Java Code Examples for

The following examples show how to use . You can vote up the ones you like or vote down the ones you don't like, and go to the original project or source file by following the links above each example. You may check out the related API usage on the sidebar.
Example 1
Source File:    From GdxDemo3D with Apache License 2.0 6 votes vote down vote up
private void drawNavMeshIndices(SpriteBatch spriteBatch, Camera camera, BitmapFont font) {
	// TODO: Get rid of all the transform matrix setting
	if (spriteBatch.isDrawing()) {
	for (int i = 0; i < navMesh.graph.getNodeCount(); i++) {
		Triangle t = navMesh.graph.getTriangleFromGraphIndex(i);
		if (triangleIsVisible(t)) {
			font.draw(spriteBatch, Integer.toString(t.triIndex), 0, 0);
Example 2
Source File:    From vis-ui with Apache License 2.0 6 votes vote down vote up
protected void drawText (Batch batch, BitmapFont font, float x, float y) {
	maxAreaHeight = 0;
	float offsetY = 0;
	for (int i = firstLineShowing * 2; i < (firstLineShowing + linesShowing) * 2 && i < linesBreak.size; i += 2) {
		for (Chunk chunk : renderChunks) {
			if (chunk.lineIndex == i) {
				font.draw(batch, chunk.text, x + chunk.offsetX, y + offsetY);

		offsetY -= font.getLineHeight();
		maxAreaHeight += font.getLineHeight();

	maxAreaHeight += 30;
Example 3
Source File:    From killingspree with MIT License 5 votes vote down vote up
public void render(SpriteBatch batch, BitmapFont font, float delta){
    if (active) {
        font.setColor(1, 1, 1, 1);
        font.draw(batch, text, x + MathUtils.random(0, 1), y + MathUtils.random(0, 1));
    } else {
        font.setColor(0.5f, 0.5f, 0.5f, 1);
        font.draw(batch, text, x, y);
    slackTime += delta;
Example 4
Source File:    From vis-ui with Apache License 2.0 5 votes vote down vote up
protected void drawText (Batch batch, BitmapFont font, float x, float y) {
	float offsetY = 0;
	for (int i = firstLineShowing * 2; i < (firstLineShowing + linesShowing) * 2 && i < linesBreak.size; i += 2) {
		font.draw(batch, displayText, x, y + offsetY, linesBreak.items[i], linesBreak.items[i + 1], 0, Align.left, false);
		offsetY -= font.getLineHeight();
Example 5
Source File:    From riiablo with Apache License 2.0 4 votes vote down vote up
private void drawDebugSpecial(ShapeRenderer shapes) {
  for (int i = Map.WALL_OFFSET, x, y; i < Map.WALL_OFFSET + Map.MAX_WALLS; i++) {
    int startX2 = startX;
    int startY2 = startY;
    float startPx2 = startPx;
    float startPy2 = startPy;
    for (y = 0; y < viewBuffer.length; y++) {
      int tx = startX2;
      int ty = startY2;
      int stx = tx * Tile.SUBTILE_SIZE;
      int sty = ty * Tile.SUBTILE_SIZE;
      float px = startPx2;
      float py = startPy2;
      int size = viewBuffer[y];
      for (x = 0; x < size; x++) {
        Map.Zone zone = map.getZone(stx, sty);
        if (zone != null) {
          DS1.Cell cell = zone.getCell(i, tx, ty);
          if (cell != null) {
            if (Map.ID.POPPADS.contains( {
              Map.Preset preset = zone.getGrid(tx, ty);
              Map.Preset.PopPad popPad = preset.popPads.get(;
              if (popPad.startX == zone.getGridX(tx) && popPad.startY == zone.getGridY(ty)) {
                int width  = popPad.endX - popPad.startX;
                int height = popPad.endY - popPad.startY;
                float offsetX = tmpVec2.x;
                float offsetY = tmpVec2.y;
                iso.toScreen(tmpVec2.set(stx, sty));
                float topLeftX = tmpVec2.x - offsetX;
                float topLeftY = tmpVec2.y - offsetY;
                iso.toScreen(tmpVec2.set(stx, sty).add(width, 0));
                float topRightX = tmpVec2.x - offsetX;
                float topRightY = tmpVec2.y - offsetY;
                iso.toScreen(tmpVec2.set(stx, sty).add(0, height));
                float bottomLeftX = tmpVec2.x - offsetX;
                float bottomLeftY = tmpVec2.y - offsetY;
                iso.toScreen(tmpVec2.set(stx, sty).add(width, height));
                float bottomRightX = tmpVec2.x - offsetX;
                float bottomRightY = tmpVec2.y - offsetY;
                shapes.line(topLeftX, topLeftY, topRightX, topRightY);
                shapes.line(topRightX, topRightY, bottomRightX, bottomRightY);
                shapes.line(bottomRightX, bottomRightY, bottomLeftX, bottomLeftY);
                shapes.line(bottomLeftX, bottomLeftY, topLeftX, topLeftY);
            } else {
              DebugUtils.drawDiamond2(shapes, px, py, Tile.WIDTH, Tile.HEIGHT);

            BitmapFont font = Riiablo.fonts.consolas12;
            String str = String.format("%s%n%08x", Map.ID.getName(, cell.value);
            GlyphLayout layout = new GlyphLayout(font, str, 0, str.length(), font.getColor(), 0,, false, null);
            font.draw(batch, layout,
                px + Tile.WIDTH50,
                py + Tile.HEIGHT50 + font.getLineHeight() / 4);


        stx += Tile.SUBTILE_SIZE;
        px += Tile.WIDTH50;
        py -= Tile.HEIGHT50;

      if (y >= tilesX - 1) {
        startPy2 -= Tile.HEIGHT;
      } else {
        startPx2 -= Tile.WIDTH;
Example 6
Source File:    From riiablo with Apache License 2.0 4 votes vote down vote up
private void drawLoading(Batch b) {
  BitmapFont font = console.getFont();
  if (font == null) return;
  GlyphLayout ellipsis = new GlyphLayout(font, "Loading... " + (int) (Riiablo.assets.getProgress() * 100) + "%");
  font.draw(b, ellipsis, 0, ellipsis.height);
Example 7
Source File:    From riiablo with Apache License 2.0 4 votes vote down vote up
private void drawFps(Batch b) {
  BitmapFont font = console.getFont();
  if (font == null) return;

  StringBuilder builder = new StringBuilder(64);
                   .append(String.format("%d FPS",
      .append('\n').append(String.format("MEM:  %d / %d MB", / (1 << 20), Runtime.getRuntime().totalMemory() / (1 << 20)))
      .append('\n').append(String.format("Ping: %3d ms",
      .append('\n').append(String.format("RTT:  %3d ms", Riiablo.metrics.rtt))
      .append('\n').append(String.format("CPU:  %2.1f ms", Riiablo.metrics.cpu))
      .append('\n').append(String.format("GPU:  %2.1f ms", Riiablo.metrics.gpu))
  fps.setText(font, builder.toString());
  int drawFpsMethod = this.drawFpsMethod;
  if (forceDrawFps && drawFpsMethod == FPS_NONE) {
    drawFpsMethod = FPS_TOPLEFT;

  float x, y;
  switch (drawFpsMethod) {
    case FPS_TOPLEFT:
      x = 2;
      y = Riiablo.viewport.getScreenHeight() - 2;
    case FPS_TOPRIGHT:
      x = Riiablo.viewport.getScreenWidth() - fps.width;
      y = viewportHeight - 2;
      x = 2;
      y = fps.height;
      x = Riiablo.viewport.getScreenWidth() - fps.width;
      y = fps.height;
    default:, "Invalid draw fps method: " + drawFpsMethod);

  font.draw(b, fps, x, y);
Example 8
Source File:    From vis-ui with Apache License 2.0 4 votes vote down vote up
public void draw (Batch batch, float parentAlpha) {
	Stage stage = getStage();
	boolean focused = stage != null && stage.getKeyboardFocus() == this;
	if (!focused) keyRepeatTask.cancel();

	final BitmapFont font = style.font;
	final Color fontColor = (disabled && style.disabledFontColor != null) ? style.disabledFontColor
			: ((focused && style.focusedFontColor != null) ? style.focusedFontColor : style.fontColor);
	final Drawable selection = style.selection;
	final Drawable cursorPatch = style.cursor;
	Drawable background = (disabled && style.disabledBackground != null) ? style.disabledBackground
			: ((focused && style.focusedBackground != null) ? style.focusedBackground : style.background);

	// vis
	if (!disabled && style.backgroundOver != null && (clickListener.isOver() || focused)) {
		background = style.backgroundOver;

	Color color = getColor();
	float x = getX();
	float y = getY();
	float width = getWidth();
	float height = getHeight();

	batch.setColor(color.r, color.g, color.b, color.a * parentAlpha);
	float bgLeftWidth = 0, bgRightWidth = 0;
	if (background != null) {
		background.draw(batch, x, y, width, height);
		bgLeftWidth = background.getLeftWidth();
		bgRightWidth = background.getRightWidth();

	float textY = getTextY(font, background);

	if (focused && hasSelection && selection != null) {
		drawSelection(selection, batch, font, x + bgLeftWidth, y + textY);

	float yOffset = font.isFlipped() ? -textHeight : 0;
	if (displayText.length() == 0) {
		if (!focused && messageText != null) {
			if (style.messageFontColor != null) {
				font.setColor(style.messageFontColor.r, style.messageFontColor.g, style.messageFontColor.b,
						style.messageFontColor.a * color.a * parentAlpha);
			} else
				font.setColor(0.7f, 0.7f, 0.7f, color.a * parentAlpha);
			BitmapFont messageFont = style.messageFont != null ? style.messageFont : font;
			messageFont.draw(batch, messageText, x + bgLeftWidth, y + textY + yOffset, 0, messageText.length(),
					width - bgLeftWidth - bgRightWidth, textHAlign, false, "...");
	} else {
		font.setColor(fontColor.r, fontColor.g, fontColor.b, fontColor.a * color.a * parentAlpha);
		drawText(batch, font, x + bgLeftWidth, y + textY + yOffset);
	if (drawBorder && focused && !disabled) {
		if (cursorOn && cursorPatch != null) {
			drawCursor(cursorPatch, batch, font, x + bgLeftWidth, y + textY);

	// vis
	if (isDisabled() == false && inputValid == false && style.errorBorder != null)
		style.errorBorder.draw(batch, getX(), getY(), getWidth(), getHeight());
	else if (focusBorderEnabled && drawBorder && style.focusBorder != null)
		style.focusBorder.draw(batch, getX(), getY(), getWidth(), getHeight());

Example 9
Source File:    From vis-ui with Apache License 2.0 4 votes vote down vote up
protected void drawText (Batch batch, BitmapFont font, float x, float y) {
	font.draw(batch, displayText, x + textOffset, y, visibleTextStart, visibleTextEnd, 0, Align.left, false);
Example 10
Source File:    From bladecoder-adventure-engine with Apache License 2.0 4 votes vote down vote up
private void drawHotspots(SpriteBatch batch) {
	final World world = ui.getWorld();
	for (BaseActor a : world.getCurrentScene().getActors().values()) {
		if (!(a instanceof InteractiveActor) || !a.isVisible() || a == world.getCurrentScene().getPlayer())

		InteractiveActor ia = (InteractiveActor) a;

		if (!ia.canInteract())

		Polygon p = a.getBBox();

		if (p == null) {
			EngineLogger.error("ERROR DRAWING HOTSPOT FOR: " + a.getId());

		Rectangle r = a.getBBox().getBoundingRectangle();

		unprojectTmp.set(r.getX() + r.getWidth() / 2, r.getY() + r.getHeight() / 2, 0);
		world.getSceneCamera().scene2screen(worldViewport, unprojectTmp);

		if (world.getInventory().isVisible()) {
			// unprojectTmp.y += verbUI.getHeight();

		if (ia.getDesc() == null) {

			float size = DPIUtils.ICON_SIZE * DPIUtils.getSizeMultiplier();

			Drawable drawable = ((TextureRegionDrawable) getUI().getSkin().getDrawable("circle")).tint(Color.RED);

			drawable.draw(batch, unprojectTmp.x - size / 2, unprojectTmp.y - size / 2, size, size);
		} else {
			BitmapFont font = getUI().getSkin().getFont("desc");
			String desc = ia.getDesc();
			if (desc.charAt(0) == I18N.PREFIX)
				desc = getWorld().getI18N().getString(desc.substring(1));

			textLayout.setText(font, desc);

			float textX = unprojectTmp.x - textLayout.width / 2;
			float textY = unprojectTmp.y + textLayout.height;

			RectangleRenderer.draw(batch, textX - 8, textY - textLayout.height - 8, textLayout.width + 16,
					textLayout.height + 16, Color.BLACK);
			font.draw(batch, textLayout, textX, textY);
Example 11
Source File:    From bladecoder-adventure-engine with Apache License 2.0 4 votes vote down vote up
protected GlyphLayout drawItem(Batch batch, BitmapFont font, T item, float x, float y, float width) {
	String string = toString(item);
	return font.draw(batch, string, x, y, 0, string.length(), width, alignment, false, "...");
Example 12
Source File:    From bladecoder-adventure-engine with Apache License 2.0 3 votes vote down vote up
public void drawCenteredScreenX(SpriteBatch batch, BitmapFont font, CharSequence str, float y, int viewportWidth) {
	float x = 0;

	layout.setText(font, str, Color.WHITE, viewportWidth,, true);

	// x = (viewportWidth - layout.width)/2;

	font.draw(batch, layout, x, y);