Top Java Classes
Below are the most commonly used Java classes.
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5 commonly used methods/fields
4502. commonly used methods/fields
3 commonly used methods/fields
9 commonly used methods/fields
8 commonly used methods/fields
0 commonly used methods/fields
5 commonly used methods/fields
2 commonly used methods/fields
1 commonly used methods/fields
7 commonly used methods/fields
0 commonly used methods/fields
0 commonly used methods/fields
2 commonly used methods/fields
0 commonly used methods/fields
19 commonly used methods/fields
4516. io.vertx.ext.unit.Async4 commonly used methods/fields
19 commonly used methods/fields
3 commonly used methods/fields
4519. android.os.LocaleList9 commonly used methods/fields
3 commonly used methods/fields
7 commonly used methods/fields
11 commonly used methods/fields
6 commonly used methods/fields
4 commonly used methods/fields
1 commonly used methods/fields
4526. javax.transaction.Status10 commonly used methods/fields
11 commonly used methods/fields
5 commonly used methods/fields
4 commonly used methods/fields
3 commonly used methods/fields
0 commonly used methods/fields
0 commonly used methods/fields
0 commonly used methods/fields
0 commonly used methods/fields
10 commonly used methods/fields
4536. rx.functions.Func20 commonly used methods/fields
1 commonly used methods/fields
7 commonly used methods/fields
13 commonly used methods/fields
8 commonly used methods/fields
4541. javax.swing.LookAndFeel11 commonly used methods/fields
5 commonly used methods/fields
5 commonly used methods/fields
4544. android.provider.Browser1 commonly used methods/fields
9 commonly used methods/fields
1 commonly used methods/fields
3 commonly used methods/fields
0 commonly used methods/fields
9 commonly used methods/fields
9 commonly used methods/fields
9 commonly used methods/fields
4 commonly used methods/fields
4553. org.w3c.dom.CDATASection1 commonly used methods/fields
4 commonly used methods/fields
0 commonly used methods/fields
3 commonly used methods/fields
3 commonly used methods/fields
0 commonly used methods/fields
4559. java.lang.Object1 commonly used methods/fields
4 commonly used methods/fields
0 commonly used methods/fields
0 commonly used methods/fields
4563. android.view.InputDevice22 commonly used methods/fields
2 commonly used methods/fields
1 commonly used methods/fields
4566. java.awt.MenuItem4 commonly used methods/fields
5 commonly used methods/fields
6 commonly used methods/fields
0 commonly used methods/fields
4570. org.jdom.JDOMException2 commonly used methods/fields
0 commonly used methods/fields
0 commonly used methods/fields
19 commonly used methods/fields
13 commonly used methods/fields
10 commonly used methods/fields
10 commonly used methods/fields
0 commonly used methods/fields
4578. javax.jms.DeliveryMode2 commonly used methods/fields
12 commonly used methods/fields
8 commonly used methods/fields
15 commonly used methods/fields
1 commonly used methods/fields
10 commonly used methods/fields
8 commonly used methods/fields
0 commonly used methods/fields
4 commonly used methods/fields
1 commonly used methods/fields
10 commonly used methods/fields
8 commonly used methods/fields
4590. org.opencv.core.Rect1 commonly used methods/fields
1 commonly used methods/fields
0 commonly used methods/fields
3 commonly used methods/fields
4594. java.util.logging.Filter1 commonly used methods/fields
4 commonly used methods/fields
5 commonly used methods/fields
1 commonly used methods/fields
4598. org.jdom2.Element38 commonly used methods/fields
6 commonly used methods/fields
3 commonly used methods/fields
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