Java Code Examples for android.util.typedvalue#TYPE_NULL
The following examples show how to use
android.util.typedvalue#TYPE_NULL .
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Example 1
Source File: From android_9.0.0_r45 with Apache License 2.0 | 6 votes |
/** * Retrieves the styled string value for the attribute at <var>index</var>. * <p> * If the attribute is not a string, this method will attempt to coerce * it to a string. * * @param index Index of attribute to retrieve. * * @return CharSequence holding string data. May be styled. Returns * {@code null} if the attribute is not defined or could not be * coerced to a string. * @throws RuntimeException if the TypedArray has already been recycled. */ public CharSequence getText(@StyleableRes int index) { if (mRecycled) { throw new RuntimeException("Cannot make calls to a recycled instance!"); } index *= STYLE_NUM_ENTRIES; final int[] data = mData; final int type = data[index + STYLE_TYPE]; if (type == TypedValue.TYPE_NULL) { return null; } else if (type == TypedValue.TYPE_STRING) { return loadStringValueAt(index); } final TypedValue v = mValue; if (getValueAt(index, v)) { return v.coerceToString(); } // We already checked for TYPE_NULL. This should never happen. throw new RuntimeException("getText of bad type: 0x" + Integer.toHexString(type)); }
Example 2
Source File: From msdkui-android with Apache License 2.0 | 6 votes |
/** * Returns a color value specified by the given theme attribute. * * @param context * the required context. * @param colorAttribute * a theme attribute such as <code>R.attr.colorBackground</code>. * * @return a color. In case of errors <code>Color.CYAN</code> is returned. */ @ColorInt public static int getColor(Context context, int colorAttribute) { final TypedValue outValue = new TypedValue(); context.getTheme().resolveAttribute(colorAttribute, outValue, true); if (isColor(outValue)) { return; } else if (outValue.type == TypedValue.TYPE_REFERENCE || outValue.type == TypedValue.TYPE_STRING) { try { final ColorStateList colors = ContextCompat.getColorStateList(context, outValue.resourceId); return colors.getDefaultColor(); } catch (Resources.NotFoundException ex) { Log.d(ThemeUtil.class.getName(), ex.getMessage()); } } else if (outValue.type == TypedValue.TYPE_NULL) { return getColorFromStyleable(context, styleableForAttr(colorAttribute)); } // default to cyan in case of errors return Color.CYAN; }
Example 3
Source File: From android_9.0.0_r45 with Apache License 2.0 | 6 votes |
/** * Retrieve the boolean value for the attribute at <var>index</var>. * <p> * If the attribute is an integer value, this method will return whether * it is equal to zero. If the attribute is not a boolean or integer value, * this method will attempt to coerce it to an integer using * {@link Integer#decode(String)} and return whether it is equal to zero. * * @param index Index of attribute to retrieve. * @param defValue Value to return if the attribute is not defined or * cannot be coerced to an integer. * * @return Boolean value of the attribute, or defValue if the attribute was * not defined or could not be coerced to an integer. * @throws RuntimeException if the TypedArray has already been recycled. */ public boolean getBoolean(@StyleableRes int index, boolean defValue) { if (mRecycled) { throw new RuntimeException("Cannot make calls to a recycled instance!"); } index *= STYLE_NUM_ENTRIES; final int[] data = mData; final int type = data[index + STYLE_TYPE]; if (type == TypedValue.TYPE_NULL) { return defValue; } else if (type >= TypedValue.TYPE_FIRST_INT && type <= TypedValue.TYPE_LAST_INT) { return data[index + STYLE_DATA] != 0; } final TypedValue v = mValue; if (getValueAt(index, v)) { StrictMode.noteResourceMismatch(v); return XmlUtils.convertValueToBoolean(v.coerceToString(), defValue); } // We already checked for TYPE_NULL. This should never happen. throw new RuntimeException("getBoolean of bad type: 0x" + Integer.toHexString(type)); }
Example 4
Source File: From android_9.0.0_r45 with Apache License 2.0 | 6 votes |
private boolean getValueAt(int index, TypedValue outValue) { final int[] data = mData; final int type = data[index + STYLE_TYPE]; if (type == TypedValue.TYPE_NULL) { return false; } outValue.type = type; = data[index + STYLE_DATA]; outValue.assetCookie = data[index + STYLE_ASSET_COOKIE]; outValue.resourceId = data[index + STYLE_RESOURCE_ID]; outValue.changingConfigurations = ActivityInfo.activityInfoConfigNativeToJava( data[index + STYLE_CHANGING_CONFIGURATIONS]); outValue.density = data[index + STYLE_DENSITY]; outValue.string = (type == TypedValue.TYPE_STRING) ? loadStringValueAt(index) : null; return true; }
Example 5
Source File: From android_9.0.0_r45 with Apache License 2.0 | 6 votes |
/** * Retrieve the integer value for the attribute at <var>index</var>. * <p> * Unlike {@link #getInt(int, int)}, this method will throw an exception if * the attribute is defined but is not an integer. * * @param index Index of attribute to retrieve. * @param defValue Value to return if the attribute is not defined or * not a resource. * * @return Attribute integer value, or defValue if not defined. * @throws RuntimeException if the TypedArray has already been recycled. * @throws UnsupportedOperationException if the attribute is defined but is * not an integer. */ public int getInteger(@StyleableRes int index, int defValue) { if (mRecycled) { throw new RuntimeException("Cannot make calls to a recycled instance!"); } final int attrIndex = index; index *= STYLE_NUM_ENTRIES; final int[] data = mData; final int type = data[index + STYLE_TYPE]; if (type == TypedValue.TYPE_NULL) { return defValue; } else if (type >= TypedValue.TYPE_FIRST_INT && type <= TypedValue.TYPE_LAST_INT) { return data[index + STYLE_DATA]; } else if (type == TypedValue.TYPE_ATTRIBUTE) { final TypedValue value = mValue; getValueAt(index, value); throw new UnsupportedOperationException( "Failed to resolve attribute at index " + attrIndex + ": " + value); } throw new UnsupportedOperationException("Can't convert value at index " + attrIndex + " to integer: type=0x" + Integer.toHexString(type)); }
Example 6
Source File: From android_9.0.0_r45 with Apache License 2.0 | 6 votes |
/** * Retrieve a dimensional unit attribute at <var>index</var>. Unit * conversions are based on the current {@link DisplayMetrics} * associated with the resources this {@link TypedArray} object * came from. * <p> * This method will throw an exception if the attribute is defined but is * not a dimension. * * @param index Index of attribute to retrieve. * @param defValue Value to return if the attribute is not defined or * not a resource. * * @return Attribute dimension value multiplied by the appropriate * metric, or defValue if not defined. * @throws RuntimeException if the TypedArray has already been recycled. * @throws UnsupportedOperationException if the attribute is defined but is * not an integer. * * @see #getDimensionPixelOffset * @see #getDimensionPixelSize */ public float getDimension(@StyleableRes int index, float defValue) { if (mRecycled) { throw new RuntimeException("Cannot make calls to a recycled instance!"); } final int attrIndex = index; index *= STYLE_NUM_ENTRIES; final int[] data = mData; final int type = data[index + STYLE_TYPE]; if (type == TypedValue.TYPE_NULL) { return defValue; } else if (type == TypedValue.TYPE_DIMENSION) { return TypedValue.complexToDimension(data[index + STYLE_DATA], mMetrics); } else if (type == TypedValue.TYPE_ATTRIBUTE) { final TypedValue value = mValue; getValueAt(index, value); throw new UnsupportedOperationException( "Failed to resolve attribute at index " + attrIndex + ": " + value); } throw new UnsupportedOperationException("Can't convert value at index " + attrIndex + " to dimension: type=0x" + Integer.toHexString(type)); }
Example 7
Source File: From android_9.0.0_r45 with Apache License 2.0 | 6 votes |
/** * Retrieve a dimensional unit attribute at <var>index</var> for use * as an offset in raw pixels. This is the same as * {@link #getDimension}, except the returned value is converted to * integer pixels for you. An offset conversion involves simply * truncating the base value to an integer. * <p> * This method will throw an exception if the attribute is defined but is * not a dimension. * * @param index Index of attribute to retrieve. * @param defValue Value to return if the attribute is not defined or * not a resource. * * @return Attribute dimension value multiplied by the appropriate * metric and truncated to integer pixels, or defValue if not defined. * @throws RuntimeException if the TypedArray has already been recycled. * @throws UnsupportedOperationException if the attribute is defined but is * not an integer. * * @see #getDimension * @see #getDimensionPixelSize */ public int getDimensionPixelOffset(@StyleableRes int index, int defValue) { if (mRecycled) { throw new RuntimeException("Cannot make calls to a recycled instance!"); } final int attrIndex = index; index *= STYLE_NUM_ENTRIES; final int[] data = mData; final int type = data[index + STYLE_TYPE]; if (type == TypedValue.TYPE_NULL) { return defValue; } else if (type == TypedValue.TYPE_DIMENSION) { return TypedValue.complexToDimensionPixelOffset(data[index + STYLE_DATA], mMetrics); } else if (type == TypedValue.TYPE_ATTRIBUTE) { final TypedValue value = mValue; getValueAt(index, value); throw new UnsupportedOperationException( "Failed to resolve attribute at index " + attrIndex + ": " + value); } throw new UnsupportedOperationException("Can't convert value at index " + attrIndex + " to dimension: type=0x" + Integer.toHexString(type)); }
Example 8
Source File: From android_9.0.0_r45 with Apache License 2.0 | 6 votes |
/** * Retrieve a dimensional unit attribute at <var>index</var> for use * as a size in raw pixels. This is the same as * {@link #getDimension}, except the returned value is converted to * integer pixels for use as a size. A size conversion involves * rounding the base value, and ensuring that a non-zero base value * is at least one pixel in size. * <p> * This method will throw an exception if the attribute is defined but is * not a dimension. * * @param index Index of attribute to retrieve. * @param defValue Value to return if the attribute is not defined or * not a resource. * * @return Attribute dimension value multiplied by the appropriate * metric and truncated to integer pixels, or defValue if not defined. * @throws RuntimeException if the TypedArray has already been recycled. * @throws UnsupportedOperationException if the attribute is defined but is * not a dimension. * * @see #getDimension * @see #getDimensionPixelOffset */ public int getDimensionPixelSize(@StyleableRes int index, int defValue) { if (mRecycled) { throw new RuntimeException("Cannot make calls to a recycled instance!"); } final int attrIndex = index; index *= STYLE_NUM_ENTRIES; final int[] data = mData; final int type = data[index + STYLE_TYPE]; if (type == TypedValue.TYPE_NULL) { return defValue; } else if (type == TypedValue.TYPE_DIMENSION) { return TypedValue.complexToDimensionPixelSize(data[index + STYLE_DATA], mMetrics); } else if (type == TypedValue.TYPE_ATTRIBUTE) { final TypedValue value = mValue; getValueAt(index, value); throw new UnsupportedOperationException( "Failed to resolve attribute at index " + attrIndex + ": " + value); } throw new UnsupportedOperationException("Can't convert value at index " + attrIndex + " to dimension: type=0x" + Integer.toHexString(type)); }
Example 9
Source File: From android_9.0.0_r45 with Apache License 2.0 | 6 votes |
/** * Retrieves a fractional unit attribute at <var>index</var>. * * @param index Index of attribute to retrieve. * @param base The base value of this fraction. In other words, a * standard fraction is multiplied by this value. * @param pbase The parent base value of this fraction. In other * words, a parent fraction (nn%p) is multiplied by this * value. * @param defValue Value to return if the attribute is not defined or * not a resource. * * @return Attribute fractional value multiplied by the appropriate * base value, or defValue if not defined. * @throws RuntimeException if the TypedArray has already been recycled. * @throws UnsupportedOperationException if the attribute is defined but is * not a fraction. */ public float getFraction(@StyleableRes int index, int base, int pbase, float defValue) { if (mRecycled) { throw new RuntimeException("Cannot make calls to a recycled instance!"); } final int attrIndex = index; index *= STYLE_NUM_ENTRIES; final int[] data = mData; final int type = data[index + STYLE_TYPE]; if (type == TypedValue.TYPE_NULL) { return defValue; } else if (type == TypedValue.TYPE_FRACTION) { return TypedValue.complexToFraction(data[index + STYLE_DATA], base, pbase); } else if (type == TypedValue.TYPE_ATTRIBUTE) { final TypedValue value = mValue; getValueAt(index, value); throw new UnsupportedOperationException( "Failed to resolve attribute at index " + attrIndex + ": " + value); } throw new UnsupportedOperationException("Can't convert value at index " + attrIndex + " to fraction: type=0x" + Integer.toHexString(type)); }
Example 10
Source File: From android_9.0.0_r45 with Apache License 2.0 | 6 votes |
/** * Return a mask of the configuration parameters for which the values in * this typed array may change. * * @return Returns a mask of the changing configuration parameters, as * defined by {@link}. * @throws RuntimeException if the TypedArray has already been recycled. * @see */ public @Config int getChangingConfigurations() { if (mRecycled) { throw new RuntimeException("Cannot make calls to a recycled instance!"); } @Config int changingConfig = 0; final int[] data = mData; final int N = length(); for (int i = 0; i < N; i++) { final int index = i * STYLE_NUM_ENTRIES; final int type = data[index + STYLE_TYPE]; if (type == TypedValue.TYPE_NULL) { continue; } changingConfig |= ActivityInfo.activityInfoConfigNativeToJava( data[index + STYLE_CHANGING_CONFIGURATIONS]); } return changingConfig; }
Example 11
Source File: From revolution-irc with GNU General Public License v3.0 | 6 votes |
public boolean addColorAttr(StyledAttributesHelper attrs, int attr, LiveThemeManager.ColorPropertyApplier applier, ColorStateListApplier colorStateListApplier) { TypedValue typedValue = new TypedValue(); if (!attrs.getValue(attr, typedValue)) return false; if (typedValue.type >= TypedValue.TYPE_FIRST_COLOR_INT && typedValue.type <= TypedValue.TYPE_LAST_COLOR_INT) { addColorProperty(typedValue.resourceId, applier); return true; } else if (typedValue.type != TypedValue.TYPE_NULL && colorStateListApplier != null) { try { ThemedColorStateList th = ThemedColorStateList.createFromXml( mContext.getResources(), mContext.getResources().getXml(typedValue.resourceId), getTheme()); th.attachToComponent(this, () -> colorStateListApplier.onColorStateListChanged(th.createColorStateList())); } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); } return true; } return false; }
Example 12
Source File: From ratel with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
public ResScalarValue factory(int type, int value, String rawValue) throws AndrolibException { switch (type) { case TypedValue.TYPE_NULL: if (value == TypedValue.DATA_NULL_UNDEFINED) { // Special case $empty as explicitly defined empty value return new ResStringValue(null, value); } else if (value == TypedValue.DATA_NULL_EMPTY) { return new ResEmptyValue(value, rawValue, type); } return new ResReferenceValue(mPackage, 0, null); case TypedValue.TYPE_REFERENCE: return newReference(value, rawValue); case TypedValue.TYPE_ATTRIBUTE: return newReference(value, rawValue, true); case TypedValue.TYPE_STRING: return new ResStringValue(rawValue, value); case TypedValue.TYPE_FLOAT: return new ResFloatValue(Float.intBitsToFloat(value), value, rawValue); case TypedValue.TYPE_DIMENSION: return new ResDimenValue(value, rawValue); case TypedValue.TYPE_FRACTION: return new ResFractionValue(value, rawValue); case TypedValue.TYPE_INT_BOOLEAN: return new ResBoolValue(value != 0, value, rawValue); case TypedValue.TYPE_DYNAMIC_REFERENCE: return newReference(value, rawValue); case TypedValue.TYPE_DYNAMIC_ATTRIBUTE: return newReference(value, rawValue, true); } if (type >= TypedValue.TYPE_FIRST_COLOR_INT && type <= TypedValue.TYPE_LAST_COLOR_INT) { return new ResColorValue(value, rawValue); } if (type >= TypedValue.TYPE_FIRST_INT && type <= TypedValue.TYPE_LAST_INT) { return new ResIntValue(value, rawValue, type); } throw new AndrolibException("Invalid value type: " + type); }
Example 13
Source File: From MDPreference with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
public static int getType(TypedArray array, int index) { if (Build.VERSION.SDK_INT >= Build.VERSION_CODES.LOLLIPOP) return array.getType(index); else { TypedValue value = array.peekValue(index); return value == null ? TypedValue.TYPE_NULL : value.type; } }
Example 14
Source File: From android_9.0.0_r45 with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
/** * Determines whether there is an attribute at <var>index</var>, returning * {@code true} if the attribute was explicitly set to {@code @empty} and * {@code false} only if the attribute was undefined. * * @param index Index of attribute to retrieve. * * @return True if the attribute has a value or is empty, false otherwise. * @throws RuntimeException if the TypedArray has already been recycled. */ public boolean hasValueOrEmpty(@StyleableRes int index) { if (mRecycled) { throw new RuntimeException("Cannot make calls to a recycled instance!"); } index *= STYLE_NUM_ENTRIES; final int[] data = mData; final int type = data[index + STYLE_TYPE]; return type != TypedValue.TYPE_NULL || data[index + STYLE_DATA] == TypedValue.DATA_NULL_EMPTY; }
Example 15
Source File: From android-apps with MIT License | 5 votes |
@Override protected void onMeasure(int widthMeasureSpec, int heightMeasureSpec) { final DisplayMetrics metrics = getContext().getResources().getDisplayMetrics(); final boolean isPortrait = metrics.widthPixels < metrics.heightPixels; super.onMeasure(widthMeasureSpec, heightMeasureSpec); int width = getMeasuredWidth(); boolean measure = false; widthMeasureSpec = MeasureSpec.makeMeasureSpec(width, EXACTLY); final TypedValue tv = isPortrait ? mMinWidthMinor : mMinWidthMajor; if (tv.type != TypedValue.TYPE_NULL) { final int min; if (tv.type == TypedValue.TYPE_DIMENSION) { min = (int)tv.getDimension(metrics); } else if (tv.type == TypedValue.TYPE_FRACTION) { min = (int)tv.getFraction(metrics.widthPixels, metrics.widthPixels); } else { min = 0; } if (width < min) { widthMeasureSpec = MeasureSpec.makeMeasureSpec(min, EXACTLY); measure = true; } } // TODO: Support height? if (measure) { super.onMeasure(widthMeasureSpec, heightMeasureSpec); } }
Example 16
Source File: From timecat with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
public static int getType(TypedArray array, int index) { if (Build.VERSION.SDK_INT >= Build.VERSION_CODES.LOLLIPOP) return array.getType(index); else { TypedValue value = array.peekValue(index); return value == null ? TypedValue.TYPE_NULL : value.type; } }
Example 17
Source File: From ArscEditor with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
public ResScalarValue factory(int type, int value, String rawValue) throws IOException { switch (type) { case TypedValue.TYPE_NULL: return new ResReferenceValue(mPackage, 0, null); case TypedValue.TYPE_REFERENCE: return newReference(value, rawValue); case TypedValue.TYPE_ATTRIBUTE: return newReference(value, rawValue, true); case TypedValue.TYPE_STRING: return new ResStringValue(rawValue, value); case TypedValue.TYPE_FLOAT: return new ResFloatValue(Float.intBitsToFloat(value), value, rawValue); case TypedValue.TYPE_DIMENSION: return new ResDimenValue(value, rawValue); case TypedValue.TYPE_FRACTION: return new ResFractionValue(value, rawValue); case TypedValue.TYPE_INT_BOOLEAN: return new ResBoolValue(value != 0, value, rawValue); case 0x07: return newReference(value, rawValue); } if (type >= TypedValue.TYPE_FIRST_COLOR_INT && type <= TypedValue.TYPE_LAST_COLOR_INT) { return new ResColorValue(value, rawValue); } if (type >= TypedValue.TYPE_FIRST_INT && type <= TypedValue.TYPE_LAST_INT) { return new ResIntValue(value, rawValue, type); } throw new IOException("Invalid value type: " + type); }
Example 18
Source File: From android_9.0.0_r45 with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
/** * Retrieves the string value for the attribute at <var>index</var> that is * not allowed to change with the given configurations. * * @param index Index of attribute to retrieve. * @param allowedChangingConfigs Bit mask of configurations from * {@link Configuration}.NATIVE_CONFIG_* that are allowed to change. * * @return String holding string data. Any styling information is removed. * Returns {@code null} if the attribute is not defined. * @throws RuntimeException if the TypedArray has already been recycled. * @hide */ public String getNonConfigurationString(@StyleableRes int index, @Config int allowedChangingConfigs) { if (mRecycled) { throw new RuntimeException("Cannot make calls to a recycled instance!"); } index *= STYLE_NUM_ENTRIES; final int[] data = mData; final int type = data[index + STYLE_TYPE]; final @Config int changingConfigs = ActivityInfo.activityInfoConfigNativeToJava( data[index + STYLE_CHANGING_CONFIGURATIONS]); if ((changingConfigs & ~allowedChangingConfigs) != 0) { return null; } if (type == TypedValue.TYPE_NULL) { return null; } else if (type == TypedValue.TYPE_STRING) { return loadStringValueAt(index).toString(); } final TypedValue v = mValue; if (getValueAt(index, v)) { final CharSequence cs = v.coerceToString(); return cs != null ? cs.toString() : null; } // We already checked for TYPE_NULL. This should never happen. throw new RuntimeException("getNonConfigurationString of bad type: 0x" + Integer.toHexString(type)); }
Example 19
Source File: From Overchan-Android with GNU General Public License v3.0 | 4 votes |
private static void resolveAttribute(Theme theme, int attrId, TypedValue outValue, boolean resolveRefs) { if (CustomThemeHelper.resolveAttribute(attrId, outValue)) return; if (!theme.resolveAttribute(attrId, outValue, resolveRefs)) outValue.type = TypedValue.TYPE_NULL; }
Example 20
Source File: From android_9.0.0_r45 with Apache License 2.0 | 3 votes |
/** * Determines whether there is an attribute at <var>index</var>. * <p> * <strong>Note:</strong> If the attribute was set to {@code @empty} or * {@code @undefined}, this method returns {@code false}. * * @param index Index of attribute to retrieve. * * @return True if the attribute has a value, false otherwise. * @throws RuntimeException if the TypedArray has already been recycled. */ public boolean hasValue(@StyleableRes int index) { if (mRecycled) { throw new RuntimeException("Cannot make calls to a recycled instance!"); } index *= STYLE_NUM_ENTRIES; final int[] data = mData; final int type = data[index + STYLE_TYPE]; return type != TypedValue.TYPE_NULL; }