Java Code Examples for

The following examples show how to use . You can vote up the ones you like or vote down the ones you don't like, and go to the original project or source file by following the links above each example. You may check out the related API usage on the sidebar.
Example 1
Source File:    From directory-ldap-api with Apache License 2.0 6 votes vote down vote up
 * Try to inject an AttributeType without any superior nor Syntax : it's invalid
public void testAddAttributeTypeNoSupNoSyntaxNoSuperior() throws Exception
    SchemaManager schemaManager = loadSystem();
    int atrSize = schemaManager.getAttributeTypeRegistry().size();
    int goidSize = schemaManager.getGlobalOidRegistry().size();

    AttributeType attributeType = new AttributeType( "1.1.0" );
    attributeType.setEqualityOid( SchemaConstants.DISTINGUISHED_NAME_MATCH_MR_OID );
    attributeType.setOrderingOid( null );
    attributeType.setSubstringOid( null );

    // It should fail
    assertFalse( schemaManager.add( attributeType ) );

    List<Throwable> errors = schemaManager.getErrors();
    assertEquals( 1, errors.size() );
    Throwable error = errors.get( 0 );

    assertTrue( error instanceof LdapSchemaException );

    assertFalse( isATPresent( schemaManager, "1.1.0" ) );
    assertEquals( atrSize, schemaManager.getAttributeTypeRegistry().size() );
    assertEquals( goidSize, schemaManager.getGlobalOidRegistry().size() );
Example 2
Source File:    From directory-ldap-api with Apache License 2.0 6 votes vote down vote up
 * Try to inject an AttributeType which is Collective, and userApplication AT
public void testAddAttributeTypeNoSupCollectiveUser() throws Exception
    SchemaManager schemaManager = loadSystem();
    int atrSize = schemaManager.getAttributeTypeRegistry().size();
    int goidSize = schemaManager.getGlobalOidRegistry().size();

    AttributeType attributeType = new AttributeType( "1.1.0" );
    attributeType.setEqualityOid( SchemaConstants.DISTINGUISHED_NAME_MATCH_MR_OID );
    attributeType.setOrderingOid( null );
    attributeType.setSubstringOid( null );
    attributeType.setSyntaxOid( "" );
    attributeType.setUsage( UsageEnum.USER_APPLICATIONS );
    attributeType.setCollective( true );

    // It should not fail
    assertTrue( schemaManager.add( attributeType ) );

    assertTrue( isATPresent( schemaManager, "1.1.0" ) );
    assertEquals( atrSize + 1, schemaManager.getAttributeTypeRegistry().size() );
    assertEquals( goidSize + 1, schemaManager.getGlobalOidRegistry().size() );
Example 3
Source File:    From directory-ldap-api with Apache License 2.0 6 votes vote down vote up
 * Try to delete an AttributeType not existing in the schemaManager
public void testDeleteNonExistingAttributeType() throws Exception
    SchemaManager schemaManager = loadSchema( "Core" );
    int atrSize = schemaManager.getAttributeTypeRegistry().size();
    int goidSize = schemaManager.getGlobalOidRegistry().size();

    AttributeType attributeType = new AttributeType( "1.1.0" );
    attributeType.setEqualityOid( SchemaConstants.DISTINGUISHED_NAME_MATCH_MR_OID );
    attributeType.setOrderingOid( null );
    attributeType.setSubstringOid( null );

    // It should fail
    assertFalse( schemaManager.delete( attributeType ) );

    List<Throwable> errors = schemaManager.getErrors();
    assertFalse( errors.isEmpty() );

    assertEquals( atrSize, schemaManager.getAttributeTypeRegistry().size() );
    assertEquals( goidSize, schemaManager.getGlobalOidRegistry().size() );
Example 4
Source File:    From directory-ldap-api with Apache License 2.0 6 votes vote down vote up
 * Try to inject an AttributeType with a superior and no Syntax : it should
 * take its superior' syntax and MR
public void testAddAttributeTypeSupNoSyntaxNoSuperior() throws Exception
    SchemaManager schemaManager = loadSystem();
    int atrSize = schemaManager.getAttributeTypeRegistry().size();
    int goidSize = schemaManager.getGlobalOidRegistry().size();

    AttributeType attributeType = new AttributeType( "1.1.0" );
    attributeType.setEqualityOid( null );
    attributeType.setOrderingOid( null );
    attributeType.setSubstringOid( null );
    attributeType.setSuperiorOid( "" );
    attributeType.setUsage( UsageEnum.DIRECTORY_OPERATION );

    // It should not fail
    assertTrue( schemaManager.add( attributeType ) );

    AttributeType result = schemaManager.lookupAttributeTypeRegistry( "1.1.0" );

    assertEquals( "", result.getSyntaxOid() );
    assertEquals( SchemaConstants.DISTINGUISHED_NAME_MATCH_MR_OID, result.getEqualityOid() );
    assertEquals( atrSize + 1, schemaManager.getAttributeTypeRegistry().size() );
    assertEquals( goidSize + 1, schemaManager.getGlobalOidRegistry().size() );
Example 5
Source File:    From directory-ldap-api with Apache License 2.0 6 votes vote down vote up
 * Try to inject an AttributeType which is a NO-USER-MODIFICATION and is operational
public void testAddAttributeTypeNoSupNoUserModificationOpAttr() throws Exception
    SchemaManager schemaManager = loadSystem();
    int atrSize = schemaManager.getAttributeTypeRegistry().size();
    int goidSize = schemaManager.getGlobalOidRegistry().size();

    AttributeType attributeType = new AttributeType( "1.1.0" );
    attributeType.setEqualityOid( SchemaConstants.DISTINGUISHED_NAME_MATCH_MR_OID );
    attributeType.setOrderingOid( null );
    attributeType.setSubstringOid( null );
    attributeType.setSyntaxOid( "" );
    attributeType.setUsage( UsageEnum.DISTRIBUTED_OPERATION );
    attributeType.setUserModifiable( false );

    // It should not fail
    assertTrue( schemaManager.add( attributeType ) );

    assertTrue( isATPresent( schemaManager, "1.1.0" ) );
    assertEquals( atrSize + 1, schemaManager.getAttributeTypeRegistry().size() );
    assertEquals( goidSize + 1, schemaManager.getGlobalOidRegistry().size() );
Example 6
Source File:    From directory-ldap-api with Apache License 2.0 6 votes vote down vote up
 * Try to inject an AttributeType with valid MRs
public void testAddAttributeTypeNoSupValidMR() throws Exception
    SchemaManager schemaManager = loadSystem();
    int atrSize = schemaManager.getAttributeTypeRegistry().size();
    int goidSize = schemaManager.getGlobalOidRegistry().size();

    AttributeType attributeType = new AttributeType( "1.1.0" );
    attributeType.setEqualityOid( SchemaConstants.DISTINGUISHED_NAME_MATCH_MR_OID );
    attributeType.setOrderingOid( SchemaConstants.DISTINGUISHED_NAME_MATCH_MR_OID );
    attributeType.setSubstringOid( SchemaConstants.DISTINGUISHED_NAME_MATCH_MR_OID );
    attributeType.setSyntaxOid( "" );
    attributeType.setUsage( UsageEnum.USER_APPLICATIONS );

    // It should not fail
    assertTrue( schemaManager.add( attributeType ) );

    assertTrue( isATPresent( schemaManager, "1.1.0" ) );
    assertEquals( atrSize + 1, schemaManager.getAttributeTypeRegistry().size() );
    assertEquals( goidSize + 1, schemaManager.getGlobalOidRegistry().size() );
Example 7
Source File:    From directory-ldap-api with Apache License 2.0 5 votes vote down vote up
 * Try to inject an AttributeType with a bad superior
public void testAddAttributeTypeSupBadSup() throws Exception
    SchemaManager schemaManager = loadSystem();
    int atrSize = schemaManager.getAttributeTypeRegistry().size();
    int goidSize = schemaManager.getGlobalOidRegistry().size();

    AttributeType attributeType = new AttributeType( "1.1.0" );
    attributeType.setEqualityOid( null );
    attributeType.setOrderingOid( null );
    attributeType.setSubstringOid( null );
    attributeType.setSuperiorOid( "0.0" );
    attributeType.setUsage( UsageEnum.DISTRIBUTED_OPERATION );

    // It should fail
    assertFalse( schemaManager.add( attributeType ) );

    List<Throwable> errors = schemaManager.getErrors();
    assertEquals( 1, errors.size() );
    Throwable error = errors.get( 0 );

    assertTrue( error instanceof LdapSchemaException );

    assertFalse( isATPresent( schemaManager, "1.1.0" ) );
    assertEquals( atrSize, schemaManager.getAttributeTypeRegistry().size() );
    assertEquals( goidSize, schemaManager.getGlobalOidRegistry().size() );
Example 8
Source File:    From directory-ldap-api with Apache License 2.0 5 votes vote down vote up
 * Try to inject an AttributeType with itself as a superior
public void testAddAttributeTypeSupWithOwnSup() throws Exception
    SchemaManager schemaManager = loadSystem();
    int atrSize = schemaManager.getAttributeTypeRegistry().size();
    int goidSize = schemaManager.getGlobalOidRegistry().size();

    AttributeType attributeType = new AttributeType( "1.1.0" );
    attributeType.setEqualityOid( null );
    attributeType.setOrderingOid( null );
    attributeType.setSubstringOid( null );
    attributeType.setSuperiorOid( "1.1.0" );
    attributeType.setUsage( UsageEnum.DISTRIBUTED_OPERATION );

    // It should fail
    assertFalse( schemaManager.add( attributeType ) );

    List<Throwable> errors = schemaManager.getErrors();
    assertEquals( 1, errors.size() );
    Throwable error = errors.get( 0 );

    assertTrue( error instanceof LdapSchemaException );

    assertFalse( isATPresent( schemaManager, "1.1.0" ) );
    assertEquals( atrSize, schemaManager.getAttributeTypeRegistry().size() );
    assertEquals( goidSize, schemaManager.getGlobalOidRegistry().size() );
Example 9
Source File:    From directory-ldap-api with Apache License 2.0 5 votes vote down vote up
 * Try to inject an AttributeType with a superior and different USAGE
public void testAddAttributeTypeSupDifferentUsage() throws Exception
    SchemaManager schemaManager = loadSystem();
    int atrSize = schemaManager.getAttributeTypeRegistry().size();
    int goidSize = schemaManager.getGlobalOidRegistry().size();

    AttributeType attributeType = new AttributeType( "1.1.0" );
    attributeType.setEqualityOid( null );
    attributeType.setOrderingOid( null );
    attributeType.setSubstringOid( null );
    attributeType.setSuperiorOid( "" );
    attributeType.setUsage( UsageEnum.DISTRIBUTED_OPERATION );

    // It should fail
    assertFalse( schemaManager.add( attributeType ) );

    List<Throwable> errors = schemaManager.getErrors();
    assertEquals( 1, errors.size() );
    Throwable error = errors.get( 0 );

    assertTrue( error instanceof LdapSchemaException );

    assertFalse( isATPresent( schemaManager, "1.1.0" ) );
    assertEquals( atrSize, schemaManager.getAttributeTypeRegistry().size() );
    assertEquals( goidSize, schemaManager.getGlobalOidRegistry().size() );
Example 10
Source File:    From directory-ldap-api with Apache License 2.0 5 votes vote down vote up
 * Try to inject an AttributeType with an ObjectClass name
public void testAddAttributeTypeNameOfAnObjectClass() throws Exception
    SchemaManager schemaManager = loadSystem();
    int atrSize = schemaManager.getAttributeTypeRegistry().size();
    int goidSize = schemaManager.getGlobalOidRegistry().size();

    AttributeType attributeType = new AttributeType( "" );
    attributeType.setEqualityOid( SchemaConstants.DISTINGUISHED_NAME_MATCH_MR_OID );
    attributeType.setOrderingOid( SchemaConstants.DISTINGUISHED_NAME_MATCH_MR_OID );
    attributeType.setSubstringOid( SchemaConstants.DISTINGUISHED_NAME_MATCH_MR_OID );
    attributeType.setSyntaxOid( "" );
    attributeType.setNames( "Test", "referral" );

    // It should be ok
    assertTrue( schemaManager.add( attributeType ) );

    List<Throwable> errors = schemaManager.getErrors();
    assertEquals( 0, errors.size() );

    // The AT must be present
    assertTrue( isATPresent( schemaManager, "" ) );

    assertEquals( atrSize + 1, schemaManager.getAttributeTypeRegistry().size() );
    assertEquals( goidSize + 1, schemaManager.getGlobalOidRegistry().size() );

    AttributeType added = schemaManager.lookupAttributeTypeRegistry( "referral" );
    assertNotNull( added );
    assertEquals( "", added.getOid() );
    assertTrue( added.getNames().contains( "referral" ) );
Example 11
Source File:    From directory-ldap-api with Apache License 2.0 5 votes vote down vote up
 * Try to inject an AttributeType with an already attributed name
public void testAddAttributeTypeNameAlreadyExist() throws Exception
    SchemaManager schemaManager = loadSystem();
    int atrSize = schemaManager.getAttributeTypeRegistry().size();
    int goidSize = schemaManager.getGlobalOidRegistry().size();

    AttributeType attributeType = new AttributeType( "" );
    attributeType.setEqualityOid( SchemaConstants.DISTINGUISHED_NAME_MATCH_MR_OID );
    attributeType.setOrderingOid( SchemaConstants.DISTINGUISHED_NAME_MATCH_MR_OID );
    attributeType.setSubstringOid( SchemaConstants.DISTINGUISHED_NAME_MATCH_MR_OID );
    attributeType.setSyntaxOid( "" );
    attributeType.setNames( "Test", "cn" );

    // It should fail
    assertFalse( schemaManager.add( attributeType ) );

    List<Throwable> errors = schemaManager.getErrors();
    assertEquals( 1, errors.size() );
    Throwable error = errors.get( 0 );

    assertTrue( error instanceof LdapSchemaException );

    // The AT must not be there
    assertFalse( isATPresent( schemaManager, "" ) );

    assertEquals( atrSize, schemaManager.getAttributeTypeRegistry().size() );
    assertEquals( goidSize, schemaManager.getGlobalOidRegistry().size() );
Example 12
Source File:    From directory-ldap-api with Apache License 2.0 5 votes vote down vote up
 * Try to inject an AttributeType which already exist
public void testAddAttributeTypeAlreadyExist() throws Exception
    SchemaManager schemaManager = loadSystem();
    int atrSize = schemaManager.getAttributeTypeRegistry().size();
    int goidSize = schemaManager.getGlobalOidRegistry().size();

    AttributeType attributeType = new AttributeType( "" );
    attributeType.setEqualityOid( SchemaConstants.DISTINGUISHED_NAME_MATCH_MR_OID );
    attributeType.setOrderingOid( SchemaConstants.DISTINGUISHED_NAME_MATCH_MR_OID );
    attributeType.setSubstringOid( SchemaConstants.DISTINGUISHED_NAME_MATCH_MR_OID );

    // It should fail
    assertFalse( schemaManager.add( attributeType ) );

    List<Throwable> errors = schemaManager.getErrors();
    assertEquals( 1, errors.size() );
    Throwable error = errors.get( 0 );

    assertTrue( error instanceof LdapSchemaException );

    // The AT must be there
    assertTrue( isATPresent( schemaManager, "" ) );

    // Check that it hasen't changed
    AttributeType original = schemaManager.lookupAttributeTypeRegistry( "" );
    assertEquals( "distinguishedNameMatch", original.getEqualityOid() );
    assertEquals( atrSize, schemaManager.getAttributeTypeRegistry().size() );
    assertEquals( goidSize, schemaManager.getGlobalOidRegistry().size() );
Example 13
Source File:    From directory-ldap-api with Apache License 2.0 5 votes vote down vote up
 * Try to inject an AttributeType with an invalid SUBSTR MR
public void testAddAttributeTypeNoSupInvalidSubstringMR() throws Exception
    SchemaManager schemaManager = loadSystem();
    int atrSize = schemaManager.getAttributeTypeRegistry().size();
    int goidSize = schemaManager.getGlobalOidRegistry().size();

    AttributeType attributeType = new AttributeType( "1.1.0" );
    attributeType.setEqualityOid( null );
    attributeType.setOrderingOid( null );
    attributeType.setSubstringOid( "0.0" );
    attributeType.setSyntaxOid( "" );
    attributeType.setUsage( UsageEnum.USER_APPLICATIONS );

    // It should fail
    assertFalse( schemaManager.add( attributeType ) );

    List<Throwable> errors = schemaManager.getErrors();
    assertEquals( 1, errors.size() );
    Throwable error = errors.get( 0 );

    assertTrue( error instanceof LdapSchemaException );

    assertFalse( isATPresent( schemaManager, "1.1.0" ) );
    assertEquals( atrSize, schemaManager.getAttributeTypeRegistry().size() );
    assertEquals( goidSize, schemaManager.getGlobalOidRegistry().size() );
Example 14
Source File:    From directory-ldap-api with Apache License 2.0 5 votes vote down vote up
 * Try to inject an AttributeType with an invalid ORDERING MR
public void testAddAttributeTypeNoSupInvalidOrderingMR() throws Exception
    SchemaManager schemaManager = loadSystem();
    int atrSize = schemaManager.getAttributeTypeRegistry().size();
    int goidSize = schemaManager.getGlobalOidRegistry().size();

    AttributeType attributeType = new AttributeType( "1.1.0" );
    attributeType.setEqualityOid( null );
    attributeType.setOrderingOid( "0.0" );
    attributeType.setSubstringOid( null );
    attributeType.setSyntaxOid( "" );
    attributeType.setUsage( UsageEnum.USER_APPLICATIONS );

    // It should fail
    assertFalse( schemaManager.add( attributeType ) );

    List<Throwable> errors = schemaManager.getErrors();
    assertEquals( 1, errors.size() );
    Throwable error = errors.get( 0 );

    assertTrue( error instanceof LdapSchemaException );

    assertFalse( isATPresent( schemaManager, "1.1.0" ) );
    assertEquals( atrSize, schemaManager.getAttributeTypeRegistry().size() );
    assertEquals( goidSize, schemaManager.getGlobalOidRegistry().size() );
Example 15
Source File:    From directory-ldap-api with Apache License 2.0 5 votes vote down vote up
 * Try to inject an AttributeType with an invalid EQUALITY MR
public void testAddAttributeTypeNoSupInvalidEqualityMR() throws Exception
    SchemaManager schemaManager = loadSystem();
    int atrSize = schemaManager.getAttributeTypeRegistry().size();
    int goidSize = schemaManager.getGlobalOidRegistry().size();

    AttributeType attributeType = new AttributeType( "1.1.0" );
    attributeType.setEqualityOid( "0.0" );
    attributeType.setOrderingOid( null );
    attributeType.setSubstringOid( null );
    attributeType.setSyntaxOid( "" );
    attributeType.setUsage( UsageEnum.USER_APPLICATIONS );

    // It should fail
    assertFalse( schemaManager.add( attributeType ) );

    List<Throwable> errors = schemaManager.getErrors();
    assertEquals( 1, errors.size() );
    Throwable error = errors.get( 0 );

    assertTrue( error instanceof LdapSchemaException );

    assertFalse( isATPresent( schemaManager, "1.1.0" ) );
    assertEquals( atrSize, schemaManager.getAttributeTypeRegistry().size() );
    assertEquals( goidSize, schemaManager.getGlobalOidRegistry().size() );
Example 16
Source File:    From directory-ldap-api with Apache License 2.0 5 votes vote down vote up
 * Try to inject an AttributeType which is a NO-USER-MODIFICATION and userApplication
public void testAddAttributeTypeNoSupNoUserModificationUserAplication() throws Exception
    SchemaManager schemaManager = loadSystem();
    int atrSize = schemaManager.getAttributeTypeRegistry().size();
    int goidSize = schemaManager.getGlobalOidRegistry().size();

    AttributeType attributeType = new AttributeType( "1.1.0" );
    attributeType.setEqualityOid( SchemaConstants.DISTINGUISHED_NAME_MATCH_MR_OID );
    attributeType.setOrderingOid( null );
    attributeType.setSubstringOid( null );
    attributeType.setSyntaxOid( "" );
    attributeType.setUsage( UsageEnum.USER_APPLICATIONS );
    attributeType.setUserModifiable( false );

    // It should fail
    assertFalse( schemaManager.add( attributeType ) );

    List<Throwable> errors = schemaManager.getErrors();
    assertEquals( 1, errors.size() );
    Throwable error = errors.get( 0 );

    assertTrue( error instanceof LdapSchemaException );

    assertFalse( isATPresent( schemaManager, "1.1.0" ) );
    assertEquals( atrSize, schemaManager.getAttributeTypeRegistry().size() );
    assertEquals( goidSize, schemaManager.getGlobalOidRegistry().size() );
Example 17
Source File:    From directory-ldap-api with Apache License 2.0 5 votes vote down vote up
 * Try to inject a single valued AttributeType which is Collective
public void testAddAttributeTypeCollectiveOperationalSigleValue() throws Exception
    SchemaManager schemaManager = loadSystem();
    int atrSize = schemaManager.getAttributeTypeRegistry().size();
    int goidSize = schemaManager.getGlobalOidRegistry().size();

    AttributeType attributeType = new AttributeType( "1.1.0" );
    attributeType.setEqualityOid( SchemaConstants.DISTINGUISHED_NAME_MATCH_MR_OID );
    attributeType.setOrderingOid( null );
    attributeType.setSubstringOid( null );
    attributeType.setSyntaxOid( "" );
    attributeType.setUsage( UsageEnum.USER_APPLICATIONS );
    attributeType.setCollective( true );
    attributeType.setSingleValued( true );

    // It should fail
    assertFalse( schemaManager.add( attributeType ) );

    List<Throwable> errors = schemaManager.getErrors();
    assertEquals( 1, errors.size() );
    Throwable error = errors.get( 0 );

    assertTrue( error instanceof LdapSchemaException );

    assertFalse( isATPresent( schemaManager, "1.1.0" ) );
    assertEquals( atrSize, schemaManager.getAttributeTypeRegistry().size() );
    assertEquals( goidSize, schemaManager.getGlobalOidRegistry().size() );
Example 18
Source File:    From directory-ldap-api with Apache License 2.0 5 votes vote down vote up
 * Try to inject an AttributeType which is Collective, but an operational AT
public void testAddAttributeTypeNoSupCollectiveOperational() throws Exception
    SchemaManager schemaManager = loadSystem();
    int atrSize = schemaManager.getAttributeTypeRegistry().size();
    int goidSize = schemaManager.getGlobalOidRegistry().size();

    AttributeType attributeType = new AttributeType( "1.1.0" );
    attributeType.setEqualityOid( SchemaConstants.DISTINGUISHED_NAME_MATCH_MR_OID );
    attributeType.setOrderingOid( null );
    attributeType.setSubstringOid( null );
    attributeType.setSyntaxOid( "" );
    attributeType.setUsage( UsageEnum.DIRECTORY_OPERATION );
    attributeType.setCollective( true );

    // It should fail
    assertFalse( schemaManager.add( attributeType ) );

    List<Throwable> errors = schemaManager.getErrors();
    assertEquals( 1, errors.size() );
    Throwable error = errors.get( 0 );

    assertTrue( error instanceof LdapSchemaException );

    assertFalse( isATPresent( schemaManager, "1.1.0" ) );
    assertEquals( atrSize, schemaManager.getAttributeTypeRegistry().size() );
    assertEquals( goidSize, schemaManager.getGlobalOidRegistry().size() );
Example 19
Source File:    From directory-ldap-api with Apache License 2.0 4 votes vote down vote up
 * Try to inject an AttributeType which is a subtype of a Collective AT
public void testAddAttributeTypeSupCollectiveUser() throws Exception
    SchemaManager schemaManager = loadSystem();
    int atrSize = schemaManager.getAttributeTypeRegistry().size();
    int goidSize = schemaManager.getGlobalOidRegistry().size();

    // Create the collective attribute first
    AttributeType attributeType = new AttributeType( "1.1.0" );
    attributeType.setEqualityOid( SchemaConstants.DISTINGUISHED_NAME_MATCH_MR_OID );
    attributeType.setOrderingOid( null );
    attributeType.setSubstringOid( null );
    attributeType.setSyntaxOid( "" );
    attributeType.setUsage( UsageEnum.USER_APPLICATIONS );
    attributeType.setCollective( true );

    // It should not fail
    assertTrue( schemaManager.add( attributeType ) );

    assertTrue( isATPresent( schemaManager, "1.1.0" ) );
    assertEquals( atrSize + 1, schemaManager.getAttributeTypeRegistry().size() );
    assertEquals( goidSize + 1, schemaManager.getGlobalOidRegistry().size() );

    // Now try to create an AT which is a subtype of teh create collective attribute
    AttributeType subType = new AttributeType( "1.1.1" );
    subType.setEqualityOid( SchemaConstants.DISTINGUISHED_NAME_MATCH_MR_OID );
    subType.setOrderingOid( null );
    subType.setSubstringOid( null );
    subType.setSuperiorOid( "1.1.0" );
    subType.setSyntaxOid( "" );
    subType.setUsage( UsageEnum.USER_APPLICATIONS );
    subType.setCollective( false );

    // It should fail
    assertFalse( schemaManager.add( subType ) );

    assertFalse( isATPresent( schemaManager, "1.1.1" ) );
    assertEquals( atrSize + 1, schemaManager.getAttributeTypeRegistry().size() );
    assertEquals( goidSize + 1, schemaManager.getGlobalOidRegistry().size() );