Java Code Examples for android.webkit.webview#clearHistory()
The following examples show how to use
android.webkit.webview#clearHistory() .
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Example 1
Source File: From AgentWeb with Apache License 2.0 | 6 votes |
static void clearWebViewAllCache(Context context, WebView webView) { try { AgentWebConfig.removeAllCookies(null); webView.getSettings().setCacheMode(WebSettings.LOAD_NO_CACHE); context.deleteDatabase("webviewCache.db"); context.deleteDatabase("webview.db"); webView.clearCache(true); webView.clearHistory(); webView.clearFormData(); clearCacheFolder(new File(AgentWebConfig.getCachePath(context)), 0); } catch (Exception ignore) { //ignore.printStackTrace(); if (AgentWebConfig.DEBUG) { ignore.printStackTrace(); } } }
Example 2
Source File: From cordova-plugin-app-update-demo with MIT License | 6 votes |
/** * Notify the host application that a page has finished loading. * This method is called only for main frame. When onPageFinished() is called, the rendering picture may not be updated yet. * * * @param view The webview initiating the callback. * @param url The url of the page. */ @Override public void onPageFinished(WebView view, String url) { super.onPageFinished(view, url); // Ignore excessive calls, if url is not about:blank (CB-8317). if (!isCurrentlyLoading && !url.startsWith("about:")) { return; } isCurrentlyLoading = false; /** * Because of a timing issue we need to clear this history in onPageFinished as well as * onPageStarted. However we only want to do this if the doClearHistory boolean is set to * true. You see when you load a url with a # in it which is common in jQuery applications * onPageStared is not called. Clearing the history at that point would break jQuery apps. */ if (this.doClearHistory) { view.clearHistory(); this.doClearHistory = false; } parentEngine.client.onPageFinishedLoading(url); }
Example 3
Source File: From app-icon with MIT License | 6 votes |
/** * Notify the host application that a page has finished loading. * This method is called only for main frame. When onPageFinished() is called, the rendering picture may not be updated yet. * * * @param view The webview initiating the callback. * @param url The url of the page. */ @Override public void onPageFinished(WebView view, String url) { super.onPageFinished(view, url); // Ignore excessive calls, if url is not about:blank (CB-8317). if (!isCurrentlyLoading && !url.startsWith("about:")) { return; } isCurrentlyLoading = false; /** * Because of a timing issue we need to clear this history in onPageFinished as well as * onPageStarted. However we only want to do this if the doClearHistory boolean is set to * true. You see when you load a url with a # in it which is common in jQuery applications * onPageStared is not called. Clearing the history at that point would break jQuery apps. */ if (this.doClearHistory) { view.clearHistory(); this.doClearHistory = false; } parentEngine.client.onPageFinishedLoading(url); }
Example 4
Source File: From keemob with MIT License | 6 votes |
/** * Notify the host application that a page has finished loading. * This method is called only for main frame. When onPageFinished() is called, the rendering picture may not be updated yet. * * * @param view The webview initiating the callback. * @param url The url of the page. */ @Override public void onPageFinished(WebView view, String url) { super.onPageFinished(view, url); // Ignore excessive calls, if url is not about:blank (CB-8317). if (!isCurrentlyLoading && !url.startsWith("about:")) { return; } isCurrentlyLoading = false; /** * Because of a timing issue we need to clear this history in onPageFinished as well as * onPageStarted. However we only want to do this if the doClearHistory boolean is set to * true. You see when you load a url with a # in it which is common in jQuery applications * onPageStared is not called. Clearing the history at that point would break jQuery apps. */ if (this.doClearHistory) { view.clearHistory(); this.doClearHistory = false; } parentEngine.client.onPageFinishedLoading(url); }
Example 5
Source File: From countly-sdk-cordova with MIT License | 6 votes |
/** * Notify the host application that a page has finished loading. * This method is called only for main frame. When onPageFinished() is called, the rendering picture may not be updated yet. * * * @param view The webview initiating the callback. * @param url The url of the page. */ @Override public void onPageFinished(WebView view, String url) { super.onPageFinished(view, url); // Ignore excessive calls, if url is not about:blank (CB-8317). if (!isCurrentlyLoading && !url.startsWith("about:")) { return; } isCurrentlyLoading = false; /** * Because of a timing issue we need to clear this history in onPageFinished as well as * onPageStarted. However we only want to do this if the doClearHistory boolean is set to * true. You see when you load a url with a # in it which is common in jQuery applications * onPageStared is not called. Clearing the history at that point would break jQuery apps. */ if (this.doClearHistory) { view.clearHistory(); this.doClearHistory = false; } parentEngine.client.onPageFinishedLoading(url); }
Example 6
Source File: From chappiecast with Mozilla Public License 2.0 | 6 votes |
/** * Notify the host application that a page has finished loading. * This method is called only for main frame. When onPageFinished() is called, the rendering picture may not be updated yet. * * * @param view The webview initiating the callback. * @param url The url of the page. */ @Override public void onPageFinished(WebView view, String url) { super.onPageFinished(view, url); // Ignore excessive calls, if url is not about:blank (CB-8317). if (!isCurrentlyLoading && !url.startsWith("about:")) { return; } isCurrentlyLoading = false; /** * Because of a timing issue we need to clear this history in onPageFinished as well as * onPageStarted. However we only want to do this if the doClearHistory boolean is set to * true. You see when you load a url with a # in it which is common in jQuery applications * onPageStared is not called. Clearing the history at that point would break jQuery apps. */ if (this.doClearHistory) { view.clearHistory(); this.doClearHistory = false; } parentEngine.client.onPageFinishedLoading(url); }
Example 7
Source File: From android-AutofillFramework with Apache License 2.0 | 6 votes |
@Override protected void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) { super.onCreate(savedInstanceState); setContentView(R.layout.login_webview_activity); WebView webView = findViewById(; WebSettings webSettings = webView.getSettings(); webView.setWebViewClient(new WebViewClient()); webSettings.setJavaScriptEnabled(true); String url = getIntent().getStringExtra("url"); if (url == null) { url = "file:///android_res/raw/sample_form.html"; } if (DEBUG) Log.d(TAG, "Clearing WebView data"); webView.clearHistory(); webView.clearFormData(); webView.clearCache(true); Log.i(TAG, "Loading URL " + url); webView.loadUrl(url); }
Example 8
Source File: From BigDataPlatform with GNU General Public License v3.0 | 6 votes |
/** * Notify the host application that a page has finished loading. * This method is called only for main frame. When onPageFinished() is called, the rendering picture may not be updated yet. * * * @param view The webview initiating the callback. * @param url The url of the page. */ @Override public void onPageFinished(WebView view, String url) { super.onPageFinished(view, url); // Ignore excessive calls, if url is not about:blank (CB-8317). if (!isCurrentlyLoading && !url.startsWith("about:")) { return; } isCurrentlyLoading = false; /** * Because of a timing issue we need to clear this history in onPageFinished as well as * onPageStarted. However we only want to do this if the doClearHistory boolean is set to * true. You see when you load a url with a # in it which is common in jQuery applications * onPageStared is not called. Clearing the history at that point would break jQuery apps. */ if (this.doClearHistory) { view.clearHistory(); this.doClearHistory = false; } parentEngine.client.onPageFinishedLoading(url); }
Example 9
Source File: From cordova-plugin-intent with MIT License | 6 votes |
/** * Notify the host application that a page has finished loading. * This method is called only for main frame. When onPageFinished() is called, the rendering picture may not be updated yet. * * * @param view The webview initiating the callback. * @param url The url of the page. */ @Override public void onPageFinished(WebView view, String url) { super.onPageFinished(view, url); // Ignore excessive calls, if url is not about:blank (CB-8317). if (!isCurrentlyLoading && !url.startsWith("about:")) { return; } isCurrentlyLoading = false; /** * Because of a timing issue we need to clear this history in onPageFinished as well as * onPageStarted. However we only want to do this if the doClearHistory boolean is set to * true. You see when you load a url with a # in it which is common in jQuery applications * onPageStared is not called. Clearing the history at that point would break jQuery apps. */ if (this.doClearHistory) { view.clearHistory(); this.doClearHistory = false; } parentEngine.client.onPageFinishedLoading(url); }
Example 10
Source File: From ultimate-cordova-webview-app with MIT License | 6 votes |
/** * Notify the host application that a page has finished loading. * This method is called only for main frame. When onPageFinished() is called, the rendering picture may not be updated yet. * * * @param view The webview initiating the callback. * @param url The url of the page. */ @Override public void onPageFinished(WebView view, String url) { super.onPageFinished(view, url); // Ignore excessive calls, if url is not about:blank (CB-8317). if (!isCurrentlyLoading && !url.startsWith("about:")) { return; } isCurrentlyLoading = false; /** * Because of a timing issue we need to clear this history in onPageFinished as well as * onPageStarted. However we only want to do this if the doClearHistory boolean is set to * true. You see when you load a url with a # in it which is common in jQuery applications * onPageStared is not called. Clearing the history at that point would break jQuery apps. */ if (this.doClearHistory) { view.clearHistory(); this.doClearHistory = false; } parentEngine.client.onPageFinishedLoading(url); }
Example 11
Source File: From sealrtc-android with MIT License | 6 votes |
public void destroyWebView(WebView mWebView) { if (mWebView != null) { try { ViewParent parent = mWebView.getParent(); if (parent != null) { ((ViewGroup) parent).removeView(mWebView); } mWebView.stopLoading(); mWebView.getSettings().setJavaScriptEnabled(false); mWebView.clearHistory(); mWebView.clearView(); mWebView.removeAllViews(); mWebView.destroy(); } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); } } }
Example 12
Source File: From xmall with MIT License | 6 votes |
/** * Notify the host application that a page has finished loading. * This method is called only for main frame. When onPageFinished() is called, the rendering picture may not be updated yet. * * * @param view The webview initiating the callback. * @param url The url of the page. */ @Override public void onPageFinished(WebView view, String url) { super.onPageFinished(view, url); // Ignore excessive calls, if url is not about:blank (CB-8317). if (!isCurrentlyLoading && !url.startsWith("about:")) { return; } isCurrentlyLoading = false; /** * Because of a timing issue we need to clear this history in onPageFinished as well as * onPageStarted. However we only want to do this if the doClearHistory boolean is set to * true. You see when you load a url with a # in it which is common in jQuery applications * onPageStared is not called. Clearing the history at that point would break jQuery apps. */ if (this.doClearHistory) { view.clearHistory(); this.doClearHistory = false; } parentEngine.client.onPageFinishedLoading(url); }
Example 13
Source File: From TubiPlayer with MIT License | 5 votes |
private void hideVpaidNShowPlayer(final PlayerUIController controller) { controller.getExoPlayerView().setVisibility(View.VISIBLE); WebView vpaidEWebView = controller.getVpaidWebView(); if (vpaidEWebView != null) { vpaidEWebView.setVisibility(View.GONE); vpaidEWebView.loadUrl(VpaidClient.EMPTY_URL); vpaidEWebView.clearHistory(); } }
Example 14
Source File: From 4pdaClient-plus with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
@Override public void onPageFinished(WebView view, String url) { super.onPageFinished(view, url); if (startsWith(url, mUrl) && !mLoadingFinished) { mLoadingFinished = true; view.removeCallbacks(mPageLoadingTimeoutHandlerTask); mOnErrorUrl = null; mUrl = null; } else if (mUrl == null) { view.setWebViewClient(getWebViewClient()); mLoadingFinished = true; } view.clearHistory(); //tryScrollToElement(); }
Example 15
Source File: From phonegapbootcampsite with MIT License | 4 votes |
/** * Notify the host application that a page has finished loading. * This method is called only for main frame. When onPageFinished() is called, the rendering picture may not be updated yet. * * * @param view The webview initiating the callback. * @param url The url of the page. */ @Override public void onPageFinished(WebView view, String url) { super.onPageFinished(view, url); LOG.d(TAG, "onPageFinished(" + url + ")"); /** * Because of a timing issue we need to clear this history in onPageFinished as well as * onPageStarted. However we only want to do this if the doClearHistory boolean is set to * true. You see when you load a url with a # in it which is common in jQuery applications * onPageStared is not called. Clearing the history at that point would break jQuery apps. */ if (this.doClearHistory) { view.clearHistory(); this.doClearHistory = false; } // Clear timeout flag this.appView.loadUrlTimeout++; // Broadcast message that page has loaded this.appView.postMessage("onPageFinished", url); // Make app visible after 2 sec in case there was a JS error and Cordova JS never initialized correctly if (this.appView.getVisibility() == View.INVISIBLE) { Thread t = new Thread(new Runnable() { public void run() { try { Thread.sleep(2000); cordova.getActivity().runOnUiThread(new Runnable() { public void run() { appView.postMessage("spinner", "stop"); } }); } catch (InterruptedException e) { } } }); t.start(); } // Shutdown if blank loaded if (url.equals("about:blank")) { appView.postMessage("exit", null); } }
Example 16
Source File: From reader with MIT License | 4 votes |
/** * Notify the host application that a page has finished loading. * This method is called only for main frame. When onPageFinished() is called, the rendering picture may not be updated yet. * * * @param view The webview initiating the callback. * @param url The url of the page. */ @Override public void onPageFinished(WebView view, String url) { super.onPageFinished(view, url); // Ignore excessive calls. if (!isCurrentlyLoading) { return; } isCurrentlyLoading = false; LOG.d(TAG, "onPageFinished(" + url + ")"); /** * Because of a timing issue we need to clear this history in onPageFinished as well as * onPageStarted. However we only want to do this if the doClearHistory boolean is set to * true. You see when you load a url with a # in it which is common in jQuery applications * onPageStared is not called. Clearing the history at that point would break jQuery apps. */ if (this.doClearHistory) { view.clearHistory(); this.doClearHistory = false; } // Clear timeout flag this.appView.loadUrlTimeout++; // Broadcast message that page has loaded this.appView.postMessage("onPageFinished", url); // Make app visible after 2 sec in case there was a JS error and Cordova JS never initialized correctly if (this.appView.getVisibility() == View.INVISIBLE) { Thread t = new Thread(new Runnable() { public void run() { try { Thread.sleep(2000); cordova.getActivity().runOnUiThread(new Runnable() { public void run() { appView.postMessage("spinner", "stop"); } }); } catch (InterruptedException e) { } } }); t.start(); } // Shutdown if blank loaded if (url.equals("about:blank")) { appView.postMessage("exit", null); } }
Example 17
Source File: From IoTgo_Android_App with MIT License | 4 votes |
/** * Notify the host application that a page has finished loading. * This method is called only for main frame. When onPageFinished() is called, the rendering picture may not be updated yet. * * * @param view The webview initiating the callback. * @param url The url of the page. */ @Override public void onPageFinished(WebView view, String url) { super.onPageFinished(view, url); // Ignore excessive calls. if (!isCurrentlyLoading) { return; } isCurrentlyLoading = false; LOG.d(TAG, "onPageFinished(" + url + ")"); /** * Because of a timing issue we need to clear this history in onPageFinished as well as * onPageStarted. However we only want to do this if the doClearHistory boolean is set to * true. You see when you load a url with a # in it which is common in jQuery applications * onPageStared is not called. Clearing the history at that point would break jQuery apps. */ if (this.doClearHistory) { view.clearHistory(); this.doClearHistory = false; } // Clear timeout flag this.appView.loadUrlTimeout++; // Broadcast message that page has loaded this.appView.postMessage("onPageFinished", url); // Make app visible after 2 sec in case there was a JS error and Cordova JS never initialized correctly if (this.appView.getVisibility() == View.INVISIBLE) { Thread t = new Thread(new Runnable() { public void run() { try { Thread.sleep(2000); cordova.getActivity().runOnUiThread(new Runnable() { public void run() { appView.postMessage("spinner", "stop"); } }); } catch (InterruptedException e) { } } }); t.start(); } // Shutdown if blank loaded if (url.equals("about:blank")) { appView.postMessage("exit", null); } }
Example 18
Source File: From bluemix-parking-meter with MIT License | 4 votes |
/** * Notify the host application that a page has finished loading. * This method is called only for main frame. When onPageFinished() is called, the rendering picture may not be updated yet. * * * @param view The webview initiating the callback. * @param url The url of the page. */ @Override public void onPageFinished(WebView view, String url) { super.onPageFinished(view, url); // Ignore excessive calls, if url is not about:blank (CB-8317). if (!isCurrentlyLoading && !url.startsWith("about:")) { return; } isCurrentlyLoading = false; LOG.d(TAG, "onPageFinished(" + url + ")"); /** * Because of a timing issue we need to clear this history in onPageFinished as well as * onPageStarted. However we only want to do this if the doClearHistory boolean is set to * true. You see when you load a url with a # in it which is common in jQuery applications * onPageStared is not called. Clearing the history at that point would break jQuery apps. */ if (this.doClearHistory) { view.clearHistory(); this.doClearHistory = false; } // Clear timeout flag this.appView.loadUrlTimeout++; // Broadcast message that page has loaded this.appView.postMessage("onPageFinished", url); // Make app visible after 2 sec in case there was a JS error and Cordova JS never initialized correctly if (this.appView.getVisibility() == View.INVISIBLE) { Thread t = new Thread(new Runnable() { public void run() { try { Thread.sleep(2000); cordova.getActivity().runOnUiThread(new Runnable() { public void run() { appView.postMessage("spinner", "stop"); } }); } catch (InterruptedException e) { } } }); t.start(); } // Shutdown if blank loaded if (url.equals("about:blank")) { appView.postMessage("exit", null); } }
Example 19
Source File: From CordovaYoutubeVideoPlayer with MIT License | 4 votes |
/** * Notify the host application that a page has finished loading. * This method is called only for main frame. When onPageFinished() is called, the rendering picture may not be updated yet. * * * @param view The webview initiating the callback. * @param url The url of the page. */ @Override public void onPageFinished(WebView view, String url) { super.onPageFinished(view, url); // Ignore excessive calls. if (!isCurrentlyLoading) { return; } isCurrentlyLoading = false; LOG.d(TAG, "onPageFinished(" + url + ")"); /** * Because of a timing issue we need to clear this history in onPageFinished as well as * onPageStarted. However we only want to do this if the doClearHistory boolean is set to * true. You see when you load a url with a # in it which is common in jQuery applications * onPageStared is not called. Clearing the history at that point would break jQuery apps. */ if (this.doClearHistory) { view.clearHistory(); this.doClearHistory = false; } // Clear timeout flag this.appView.loadUrlTimeout++; // Broadcast message that page has loaded this.appView.postMessage("onPageFinished", url); // Make app visible after 2 sec in case there was a JS error and Cordova JS never initialized correctly if (this.appView.getVisibility() == View.INVISIBLE) { Thread t = new Thread(new Runnable() { public void run() { try { Thread.sleep(2000); cordova.getActivity().runOnUiThread(new Runnable() { public void run() { appView.postMessage("spinner", "stop"); } }); } catch (InterruptedException e) { } } }); t.start(); } // Shutdown if blank loaded if (url.equals("about:blank")) { appView.postMessage("exit", null); } }
Example 20
Source File: From reader with MIT License | 4 votes |
/** * Notify the host application that a page has finished loading. * This method is called only for main frame. When onPageFinished() is called, the rendering picture may not be updated yet. * * * @param view The webview initiating the callback. * @param url The url of the page. */ @Override public void onPageFinished(WebView view, String url) { super.onPageFinished(view, url); // Ignore excessive calls. if (!isCurrentlyLoading) { return; } isCurrentlyLoading = false; LOG.d(TAG, "onPageFinished(" + url + ")"); /** * Because of a timing issue we need to clear this history in onPageFinished as well as * onPageStarted. However we only want to do this if the doClearHistory boolean is set to * true. You see when you load a url with a # in it which is common in jQuery applications * onPageStared is not called. Clearing the history at that point would break jQuery apps. */ if (this.doClearHistory) { view.clearHistory(); this.doClearHistory = false; } // Clear timeout flag this.appView.loadUrlTimeout++; // Broadcast message that page has loaded this.appView.postMessage("onPageFinished", url); // Make app visible after 2 sec in case there was a JS error and Cordova JS never initialized correctly if (this.appView.getVisibility() == View.INVISIBLE) { Thread t = new Thread(new Runnable() { public void run() { try { Thread.sleep(2000); cordova.getActivity().runOnUiThread(new Runnable() { public void run() { appView.postMessage("spinner", "stop"); } }); } catch (InterruptedException e) { } } }); t.start(); } // Shutdown if blank loaded if (url.equals("about:blank")) { appView.postMessage("exit", null); } }