactory.class, factory);
  injector.bindVolatileInstance(LocalAddressProvider.class, this.localAddressProvider);
  try (NameServer server = injector.getInstance(NameServer.class)) {
    final int nameServerPort = server.getPort();

    final int[] messageSizes = {2000}; // {1,16,32,64,512,64*1024,1024*1024};

    for (final int size : messageSizes) {
      final int numMessages = 300000 / (Math.max(1, size / 512));
      final int numThreads = 2;
      final int totalNumMessages = numMessages * numThreads;
      final Monitor monitor = new Monitor();

      // network service
      final String name2 = "task2";
      final String name1 = "task1";
      final Configuration nameResolverConf =
          .set(NameResolverConfiguration.NAME_SERVER_HOSTNAME, this.localAddress)
          .set(NameResolverConfiguration.NAME_SERVICE_PORT, nameServerPort)

      final Injector injector2 = Tang.Factory.getTang().newInjector(nameResolverConf);

      LOG.log(Level.FINEST, "=== Test network service receiver start");
      LOG.log(Level.FINEST, "=== Test network service sender start");
      try (NameResolver nameResolver = injector2.getInstance(NameResolver.class)) {
        injector2.bindVolatileParameter(NetworkServiceParameters.NetworkServiceIdentifierFactory.class, factory);
        injector2.bindVolatileInstance(NameResolver.class, nameResolver);
        injector2.bindVolatileParameter(NetworkServiceParameters.NetworkServiceCodec.class, new StringCodec());
            new ExceptionHandler());

        final Injector injectorNs2 = injector2.forkInjector();
            new MessageHandler<String>(name2, monitor, totalNumMessages));
        final NetworkService<String> ns2 = injectorNs2.getInstance(NetworkService.class);

        final Injector injectorNs1 = injector2.forkInjector();
            new MessageHandler<String>(name1, null, 0));
        final NetworkService<String> ns1 = injectorNs1.getInstance(NetworkService.class);

        final int port2 = ns2.getTransport().getListeningPort();
        server.register(factory.getNewInstance("task2"), new InetSocketAddress(this.localAddress, port2));

        final int port1 = ns1.getTransport().getListeningPort();
        server.register(factory.getNewInstance("task1"), new InetSocketAddress(this.localAddress, port1));

        final Identifier destId = factory.getNewInstance(name2);

        try (Connection<String> conn = ns1.newConnection(destId)) {

          final String message = StringUtils.repeat('1', size);
          final ExecutorService e = Executors.newCachedThreadPool();

          final long start = System.currentTimeMillis();
          for (int i = 0; i < numThreads; i++) {
            e.submit(new Runnable() {

              public void run() {
                for (int i = 0; i < numMessages; i++) {

          e.awaitTermination(30, TimeUnit.SECONDS);

          final long end = System.currentTimeMillis();
          final double runtime = ((double) end - start) / 1000;

          LOG.log(Level.FINEST, "size: " + size + "; messages/s: " + totalNumMessages / runtime + 
              " bandwidth(bytes/s): " + ((double) totalNumMessages * 2 * size) / runtime); // x2 for unicode chars
Example 11
Source File:    From reef with Apache License 2.0 4 votes vote down vote up
 * NetworkService messaging rate benchmark.
public void testMessagingNetworkServiceBatchingRate() throws Exception {

  Assume.assumeFalse("Use log level INFO to run benchmarking", LOG.isLoggable(Level.FINEST));

  LOG.log(Level.FINEST, name.getMethodName());

  final IdentifierFactory factory = new StringIdentifierFactory();

  final Injector injector = Tang.Factory.getTang().newInjector();
  injector.bindVolatileParameter(NameServerParameters.NameServerIdentifierFactory.class, factory);
  injector.bindVolatileInstance(LocalAddressProvider.class, this.localAddressProvider);

  try (NameServer server = injector.getInstance(NameServer.class)) {
    final int nameServerPort = server.getPort();

    final int batchSize = 1024 * 1024;
    final int[] messageSizes = {32, 64, 512};

    for (final int size : messageSizes) {
      final int numMessages = 300 / (Math.max(1, size / 512));
      final Monitor monitor = new Monitor();

      // network service
      final String name2 = "task2";
      final String name1 = "task1";
      final Configuration nameResolverConf =
          .set(NameResolverConfiguration.NAME_SERVER_HOSTNAME, this.localAddress)
          .set(NameResolverConfiguration.NAME_SERVICE_PORT, nameServerPort)

      final Injector injector2 = Tang.Factory.getTang().newInjector(nameResolverConf);

      LOG.log(Level.FINEST, "=== Test network service receiver start");
      LOG.log(Level.FINEST, "=== Test network service sender start");
      try (NameResolver nameResolver = injector2.getInstance(NameResolver.class)) {
        injector2.bindVolatileParameter(NetworkServiceParameters.NetworkServiceIdentifierFactory.class, factory);
        injector2.bindVolatileInstance(NameResolver.class, nameResolver);
        injector2.bindVolatileParameter(NetworkServiceParameters.NetworkServiceCodec.class, new StringCodec());
            new ExceptionHandler());

        final Injector injectorNs2 = injector2.forkInjector();
            new MessageHandler<String>(name2, monitor, numMessages));
        final NetworkService<String> ns2 = injectorNs2.getInstance(NetworkService.class);

        final Injector injectorNs1 = injector2.forkInjector();
            new MessageHandler<String>(name1, null, 0));
        final NetworkService<String> ns1 = injectorNs1.getInstance(NetworkService.class);

        final int port2 = ns2.getTransport().getListeningPort();
        server.register(factory.getNewInstance("task2"), new InetSocketAddress(this.localAddress, port2));

        final int port1 = ns1.getTransport().getListeningPort();
        server.register(factory.getNewInstance("task1"), new InetSocketAddress(this.localAddress, port1));

        final Identifier destId = factory.getNewInstance(name2);
        final String message = StringUtils.repeat('1', batchSize);

        final long start = System.currentTimeMillis();
        try (Connection<String> conn = ns1.newConnection(destId)) {
          for (int i = 0; i < numMessages; i++) {
        } catch (final NetworkException e) {
          throw new RuntimeException(e);
        final long end = System.currentTimeMillis();
        final double runtime = ((double) end - start) / 1000;
        final long numAppMessages = numMessages * batchSize / size;
        LOG.log(Level.FINEST, "size: " + size + "; messages/s: " + numAppMessages / runtime +
            " bandwidth(bytes/s): " + ((double) numAppMessages * 2 * size) / runtime); // x2 for unicode chars