Java Code Examples for weka.core.Utils#maxIndex()

The following examples show how to use weka.core.Utils#maxIndex() . You can vote up the ones you like or vote down the ones you don't like, and go to the original project or source file by following the links above each example. You may check out the related API usage on the sidebar.
Example 1
Source File:    From meka with GNU General Public License v3.0 6 votes vote down vote up
    * OneError - 
   public static double L_OneError(int Y[][], double Rpred[][]) {
// works with missing
int N = Y.length;
int one_error = 0;

       int missing = 0;
for(int i = 0; i < N; i++) {
               missing ++;
    if(Y[i][Utils.maxIndex(Rpred[i])] == 0)

       N-= missing;

       if (N == 0) {
           return Double.NaN;

return (double)one_error/(double)N;
Example 2
Source File:    From tsml with GNU General Public License v3.0 6 votes vote down vote up
 * Calculates the class membership probabilities for the given test
 * instance.
 * @param instance the instance to be classified
 * @return predicted class probability distribution
 * @exception Exception if there is a problem generating the prediction
public double[] distributionForInstance(Instance instance) throws Exception {
  if (m_numClasses == 2) {
    // System.out.println(m_binaryClassifiers[0].getProbForTargetClass(instance));
    return m_binaryClassifiers[0].distributionForInstance(instance);
  double[] logDocGivenClass = new double[instance.numClasses()];
  for (int i = 0; i < m_numClasses; i++)
    logDocGivenClass[i] = m_binaryClassifiers[i].getLogProbForTargetClass(instance);

  double max = logDocGivenClass[Utils.maxIndex(logDocGivenClass)];
  for(int i = 0; i<m_numClasses; i++)
    logDocGivenClass[i] = Math.exp(logDocGivenClass[i] - max);

  try {
  } catch (Exception e) {


  return logDocGivenClass;
Example 3
Source File:    From meka with GNU General Public License v3.0 6 votes vote down vote up
public double[] distributionForInstance(Instance x) throws Exception {

	int L = x.classIndex(); 

	double y[] = new double[L*2];

	for (int j = 0; j < L; j++) {
		Instance x_j = (Instance)x.copy();
		x_j = MLUtils.keepAttributesAt(x_j,new int[]{j},L);
		double w[] = m_MultiClassifiers[j].distributionForInstance(x_j); // e.g. [0.1, 0.8, 0.1]
		y[j] = Utils.maxIndex(w);									     // e.g. 1
		y[L+j] = w[(int)y[j]];											 // e.g. 0.8

	return y;
Example 4
Source File:    From meka with GNU General Public License v3.0 6 votes vote down vote up
 * Convert Distribution - Given the posterior across combinations, return the distribution across labels.
 * <br>
 * TODO	Use recombination!!!
 * @see		PSUtils#recombination(double[],int,LabelSet[])
 * @param	p	the posterior of the super classes (combinations), e.g., P([1,3],[2]) = [1,0]
 * @param	L 	the number of labels
 * @return	the distribution across labels, e.g., P(1,2,3) = [1,0,1]
public static double[] convertDistribution(double p[], int L, Instances iTemplate) {
	double y[] = new double[L];

	int i = Utils.maxIndex(p);

	double d[] = toDoubleArray(iTemplate.classAttribute().value(i),L);
	for(int j = 0; j < d.length; j++) {
		if(d[j] > 0.0)
			y[j] = 1.0;

	return y;
Example 5
Source File:    From moa with GNU General Public License v3.0 5 votes vote down vote up
public Node learnFromInstance(Instance inst) {
    double[] classVote = getMajorityClassVotes(inst);
    double error = (Utils.maxIndex(classVote) == (int) inst.classValue()) ? 0.0 : 1.0;

    classVote = getNaiveBayesPrediction(inst);
    error = (Utils.maxIndex(classVote) == (int) inst.classValue()) ? 0.0 : 1.0;

    return super.learnFromInstance(inst);
Example 6
Source File:    From moa with GNU General Public License v3.0 5 votes vote down vote up
public double[] getVotesForInstance(Instance inst) {
    double[] Pr = new double[inst.numClasses()];
    for (int i = 0; i < this.experts.size(); i++) {
        double[] pr = this.experts.get(i).getVotesForInstance(inst);
        int yHat = Utils.maxIndex(pr);
        Pr[yHat] += this.weights.get(i);
    } // for
    return Pr;
Example 7
Source File:    From meka with GNU General Public License v3.0 5 votes vote down vote up
public double[] distributionForInstance(Instance x) throws Exception {

	int L = x.classIndex();

	//if there is only one class (as for e.g. in some hier. mtds) predict it
	//if(L == 1) return new double[]{1.0};

	Instance x_sl = PSUtils.convertInstance(x,L,m_InstancesTemplate);							// the sl instance
	//x_sl.setDataset(m_InstancesTemplate);							// where y in {comb_1,comb_2,...,comb_k}

	double w[] = m_Classifier.distributionForInstance(x_sl);		// w[j] = p(y_j) for each j = 1,...,L
	int max_j  = Utils.maxIndex(w);									// j of max w[j]
	//int max_j = (int)m_Classifier.classifyInstance(x_sl);			// where comb_i is selected
	String y_max = m_InstancesTemplate.classAttribute().value(max_j);									// comb_i e.g. "0+3+0+0+1+2+0+0"

	double y[] = Arrays.copyOf(A.toDoubleArray(MLUtils.decodeValue(y_max)),L*2);					// "0+3+0+0+1+2+0+0" -> [0.0,3.0,0.0,...,0.0]

	HashMap<Double,Double> votes[] = new HashMap[L];
	for(int j = 0; j < L; j++) {
		votes[j] = new HashMap<Double,Double>();

	for(int i = 0; i < w.length; i++) {
		double y_i[] = A.toDoubleArray(MLUtils.decodeValue(m_InstancesTemplate.classAttribute().value(i)));
		for(int j = 0; j < y_i.length; j++) {
			votes[j].put(y_i[j] , votes[j].containsKey(y_i[j]) ? votes[j].get(y_i[j]) + w[i] : w[i]);

	// some confidence information
	for(int j = 0; j < L; j++) {
		y[j+L] = votes[j].size() > 0 ? Collections.max(votes[j].values()) : 0.0;

	return y;
Example 8
Source File:    From tsml with GNU General Public License v3.0 5 votes vote down vote up
 * Outputs a leaf.
 * @return the leaf as string
 * @throws Exception if generation fails
protected String leafString() throws Exception {

  double sum = 0, maxCount = 0;
  int maxIndex = 0;
  if (m_ClassDistribution != null) {
    sum = Utils.sum(m_ClassDistribution);
    maxIndex = Utils.maxIndex(m_ClassDistribution);
    maxCount = m_ClassDistribution[maxIndex];
  return " : " + m_Info.classAttribute().value(maxIndex) + " ("
      + Utils.doubleToString(sum, 2) + "/"
      + Utils.doubleToString(sum - maxCount, 2) + ")";
Example 9
Source File:    From tsml with GNU General Public License v3.0 5 votes vote down vote up
    * Evaluate objective function
    * @param x the current values of variables
    * @return the value of the objective function 
   protected double objectiveFunction(double[] x){
     double nll = 0; // -LogLikelihood
     int dim = m_NumPredictors+1; // Number of variables per class
     for(int i=0; i<cls.length; i++){ // ith instance

double[] exp = new double[m_NumClasses-1];
int index;
for(int offset=0; offset<m_NumClasses-1; offset++){ 
  index = offset * dim;
  for(int j=0; j<dim; j++)
    exp[offset] += m_Data[i][j]*x[index + j];
double max = exp[Utils.maxIndex(exp)];
double denom = Math.exp(-max);
double num;
if (cls[i] == m_NumClasses - 1) { // Class of this instance
  num = -max;
} else {
  num = exp[cls[i]] - max;
for(int offset=0; offset<m_NumClasses-1; offset++){
  denom += Math.exp(exp[offset] - max);
nll -= weights[i]*(num - Math.log(denom)); // Weighted NLL
     // Ridge: note that intercepts NOT included
     for(int offset=0; offset<m_NumClasses-1; offset++){
for(int r=1; r<dim; r++)
  nll += m_Ridge*x[offset*dim+r]*x[offset*dim+r];
     return nll;
Example 10
Source File:    From moa with GNU General Public License v3.0 5 votes vote down vote up
private void updateCountersForChange(Instance inst) {
    double[] classVotes = this.getClassVotes(inst);
    boolean trueClass = (Utils.maxIndex(classVotes) == (int) inst.classValue());
    if (estimador != null && ((Iadem3) this.tree).restartAtDrift) {
        double error = trueClass == true ? 0.0 : 1.0;
        if (this.estimador.getChange()) {
Example 11
Source File:    From tsml with GNU General Public License v3.0 5 votes vote down vote up
 * determines the dominant eigenvector for the given matrix and returns it
 * @param m		the matrix to determine the dominant eigenvector for
 * @return		the dominant eigenvector
protected Matrix getDominantEigenVector(Matrix m) {
  EigenvalueDecomposition	eigendecomp;
  double[]			eigenvalues;
  int				index;
  Matrix			result;
  eigendecomp = m.eig();
  eigenvalues = eigendecomp.getRealEigenvalues();
  index       = Utils.maxIndex(eigenvalues);
  result	= columnAsVector(eigendecomp.getV(), index);
  return result;
Example 12
Source File:    From moa with GNU General Public License v3.0 5 votes vote down vote up
private void updateCounters(Instance experiencia) {
    double[] classVotes = this.getClassVotes(experiencia);
    boolean trueClass = (Utils.maxIndex(classVotes) == (int) experiencia.classValue());
    if (estimator != null && ((Iadem3) this.tree).restartAtDrift) {
        double error = trueClass == true ? 0.0 : 1.0;
        if (this.estimator.getChange()) {
Example 13
Source File:    From moa with GNU General Public License v3.0 4 votes vote down vote up
public double[] getClassVotes(Instance instance) {
    double[] votes = super.getClassVotes(instance);
    this.lastPrediction = Utils.maxIndex(votes);
    return votes;
Example 14
Source File:    From tsml with GNU General Public License v3.0 4 votes vote down vote up
 * Store the prediction made by the classifier as a string.
 * @param dist        the distribution to use
 * @param inst        the instance to generate text from
 * @param index       the index in the dataset
 * @throws Exception  if something goes wrong
protected void doPrintClassification(double[] dist, Instance inst, int index) throws Exception {
  int prec = m_NumDecimals;

  Instance withMissing = (Instance)inst.copy();
  double predValue = 0;
  if (Utils.sum(dist) == 0) {
    predValue = Utils.missingValue();
  } else {
    if (inst.classAttribute().isNominal()) {
      predValue = Utils.maxIndex(dist);
    } else {
      predValue = dist[0];                         
  // opening tag
  append("  <" + TAG_PREDICTION + " " + ATT_INDEX + "=\"" + (index+1) + "\">\n");

  if (inst.dataset().classAttribute().isNumeric()) {
    // actual
    append("    <" + TAG_ACTUAL_VALUE + ">");
    if (inst.classIsMissing())
      append(Utils.doubleToString(inst.classValue(), prec));
    append("</" + TAG_ACTUAL_VALUE + ">\n");
    // predicted
    append("    <" + TAG_PREDICTED_VALUE + ">");
    if (inst.classIsMissing())
      append(Utils.doubleToString(predValue, prec));
    append("</" + TAG_PREDICTED_VALUE + ">\n");
    // error
    append("    <" + TAG_ERROR + ">");
    if (Utils.isMissingValue(predValue) || inst.classIsMissing())
      append(Utils.doubleToString(predValue - inst.classValue(), prec));
    append("</" + TAG_ERROR + ">\n");
  } else {
    // actual
    append("    <" + TAG_ACTUAL_LABEL + " " + ATT_INDEX + "=\"" + ((int) inst.classValue()+1) + "\"" + ">");
    append("</" + TAG_ACTUAL_LABEL + ">\n");
    // predicted
    append("    <" + TAG_PREDICTED_LABEL + " " + ATT_INDEX + "=\"" + ((int) predValue+1) + "\"" + ">");
    if (Utils.isMissingValue(predValue))
    append("</" + TAG_PREDICTED_LABEL + ">\n");
    // error?
    append("    <" + TAG_ERROR + ">");
    if (!Utils.isMissingValue(predValue) && !inst.classIsMissing() && ((int) predValue+1 != (int) inst.classValue()+1))
    append("</" + TAG_ERROR + ">\n");
    // prediction/distribution
    if (m_OutputDistribution) {
      append("    <" + TAG_DISTRIBUTION + ">\n");
      for (int n = 0; n < dist.length; n++) {
        append("      <" + TAG_CLASS_LABEL + " " + ATT_INDEX + "=\"" + (n+1) + "\"");
        if (!Utils.isMissingValue(predValue) && (n == (int) predValue))
          append(" " + ATT_PREDICTED + "=\"" + VAL_YES + "\"");
        append(Utils.doubleToString(dist[n], prec));
        append("</" + TAG_CLASS_LABEL + ">\n");
      append("    </" + TAG_DISTRIBUTION + ">\n");
    else {
      append("    <" + TAG_PREDICTION + ">");
      if (Utils.isMissingValue(predValue))
        append(Utils.doubleToString(dist[(int)predValue], prec));
      append("</" + TAG_PREDICTION + ">\n");

  // attributes
  if (m_Attributes != null)
  // closing tag
  append("  </" + TAG_PREDICTION + ">\n");
Example 15
Source File:    From tsml with GNU General Public License v3.0 4 votes vote down vote up
 * Pre-process the given exemplar according to the other exemplars 
 * in the given exemplars.  It also updates noise data statistics.
 * @param data the whole exemplars
 * @param pos the position of given exemplar in data
 * @return the processed exemplar
 * @throws Exception if the returned exemplar is wrong 
public Instance preprocess(Instances data, int pos)
  throws Exception{
  Instance before = data.instance(pos);
  if((int)before.classValue() == 0){
    m_NoiseM[pos] = null;
    m_NoiseV[pos] = null;
    return before;

  Instances after_relationInsts =before.attribute(1).relation().stringFreeStructure();
  Instances noises_relationInsts =before.attribute(1).relation().stringFreeStructure();

  Instances newData = m_Attributes;
  Instance after = new DenseInstance(before.numAttributes());
  Instance noises =  new DenseInstance(before.numAttributes());

  for(int g=0; g < before.relationalValue(1).numInstances(); g++){
    Instance datum = before.relationalValue(1).instance(g);
    double[] dists = new double[data.numInstances()];

    for(int i=0; i < data.numInstances(); i++){
      if(i != pos)
        dists[i] = distance(datum, m_Mean[i], m_Variance[i], i);
        dists[i] = Double.POSITIVE_INFINITY;

    int[] pred = new int[m_NumClasses];
    for(int n=0; n < pred.length; n++)
      pred[n] = 0;

    for(int o=0; o<m_Select; o++){
      int index = Utils.minIndex(dists);
      dists[index] = Double.POSITIVE_INFINITY;

    int clas = Utils.maxIndex(pred);
    if((int)before.classValue() != clas)

  int relationValue;
  relationValue = noises.attribute(1).addRelation( noises_relationInsts);
  noises.setValue(1, relationValue);
  noises.setValue(2, before.classValue());

  relationValue = after.attribute(1).addRelation( after_relationInsts);
  after.setValue(1, relationValue);
  after.setValue(2, before.classValue());

  if(, 0)){	
    for (int i=0; i<m_Dimension; i++) {
      m_NoiseM[pos][i] = noises.relationalValue(1).meanOrMode(i);
      m_NoiseV[pos][i] = noises.relationalValue(1).variance(i);
        m_NoiseV[pos][i] = m_ZERO;
    /* for(int y=0; y < m_NoiseV[pos].length; y++){
       m_NoiseV[pos][y] = m_ZERO;
       } */	
    m_NoiseM[pos] = null;
    m_NoiseV[pos] = null;

  return after;
Example 16
Source File:    From tsml with GNU General Public License v3.0 4 votes vote down vote up
 * Returns class probabilities for a given instance using the stacked classifier.
 * One class will always get all the probability mass (i.e. probability one).
 * @param instance the instance to be classified
 * @throws Exception if instance could not be classified
 * successfully
 * @return the class distribution for the given instance
public double[] distributionForInstance(Instance instance) throws Exception {

  double maxPreds;
  int numPreds=0;
  int numClassifiers=m_Classifiers.length;
  int idxPreds;
  double [] predConfs = new double[numClassifiers];
  double [] preds;

  for (int i=0; i<numClassifiers; i++) {
    preds = m_MetaClassifiers[i].distributionForInstance(metaInstance(instance,i));
    if (m_MetaClassifiers[i].classifyInstance(metaInstance(instance,i))==1)
  if (predConfs[Utils.maxIndex(predConfs)]<0.0) { // no correct classifiers
    for (int i=0; i<numClassifiers; i++)   // use neg. confidences instead
  } else {
    for (int i=0; i<numClassifiers; i++)   // otherwise ignore neg. conf
      if (predConfs[i]<0) predConfs[i]=0.0;


  preds=new double[instance.numClasses()];
  for (int i=0; i<instance.numClasses(); i++) preds[i]=0.0;
  for (int i=0; i<numClassifiers; i++) {

  int MaxInstPerClass=-100;
  int MaxClass=-1;
  for (int i=0; i<instance.numClasses(); i++) {
    if (preds[i]==maxPreds) {
      if (m_InstPerClass[i]>MaxInstPerClass) {

  int predictedIndex;
  if (numPreds==1)
    predictedIndex = Utils.maxIndex(preds);
    // System.out.print("?");
    // System.out.print(instance.toString());
    // for (int i=0; i<instance.numClasses(); i++) {
    //   System.out.print("/");
    //   System.out.print(preds[i]);
    // }
    // System.out.println(MaxClass);
    predictedIndex = MaxClass;
  double[] classProbs = new double[instance.numClasses()];
  classProbs[predictedIndex] = 1.0;
  return classProbs;
Example 17
Source File:    From tsml with GNU General Public License v3.0 4 votes vote down vote up
  * Signify that this batch of input to the filter is finished. 
  * If the filter requires all instances prior to filtering,
  * output() may now be called to retrieve the filtered instances.
  * @return true if there are instances pending output
  * @throws IllegalStateException if no input structure has been defined
 public boolean batchFinished() {

   if (getInputFormat() == null) {
     throw new IllegalStateException("No input instance format defined");

   if (m_ModesAndMeans == null) {
     // Compute modes and means
     double sumOfWeights =  getInputFormat().sumOfWeights();
     double[][] counts = new double[getInputFormat().numAttributes()][];
     for (int i = 0; i < getInputFormat().numAttributes(); i++) {
if (getInputFormat().attribute(i).isNominal()) {
  counts[i] = new double[getInputFormat().attribute(i).numValues()];
         if (counts[i].length > 0)
           counts[i][0] = sumOfWeights;
     double[] sums = new double[getInputFormat().numAttributes()];
     for (int i = 0; i < sums.length; i++) {
sums[i] = sumOfWeights;
     double[] results = new double[getInputFormat().numAttributes()];
     for (int j = 0; j < getInputFormat().numInstances(); j++) {
Instance inst = getInputFormat().instance(j);
for (int i = 0; i < inst.numValues(); i++) {
  if (!inst.isMissingSparse(i)) {
    double value = inst.valueSparse(i);
    if (inst.attributeSparse(i).isNominal()) {
             if (counts[inst.index(i)].length > 0) {
               counts[inst.index(i)][(int)value] += inst.weight();
               counts[inst.index(i)][0] -= inst.weight();
    } else if (inst.attributeSparse(i).isNumeric()) {
      results[inst.index(i)] += inst.weight() * inst.valueSparse(i);
  } else {
    if (inst.attributeSparse(i).isNominal()) {
             if (counts[inst.index(i)].length > 0) {
        counts[inst.index(i)][0] -= inst.weight();
    } else if (inst.attributeSparse(i).isNumeric()) {
      sums[inst.index(i)] -= inst.weight();
     m_ModesAndMeans = new double[getInputFormat().numAttributes()];
     for (int i = 0; i < getInputFormat().numAttributes(); i++) {
if (getInputFormat().attribute(i).isNominal()) {
         if (counts[i].length == 0)
           m_ModesAndMeans[i] = Utils.missingValue();
    m_ModesAndMeans[i] = (double)Utils.maxIndex(counts[i]);
} else if (getInputFormat().attribute(i).isNumeric()) {
  if ([i], 0)) {
    m_ModesAndMeans[i] = results[i] / sums[i];

     // Convert pending input instances
     for(int i = 0; i < getInputFormat().numInstances(); i++) {
   // Free memory

   m_NewBatch = true;
   return (numPendingOutput() != 0);
Example 18
Source File:    From tsml with GNU General Public License v3.0 4 votes vote down vote up
    * Evaluate Jacobian vector
    * @param x the current values of variables
    * @return the gradient vector 
   protected double[] evaluateGradient(double[] x){
     double[] grad = new double[x.length];
     int dim = m_NumPredictors+1; // Number of variables per class
     for(int i=0; i<cls.length; i++){ // ith instance
double[] num=new double[m_NumClasses-1]; // numerator of [-log(1+sum(exp))]'
int index;
for(int offset=0; offset<m_NumClasses-1; offset++){ // Which part of x
  double exp=0.0;
  index = offset * dim;
  for(int j=0; j<dim; j++)
    exp += m_Data[i][j]*x[index + j];
  num[offset] = exp;

double max = num[Utils.maxIndex(num)];
double denom = Math.exp(-max); // Denominator of [-log(1+sum(exp))]'
for(int offset=0; offset<m_NumClasses-1; offset++){
  num[offset] = Math.exp(num[offset] - max);
  denom += num[offset];
Utils.normalize(num, denom);
// Update denominator of the gradient of -log(Posterior)
double firstTerm;
for(int offset=0; offset<m_NumClasses-1; offset++){ // Which part of x
  index = offset * dim;
  firstTerm = weights[i] * num[offset];
  for(int q=0; q<dim; q++){
    grad[index + q] += firstTerm * m_Data[i][q];
if(cls[i] != m_NumClasses-1){ // Not the last class
  for(int p=0; p<dim; p++){
    grad[cls[i]*dim+p] -= weights[i]*m_Data[i][p]; 
     // Ridge: note that intercepts NOT included
     for(int offset=0; offset<m_NumClasses-1; offset++){
for(int r=1; r<dim; r++)
  grad[offset*dim+r] += 2*m_Ridge*x[offset*dim+r];
     return grad;
Example 19
Source File:    From collective-classification-weka-package with GNU General Public License v3.0 4 votes vote down vote up
  * Outputs one node for graph.
  * @param text	the buffer to add the data to
  * @param num		the node number
  * @param node	the node
  * @return		the new node number
  * @throws Exception	if something goes wrong
 public int toGraph(StringBuffer text, int num, DecisionTreeNode node) 
   throws Exception {

   double[] classprobs = node.getClassProbabilities();
   int att = node.getAttribute();
   double splitpoint = node.getSplitPoint();
   Instances info = node.getInformation();
   int maxIndex = Utils.maxIndex(classprobs);
   String classValue = info.classAttribute().value(maxIndex);
   if (att == -1) {
     text.append("N" + Integer.toHexString(hashCode()) +
	  " [label=\"" + num + ": " + classValue + "\"" +
   else {
     text.append("N" + Integer.toHexString(hashCode()) +
	  " [label=\"" + num + ": " + classValue + "\"]\n");
     for (int i = 0; i < node.getChildCount(); i++) {
text.append("N" + Integer.toHexString(hashCode()) 
	    + "->" + 
	    "N" + Integer.toHexString(node.getNodeAt(i).hashCode())  +
	    " [label=\"" + info.attribute(att).name());
if (info.attribute(att).isNumeric()) {
  if (i == 0) {
    text.append(" < " +
		Utils.doubleToString(splitpoint, 2));
         else {
    text.append(" >= " +
		Utils.doubleToString(splitpoint, 2));
       else {
         // split for every nominal value?
         if (node.getNominalSplit() == null) {
           text.append( " = " +
         else {
           text.append(" = [");
           for (int n = 0; n < node.getNominalSplit()[i].length; n++) {
             if (n > 0)
               text.append(", ");
                 info.attribute(att).value((int) node.getNominalSplit()[i][n]));
num = toGraph(text, num, node.getNodeAt(i));
   return num;
Example 20
Source File:    From tsml with GNU General Public License v3.0 4 votes vote down vote up
    * Inserts an instance from the hold-out set into the tree.
    * @param inst the instance to insert
    * @param weight the weight of the instance
    * @param parent the parent of the node
    * @throws Exception if insertion fails
   protected void insertHoldOutInstance(Instance inst, double weight, 
				 Tree parent) throws Exception {
     // Insert instance into hold-out class distribution
     if (inst.classAttribute().isNominal()) {

// Nominal case
m_HoldOutDist[(int)inst.classValue()] += weight;
int predictedClass = 0;
if (m_ClassProbs == null) {
  predictedClass = Utils.maxIndex(parent.m_ClassProbs);
} else {
  predictedClass = Utils.maxIndex(m_ClassProbs);
if (predictedClass != (int)inst.classValue()) {
  m_HoldOutError += weight;
     } else {

// Numeric case
m_HoldOutDist[0] += weight;
       m_HoldOutDist[1] += weight * inst.classValue();
double diff = 0;
if (m_ClassProbs == null) {
  diff = parent.m_ClassProbs[0] - inst.classValue();
} else {
  diff =  m_ClassProbs[0] - inst.classValue();
m_HoldOutError += diff * diff * weight;
     // The process is recursive
     if (m_Attribute != -1) {

// If node is not a leaf
if (inst.isMissing(m_Attribute)) {
  // Distribute instance
  for (int i = 0; i < m_Successors.length; i++) {
    if (m_Prop[i] > 0) {
      m_Successors[i].insertHoldOutInstance(inst, weight * 
					    m_Prop[i], this);
} else {
  if (m_Info.attribute(m_Attribute).isNominal()) {
    // Treat nominal attributes
      insertHoldOutInstance(inst, weight, this);
  } else {
    // Treat numeric attributes
    if (inst.value(m_Attribute) < m_SplitPoint) {
      m_Successors[0].insertHoldOutInstance(inst, weight, this);
    } else {
      m_Successors[1].insertHoldOutInstance(inst, weight, this);