Java Code Examples for

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Example 1
Source File:    From openjdk-jdk8u-backup with GNU General Public License v2.0 4 votes vote down vote up
static void createBuiltInTypes(SymbolHash types) {
    // create base types first

    // full schema simple type names
    final String DOUBLE            = "double";
    final String DURATION          = "duration";
    final String ENTITY            = "ENTITY";
    final String ENTITIES          = "ENTITIES";
    final String FLOAT             = "float";
    final String HEXBINARY         = "hexBinary";
    final String ID                = "ID";
    final String IDREF             = "IDREF";
    final String IDREFS            = "IDREFS";
    final String NAME              = "Name";
    final String NCNAME            = "NCName";
    final String NMTOKEN           = "NMTOKEN";
    final String NMTOKENS          = "NMTOKENS";
    final String LANGUAGE          = "language";
    final String NORMALIZEDSTRING  = "normalizedString";
    final String NOTATION          = "NOTATION";
    final String QNAME             = "QName";
    final String STRING            = "string";
    final String TOKEN             = "token";

    final XSFacets facets = new XSFacets();

    XSSimpleTypeDecl anySimpleType = XSSimpleTypeDecl.fAnySimpleType;
    XSSimpleTypeDecl stringDV = (XSSimpleTypeDecl)types.get(STRING);

    types.put(FLOAT, new XSSimpleTypeDecl(anySimpleType, FLOAT, XSSimpleTypeDecl.DV_FLOAT, XSSimpleType.ORDERED_PARTIAL, true, true, true, true, XSConstants.FLOAT_DT));
    types.put(DOUBLE, new XSSimpleTypeDecl(anySimpleType, DOUBLE, XSSimpleTypeDecl.DV_DOUBLE, XSSimpleType.ORDERED_PARTIAL, true, true, true, true, XSConstants.DOUBLE_DT));
    types.put(DURATION, new XSSimpleTypeDecl(anySimpleType, DURATION, XSSimpleTypeDecl.DV_DURATION, XSSimpleType.ORDERED_PARTIAL, false, false, false, true, XSConstants.DURATION_DT));
    types.put(HEXBINARY, new XSSimpleTypeDecl(anySimpleType, HEXBINARY, XSSimpleTypeDecl.DV_HEXBINARY, XSSimpleType.ORDERED_FALSE, false, false, false, true, XSConstants.HEXBINARY_DT));
    types.put(QNAME, new XSSimpleTypeDecl(anySimpleType, QNAME, XSSimpleTypeDecl.DV_QNAME, XSSimpleType.ORDERED_FALSE, false, false, false, true, XSConstants.QNAME_DT));
    types.put(NOTATION, new XSSimpleTypeDecl(anySimpleType, NOTATION, XSSimpleTypeDecl.DV_NOTATION, XSSimpleType.ORDERED_FALSE, false, false, false, true, XSConstants.NOTATION_DT));

    facets.whiteSpace =  XSSimpleType.WS_REPLACE;
    XSSimpleTypeDecl normalizedDV = new XSSimpleTypeDecl(stringDV, NORMALIZEDSTRING , URI_SCHEMAFORSCHEMA, (short)0, false, null, XSConstants.NORMALIZEDSTRING_DT);
    normalizedDV.applyFacets1(facets, XSSimpleType.FACET_WHITESPACE, (short)0 );
    types.put(NORMALIZEDSTRING, normalizedDV);

    facets.whiteSpace = XSSimpleType.WS_COLLAPSE;
    XSSimpleTypeDecl tokenDV = new XSSimpleTypeDecl(normalizedDV, TOKEN , URI_SCHEMAFORSCHEMA, (short)0, false, null, XSConstants.TOKEN_DT);
    tokenDV.applyFacets1(facets, XSSimpleType.FACET_WHITESPACE, (short)0 );
    types.put(TOKEN, tokenDV);

    facets.whiteSpace = XSSimpleType.WS_COLLAPSE;
    facets.pattern  = "([a-zA-Z]{1,8})(-[a-zA-Z0-9]{1,8})*";
    XSSimpleTypeDecl languageDV = new XSSimpleTypeDecl(tokenDV, LANGUAGE , URI_SCHEMAFORSCHEMA, (short)0, false, null, XSConstants.LANGUAGE_DT);
    languageDV.applyFacets1(facets, (short)(XSSimpleType.FACET_WHITESPACE | XSSimpleType.FACET_PATTERN) ,(short)0);
    types.put(LANGUAGE, languageDV);

    facets.whiteSpace =  XSSimpleType.WS_COLLAPSE;
    XSSimpleTypeDecl nameDV = new XSSimpleTypeDecl(tokenDV, NAME , URI_SCHEMAFORSCHEMA, (short)0, false, null, XSConstants.NAME_DT);
    nameDV.applyFacets1(facets, XSSimpleType.FACET_WHITESPACE, (short)0, XSSimpleTypeDecl.SPECIAL_PATTERN_NAME);
    types.put(NAME, nameDV);

    facets.whiteSpace = XSSimpleType.WS_COLLAPSE;
    XSSimpleTypeDecl ncnameDV = new XSSimpleTypeDecl(nameDV, NCNAME , URI_SCHEMAFORSCHEMA, (short)0, false, null, XSConstants.NCNAME_DT) ;
    ncnameDV.applyFacets1(facets, XSSimpleType.FACET_WHITESPACE, (short)0, XSSimpleTypeDecl.SPECIAL_PATTERN_NCNAME);
    types.put(NCNAME, ncnameDV);

    types.put(ID, new XSSimpleTypeDecl(ncnameDV,  ID, XSSimpleTypeDecl.DV_ID, XSSimpleType.ORDERED_FALSE, false, false, false , true, XSConstants.ID_DT));
    XSSimpleTypeDecl idrefDV = new XSSimpleTypeDecl(ncnameDV,  IDREF , XSSimpleTypeDecl.DV_IDREF, XSSimpleType.ORDERED_FALSE, false, false, false, true, XSConstants.IDREF_DT);
    types.put(IDREF, idrefDV);

    facets.minLength = 1;
    XSSimpleTypeDecl tempDV = new XSSimpleTypeDecl(null, URI_SCHEMAFORSCHEMA, (short)0, idrefDV, true, null);
    XSSimpleTypeDecl idrefsDV = new XSSimpleTypeDecl(tempDV, IDREFS, URI_SCHEMAFORSCHEMA, (short)0, false, null);
    idrefsDV.applyFacets1(facets, XSSimpleType.FACET_MINLENGTH, (short)0);
    types.put(IDREFS, idrefsDV);

    XSSimpleTypeDecl entityDV = new XSSimpleTypeDecl(ncnameDV, ENTITY , XSSimpleTypeDecl.DV_ENTITY, XSSimpleType.ORDERED_FALSE, false, false, false, true, XSConstants.ENTITY_DT);
    types.put(ENTITY, entityDV);

    facets.minLength = 1;
    tempDV = new XSSimpleTypeDecl(null, URI_SCHEMAFORSCHEMA, (short)0, entityDV, true, null);
    XSSimpleTypeDecl entitiesDV = new XSSimpleTypeDecl(tempDV, ENTITIES, URI_SCHEMAFORSCHEMA, (short)0, false, null);
    entitiesDV.applyFacets1(facets, XSSimpleType.FACET_MINLENGTH, (short)0);
    types.put(ENTITIES, entitiesDV);

    facets.whiteSpace  = XSSimpleType.WS_COLLAPSE;
    XSSimpleTypeDecl nmtokenDV = new XSSimpleTypeDecl(tokenDV, NMTOKEN, URI_SCHEMAFORSCHEMA, (short)0, false, null, XSConstants.NMTOKEN_DT);
    nmtokenDV.applyFacets1(facets, XSSimpleType.FACET_WHITESPACE, (short)0, XSSimpleTypeDecl.SPECIAL_PATTERN_NMTOKEN);
    types.put(NMTOKEN, nmtokenDV);

    facets.minLength = 1;
    tempDV = new XSSimpleTypeDecl(null, URI_SCHEMAFORSCHEMA, (short)0, nmtokenDV, true, null);
    XSSimpleTypeDecl nmtokensDV = new XSSimpleTypeDecl(tempDV, NMTOKENS, URI_SCHEMAFORSCHEMA, (short)0, false, null);
    nmtokensDV.applyFacets1(facets, XSSimpleType.FACET_MINLENGTH, (short)0);
    types.put(NMTOKENS, nmtokensDV);
Example 2
Source File:    From openjdk-8 with GNU General Public License v2.0 4 votes vote down vote up
 * Normalize whitespace in an XMLString according to the rules defined
 * in XML Schema specifications.
 * @param value    The string to normalize.
 * @param collapse replace or collapse
private void normalizeWhitespace(XMLString value, boolean collapse) {
    boolean skipSpace = collapse;
    boolean sawNonWS = false;
    boolean leading = false;
    boolean trailing = false;
    char c;
    int size = value.offset + value.length;

    // ensure the ch array is big enough
    if ( == null || < value.length + 1) { = new char[value.length + 1];
    // don't include the leading ' ' for now. might include it later.
    fNormalizedStr.offset = 1;
    fNormalizedStr.length = 1;

    for (int i = value.offset; i < size; i++) {
        c =[i];
        if (XMLChar.isSpace(c)) {
            if (!skipSpace) {
                // take the first whitespace as a space and skip the others
      [fNormalizedStr.length++] = ' ';
                skipSpace = collapse;
            if (!sawNonWS) {
                // this is a leading whitespace, record it
                leading = true;
        } else {
  [fNormalizedStr.length++] = c;
            skipSpace = false;
            sawNonWS = true;
    if (skipSpace) {
        if (fNormalizedStr.length > 1) {
            // if we finished on a space trim it but also record it
            trailing = true;
        } else if (leading && !fFirstChunk) {
            // if all we had was whitespace we skipped record it as
            // trailing whitespace as well
            trailing = true;

    if (fNormalizedStr.length > 1) {
        if (!fFirstChunk && (fWhiteSpace == XSSimpleType.WS_COLLAPSE)) {
            if (fTrailing) {
                // previous chunk ended on whitespace
                // insert whitespace
                fNormalizedStr.offset = 0;
      [0] = ' ';
            } else if (leading) {
                // previous chunk ended on character,
                // this chunk starts with whitespace
                fNormalizedStr.offset = 0;
      [0] = ' ';

    // The length includes the leading ' '. Now removing it.
    fNormalizedStr.length -= fNormalizedStr.offset;

    fTrailing = trailing;

    if (trailing || sawNonWS)
        fFirstChunk = false;
Example 3
Source File:    From openjdk-8-source with GNU General Public License v2.0 4 votes vote down vote up
static void createBuiltInTypes(SymbolHash types) {
    // create base types first

    // full schema simple type names
    final String DOUBLE            = "double";
    final String DURATION          = "duration";
    final String ENTITY            = "ENTITY";
    final String ENTITIES          = "ENTITIES";
    final String FLOAT             = "float";
    final String HEXBINARY         = "hexBinary";
    final String ID                = "ID";
    final String IDREF             = "IDREF";
    final String IDREFS            = "IDREFS";
    final String NAME              = "Name";
    final String NCNAME            = "NCName";
    final String NMTOKEN           = "NMTOKEN";
    final String NMTOKENS          = "NMTOKENS";
    final String LANGUAGE          = "language";
    final String NORMALIZEDSTRING  = "normalizedString";
    final String NOTATION          = "NOTATION";
    final String QNAME             = "QName";
    final String STRING            = "string";
    final String TOKEN             = "token";

    final XSFacets facets = new XSFacets();

    XSSimpleTypeDecl anySimpleType = XSSimpleTypeDecl.fAnySimpleType;
    XSSimpleTypeDecl stringDV = (XSSimpleTypeDecl)types.get(STRING);

    types.put(FLOAT, new XSSimpleTypeDecl(anySimpleType, FLOAT, XSSimpleTypeDecl.DV_FLOAT, XSSimpleType.ORDERED_PARTIAL, true, true, true, true, XSConstants.FLOAT_DT));
    types.put(DOUBLE, new XSSimpleTypeDecl(anySimpleType, DOUBLE, XSSimpleTypeDecl.DV_DOUBLE, XSSimpleType.ORDERED_PARTIAL, true, true, true, true, XSConstants.DOUBLE_DT));
    types.put(DURATION, new XSSimpleTypeDecl(anySimpleType, DURATION, XSSimpleTypeDecl.DV_DURATION, XSSimpleType.ORDERED_PARTIAL, false, false, false, true, XSConstants.DURATION_DT));
    types.put(HEXBINARY, new XSSimpleTypeDecl(anySimpleType, HEXBINARY, XSSimpleTypeDecl.DV_HEXBINARY, XSSimpleType.ORDERED_FALSE, false, false, false, true, XSConstants.HEXBINARY_DT));
    types.put(QNAME, new XSSimpleTypeDecl(anySimpleType, QNAME, XSSimpleTypeDecl.DV_QNAME, XSSimpleType.ORDERED_FALSE, false, false, false, true, XSConstants.QNAME_DT));
    types.put(NOTATION, new XSSimpleTypeDecl(anySimpleType, NOTATION, XSSimpleTypeDecl.DV_NOTATION, XSSimpleType.ORDERED_FALSE, false, false, false, true, XSConstants.NOTATION_DT));

    facets.whiteSpace =  XSSimpleType.WS_REPLACE;
    XSSimpleTypeDecl normalizedDV = new XSSimpleTypeDecl(stringDV, NORMALIZEDSTRING , URI_SCHEMAFORSCHEMA, (short)0, false, null, XSConstants.NORMALIZEDSTRING_DT);
    normalizedDV.applyFacets1(facets, XSSimpleType.FACET_WHITESPACE, (short)0 );
    types.put(NORMALIZEDSTRING, normalizedDV);

    facets.whiteSpace = XSSimpleType.WS_COLLAPSE;
    XSSimpleTypeDecl tokenDV = new XSSimpleTypeDecl(normalizedDV, TOKEN , URI_SCHEMAFORSCHEMA, (short)0, false, null, XSConstants.TOKEN_DT);
    tokenDV.applyFacets1(facets, XSSimpleType.FACET_WHITESPACE, (short)0 );
    types.put(TOKEN, tokenDV);

    facets.whiteSpace = XSSimpleType.WS_COLLAPSE;
    facets.pattern  = "([a-zA-Z]{1,8})(-[a-zA-Z0-9]{1,8})*";
    XSSimpleTypeDecl languageDV = new XSSimpleTypeDecl(tokenDV, LANGUAGE , URI_SCHEMAFORSCHEMA, (short)0, false, null, XSConstants.LANGUAGE_DT);
    languageDV.applyFacets1(facets, (short)(XSSimpleType.FACET_WHITESPACE | XSSimpleType.FACET_PATTERN) ,(short)0);
    types.put(LANGUAGE, languageDV);

    facets.whiteSpace =  XSSimpleType.WS_COLLAPSE;
    XSSimpleTypeDecl nameDV = new XSSimpleTypeDecl(tokenDV, NAME , URI_SCHEMAFORSCHEMA, (short)0, false, null, XSConstants.NAME_DT);
    nameDV.applyFacets1(facets, XSSimpleType.FACET_WHITESPACE, (short)0, XSSimpleTypeDecl.SPECIAL_PATTERN_NAME);
    types.put(NAME, nameDV);

    facets.whiteSpace = XSSimpleType.WS_COLLAPSE;
    XSSimpleTypeDecl ncnameDV = new XSSimpleTypeDecl(nameDV, NCNAME , URI_SCHEMAFORSCHEMA, (short)0, false, null, XSConstants.NCNAME_DT) ;
    ncnameDV.applyFacets1(facets, XSSimpleType.FACET_WHITESPACE, (short)0, XSSimpleTypeDecl.SPECIAL_PATTERN_NCNAME);
    types.put(NCNAME, ncnameDV);

    types.put(ID, new XSSimpleTypeDecl(ncnameDV,  ID, XSSimpleTypeDecl.DV_ID, XSSimpleType.ORDERED_FALSE, false, false, false , true, XSConstants.ID_DT));
    XSSimpleTypeDecl idrefDV = new XSSimpleTypeDecl(ncnameDV,  IDREF , XSSimpleTypeDecl.DV_IDREF, XSSimpleType.ORDERED_FALSE, false, false, false, true, XSConstants.IDREF_DT);
    types.put(IDREF, idrefDV);

    facets.minLength = 1;
    XSSimpleTypeDecl tempDV = new XSSimpleTypeDecl(null, URI_SCHEMAFORSCHEMA, (short)0, idrefDV, true, null);
    XSSimpleTypeDecl idrefsDV = new XSSimpleTypeDecl(tempDV, IDREFS, URI_SCHEMAFORSCHEMA, (short)0, false, null);
    idrefsDV.applyFacets1(facets, XSSimpleType.FACET_MINLENGTH, (short)0);
    types.put(IDREFS, idrefsDV);

    XSSimpleTypeDecl entityDV = new XSSimpleTypeDecl(ncnameDV, ENTITY , XSSimpleTypeDecl.DV_ENTITY, XSSimpleType.ORDERED_FALSE, false, false, false, true, XSConstants.ENTITY_DT);
    types.put(ENTITY, entityDV);

    facets.minLength = 1;
    tempDV = new XSSimpleTypeDecl(null, URI_SCHEMAFORSCHEMA, (short)0, entityDV, true, null);
    XSSimpleTypeDecl entitiesDV = new XSSimpleTypeDecl(tempDV, ENTITIES, URI_SCHEMAFORSCHEMA, (short)0, false, null);
    entitiesDV.applyFacets1(facets, XSSimpleType.FACET_MINLENGTH, (short)0);
    types.put(ENTITIES, entitiesDV);

    facets.whiteSpace  = XSSimpleType.WS_COLLAPSE;
    XSSimpleTypeDecl nmtokenDV = new XSSimpleTypeDecl(tokenDV, NMTOKEN, URI_SCHEMAFORSCHEMA, (short)0, false, null, XSConstants.NMTOKEN_DT);
    nmtokenDV.applyFacets1(facets, XSSimpleType.FACET_WHITESPACE, (short)0, XSSimpleTypeDecl.SPECIAL_PATTERN_NMTOKEN);
    types.put(NMTOKEN, nmtokenDV);

    facets.minLength = 1;
    tempDV = new XSSimpleTypeDecl(null, URI_SCHEMAFORSCHEMA, (short)0, nmtokenDV, true, null);
    XSSimpleTypeDecl nmtokensDV = new XSSimpleTypeDecl(tempDV, NMTOKENS, URI_SCHEMAFORSCHEMA, (short)0, false, null);
    nmtokensDV.applyFacets1(facets, XSSimpleType.FACET_MINLENGTH, (short)0);
    types.put(NMTOKENS, nmtokensDV);
Example 4
Source File:    From openjdk-8 with GNU General Public License v2.0 4 votes vote down vote up
static void createBuiltInTypes(SymbolHash types) {
    // create base types first

    // full schema simple type names
    final String DOUBLE            = "double";
    final String DURATION          = "duration";
    final String ENTITY            = "ENTITY";
    final String ENTITIES          = "ENTITIES";
    final String FLOAT             = "float";
    final String HEXBINARY         = "hexBinary";
    final String ID                = "ID";
    final String IDREF             = "IDREF";
    final String IDREFS            = "IDREFS";
    final String NAME              = "Name";
    final String NCNAME            = "NCName";
    final String NMTOKEN           = "NMTOKEN";
    final String NMTOKENS          = "NMTOKENS";
    final String LANGUAGE          = "language";
    final String NORMALIZEDSTRING  = "normalizedString";
    final String NOTATION          = "NOTATION";
    final String QNAME             = "QName";
    final String STRING            = "string";
    final String TOKEN             = "token";

    final XSFacets facets = new XSFacets();

    XSSimpleTypeDecl anySimpleType = XSSimpleTypeDecl.fAnySimpleType;
    XSSimpleTypeDecl stringDV = (XSSimpleTypeDecl)types.get(STRING);

    types.put(FLOAT, new XSSimpleTypeDecl(anySimpleType, FLOAT, XSSimpleTypeDecl.DV_FLOAT, XSSimpleType.ORDERED_PARTIAL, true, true, true, true, XSConstants.FLOAT_DT));
    types.put(DOUBLE, new XSSimpleTypeDecl(anySimpleType, DOUBLE, XSSimpleTypeDecl.DV_DOUBLE, XSSimpleType.ORDERED_PARTIAL, true, true, true, true, XSConstants.DOUBLE_DT));
    types.put(DURATION, new XSSimpleTypeDecl(anySimpleType, DURATION, XSSimpleTypeDecl.DV_DURATION, XSSimpleType.ORDERED_PARTIAL, false, false, false, true, XSConstants.DURATION_DT));
    types.put(HEXBINARY, new XSSimpleTypeDecl(anySimpleType, HEXBINARY, XSSimpleTypeDecl.DV_HEXBINARY, XSSimpleType.ORDERED_FALSE, false, false, false, true, XSConstants.HEXBINARY_DT));
    types.put(QNAME, new XSSimpleTypeDecl(anySimpleType, QNAME, XSSimpleTypeDecl.DV_QNAME, XSSimpleType.ORDERED_FALSE, false, false, false, true, XSConstants.QNAME_DT));
    types.put(NOTATION, new XSSimpleTypeDecl(anySimpleType, NOTATION, XSSimpleTypeDecl.DV_NOTATION, XSSimpleType.ORDERED_FALSE, false, false, false, true, XSConstants.NOTATION_DT));

    facets.whiteSpace =  XSSimpleType.WS_REPLACE;
    XSSimpleTypeDecl normalizedDV = new XSSimpleTypeDecl(stringDV, NORMALIZEDSTRING , URI_SCHEMAFORSCHEMA, (short)0, false, null, XSConstants.NORMALIZEDSTRING_DT);
    normalizedDV.applyFacets1(facets, XSSimpleType.FACET_WHITESPACE, (short)0 );
    types.put(NORMALIZEDSTRING, normalizedDV);

    facets.whiteSpace = XSSimpleType.WS_COLLAPSE;
    XSSimpleTypeDecl tokenDV = new XSSimpleTypeDecl(normalizedDV, TOKEN , URI_SCHEMAFORSCHEMA, (short)0, false, null, XSConstants.TOKEN_DT);
    tokenDV.applyFacets1(facets, XSSimpleType.FACET_WHITESPACE, (short)0 );
    types.put(TOKEN, tokenDV);

    facets.whiteSpace = XSSimpleType.WS_COLLAPSE;
    facets.pattern  = "([a-zA-Z]{1,8})(-[a-zA-Z0-9]{1,8})*";
    XSSimpleTypeDecl languageDV = new XSSimpleTypeDecl(tokenDV, LANGUAGE , URI_SCHEMAFORSCHEMA, (short)0, false, null, XSConstants.LANGUAGE_DT);
    languageDV.applyFacets1(facets, (short)(XSSimpleType.FACET_WHITESPACE | XSSimpleType.FACET_PATTERN) ,(short)0);
    types.put(LANGUAGE, languageDV);

    facets.whiteSpace =  XSSimpleType.WS_COLLAPSE;
    XSSimpleTypeDecl nameDV = new XSSimpleTypeDecl(tokenDV, NAME , URI_SCHEMAFORSCHEMA, (short)0, false, null, XSConstants.NAME_DT);
    nameDV.applyFacets1(facets, XSSimpleType.FACET_WHITESPACE, (short)0, XSSimpleTypeDecl.SPECIAL_PATTERN_NAME);
    types.put(NAME, nameDV);

    facets.whiteSpace = XSSimpleType.WS_COLLAPSE;
    XSSimpleTypeDecl ncnameDV = new XSSimpleTypeDecl(nameDV, NCNAME , URI_SCHEMAFORSCHEMA, (short)0, false, null, XSConstants.NCNAME_DT) ;
    ncnameDV.applyFacets1(facets, XSSimpleType.FACET_WHITESPACE, (short)0, XSSimpleTypeDecl.SPECIAL_PATTERN_NCNAME);
    types.put(NCNAME, ncnameDV);

    types.put(ID, new XSSimpleTypeDecl(ncnameDV,  ID, XSSimpleTypeDecl.DV_ID, XSSimpleType.ORDERED_FALSE, false, false, false , true, XSConstants.ID_DT));
    XSSimpleTypeDecl idrefDV = new XSSimpleTypeDecl(ncnameDV,  IDREF , XSSimpleTypeDecl.DV_IDREF, XSSimpleType.ORDERED_FALSE, false, false, false, true, XSConstants.IDREF_DT);
    types.put(IDREF, idrefDV);

    facets.minLength = 1;
    XSSimpleTypeDecl tempDV = new XSSimpleTypeDecl(null, URI_SCHEMAFORSCHEMA, (short)0, idrefDV, true, null);
    XSSimpleTypeDecl idrefsDV = new XSSimpleTypeDecl(tempDV, IDREFS, URI_SCHEMAFORSCHEMA, (short)0, false, null);
    idrefsDV.applyFacets1(facets, XSSimpleType.FACET_MINLENGTH, (short)0);
    types.put(IDREFS, idrefsDV);

    XSSimpleTypeDecl entityDV = new XSSimpleTypeDecl(ncnameDV, ENTITY , XSSimpleTypeDecl.DV_ENTITY, XSSimpleType.ORDERED_FALSE, false, false, false, true, XSConstants.ENTITY_DT);
    types.put(ENTITY, entityDV);

    facets.minLength = 1;
    tempDV = new XSSimpleTypeDecl(null, URI_SCHEMAFORSCHEMA, (short)0, entityDV, true, null);
    XSSimpleTypeDecl entitiesDV = new XSSimpleTypeDecl(tempDV, ENTITIES, URI_SCHEMAFORSCHEMA, (short)0, false, null);
    entitiesDV.applyFacets1(facets, XSSimpleType.FACET_MINLENGTH, (short)0);
    types.put(ENTITIES, entitiesDV);

    facets.whiteSpace  = XSSimpleType.WS_COLLAPSE;
    XSSimpleTypeDecl nmtokenDV = new XSSimpleTypeDecl(tokenDV, NMTOKEN, URI_SCHEMAFORSCHEMA, (short)0, false, null, XSConstants.NMTOKEN_DT);
    nmtokenDV.applyFacets1(facets, XSSimpleType.FACET_WHITESPACE, (short)0, XSSimpleTypeDecl.SPECIAL_PATTERN_NMTOKEN);
    types.put(NMTOKEN, nmtokenDV);

    facets.minLength = 1;
    tempDV = new XSSimpleTypeDecl(null, URI_SCHEMAFORSCHEMA, (short)0, nmtokenDV, true, null);
    XSSimpleTypeDecl nmtokensDV = new XSSimpleTypeDecl(tempDV, NMTOKENS, URI_SCHEMAFORSCHEMA, (short)0, false, null);
    nmtokensDV.applyFacets1(facets, XSSimpleType.FACET_MINLENGTH, (short)0);
    types.put(NMTOKENS, nmtokensDV);
Example 5
Source File:    From hottub with GNU General Public License v2.0 4 votes vote down vote up
static void createBuiltInTypes(SymbolHash types) {
    // create base types first

    // full schema simple type names
    final String DOUBLE            = "double";
    final String DURATION          = "duration";
    final String ENTITY            = "ENTITY";
    final String ENTITIES          = "ENTITIES";
    final String FLOAT             = "float";
    final String HEXBINARY         = "hexBinary";
    final String ID                = "ID";
    final String IDREF             = "IDREF";
    final String IDREFS            = "IDREFS";
    final String NAME              = "Name";
    final String NCNAME            = "NCName";
    final String NMTOKEN           = "NMTOKEN";
    final String NMTOKENS          = "NMTOKENS";
    final String LANGUAGE          = "language";
    final String NORMALIZEDSTRING  = "normalizedString";
    final String NOTATION          = "NOTATION";
    final String QNAME             = "QName";
    final String STRING            = "string";
    final String TOKEN             = "token";

    final XSFacets facets = new XSFacets();

    XSSimpleTypeDecl anySimpleType = XSSimpleTypeDecl.fAnySimpleType;
    XSSimpleTypeDecl stringDV = (XSSimpleTypeDecl)types.get(STRING);

    types.put(FLOAT, new XSSimpleTypeDecl(anySimpleType, FLOAT, XSSimpleTypeDecl.DV_FLOAT, XSSimpleType.ORDERED_PARTIAL, true, true, true, true, XSConstants.FLOAT_DT));
    types.put(DOUBLE, new XSSimpleTypeDecl(anySimpleType, DOUBLE, XSSimpleTypeDecl.DV_DOUBLE, XSSimpleType.ORDERED_PARTIAL, true, true, true, true, XSConstants.DOUBLE_DT));
    types.put(DURATION, new XSSimpleTypeDecl(anySimpleType, DURATION, XSSimpleTypeDecl.DV_DURATION, XSSimpleType.ORDERED_PARTIAL, false, false, false, true, XSConstants.DURATION_DT));
    types.put(HEXBINARY, new XSSimpleTypeDecl(anySimpleType, HEXBINARY, XSSimpleTypeDecl.DV_HEXBINARY, XSSimpleType.ORDERED_FALSE, false, false, false, true, XSConstants.HEXBINARY_DT));
    types.put(QNAME, new XSSimpleTypeDecl(anySimpleType, QNAME, XSSimpleTypeDecl.DV_QNAME, XSSimpleType.ORDERED_FALSE, false, false, false, true, XSConstants.QNAME_DT));
    types.put(NOTATION, new XSSimpleTypeDecl(anySimpleType, NOTATION, XSSimpleTypeDecl.DV_NOTATION, XSSimpleType.ORDERED_FALSE, false, false, false, true, XSConstants.NOTATION_DT));

    facets.whiteSpace =  XSSimpleType.WS_REPLACE;
    XSSimpleTypeDecl normalizedDV = new XSSimpleTypeDecl(stringDV, NORMALIZEDSTRING , URI_SCHEMAFORSCHEMA, (short)0, false, null, XSConstants.NORMALIZEDSTRING_DT);
    normalizedDV.applyFacets1(facets, XSSimpleType.FACET_WHITESPACE, (short)0 );
    types.put(NORMALIZEDSTRING, normalizedDV);

    facets.whiteSpace = XSSimpleType.WS_COLLAPSE;
    XSSimpleTypeDecl tokenDV = new XSSimpleTypeDecl(normalizedDV, TOKEN , URI_SCHEMAFORSCHEMA, (short)0, false, null, XSConstants.TOKEN_DT);
    tokenDV.applyFacets1(facets, XSSimpleType.FACET_WHITESPACE, (short)0 );
    types.put(TOKEN, tokenDV);

    facets.whiteSpace = XSSimpleType.WS_COLLAPSE;
    facets.pattern  = "([a-zA-Z]{1,8})(-[a-zA-Z0-9]{1,8})*";
    XSSimpleTypeDecl languageDV = new XSSimpleTypeDecl(tokenDV, LANGUAGE , URI_SCHEMAFORSCHEMA, (short)0, false, null, XSConstants.LANGUAGE_DT);
    languageDV.applyFacets1(facets, (short)(XSSimpleType.FACET_WHITESPACE | XSSimpleType.FACET_PATTERN) ,(short)0);
    types.put(LANGUAGE, languageDV);

    facets.whiteSpace =  XSSimpleType.WS_COLLAPSE;
    XSSimpleTypeDecl nameDV = new XSSimpleTypeDecl(tokenDV, NAME , URI_SCHEMAFORSCHEMA, (short)0, false, null, XSConstants.NAME_DT);
    nameDV.applyFacets1(facets, XSSimpleType.FACET_WHITESPACE, (short)0, XSSimpleTypeDecl.SPECIAL_PATTERN_NAME);
    types.put(NAME, nameDV);

    facets.whiteSpace = XSSimpleType.WS_COLLAPSE;
    XSSimpleTypeDecl ncnameDV = new XSSimpleTypeDecl(nameDV, NCNAME , URI_SCHEMAFORSCHEMA, (short)0, false, null, XSConstants.NCNAME_DT) ;
    ncnameDV.applyFacets1(facets, XSSimpleType.FACET_WHITESPACE, (short)0, XSSimpleTypeDecl.SPECIAL_PATTERN_NCNAME);
    types.put(NCNAME, ncnameDV);

    types.put(ID, new XSSimpleTypeDecl(ncnameDV,  ID, XSSimpleTypeDecl.DV_ID, XSSimpleType.ORDERED_FALSE, false, false, false , true, XSConstants.ID_DT));
    XSSimpleTypeDecl idrefDV = new XSSimpleTypeDecl(ncnameDV,  IDREF , XSSimpleTypeDecl.DV_IDREF, XSSimpleType.ORDERED_FALSE, false, false, false, true, XSConstants.IDREF_DT);
    types.put(IDREF, idrefDV);

    facets.minLength = 1;
    XSSimpleTypeDecl tempDV = new XSSimpleTypeDecl(null, URI_SCHEMAFORSCHEMA, (short)0, idrefDV, true, null);
    XSSimpleTypeDecl idrefsDV = new XSSimpleTypeDecl(tempDV, IDREFS, URI_SCHEMAFORSCHEMA, (short)0, false, null);
    idrefsDV.applyFacets1(facets, XSSimpleType.FACET_MINLENGTH, (short)0);
    types.put(IDREFS, idrefsDV);

    XSSimpleTypeDecl entityDV = new XSSimpleTypeDecl(ncnameDV, ENTITY , XSSimpleTypeDecl.DV_ENTITY, XSSimpleType.ORDERED_FALSE, false, false, false, true, XSConstants.ENTITY_DT);
    types.put(ENTITY, entityDV);

    facets.minLength = 1;
    tempDV = new XSSimpleTypeDecl(null, URI_SCHEMAFORSCHEMA, (short)0, entityDV, true, null);
    XSSimpleTypeDecl entitiesDV = new XSSimpleTypeDecl(tempDV, ENTITIES, URI_SCHEMAFORSCHEMA, (short)0, false, null);
    entitiesDV.applyFacets1(facets, XSSimpleType.FACET_MINLENGTH, (short)0);
    types.put(ENTITIES, entitiesDV);

    facets.whiteSpace  = XSSimpleType.WS_COLLAPSE;
    XSSimpleTypeDecl nmtokenDV = new XSSimpleTypeDecl(tokenDV, NMTOKEN, URI_SCHEMAFORSCHEMA, (short)0, false, null, XSConstants.NMTOKEN_DT);
    nmtokenDV.applyFacets1(facets, XSSimpleType.FACET_WHITESPACE, (short)0, XSSimpleTypeDecl.SPECIAL_PATTERN_NMTOKEN);
    types.put(NMTOKEN, nmtokenDV);

    facets.minLength = 1;
    tempDV = new XSSimpleTypeDecl(null, URI_SCHEMAFORSCHEMA, (short)0, nmtokenDV, true, null);
    XSSimpleTypeDecl nmtokensDV = new XSSimpleTypeDecl(tempDV, NMTOKENS, URI_SCHEMAFORSCHEMA, (short)0, false, null);
    nmtokensDV.applyFacets1(facets, XSSimpleType.FACET_MINLENGTH, (short)0);
    types.put(NMTOKENS, nmtokensDV);
Example 6
Source File:    From openjdk-jdk9 with GNU General Public License v2.0 4 votes vote down vote up
 * Normalize whitespace in an XMLString according to the rules defined
 * in XML Schema specifications.
 * @param value    The string to normalize.
 * @param collapse replace or collapse
private void normalizeWhitespace(XMLString value, boolean collapse) {
    boolean skipSpace = collapse;
    boolean sawNonWS = false;
    boolean leading = false;
    boolean trailing = false;
    char c;
    int size = value.offset + value.length;

    // ensure the ch array is big enough
    if ( == null || < value.length + 1) { = new char[value.length + 1];
    // don't include the leading ' ' for now. might include it later.
    fNormalizedStr.offset = 1;
    fNormalizedStr.length = 1;

    for (int i = value.offset; i < size; i++) {
        c =[i];
        if (XMLChar.isSpace(c)) {
            if (!skipSpace) {
                // take the first whitespace as a space and skip the others
      [fNormalizedStr.length++] = ' ';
                skipSpace = collapse;
            if (!sawNonWS) {
                // this is a leading whitespace, record it
                leading = true;
        } else {
  [fNormalizedStr.length++] = c;
            skipSpace = false;
            sawNonWS = true;
    if (skipSpace) {
        if (fNormalizedStr.length > 1) {
            // if we finished on a space trim it but also record it
            trailing = true;
        } else if (leading && !fFirstChunk) {
            // if all we had was whitespace we skipped record it as
            // trailing whitespace as well
            trailing = true;

    if (fNormalizedStr.length > 1) {
        if (!fFirstChunk && (fWhiteSpace == XSSimpleType.WS_COLLAPSE)) {
            if (fTrailing) {
                // previous chunk ended on whitespace
                // insert whitespace
                fNormalizedStr.offset = 0;
      [0] = ' ';
            } else if (leading) {
                // previous chunk ended on character,
                // this chunk starts with whitespace
                fNormalizedStr.offset = 0;
      [0] = ' ';

    // The length includes the leading ' '. Now removing it.
    fNormalizedStr.length -= fNormalizedStr.offset;

    fTrailing = trailing;

    if (trailing || sawNonWS)
        fFirstChunk = false;
Example 7
Source File:    From openjdk-jdk9 with GNU General Public License v2.0 4 votes vote down vote up
static void createBuiltInTypes(SymbolHash types) {
    // create base types first

    // full schema simple type names
    final String DOUBLE            = "double";
    final String DURATION          = "duration";
    final String ENTITY            = "ENTITY";
    final String ENTITIES          = "ENTITIES";
    final String FLOAT             = "float";
    final String HEXBINARY         = "hexBinary";
    final String ID                = "ID";
    final String IDREF             = "IDREF";
    final String IDREFS            = "IDREFS";
    final String NAME              = "Name";
    final String NCNAME            = "NCName";
    final String NMTOKEN           = "NMTOKEN";
    final String NMTOKENS          = "NMTOKENS";
    final String LANGUAGE          = "language";
    final String NORMALIZEDSTRING  = "normalizedString";
    final String NOTATION          = "NOTATION";
    final String QNAME             = "QName";
    final String STRING            = "string";
    final String TOKEN             = "token";

    final XSFacets facets = new XSFacets();

    XSSimpleTypeDecl anySimpleType = XSSimpleTypeDecl.fAnySimpleType;
    XSSimpleTypeDecl stringDV = (XSSimpleTypeDecl)types.get(STRING);

    types.put(FLOAT, new XSSimpleTypeDecl(anySimpleType, FLOAT, XSSimpleTypeDecl.DV_FLOAT, XSSimpleType.ORDERED_PARTIAL, true, true, true, true, XSConstants.FLOAT_DT));
    types.put(DOUBLE, new XSSimpleTypeDecl(anySimpleType, DOUBLE, XSSimpleTypeDecl.DV_DOUBLE, XSSimpleType.ORDERED_PARTIAL, true, true, true, true, XSConstants.DOUBLE_DT));
    types.put(DURATION, new XSSimpleTypeDecl(anySimpleType, DURATION, XSSimpleTypeDecl.DV_DURATION, XSSimpleType.ORDERED_PARTIAL, false, false, false, true, XSConstants.DURATION_DT));
    types.put(HEXBINARY, new XSSimpleTypeDecl(anySimpleType, HEXBINARY, XSSimpleTypeDecl.DV_HEXBINARY, XSSimpleType.ORDERED_FALSE, false, false, false, true, XSConstants.HEXBINARY_DT));
    types.put(QNAME, new XSSimpleTypeDecl(anySimpleType, QNAME, XSSimpleTypeDecl.DV_QNAME, XSSimpleType.ORDERED_FALSE, false, false, false, true, XSConstants.QNAME_DT));
    types.put(NOTATION, new XSSimpleTypeDecl(anySimpleType, NOTATION, XSSimpleTypeDecl.DV_NOTATION, XSSimpleType.ORDERED_FALSE, false, false, false, true, XSConstants.NOTATION_DT));

    facets.whiteSpace =  XSSimpleType.WS_REPLACE;
    XSSimpleTypeDecl normalizedDV = new XSSimpleTypeDecl(stringDV, NORMALIZEDSTRING , URI_SCHEMAFORSCHEMA, (short)0, false, null, XSConstants.NORMALIZEDSTRING_DT);
    normalizedDV.applyFacets1(facets, XSSimpleType.FACET_WHITESPACE, (short)0 );
    types.put(NORMALIZEDSTRING, normalizedDV);

    facets.whiteSpace = XSSimpleType.WS_COLLAPSE;
    XSSimpleTypeDecl tokenDV = new XSSimpleTypeDecl(normalizedDV, TOKEN , URI_SCHEMAFORSCHEMA, (short)0, false, null, XSConstants.TOKEN_DT);
    tokenDV.applyFacets1(facets, XSSimpleType.FACET_WHITESPACE, (short)0 );
    types.put(TOKEN, tokenDV);

    facets.whiteSpace = XSSimpleType.WS_COLLAPSE;
    facets.pattern  = "([a-zA-Z]{1,8})(-[a-zA-Z0-9]{1,8})*";
    XSSimpleTypeDecl languageDV = new XSSimpleTypeDecl(tokenDV, LANGUAGE , URI_SCHEMAFORSCHEMA, (short)0, false, null, XSConstants.LANGUAGE_DT);
    languageDV.applyFacets1(facets, (short)(XSSimpleType.FACET_WHITESPACE | XSSimpleType.FACET_PATTERN) ,(short)0);
    types.put(LANGUAGE, languageDV);

    facets.whiteSpace =  XSSimpleType.WS_COLLAPSE;
    XSSimpleTypeDecl nameDV = new XSSimpleTypeDecl(tokenDV, NAME , URI_SCHEMAFORSCHEMA, (short)0, false, null, XSConstants.NAME_DT);
    nameDV.applyFacets1(facets, XSSimpleType.FACET_WHITESPACE, (short)0, XSSimpleTypeDecl.SPECIAL_PATTERN_NAME);
    types.put(NAME, nameDV);

    facets.whiteSpace = XSSimpleType.WS_COLLAPSE;
    XSSimpleTypeDecl ncnameDV = new XSSimpleTypeDecl(nameDV, NCNAME , URI_SCHEMAFORSCHEMA, (short)0, false, null, XSConstants.NCNAME_DT) ;
    ncnameDV.applyFacets1(facets, XSSimpleType.FACET_WHITESPACE, (short)0, XSSimpleTypeDecl.SPECIAL_PATTERN_NCNAME);
    types.put(NCNAME, ncnameDV);

    types.put(ID, new XSSimpleTypeDecl(ncnameDV,  ID, XSSimpleTypeDecl.DV_ID, XSSimpleType.ORDERED_FALSE, false, false, false , true, XSConstants.ID_DT));
    XSSimpleTypeDecl idrefDV = new XSSimpleTypeDecl(ncnameDV,  IDREF , XSSimpleTypeDecl.DV_IDREF, XSSimpleType.ORDERED_FALSE, false, false, false, true, XSConstants.IDREF_DT);
    types.put(IDREF, idrefDV);

    facets.minLength = 1;
    XSSimpleTypeDecl tempDV = new XSSimpleTypeDecl(null, URI_SCHEMAFORSCHEMA, (short)0, idrefDV, true, null);
    XSSimpleTypeDecl idrefsDV = new XSSimpleTypeDecl(tempDV, IDREFS, URI_SCHEMAFORSCHEMA, (short)0, false, null);
    idrefsDV.applyFacets1(facets, XSSimpleType.FACET_MINLENGTH, (short)0);
    types.put(IDREFS, idrefsDV);

    XSSimpleTypeDecl entityDV = new XSSimpleTypeDecl(ncnameDV, ENTITY , XSSimpleTypeDecl.DV_ENTITY, XSSimpleType.ORDERED_FALSE, false, false, false, true, XSConstants.ENTITY_DT);
    types.put(ENTITY, entityDV);

    facets.minLength = 1;
    tempDV = new XSSimpleTypeDecl(null, URI_SCHEMAFORSCHEMA, (short)0, entityDV, true, null);
    XSSimpleTypeDecl entitiesDV = new XSSimpleTypeDecl(tempDV, ENTITIES, URI_SCHEMAFORSCHEMA, (short)0, false, null);
    entitiesDV.applyFacets1(facets, XSSimpleType.FACET_MINLENGTH, (short)0);
    types.put(ENTITIES, entitiesDV);

    facets.whiteSpace  = XSSimpleType.WS_COLLAPSE;
    XSSimpleTypeDecl nmtokenDV = new XSSimpleTypeDecl(tokenDV, NMTOKEN, URI_SCHEMAFORSCHEMA, (short)0, false, null, XSConstants.NMTOKEN_DT);
    nmtokenDV.applyFacets1(facets, XSSimpleType.FACET_WHITESPACE, (short)0, XSSimpleTypeDecl.SPECIAL_PATTERN_NMTOKEN);
    types.put(NMTOKEN, nmtokenDV);

    facets.minLength = 1;
    tempDV = new XSSimpleTypeDecl(null, URI_SCHEMAFORSCHEMA, (short)0, nmtokenDV, true, null);
    XSSimpleTypeDecl nmtokensDV = new XSSimpleTypeDecl(tempDV, NMTOKENS, URI_SCHEMAFORSCHEMA, (short)0, false, null);
    nmtokensDV.applyFacets1(facets, XSSimpleType.FACET_MINLENGTH, (short)0);
    types.put(NMTOKENS, nmtokensDV);
Example 8
Source File:    From Bytecoder with Apache License 2.0 4 votes vote down vote up
 * Normalize whitespace in an XMLString according to the rules defined
 * in XML Schema specifications.
 * @param value    The string to normalize.
 * @param collapse replace or collapse
private void normalizeWhitespace(XMLString value, boolean collapse) {
    boolean skipSpace = collapse;
    boolean sawNonWS = false;
    boolean leading = false;
    boolean trailing = false;
    char c;
    int size = value.offset + value.length;

    // ensure the ch array is big enough
    if ( == null || < value.length + 1) { = new char[value.length + 1];
    // don't include the leading ' ' for now. might include it later.
    fNormalizedStr.offset = 1;
    fNormalizedStr.length = 1;

    for (int i = value.offset; i < size; i++) {
        c =[i];
        if (XMLChar.isSpace(c)) {
            if (!skipSpace) {
                // take the first whitespace as a space and skip the others
      [fNormalizedStr.length++] = ' ';
                skipSpace = collapse;
            if (!sawNonWS) {
                // this is a leading whitespace, record it
                leading = true;
        } else {
  [fNormalizedStr.length++] = c;
            skipSpace = false;
            sawNonWS = true;
    if (skipSpace) {
        if (fNormalizedStr.length > 1) {
            // if we finished on a space trim it but also record it
            trailing = true;
        } else if (leading && !fFirstChunk) {
            // if all we had was whitespace we skipped record it as
            // trailing whitespace as well
            trailing = true;

    if (fNormalizedStr.length > 1) {
        if (!fFirstChunk && (fWhiteSpace == XSSimpleType.WS_COLLAPSE)) {
            if (fTrailing) {
                // previous chunk ended on whitespace
                // insert whitespace
                fNormalizedStr.offset = 0;
      [0] = ' ';
            } else if (leading) {
                // previous chunk ended on character,
                // this chunk starts with whitespace
                fNormalizedStr.offset = 0;
      [0] = ' ';

    // The length includes the leading ' '. Now removing it.
    fNormalizedStr.length -= fNormalizedStr.offset;

    fTrailing = trailing;

    if (trailing || sawNonWS)
        fFirstChunk = false;
Example 9
Source File:    From Bytecoder with Apache License 2.0 4 votes vote down vote up
static void createBuiltInTypes(SymbolHash types) {
    // create base types first

    // full schema simple type names
    final String DOUBLE            = "double";
    final String DURATION          = "duration";
    final String ENTITY            = "ENTITY";
    final String ENTITIES          = "ENTITIES";
    final String FLOAT             = "float";
    final String HEXBINARY         = "hexBinary";
    final String ID                = "ID";
    final String IDREF             = "IDREF";
    final String IDREFS            = "IDREFS";
    final String NAME              = "Name";
    final String NCNAME            = "NCName";
    final String NMTOKEN           = "NMTOKEN";
    final String NMTOKENS          = "NMTOKENS";
    final String LANGUAGE          = "language";
    final String NORMALIZEDSTRING  = "normalizedString";
    final String NOTATION          = "NOTATION";
    final String QNAME             = "QName";
    final String STRING            = "string";
    final String TOKEN             = "token";

    final XSFacets facets = new XSFacets();

    XSSimpleTypeDecl anySimpleType = XSSimpleTypeDecl.fAnySimpleType;
    XSSimpleTypeDecl stringDV = (XSSimpleTypeDecl)types.get(STRING);

    types.put(FLOAT, new XSSimpleTypeDecl(anySimpleType, FLOAT, XSSimpleTypeDecl.DV_FLOAT, XSSimpleType.ORDERED_PARTIAL, true, true, true, true, XSConstants.FLOAT_DT));
    types.put(DOUBLE, new XSSimpleTypeDecl(anySimpleType, DOUBLE, XSSimpleTypeDecl.DV_DOUBLE, XSSimpleType.ORDERED_PARTIAL, true, true, true, true, XSConstants.DOUBLE_DT));
    types.put(DURATION, new XSSimpleTypeDecl(anySimpleType, DURATION, XSSimpleTypeDecl.DV_DURATION, XSSimpleType.ORDERED_PARTIAL, false, false, false, true, XSConstants.DURATION_DT));
    types.put(HEXBINARY, new XSSimpleTypeDecl(anySimpleType, HEXBINARY, XSSimpleTypeDecl.DV_HEXBINARY, XSSimpleType.ORDERED_FALSE, false, false, false, true, XSConstants.HEXBINARY_DT));
    types.put(QNAME, new XSSimpleTypeDecl(anySimpleType, QNAME, XSSimpleTypeDecl.DV_QNAME, XSSimpleType.ORDERED_FALSE, false, false, false, true, XSConstants.QNAME_DT));
    types.put(NOTATION, new XSSimpleTypeDecl(anySimpleType, NOTATION, XSSimpleTypeDecl.DV_NOTATION, XSSimpleType.ORDERED_FALSE, false, false, false, true, XSConstants.NOTATION_DT));

    facets.whiteSpace =  XSSimpleType.WS_REPLACE;
    XSSimpleTypeDecl normalizedDV = new XSSimpleTypeDecl(stringDV, NORMALIZEDSTRING , URI_SCHEMAFORSCHEMA, (short)0, false, null, XSConstants.NORMALIZEDSTRING_DT);
    normalizedDV.applyFacets1(facets, XSSimpleType.FACET_WHITESPACE, (short)0 );
    types.put(NORMALIZEDSTRING, normalizedDV);

    facets.whiteSpace = XSSimpleType.WS_COLLAPSE;
    XSSimpleTypeDecl tokenDV = new XSSimpleTypeDecl(normalizedDV, TOKEN , URI_SCHEMAFORSCHEMA, (short)0, false, null, XSConstants.TOKEN_DT);
    tokenDV.applyFacets1(facets, XSSimpleType.FACET_WHITESPACE, (short)0 );
    types.put(TOKEN, tokenDV);

    facets.whiteSpace = XSSimpleType.WS_COLLAPSE;
    facets.pattern  = "([a-zA-Z]{1,8})(-[a-zA-Z0-9]{1,8})*";
    XSSimpleTypeDecl languageDV = new XSSimpleTypeDecl(tokenDV, LANGUAGE , URI_SCHEMAFORSCHEMA, (short)0, false, null, XSConstants.LANGUAGE_DT);
    languageDV.applyFacets1(facets, (short)(XSSimpleType.FACET_WHITESPACE | XSSimpleType.FACET_PATTERN) ,(short)0);
    types.put(LANGUAGE, languageDV);

    facets.whiteSpace =  XSSimpleType.WS_COLLAPSE;
    XSSimpleTypeDecl nameDV = new XSSimpleTypeDecl(tokenDV, NAME , URI_SCHEMAFORSCHEMA, (short)0, false, null, XSConstants.NAME_DT);
    nameDV.applyFacets1(facets, XSSimpleType.FACET_WHITESPACE, (short)0, XSSimpleTypeDecl.SPECIAL_PATTERN_NAME);
    types.put(NAME, nameDV);

    facets.whiteSpace = XSSimpleType.WS_COLLAPSE;
    XSSimpleTypeDecl ncnameDV = new XSSimpleTypeDecl(nameDV, NCNAME , URI_SCHEMAFORSCHEMA, (short)0, false, null, XSConstants.NCNAME_DT) ;
    ncnameDV.applyFacets1(facets, XSSimpleType.FACET_WHITESPACE, (short)0, XSSimpleTypeDecl.SPECIAL_PATTERN_NCNAME);
    types.put(NCNAME, ncnameDV);

    types.put(ID, new XSSimpleTypeDecl(ncnameDV,  ID, XSSimpleTypeDecl.DV_ID, XSSimpleType.ORDERED_FALSE, false, false, false , true, XSConstants.ID_DT));
    XSSimpleTypeDecl idrefDV = new XSSimpleTypeDecl(ncnameDV,  IDREF , XSSimpleTypeDecl.DV_IDREF, XSSimpleType.ORDERED_FALSE, false, false, false, true, XSConstants.IDREF_DT);
    types.put(IDREF, idrefDV);

    facets.minLength = 1;
    XSSimpleTypeDecl tempDV = new XSSimpleTypeDecl(null, URI_SCHEMAFORSCHEMA, (short)0, idrefDV, true, null);
    XSSimpleTypeDecl idrefsDV = new XSSimpleTypeDecl(tempDV, IDREFS, URI_SCHEMAFORSCHEMA, (short)0, false, null);
    idrefsDV.applyFacets1(facets, XSSimpleType.FACET_MINLENGTH, (short)0);
    types.put(IDREFS, idrefsDV);

    XSSimpleTypeDecl entityDV = new XSSimpleTypeDecl(ncnameDV, ENTITY , XSSimpleTypeDecl.DV_ENTITY, XSSimpleType.ORDERED_FALSE, false, false, false, true, XSConstants.ENTITY_DT);
    types.put(ENTITY, entityDV);

    facets.minLength = 1;
    tempDV = new XSSimpleTypeDecl(null, URI_SCHEMAFORSCHEMA, (short)0, entityDV, true, null);
    XSSimpleTypeDecl entitiesDV = new XSSimpleTypeDecl(tempDV, ENTITIES, URI_SCHEMAFORSCHEMA, (short)0, false, null);
    entitiesDV.applyFacets1(facets, XSSimpleType.FACET_MINLENGTH, (short)0);
    types.put(ENTITIES, entitiesDV);

    facets.whiteSpace  = XSSimpleType.WS_COLLAPSE;
    XSSimpleTypeDecl nmtokenDV = new XSSimpleTypeDecl(tokenDV, NMTOKEN, URI_SCHEMAFORSCHEMA, (short)0, false, null, XSConstants.NMTOKEN_DT);
    nmtokenDV.applyFacets1(facets, XSSimpleType.FACET_WHITESPACE, (short)0, XSSimpleTypeDecl.SPECIAL_PATTERN_NMTOKEN);
    types.put(NMTOKEN, nmtokenDV);

    facets.minLength = 1;
    tempDV = new XSSimpleTypeDecl(null, URI_SCHEMAFORSCHEMA, (short)0, nmtokenDV, true, null);
    XSSimpleTypeDecl nmtokensDV = new XSSimpleTypeDecl(tempDV, NMTOKENS, URI_SCHEMAFORSCHEMA, (short)0, false, null);
    nmtokensDV.applyFacets1(facets, XSSimpleType.FACET_MINLENGTH, (short)0);
    types.put(NMTOKENS, nmtokensDV);
Example 10
Source File:    From openjdk-jdk8u-backup with GNU General Public License v2.0 4 votes vote down vote up
 * Normalize whitespace in an XMLString according to the rules defined
 * in XML Schema specifications.
 * @param value    The string to normalize.
 * @param collapse replace or collapse
private void normalizeWhitespace(XMLString value, boolean collapse) {
    boolean skipSpace = collapse;
    boolean sawNonWS = false;
    boolean leading = false;
    boolean trailing = false;
    char c;
    int size = value.offset + value.length;

    // ensure the ch array is big enough
    if ( == null || < value.length + 1) { = new char[value.length + 1];
    // don't include the leading ' ' for now. might include it later.
    fNormalizedStr.offset = 1;
    fNormalizedStr.length = 1;

    for (int i = value.offset; i < size; i++) {
        c =[i];
        if (XMLChar.isSpace(c)) {
            if (!skipSpace) {
                // take the first whitespace as a space and skip the others
      [fNormalizedStr.length++] = ' ';
                skipSpace = collapse;
            if (!sawNonWS) {
                // this is a leading whitespace, record it
                leading = true;
        } else {
  [fNormalizedStr.length++] = c;
            skipSpace = false;
            sawNonWS = true;
    if (skipSpace) {
        if (fNormalizedStr.length > 1) {
            // if we finished on a space trim it but also record it
            trailing = true;
        } else if (leading && !fFirstChunk) {
            // if all we had was whitespace we skipped record it as
            // trailing whitespace as well
            trailing = true;

    if (fNormalizedStr.length > 1) {
        if (!fFirstChunk && (fWhiteSpace == XSSimpleType.WS_COLLAPSE)) {
            if (fTrailing) {
                // previous chunk ended on whitespace
                // insert whitespace
                fNormalizedStr.offset = 0;
      [0] = ' ';
            } else if (leading) {
                // previous chunk ended on character,
                // this chunk starts with whitespace
                fNormalizedStr.offset = 0;
      [0] = ' ';

    // The length includes the leading ' '. Now removing it.
    fNormalizedStr.length -= fNormalizedStr.offset;

    fTrailing = trailing;

    if (trailing || sawNonWS)
        fFirstChunk = false;
Example 11
Source File:    From jdk1.8-source-analysis with Apache License 2.0 4 votes vote down vote up
static void createBuiltInTypes(SymbolHash types) {
    // create base types first

    // full schema simple type names
    final String DOUBLE            = "double";
    final String DURATION          = "duration";
    final String ENTITY            = "ENTITY";
    final String ENTITIES          = "ENTITIES";
    final String FLOAT             = "float";
    final String HEXBINARY         = "hexBinary";
    final String ID                = "ID";
    final String IDREF             = "IDREF";
    final String IDREFS            = "IDREFS";
    final String NAME              = "Name";
    final String NCNAME            = "NCName";
    final String NMTOKEN           = "NMTOKEN";
    final String NMTOKENS          = "NMTOKENS";
    final String LANGUAGE          = "language";
    final String NORMALIZEDSTRING  = "normalizedString";
    final String NOTATION          = "NOTATION";
    final String QNAME             = "QName";
    final String STRING            = "string";
    final String TOKEN             = "token";

    final XSFacets facets = new XSFacets();

    XSSimpleTypeDecl anySimpleType = XSSimpleTypeDecl.fAnySimpleType;
    XSSimpleTypeDecl stringDV = (XSSimpleTypeDecl)types.get(STRING);

    types.put(FLOAT, new XSSimpleTypeDecl(anySimpleType, FLOAT, XSSimpleTypeDecl.DV_FLOAT, XSSimpleType.ORDERED_PARTIAL, true, true, true, true, XSConstants.FLOAT_DT));
    types.put(DOUBLE, new XSSimpleTypeDecl(anySimpleType, DOUBLE, XSSimpleTypeDecl.DV_DOUBLE, XSSimpleType.ORDERED_PARTIAL, true, true, true, true, XSConstants.DOUBLE_DT));
    types.put(DURATION, new XSSimpleTypeDecl(anySimpleType, DURATION, XSSimpleTypeDecl.DV_DURATION, XSSimpleType.ORDERED_PARTIAL, false, false, false, true, XSConstants.DURATION_DT));
    types.put(HEXBINARY, new XSSimpleTypeDecl(anySimpleType, HEXBINARY, XSSimpleTypeDecl.DV_HEXBINARY, XSSimpleType.ORDERED_FALSE, false, false, false, true, XSConstants.HEXBINARY_DT));
    types.put(QNAME, new XSSimpleTypeDecl(anySimpleType, QNAME, XSSimpleTypeDecl.DV_QNAME, XSSimpleType.ORDERED_FALSE, false, false, false, true, XSConstants.QNAME_DT));
    types.put(NOTATION, new XSSimpleTypeDecl(anySimpleType, NOTATION, XSSimpleTypeDecl.DV_NOTATION, XSSimpleType.ORDERED_FALSE, false, false, false, true, XSConstants.NOTATION_DT));

    facets.whiteSpace =  XSSimpleType.WS_REPLACE;
    XSSimpleTypeDecl normalizedDV = new XSSimpleTypeDecl(stringDV, NORMALIZEDSTRING , URI_SCHEMAFORSCHEMA, (short)0, false, null, XSConstants.NORMALIZEDSTRING_DT);
    normalizedDV.applyFacets1(facets, XSSimpleType.FACET_WHITESPACE, (short)0 );
    types.put(NORMALIZEDSTRING, normalizedDV);

    facets.whiteSpace = XSSimpleType.WS_COLLAPSE;
    XSSimpleTypeDecl tokenDV = new XSSimpleTypeDecl(normalizedDV, TOKEN , URI_SCHEMAFORSCHEMA, (short)0, false, null, XSConstants.TOKEN_DT);
    tokenDV.applyFacets1(facets, XSSimpleType.FACET_WHITESPACE, (short)0 );
    types.put(TOKEN, tokenDV);

    facets.whiteSpace = XSSimpleType.WS_COLLAPSE;
    facets.pattern  = "([a-zA-Z]{1,8})(-[a-zA-Z0-9]{1,8})*";
    XSSimpleTypeDecl languageDV = new XSSimpleTypeDecl(tokenDV, LANGUAGE , URI_SCHEMAFORSCHEMA, (short)0, false, null, XSConstants.LANGUAGE_DT);
    languageDV.applyFacets1(facets, (short)(XSSimpleType.FACET_WHITESPACE | XSSimpleType.FACET_PATTERN) ,(short)0);
    types.put(LANGUAGE, languageDV);

    facets.whiteSpace =  XSSimpleType.WS_COLLAPSE;
    XSSimpleTypeDecl nameDV = new XSSimpleTypeDecl(tokenDV, NAME , URI_SCHEMAFORSCHEMA, (short)0, false, null, XSConstants.NAME_DT);
    nameDV.applyFacets1(facets, XSSimpleType.FACET_WHITESPACE, (short)0, XSSimpleTypeDecl.SPECIAL_PATTERN_NAME);
    types.put(NAME, nameDV);

    facets.whiteSpace = XSSimpleType.WS_COLLAPSE;
    XSSimpleTypeDecl ncnameDV = new XSSimpleTypeDecl(nameDV, NCNAME , URI_SCHEMAFORSCHEMA, (short)0, false, null, XSConstants.NCNAME_DT) ;
    ncnameDV.applyFacets1(facets, XSSimpleType.FACET_WHITESPACE, (short)0, XSSimpleTypeDecl.SPECIAL_PATTERN_NCNAME);
    types.put(NCNAME, ncnameDV);

    types.put(ID, new XSSimpleTypeDecl(ncnameDV,  ID, XSSimpleTypeDecl.DV_ID, XSSimpleType.ORDERED_FALSE, false, false, false , true, XSConstants.ID_DT));
    XSSimpleTypeDecl idrefDV = new XSSimpleTypeDecl(ncnameDV,  IDREF , XSSimpleTypeDecl.DV_IDREF, XSSimpleType.ORDERED_FALSE, false, false, false, true, XSConstants.IDREF_DT);
    types.put(IDREF, idrefDV);

    facets.minLength = 1;
    XSSimpleTypeDecl tempDV = new XSSimpleTypeDecl(null, URI_SCHEMAFORSCHEMA, (short)0, idrefDV, true, null);
    XSSimpleTypeDecl idrefsDV = new XSSimpleTypeDecl(tempDV, IDREFS, URI_SCHEMAFORSCHEMA, (short)0, false, null);
    idrefsDV.applyFacets1(facets, XSSimpleType.FACET_MINLENGTH, (short)0);
    types.put(IDREFS, idrefsDV);

    XSSimpleTypeDecl entityDV = new XSSimpleTypeDecl(ncnameDV, ENTITY , XSSimpleTypeDecl.DV_ENTITY, XSSimpleType.ORDERED_FALSE, false, false, false, true, XSConstants.ENTITY_DT);
    types.put(ENTITY, entityDV);

    facets.minLength = 1;
    tempDV = new XSSimpleTypeDecl(null, URI_SCHEMAFORSCHEMA, (short)0, entityDV, true, null);
    XSSimpleTypeDecl entitiesDV = new XSSimpleTypeDecl(tempDV, ENTITIES, URI_SCHEMAFORSCHEMA, (short)0, false, null);
    entitiesDV.applyFacets1(facets, XSSimpleType.FACET_MINLENGTH, (short)0);
    types.put(ENTITIES, entitiesDV);

    facets.whiteSpace  = XSSimpleType.WS_COLLAPSE;
    XSSimpleTypeDecl nmtokenDV = new XSSimpleTypeDecl(tokenDV, NMTOKEN, URI_SCHEMAFORSCHEMA, (short)0, false, null, XSConstants.NMTOKEN_DT);
    nmtokenDV.applyFacets1(facets, XSSimpleType.FACET_WHITESPACE, (short)0, XSSimpleTypeDecl.SPECIAL_PATTERN_NMTOKEN);
    types.put(NMTOKEN, nmtokenDV);

    facets.minLength = 1;
    tempDV = new XSSimpleTypeDecl(null, URI_SCHEMAFORSCHEMA, (short)0, nmtokenDV, true, null);
    XSSimpleTypeDecl nmtokensDV = new XSSimpleTypeDecl(tempDV, NMTOKENS, URI_SCHEMAFORSCHEMA, (short)0, false, null);
    nmtokensDV.applyFacets1(facets, XSSimpleType.FACET_MINLENGTH, (short)0);
    types.put(NMTOKENS, nmtokensDV);
Example 12
Source File:    From openjdk-jdk8u with GNU General Public License v2.0 4 votes vote down vote up
 * Normalize whitespace in an XMLString according to the rules defined
 * in XML Schema specifications.
 * @param value    The string to normalize.
 * @param collapse replace or collapse
private void normalizeWhitespace(XMLString value, boolean collapse) {
    boolean skipSpace = collapse;
    boolean sawNonWS = false;
    boolean leading = false;
    boolean trailing = false;
    char c;
    int size = value.offset + value.length;

    // ensure the ch array is big enough
    if ( == null || < value.length + 1) { = new char[value.length + 1];
    // don't include the leading ' ' for now. might include it later.
    fNormalizedStr.offset = 1;
    fNormalizedStr.length = 1;

    for (int i = value.offset; i < size; i++) {
        c =[i];
        if (XMLChar.isSpace(c)) {
            if (!skipSpace) {
                // take the first whitespace as a space and skip the others
      [fNormalizedStr.length++] = ' ';
                skipSpace = collapse;
            if (!sawNonWS) {
                // this is a leading whitespace, record it
                leading = true;
        } else {
  [fNormalizedStr.length++] = c;
            skipSpace = false;
            sawNonWS = true;
    if (skipSpace) {
        if (fNormalizedStr.length > 1) {
            // if we finished on a space trim it but also record it
            trailing = true;
        } else if (leading && !fFirstChunk) {
            // if all we had was whitespace we skipped record it as
            // trailing whitespace as well
            trailing = true;

    if (fNormalizedStr.length > 1) {
        if (!fFirstChunk && (fWhiteSpace == XSSimpleType.WS_COLLAPSE)) {
            if (fTrailing) {
                // previous chunk ended on whitespace
                // insert whitespace
                fNormalizedStr.offset = 0;
      [0] = ' ';
            } else if (leading) {
                // previous chunk ended on character,
                // this chunk starts with whitespace
                fNormalizedStr.offset = 0;
      [0] = ' ';

    // The length includes the leading ' '. Now removing it.
    fNormalizedStr.length -= fNormalizedStr.offset;

    fTrailing = trailing;

    if (trailing || sawNonWS)
        fFirstChunk = false;
Example 13
Source File:    From openjdk-jdk8u with GNU General Public License v2.0 4 votes vote down vote up
static void createBuiltInTypes(SymbolHash types) {
    // create base types first

    // full schema simple type names
    final String DOUBLE            = "double";
    final String DURATION          = "duration";
    final String ENTITY            = "ENTITY";
    final String ENTITIES          = "ENTITIES";
    final String FLOAT             = "float";
    final String HEXBINARY         = "hexBinary";
    final String ID                = "ID";
    final String IDREF             = "IDREF";
    final String IDREFS            = "IDREFS";
    final String NAME              = "Name";
    final String NCNAME            = "NCName";
    final String NMTOKEN           = "NMTOKEN";
    final String NMTOKENS          = "NMTOKENS";
    final String LANGUAGE          = "language";
    final String NORMALIZEDSTRING  = "normalizedString";
    final String NOTATION          = "NOTATION";
    final String QNAME             = "QName";
    final String STRING            = "string";
    final String TOKEN             = "token";

    final XSFacets facets = new XSFacets();

    XSSimpleTypeDecl anySimpleType = XSSimpleTypeDecl.fAnySimpleType;
    XSSimpleTypeDecl stringDV = (XSSimpleTypeDecl)types.get(STRING);

    types.put(FLOAT, new XSSimpleTypeDecl(anySimpleType, FLOAT, XSSimpleTypeDecl.DV_FLOAT, XSSimpleType.ORDERED_PARTIAL, true, true, true, true, XSConstants.FLOAT_DT));
    types.put(DOUBLE, new XSSimpleTypeDecl(anySimpleType, DOUBLE, XSSimpleTypeDecl.DV_DOUBLE, XSSimpleType.ORDERED_PARTIAL, true, true, true, true, XSConstants.DOUBLE_DT));
    types.put(DURATION, new XSSimpleTypeDecl(anySimpleType, DURATION, XSSimpleTypeDecl.DV_DURATION, XSSimpleType.ORDERED_PARTIAL, false, false, false, true, XSConstants.DURATION_DT));
    types.put(HEXBINARY, new XSSimpleTypeDecl(anySimpleType, HEXBINARY, XSSimpleTypeDecl.DV_HEXBINARY, XSSimpleType.ORDERED_FALSE, false, false, false, true, XSConstants.HEXBINARY_DT));
    types.put(QNAME, new XSSimpleTypeDecl(anySimpleType, QNAME, XSSimpleTypeDecl.DV_QNAME, XSSimpleType.ORDERED_FALSE, false, false, false, true, XSConstants.QNAME_DT));
    types.put(NOTATION, new XSSimpleTypeDecl(anySimpleType, NOTATION, XSSimpleTypeDecl.DV_NOTATION, XSSimpleType.ORDERED_FALSE, false, false, false, true, XSConstants.NOTATION_DT));

    facets.whiteSpace =  XSSimpleType.WS_REPLACE;
    XSSimpleTypeDecl normalizedDV = new XSSimpleTypeDecl(stringDV, NORMALIZEDSTRING , URI_SCHEMAFORSCHEMA, (short)0, false, null, XSConstants.NORMALIZEDSTRING_DT);
    normalizedDV.applyFacets1(facets, XSSimpleType.FACET_WHITESPACE, (short)0 );
    types.put(NORMALIZEDSTRING, normalizedDV);

    facets.whiteSpace = XSSimpleType.WS_COLLAPSE;
    XSSimpleTypeDecl tokenDV = new XSSimpleTypeDecl(normalizedDV, TOKEN , URI_SCHEMAFORSCHEMA, (short)0, false, null, XSConstants.TOKEN_DT);
    tokenDV.applyFacets1(facets, XSSimpleType.FACET_WHITESPACE, (short)0 );
    types.put(TOKEN, tokenDV);

    facets.whiteSpace = XSSimpleType.WS_COLLAPSE;
    facets.pattern  = "([a-zA-Z]{1,8})(-[a-zA-Z0-9]{1,8})*";
    XSSimpleTypeDecl languageDV = new XSSimpleTypeDecl(tokenDV, LANGUAGE , URI_SCHEMAFORSCHEMA, (short)0, false, null, XSConstants.LANGUAGE_DT);
    languageDV.applyFacets1(facets, (short)(XSSimpleType.FACET_WHITESPACE | XSSimpleType.FACET_PATTERN) ,(short)0);
    types.put(LANGUAGE, languageDV);

    facets.whiteSpace =  XSSimpleType.WS_COLLAPSE;
    XSSimpleTypeDecl nameDV = new XSSimpleTypeDecl(tokenDV, NAME , URI_SCHEMAFORSCHEMA, (short)0, false, null, XSConstants.NAME_DT);
    nameDV.applyFacets1(facets, XSSimpleType.FACET_WHITESPACE, (short)0, XSSimpleTypeDecl.SPECIAL_PATTERN_NAME);
    types.put(NAME, nameDV);

    facets.whiteSpace = XSSimpleType.WS_COLLAPSE;
    XSSimpleTypeDecl ncnameDV = new XSSimpleTypeDecl(nameDV, NCNAME , URI_SCHEMAFORSCHEMA, (short)0, false, null, XSConstants.NCNAME_DT) ;
    ncnameDV.applyFacets1(facets, XSSimpleType.FACET_WHITESPACE, (short)0, XSSimpleTypeDecl.SPECIAL_PATTERN_NCNAME);
    types.put(NCNAME, ncnameDV);

    types.put(ID, new XSSimpleTypeDecl(ncnameDV,  ID, XSSimpleTypeDecl.DV_ID, XSSimpleType.ORDERED_FALSE, false, false, false , true, XSConstants.ID_DT));
    XSSimpleTypeDecl idrefDV = new XSSimpleTypeDecl(ncnameDV,  IDREF , XSSimpleTypeDecl.DV_IDREF, XSSimpleType.ORDERED_FALSE, false, false, false, true, XSConstants.IDREF_DT);
    types.put(IDREF, idrefDV);

    facets.minLength = 1;
    XSSimpleTypeDecl tempDV = new XSSimpleTypeDecl(null, URI_SCHEMAFORSCHEMA, (short)0, idrefDV, true, null);
    XSSimpleTypeDecl idrefsDV = new XSSimpleTypeDecl(tempDV, IDREFS, URI_SCHEMAFORSCHEMA, (short)0, false, null);
    idrefsDV.applyFacets1(facets, XSSimpleType.FACET_MINLENGTH, (short)0);
    types.put(IDREFS, idrefsDV);

    XSSimpleTypeDecl entityDV = new XSSimpleTypeDecl(ncnameDV, ENTITY , XSSimpleTypeDecl.DV_ENTITY, XSSimpleType.ORDERED_FALSE, false, false, false, true, XSConstants.ENTITY_DT);
    types.put(ENTITY, entityDV);

    facets.minLength = 1;
    tempDV = new XSSimpleTypeDecl(null, URI_SCHEMAFORSCHEMA, (short)0, entityDV, true, null);
    XSSimpleTypeDecl entitiesDV = new XSSimpleTypeDecl(tempDV, ENTITIES, URI_SCHEMAFORSCHEMA, (short)0, false, null);
    entitiesDV.applyFacets1(facets, XSSimpleType.FACET_MINLENGTH, (short)0);
    types.put(ENTITIES, entitiesDV);

    facets.whiteSpace  = XSSimpleType.WS_COLLAPSE;
    XSSimpleTypeDecl nmtokenDV = new XSSimpleTypeDecl(tokenDV, NMTOKEN, URI_SCHEMAFORSCHEMA, (short)0, false, null, XSConstants.NMTOKEN_DT);
    nmtokenDV.applyFacets1(facets, XSSimpleType.FACET_WHITESPACE, (short)0, XSSimpleTypeDecl.SPECIAL_PATTERN_NMTOKEN);
    types.put(NMTOKEN, nmtokenDV);

    facets.minLength = 1;
    tempDV = new XSSimpleTypeDecl(null, URI_SCHEMAFORSCHEMA, (short)0, nmtokenDV, true, null);
    XSSimpleTypeDecl nmtokensDV = new XSSimpleTypeDecl(tempDV, NMTOKENS, URI_SCHEMAFORSCHEMA, (short)0, false, null);
    nmtokensDV.applyFacets1(facets, XSSimpleType.FACET_MINLENGTH, (short)0);
    types.put(NMTOKENS, nmtokensDV);
Example 14
Source File:    From JDKSourceCode1.8 with MIT License 4 votes vote down vote up
 * Normalize whitespace in an XMLString according to the rules defined
 * in XML Schema specifications.
 * @param value    The string to normalize.
 * @param collapse replace or collapse
private void normalizeWhitespace(XMLString value, boolean collapse) {
    boolean skipSpace = collapse;
    boolean sawNonWS = false;
    boolean leading = false;
    boolean trailing = false;
    char c;
    int size = value.offset + value.length;

    // ensure the ch array is big enough
    if ( == null || < value.length + 1) { = new char[value.length + 1];
    // don't include the leading ' ' for now. might include it later.
    fNormalizedStr.offset = 1;
    fNormalizedStr.length = 1;

    for (int i = value.offset; i < size; i++) {
        c =[i];
        if (XMLChar.isSpace(c)) {
            if (!skipSpace) {
                // take the first whitespace as a space and skip the others
      [fNormalizedStr.length++] = ' ';
                skipSpace = collapse;
            if (!sawNonWS) {
                // this is a leading whitespace, record it
                leading = true;
        } else {
  [fNormalizedStr.length++] = c;
            skipSpace = false;
            sawNonWS = true;
    if (skipSpace) {
        if (fNormalizedStr.length > 1) {
            // if we finished on a space trim it but also record it
            trailing = true;
        } else if (leading && !fFirstChunk) {
            // if all we had was whitespace we skipped record it as
            // trailing whitespace as well
            trailing = true;

    if (fNormalizedStr.length > 1) {
        if (!fFirstChunk && (fWhiteSpace == XSSimpleType.WS_COLLAPSE)) {
            if (fTrailing) {
                // previous chunk ended on whitespace
                // insert whitespace
                fNormalizedStr.offset = 0;
      [0] = ' ';
            } else if (leading) {
                // previous chunk ended on character,
                // this chunk starts with whitespace
                fNormalizedStr.offset = 0;
      [0] = ' ';

    // The length includes the leading ' '. Now removing it.
    fNormalizedStr.length -= fNormalizedStr.offset;

    fTrailing = trailing;

    if (trailing || sawNonWS)
        fFirstChunk = false;
Example 15
Source File:    From JDKSourceCode1.8 with MIT License 4 votes vote down vote up
static void createBuiltInTypes(SymbolHash types) {
    // create base types first

    // full schema simple type names
    final String DOUBLE            = "double";
    final String DURATION          = "duration";
    final String ENTITY            = "ENTITY";
    final String ENTITIES          = "ENTITIES";
    final String FLOAT             = "float";
    final String HEXBINARY         = "hexBinary";
    final String ID                = "ID";
    final String IDREF             = "IDREF";
    final String IDREFS            = "IDREFS";
    final String NAME              = "Name";
    final String NCNAME            = "NCName";
    final String NMTOKEN           = "NMTOKEN";
    final String NMTOKENS          = "NMTOKENS";
    final String LANGUAGE          = "language";
    final String NORMALIZEDSTRING  = "normalizedString";
    final String NOTATION          = "NOTATION";
    final String QNAME             = "QName";
    final String STRING            = "string";
    final String TOKEN             = "token";

    final XSFacets facets = new XSFacets();

    XSSimpleTypeDecl anySimpleType = XSSimpleTypeDecl.fAnySimpleType;
    XSSimpleTypeDecl stringDV = (XSSimpleTypeDecl)types.get(STRING);

    types.put(FLOAT, new XSSimpleTypeDecl(anySimpleType, FLOAT, XSSimpleTypeDecl.DV_FLOAT, XSSimpleType.ORDERED_PARTIAL, true, true, true, true, XSConstants.FLOAT_DT));
    types.put(DOUBLE, new XSSimpleTypeDecl(anySimpleType, DOUBLE, XSSimpleTypeDecl.DV_DOUBLE, XSSimpleType.ORDERED_PARTIAL, true, true, true, true, XSConstants.DOUBLE_DT));
    types.put(DURATION, new XSSimpleTypeDecl(anySimpleType, DURATION, XSSimpleTypeDecl.DV_DURATION, XSSimpleType.ORDERED_PARTIAL, false, false, false, true, XSConstants.DURATION_DT));
    types.put(HEXBINARY, new XSSimpleTypeDecl(anySimpleType, HEXBINARY, XSSimpleTypeDecl.DV_HEXBINARY, XSSimpleType.ORDERED_FALSE, false, false, false, true, XSConstants.HEXBINARY_DT));
    types.put(QNAME, new XSSimpleTypeDecl(anySimpleType, QNAME, XSSimpleTypeDecl.DV_QNAME, XSSimpleType.ORDERED_FALSE, false, false, false, true, XSConstants.QNAME_DT));
    types.put(NOTATION, new XSSimpleTypeDecl(anySimpleType, NOTATION, XSSimpleTypeDecl.DV_NOTATION, XSSimpleType.ORDERED_FALSE, false, false, false, true, XSConstants.NOTATION_DT));

    facets.whiteSpace =  XSSimpleType.WS_REPLACE;
    XSSimpleTypeDecl normalizedDV = new XSSimpleTypeDecl(stringDV, NORMALIZEDSTRING , URI_SCHEMAFORSCHEMA, (short)0, false, null, XSConstants.NORMALIZEDSTRING_DT);
    normalizedDV.applyFacets1(facets, XSSimpleType.FACET_WHITESPACE, (short)0 );
    types.put(NORMALIZEDSTRING, normalizedDV);

    facets.whiteSpace = XSSimpleType.WS_COLLAPSE;
    XSSimpleTypeDecl tokenDV = new XSSimpleTypeDecl(normalizedDV, TOKEN , URI_SCHEMAFORSCHEMA, (short)0, false, null, XSConstants.TOKEN_DT);
    tokenDV.applyFacets1(facets, XSSimpleType.FACET_WHITESPACE, (short)0 );
    types.put(TOKEN, tokenDV);

    facets.whiteSpace = XSSimpleType.WS_COLLAPSE;
    facets.pattern  = "([a-zA-Z]{1,8})(-[a-zA-Z0-9]{1,8})*";
    XSSimpleTypeDecl languageDV = new XSSimpleTypeDecl(tokenDV, LANGUAGE , URI_SCHEMAFORSCHEMA, (short)0, false, null, XSConstants.LANGUAGE_DT);
    languageDV.applyFacets1(facets, (short)(XSSimpleType.FACET_WHITESPACE | XSSimpleType.FACET_PATTERN) ,(short)0);
    types.put(LANGUAGE, languageDV);

    facets.whiteSpace =  XSSimpleType.WS_COLLAPSE;
    XSSimpleTypeDecl nameDV = new XSSimpleTypeDecl(tokenDV, NAME , URI_SCHEMAFORSCHEMA, (short)0, false, null, XSConstants.NAME_DT);
    nameDV.applyFacets1(facets, XSSimpleType.FACET_WHITESPACE, (short)0, XSSimpleTypeDecl.SPECIAL_PATTERN_NAME);
    types.put(NAME, nameDV);

    facets.whiteSpace = XSSimpleType.WS_COLLAPSE;
    XSSimpleTypeDecl ncnameDV = new XSSimpleTypeDecl(nameDV, NCNAME , URI_SCHEMAFORSCHEMA, (short)0, false, null, XSConstants.NCNAME_DT) ;
    ncnameDV.applyFacets1(facets, XSSimpleType.FACET_WHITESPACE, (short)0, XSSimpleTypeDecl.SPECIAL_PATTERN_NCNAME);
    types.put(NCNAME, ncnameDV);

    types.put(ID, new XSSimpleTypeDecl(ncnameDV,  ID, XSSimpleTypeDecl.DV_ID, XSSimpleType.ORDERED_FALSE, false, false, false , true, XSConstants.ID_DT));
    XSSimpleTypeDecl idrefDV = new XSSimpleTypeDecl(ncnameDV,  IDREF , XSSimpleTypeDecl.DV_IDREF, XSSimpleType.ORDERED_FALSE, false, false, false, true, XSConstants.IDREF_DT);
    types.put(IDREF, idrefDV);

    facets.minLength = 1;
    XSSimpleTypeDecl tempDV = new XSSimpleTypeDecl(null, URI_SCHEMAFORSCHEMA, (short)0, idrefDV, true, null);
    XSSimpleTypeDecl idrefsDV = new XSSimpleTypeDecl(tempDV, IDREFS, URI_SCHEMAFORSCHEMA, (short)0, false, null);
    idrefsDV.applyFacets1(facets, XSSimpleType.FACET_MINLENGTH, (short)0);
    types.put(IDREFS, idrefsDV);

    XSSimpleTypeDecl entityDV = new XSSimpleTypeDecl(ncnameDV, ENTITY , XSSimpleTypeDecl.DV_ENTITY, XSSimpleType.ORDERED_FALSE, false, false, false, true, XSConstants.ENTITY_DT);
    types.put(ENTITY, entityDV);

    facets.minLength = 1;
    tempDV = new XSSimpleTypeDecl(null, URI_SCHEMAFORSCHEMA, (short)0, entityDV, true, null);
    XSSimpleTypeDecl entitiesDV = new XSSimpleTypeDecl(tempDV, ENTITIES, URI_SCHEMAFORSCHEMA, (short)0, false, null);
    entitiesDV.applyFacets1(facets, XSSimpleType.FACET_MINLENGTH, (short)0);
    types.put(ENTITIES, entitiesDV);

    facets.whiteSpace  = XSSimpleType.WS_COLLAPSE;
    XSSimpleTypeDecl nmtokenDV = new XSSimpleTypeDecl(tokenDV, NMTOKEN, URI_SCHEMAFORSCHEMA, (short)0, false, null, XSConstants.NMTOKEN_DT);
    nmtokenDV.applyFacets1(facets, XSSimpleType.FACET_WHITESPACE, (short)0, XSSimpleTypeDecl.SPECIAL_PATTERN_NMTOKEN);
    types.put(NMTOKEN, nmtokenDV);

    facets.minLength = 1;
    tempDV = new XSSimpleTypeDecl(null, URI_SCHEMAFORSCHEMA, (short)0, nmtokenDV, true, null);
    XSSimpleTypeDecl nmtokensDV = new XSSimpleTypeDecl(tempDV, NMTOKENS, URI_SCHEMAFORSCHEMA, (short)0, false, null);
    nmtokensDV.applyFacets1(facets, XSSimpleType.FACET_MINLENGTH, (short)0);
    types.put(NMTOKENS, nmtokensDV);
Example 16
Source File:    From jdk8u60 with GNU General Public License v2.0 4 votes vote down vote up
 * Normalize whitespace in an XMLString according to the rules defined
 * in XML Schema specifications.
 * @param value    The string to normalize.
 * @param collapse replace or collapse
private void normalizeWhitespace(XMLString value, boolean collapse) {
    boolean skipSpace = collapse;
    boolean sawNonWS = false;
    boolean leading = false;
    boolean trailing = false;
    char c;
    int size = value.offset + value.length;

    // ensure the ch array is big enough
    if ( == null || < value.length + 1) { = new char[value.length + 1];
    // don't include the leading ' ' for now. might include it later.
    fNormalizedStr.offset = 1;
    fNormalizedStr.length = 1;

    for (int i = value.offset; i < size; i++) {
        c =[i];
        if (XMLChar.isSpace(c)) {
            if (!skipSpace) {
                // take the first whitespace as a space and skip the others
      [fNormalizedStr.length++] = ' ';
                skipSpace = collapse;
            if (!sawNonWS) {
                // this is a leading whitespace, record it
                leading = true;
        } else {
  [fNormalizedStr.length++] = c;
            skipSpace = false;
            sawNonWS = true;
    if (skipSpace) {
        if (fNormalizedStr.length > 1) {
            // if we finished on a space trim it but also record it
            trailing = true;
        } else if (leading && !fFirstChunk) {
            // if all we had was whitespace we skipped record it as
            // trailing whitespace as well
            trailing = true;

    if (fNormalizedStr.length > 1) {
        if (!fFirstChunk && (fWhiteSpace == XSSimpleType.WS_COLLAPSE)) {
            if (fTrailing) {
                // previous chunk ended on whitespace
                // insert whitespace
                fNormalizedStr.offset = 0;
      [0] = ' ';
            } else if (leading) {
                // previous chunk ended on character,
                // this chunk starts with whitespace
                fNormalizedStr.offset = 0;
      [0] = ' ';

    // The length includes the leading ' '. Now removing it.
    fNormalizedStr.length -= fNormalizedStr.offset;

    fTrailing = trailing;

    if (trailing || sawNonWS)
        fFirstChunk = false;
Example 17
Source File:    From jdk8u60 with GNU General Public License v2.0 4 votes vote down vote up
static void createBuiltInTypes(SymbolHash types) {
    // create base types first

    // full schema simple type names
    final String DOUBLE            = "double";
    final String DURATION          = "duration";
    final String ENTITY            = "ENTITY";
    final String ENTITIES          = "ENTITIES";
    final String FLOAT             = "float";
    final String HEXBINARY         = "hexBinary";
    final String ID                = "ID";
    final String IDREF             = "IDREF";
    final String IDREFS            = "IDREFS";
    final String NAME              = "Name";
    final String NCNAME            = "NCName";
    final String NMTOKEN           = "NMTOKEN";
    final String NMTOKENS          = "NMTOKENS";
    final String LANGUAGE          = "language";
    final String NORMALIZEDSTRING  = "normalizedString";
    final String NOTATION          = "NOTATION";
    final String QNAME             = "QName";
    final String STRING            = "string";
    final String TOKEN             = "token";

    final XSFacets facets = new XSFacets();

    XSSimpleTypeDecl anySimpleType = XSSimpleTypeDecl.fAnySimpleType;
    XSSimpleTypeDecl stringDV = (XSSimpleTypeDecl)types.get(STRING);

    types.put(FLOAT, new XSSimpleTypeDecl(anySimpleType, FLOAT, XSSimpleTypeDecl.DV_FLOAT, XSSimpleType.ORDERED_PARTIAL, true, true, true, true, XSConstants.FLOAT_DT));
    types.put(DOUBLE, new XSSimpleTypeDecl(anySimpleType, DOUBLE, XSSimpleTypeDecl.DV_DOUBLE, XSSimpleType.ORDERED_PARTIAL, true, true, true, true, XSConstants.DOUBLE_DT));
    types.put(DURATION, new XSSimpleTypeDecl(anySimpleType, DURATION, XSSimpleTypeDecl.DV_DURATION, XSSimpleType.ORDERED_PARTIAL, false, false, false, true, XSConstants.DURATION_DT));
    types.put(HEXBINARY, new XSSimpleTypeDecl(anySimpleType, HEXBINARY, XSSimpleTypeDecl.DV_HEXBINARY, XSSimpleType.ORDERED_FALSE, false, false, false, true, XSConstants.HEXBINARY_DT));
    types.put(QNAME, new XSSimpleTypeDecl(anySimpleType, QNAME, XSSimpleTypeDecl.DV_QNAME, XSSimpleType.ORDERED_FALSE, false, false, false, true, XSConstants.QNAME_DT));
    types.put(NOTATION, new XSSimpleTypeDecl(anySimpleType, NOTATION, XSSimpleTypeDecl.DV_NOTATION, XSSimpleType.ORDERED_FALSE, false, false, false, true, XSConstants.NOTATION_DT));

    facets.whiteSpace =  XSSimpleType.WS_REPLACE;
    XSSimpleTypeDecl normalizedDV = new XSSimpleTypeDecl(stringDV, NORMALIZEDSTRING , URI_SCHEMAFORSCHEMA, (short)0, false, null, XSConstants.NORMALIZEDSTRING_DT);
    normalizedDV.applyFacets1(facets, XSSimpleType.FACET_WHITESPACE, (short)0 );
    types.put(NORMALIZEDSTRING, normalizedDV);

    facets.whiteSpace = XSSimpleType.WS_COLLAPSE;
    XSSimpleTypeDecl tokenDV = new XSSimpleTypeDecl(normalizedDV, TOKEN , URI_SCHEMAFORSCHEMA, (short)0, false, null, XSConstants.TOKEN_DT);
    tokenDV.applyFacets1(facets, XSSimpleType.FACET_WHITESPACE, (short)0 );
    types.put(TOKEN, tokenDV);

    facets.whiteSpace = XSSimpleType.WS_COLLAPSE;
    facets.pattern  = "([a-zA-Z]{1,8})(-[a-zA-Z0-9]{1,8})*";
    XSSimpleTypeDecl languageDV = new XSSimpleTypeDecl(tokenDV, LANGUAGE , URI_SCHEMAFORSCHEMA, (short)0, false, null, XSConstants.LANGUAGE_DT);
    languageDV.applyFacets1(facets, (short)(XSSimpleType.FACET_WHITESPACE | XSSimpleType.FACET_PATTERN) ,(short)0);
    types.put(LANGUAGE, languageDV);

    facets.whiteSpace =  XSSimpleType.WS_COLLAPSE;
    XSSimpleTypeDecl nameDV = new XSSimpleTypeDecl(tokenDV, NAME , URI_SCHEMAFORSCHEMA, (short)0, false, null, XSConstants.NAME_DT);
    nameDV.applyFacets1(facets, XSSimpleType.FACET_WHITESPACE, (short)0, XSSimpleTypeDecl.SPECIAL_PATTERN_NAME);
    types.put(NAME, nameDV);

    facets.whiteSpace = XSSimpleType.WS_COLLAPSE;
    XSSimpleTypeDecl ncnameDV = new XSSimpleTypeDecl(nameDV, NCNAME , URI_SCHEMAFORSCHEMA, (short)0, false, null, XSConstants.NCNAME_DT) ;
    ncnameDV.applyFacets1(facets, XSSimpleType.FACET_WHITESPACE, (short)0, XSSimpleTypeDecl.SPECIAL_PATTERN_NCNAME);
    types.put(NCNAME, ncnameDV);

    types.put(ID, new XSSimpleTypeDecl(ncnameDV,  ID, XSSimpleTypeDecl.DV_ID, XSSimpleType.ORDERED_FALSE, false, false, false , true, XSConstants.ID_DT));
    XSSimpleTypeDecl idrefDV = new XSSimpleTypeDecl(ncnameDV,  IDREF , XSSimpleTypeDecl.DV_IDREF, XSSimpleType.ORDERED_FALSE, false, false, false, true, XSConstants.IDREF_DT);
    types.put(IDREF, idrefDV);

    facets.minLength = 1;
    XSSimpleTypeDecl tempDV = new XSSimpleTypeDecl(null, URI_SCHEMAFORSCHEMA, (short)0, idrefDV, true, null);
    XSSimpleTypeDecl idrefsDV = new XSSimpleTypeDecl(tempDV, IDREFS, URI_SCHEMAFORSCHEMA, (short)0, false, null);
    idrefsDV.applyFacets1(facets, XSSimpleType.FACET_MINLENGTH, (short)0);
    types.put(IDREFS, idrefsDV);

    XSSimpleTypeDecl entityDV = new XSSimpleTypeDecl(ncnameDV, ENTITY , XSSimpleTypeDecl.DV_ENTITY, XSSimpleType.ORDERED_FALSE, false, false, false, true, XSConstants.ENTITY_DT);
    types.put(ENTITY, entityDV);

    facets.minLength = 1;
    tempDV = new XSSimpleTypeDecl(null, URI_SCHEMAFORSCHEMA, (short)0, entityDV, true, null);
    XSSimpleTypeDecl entitiesDV = new XSSimpleTypeDecl(tempDV, ENTITIES, URI_SCHEMAFORSCHEMA, (short)0, false, null);
    entitiesDV.applyFacets1(facets, XSSimpleType.FACET_MINLENGTH, (short)0);
    types.put(ENTITIES, entitiesDV);

    facets.whiteSpace  = XSSimpleType.WS_COLLAPSE;
    XSSimpleTypeDecl nmtokenDV = new XSSimpleTypeDecl(tokenDV, NMTOKEN, URI_SCHEMAFORSCHEMA, (short)0, false, null, XSConstants.NMTOKEN_DT);
    nmtokenDV.applyFacets1(facets, XSSimpleType.FACET_WHITESPACE, (short)0, XSSimpleTypeDecl.SPECIAL_PATTERN_NMTOKEN);
    types.put(NMTOKEN, nmtokenDV);

    facets.minLength = 1;
    tempDV = new XSSimpleTypeDecl(null, URI_SCHEMAFORSCHEMA, (short)0, nmtokenDV, true, null);
    XSSimpleTypeDecl nmtokensDV = new XSSimpleTypeDecl(tempDV, NMTOKENS, URI_SCHEMAFORSCHEMA, (short)0, false, null);
    nmtokensDV.applyFacets1(facets, XSSimpleType.FACET_MINLENGTH, (short)0);
    types.put(NMTOKENS, nmtokensDV);
Example 18
Source File:    From TencentKona-8 with GNU General Public License v2.0 4 votes vote down vote up
 * Normalize whitespace in an XMLString according to the rules defined
 * in XML Schema specifications.
 * @param value    The string to normalize.
 * @param collapse replace or collapse
private void normalizeWhitespace(XMLString value, boolean collapse) {
    boolean skipSpace = collapse;
    boolean sawNonWS = false;
    boolean leading = false;
    boolean trailing = false;
    char c;
    int size = value.offset + value.length;

    // ensure the ch array is big enough
    if ( == null || < value.length + 1) { = new char[value.length + 1];
    // don't include the leading ' ' for now. might include it later.
    fNormalizedStr.offset = 1;
    fNormalizedStr.length = 1;

    for (int i = value.offset; i < size; i++) {
        c =[i];
        if (XMLChar.isSpace(c)) {
            if (!skipSpace) {
                // take the first whitespace as a space and skip the others
      [fNormalizedStr.length++] = ' ';
                skipSpace = collapse;
            if (!sawNonWS) {
                // this is a leading whitespace, record it
                leading = true;
        } else {
  [fNormalizedStr.length++] = c;
            skipSpace = false;
            sawNonWS = true;
    if (skipSpace) {
        if (fNormalizedStr.length > 1) {
            // if we finished on a space trim it but also record it
            trailing = true;
        } else if (leading && !fFirstChunk) {
            // if all we had was whitespace we skipped record it as
            // trailing whitespace as well
            trailing = true;

    if (fNormalizedStr.length > 1) {
        if (!fFirstChunk && (fWhiteSpace == XSSimpleType.WS_COLLAPSE)) {
            if (fTrailing) {
                // previous chunk ended on whitespace
                // insert whitespace
                fNormalizedStr.offset = 0;
      [0] = ' ';
            } else if (leading) {
                // previous chunk ended on character,
                // this chunk starts with whitespace
                fNormalizedStr.offset = 0;
      [0] = ' ';

    // The length includes the leading ' '. Now removing it.
    fNormalizedStr.length -= fNormalizedStr.offset;

    fTrailing = trailing;

    if (trailing || sawNonWS)
        fFirstChunk = false;
Example 19
Source File:    From TencentKona-8 with GNU General Public License v2.0 4 votes vote down vote up
static void createBuiltInTypes(SymbolHash types) {
    // create base types first

    // full schema simple type names
    final String DOUBLE            = "double";
    final String DURATION          = "duration";
    final String ENTITY            = "ENTITY";
    final String ENTITIES          = "ENTITIES";
    final String FLOAT             = "float";
    final String HEXBINARY         = "hexBinary";
    final String ID                = "ID";
    final String IDREF             = "IDREF";
    final String IDREFS            = "IDREFS";
    final String NAME              = "Name";
    final String NCNAME            = "NCName";
    final String NMTOKEN           = "NMTOKEN";
    final String NMTOKENS          = "NMTOKENS";
    final String LANGUAGE          = "language";
    final String NORMALIZEDSTRING  = "normalizedString";
    final String NOTATION          = "NOTATION";
    final String QNAME             = "QName";
    final String STRING            = "string";
    final String TOKEN             = "token";

    final XSFacets facets = new XSFacets();

    XSSimpleTypeDecl anySimpleType = XSSimpleTypeDecl.fAnySimpleType;
    XSSimpleTypeDecl stringDV = (XSSimpleTypeDecl)types.get(STRING);

    types.put(FLOAT, new XSSimpleTypeDecl(anySimpleType, FLOAT, XSSimpleTypeDecl.DV_FLOAT, XSSimpleType.ORDERED_PARTIAL, true, true, true, true, XSConstants.FLOAT_DT));
    types.put(DOUBLE, new XSSimpleTypeDecl(anySimpleType, DOUBLE, XSSimpleTypeDecl.DV_DOUBLE, XSSimpleType.ORDERED_PARTIAL, true, true, true, true, XSConstants.DOUBLE_DT));
    types.put(DURATION, new XSSimpleTypeDecl(anySimpleType, DURATION, XSSimpleTypeDecl.DV_DURATION, XSSimpleType.ORDERED_PARTIAL, false, false, false, true, XSConstants.DURATION_DT));
    types.put(HEXBINARY, new XSSimpleTypeDecl(anySimpleType, HEXBINARY, XSSimpleTypeDecl.DV_HEXBINARY, XSSimpleType.ORDERED_FALSE, false, false, false, true, XSConstants.HEXBINARY_DT));
    types.put(QNAME, new XSSimpleTypeDecl(anySimpleType, QNAME, XSSimpleTypeDecl.DV_QNAME, XSSimpleType.ORDERED_FALSE, false, false, false, true, XSConstants.QNAME_DT));
    types.put(NOTATION, new XSSimpleTypeDecl(anySimpleType, NOTATION, XSSimpleTypeDecl.DV_NOTATION, XSSimpleType.ORDERED_FALSE, false, false, false, true, XSConstants.NOTATION_DT));

    facets.whiteSpace =  XSSimpleType.WS_REPLACE;
    XSSimpleTypeDecl normalizedDV = new XSSimpleTypeDecl(stringDV, NORMALIZEDSTRING , URI_SCHEMAFORSCHEMA, (short)0, false, null, XSConstants.NORMALIZEDSTRING_DT);
    normalizedDV.applyFacets1(facets, XSSimpleType.FACET_WHITESPACE, (short)0 );
    types.put(NORMALIZEDSTRING, normalizedDV);

    facets.whiteSpace = XSSimpleType.WS_COLLAPSE;
    XSSimpleTypeDecl tokenDV = new XSSimpleTypeDecl(normalizedDV, TOKEN , URI_SCHEMAFORSCHEMA, (short)0, false, null, XSConstants.TOKEN_DT);
    tokenDV.applyFacets1(facets, XSSimpleType.FACET_WHITESPACE, (short)0 );
    types.put(TOKEN, tokenDV);

    facets.whiteSpace = XSSimpleType.WS_COLLAPSE;
    facets.pattern  = "([a-zA-Z]{1,8})(-[a-zA-Z0-9]{1,8})*";
    XSSimpleTypeDecl languageDV = new XSSimpleTypeDecl(tokenDV, LANGUAGE , URI_SCHEMAFORSCHEMA, (short)0, false, null, XSConstants.LANGUAGE_DT);
    languageDV.applyFacets1(facets, (short)(XSSimpleType.FACET_WHITESPACE | XSSimpleType.FACET_PATTERN) ,(short)0);
    types.put(LANGUAGE, languageDV);

    facets.whiteSpace =  XSSimpleType.WS_COLLAPSE;
    XSSimpleTypeDecl nameDV = new XSSimpleTypeDecl(tokenDV, NAME , URI_SCHEMAFORSCHEMA, (short)0, false, null, XSConstants.NAME_DT);
    nameDV.applyFacets1(facets, XSSimpleType.FACET_WHITESPACE, (short)0, XSSimpleTypeDecl.SPECIAL_PATTERN_NAME);
    types.put(NAME, nameDV);

    facets.whiteSpace = XSSimpleType.WS_COLLAPSE;
    XSSimpleTypeDecl ncnameDV = new XSSimpleTypeDecl(nameDV, NCNAME , URI_SCHEMAFORSCHEMA, (short)0, false, null, XSConstants.NCNAME_DT) ;
    ncnameDV.applyFacets1(facets, XSSimpleType.FACET_WHITESPACE, (short)0, XSSimpleTypeDecl.SPECIAL_PATTERN_NCNAME);
    types.put(NCNAME, ncnameDV);

    types.put(ID, new XSSimpleTypeDecl(ncnameDV,  ID, XSSimpleTypeDecl.DV_ID, XSSimpleType.ORDERED_FALSE, false, false, false , true, XSConstants.ID_DT));
    XSSimpleTypeDecl idrefDV = new XSSimpleTypeDecl(ncnameDV,  IDREF , XSSimpleTypeDecl.DV_IDREF, XSSimpleType.ORDERED_FALSE, false, false, false, true, XSConstants.IDREF_DT);
    types.put(IDREF, idrefDV);

    facets.minLength = 1;
    XSSimpleTypeDecl tempDV = new XSSimpleTypeDecl(null, URI_SCHEMAFORSCHEMA, (short)0, idrefDV, true, null);
    XSSimpleTypeDecl idrefsDV = new XSSimpleTypeDecl(tempDV, IDREFS, URI_SCHEMAFORSCHEMA, (short)0, false, null);
    idrefsDV.applyFacets1(facets, XSSimpleType.FACET_MINLENGTH, (short)0);
    types.put(IDREFS, idrefsDV);

    XSSimpleTypeDecl entityDV = new XSSimpleTypeDecl(ncnameDV, ENTITY , XSSimpleTypeDecl.DV_ENTITY, XSSimpleType.ORDERED_FALSE, false, false, false, true, XSConstants.ENTITY_DT);
    types.put(ENTITY, entityDV);

    facets.minLength = 1;
    tempDV = new XSSimpleTypeDecl(null, URI_SCHEMAFORSCHEMA, (short)0, entityDV, true, null);
    XSSimpleTypeDecl entitiesDV = new XSSimpleTypeDecl(tempDV, ENTITIES, URI_SCHEMAFORSCHEMA, (short)0, false, null);
    entitiesDV.applyFacets1(facets, XSSimpleType.FACET_MINLENGTH, (short)0);
    types.put(ENTITIES, entitiesDV);

    facets.whiteSpace  = XSSimpleType.WS_COLLAPSE;
    XSSimpleTypeDecl nmtokenDV = new XSSimpleTypeDecl(tokenDV, NMTOKEN, URI_SCHEMAFORSCHEMA, (short)0, false, null, XSConstants.NMTOKEN_DT);
    nmtokenDV.applyFacets1(facets, XSSimpleType.FACET_WHITESPACE, (short)0, XSSimpleTypeDecl.SPECIAL_PATTERN_NMTOKEN);
    types.put(NMTOKEN, nmtokenDV);

    facets.minLength = 1;
    tempDV = new XSSimpleTypeDecl(null, URI_SCHEMAFORSCHEMA, (short)0, nmtokenDV, true, null);
    XSSimpleTypeDecl nmtokensDV = new XSSimpleTypeDecl(tempDV, NMTOKENS, URI_SCHEMAFORSCHEMA, (short)0, false, null);
    nmtokensDV.applyFacets1(facets, XSSimpleType.FACET_MINLENGTH, (short)0);
    types.put(NMTOKENS, nmtokensDV);
Example 20
Source File:    From jdk1.8-source-analysis with Apache License 2.0 4 votes vote down vote up
 * Normalize whitespace in an XMLString according to the rules defined
 * in XML Schema specifications.
 * @param value    The string to normalize.
 * @param collapse replace or collapse
private void normalizeWhitespace(XMLString value, boolean collapse) {
    boolean skipSpace = collapse;
    boolean sawNonWS = false;
    boolean leading = false;
    boolean trailing = false;
    char c;
    int size = value.offset + value.length;

    // ensure the ch array is big enough
    if ( == null || < value.length + 1) { = new char[value.length + 1];
    // don't include the leading ' ' for now. might include it later.
    fNormalizedStr.offset = 1;
    fNormalizedStr.length = 1;

    for (int i = value.offset; i < size; i++) {
        c =[i];
        if (XMLChar.isSpace(c)) {
            if (!skipSpace) {
                // take the first whitespace as a space and skip the others
      [fNormalizedStr.length++] = ' ';
                skipSpace = collapse;
            if (!sawNonWS) {
                // this is a leading whitespace, record it
                leading = true;
        } else {
  [fNormalizedStr.length++] = c;
            skipSpace = false;
            sawNonWS = true;
    if (skipSpace) {
        if (fNormalizedStr.length > 1) {
            // if we finished on a space trim it but also record it
            trailing = true;
        } else if (leading && !fFirstChunk) {
            // if all we had was whitespace we skipped record it as
            // trailing whitespace as well
            trailing = true;

    if (fNormalizedStr.length > 1) {
        if (!fFirstChunk && (fWhiteSpace == XSSimpleType.WS_COLLAPSE)) {
            if (fTrailing) {
                // previous chunk ended on whitespace
                // insert whitespace
                fNormalizedStr.offset = 0;
      [0] = ' ';
            } else if (leading) {
                // previous chunk ended on character,
                // this chunk starts with whitespace
                fNormalizedStr.offset = 0;
      [0] = ' ';

    // The length includes the leading ' '. Now removing it.
    fNormalizedStr.length -= fNormalizedStr.offset;

    fTrailing = trailing;

    if (trailing || sawNonWS)
        fFirstChunk = false;