Java Code Examples for

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Example 1
Source File:    From SPIM_Registration with GNU General Public License v2.0 6 votes vote down vote up
public static void setModelToCalibration( final SpimData spimData, final ViewId viewId, final double minResolution )
	setModelToIdentity( spimData, viewId );
	final ViewRegistrations viewRegistrations = spimData.getViewRegistrations();
	final ViewRegistration r = viewRegistrations.getViewRegistration( viewId );
	final ViewDescription viewDescription = spimData.getSequenceDescription().getViewDescription( 
			viewId.getTimePointId(), viewId.getViewSetupId() );

	VoxelDimensions voxelSize = ViewSetupUtils.getVoxelSizeOrLoad( viewDescription.getViewSetup(), viewDescription.getTimePoint(), spimData.getSequenceDescription().getImgLoader() );
	final double calX = voxelSize.dimension( 0 ) / minResolution;
	final double calY = voxelSize.dimension( 1 ) / minResolution;
	final double calZ = voxelSize.dimension( 2 ) / minResolution;
	final AffineTransform3D m = new AffineTransform3D();
	m.set( calX, 0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f, 
		   0.0f, calY, 0.0f, 0.0f,
		   0.0f, 0.0f, calZ, 0.0f );
	final ViewTransform vt = new ViewTransformAffine( "calibration", m );
	r.preconcatenateTransform( vt );
Example 2
Source File:    From SPIM_Registration with GNU General Public License v2.0 6 votes vote down vote up
protected Blending getBlending( final Interval interval, final ViewDescription desc, final ImgLoader imgLoader )
	final float[] blending = ProcessFusion.defaultBlendingRange.clone();
	final float[] border = ProcessFusion.defaultBlendingBorder.clone();
	final float minRes = (float)getMinRes( desc, imgLoader );
	final VoxelDimensions voxelSize = ViewSetupUtils.getVoxelSizeOrLoad( desc.getViewSetup(), desc.getTimePoint(), imgLoader );

	if ( ProcessFusion.defaultAdjustBlendingForAnisotropy )
		for ( int d = 0; d < 2; ++d )
			blending[ d ] /= ( float ) voxelSize.dimension( d ) / minRes;
			border[ d ] /= ( float ) voxelSize.dimension( d ) / minRes;
	return new Blending( interval, border, blending );
Example 3
Source File:    From SPIM_Registration with GNU General Public License v2.0 6 votes vote down vote up
protected < T extends RealType< T > > ContentBased< T > getContentBased( final RandomAccessibleInterval< T > img, final ViewDescription desc, final ImgLoader imgLoader )
	final double[] sigma1 = ProcessFusion.defaultContentBasedSigma1.clone();
	final double[] sigma2 = ProcessFusion.defaultContentBasedSigma2.clone();

	final double minRes = getMinRes( desc, imgLoader );
	final VoxelDimensions voxelSize = ViewSetupUtils.getVoxelSizeOrLoad( desc.getViewSetup(), desc.getTimePoint(), imgLoader );

	if ( ProcessFusion.defaultAdjustContentBasedSigmaForAnisotropy )
		for ( int d = 0; d < 2; ++d )
			sigma1[ d ] /= voxelSize.dimension( d ) / minRes;
			sigma2[ d ] /= voxelSize.dimension( d ) / minRes;

	return new ContentBased<T>( img, bb.getImgFactory( new ComplexFloatType() ), sigma1, sigma2);
Example 4
Source File:    From BigStitcher with GNU General Public License v2.0 5 votes vote down vote up
public static Map<ViewId, Translation3D> getTransformsForData(Map<ViewId, Translation3D> locations, boolean pixelUnits, AbstractSpimData< ? > data )
	final Map<ViewId, Translation3D> res = new HashMap<>();
	final Set< ViewId > vidsWithTransformations = locations.keySet();
	final Collection< BasicViewDescription< ? > > vds = (Collection< BasicViewDescription< ? > >) data.getSequenceDescription().getViewDescriptions().values();

	for ( BasicViewDescription< ? > vd : vds )
		ViewId key;
		if (vidsWithTransformations.contains( vd ))
			key = vd;
		else if (vidsWithTransformations.contains( new ViewId(-1, vd.getViewSetupId()) ))
			key = new ViewId(-1, vd.getViewSetupId());

		final ViewRegistration vr = data.getViewRegistrations().getViewRegistration( vd );
		final AffineTransform3D calib = new AffineTransform3D();
		calib.set( vr.getTransformList().get( vr.getTransformList().size() - 1 ).asAffine3D().getRowPackedCopy() );

		final VoxelDimensions voxelDims = vd.getViewSetup().getVoxelSize();

		final Translation3D translation3d = locations.get( key );
		final double[] translationVec = translation3d.getTranslationCopy();

		if (!pixelUnits)
			for (int d = 0; d<voxelDims.numDimensions(); d++)
				translationVec[d] /= voxelDims.dimension( d );

		for (int d = 0; d<calib.numDimensions(); d++)
			translationVec[d] *= calib.get( d, d );

		res.put( new ViewId(vd.getTimePointId(), vd.getViewSetupId()), new Translation3D( translationVec ) );
	return res;
Example 5
Source File:    From SPIM_Registration with GNU General Public License v2.0 5 votes vote down vote up
public int downsampleFactor( final int downsampleXY, final int downsampleZ, final VoxelDimensions v )
	final double calXY = Math.min( v.dimension( 0 ), v.dimension( 1 ) );
	final double calZ = v.dimension( 2 ) * downsampleZ;
	final double log2ratio = Math.log( calZ / calXY ) / Math.log( 2 );

	final double exp2;

	if ( downsampleXY == 0 )
		exp2 = Math.pow( 2, Math.floor( log2ratio ) );
		exp2 = Math.pow( 2, Math.ceil( log2ratio ) );

	return (int)Math.round( exp2 );
Example 6
Source File:    From SPIM_Registration with GNU General Public License v2.0 5 votes vote down vote up
 * Assembles the {@link ViewRegistration} object consisting of a list of {@link ViewRegistration}s for all {@link ViewDescription}s that are present
 * @param viewDescriptionList
 * @param minResolution - the smallest resolution in any dimension (distance between two pixels in the output image will be that wide)
 * @return
protected static ViewRegistrations createViewRegistrations( final Map< ViewId, ViewDescription > viewDescriptionList, final double minResolution )
	final HashMap< ViewId, ViewRegistration > viewRegistrationList = new HashMap< ViewId, ViewRegistration >();
	for ( final ViewDescription viewDescription : viewDescriptionList.values() )
		if ( viewDescription.isPresent() )
			final ViewRegistration viewRegistration = new ViewRegistration( viewDescription.getTimePointId(), viewDescription.getViewSetupId() );
			final VoxelDimensions voxelSize = viewDescription.getViewSetup().getVoxelSize(); 

			final double calX = voxelSize.dimension( 0 ) / minResolution;
			final double calY = voxelSize.dimension( 1 ) / minResolution;
			final double calZ = voxelSize.dimension( 2 ) / minResolution;
			final AffineTransform3D m = new AffineTransform3D();
			m.set( calX, 0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f, 
				   0.0f, calY, 0.0f, 0.0f,
				   0.0f, 0.0f, calZ, 0.0f );
			final ViewTransform vt = new ViewTransformAffine( "calibration", m );
			viewRegistration.preconcatenateTransform( vt );
			viewRegistrationList.put( viewRegistration, viewRegistration );
	return new ViewRegistrations( viewRegistrationList );
Example 7
Source File:    From SPIM_Registration with GNU General Public License v2.0 4 votes vote down vote up
public static ArrayList< Cal > findCalibrations( final AbstractSpimData< ? extends AbstractSequenceDescription< ?, ?, ? > > spimData, final List< ViewId > viewIds )
	// this is the same for all timepoints, we are just interested in the ViewSetup
	final TimePoint t = spimData.getSequenceDescription().getTimePoints().getTimePointsOrdered().get( 0 );

	final ArrayList< Cal > calibrations = new ArrayList< Cal >(); 
	for ( final ViewId viewId : viewIds )
		if ( viewId.getTimePointId() != t.getId() )

		final BasicViewDescription< ? > vd = spimData.getSequenceDescription().getViewDescriptions().get( viewId );
		final BasicViewSetup vs = vd.getViewSetup();
		final String name;

		if ( ViewSetup.class.isInstance( vs ) )
			name =
				"angle: " + ((ViewSetup)vs).getAngle().getName() +
				" channel: " + ((ViewSetup)vs).getChannel().getName() +
				" illum: " + ((ViewSetup)vs).getIllumination().getName() +
				", present at timepoint: " + t.getName() +
				": " + vd.isPresent();
			name =
				"viewsetup: " + vs.getId() + ", present at timepoint: " +
				t.getName() + ": " + vd.isPresent();

		// only consider voxelsizes as defined in the XML
		VoxelDimensions voxelSize = ViewSetupUtils.getVoxelSize( vs );

		if ( voxelSize == null )
			voxelSize = new FinalVoxelDimensions( "", new double[]{ 1, 1, 1 } );

		final double x = voxelSize.dimension( 0 );
		final double y = voxelSize.dimension( 1 );
		final double z = voxelSize.dimension( 2 );
		String unit = voxelSize.unit();

		if ( unit == null )
			unit = "";

		IOFunctions.println( "cal: [" + x + ", " + y + ", " + z + "] " + unit + "  -- " + name );

		final Cal calTmp = new Cal( new double[]{ x, y, z }, unit );
		boolean foundMatch = false;

		for ( int j = 0; j < calibrations.size() && !foundMatch; ++j )
			final Cal cal = calibrations.get( j );
			if ( cal.equals( calTmp ) )
				foundMatch = true;

		if ( !foundMatch )
			calibrations.add( calTmp );

	return calibrations;
Example 8
Source File:    From SPIM_Registration with GNU General Public License v2.0 4 votes vote down vote up
public static void applyAxis(final SpimData data, final double minResolution) {
    ViewRegistrations viewRegistrations = data.getViewRegistrations();
    for (final ViewDescription vd : data.getSequenceDescription().getViewDescriptions().values()) {
        if (vd.isPresent()) {
            final Angle a = vd.getViewSetup().getAngle();

            if (a.hasRotation()) {
                final ViewRegistration vr = viewRegistrations.getViewRegistration(vd);

                final Dimensions dim = vd.getViewSetup().getSize();

                VoxelDimensions voxelSize = ViewSetupUtils.getVoxelSizeOrLoad(vd.getViewSetup(), vd.getTimePoint(), data.getSequenceDescription().getImgLoader());
                final double calX = voxelSize.dimension(0) / minResolution;
                final double calY = voxelSize.dimension(1) / minResolution;
                final double calZ = voxelSize.dimension(2) / minResolution;

                AffineTransform3D calModel = new AffineTransform3D();
                        1, 0, 0, -dim.dimension(0) / 2 * calX,
                        0, 1, 0, -dim.dimension(1) / 2 * calY,
                        0, 0, 1, -dim.dimension(2) / 2 * calZ);
                ViewTransform vt = new ViewTransformAffine("Center view", calModel);

                final double[] tmp = new double[16];
                final double[] axis = a.getRotationAxis();
                final double degrees = a.getRotationAngleDegrees();
                final AffineTransform3D rotModel = new AffineTransform3D();
                final String d;

                if (axis[0] == 1 && axis[1] == 0 && axis[2] == 0) {
                    rotModel.rotate(0, Math.toRadians(degrees));
                    d = "Rotation around x-axis by " + degrees + " degrees";
                } else if (axis[0] == 0 && axis[1] == 1 && axis[2] == 0) {
                    rotModel.rotate(1, Math.toRadians(degrees));
                    d = "Rotation around y-axis by " + degrees + " degrees";
                } else if (axis[0] == 0 && axis[0] == 0 && axis[2] == 1) {
                    rotModel.rotate(2, Math.toRadians(degrees));
                    d = "Rotation around z-axis by " + degrees + " degrees";
                } else {
                    IOFunctions.println("Arbitrary rotation axis not supported yet.");

                vt = new ViewTransformAffine(d, rotModel);