Java Code Examples for java.math.bigdecimal#ONE
The following examples show how to use
java.math.bigdecimal#ONE .
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Example 1
Source File: From CRF with MIT License | 6 votes |
/** * Returns \Sum_{i=0}^{k-1}{\theta_i*f_i(x,j,s,s')}, where k is the number of features, \theta_i is parameter number i, * f_i is feature number i, x is the given sentence, j is the index of the token, s is the tag of token number j, * and s' is the tag of token number j-1. * <BR> * This function is also given a set of features for which <b>it is not known</b> that they return zero for (x,j,s,s'). * See {@link #getActiveFeatureIndexes(CrfFeaturesAndFilters, Object[], int, Object, Object)}. * * @param model the CRF model: holds the features and the parameters. * @param sentence a sentence (sequence of tokens) * @param tokenIndex token index * @param currentTag tag of the token in tokenIndex * @param previousTag tag of the token in tokenIndex-1 * @param knownActiveFeatureIndexes a set of features for which <b>it is not known</b> that they return zero for (x,j,s,s'). * @return \Sum_{i=0}^{k-1}{\theta_i*f_i(x,j,s,s')} */ public static <K,G> BigDecimal oneTokenSumWeightedFeatures(CrfModel<K, G> model, K[] sentence, int tokenIndex, G currentTag, G previousTag, Set<Integer> knownActiveFeatureIndexes) { BigDecimal sum = BigDecimal.ZERO; for (int index : knownActiveFeatureIndexes) { CrfFilteredFeature<K, G> feature = model.getFeatures().getFilteredFeatures()[index]; BigDecimal featureValue = BigDecimal.ZERO; if (feature.isWhenNotFilteredIsAlwaysOne()) { featureValue = BigDecimal.ONE; } else { featureValue = big(feature.getFeature().value(sentence,tokenIndex,currentTag,previousTag)); } BigDecimal weightedValue = safeMultiply(model.getParameters().get(index), featureValue); sum = safeAdd(sum, weightedValue); } return sum; }
Example 2
Source File: From scipio-erp with Apache License 2.0 | 6 votes |
public BOMNode(GenericValue product, LocalDispatcher dispatcher, GenericValue userLogin) { this.product = product; this.delegator = product.getDelegator(); this.dispatcher = dispatcher; this.userLogin = userLogin; children = new LinkedList<GenericValue>(); childrenNodes = new LinkedList<BOMNode>(); parentNode = null; productForRules = null; bomTypeId = null; quantityMultiplier = BigDecimal.ONE; scrapFactor = BigDecimal.ONE; // Now we initialize the fields used in breakdowns depth = 0; quantity = BigDecimal.ZERO; }
Example 3
Source File: From yes-cart with Apache License 2.0 | 6 votes |
/** {@inheritDoc} */ @Override public BigDecimal testDiscountValue(final Map<String, Object> context) { final ItemPromotionActionContext ctx = getPromotionActionContext(context); final CartItem cartItem = getShoppingCartItem(context); final BigDecimal giftQty = BigDecimal.ONE.multiply(ctx.getMultiplier(cartItem.getQty())).setScale(0, RoundingMode.HALF_UP).setScale(2, RoundingMode.HALF_UP); if (MoneyUtils.isPositive(giftQty)) { final BigDecimal giftValue = getAmountValue(context, giftQty); final BigDecimal itemValue = nullSafeItemPriceForCalculation(cartItem); if (MoneyUtils.isPositive(giftValue) && MoneyUtils.isPositive(itemValue)) { return giftValue.divide(itemValue, RoundingMode.HALF_UP); } return BigDecimal.ONE; // Assume 100% as we have no price to compare } return BigDecimal.ZERO; // no gift }
Example 4
Source File: From phoenix with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
@Override public Object toObject(byte[] b, int o, int l, PDataType actualType, SortOrder sortOrder, Integer maxLength, Integer scale) { Preconditions.checkNotNull(sortOrder); if (l == 0) { return null; } if (actualType == PDecimal.INSTANCE) { if (sortOrder == SortOrder.DESC) { b = SortOrder.invert(b, o, new byte[l], 0, l); o = 0; } return toBigDecimal(b, o, l); } else if (equalsAny(actualType, PDate.INSTANCE, PTime.INSTANCE, PUnsignedDate.INSTANCE, PUnsignedTime.INSTANCE, PLong.INSTANCE, PUnsignedLong.INSTANCE, PInteger.INSTANCE, PUnsignedInt.INSTANCE, PSmallint.INSTANCE, PUnsignedSmallint.INSTANCE, PTinyint.INSTANCE, PUnsignedTinyint.INSTANCE)) { return BigDecimal.valueOf(actualType.getCodec().decodeLong(b, o, sortOrder)); } else if (equalsAny(actualType, PFloat.INSTANCE, PUnsignedFloat.INSTANCE)) { return BigDecimal.valueOf(actualType.getCodec().decodeFloat(b, o, sortOrder)); } else if (equalsAny(actualType, PDouble.INSTANCE, PUnsignedDouble.INSTANCE)) { return BigDecimal.valueOf(actualType.getCodec().decodeDouble(b, o, sortOrder)); } else if (equalsAny(actualType, PTimestamp.INSTANCE, PUnsignedTimestamp.INSTANCE)) { long millisPart = DateUtil.getCodecFor(actualType).decodeLong(b, o, sortOrder); int nanoPart = PUnsignedInt.INSTANCE.getCodec().decodeInt(b, o + Bytes.SIZEOF_LONG, sortOrder); BigDecimal nanosPart = BigDecimal.valueOf( (nanoPart % QueryConstants.MILLIS_TO_NANOS_CONVERTOR) / QueryConstants.MILLIS_TO_NANOS_CONVERTOR); return BigDecimal.valueOf(millisPart).add(nanosPart); } else if (actualType == PBoolean.INSTANCE) { return (Boolean) PBoolean.INSTANCE.toObject(b, o, l, actualType, sortOrder) ? BigDecimal.ONE : BigDecimal.ZERO; } return throwConstraintViolationException(actualType, this); }
Example 5
Source File: From fingen with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
public ProductEntry() { super(); mProductID = -1; mQuantity = BigDecimal.ONE; mPrice = BigDecimal.ZERO; mCategoryID = -1; mProjectID = -1; mTransactionID = -1; }
Example 6
Source File: From jdk8u-jdk with GNU General Public License v2.0 | 5 votes |
protected void createDataTypesRows(RowSet crs) throws SQLException { Integer aInteger = 100; String aChar = "Oswald Cobblepot"; Long aLong = Long.MAX_VALUE; Short aShort = Short.MAX_VALUE; Double aDouble = Double.MAX_VALUE; BigDecimal aBigDecimal = BigDecimal.ONE; Boolean aBoolean = false; Float aFloat = Float.MAX_VALUE; Byte aByte = Byte.MAX_VALUE; Date aDate = Date.valueOf(; Time aTime = Time.valueOf(; Timestamp aTimeStamp = Timestamp.valueOf(; Array aArray = new StubArray("INTEGER", new Object[1]); Ref aRef = new SerialRef(new StubRef("INTEGER", query)); byte[] bytes = new byte[10]; crs.moveToInsertRow(); crs.updateInt(1, aInteger); crs.updateString(2, aChar); crs.updateString(3, aChar); crs.updateLong(4, aLong); crs.updateBoolean(5, aBoolean); crs.updateShort(6, aShort); crs.updateDouble(7, aDouble); crs.updateBigDecimal(8, aBigDecimal); crs.updateFloat(9, aFloat); crs.updateByte(10, aByte); crs.updateDate(11, aDate); crs.updateTime(12, aTime); crs.updateTimestamp(13, aTimeStamp); crs.updateBytes(14, bytes); crs.updateArray(15, aArray); crs.updateRef(16, aRef); crs.updateDouble(17, aDouble); crs.insertRow(); crs.moveToCurrentRow(); }
Example 7
Source File: From with GNU General Public License v3.0 | 5 votes |
@Test public void testValidationExpirationNull() { EventModification.AdditionalService invalid = new EventModification.AdditionalService(0, BigDecimal.ONE, true, 1, 100, 1, VALID_INCEPTION, null, BigDecimal.TEN, AdditionalService.VatType.INHERITED, Collections.emptyList(), singletonList(title), singletonList(description), AdditionalService.AdditionalServiceType.DONATION, null); assertFalse(Validator.validateAdditionalService(invalid, errors).isSuccess()); assertTrue(errors.hasFieldErrors()); assertNotNull(errors.getFieldError("additionalServices")); }
Example 8
Source File: From oopsla15-artifact with Eclipse Public License 1.0 | 5 votes |
/** * Compute the cosine of x to a given scale * @param x the value of x * @param scale the desired scale of the result * @return the result value */ public static BigDecimal cos(BigDecimal x, int scale) { if (x.signum() == 0) return BigDecimal.ONE; if (x.abs().compareTo(sincosNormalizePoint) >= 0 ) { x = x.remainder(twoPI, new MathContext(scale + 1)); } if (x.signum() == -1) return cosTaylor(x.negate(), scale); else return cosTaylor(x, scale); }
Example 9
Source File: From tddl with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
@Test public void testArrayAndSet() { Convertor intSet = helper.getConvertor(int[].class, Set.class); Convertor integerSet = helper.getConvertor(Integer[].class, Set.class); int[] intArray = new int[] { 1, 2 }; Integer[] integerArray = new Integer[] { 1, 2 }; Set intSetValue = (Set) intSet.convert(intArray, Set.class); Set integerSetValue = (Set) integerSet.convert(integerArray, Set.class); assertEquals(intSetValue.size(), intArray.length); assertEquals(intSetValue.iterator().next(), intArray[0]); assertEquals(integerSetValue.size(), integerArray.length); assertEquals(integerSetValue.iterator().next(), integerArray[0]); // 测试不同类型转化, common对象 Set<BigInteger> intSetValueOther = (Set) intSet.convertCollection(intArray, Set.class, BigInteger.class); // int强制转为BigInteger Set<BigDecimal> integerSetValueOther = (Set) integerSet.convertCollection(intArray, Set.class, BigDecimal.class); // int强制转为BigDecimal assertEquals(intSetValueOther.size(), intArray.length); assertEquals(intSetValueOther.iterator().next().intValue(), intArray[0]); assertEquals(integerSetValueOther.size(), integerArray.length); // BigDecimal & BigInteger Convertor bigDecimalSet = helper.getConvertor(BigDecimal[].class, HashSet.class); Convertor bigIntegerSet = helper.getConvertor(BigInteger[].class, LinkedHashSet.class); BigDecimal[] bigDecimalArray = new BigDecimal[] { BigDecimal.ZERO, BigDecimal.ONE }; BigInteger[] bigIntegerArray = new BigInteger[] { BigInteger.ZERO, BigInteger.ONE }; Set bigDecimalSetValue = (Set) bigDecimalSet.convert(bigDecimalArray, HashSet.class); Set bigIntegerSetValue = (Set) bigIntegerSet.convert(bigIntegerArray, LinkedHashSet.class); assertEquals(bigDecimalSetValue.size(), bigDecimalArray.length); assertEquals(bigDecimalSetValue.iterator().next(), bigDecimalArray[0]); assertEquals(bigIntegerSetValue.size(), bigIntegerArray.length); assertEquals(bigIntegerSetValue.iterator().next(), bigIntegerArray[0]); }
Example 10
Source File: From big-math with MIT License | 5 votes |
private static BigDecimal loopShiftLimit(int n1, final int n2) { final long l = Long.MAX_VALUE >> (32 - Integer.numberOfLeadingZeros(n2)); long p = 1; BigDecimal r = BigDecimal.ONE; while (n1 <= n2) { if (p <= l) { p *= n1; } else { r = r.multiply(BigDecimal.valueOf(p)); p = n1; } n1++; } return r.multiply(BigDecimal.valueOf(p)); }
Example 11
Source File: From kripton with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
/** * Creates the bean L. * * @return the bean 81 L */ private Bean81L createBeanL() { Bean81L result=new Bean81L();; result.valueBigDecimal=BigDecimal.ONE; result.valueBigInteger=BigInteger.TEN; return result; }
Example 12
Source File: From with GNU General Public License v3.0 | 5 votes |
@Test public void testValidationErrorInceptionNull() { EventModification.AdditionalService invalid = new EventModification.AdditionalService(0, BigDecimal.ONE, true, 1, 100, 1, null, VALID_EXPIRATION, BigDecimal.TEN, AdditionalService.VatType.INHERITED, Collections.emptyList(), singletonList(title), singletonList(description), AdditionalService.AdditionalServiceType.DONATION, null); assertFalse(Validator.validateAdditionalService(invalid, errors).isSuccess()); assertTrue(errors.hasFieldErrors()); assertNotNull(errors.getFieldError("additionalServices")); }
Example 13
Source File: From big-math with MIT License | 5 votes |
public static BigDecimal factorialSimple(int n) { BigDecimal result = BigDecimal.ONE; for (int i = 2; i <= n; i++) { result = result.multiply(valueOf(i)); } return result; }
Example 14
Source File: From code with Apache License 2.0 | 4 votes |
/** * @param value to be converted to BigDecimal. Can be a null which will return null. Can be * BigDecimal in which case it will be returned as-is. Can also be String, BigInteger, * Boolean (which will be returned as BigDecimal.ZERO or .ONE), byte, short, int, long, float, * or double. If an unknown type is passed in, an exception will be thrown. * * @return a BigDecimal from the given input. A best attempt will be made to support * as many input types as possible. For example, if the input is a Boolean, a BigDecimal of * 1 or 0 will be returned. If the input is a String "", a null will be returned. The input * can be a Byte, Short, Integer, Long, or BigInteger. */ public static BigDecimal bigDecimalFrom(Object value) { if (value == null) { return null; } else if (value instanceof BigDecimal) { return (BigDecimal) value; } else if (value instanceof String) { String s = (String) value; if ("".equals(s.trim())) { return null; } try { return new BigDecimal(MetaUtils.removeLeadingAndTrailingQuotes(s)); } catch (Exception e) { throw new JsonIoException("Could not parse '" + s + "' as BigDecimal.", e); } } else if (value instanceof BigInteger) { return new BigDecimal((BigInteger) value); } else if (value instanceof Boolean) { return (Boolean) value ? BigDecimal.ONE : BigDecimal.ZERO; } else if (value instanceof Long || value instanceof Integer || value instanceof Double || value instanceof Short || value instanceof Byte || value instanceof Float) { return new BigDecimal(value.toString()); } throw new JsonIoException("Could not convert value: " + value.toString() + " to BigInteger."); }
Example 15
Source File: From yes-cart with Apache License 2.0 | 4 votes |
@Test public void testGetAvailabilityModelForAlwaysOnePreorder() throws Exception { final int availability = SkuWarehouse.AVAILABILITY_ALWAYS; final BigDecimal qty = BigDecimal.ONE; final BigDecimal max = new BigDecimal(Integer.MAX_VALUE); setTestExpectations(availability, DateUtils.ldtParseSDT("2099-01-01"), qty); final ProductAvailabilityModel modelProduct = new ProductAvailabilityStrategyDefaultImpl(warehouseService, inventoryResolver).getAvailabilityModel(shopId, product, supplier); assertNotNull(modelProduct); assertEquals(skuCode, modelProduct.getDefaultSkuCode()); assertEquals(SkuWarehouse.AVAILABILITY_ALWAYS, modelProduct.getAvailability()); assertTrue(modelProduct.isAvailable()); assertFalse(modelProduct.isInStock()); assertTrue(modelProduct.isPerpetual()); assertEquals(DateUtils.ldtParseSDT("2099-01-01"), modelProduct.getReleaseDate()); assertTrue(modelProduct.getAvailableToSellQuantity(skuCode).compareTo(max) == 0); final ProductAvailabilityModel modelSku = new ProductAvailabilityStrategyDefaultImpl(warehouseService, inventoryResolver).getAvailabilityModel(shopId, sku, supplier); assertNotNull(modelSku); assertEquals(skuCode, modelSku.getDefaultSkuCode()); assertEquals(SkuWarehouse.AVAILABILITY_ALWAYS, modelSku.getAvailability()); assertTrue(modelSku.isAvailable()); assertFalse(modelSku.isInStock()); assertTrue(modelSku.isPerpetual()); assertEquals(DateUtils.ldtParseSDT("2099-01-01"), modelSku.getReleaseDate()); assertTrue(modelSku.getAvailableToSellQuantity(skuCode).compareTo(max) == 0); final ProductAvailabilityModel modelProductSearch = new ProductAvailabilityStrategyDefaultImpl(warehouseService, inventoryResolver).getAvailabilityModel(shopId, productSearch); assertNotNull(modelProductSearch); assertEquals(skuCode, modelProductSearch.getDefaultSkuCode()); assertEquals(SkuWarehouse.AVAILABILITY_ALWAYS, modelProductSearch.getAvailability()); assertTrue(modelProductSearch.isAvailable()); assertFalse(modelProductSearch.isInStock()); assertTrue(modelProductSearch.isPerpetual()); assertEquals(DateUtils.ldtParseSDT("2099-01-01"), modelProductSearch.getReleaseDate()); assertTrue(modelProductSearch.getAvailableToSellQuantity(skuCode).compareTo(max) == 0); final ProductAvailabilityModel modelSkuSearch = new ProductAvailabilityStrategyDefaultImpl(warehouseService, inventoryResolver).getAvailabilityModel(shopId, skuSearch); assertNotNull(modelSkuSearch); assertEquals(skuCode, modelSkuSearch.getDefaultSkuCode()); assertEquals(SkuWarehouse.AVAILABILITY_ALWAYS, modelSkuSearch.getAvailability()); assertTrue(modelSkuSearch.isAvailable()); assertFalse(modelSkuSearch.isInStock()); assertTrue(modelSkuSearch.isPerpetual()); assertEquals(DateUtils.ldtParseSDT("2099-01-01"), modelSkuSearch.getReleaseDate()); assertTrue(modelSkuSearch.getAvailableToSellQuantity(skuCode).compareTo(max) == 0); context.assertIsSatisfied(); }
Example 16
Source File: From ldparteditor with MIT License | 4 votes |
private List<GData3> splitTri2(Vertex v1, Vertex v2, Vertex v3, int fractions, GData3 g) { ArrayList<GData3> result = new ArrayList<GData3>(fractions); Vector3d A = new Vector3d(v1); Vector3d B = new Vector3d(v2); Vector3d C = new Vector3d(v3); BigDecimal step = BigDecimal.ONE.divide(new BigDecimal(fractions),; BigDecimal cur = BigDecimal.ZERO; BigDecimal next = BigDecimal.ZERO; for (int i = 0; i < fractions; i++) { if (i == fractions - 1) { next = BigDecimal.ONE; } else { next = next.add(step); } BigDecimal oneMinusCur = BigDecimal.ONE.subtract(cur); BigDecimal oneMinusNext = BigDecimal.ONE.subtract(next); if (i == 0) { result.add(new GData3(g.colourNumber, g.r, g.g, g.b, g.a, v1.X, v1.Y, v1.Z, A.X.multiply(oneMinusNext).add(B.X.multiply(next)), A.Y.multiply(oneMinusNext).add(B.Y.multiply(next)), A.Z.multiply(oneMinusNext).add(B.Z.multiply(next)), A.X.multiply(oneMinusNext).add(C.X.multiply(next)), A.Y.multiply(oneMinusNext).add(C.Y.multiply(next)), A.Z.multiply(oneMinusNext).add(C.Z.multiply(next)), View.DUMMY_REFERENCE, linkedDatFile, true)); } else { result.add(new GData3(g.colourNumber, g.r, g.g, g.b, g.a, A.X.multiply(oneMinusNext).add(C.X.multiply(next)), A.Y.multiply(oneMinusNext).add(C.Y.multiply(next)), A.Z.multiply(oneMinusNext).add(C.Z.multiply(next)), A.X.multiply(oneMinusCur).add(C.X.multiply(cur)), A.Y.multiply(oneMinusCur).add(C.Y.multiply(cur)), A.Z.multiply(oneMinusCur).add(C.Z.multiply(cur)), A.X.multiply(oneMinusCur).add(B.X.multiply(cur)), A.Y.multiply(oneMinusCur).add(B.Y.multiply(cur)), A.Z.multiply(oneMinusCur).add(B.Z.multiply(cur)), View.DUMMY_REFERENCE, linkedDatFile, true)); result.add(new GData3(g.colourNumber, g.r, g.g, g.b, g.a, A.X.multiply(oneMinusCur).add(B.X.multiply(cur)), A.Y.multiply(oneMinusCur).add(B.Y.multiply(cur)), A.Z.multiply(oneMinusCur).add(B.Z.multiply(cur)), A.X.multiply(oneMinusNext).add(B.X.multiply(next)), A.Y.multiply(oneMinusNext).add(B.Y.multiply(next)), A.Z.multiply(oneMinusNext).add(B.Z.multiply(next)), A.X.multiply(oneMinusNext).add(C.X.multiply(next)), A.Y.multiply(oneMinusNext).add(C.Y.multiply(next)), A.Z.multiply(oneMinusNext).add(C.Z.multiply(next)), View.DUMMY_REFERENCE, linkedDatFile, true)); } cur = next; } return result; }
Example 17
Source File: From estatio with Apache License 2.0 | 4 votes |
@Test public void save_works() { // given IncomingInvoice incomingInvoice = new IncomingInvoice(); IncomingInvoiceItem invoiceItem = new IncomingInvoiceItem(); invoiceItem.setInvoice(incomingInvoice); invoiceItem.setIncomingInvoiceType(IncomingInvoiceType.CAPEX); incomingInvoice.getItems().add(invoiceItem); IncomingDocAsInvoiceViewModel viewModel = new IncomingDocAsInvoiceViewModel(); viewModel.setDomainObject(incomingInvoice); viewModel.stateTransitionService = mockStateTransitionService; viewModel.orderItemRepository = mockOrderItemRepository; viewModel.orderItemInvoiceItemLinkRepository = mockOrderItemInvoiceItemLinkRepository; IncomingInvoiceType newIncomingInvoiceType = IncomingInvoiceType.CAPEX; Property newProperty = new Property(); Organisation newBuyer = new Organisation(); Organisation newSeller = new Organisation(); BankAccount newBankAccount = new BankAccount(); String newInvoiceNumber = "1234"; LocalDate newDateReceived = new LocalDate(); LocalDate newInvoiceDate = new LocalDate(); LocalDate newDueDate = new LocalDate(); PaymentMethod newPaymentMethod = PaymentMethod.DIRECT_DEBIT; Currency newCurrency = new Currency(); Order order = new Order(); OrderItem newOrderItem = new OrderItem(); newOrderItem.setOrdr(order); String newDescription = "Description"; BigDecimal newNetAmount = BigDecimal.ONE; BigDecimal newVatAmount = BigDecimal.ONE; Tax newTax = new Tax(); BigDecimal newGrossAmount = BigDecimal.ONE; Charge newCharge = new Charge(); newOrderItem.setCharge(newCharge); String newPeriod = "F2019"; viewModel.setIncomingInvoiceType(newIncomingInvoiceType); viewModel.setProperty(newProperty); viewModel.setBuyer(newBuyer); viewModel.setSeller(newSeller); viewModel.setBankAccount(newBankAccount); viewModel.setInvoiceNumber(newInvoiceNumber); viewModel.setDateReceived(newDateReceived); viewModel.setInvoiceDate(newInvoiceDate); viewModel.setDueDate(newDueDate); viewModel.setPaymentMethod(newPaymentMethod); viewModel.setCurrency(newCurrency); viewModel.setOrderItem(newOrderItem); viewModel.setDescription(newDescription); viewModel.setNetAmount(newNetAmount); viewModel.setVatAmount(newVatAmount); viewModel.setTax(newTax); viewModel.setGrossAmount(newGrossAmount); viewModel.setCharge(newCharge); viewModel.setPeriod(newPeriod); // expecting context.checking(new Expectations() {{ oneOf(mockStateTransitionService).trigger(incomingInvoice, IncomingInvoiceApprovalStateTransition.class, null, null, null); oneOf(mockOrderItemRepository).findUnique(order, newCharge, 0); will(returnValue(newOrderItem)); oneOf(mockOrderItemInvoiceItemLinkRepository).findOrCreateLink(newOrderItem, invoiceItem, BigDecimal.ONE); }}); // when; // then assertThat(incomingInvoice.getType()).isEqualTo(newIncomingInvoiceType); assertThat(incomingInvoice.getProperty()).isEqualTo(newProperty); assertThat(incomingInvoice.getBuyer()).isEqualTo(newBuyer); assertThat(incomingInvoice.getSeller()).isEqualTo(newSeller); assertThat(incomingInvoice.getBankAccount()).isEqualTo(newBankAccount); assertThat(incomingInvoice.getInvoiceNumber()).isEqualTo(newInvoiceNumber); assertThat(incomingInvoice.getDateReceived()).isEqualTo(newDateReceived); assertThat(incomingInvoice.getInvoiceDate()).isEqualTo(newInvoiceDate); assertThat(incomingInvoice.getDueDate()).isEqualTo(newDueDate); assertThat(incomingInvoice.getPaymentMethod()).isEqualTo(newPaymentMethod); assertThat(incomingInvoice.getCurrency()).isEqualTo(newCurrency); assertThat(incomingInvoice.getDescriptionSummary()).isEqualTo(newDescription); assertThat(incomingInvoice.getItems().first().getDescription()).isEqualTo(newDescription); assertThat(incomingInvoice.getItems().first().getNetAmount()).isEqualTo(newNetAmount); assertThat(incomingInvoice.getItems().first().getVatAmount()).isEqualTo(newVatAmount); assertThat(incomingInvoice.getItems().first().getTax()).isEqualTo(newTax); assertThat(incomingInvoice.getItems().first().getGrossAmount()).isEqualTo(newGrossAmount); assertThat(incomingInvoice.getItems().first().getCharge()).isEqualTo(newCharge); }
Example 18
Source File: From scipio-erp with Apache License 2.0 | 4 votes |
/** * Get Inventory Available for a Product based on the list of associated products. The final ATP and QOH will * be the minimum of all the associated products' inventory divided by their ProductAssoc.quantity */ public static Map<String, Object> getProductInventoryAvailableFromAssocProducts(DispatchContext dctx, Map<String, ? extends Object> context) { LocalDispatcher dispatcher = dctx.getDispatcher(); List<GenericValue> productAssocList = UtilGenerics.checkList(context.get("assocProducts")); String facilityId = (String) context.get("facilityId"); String statusId = (String) context.get("statusId"); BigDecimal availableToPromiseTotal = BigDecimal.ZERO; BigDecimal quantityOnHandTotal = BigDecimal.ZERO; Boolean useEntityCache = (Boolean) context.get("useEntityCache"); // SCIPIO Boolean useInventoryCache = (Boolean) context.get("useInventoryCache"); // SCIPIO if (UtilValidate.isNotEmpty(productAssocList)) { // minimum QOH and ATP encountered BigDecimal minQuantityOnHandTotal = null; BigDecimal minAvailableToPromiseTotal = null; // loop through each associated product. for (GenericValue productAssoc : productAssocList) { String productIdTo = productAssoc.getString("productIdTo"); BigDecimal assocQuantity = productAssoc.getBigDecimal("quantity"); // if there is no quantity for the associated product in ProductAssoc entity, default it to 1.0 if (assocQuantity == null) { Debug.logWarning("ProductAssoc from [" + productAssoc.getString("productId") + "] to [" + productAssoc.getString("productIdTo") + "] has no quantity, assuming 1.0", module); assocQuantity = BigDecimal.ONE; } // figure out the inventory available for this associated product Map<String, Object> resultOutput = null; try { Map<String, String> inputMap = UtilMisc.toMap("productId", productIdTo, "statusId", statusId, "useEntityCache", useEntityCache, "useInventoryCache", useInventoryCache); // SCIPIO: useInventoryCache if (facilityId != null) { inputMap.put("facilityId", facilityId); resultOutput = dispatcher.runSync("getInventoryAvailableByFacility", inputMap); } else { resultOutput = dispatcher.runSync("getProductInventoryAvailable", inputMap); } } catch (GenericServiceException e) { Debug.logError(e, "Problems getting inventory available by facility", module); return ServiceUtil.returnError(e.getMessage()); } // Figure out what the QOH and ATP inventory would be with this associated product BigDecimal currentQuantityOnHandTotal = (BigDecimal) resultOutput.get("quantityOnHandTotal"); BigDecimal currentAvailableToPromiseTotal = (BigDecimal) resultOutput.get("availableToPromiseTotal"); BigDecimal tmpQuantityOnHandTotal = currentQuantityOnHandTotal.divideToIntegralValue(assocQuantity, generalRounding); BigDecimal tmpAvailableToPromiseTotal = currentAvailableToPromiseTotal.divideToIntegralValue(assocQuantity, generalRounding); // reset the minimum QOH and ATP quantities if those quantities for this product are less if (minQuantityOnHandTotal == null || tmpQuantityOnHandTotal.compareTo(minQuantityOnHandTotal) < 0) { minQuantityOnHandTotal = tmpQuantityOnHandTotal; } if (minAvailableToPromiseTotal == null || tmpAvailableToPromiseTotal.compareTo(minAvailableToPromiseTotal) < 0) { minAvailableToPromiseTotal = tmpAvailableToPromiseTotal; } if (Debug.verboseOn()) { Debug.logVerbose("productIdTo = " + productIdTo + " assocQuantity = " + assocQuantity + "current QOH " + currentQuantityOnHandTotal + "currentATP = " + currentAvailableToPromiseTotal + " minQOH = " + minQuantityOnHandTotal + " minATP = " + minAvailableToPromiseTotal, module); } } // the final QOH and ATP quantities are the minimum of all the products quantityOnHandTotal = minQuantityOnHandTotal; availableToPromiseTotal = minAvailableToPromiseTotal; } Map<String, Object> result = ServiceUtil.returnSuccess(); result.put("availableToPromiseTotal", availableToPromiseTotal); result.put("quantityOnHandTotal", quantityOnHandTotal); return result; }
Example 19
Source File: From hop with Apache License 2.0 | 4 votes |
protected BigDecimal convertBooleanToBigNumber( Boolean bool ) { if ( bool == null ) { return null; } return bool.booleanValue() ? BigDecimal.ONE : BigDecimal.ZERO; }
Example 20
Source File: From big-math with MIT License | 4 votes |
public PowerNIterator(BigDecimal x, MathContext mathContext) { this.x = x; this.mathContext = mathContext; powerOfX = BigDecimal.ONE; }