Java Code Examples for org.apache.kafka.common.Cluster#partition()

The following examples show how to use org.apache.kafka.common.Cluster#partition() . You can vote up the ones you like or vote down the ones you don't like, and go to the original project or source file by following the links above each example. You may check out the related API usage on the sidebar.
Example 1
Source File:    From cruise-control with BSD 2-Clause "Simplified" License 5 votes vote down vote up
 * @return True if the metadata has changed, false otherwise.
public static boolean metadataChanged(Cluster prev, Cluster curr) {
  // Broker has changed.
  Set<Node> prevNodeSet = new HashSet<>(prev.nodes());
  if (prevNodeSet.size() != curr.nodes().size()) {
    return true;
  if (!prevNodeSet.isEmpty()) {
    return true;
  // Topic has changed
  if (!prev.topics().equals(curr.topics())) {
    return true;

  // partition has changed.
  for (String topic : prev.topics()) {
    if (!prev.partitionCountForTopic(topic).equals(curr.partitionCountForTopic(topic))) {
      return true;
    for (PartitionInfo prevPartInfo : prev.partitionsForTopic(topic)) {
      PartitionInfo currPartInfo = curr.partition(new TopicPartition(prevPartInfo.topic(), prevPartInfo.partition()));
      if (leaderChanged(prevPartInfo, currPartInfo) || replicaListChanged(prevPartInfo, currPartInfo)) {
        return true;
  return false;
Example 2
Source File:    From cruise-control with BSD 2-Clause "Simplified" License 5 votes vote down vote up
 * For each proposal, create a replica action task if there is a need for moving replica(s) between brokers to reach
 * expected final proposal state.
 * @param proposals Execution proposals.
 * @param cluster Kafka cluster state.
 * @param replicaMovementStrategy The strategy used to determine the execution order of generated replica movement tasks.
private void maybeAddInterBrokerReplicaMovementTasks(Collection<ExecutionProposal> proposals,
                                                     Cluster cluster,
                                                     ReplicaMovementStrategy replicaMovementStrategy) {
  for (ExecutionProposal proposal : proposals) {
    TopicPartition tp = proposal.topicPartition();
    PartitionInfo partitionInfo = cluster.partition(tp);
    if (partitionInfo == null) {
      LOG.trace("Ignored the attempt to move non-existing partition for topic partition: {}", tp);
    if (!proposal.isInterBrokerMovementCompleted(partitionInfo)) {
      long replicaActionExecutionId = _executionId++;
      long executionAlertingThresholdMs = Math.max(Math.round(proposal.dataToMoveInMB() / _interBrokerReplicaMovementRateAlertingThreshold),
      ExecutionTask executionTask = new ExecutionTask(replicaActionExecutionId, proposal, INTER_BROKER_REPLICA_ACTION,
      LOG.trace("Added action {} as replica proposal {}", replicaActionExecutionId, proposal);
  if (replicaMovementStrategy == null) {
    _interPartMoveTaskByBrokerId = _defaultReplicaMovementTaskStrategy.applyStrategy(_remainingInterBrokerReplicaMovements,
  } else {
    // Chain the generated composite strategy with BaseReplicaMovementStrategy in the end to ensure the returned
    // strategy can always determine the order of two tasks.
    _interPartMoveTaskByBrokerId = replicaMovementStrategy.chain(new BaseReplicaMovementStrategy())
            .applyStrategy(_remainingInterBrokerReplicaMovements, cluster);
Example 3
Source File:    From cruise-control with BSD 2-Clause "Simplified" License 5 votes vote down vote up
 * For a inter-broker replica movement action, the completion depends on the task state:
 * IN_PROGRESS: when the current replica list is the same as the new replica list and all replicas are in-sync.
 * ABORTING: done when the current replica list is the same as the old replica list. Due to race condition,
 *           we also consider it done if the current replica list is the same as the new replica list and all replicas
 *           are in-sync.
 * DEAD: always considered as done because we neither move forward or rollback.
 * There should be no other task state seen here.
private boolean isInterBrokerReplicaActionDone(Cluster cluster, TopicPartition tp, ExecutionTask task) {
  PartitionInfo partitionInfo = cluster.partition(tp);
  switch (task.state()) {
    case IN_PROGRESS:
      return task.proposal().isInterBrokerMovementCompleted(partitionInfo);
    case ABORTING:
      return task.proposal().isInterBrokerMovementAborted(partitionInfo);
    case DEAD:
      return true;
      throw new IllegalStateException("Should never be here. State " + task.state());
Example 4
Source File:    From cruise-control with BSD 2-Clause "Simplified" License 4 votes vote down vote up
 * Create replicas of the partition with the given (1) identifier and (2) load information to populate the given cluster model.
 * If partition with the given identifier does not exist in the given cluster, do nothing.
 * @param cluster Kafka cluster.
 * @param clusterModel The cluster model to populate load information.
 * @param tp Topic partition that identifies the partition to populate the load for.
 * @param valuesAndExtrapolations The values and extrapolations of the leader replica.
 * @param replicaPlacementInfo The distribution of replicas over broker logdirs if available, {@code null} otherwise.
 * @param brokerCapacityConfigResolver The resolver for retrieving broker capacities.
 * @param allowCapacityEstimation whether allow capacity estimation in cluster model if the underlying live broker capacity is unavailable.
static void populatePartitionLoad(Cluster cluster,
                                  ClusterModel clusterModel,
                                  TopicPartition tp,
                                  ValuesAndExtrapolations valuesAndExtrapolations,
                                  Map<TopicPartition, Map<Integer, String>> replicaPlacementInfo,
                                  BrokerCapacityConfigResolver brokerCapacityConfigResolver,
                                  boolean allowCapacityEstimation)
    throws TimeoutException {
  PartitionInfo partitionInfo = cluster.partition(tp);
  // If partition info does not exist, the topic may have been deleted.
  if (partitionInfo != null) {
    Set<Integer> aliveBrokers = cluster.nodes().stream().mapToInt(Node::id).boxed().collect(Collectors.toSet());
    boolean needToAdjustCpuUsage = true;
    Set<Integer> deadBrokersWithUnknownCapacity = new HashSet<>();
    for (int index = 0; index < partitionInfo.replicas().length; index++) {
      Node replica = partitionInfo.replicas()[index];
      String rack = getRackHandleNull(replica);
      BrokerCapacityInfo brokerCapacity;
      try {
        // Do not allow capacity estimation for dead brokers.
        brokerCapacity = brokerCapacityConfigResolver.capacityForBroker(rack,,, BROKER_CAPACITY_FETCH_TIMEOUT_MS,
                                                                        aliveBrokers.contains( && allowCapacityEstimation);
      } catch (TimeoutException | BrokerCapacityResolutionException e) {
        // Capacity resolver may not be able to return the capacity information of dead brokers.
        if (!aliveBrokers.contains( {
          brokerCapacity = new BrokerCapacityInfo(EMPTY_BROKER_CAPACITY);
        } else {
          String errorMessage = String.format("Unable to retrieve capacity for broker %d. This may be caused by churn in "
                                              + "the cluster, please retry.",;
          LOG.warn(errorMessage, e);
          throw new TimeoutException(errorMessage);
      clusterModel.handleDeadBroker(rack,, brokerCapacity);
      boolean isLeader;
      if (partitionInfo.leader() == null) {
        LOG.warn("Detected offline partition {}-{}, skipping", partitionInfo.topic(), partitionInfo.partition());
      } else {
        isLeader = == partitionInfo.leader().id();
      boolean isOffline =
                                .anyMatch(offlineReplica -> ==;

      String logdir = replicaPlacementInfo == null ? null : replicaPlacementInfo.get(tp).get(;
      // If the replica's logdir is null, it is either because replica placement information is not populated for the cluster
      // model or this replica is hosted on a dead disk and is not considered for intra-broker replica operations.
      clusterModel.createReplica(rack,, tp, index, isLeader, isOffline, logdir, false);
      needToAdjustCpuUsage = false;
    if (!deadBrokersWithUnknownCapacity.isEmpty()) {"Assign empty capacity to brokers {} because they are dead and capacity resolver is unable to fetch their capacity.",
Example 5
Source File:    From cruise-control with BSD 2-Clause "Simplified" License 4 votes vote down vote up
 * Periodically checks the metadata to see if (1) partition or (2) leadership reassignment has finished or not.
 * @return Finished tasks.
private List<ExecutionTask> waitForExecutionTaskToFinish() {
  List<ExecutionTask> finishedTasks = new ArrayList<>();
  Set<Long> forceStoppedTaskIds = new HashSet<>();
  Set<Long> deletedTaskIds = new HashSet<>();
  Set<Long> deadOrAbortingTaskIds = new HashSet<>();
  do {
    // If there is no finished tasks, we need to check if anything is blocked.
    try {
    } catch (InterruptedException e) {
      // let it go

    Cluster cluster = _metadataClient.refreshMetadata().cluster();
    Map<ExecutionTask, ReplicaLogDirInfo> logDirInfoByTask = getLogdirInfoForExecutionTask(
        _adminClient, _config);

    if (LOG.isDebugEnabled()) {
      LOG.debug("Tasks in execution: {}", inExecutionTasks());
    List<ExecutionTask> deadOrAbortingInterBrokerReplicaActions = new ArrayList<>();
    List<ExecutionTask> slowTasksToReport = new ArrayList<>();
    boolean shouldReportSlowTasks = _time.milliseconds() - _lastSlowTaskReportingTimeMs > SLOW_TASK_ALERTING_BACKOFF_TIME_MS;
    for (ExecutionTask task : inExecutionTasks()) {
      TopicPartition tp = task.proposal().topicPartition();
      if (_stopSignal.get() == FORCE_STOP_EXECUTION) {
        LOG.debug("Task {} is marked as dead to force execution to stop.", task);
      } else if (cluster.partition(tp) == null) {
        // Handle topic deletion during the execution.
        LOG.debug("Task {} is marked as finished because the topic has been deleted", task);
      } else if (isTaskDone(cluster, logDirInfoByTask, tp, task)) {
        // Check to see if the task is done.
      } else {
        if (shouldReportSlowTasks) {
          task.maybeReportExecutionTooSlow(_time.milliseconds(), slowTasksToReport);
        if (maybeMarkTaskAsDeadOrAborting(cluster, logDirInfoByTask, task)) {
          // Only add the dead or aborted tasks to execute if it is an inter-broker replica action.
          if (task.type() == INTER_BROKER_REPLICA_ACTION) {
          // A dead or aborted task is considered as finished.
          if (task.state() == DEAD || task.state() == ABORTED) {
  } while (!inExecutionTasks().isEmpty() && finishedTasks.isEmpty());"Finished tasks: {}.{}{}{}", finishedTasks,
           forceStoppedTaskIds.isEmpty() ? "" : String.format(". [Force-stopped: %s]", forceStoppedTaskIds),
           deletedTaskIds.isEmpty() ? "" : String.format(". [Deleted: %s]", deletedTaskIds),
           deadOrAbortingTaskIds.isEmpty() ? "" : String.format(". [Dead/aborting: %s]", deadOrAbortingTaskIds));

  return finishedTasks;
Example 6
Source File:    From cruise-control with BSD 2-Clause "Simplified" License 2 votes vote down vote up
 * Check if the partition is currently under replicated.
 * @param cluster The current cluster state.
 * @param tp The topic partition to check.
 * @return True if the partition is currently under replicated.
public static boolean isPartitionUnderReplicated(Cluster cluster, TopicPartition tp) {
  PartitionInfo partitionInfo = cluster.partition(tp);
  return partitionInfo.inSyncReplicas().length != partitionInfo.replicas().length;