Java Code Examples for

The following examples show how to use . You can vote up the ones you like or vote down the ones you don't like, and go to the original project or source file by following the links above each example. You may check out the related API usage on the sidebar.
Example 1
Source File:    From coming with MIT License 6 votes vote down vote up
 * Enforces type casts, and ensures the node is typed.
 * A cast in the way that we use it in JSDoc annotations never
 * alters the generated code and therefore never can induce any runtime
 * operation. What this means is that a 'cast' is really just a compile
 * time constraint on the underlying value. In the future, we may add
 * support for run-time casts for compiled tests.
 * To ensure some shred of sanity, we enforce the notion that the
 * type you are casting to may only meaningfully be a narrower type
 * than the underlying declared type. We also invalidate optimizations
 * on bad type casts.
 * @param t The traversal object needed to report errors.
 * @param n The node getting a type assigned to it.
 * @param type The type to be assigned.
private void ensureTyped(NodeTraversal t, Node n, JSType type) {
  // Make sure FUNCTION nodes always get function type.
  Preconditions.checkState(n.getType() != Token.FUNCTION ||
          type instanceof FunctionType ||
  JSDocInfo info = n.getJSDocInfo();
  if (info != null) {
    if (info.hasType()) {
      JSType infoType = info.getType().evaluate(t.getScope(), typeRegistry);
      validator.expectCanCast(t, n, infoType, type);
      type = infoType;

    if (info.isImplicitCast() && !inExterns) {
      String propName = n.getType() == Token.GETPROP ?
          n.getLastChild().getString() : "(missing)";
          t.makeError(n, ILLEGAL_IMPLICIT_CAST, propName));

  if (n.getJSType() == null) {
Example 2
Source File:    From coming with MIT License 6 votes vote down vote up
 * Enforces type casts, and ensures the node is typed.
 * A cast in the way that we use it in JSDoc annotations never
 * alters the generated code and therefore never can induce any runtime
 * operation. What this means is that a 'cast' is really just a compile
 * time constraint on the underlying value. In the future, we may add
 * support for run-time casts for compiled tests.
 * To ensure some shred of sanity, we enforce the notion that the
 * type you are casting to may only meaningfully be a narrower type
 * than the underlying declared type. We also invalidate optimizations
 * on bad type casts.
 * @param t The traversal object needed to report errors.
 * @param n The node getting a type assigned to it.
 * @param type The type to be assigned.
private void ensureTyped(NodeTraversal t, Node n, JSType type) {
  // Make sure FUNCTION nodes always get function type.
  Preconditions.checkState(!n.isFunction() ||
          type.isFunctionType() ||
  JSDocInfo info = n.getJSDocInfo();
  if (info != null) {
    if (info.hasType()) {
      JSType infoType = info.getType().evaluate(t.getScope(), typeRegistry);
      validator.expectCanCast(t, n, infoType, type);
      type = infoType;

    if (info.isImplicitCast() && !inExterns) {
      String propName = n.isGetProp() ?
          n.getLastChild().getString() : "(missing)";
          t.makeError(n, ILLEGAL_IMPLICIT_CAST, propName));

  if (n.getJSType() == null) {
Example 3
Source File:    From coming with MIT License 6 votes vote down vote up
 * Enforces type casts, and ensures the node is typed.
 * A cast in the way that we use it in JSDoc annotations never
 * alters the generated code and therefore never can induce any runtime
 * operation. What this means is that a 'cast' is really just a compile
 * time constraint on the underlying value. In the future, we may add
 * support for run-time casts for compiled tests.
 * To ensure some shred of sanity, we enforce the notion that the
 * type you are casting to may only meaningfully be a narrower type
 * than the underlying declared type. We also invalidate optimizations
 * on bad type casts.
 * @param t The traversal object needed to report errors.
 * @param n The node getting a type assigned to it.
 * @param type The type to be assigned.
private void ensureTyped(NodeTraversal t, Node n, JSType type) {
  // Make sure FUNCTION nodes always get function type.
  Preconditions.checkState(n.getType() != Token.FUNCTION ||
          type instanceof FunctionType ||
  JSDocInfo info = n.getJSDocInfo();
  if (info != null) {
    if (info.hasType()) {
      JSType infoType = info.getType().evaluate(t.getScope(), typeRegistry);
      validator.expectCanCast(t, n, infoType, type);
      type = infoType;

    if (info.isImplicitCast() && !inExterns) {
      String propName = n.getType() == Token.GETPROP ?
          n.getLastChild().getString() : "(missing)";
          t.makeError(n, ILLEGAL_IMPLICIT_CAST, propName));

  if (n.getJSType() == null) {
Example 4
Source File:    From coming with MIT License 6 votes vote down vote up
 * Returns the type specified in a JSDoc annotation near a GETPROP or NAME.
 * Extracts type information from either the {@code @type} tag or from
 * the {@code @return} and {@code @param} tags.
private JSType getDeclaredTypeInAnnotation(String sourceName,
    Node node, JSDocInfo info) {
  JSType jsType = null;
  Node objNode =
      node.isGetProp() ? node.getFirstChild() :
      NodeUtil.isObjectLitKey(node, node.getParent()) ? node.getParent() :
  if (info != null) {
    if (info.hasType()) {
      jsType = info.getType().evaluate(scope, typeRegistry);
    } else if (FunctionTypeBuilder.isFunctionTypeDeclaration(info)) {
      String fnName = node.getQualifiedName();
      jsType = createFunctionTypeFromNodes(
          null, fnName, info, node);
  return jsType;
Example 5
Source File:    From coming with MIT License 6 votes vote down vote up
 * Returns the type specified in a JSDoc annotation near a GETPROP or NAME.
 * Extracts type information from either the {@code @type} tag or from
 * the {@code @return} and {@code @param} tags.
private JSType getDeclaredTypeInAnnotation(String sourceName,
    Node node, JSDocInfo info) {
  JSType jsType = null;
  Node objNode =
      node.getType() == Token.GETPROP ? node.getFirstChild() :
      NodeUtil.isObjectLitKey(node, node.getParent()) ? node.getParent() :
  if (info != null) {
    if (info.hasType()) {
      jsType = info.getType().evaluate(scope, typeRegistry);
    } else if (FunctionTypeBuilder.isFunctionTypeDeclaration(info)) {
      String fnName = node.getQualifiedName();
      jsType = createFunctionTypeFromNodes(
          null, fnName, info, node);
  return jsType;
Example 6
Source File:    From coming with MIT License 6 votes vote down vote up
 * Returns the type specified in a JSDoc annotation near a GETPROP or NAME.
 * Extracts type information from either the {@code @type} tag or from
 * the {@code @return} and {@code @param} tags.
private JSType getDeclaredTypeInAnnotation(String sourceName,
    Node node, JSDocInfo info) {
  JSType jsType = null;
  Node objNode =
      node.isGetProp() ? node.getFirstChild() :
      NodeUtil.isObjectLitKey(node, node.getParent()) ? node.getParent() :
  if (info != null) {
    if (info.hasType()) {
      jsType = info.getType().evaluate(scope, typeRegistry);
    } else if (FunctionTypeBuilder.isFunctionTypeDeclaration(info)) {
      String fnName = node.getQualifiedName();
      jsType = createFunctionTypeFromNodes(
          null, fnName, info, node);
  return jsType;
Example 7
Source File:    From coming with MIT License 6 votes vote down vote up
 * Enforces type casts, and ensures the node is typed.
 * A cast in the way that we use it in JSDoc annotations never
 * alters the generated code and therefore never can induce any runtime
 * operation. What this means is that a 'cast' is really just a compile
 * time constraint on the underlying value. In the future, we may add
 * support for run-time casts for compiled tests.
 * To ensure some shred of sanity, we enforce the notion that the
 * type you are casting to may only meaningfully be a narrower type
 * than the underlying declared type. We also invalidate optimizations
 * on bad type casts.
 * @param t The traversal object needed to report errors.
 * @param n The node getting a type assigned to it.
 * @param type The type to be assigned.
private void ensureTyped(NodeTraversal t, Node n, JSType type) {
  // Make sure FUNCTION nodes always get function type.
  Preconditions.checkState(!n.isFunction() ||
          type.isFunctionType() ||
  JSDocInfo info = n.getJSDocInfo();
  if (info != null) {
    if (info.hasType()) {
      JSType infoType = info.getType().evaluate(t.getScope(), typeRegistry);
      validator.expectCanCast(t, n, infoType, type);
      type = infoType;

    if (info.isImplicitCast() && !inExterns) {
      String propName = n.isGetProp() ?
          n.getLastChild().getString() : "(missing)";
          t.makeError(n, ILLEGAL_IMPLICIT_CAST, propName));

  if (n.getJSType() == null) {
Example 8
Source File:    From coming with MIT License 5 votes vote down vote up
 * Enforces type casts, and ensures the node is typed.
 * A cast in the way that we use it in JSDoc annotations never
 * alters the generated code and therefore never can induce any runtime
 * operation. What this means is that a 'cast' is really just a compile
 * time constraint on the underlying value. In the future, we may add
 * support for run-time casts for compiled tests.
 * To ensure some shred of sanity, we enforce the notion that the
 * type you are casting to may only meaningfully be a narrower type
 * than the underlying declared type. We also invalidate optimizations
 * on bad type casts.
 * @param t The traversal object needed to report errors.
 * @param n The node getting a type assigned to it.
 * @param type The type to be assigned.
private void ensureTyped(NodeTraversal t, Node n, JSType type) {
  // Make sure FUNCTION nodes always get function type.
  Preconditions.checkState(!n.isFunction() ||
          type.isFunctionType() ||
  JSDocInfo info = n.getJSDocInfo();
  if (info != null) {
    if (info.hasType()) {
      // TODO(johnlenz): Change this so that we only look for casts on CAST
      // nodes one the misplaced type annotation warning is on by default and
      // people have been given a chance to fix them.  As is, this is here
      // simply for legacy casts.
      JSType infoType = info.getType().evaluate(t.getScope(), typeRegistry);
      validator.expectCanCast(t, n, infoType, type);
      type = infoType;

    if (info.isImplicitCast() && !inExterns) {
      String propName = n.isGetProp() ?
          n.getLastChild().getString() : "(missing)";
          t.makeError(n, ILLEGAL_IMPLICIT_CAST, propName));

  if (n.getJSType() == null) {
Example 9
Source File:    From coming with MIT License 5 votes vote down vote up
 * Infers the type of {@code this}.
 * @param type The type of this.
FunctionTypeBuilder inferThisType(JSDocInfo info, JSType type) {
  ObjectType objType = ObjectType.cast(type);
  if (objType != null && (info == null || !info.hasType())) {
    thisType = objType;
  return this;
Example 10
Source File:    From coming with MIT License 5 votes vote down vote up
 * Infers the type of {@code this}.
 * @param info The JSDocInfo for this function.
 * @param owner The node for the object whose prototype "owns" this function.
 *     For example, {@code A} in the expression {@code}. May
 *     be null to indicate that this is not a prototype property.
FunctionTypeBuilder inferThisType(JSDocInfo info,
    @Nullable Node owner) {
  ObjectType maybeThisType = null;
  if (info != null && info.hasThisType()) {
    maybeThisType = ObjectType.cast(
        info.getThisType().evaluate(scope, typeRegistry));
  if (maybeThisType != null) {
    thisType = maybeThisType;
    thisType.setValidator(new ThisTypeValidator());
  } else if (owner != null &&
             (info == null || !info.hasType())) {
    // If the function is of the form:
    // x.prototype.y = function() {}
    // then we can assume "x" is the @this type. On the other hand,
    // if it's of the form:
    // /** @type {Function} */ x.prototype.y;
    // then we should not give it a @this type.
    String ownerTypeName = owner.getQualifiedName();
    ObjectType ownerType = ObjectType.cast(
            scope, ownerTypeName, sourceName,
            owner.getLineno(), owner.getCharno()));
    if (ownerType != null) {
      thisType = ownerType;

  return this;
Example 11
Source File:    From coming with MIT License 5 votes vote down vote up
 * Look for a type declaration on a GETPROP node.
 * @param info The doc info for this property.
 * @param n A top-level GETPROP node (it should not be contained inside
 *     another GETPROP).
 * @param rhsValue The node that {@code n} is being initialized to,
 *     or {@code null} if this is a stub declaration.
private JSType getDeclaredGetPropType(NodeTraversal t, JSDocInfo info,
    Node n, Node rhsValue) {
  if (info != null && info.hasType()) {
    return getDeclaredTypeInAnnotation(t, n, info);
  } else if (info != null && info.hasEnumParameterType()) {
    return n.getJSType();
  } else if (rhsValue != null &&
      rhsValue.getType() == Token.FUNCTION) {
    return rhsValue.getJSType();
  } else {
    return getDeclaredTypeInAnnotation(t, n, info);
Example 12
Source File:    From coming with MIT License 5 votes vote down vote up
 * Enforces type casts, and ensures the node is typed.
 * A cast in the way that we use it in JSDoc annotations never
 * alters the generated code and therefore never can induce any runtime
 * operation. What this means is that a 'cast' is really just a compile
 * time constraint on the underlying value. In the future, we may add
 * support for run-time casts for compiled tests.
 * To ensure some shred of sanity, we enforce the notion that the
 * type you are casting to may only meaningfully be a narrower type
 * than the underlying declared type. We also invalidate optimizations
 * on bad type casts.
 * @param t The traversal object needed to report errors.
 * @param n The node getting a type assigned to it.
 * @param type The type to be assigned.
private void ensureTyped(NodeTraversal t, Node n, JSType type) {
  // Make sure FUNCTION nodes always get function type.
  Preconditions.checkState(!n.isFunction() ||
          type.isFunctionType() ||
  JSDocInfo info = n.getJSDocInfo();
  if (info != null) {
    if (info.hasType()) {
      // TODO(johnlenz): Change this so that we only look for casts on CAST
      // nodes one the misplaced type annotation warning is on by default and
      // people have been given a chance to fix them.  As is, this is here
      // simply for legacy casts.
      JSType infoType = info.getType().evaluate(t.getScope(), typeRegistry);
      validator.expectCanCast(t, n, infoType, type);
      type = infoType;

    if (info.isImplicitCast() && !inExterns) {
      String propName = n.isGetProp() ?
          n.getLastChild().getString() : "(missing)";
          t.makeError(n, ILLEGAL_IMPLICIT_CAST, propName));

  if (n.getJSType() == null) {
Example 13
Source File:    From coming with MIT License 4 votes vote down vote up
 * Look for a type declaration on a property assignment
 * (in an ASSIGN or an object literal key).
 * @param info The doc info for this property.
 * @param lValue The l-value node.
 * @param rValue The node that {@code n} is being initialized to,
 *     or {@code null} if this is a stub declaration.
private JSType getDeclaredType(String sourceName, JSDocInfo info,
    Node lValue, @Nullable Node rValue) {
  if (info != null && info.hasType()) {
    return getDeclaredTypeInAnnotation(sourceName, lValue, info);
  } else if (rValue != null && rValue.isFunction() &&
          JSType.toMaybeFunctionType(rValue.getJSType()), info, lValue)) {
    return rValue.getJSType();
  } else if (info != null) {
    if (info.hasEnumParameterType()) {
      if (rValue != null && rValue.isObjectLit()) {
        return rValue.getJSType();
      } else {
        return createEnumTypeFromNodes(
            rValue, lValue.getQualifiedName(), info, lValue);
    } else if (info.isConstructor() || info.isInterface()) {
      return createFunctionTypeFromNodes(
          rValue, lValue.getQualifiedName(), info, lValue);
    } else {
      // Check if this is constant, and if it has a known type.
      if (info.isConstant()) {
        JSType knownType = null;
        if (rValue != null) {
          if (rValue.getJSType() != null
              && !rValue.getJSType().isUnknownType()) {
            return rValue.getJSType();
          } else if (rValue.isOr()) {
            // Check for a very specific JS idiom:
            // var x = x || TYPE;
            // This is used by Closure's base namespace for esoteric
            // reasons.
            Node firstClause = rValue.getFirstChild();
            Node secondClause = firstClause.getNext();
            boolean namesMatch = firstClause.isName()
                && lValue.isName()
                && firstClause.getString().equals(lValue.getString());
            if (namesMatch && secondClause.getJSType() != null
                && !secondClause.getJSType().isUnknownType()) {
              return secondClause.getJSType();

  return getDeclaredTypeInAnnotation(sourceName, lValue, info);
Example 14
Source File:    From coming with MIT License 4 votes vote down vote up
 * Determines whether a qualified name is inferred.
 * NOTE(nicksantos): Determining whether a property is declared or not
 * is really really obnoxious.
 * The problem is that there are two (equally valid) coding styles:
 * (function() {
 *   /* The authoritative definition of /
 * = function() {};
 * })();
 * function f() {
 *   /* Reset to a no-op. /
 * = function() {};
 * }
 * In a dynamic language with first-class functions, it's very difficult
 * to know which one the user intended without looking at lots of
 * contextual information (the second example demonstrates a small case
 * of this, but there are some really pathological cases as well).
 * The current algorithm checks if either the declaration has
 * JsDoc type information, or @const with a known type,
 * or a function literal with a name we haven't seen before.
private boolean isQualifiedNameInferred(
    String qName, Node n, JSDocInfo info,
    Node rhsValue, JSType valueType) {
  if (valueType == null) {
    return true;

  boolean inferred = true;
  if (info != null) {
    inferred = !(info.hasType()
        || info.hasEnumParameterType()
        || (info.isConstant() && valueType != null
            && !valueType.isUnknownType())
        || FunctionTypeBuilder.isFunctionTypeDeclaration(info));

  if (inferred && rhsValue != null && rhsValue.isFunction()) {
    if (info != null) {
      return false;
    } else if (!scope.isDeclared(qName, false) &&
        n.isUnscopedQualifiedName()) {

      // Check if this is in a conditional block.
      // Functions assigned in conditional blocks are inferred.
      for (Node current = n.getParent();
           !(current.isScript() || current.isFunction());
           current = current.getParent()) {
        if (NodeUtil.isControlStructure(current)) {
          return true;

      // Check if this is assigned in an inner scope.
      // Functions assigned in inner scopes are inferred.
      AstFunctionContents contents =
      if (contents == null ||
          !contents.getEscapedQualifiedNames().contains(qName)) {
        return false;
  return inferred;
Example 15
Source File:    From coming with MIT License 4 votes vote down vote up
 * Look for a type declaration on a property assignment
 * (in an ASSIGN or an object literal key).
 * @param info The doc info for this property.
 * @param lValue The l-value node.
 * @param rValue The node that {@code n} is being initialized to,
 *     or {@code null} if this is a stub declaration.
private JSType getDeclaredType(String sourceName, JSDocInfo info,
    Node lValue, @Nullable Node rValue) {
  if (info != null && info.hasType()) {
    return getDeclaredTypeInAnnotation(sourceName, lValue, info);
  } else if (rValue != null && rValue.isFunction() &&
          JSType.toMaybeFunctionType(rValue.getJSType()), info, lValue)) {
    return rValue.getJSType();
  } else if (info != null) {
    if (info.hasEnumParameterType()) {
      if (rValue != null && rValue.isObjectLit()) {
        return rValue.getJSType();
      } else {
        return createEnumTypeFromNodes(
            rValue, lValue.getQualifiedName(), info, lValue);
    } else if (info.isConstructor() || info.isInterface()) {
      return createFunctionTypeFromNodes(
          rValue, lValue.getQualifiedName(), info, lValue);
    } else {
      // Check if this is constant, and if it has a known type.
      if (info.isConstant()) {
        JSType knownType = null;
        if (rValue != null) {
          if (rValue.getJSType() != null && !rValue.getJSType().isUnknownType()) {
            // If rValue has a type-cast, we use the type in the type-cast.
            // If rValue's type was already computed during scope creation,
            // then we can safely use that.
            if (!( == -1 + {
              return rValue.getJSType();
          } else if (rValue.isOr()) {
            // Check for a very specific JS idiom:
            // var x = x || TYPE;
            // This is used by Closure's base namespace for esoteric
            // reasons.
            Node firstClause = rValue.getFirstChild();
            Node secondClause = firstClause.getNext();
            boolean namesMatch = firstClause.isName()
                && lValue.isName()
                && firstClause.getString().equals(lValue.getString());
            if (namesMatch && secondClause.getJSType() != null
                && !secondClause.getJSType().isUnknownType()) {
              return secondClause.getJSType();

  return getDeclaredTypeInAnnotation(sourceName, lValue, info);
Example 16
Source File:    From coming with MIT License 4 votes vote down vote up
 * Look for a type declaration on a property assignment
 * (in an ASSIGN or an object literal key).
 * @param info The doc info for this property.
 * @param lValue The l-value node.
 * @param rValue The node that {@code n} is being initialized to,
 *     or {@code null} if this is a stub declaration.
private JSType getDeclaredType(String sourceName, JSDocInfo info,
    Node lValue, @Nullable Node rValue) {
  if (info != null && info.hasType()) {
    return getDeclaredTypeInAnnotation(sourceName, lValue, info);
  } else if (rValue != null && rValue.isFunction() &&
          JSType.toMaybeFunctionType(rValue.getJSType()), info, lValue)) {
    return rValue.getJSType();
  } else if (info != null) {
    if (info.hasEnumParameterType()) {
      if (rValue != null && rValue.isObjectLit()) {
        return rValue.getJSType();
      } else {
        return createEnumTypeFromNodes(
            rValue, lValue.getQualifiedName(), info, lValue);
    } else if (info.isConstructor() || info.isInterface()) {
      return createFunctionTypeFromNodes(
          rValue, lValue.getQualifiedName(), info, lValue);
    } else {
      // Check if this is constant, and if it has a known type.
      if (info.isConstant()) {
        JSType knownType = null;
        if (rValue != null) {
          if (rValue.getJSType() != null
              && !rValue.getJSType().isUnknownType()) {
            return rValue.getJSType();
          } else if (rValue.isOr()) {
            // Check for a very specific JS idiom:
            // var x = x || TYPE;
            // This is used by Closure's base namespace for esoteric
            // reasons.
            Node firstClause = rValue.getFirstChild();
            Node secondClause = firstClause.getNext();
            boolean namesMatch = firstClause.isName()
                && lValue.isName()
                && firstClause.getString().equals(lValue.getString());
            if (namesMatch && secondClause.getJSType() != null
                && !secondClause.getJSType().isUnknownType()) {
              return secondClause.getJSType();

  return getDeclaredTypeInAnnotation(sourceName, lValue, info);
Example 17
Source File:    From coming with MIT License 4 votes vote down vote up
 * Look for a type declaration on a property assignment
 * (in an ASSIGN or an object literal key).
 * @param info The doc info for this property.
 * @param lValue The l-value node.
 * @param rValue The node that {@code n} is being initialized to,
 *     or {@code null} if this is a stub declaration.
private JSType getDeclaredType(String sourceName, JSDocInfo info,
    Node lValue, @Nullable Node rValue) {
  if (info != null && info.hasType()) {
    return getDeclaredTypeInAnnotation(sourceName, lValue, info);
  } else if (rValue != null && rValue.isFunction() &&
          JSType.toMaybeFunctionType(rValue.getJSType()), info, lValue)) {
    return rValue.getJSType();
  } else if (info != null) {
    if (info.hasEnumParameterType()) {
      if (rValue != null && rValue.isObjectLit()) {
        return rValue.getJSType();
      } else {
        return createEnumTypeFromNodes(
            rValue, lValue.getQualifiedName(), info, lValue);
    } else if (info.isConstructor() || info.isInterface()) {
      return createFunctionTypeFromNodes(
          rValue, lValue.getQualifiedName(), info, lValue);
    } else {
      // Check if this is constant, and if it has a known type.
      if (info.isConstant()) {
        JSType knownType = null;
        if (rValue != null) {
          if (rValue.getJSType() != null
              && !rValue.getJSType().isUnknownType()) {
            return rValue.getJSType();
          } else if (rValue.isOr()) {
            // Check for a very specific JS idiom:
            // var x = x || TYPE;
            // This is used by Closure's base namespace for esoteric
            // reasons.
            Node firstClause = rValue.getFirstChild();
            Node secondClause = firstClause.getNext();
            boolean namesMatch = firstClause.isName()
                && lValue.isName()
                && firstClause.getString().equals(lValue.getString());
            if (namesMatch && secondClause.getJSType() != null
                && !secondClause.getJSType().isUnknownType()) {
              return secondClause.getJSType();

  return getDeclaredTypeInAnnotation(sourceName, lValue, info);
Example 18
Source File:    From coming with MIT License 4 votes vote down vote up
 * Look for a type declaration on a property assignment
 * (in an ASSIGN or an object literal key).
 * @param info The doc info for this property.
 * @param lValue The l-value node.
 * @param rValue The node that {@code n} is being initialized to,
 *     or {@code null} if this is a stub declaration.
private JSType getDeclaredType(String sourceName, JSDocInfo info,
    Node lValue, @Nullable Node rValue) {
  if (info != null && info.hasType()) {
    return getDeclaredTypeInAnnotation(sourceName, lValue, info);
  } else if (rValue != null && rValue.isFunction() &&
          JSType.toMaybeFunctionType(rValue.getJSType()), info, lValue)) {
    return rValue.getJSType();
  } else if (info != null) {
    if (info.hasEnumParameterType()) {
      if (rValue != null && rValue.isObjectLit()) {
        return rValue.getJSType();
      } else {
        return createEnumTypeFromNodes(
            rValue, lValue.getQualifiedName(), info, lValue);
    } else if (info.isConstructor() || info.isInterface()) {
      return createFunctionTypeFromNodes(
          rValue, lValue.getQualifiedName(), info, lValue);
    } else {
      // Check if this is constant, and if it has a known type.
      if (info.isConstant()) {
        JSType knownType = null;
        if (rValue != null) {
          if (rValue.getJSType() != null && !rValue.getJSType().isUnknownType()) {
            // If rValue has a type-cast, we use the type in the type-cast.
            // If rValue's type was already computed during scope creation,
            // then we can safely use that.
            return rValue.getJSType();
          } else if (rValue.isOr()) {
            // Check for a very specific JS idiom:
            // var x = x || TYPE;
            // This is used by Closure's base namespace for esoteric
            // reasons.
            Node firstClause = rValue.getFirstChild();
            Node secondClause = firstClause.getNext();
            boolean namesMatch = firstClause.isName()
                && lValue.isName()
                && firstClause.getString().equals(lValue.getString());
            if (namesMatch && secondClause.getJSType() != null
                && !secondClause.getJSType().isUnknownType()) {
              return secondClause.getJSType();

  return getDeclaredTypeInAnnotation(sourceName, lValue, info);
Example 19
Source File:    From coming with MIT License 4 votes vote down vote up
 * Look for a type declaration on a property assignment
 * (in an ASSIGN or an object literal key).
 * @param info The doc info for this property.
 * @param lValue The l-value node.
 * @param rValue The node that {@code n} is being initialized to,
 *     or {@code null} if this is a stub declaration.
private JSType getDeclaredType(String sourceName, JSDocInfo info,
    Node lValue, @Nullable Node rValue) {
  if (info != null && info.hasType()) {
    return getDeclaredTypeInAnnotation(sourceName, lValue, info);
  } else if (rValue != null && rValue.getType() == Token.FUNCTION &&
          JSType.toMaybeFunctionType(rValue.getJSType()), info, lValue)) {
    return rValue.getJSType();
  } else if (info != null) {
    if (info.hasEnumParameterType()) {
      if (rValue != null && rValue.getType() == Token.OBJECTLIT) {
        return rValue.getJSType();
      } else {
        return createEnumTypeFromNodes(
            rValue, lValue.getQualifiedName(), info, lValue);
    } else if (info.isConstructor() || info.isInterface()) {
      return createFunctionTypeFromNodes(
          rValue, lValue.getQualifiedName(), info, lValue);
    } else {
      // Check if this is constant, and if it has a known type.
      if (info.isConstant()) {
        JSType knownType = null;
        if (rValue != null) {
          if (rValue.getJSType() != null
              && !rValue.getJSType().isUnknownType()) {
            return rValue.getJSType();
          } else if (rValue.getType() == Token.OR) {
            // Check for a very specific JS idiom:
            // var x = x || TYPE;
            // This is used by Closure's base namespace for esoteric
            // reasons.
            Node firstClause = rValue.getFirstChild();
            Node secondClause = firstClause.getNext();
            boolean namesMatch = firstClause.getType() == Token.NAME
                && lValue.getType() == Token.NAME
                && firstClause.getString().equals(lValue.getString());
            if (namesMatch && secondClause.getJSType() != null
                && !secondClause.getJSType().isUnknownType()) {
              return secondClause.getJSType();

  return getDeclaredTypeInAnnotation(sourceName, lValue, info);
Example 20
Source File:    From coming with MIT License 4 votes vote down vote up
 * Look for a type declaration on a property assignment
 * (in an ASSIGN or an object literal key).
 * @param info The doc info for this property.
 * @param lValue The l-value node.
 * @param rValue The node that {@code n} is being initialized to,
 *     or {@code null} if this is a stub declaration.
private JSType getDeclaredType(String sourceName, JSDocInfo info,
    Node lValue, @Nullable Node rValue) {
  if (info != null && info.hasType()) {
    return getDeclaredTypeInAnnotation(sourceName, lValue, info);
  } else if (rValue != null && rValue.getType() == Token.FUNCTION &&
          JSType.toMaybeFunctionType(rValue.getJSType()), info, lValue)) {
    return rValue.getJSType();
  } else if (info != null) {
    if (info.hasEnumParameterType()) {
      if (rValue != null && rValue.getType() == Token.OBJECTLIT) {
        return rValue.getJSType();
      } else {
        return createEnumTypeFromNodes(
            rValue, lValue.getQualifiedName(), info, lValue);
    } else if (info.isConstructor() || info.isInterface()) {
      return createFunctionTypeFromNodes(
          rValue, lValue.getQualifiedName(), info, lValue);
    } else {
      // Check if this is constant, and if it has a known type.
      if (info.isConstant()) {
        JSType knownType = null;
        if (rValue != null) {
          if (rValue.getJSType() != null
              && !rValue.getJSType().isUnknownType()) {
            return rValue.getJSType();
          } else if (rValue.getType() == Token.OR) {
            // Check for a very specific JS idiom:
            // var x = x || TYPE;
            // This is used by Closure's base namespace for esoteric
            // reasons.
            Node firstClause = rValue.getFirstChild();
            Node secondClause = firstClause.getNext();
            boolean namesMatch = firstClause.getType() == Token.NAME
                && lValue.getType() == Token.NAME
                && firstClause.getString().equals(lValue.getString());
            if (namesMatch && secondClause.getJSType() != null
                && !secondClause.getJSType().isUnknownType()) {
              return secondClause.getJSType();

  return getDeclaredTypeInAnnotation(sourceName, lValue, info);