Java Code Examples for javax.lang.model.element.TypeElement#getEnclosedElements()
The following examples show how to use
javax.lang.model.element.TypeElement#getEnclosedElements() .
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Example 1
Source File: From aircon with MIT License | 6 votes |
@SuppressWarnings("unchecked") private <T> T getAttributeFromAnnotationClass(String attr) { final TypeElement annotationElement = (TypeElement) mAnnotationMirror.getAnnotationType() .asElement(); for (final Element enclosedElement : annotationElement.getEnclosedElements()) { if (enclosedElement instanceof ExecutableElement) { final ExecutableElement method = (ExecutableElement) enclosedElement; if (method.getSimpleName() .toString() .equals(attr)) { return (T) method.getDefaultValue() .getValue(); } } } return null; }
Example 2
Source File: From ngAndroid with Apache License 2.0 | 6 votes |
public TypeMirror getElementType(TypeElement model, String field){ TypeMirror typeMirror = null; String fieldName = field.toLowerCase(); for(Element f : model.getEnclosedElements()){ if(f instanceof ExecutableElement) { String fName = f.getSimpleName().toString().toLowerCase(); ExecutableElement exec = (ExecutableElement) f; if (fName.equals("set" + fieldName) && isSetter(f)) { TypeMirror setType = exec.getParameters().get(0).asType(); if (typeMirror != null) { checkMatch(model, field, typeMirror, setType); } typeMirror = setType; } else if (fName.equals("get" + fieldName) && isGetter(f)) { TypeMirror getType = exec.getReturnType(); if (typeMirror != null) { checkMatch(model, field, typeMirror, getType); } typeMirror = getType; } } } return typeMirror; }
Example 3
Source File: From netbeans with Apache License 2.0 | 6 votes |
@Override public Void visitTypeAsClass(TypeElement javaClass, ProblemContext ctx){ // apply class-level rules for (Rule<TypeElement> rule : getClassRules()){ if (ctx.isCancelled()){ break; } ErrorDescription problems[] = rule.execute(javaClass, ctx); if (problems != null){ for (ErrorDescription problem : problems){ if (problem != null){ problemsFound.add(problem); } } } } // visit all enclosed elements for (Element enclosedClass : javaClass.getEnclosedElements()){ enclosedClass.accept(this, ctx); } return null; }
Example 4
Source File: From buck with Apache License 2.0 | 6 votes |
private void addAllElements(Element rootElement, Map<Path, Element> elements) { if (rootElement.getKind() == ElementKind.PACKAGE) { PackageElement packageElement = (PackageElement) rootElement; if (!packageElement.getAnnotationMirrors().isEmpty()) { elements.put( getRelativePathToClass(packageElement.getQualifiedName() + ".package-info"), packageElement); } } if (!rootElement.getKind().isClass() && !rootElement.getKind().isInterface()) { return; } TypeElement typeElement = (TypeElement) rootElement; elements.put(getRelativePath(typeElement), typeElement); for (Element enclosed : typeElement.getEnclosedElements()) { addAllElements(enclosed, elements); } }
Example 5
Source File: From hadoop-ozone with Apache License 2.0 | 6 votes |
private void writeConfigAnnotations(ConfigGroup configGroup, ConfigFileAppender appender, TypeElement typeElement) { //check if any of the setters are annotated with @Config for (Element element : typeElement.getEnclosedElements()) { if (element.getKind() == ElementKind.FIELD) { if (element.getAnnotation(Config.class) != null) { //update the ozone-site-generated.xml Config configAnnotation = element.getAnnotation(Config.class); String key = configGroup.prefix() + "." + configAnnotation.key(); appender.addConfig(key, configAnnotation.defaultValue(), configAnnotation.description(), configAnnotation.tags()); } } } }
Example 6
Source File: From sqlitemagic with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
private void collectImmutableObjectMetadataIfNeeded(Environment environment, TypeElement tableElement) { if (environment.hasAutoValueLib()) { immutable = tableElement.getAnnotation(environment.getAutoValueAnnotation()) != null; if (immutable) { final Class<? extends Annotation> builderAnnotation = environment.getAutoValueBuilderAnnotation(); for (Element e : tableElement.getEnclosedElements()) { if (e.getKind() == ElementKind.CLASS && e.getAnnotation(builderAnnotation) != null) { $builderElement = (TypeElement) e; break; } } } } }
Example 7
Source File: From litho with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
@Nullable public static SpecMethodModel<EventMethod, Void> getRegisterMethod( TypeElement typeElement, List<Class<? extends Annotation>> permittedInterStageInputAnnotations, Messager messager) { for (Element enclosedElement : typeElement.getEnclosedElements()) { if (enclosedElement.getKind() != ElementKind.METHOD) { continue; } final ExecutableElement executableElement = (ExecutableElement) enclosedElement; final Annotation registerRangesAnnotation = enclosedElement.getAnnotation(OnRegisterRanges.class); if (registerRangesAnnotation != null) { final List<MethodParamModel> methodParams = getMethodParams( executableElement, messager, getPermittedMethodParamAnnotations(permittedInterStageInputAnnotations), permittedInterStageInputAnnotations, ImmutableList.of()); return SpecMethodModel.<EventMethod, Void>builder() .annotations(ImmutableList.of()) .modifiers(ImmutableList.copyOf(new ArrayList<>(executableElement.getModifiers()))) .name(executableElement.getSimpleName()) .returnTypeSpec(generateTypeSpec(executableElement.getReturnType())) .typeVariables(ImmutableList.copyOf(getTypeVariables(executableElement))) .methodParams(ImmutableList.copyOf(methodParams)) .representedObject(executableElement) .build(); } } return null; }
Example 8
Source File: From buck with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
protected VariableElement findField(String name, TypeElement typeElement) { for (Element element : typeElement.getEnclosedElements()) { if (element.getKind().isField() && element.getSimpleName().contentEquals(name)) { return (VariableElement) element; } } throw new IllegalArgumentException( String.format("No such field in %s: %s", typeElement.getQualifiedName(), name)); }
Example 9
Source File: From netbeans with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
@Override protected JavaCompletionItem getDelegate(CompilationInfo info, Scope scope, TypeElement te) { Elements elements = info.getElements(); Trees trees = info.getTrees(); if (te != null) { Element element = null; boolean multiVersion = false; for (Element e : te.getEnclosedElements()) { if ((e.getKind().isField() || e.getKind() == ElementKind.METHOD) && name.contentEquals(Utilities.isCaseSensitive() ? e.getSimpleName() : e.getSimpleName().toString().toLowerCase()) && e.getModifiers().contains(Modifier.STATIC) && (Utilities.isShowDeprecatedMembers() || !elements.isDeprecated(e)) && trees.isAccessible(scope, e, (DeclaredType) te.asType())) { if (element != null) { multiVersion = true; break; } element = e; } } if (element != null) { name = element.getSimpleName().toString(); return createStaticMemberItem(info, (DeclaredType) te.asType(), element, element.asType(), multiVersion, substitutionOffset, elements.isDeprecated(element), addSemicolon, getWhiteList()); } } return null; }
Example 10
Source File: From Moxy with MIT License | 5 votes |
private static List<PresenterProviderMethod> collectPresenterProviders(TypeElement presentersContainer) { List<PresenterProviderMethod> providers = new ArrayList<>(); for (Element element : presentersContainer.getEnclosedElements()) { if (element.getKind() != ElementKind.METHOD) { continue; } final ExecutableElement providerMethod = (ExecutableElement) element; final AnnotationMirror annotation = Util.getAnnotation(element, PROVIDE_PRESENTER_ANNOTATION); if (annotation == null) { continue; } final String name = providerMethod.getSimpleName().toString(); final DeclaredType kind = ((DeclaredType) providerMethod.getReturnType()); String type = Util.getAnnotationValueAsString(annotation, "type"); String tag = Util.getAnnotationValueAsString(annotation, "tag"); String presenterId = Util.getAnnotationValueAsString(annotation, "presenterId"); providers.add(new PresenterProviderMethod(kind, name, type, tag, presenterId)); } return providers; }
Example 11
Source File: From buck with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
@Test public void testEnclosedClasses() throws IOException { compile(String.join(System.lineSeparator(), "class Foo {", " class Bar { }", "}")); TypeElement fooElement = elements.getTypeElement("Foo"); TypeElement barElement = elements.getTypeElement("Foo.Bar"); List<Element> enclosedElements = new ArrayList<>(fooElement.getEnclosedElements()); assertThat(enclosedElements, Matchers.hasItems(barElement)); assertSame(fooElement, barElement.getEnclosingElement()); }
Example 12
Source File: From SmartEventBus with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
private void process(RoundEnvironment roundEnvironment) { for (Element element : roundEnvironment.getElementsAnnotatedWith(InvokingEventsDefine.class)) { if (element.getKind() == ElementKind.CLASS) { TypeElement typeElement = (TypeElement) element; PackageElement packageElement = elements.getPackageOf(element); String originalPackageName = packageElement.getQualifiedName().toString(); String originalClassName = typeElement.getSimpleName().toString(); List<EventInfo> events = new ArrayList<>(); List<? extends Element> enclosedElements = typeElement.getEnclosedElements(); for (Element element1 : enclosedElements) { if (element1.getKind() == ElementKind.FIELD) { VariableElement variableElement = (VariableElement) element1; String variableName = variableElement.getSimpleName().toString(); Object variableValue = variableElement.getConstantValue(); String eventType = getEventType(element1); System.out.println(TAG + "variableName: " + variableName + " | variableValue: " + variableValue); EventInfo eventInfo = new EventInfo(); eventInfo.setName(variableName); if (variableValue instanceof String) { eventInfo.setValue((String) variableValue); } eventInfo.setType(eventType); events.add(eventInfo); } } generateEventInterfaceClass(events, originalPackageName, originalClassName); } } }
Example 13
Source File: From litho with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
/** Get the prop defaults from the given {@link TypeElement}. */ public static ImmutableList<PropDefaultModel> getPropDefaults(TypeElement typeElement) { final List<PropDefaultModel> propDefaults = new ArrayList<>(); final List<? extends Element> enclosedElements = typeElement.getEnclosedElements(); for (Element enclosedElement : enclosedElements) { propDefaults.addAll(extractFromField(enclosedElement)); propDefaults.addAll(extractFromMethod(enclosedElement)); } return ImmutableList.copyOf(propDefaults); }
Example 14
Source File: From dagger2-sample with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
private Optional<DependencyRequest> membersInjectionRequest(DeclaredType type) { TypeElement typeElement = MoreElements.asType(type.asElement()); if (!types.isSameType(elements.getTypeElement(Object.class.getCanonicalName()).asType(), typeElement.getSuperclass())) { return Optional.of(dependencyRequestFactory.forMembersInjectedType(type)); } for (Element enclosedElement : typeElement.getEnclosedElements()) { if (MEMBER_KINDS.contains(enclosedElement.getKind()) && (isAnnotationPresent(enclosedElement, Inject.class))) { return Optional.of(dependencyRequestFactory.forMembersInjectedType(type)); } } return Optional.absent(); }
Example 15
Source File: From netbeans with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
private List<ExecutableElement> getMethods(CompilationController controller, TypeElement classElement) throws IOException { List<? extends Element> members = classElement.getEnclosedElements(); List<ExecutableElement> methods = ElementFilter.methodsIn(members); List<ExecutableElement> publicMethods = new ArrayList<ExecutableElement>(); for (ExecutableElement m:methods) { //Set<Modifier> modifiers = method.getModifiers(); //if (modifiers.contains(Modifier.PUBLIC)) { publicMethods.add(m); //} } return publicMethods; }
Example 16
Source File: From react-native-GPay with MIT License | 4 votes |
private CodeBlock getCodeBlockForReactModuleInfos(List<String> nativeModules) throws ReactModuleSpecException { CodeBlock.Builder builder = CodeBlock.builder(); if (nativeModules == null || nativeModules.isEmpty()) { builder.addStatement("return $T.emptyMap()", COLLECTIONS_TYPE); } else { builder.addStatement("$T map = new $T()", MAP_TYPE, INSTANTIATED_MAP_TYPE); TypeMirror cxxModuleWrapperTypeMirror = mElements.getTypeElement(CxxModuleWrapper.class.getName()).asType(); for (String nativeModule : nativeModules) { String keyString = nativeModule; TypeElement typeElement = mElements.getTypeElement(nativeModule); if (typeElement == null) { throw new ReactModuleSpecException( keyString + " not found by ReactModuleSpecProcessor. " + "Did you misspell the module?"); } ReactModule reactModule = typeElement.getAnnotation(ReactModule.class); if (reactModule == null) { throw new ReactModuleSpecException( keyString + " not found by ReactModuleSpecProcessor. " + "Did you forget to add the @ReactModule annotation to the native module?"); } List<? extends Element> elements = typeElement.getEnclosedElements(); boolean hasConstants = false; if (elements != null) { hasConstants = elements .stream() .filter(element -> element.getKind() == ElementKind.METHOD) .map(Element::getSimpleName) .anyMatch( name -> name.contentEquals("getConstants") || name.contentEquals("getTypedExportedConstants")); } boolean isCxxModule = mTypes.isAssignable(typeElement.asType(), cxxModuleWrapperTypeMirror); String valueString = new StringBuilder() .append("new ReactModuleInfo(") .append("\"").append("\"").append(", ") .append(reactModule.canOverrideExistingModule()).append(", ") .append(reactModule.needsEagerInit()).append(", ") .append(hasConstants).append(", ") .append(isCxxModule) .append(")") .toString(); builder.addStatement("map.put(\"" + keyString + "\", " + valueString + ")"); } builder.addStatement("return map"); } return; }
Example 17
Source File: From immutables with Apache License 2.0 | 4 votes |
Encoding(TypeElement type) { this.typeEncoding = type; if (type.getKind() != ElementKind.CLASS || type.getNestingKind() != NestingKind.TOP_LEVEL) { reporter.withElement(type).error("Encoding type '%s' should be top-level class", type.getSimpleName()); } this.$$package = processing().getElementUtils().getPackageOf(type).getQualifiedName().toString(); = type.getSimpleName().toString(); CharSequence source = SourceExtraction.extract(processing(), type); if (source.length() == 0) { reporter.withElement(type) .error("No source code can be extracted for @Encoding class. Unsupported compilation mode"); } this.imports = SourceExtraction.importsFrom(source); this.sourceMapper = new SourceMapper(source); this.typesReader = new TypeExtractor(types, type); this.encodingSelfType = typesReader.get(type.asType()); addTypeParameters(type); for (Element e : type.getEnclosedElements()) { processMember(e); } if (postValidate()) { provideSyntheticElements(); } this.allElements = Iterables.concat( Arrays.asList( Iterables.filter( Arrays.asList( impl, from, toString, hashCode, equals, build, isInit), Predicates.notNull()), fields, expose, copy, helpers, builderFields, builderHelpers, builderInits)); this.linkage = new Linkage(); this.generatedImports = generatedImports(); }
Example 18
Source File: From litho with Apache License 2.0 | 4 votes |
/** Get the delegate methods from the given {@link TypeElement}. */ public static ImmutableList<SpecMethodModel<BindDynamicValueMethod, Void>> getOnBindDynamicValuesMethods(TypeElement typeElement, Messager messager) { final List<SpecMethodModel<BindDynamicValueMethod, Void>> methods = new ArrayList<>(); for (Element enclosedElement : typeElement.getEnclosedElements()) { if (enclosedElement.getKind() != ElementKind.METHOD) { continue; } final Annotation annotation = enclosedElement.getAnnotation(OnBindDynamicValue.class); if (annotation == null) { continue; } final ExecutableElement method = (ExecutableElement) enclosedElement; final List<MethodParamModel> methodParams = getMethodParams( method, messager, Collections.singletonList(Prop.class), Collections.emptyList(), Collections.emptyList()); final SpecMethodModel<BindDynamicValueMethod, Void> methodModel = SpecMethodModel.<BindDynamicValueMethod, Void>builder() .annotations(ImmutableList.of(annotation)) .modifiers(copyOf(new ArrayList<>(method.getModifiers()))) .name(method.getSimpleName()) .returnTypeSpec(generateTypeSpec(method.getReturnType())) .typeVariables(ImmutableList.of()) .methodParams(copyOf(methodParams)) .representedObject(method) .typeModel(null) .build(); methods.add(methodModel); } return ImmutableList.copyOf(methods); }
Example 19
Source File: From litho with Apache License 2.0 | 4 votes |
/** Get the delegate methods from the given {@link TypeElement}. */ public static ImmutableList<SpecMethodModel<EventMethod, EventDeclarationModel>> getOnEventMethods( Elements elements, TypeElement typeElement, List<Class<? extends Annotation>> permittedInterStageInputAnnotations, Messager messager, EnumSet<RunMode> runMode) { final List<SpecMethodModel<EventMethod, EventDeclarationModel>> delegateMethods = new ArrayList<>(); for (Element enclosedElement : typeElement.getEnclosedElements()) { if (enclosedElement.getKind() != ElementKind.METHOD) { continue; } final OnEvent onEventAnnotation = enclosedElement.getAnnotation(OnEvent.class); if (onEventAnnotation != null) { final ExecutableElement executableElement = (ExecutableElement) enclosedElement; final List<MethodParamModel> methodParams = getMethodParams( executableElement, messager, getPermittedMethodParamAnnotations(permittedInterStageInputAnnotations), permittedInterStageInputAnnotations, ImmutableList.<Class<? extends Annotation>>of()); final DeclaredType eventClassDeclaredType = ProcessorUtils.getAnnotationParameter( elements, executableElement, OnEvent.class, "value", DeclaredType.class); final Element eventClass = eventClassDeclaredType.asElement(); // In full mode, we get the return type from the Event class so that we can verify that it // matches the return type of the method. In ABI mode, we can't access the Event class so // we just use the method return type and leave validation for the full build. final TypeName returnType = runMode.contains(RunMode.ABI) ? TypeName.get(executableElement.getReturnType()) : EventDeclarationsExtractor.getReturnType(elements, eventClass); final ImmutableList<FieldModel> fields = runMode.contains(RunMode.ABI) ? ImmutableList.of() : FieldsExtractor.extractFields(eventClass); final SpecMethodModel<EventMethod, EventDeclarationModel> eventMethod = SpecMethodModel.<EventMethod, EventDeclarationModel>builder() .annotations(ImmutableList.of()) .modifiers(ImmutableList.copyOf(new ArrayList<>(executableElement.getModifiers()))) .name(executableElement.getSimpleName()) .returnTypeSpec(generateTypeSpec(executableElement.getReturnType())) .typeVariables(ImmutableList.copyOf(getTypeVariables(executableElement))) .methodParams(ImmutableList.copyOf(methodParams)) .representedObject(executableElement) .typeModel( new EventDeclarationModel( ClassName.bestGuess(eventClass.toString()), returnType, fields, eventClass)) .build(); delegateMethods.add(eventMethod); } } return ImmutableList.copyOf(delegateMethods); }
Example 20
Source File: From netbeans with Apache License 2.0 | 4 votes |
/** * Finds all elements annotated with the given annotation. This methods gets * the name of the searched annotation and an instance of the * {@link ElementAnnotationHandler} interface which will be used to * pass the found annotation elements back to the caller. * <p> * For finding annotated types {@link #TYPE_KINDS TYPE_KINDS} constant can be useful. * * @param searchedTypeName the fully-qualified name of the annotation * to be searched for. Cannot be <code>null</code>. * @param kinds the set of kinds to be searched for. * Cannot be neither <code>null</code> nor empty. * @param handler a {@link ElementAnnotationHandler}. Its <code>elementAnnotation</code> * method will be invoked once for each element annotated with the annotation * passed in the <code>searchedTypeName</code> parameter, with * the <code>element</code> parameter set to the annotated element, and the * <code>annotation</code> parameter set to an {@link AnnotationMirror} * (of type <code>searchedTypeName</code>) which that type is annotated with. * Cannot be null. * @param includeDerived include derived types into result ( * if annotation has @Inherited annotation ) or not * @throws InterruptedException when the search was interrupted (for * example because {@link} * was interrupted). */ public void findAnnotations(final String searchedTypeName, Set<ElementKind> kinds, final AnnotationHandler handler, boolean includeDerived) throws InterruptedException { Parameters.notNull("searchedTypeName", searchedTypeName); // NOI18N Parameters.notNull("kinds", kinds); // NOI18N Parameters.notNull("handler", handler); // NOI18N LOGGER.log(Level.FINE, "findAnnotations called with {0} for {1}", new Object[] { searchedTypeName, kinds }); // NOI18N if (kinds.isEmpty()) { LOGGER.log(Level.WARNING, "findAnnotations: no kinds given"); // NOI18N return; } CompilationInfo controller = getHelper().getCompilationInfo(); TypeElement searchedType = controller.getElements().getTypeElement(searchedTypeName); if (searchedType == null) { LOGGER.log(Level.FINE, "findAnnotations: could not find type {0}", searchedTypeName); // NOI18N return; } ElementHandle<TypeElement> searchedTypeHandle = ElementHandle.create(searchedType); final Set<ElementHandle<TypeElement>> elementHandles = getHelper(). getCompilationInfo().getClasspathInfo().getClassIndex().getElements( searchedTypeHandle, EnumSet.of(SearchKind.TYPE_REFERENCES), EnumSet.of(SearchScope.SOURCE, SearchScope.DEPENDENCIES)); if (elementHandles == null) { throw new InterruptedException("ClassIndex.getElements() was interrupted"); // NOI18N } Set<ElementKind> nonTypeKinds = EnumSet.copyOf(kinds); nonTypeKinds.removeAll(TYPE_KINDS); Set<ElementKind> typeKinds = EnumSet.copyOf(kinds); typeKinds.retainAll(TYPE_KINDS); boolean followDerived = includeDerived || checkInheritance( searchedType ); if ( followDerived ){ followDerived = typeKinds.size() >0 ; } for (ElementHandle<TypeElement> elementHandle : elementHandles) { LOGGER.log(Level.FINE, "found element {0}", elementHandle.getQualifiedName()); // NOI18N TypeElement typeElement = elementHandle.resolve(controller); if (typeElement == null) { continue; } // class etc. if (!typeKinds.isEmpty()) { handleAnnotation(handler, typeElement, typeElement, searchedTypeName, typeKinds, followDerived); } // methods & fields if (!nonTypeKinds.isEmpty()) { for (Element element : typeElement.getEnclosedElements()) { if (nonTypeKinds.contains(element.getKind())) { handleAnnotation(handler, typeElement, element, searchedTypeName, nonTypeKinds, false); } } } } }