Java Code Examples for org.biojava.nbio.structure.align.model.AFPChain#setAfpSet()

The following examples show how to use org.biojava.nbio.structure.align.model.AFPChain#setAfpSet() . You can vote up the ones you like or vote down the ones you don't like, and go to the original project or source file by following the links above each example. You may check out the related API usage on the sidebar.
Example 1
Source File:    From biojava with GNU Lesser General Public License v2.1 4 votes vote down vote up
public static final  void extractAFPChains(FatCatParameters params, AFPChain afpChain,Atom[] ca1,Atom[] ca2) throws StructureException {

		List<AFP> afpSet = new ArrayList<AFP>();

		if ( debug )
			System.err.println("nr of atoms ca1: " + ca1.length + " ca2: " +  ca2.length);

		int     p1, p2;
		int n0, n, n1, n2;
		double  filter1;
		double rmsd = 0;

		Matrix r = new Matrix(3,3);
		Atom   t = new AtomImpl();

		int sparse = params.getSparse();
		int maxTra = params.getMaxTra();
		int fragLen = params.getFragLen();
		double disFilter = params.getDisFilter();
		double rmsdCut = params.getRmsdCut();
		double badRmsd = params.getBadRmsd();
		double fragScore = params.getFragScore();

		int     add = sparse + 1; //if add > 1, use sparse sampling
		n0 = n = n1 = n2 = 0;

		int minLen = 0;

		int prot1Length = ca1.length;
		int prot2Length = ca2.length;

		if(prot1Length < prot2Length)
			minLen = prot1Length;
			minLen = prot2Length;

		afpChain.setBlockResList(new int[maxTra+1][2][minLen]);
		afpChain.setFocusRes1(new int[minLen]);
		afpChain.setFocusRes2(new int[minLen]);

		for(p1 = 0; p1 < prot1Length - fragLen; p1 += add )    {
			for(p2 = 0; p2 < prot2Length - fragLen; p2 += add)     {
				n0 ++;
				filter1 = getEnd2EndDistance(ca1, ca2, p1, p1 + fragLen - 1, p2, p2 + fragLen - 1);
				//difference bewteen end-to-end distances
				if(filter1 > disFilter) { n1 ++; continue; }
				boolean filter2 = filterTerminal(ca1,ca2, p1, p1 + fragLen - 1, p2, p2 + fragLen - 1, fragLen, minLen);
				if(filter2)     {
					n2 ++;

				} //be cautious to use this filter !!

				// here FATCAT does a a jacobi transformation
				//rmsd = kearsay(fragLen, ca1[p1], ca2[p2], r, t);
				// we use the BioJava SVD instead...

				rmsd = getRmsd(ca1,ca2,fragLen, p1,p2,r,t);

				if(rmsd < rmsdCut)      {
					AFP     afptmp = new AFP();
					n ++;

		int afpNum = afpSet.size();

		if(debug) {
			String msg = String.format("possible AFP-pairs %d, remain %d after filter 1 remove %d; filter 2 remove %d\n",
					n0, afpNum, n1, n2);
