Java Code Examples for

The following examples show how to use . You can vote up the ones you like or vote down the ones you don't like, and go to the original project or source file by following the links above each example. You may check out the related API usage on the sidebar.
Example 1
Source File:    From openjdk-8-source with GNU General Public License v2.0 6 votes vote down vote up
private void generateDelegatingConstructor(final Constructor<?> ctor) {
    final Type originalCtorType = Type.getType(ctor);
    final Type[] argTypes = originalCtorType.getArgumentTypes();

    // All constructors must be public, even if in the superclass they were protected.
    final InstructionAdapter mv = new InstructionAdapter(cw.visitMethod(ACC_PUBLIC, INIT,
            Type.getMethodDescriptor(originalCtorType.getReturnType(), argTypes), null, null));

    // Invoke super constructor with the same arguments.
    mv.visitVarInsn(ALOAD, 0);
    int offset = 1; // First arg is at position 1, after this.
    for (Type argType: argTypes) {
        mv.load(offset, argType);
        offset += argType.getSize();
    mv.invokespecial(superClassName, INIT, originalCtorType.getDescriptor());

Example 2
Source File:    From TencentKona-8 with GNU General Public License v2.0 6 votes vote down vote up
private void generateOverridingConstructorWithObjectParam(final InstructionAdapter mv, final Constructor<?> ctor, final String ctorDescriptor) {
    mv.visitVarInsn(ALOAD, 0);
    final Class<?>[] argTypes = ctor.getParameterTypes();
    int offset = 1; // First arg is at position 1, after this.
    for (int i = 0; i < argTypes.length; ++i) {
        final Type argType = Type.getType(argTypes[i]);
        mv.load(offset, argType);
        offset += argType.getSize();
    mv.invokespecial(superClassName, INIT, ctorDescriptor, false);
    mv.visitVarInsn(ALOAD, offset);
    mv.invokestatic(SERVICES_CLASS_TYPE_NAME, "getHandle", GET_HANDLE_OBJECT_DESCRIPTOR, false);
Example 3
Source File:    From openjdk-8 with GNU General Public License v2.0 6 votes vote down vote up
private void generateDelegatingConstructor(final Constructor<?> ctor) {
    final Type originalCtorType = Type.getType(ctor);
    final Type[] argTypes = originalCtorType.getArgumentTypes();

    // All constructors must be public, even if in the superclass they were protected.
    final InstructionAdapter mv = new InstructionAdapter(cw.visitMethod(ACC_PUBLIC, INIT,
            Type.getMethodDescriptor(originalCtorType.getReturnType(), argTypes), null, null));

    // Invoke super constructor with the same arguments.
    mv.visitVarInsn(ALOAD, 0);
    int offset = 1; // First arg is at position 1, after this.
    for (Type argType: argTypes) {
        mv.load(offset, argType);
        offset += argType.getSize();
    mv.invokespecial(superClassName, INIT, originalCtorType.getDescriptor());

Example 4
Source File:    From jdk8u60 with GNU General Public License v2.0 6 votes vote down vote up
private void generateDelegatingConstructor(final Constructor<?> ctor) {
    final Type originalCtorType = Type.getType(ctor);
    final Type[] argTypes = originalCtorType.getArgumentTypes();

    // All constructors must be public, even if in the superclass they were protected.
    final InstructionAdapter mv = new InstructionAdapter(cw.visitMethod(ACC_PUBLIC |
            (ctor.isVarArgs() ? ACC_VARARGS : 0), INIT,
            Type.getMethodDescriptor(originalCtorType.getReturnType(), argTypes), null, null));

    // Invoke super constructor with the same arguments.
    mv.visitVarInsn(ALOAD, 0);
    int offset = 1; // First arg is at position 1, after this.
    for (final Type argType: argTypes) {
        mv.load(offset, argType);
        offset += argType.getSize();
    mv.invokespecial(superClassName, INIT, originalCtorType.getDescriptor(), false);

Example 5
Source File:    From openjdk-jdk9 with GNU General Public License v2.0 6 votes vote down vote up
private int emitSuperCall(final InstructionAdapter mv, final Class<?> owner, final String name, final String methodDesc, final boolean constructor) {
    mv.visitVarInsn(ALOAD, 0);
    int nextParam = 1;
    final Type methodType = Type.getMethodType(methodDesc);
    for(final Type t: methodType.getArgumentTypes()) {
        mv.load(nextParam, t);
        nextParam += t.getSize();

    // default method - non-abstract, interface method
    if (!constructor && Modifier.isInterface(owner.getModifiers())) {
        // we should call default method on the immediate "super" type - not on (possibly)
        // the indirectly inherited interface class!
        final Class<?> superType = findInvokespecialOwnerFor(owner);
        mv.visitMethodInsn(INVOKESPECIAL, Type.getInternalName(superType), name, methodDesc,
    } else {
        mv.invokespecial(superClassName, name, methodDesc, false);
    return nextParam;
Example 6
Source File:    From openjdk-jdk8u-backup with GNU General Public License v2.0 6 votes vote down vote up
private void emitSuperCall(final InstructionAdapter mv, final Class<?> owner, final String name, final String methodDesc) {
    mv.visitVarInsn(ALOAD, 0);
    int nextParam = 1;
    final Type methodType = Type.getMethodType(methodDesc);
    for(final Type t: methodType.getArgumentTypes()) {
        mv.load(nextParam, t);
        nextParam += t.getSize();

    // default method - non-abstract, interface method
    if (Modifier.isInterface(owner.getModifiers())) {
        // we should call default method on the immediate "super" type - not on (possibly)
        // the indirectly inherited interface class!
        mv.invokespecial(Type.getInternalName(findInvokespecialOwnerFor(owner)), name, methodDesc, false);
    } else {
        mv.invokespecial(superClassName, name, methodDesc, false);
Example 7
Source File:    From jdk8u60 with GNU General Public License v2.0 6 votes vote down vote up
private void emitSuperCall(final InstructionAdapter mv, final Class<?> owner, final String name, final String methodDesc) {
    mv.visitVarInsn(ALOAD, 0);
    int nextParam = 1;
    final Type methodType = Type.getMethodType(methodDesc);
    for(final Type t: methodType.getArgumentTypes()) {
        mv.load(nextParam, t);
        nextParam += t.getSize();

    // default method - non-abstract, interface method
    if (Modifier.isInterface(owner.getModifiers())) {
        mv.invokespecial(Type.getInternalName(owner), name, methodDesc, false);
    } else {
        mv.invokespecial(superClassName, name, methodDesc, false);
Example 8
Source File:    From openjdk-jdk8u with GNU General Public License v2.0 6 votes vote down vote up
private void generateDelegatingConstructor(final Constructor<?> ctor) {
    final Type originalCtorType = Type.getType(ctor);
    final Type[] argTypes = originalCtorType.getArgumentTypes();

    // All constructors must be public, even if in the superclass they were protected.
    final InstructionAdapter mv = new InstructionAdapter(cw.visitMethod(ACC_PUBLIC |
            (ctor.isVarArgs() ? ACC_VARARGS : 0), INIT,
            Type.getMethodDescriptor(originalCtorType.getReturnType(), argTypes), null, null));

    // Invoke super constructor with the same arguments.
    mv.visitVarInsn(ALOAD, 0);
    int offset = 1; // First arg is at position 1, after this.
    for (final Type argType: argTypes) {
        mv.load(offset, argType);
        offset += argType.getSize();
    mv.invokespecial(superClassName, INIT, originalCtorType.getDescriptor(), false);

Example 9
Source File:    From openjdk-jdk8u-backup with GNU General Public License v2.0 6 votes vote down vote up
private void generateDelegatingConstructor(final Constructor<?> ctor) {
    final Type originalCtorType = Type.getType(ctor);
    final Type[] argTypes = originalCtorType.getArgumentTypes();

    // All constructors must be public, even if in the superclass they were protected.
    final InstructionAdapter mv = new InstructionAdapter(cw.visitMethod(ACC_PUBLIC |
            (ctor.isVarArgs() ? ACC_VARARGS : 0), INIT,
            Type.getMethodDescriptor(originalCtorType.getReturnType(), argTypes), null, null));

    // Invoke super constructor with the same arguments.
    mv.visitVarInsn(ALOAD, 0);
    int offset = 1; // First arg is at position 1, after this.
    for (final Type argType: argTypes) {
        mv.load(offset, argType);
        offset += argType.getSize();
    mv.invokespecial(superClassName, INIT, originalCtorType.getDescriptor(), false);

Example 10
Source File:    From TencentKona-8 with GNU General Public License v2.0 6 votes vote down vote up
private void generateDelegatingConstructor(final Constructor<?> ctor) {
    final Type originalCtorType = Type.getType(ctor);
    final Type[] argTypes = originalCtorType.getArgumentTypes();

    // All constructors must be public, even if in the superclass they were protected.
    final InstructionAdapter mv = new InstructionAdapter(cw.visitMethod(ACC_PUBLIC |
            (ctor.isVarArgs() ? ACC_VARARGS : 0), INIT,
            Type.getMethodDescriptor(originalCtorType.getReturnType(), argTypes), null, null));

    // Invoke super constructor with the same arguments.
    mv.visitVarInsn(ALOAD, 0);
    int offset = 1; // First arg is at position 1, after this.
    for (final Type argType: argTypes) {
        mv.load(offset, argType);
        offset += argType.getSize();
    mv.invokespecial(superClassName, INIT, originalCtorType.getDescriptor(), false);

Example 11
Source File:    From nashorn with GNU General Public License v2.0 5 votes vote down vote up
private void emitSuperCall(final InstructionAdapter mv, final String name, final String methodDesc) {
    mv.visitVarInsn(ALOAD, 0);
    int nextParam = 1;
    final Type methodType = Type.getMethodType(methodDesc);
    for(final Type t: methodType.getArgumentTypes()) {
        mv.load(nextParam, t);
        nextParam += t.getSize();
    mv.invokespecial(superClassName, name, methodDesc);
Example 12
Source File:    From openjdk-8-source with GNU General Public License v2.0 5 votes vote down vote up
private void emitSuperCall(final InstructionAdapter mv, final String name, final String methodDesc) {
    mv.visitVarInsn(ALOAD, 0);
    int nextParam = 1;
    final Type methodType = Type.getMethodType(methodDesc);
    for(final Type t: methodType.getArgumentTypes()) {
        mv.load(nextParam, t);
        nextParam += t.getSize();
    mv.invokespecial(superClassName, name, methodDesc);
Example 13
Source File:    From openjdk-jdk8u with GNU General Public License v2.0 4 votes vote down vote up
 * Generates a constructor for the instance adapter class. This constructor will take the same arguments as the supertype
 * constructor passed as the argument here, and delegate to it. However, it will take an additional argument of
 * either ScriptObject or ScriptFunction type (based on the value of the "fromFunction" parameter), and initialize
 * all the method handle fields of the adapter instance with functions from the script object (or the script
 * function itself, if that's what's passed). There is one method handle field in the adapter class for every method
 * that can be implemented or overridden; the name of every field is same as the name of the method, with a number
 * suffix that makes it unique in case of overloaded methods. The generated constructor will invoke
 * {@link #getHandle(ScriptFunction, MethodType, boolean)} or {@link #getHandle(Object, String, MethodType,
 * boolean)} to obtain the method handles; these methods make sure to add the necessary conversions and arity
 * adjustments so that the resulting method handles can be invoked from generated methods using {@code invokeExact}.
 * The constructor that takes a script function will only initialize the methods with the same name as the single
 * abstract method. The constructor will also store the Nashorn global that was current at the constructor
 * invocation time in a field named "global". The generated constructor will be public, regardless of whether the
 * supertype constructor was public or protected. The generated constructor will not be variable arity, even if the
 * supertype constructor was.
 * @param ctor the supertype constructor that is serving as the base for the generated constructor.
 * @param fromFunction true if we're generating a constructor that initializes SAM types from a single
 * ScriptFunction passed to it, false if we're generating a constructor that initializes an arbitrary type from a
 * ScriptObject passed to it.
private void generateOverridingConstructor(final Constructor<?> ctor, final boolean fromFunction) {
    final Type originalCtorType = Type.getType(ctor);
    final Type[] originalArgTypes = originalCtorType.getArgumentTypes();
    final int argLen = originalArgTypes.length;
    final Type[] newArgTypes = new Type[argLen + 1];

    // Insert ScriptFunction|ScriptObject as the last argument to the constructor
    final Type extraArgumentType = fromFunction ? SCRIPT_FUNCTION_TYPE : SCRIPT_OBJECT_TYPE;
    newArgTypes[argLen] = extraArgumentType;
    System.arraycopy(originalArgTypes, 0, newArgTypes, 0, argLen);

    // All constructors must be public, even if in the superclass they were protected.
    // Existing super constructor <init>(this, args...) triggers generating <init>(this, args..., scriptObj).
    // Any variable arity constructors become fixed-arity with explicit array arguments.
    final InstructionAdapter mv = new InstructionAdapter(cw.visitMethod(ACC_PUBLIC, INIT,
            Type.getMethodDescriptor(originalCtorType.getReturnType(), newArgTypes), null, null));

    // First, invoke super constructor with original arguments. If the form of the constructor we're generating is
    // <init>(this, args..., scriptFn), then we're invoking super.<init>(this, args...).
    mv.visitVarInsn(ALOAD, 0);
    final Class<?>[] argTypes = ctor.getParameterTypes();
    int offset = 1; // First arg is at position 1, after this.
    for (int i = 0; i < argLen; ++i) {
        final Type argType = Type.getType(argTypes[i]);
        mv.load(offset, argType);
        offset += argType.getSize();
    mv.invokespecial(superClassName, INIT, originalCtorType.getDescriptor(), false);

    // Get a descriptor to the appropriate "JavaAdapterFactory.getHandle" method.
    final String getHandleDescriptor = fromFunction ? GET_HANDLE_FUNCTION_DESCRIPTOR : GET_HANDLE_OBJECT_DESCRIPTOR;

    // Assign MethodHandle fields through invoking getHandle()
    for (final MethodInfo mi : methodInfos) {
        mv.visitVarInsn(ALOAD, 0);
        if (fromFunction && !mi.getName().equals(samName)) {
            // Constructors initializing from a ScriptFunction only initialize methods with the SAM name.
            // NOTE: if there's a concrete overloaded method sharing the SAM name, it'll be overridden too. This
            // is a deliberate design choice. All other method handles are initialized to null.
        } else {
            mv.visitVarInsn(ALOAD, offset);
            if(!fromFunction) {
            loadMethodTypeAndGetHandle(mv, mi, getHandleDescriptor);
        mv.putfield(generatedClassName, mi.methodHandleFieldName, METHOD_HANDLE_TYPE_DESCRIPTOR);

    // Assign " = Context.getGlobal()"
    mv.visitVarInsn(ALOAD, 0);
    mv.putfield(generatedClassName, GLOBAL_FIELD_NAME, GLOBAL_TYPE_DESCRIPTOR);

    // Initialize converters
    generateConverterInit(mv, fromFunction);

    if (! fromFunction) {
        newArgTypes[argLen] = OBJECT_TYPE;
        final InstructionAdapter mv2 = new InstructionAdapter(cw.visitMethod(ACC_PUBLIC, INIT,
                Type.getMethodDescriptor(originalCtorType.getReturnType(), newArgTypes), null, null));
        generateOverridingConstructorWithObjectParam(mv2, ctor, originalCtorType.getDescriptor());
Example 14
Source File:    From openjdk-jdk8u-backup with GNU General Public License v2.0 4 votes vote down vote up
 * Generates a constructor for the instance adapter class. This constructor will take the same arguments as the supertype
 * constructor passed as the argument here, and delegate to it. However, it will take an additional argument of
 * either ScriptObject or ScriptFunction type (based on the value of the "fromFunction" parameter), and initialize
 * all the method handle fields of the adapter instance with functions from the script object (or the script
 * function itself, if that's what's passed). There is one method handle field in the adapter class for every method
 * that can be implemented or overridden; the name of every field is same as the name of the method, with a number
 * suffix that makes it unique in case of overloaded methods. The generated constructor will invoke
 * {@link #getHandle(ScriptFunction, MethodType, boolean)} or {@link #getHandle(Object, String, MethodType,
 * boolean)} to obtain the method handles; these methods make sure to add the necessary conversions and arity
 * adjustments so that the resulting method handles can be invoked from generated methods using {@code invokeExact}.
 * The constructor that takes a script function will only initialize the methods with the same name as the single
 * abstract method. The constructor will also store the Nashorn global that was current at the constructor
 * invocation time in a field named "global". The generated constructor will be public, regardless of whether the
 * supertype constructor was public or protected. The generated constructor will not be variable arity, even if the
 * supertype constructor was.
 * @param ctor the supertype constructor that is serving as the base for the generated constructor.
 * @param fromFunction true if we're generating a constructor that initializes SAM types from a single
 * ScriptFunction passed to it, false if we're generating a constructor that initializes an arbitrary type from a
 * ScriptObject passed to it.
private void generateOverridingConstructor(final Constructor<?> ctor, final boolean fromFunction) {
    final Type originalCtorType = Type.getType(ctor);
    final Type[] originalArgTypes = originalCtorType.getArgumentTypes();
    final int argLen = originalArgTypes.length;
    final Type[] newArgTypes = new Type[argLen + 1];

    // Insert ScriptFunction|ScriptObject as the last argument to the constructor
    final Type extraArgumentType = fromFunction ? SCRIPT_FUNCTION_TYPE : SCRIPT_OBJECT_TYPE;
    newArgTypes[argLen] = extraArgumentType;
    System.arraycopy(originalArgTypes, 0, newArgTypes, 0, argLen);

    // All constructors must be public, even if in the superclass they were protected.
    // Existing super constructor <init>(this, args...) triggers generating <init>(this, args..., scriptObj).
    // Any variable arity constructors become fixed-arity with explicit array arguments.
    final InstructionAdapter mv = new InstructionAdapter(cw.visitMethod(ACC_PUBLIC, INIT,
            Type.getMethodDescriptor(originalCtorType.getReturnType(), newArgTypes), null, null));

    // First, invoke super constructor with original arguments. If the form of the constructor we're generating is
    // <init>(this, args..., scriptFn), then we're invoking super.<init>(this, args...).
    mv.visitVarInsn(ALOAD, 0);
    final Class<?>[] argTypes = ctor.getParameterTypes();
    int offset = 1; // First arg is at position 1, after this.
    for (int i = 0; i < argLen; ++i) {
        final Type argType = Type.getType(argTypes[i]);
        mv.load(offset, argType);
        offset += argType.getSize();
    mv.invokespecial(superClassName, INIT, originalCtorType.getDescriptor(), false);

    // Get a descriptor to the appropriate "JavaAdapterFactory.getHandle" method.
    final String getHandleDescriptor = fromFunction ? GET_HANDLE_FUNCTION_DESCRIPTOR : GET_HANDLE_OBJECT_DESCRIPTOR;

    // Assign MethodHandle fields through invoking getHandle()
    for (final MethodInfo mi : methodInfos) {
        mv.visitVarInsn(ALOAD, 0);
        if (fromFunction && !mi.getName().equals(samName)) {
            // Constructors initializing from a ScriptFunction only initialize methods with the SAM name.
            // NOTE: if there's a concrete overloaded method sharing the SAM name, it'll be overridden too. This
            // is a deliberate design choice. All other method handles are initialized to null.
        } else {
            mv.visitVarInsn(ALOAD, offset);
            if(!fromFunction) {
            loadMethodTypeAndGetHandle(mv, mi, getHandleDescriptor);
        mv.putfield(generatedClassName, mi.methodHandleFieldName, METHOD_HANDLE_TYPE_DESCRIPTOR);

    // Assign " = Context.getGlobal()"
    mv.visitVarInsn(ALOAD, 0);
    mv.putfield(generatedClassName, GLOBAL_FIELD_NAME, GLOBAL_TYPE_DESCRIPTOR);

    // Initialize converters
    generateConverterInit(mv, fromFunction);

    if (! fromFunction) {
        newArgTypes[argLen] = OBJECT_TYPE;
        final InstructionAdapter mv2 = new InstructionAdapter(cw.visitMethod(ACC_PUBLIC, INIT,
                Type.getMethodDescriptor(originalCtorType.getReturnType(), newArgTypes), null, null));
        generateOverridingConstructorWithObjectParam(mv2, ctor, originalCtorType.getDescriptor());
Example 15
Source File:    From jdk8u_nashorn with GNU General Public License v2.0 4 votes vote down vote up
 * Generates a constructor for the instance adapter class. This constructor will take the same arguments as the supertype
 * constructor passed as the argument here, and delegate to it. However, it will take an additional argument of
 * either ScriptObject or ScriptFunction type (based on the value of the "fromFunction" parameter), and initialize
 * all the method handle fields of the adapter instance with functions from the script object (or the script
 * function itself, if that's what's passed). There is one method handle field in the adapter class for every method
 * that can be implemented or overridden; the name of every field is same as the name of the method, with a number
 * suffix that makes it unique in case of overloaded methods. The generated constructor will invoke
 * {@link #getHandle(ScriptFunction, MethodType, boolean)} or {@link #getHandle(Object, String, MethodType,
 * boolean)} to obtain the method handles; these methods make sure to add the necessary conversions and arity
 * adjustments so that the resulting method handles can be invoked from generated methods using {@code invokeExact}.
 * The constructor that takes a script function will only initialize the methods with the same name as the single
 * abstract method. The constructor will also store the Nashorn global that was current at the constructor
 * invocation time in a field named "global". The generated constructor will be public, regardless of whether the
 * supertype constructor was public or protected. The generated constructor will not be variable arity, even if the
 * supertype constructor was.
 * @param ctor the supertype constructor that is serving as the base for the generated constructor.
 * @param fromFunction true if we're generating a constructor that initializes SAM types from a single
 * ScriptFunction passed to it, false if we're generating a constructor that initializes an arbitrary type from a
 * ScriptObject passed to it.
private void generateOverridingConstructor(final Constructor<?> ctor, final boolean fromFunction) {
    final Type originalCtorType = Type.getType(ctor);
    final Type[] originalArgTypes = originalCtorType.getArgumentTypes();
    final int argLen = originalArgTypes.length;
    final Type[] newArgTypes = new Type[argLen + 1];

    // Insert ScriptFunction|ScriptObject as the last argument to the constructor
    final Type extraArgumentType = fromFunction ? SCRIPT_FUNCTION_TYPE : SCRIPT_OBJECT_TYPE;
    newArgTypes[argLen] = extraArgumentType;
    System.arraycopy(originalArgTypes, 0, newArgTypes, 0, argLen);

    // All constructors must be public, even if in the superclass they were protected.
    // Existing super constructor <init>(this, args...) triggers generating <init>(this, args..., scriptObj).
    // Any variable arity constructors become fixed-arity with explicit array arguments.
    final InstructionAdapter mv = new InstructionAdapter(cw.visitMethod(ACC_PUBLIC, INIT,
            Type.getMethodDescriptor(originalCtorType.getReturnType(), newArgTypes), null, null));

    // First, invoke super constructor with original arguments. If the form of the constructor we're generating is
    // <init>(this, args..., scriptFn), then we're invoking super.<init>(this, args...).
    mv.visitVarInsn(ALOAD, 0);
    final Class<?>[] argTypes = ctor.getParameterTypes();
    int offset = 1; // First arg is at position 1, after this.
    for (int i = 0; i < argLen; ++i) {
        final Type argType = Type.getType(argTypes[i]);
        mv.load(offset, argType);
        offset += argType.getSize();
    mv.invokespecial(superClassName, INIT, originalCtorType.getDescriptor(), false);

    // Get a descriptor to the appropriate "JavaAdapterFactory.getHandle" method.
    final String getHandleDescriptor = fromFunction ? GET_HANDLE_FUNCTION_DESCRIPTOR : GET_HANDLE_OBJECT_DESCRIPTOR;

    // Assign MethodHandle fields through invoking getHandle()
    for (final MethodInfo mi : methodInfos) {
        mv.visitVarInsn(ALOAD, 0);
        if (fromFunction && !mi.getName().equals(samName)) {
            // Constructors initializing from a ScriptFunction only initialize methods with the SAM name.
            // NOTE: if there's a concrete overloaded method sharing the SAM name, it'll be overridden too. This
            // is a deliberate design choice. All other method handles are initialized to null.
        } else {
            mv.visitVarInsn(ALOAD, offset);
            if(!fromFunction) {
            loadMethodTypeAndGetHandle(mv, mi, getHandleDescriptor);
        mv.putfield(generatedClassName, mi.methodHandleFieldName, METHOD_HANDLE_TYPE_DESCRIPTOR);

    // Assign " = Context.getGlobal()"
    mv.visitVarInsn(ALOAD, 0);
    mv.putfield(generatedClassName, GLOBAL_FIELD_NAME, GLOBAL_TYPE_DESCRIPTOR);

    // Initialize converters
    generateConverterInit(mv, fromFunction);

    if (! fromFunction) {
        newArgTypes[argLen] = OBJECT_TYPE;
        final InstructionAdapter mv2 = new InstructionAdapter(cw.visitMethod(ACC_PUBLIC, INIT,
                Type.getMethodDescriptor(originalCtorType.getReturnType(), newArgTypes), null, null));
        generateOverridingConstructorWithObjectParam(mv2, ctor, originalCtorType.getDescriptor());
Example 16
Source File:    From openjdk-8 with GNU General Public License v2.0 4 votes vote down vote up
 * Generates a constructor for the instance adapter class. This constructor will take the same arguments as the supertype
 * constructor passed as the argument here, and delegate to it. However, it will take an additional argument of
 * either ScriptObject or ScriptFunction type (based on the value of the "fromFunction" parameter), and initialize
 * all the method handle fields of the adapter instance with functions from the script object (or the script
 * function itself, if that's what's passed). There is one method handle field in the adapter class for every method
 * that can be implemented or overridden; the name of every field is same as the name of the method, with a number
 * suffix that makes it unique in case of overloaded methods. The generated constructor will invoke
 * {@link #getHandle(ScriptFunction, MethodType, boolean)} or {@link #getHandle(Object, String, MethodType,
 * boolean)} to obtain the method handles; these methods make sure to add the necessary conversions and arity
 * adjustments so that the resulting method handles can be invoked from generated methods using {@code invokeExact}.
 * The constructor that takes a script function will only initialize the methods with the same name as the single
 * abstract method. The constructor will also store the Nashorn global that was current at the constructor
 * invocation time in a field named "global". The generated constructor will be public, regardless of whether the
 * supertype constructor was public or protected. The generated constructor will not be variable arity, even if the
 * supertype constructor was.
 * @param ctor the supertype constructor that is serving as the base for the generated constructor.
 * @param fromFunction true if we're generating a constructor that initializes SAM types from a single
 * ScriptFunction passed to it, false if we're generating a constructor that initializes an arbitrary type from a
 * ScriptObject passed to it.
private void generateOverridingConstructor(final Constructor<?> ctor, final boolean fromFunction) {
    final Type originalCtorType = Type.getType(ctor);
    final Type[] originalArgTypes = originalCtorType.getArgumentTypes();
    final int argLen = originalArgTypes.length;
    final Type[] newArgTypes = new Type[argLen + 1];

    // Insert ScriptFunction|Object as the last argument to the constructor
    final Type extraArgumentType = fromFunction ? SCRIPT_FUNCTION_TYPE : OBJECT_TYPE;
    newArgTypes[argLen] = extraArgumentType;
    System.arraycopy(originalArgTypes, 0, newArgTypes, 0, argLen);

    // All constructors must be public, even if in the superclass they were protected.
    // Existing super constructor <init>(this, args...) triggers generating <init>(this, scriptObj, args...).
    final InstructionAdapter mv = new InstructionAdapter(cw.visitMethod(ACC_PUBLIC, INIT,
            Type.getMethodDescriptor(originalCtorType.getReturnType(), newArgTypes), null, null));

    // First, invoke super constructor with original arguments. If the form of the constructor we're generating is
    // <init>(this, args..., scriptFn), then we're invoking super.<init>(this, args...).
    mv.visitVarInsn(ALOAD, 0);
    final Class<?>[] argTypes = ctor.getParameterTypes();
    int offset = 1; // First arg is at position 1, after this.
    for (int i = 0; i < argLen; ++i) {
        final Type argType = Type.getType(argTypes[i]);
        mv.load(offset, argType);
        offset += argType.getSize();
    mv.invokespecial(superClassName, INIT, originalCtorType.getDescriptor());

    // Get a descriptor to the appropriate "JavaAdapterFactory.getHandle" method.
    final String getHandleDescriptor = fromFunction ? GET_HANDLE_FUNCTION_DESCRIPTOR : GET_HANDLE_OBJECT_DESCRIPTOR;

    // Assign MethodHandle fields through invoking getHandle()
    for (final MethodInfo mi : methodInfos) {
        mv.visitVarInsn(ALOAD, 0);
        if (fromFunction && !mi.getName().equals(samName)) {
            // Constructors initializing from a ScriptFunction only initialize methods with the SAM name.
            // NOTE: if there's a concrete overloaded method sharing the SAM name, it'll be overriden too. This
            // is a deliberate design choice. All other method handles are initialized to null.
        } else {
            mv.visitVarInsn(ALOAD, offset);
            if(!fromFunction) {
            mv.invokestatic(SERVICES_CLASS_TYPE_NAME, "getHandle", getHandleDescriptor);
        mv.putfield(generatedClassName, mi.methodHandleFieldName, METHOD_HANDLE_TYPE_DESCRIPTOR);

    // Assign " = Context.getGlobal()"
    mv.visitVarInsn(ALOAD, 0);
    mv.putfield(generatedClassName, GLOBAL_FIELD_NAME, SCRIPT_OBJECT_TYPE_DESCRIPTOR);

Example 17
Source File:    From jdk8u60 with GNU General Public License v2.0 4 votes vote down vote up
 * Generates a constructor for the instance adapter class. This constructor will take the same arguments as the supertype
 * constructor passed as the argument here, and delegate to it. However, it will take an additional argument of
 * either ScriptObject or ScriptFunction type (based on the value of the "fromFunction" parameter), and initialize
 * all the method handle fields of the adapter instance with functions from the script object (or the script
 * function itself, if that's what's passed). There is one method handle field in the adapter class for every method
 * that can be implemented or overridden; the name of every field is same as the name of the method, with a number
 * suffix that makes it unique in case of overloaded methods. The generated constructor will invoke
 * {@link #getHandle(ScriptFunction, MethodType, boolean)} or {@link #getHandle(Object, String, MethodType,
 * boolean)} to obtain the method handles; these methods make sure to add the necessary conversions and arity
 * adjustments so that the resulting method handles can be invoked from generated methods using {@code invokeExact}.
 * The constructor that takes a script function will only initialize the methods with the same name as the single
 * abstract method. The constructor will also store the Nashorn global that was current at the constructor
 * invocation time in a field named "global". The generated constructor will be public, regardless of whether the
 * supertype constructor was public or protected. The generated constructor will not be variable arity, even if the
 * supertype constructor was.
 * @param ctor the supertype constructor that is serving as the base for the generated constructor.
 * @param fromFunction true if we're generating a constructor that initializes SAM types from a single
 * ScriptFunction passed to it, false if we're generating a constructor that initializes an arbitrary type from a
 * ScriptObject passed to it.
private void generateOverridingConstructor(final Constructor<?> ctor, final boolean fromFunction) {
    final Type originalCtorType = Type.getType(ctor);
    final Type[] originalArgTypes = originalCtorType.getArgumentTypes();
    final int argLen = originalArgTypes.length;
    final Type[] newArgTypes = new Type[argLen + 1];

    // Insert ScriptFunction|ScriptObject as the last argument to the constructor
    final Type extraArgumentType = fromFunction ? SCRIPT_FUNCTION_TYPE : SCRIPT_OBJECT_TYPE;
    newArgTypes[argLen] = extraArgumentType;
    System.arraycopy(originalArgTypes, 0, newArgTypes, 0, argLen);

    // All constructors must be public, even if in the superclass they were protected.
    // Existing super constructor <init>(this, args...) triggers generating <init>(this, args..., scriptObj).
    // Any variable arity constructors become fixed-arity with explicit array arguments.
    final InstructionAdapter mv = new InstructionAdapter(cw.visitMethod(ACC_PUBLIC, INIT,
            Type.getMethodDescriptor(originalCtorType.getReturnType(), newArgTypes), null, null));

    // First, invoke super constructor with original arguments. If the form of the constructor we're generating is
    // <init>(this, args..., scriptFn), then we're invoking super.<init>(this, args...).
    mv.visitVarInsn(ALOAD, 0);
    final Class<?>[] argTypes = ctor.getParameterTypes();
    int offset = 1; // First arg is at position 1, after this.
    for (int i = 0; i < argLen; ++i) {
        final Type argType = Type.getType(argTypes[i]);
        mv.load(offset, argType);
        offset += argType.getSize();
    mv.invokespecial(superClassName, INIT, originalCtorType.getDescriptor(), false);

    // Get a descriptor to the appropriate "JavaAdapterFactory.getHandle" method.
    final String getHandleDescriptor = fromFunction ? GET_HANDLE_FUNCTION_DESCRIPTOR : GET_HANDLE_OBJECT_DESCRIPTOR;

    // Assign MethodHandle fields through invoking getHandle()
    for (final MethodInfo mi : methodInfos) {
        mv.visitVarInsn(ALOAD, 0);
        if (fromFunction && !mi.getName().equals(samName)) {
            // Constructors initializing from a ScriptFunction only initialize methods with the SAM name.
            // NOTE: if there's a concrete overloaded method sharing the SAM name, it'll be overriden too. This
            // is a deliberate design choice. All other method handles are initialized to null.
        } else {
            mv.visitVarInsn(ALOAD, offset);
            if(!fromFunction) {
            loadMethodTypeAndGetHandle(mv, mi, getHandleDescriptor);
        mv.putfield(generatedClassName, mi.methodHandleFieldName, METHOD_HANDLE_TYPE_DESCRIPTOR);

    // Assign " = Context.getGlobal()"
    mv.visitVarInsn(ALOAD, 0);
    mv.putfield(generatedClassName, GLOBAL_FIELD_NAME, GLOBAL_TYPE_DESCRIPTOR);

    // Initialize converters
    generateConverterInit(mv, fromFunction);

    if (! fromFunction) {
        newArgTypes[argLen] = OBJECT_TYPE;
        final InstructionAdapter mv2 = new InstructionAdapter(cw.visitMethod(ACC_PUBLIC, INIT,
                Type.getMethodDescriptor(originalCtorType.getReturnType(), newArgTypes), null, null));
        generateOverridingConstructorWithObjectParam(mv2, ctor, originalCtorType.getDescriptor());
Example 18
Source File:    From openjdk-8-source with GNU General Public License v2.0 4 votes vote down vote up
 * Generates a constructor for the instance adapter class. This constructor will take the same arguments as the supertype
 * constructor passed as the argument here, and delegate to it. However, it will take an additional argument of
 * either ScriptObject or ScriptFunction type (based on the value of the "fromFunction" parameter), and initialize
 * all the method handle fields of the adapter instance with functions from the script object (or the script
 * function itself, if that's what's passed). There is one method handle field in the adapter class for every method
 * that can be implemented or overridden; the name of every field is same as the name of the method, with a number
 * suffix that makes it unique in case of overloaded methods. The generated constructor will invoke
 * {@link #getHandle(ScriptFunction, MethodType, boolean)} or {@link #getHandle(Object, String, MethodType,
 * boolean)} to obtain the method handles; these methods make sure to add the necessary conversions and arity
 * adjustments so that the resulting method handles can be invoked from generated methods using {@code invokeExact}.
 * The constructor that takes a script function will only initialize the methods with the same name as the single
 * abstract method. The constructor will also store the Nashorn global that was current at the constructor
 * invocation time in a field named "global". The generated constructor will be public, regardless of whether the
 * supertype constructor was public or protected. The generated constructor will not be variable arity, even if the
 * supertype constructor was.
 * @param ctor the supertype constructor that is serving as the base for the generated constructor.
 * @param fromFunction true if we're generating a constructor that initializes SAM types from a single
 * ScriptFunction passed to it, false if we're generating a constructor that initializes an arbitrary type from a
 * ScriptObject passed to it.
private void generateOverridingConstructor(final Constructor<?> ctor, final boolean fromFunction) {
    final Type originalCtorType = Type.getType(ctor);
    final Type[] originalArgTypes = originalCtorType.getArgumentTypes();
    final int argLen = originalArgTypes.length;
    final Type[] newArgTypes = new Type[argLen + 1];

    // Insert ScriptFunction|Object as the last argument to the constructor
    final Type extraArgumentType = fromFunction ? SCRIPT_FUNCTION_TYPE : OBJECT_TYPE;
    newArgTypes[argLen] = extraArgumentType;
    System.arraycopy(originalArgTypes, 0, newArgTypes, 0, argLen);

    // All constructors must be public, even if in the superclass they were protected.
    // Existing super constructor <init>(this, args...) triggers generating <init>(this, scriptObj, args...).
    final InstructionAdapter mv = new InstructionAdapter(cw.visitMethod(ACC_PUBLIC, INIT,
            Type.getMethodDescriptor(originalCtorType.getReturnType(), newArgTypes), null, null));

    // First, invoke super constructor with original arguments. If the form of the constructor we're generating is
    // <init>(this, args..., scriptFn), then we're invoking super.<init>(this, args...).
    mv.visitVarInsn(ALOAD, 0);
    final Class<?>[] argTypes = ctor.getParameterTypes();
    int offset = 1; // First arg is at position 1, after this.
    for (int i = 0; i < argLen; ++i) {
        final Type argType = Type.getType(argTypes[i]);
        mv.load(offset, argType);
        offset += argType.getSize();
    mv.invokespecial(superClassName, INIT, originalCtorType.getDescriptor());

    // Get a descriptor to the appropriate "JavaAdapterFactory.getHandle" method.
    final String getHandleDescriptor = fromFunction ? GET_HANDLE_FUNCTION_DESCRIPTOR : GET_HANDLE_OBJECT_DESCRIPTOR;

    // Assign MethodHandle fields through invoking getHandle()
    for (final MethodInfo mi : methodInfos) {
        mv.visitVarInsn(ALOAD, 0);
        if (fromFunction && !mi.getName().equals(samName)) {
            // Constructors initializing from a ScriptFunction only initialize methods with the SAM name.
            // NOTE: if there's a concrete overloaded method sharing the SAM name, it'll be overriden too. This
            // is a deliberate design choice. All other method handles are initialized to null.
        } else {
            mv.visitVarInsn(ALOAD, offset);
            if(!fromFunction) {
            mv.invokestatic(SERVICES_CLASS_TYPE_NAME, "getHandle", getHandleDescriptor);
        mv.putfield(generatedClassName, mi.methodHandleFieldName, METHOD_HANDLE_TYPE_DESCRIPTOR);

    // Assign " = Context.getGlobal()"
    mv.visitVarInsn(ALOAD, 0);
    mv.putfield(generatedClassName, GLOBAL_FIELD_NAME, SCRIPT_OBJECT_TYPE_DESCRIPTOR);

Example 19
Source File:    From hottub with GNU General Public License v2.0 4 votes vote down vote up
 * Generates a constructor for the instance adapter class. This constructor will take the same arguments as the supertype
 * constructor passed as the argument here, and delegate to it. However, it will take an additional argument of
 * either ScriptObject or ScriptFunction type (based on the value of the "fromFunction" parameter), and initialize
 * all the method handle fields of the adapter instance with functions from the script object (or the script
 * function itself, if that's what's passed). There is one method handle field in the adapter class for every method
 * that can be implemented or overridden; the name of every field is same as the name of the method, with a number
 * suffix that makes it unique in case of overloaded methods. The generated constructor will invoke
 * {@link #getHandle(ScriptFunction, MethodType, boolean)} or {@link #getHandle(Object, String, MethodType,
 * boolean)} to obtain the method handles; these methods make sure to add the necessary conversions and arity
 * adjustments so that the resulting method handles can be invoked from generated methods using {@code invokeExact}.
 * The constructor that takes a script function will only initialize the methods with the same name as the single
 * abstract method. The constructor will also store the Nashorn global that was current at the constructor
 * invocation time in a field named "global". The generated constructor will be public, regardless of whether the
 * supertype constructor was public or protected. The generated constructor will not be variable arity, even if the
 * supertype constructor was.
 * @param ctor the supertype constructor that is serving as the base for the generated constructor.
 * @param fromFunction true if we're generating a constructor that initializes SAM types from a single
 * ScriptFunction passed to it, false if we're generating a constructor that initializes an arbitrary type from a
 * ScriptObject passed to it.
private void generateOverridingConstructor(final Constructor<?> ctor, final boolean fromFunction) {
    final Type originalCtorType = Type.getType(ctor);
    final Type[] originalArgTypes = originalCtorType.getArgumentTypes();
    final int argLen = originalArgTypes.length;
    final Type[] newArgTypes = new Type[argLen + 1];

    // Insert ScriptFunction|ScriptObject as the last argument to the constructor
    final Type extraArgumentType = fromFunction ? SCRIPT_FUNCTION_TYPE : SCRIPT_OBJECT_TYPE;
    newArgTypes[argLen] = extraArgumentType;
    System.arraycopy(originalArgTypes, 0, newArgTypes, 0, argLen);

    // All constructors must be public, even if in the superclass they were protected.
    // Existing super constructor <init>(this, args...) triggers generating <init>(this, args..., scriptObj).
    // Any variable arity constructors become fixed-arity with explicit array arguments.
    final InstructionAdapter mv = new InstructionAdapter(cw.visitMethod(ACC_PUBLIC, INIT,
            Type.getMethodDescriptor(originalCtorType.getReturnType(), newArgTypes), null, null));

    // First, invoke super constructor with original arguments. If the form of the constructor we're generating is
    // <init>(this, args..., scriptFn), then we're invoking super.<init>(this, args...).
    mv.visitVarInsn(ALOAD, 0);
    final Class<?>[] argTypes = ctor.getParameterTypes();
    int offset = 1; // First arg is at position 1, after this.
    for (int i = 0; i < argLen; ++i) {
        final Type argType = Type.getType(argTypes[i]);
        mv.load(offset, argType);
        offset += argType.getSize();
    mv.invokespecial(superClassName, INIT, originalCtorType.getDescriptor(), false);

    // Get a descriptor to the appropriate "JavaAdapterFactory.getHandle" method.
    final String getHandleDescriptor = fromFunction ? GET_HANDLE_FUNCTION_DESCRIPTOR : GET_HANDLE_OBJECT_DESCRIPTOR;

    // Assign MethodHandle fields through invoking getHandle()
    for (final MethodInfo mi : methodInfos) {
        mv.visitVarInsn(ALOAD, 0);
        if (fromFunction && !mi.getName().equals(samName)) {
            // Constructors initializing from a ScriptFunction only initialize methods with the SAM name.
            // NOTE: if there's a concrete overloaded method sharing the SAM name, it'll be overridden too. This
            // is a deliberate design choice. All other method handles are initialized to null.
        } else {
            mv.visitVarInsn(ALOAD, offset);
            if(!fromFunction) {
            loadMethodTypeAndGetHandle(mv, mi, getHandleDescriptor);
        mv.putfield(generatedClassName, mi.methodHandleFieldName, METHOD_HANDLE_TYPE_DESCRIPTOR);

    // Assign " = Context.getGlobal()"
    mv.visitVarInsn(ALOAD, 0);
    mv.putfield(generatedClassName, GLOBAL_FIELD_NAME, GLOBAL_TYPE_DESCRIPTOR);

    // Initialize converters
    generateConverterInit(mv, fromFunction);

    if (! fromFunction) {
        newArgTypes[argLen] = OBJECT_TYPE;
        final InstructionAdapter mv2 = new InstructionAdapter(cw.visitMethod(ACC_PUBLIC, INIT,
                Type.getMethodDescriptor(originalCtorType.getReturnType(), newArgTypes), null, null));
        generateOverridingConstructorWithObjectParam(mv2, ctor, originalCtorType.getDescriptor());
Example 20
Source File:    From TencentKona-8 with GNU General Public License v2.0 4 votes vote down vote up
 * Generates a constructor for the instance adapter class. This constructor will take the same arguments as the supertype
 * constructor passed as the argument here, and delegate to it. However, it will take an additional argument of
 * either ScriptObject or ScriptFunction type (based on the value of the "fromFunction" parameter), and initialize
 * all the method handle fields of the adapter instance with functions from the script object (or the script
 * function itself, if that's what's passed). There is one method handle field in the adapter class for every method
 * that can be implemented or overridden; the name of every field is same as the name of the method, with a number
 * suffix that makes it unique in case of overloaded methods. The generated constructor will invoke
 * {@link #getHandle(ScriptFunction, MethodType, boolean)} or {@link #getHandle(Object, String, MethodType,
 * boolean)} to obtain the method handles; these methods make sure to add the necessary conversions and arity
 * adjustments so that the resulting method handles can be invoked from generated methods using {@code invokeExact}.
 * The constructor that takes a script function will only initialize the methods with the same name as the single
 * abstract method. The constructor will also store the Nashorn global that was current at the constructor
 * invocation time in a field named "global". The generated constructor will be public, regardless of whether the
 * supertype constructor was public or protected. The generated constructor will not be variable arity, even if the
 * supertype constructor was.
 * @param ctor the supertype constructor that is serving as the base for the generated constructor.
 * @param fromFunction true if we're generating a constructor that initializes SAM types from a single
 * ScriptFunction passed to it, false if we're generating a constructor that initializes an arbitrary type from a
 * ScriptObject passed to it.
private void generateOverridingConstructor(final Constructor<?> ctor, final boolean fromFunction) {
    final Type originalCtorType = Type.getType(ctor);
    final Type[] originalArgTypes = originalCtorType.getArgumentTypes();
    final int argLen = originalArgTypes.length;
    final Type[] newArgTypes = new Type[argLen + 1];

    // Insert ScriptFunction|ScriptObject as the last argument to the constructor
    final Type extraArgumentType = fromFunction ? SCRIPT_FUNCTION_TYPE : SCRIPT_OBJECT_TYPE;
    newArgTypes[argLen] = extraArgumentType;
    System.arraycopy(originalArgTypes, 0, newArgTypes, 0, argLen);

    // All constructors must be public, even if in the superclass they were protected.
    // Existing super constructor <init>(this, args...) triggers generating <init>(this, args..., scriptObj).
    // Any variable arity constructors become fixed-arity with explicit array arguments.
    final InstructionAdapter mv = new InstructionAdapter(cw.visitMethod(ACC_PUBLIC, INIT,
            Type.getMethodDescriptor(originalCtorType.getReturnType(), newArgTypes), null, null));

    // First, invoke super constructor with original arguments. If the form of the constructor we're generating is
    // <init>(this, args..., scriptFn), then we're invoking super.<init>(this, args...).
    mv.visitVarInsn(ALOAD, 0);
    final Class<?>[] argTypes = ctor.getParameterTypes();
    int offset = 1; // First arg is at position 1, after this.
    for (int i = 0; i < argLen; ++i) {
        final Type argType = Type.getType(argTypes[i]);
        mv.load(offset, argType);
        offset += argType.getSize();
    mv.invokespecial(superClassName, INIT, originalCtorType.getDescriptor(), false);

    // Get a descriptor to the appropriate "JavaAdapterFactory.getHandle" method.
    final String getHandleDescriptor = fromFunction ? GET_HANDLE_FUNCTION_DESCRIPTOR : GET_HANDLE_OBJECT_DESCRIPTOR;

    // Assign MethodHandle fields through invoking getHandle()
    for (final MethodInfo mi : methodInfos) {
        mv.visitVarInsn(ALOAD, 0);
        if (fromFunction && !mi.getName().equals(samName)) {
            // Constructors initializing from a ScriptFunction only initialize methods with the SAM name.
            // NOTE: if there's a concrete overloaded method sharing the SAM name, it'll be overridden too. This
            // is a deliberate design choice. All other method handles are initialized to null.
        } else {
            mv.visitVarInsn(ALOAD, offset);
            if(!fromFunction) {
            loadMethodTypeAndGetHandle(mv, mi, getHandleDescriptor);
        mv.putfield(generatedClassName, mi.methodHandleFieldName, METHOD_HANDLE_TYPE_DESCRIPTOR);

    // Assign " = Context.getGlobal()"
    mv.visitVarInsn(ALOAD, 0);
    mv.putfield(generatedClassName, GLOBAL_FIELD_NAME, GLOBAL_TYPE_DESCRIPTOR);

    // Initialize converters
    generateConverterInit(mv, fromFunction);

    if (! fromFunction) {
        newArgTypes[argLen] = OBJECT_TYPE;
        final InstructionAdapter mv2 = new InstructionAdapter(cw.visitMethod(ACC_PUBLIC, INIT,
                Type.getMethodDescriptor(originalCtorType.getReturnType(), newArgTypes), null, null));
        generateOverridingConstructorWithObjectParam(mv2, ctor, originalCtorType.getDescriptor());